P1391b-1394A Mr Mark Mcgowan; Dr Mike Nahan; Ms Mia Davies; Mr Bill Marmion; Mr Peter Rundle
Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Wednesday, 21 June 2017] p1391b-1394a Mr Mark McGowan; Dr Mike Nahan; Ms Mia Davies; Mr Bill Marmion; Mr Peter Rundle PETER VERNON JONES, AM Condolence Motion MR M. McGOWAN (Rockingham — Premier) [12.01 pm] — without notice: I move — That this house records its sincere regret at the death of Mr Peter Vernon Jones, AM, and tenders its deep sympathy to his family. I acknowledge members of Peter’s family who are in the gallery today for this important affirmation of someone who was a very significant figure in this Parliament in the time he was here, and in the community before and after his parliamentary career. Peter Jones was elected as the member for Narrogin in 1974 and served his electorate and the state diligently until his retirement 12 years later in 1986. Peter was born in Launceston, Tasmania, in 1933, to parents Harold Vernon Jones, a headmaster, and Annie May Simmons. In Hagley, Tasmania, where he had taken up a life of farming, Peter married his wife, Toni, in 1960. Eight years later, Peter and his young family moved to Western Australia to pursue farming opportunities in an effort to secure their family’s future. The Jones’ settled in Narrogin, where they became successful wool, meat and grain growers. In 1974 Peter took the leap from being a successful farmer and board member of the WA Barley Marketing Board to running for the Legislative Assembly, and he won. Looking back on his parliamentary career, Peter’s achievements are many and enduring. His 12 years in Parliament were turbulent in that they included three splits in his own party, which saw him enter Parliament as a member of the Country Party and retire as a member of the Liberal Party.
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