Basic Nutrition for Amazon by Lisa D. McDaniel University of California, Davis

Introduction musculature is an aid to feeding. Italso has The Amazon Parrots belong to the order a function in the well-known phonation of Psittaciiformes, in the class A ves. They are parrots. Normally a alters its vocal characterized by their predominantly green resonation by moving its glottis upwards color, with red, blue and yellow highlights, and downwards. Parrots have the added and their heavy hooked beaks. option to use the tongue to alter the shape of the pharynx (the rear portion of the oral They are credited with being a friend to Lisa McDaniel and Cousteau in an after-dinner the pirate who always seemed to be missing cavity) and shunt vocalizations through the chat. an earlobe. More recently they are accused nasal passages (Nottebohm, 1976). of horrible crimes against the farmers of The tongue ofAmazons is broader at the ascending duodenum, one in front and the South and Central America such as crop tip than the base, bearing some resembl­ other behind the left hepatic duct. The dor­ destruction. Most ofus keep them to enter­ ance to a thumb. It has shallow grooves in sal lobe is composed of smaller lobes or tain us, and to be our pets. the central lateral edges. Salivary glands are in the back of the mouth (oropharynx), lobules scattered around the beginning of Digestive System leaving the tongue dry. Tasteglands are pre­ the portal vein. The anterior lobule is the Next to his color, the beak of a is sent on the surface of the tongue, but the largest, and a duct goes from it to the ascen­ his most striking feature. This hooked density is not known. Hot and cold sensa­ ding limb of the duodenum. The pancreas structure is of very solid construction (Fig. tion also appears to be present. which secretes digestive enzymes, also 1) and has massive sized mandibles. Besides Along with other feeding adaptations, secretes the hormones glucagon and in­ its obvious use in feeding, the beak is used the parrot has the ability to hold food in its sulin, making it an endocrine organ. Both as an aid to climbing and in behavioral foot and raise it to its mouth to eat. A ma­ are used in the regulation of blood sugar display. The strength of the parrots beak is jority ofAmazons (710/0) appear to use the levels. best judged during his feeding. A kernel of left foot for feeding (Friedman and Davis, Parrots have no gall bladder. Bile from dried corn poses no obstacle. A hazel nut or 1938). the liver travels down the bile ducts directly an almond is cracked almost as if it were a The esophagus of parrots is typical of to the duodenum. In relative length, villi sunflower seed. Obviously, perches, wood most omnivores and has abundant mucous structure, and gland abundance, the Ama­ toys and pine molding can be reduced to glands. The crop is not as well developed as zons' duodenum is similar to those ofother toothpicks in a few days. in many other seed eaters. . The rest of the intestine is equally It seems that there is more to the beak As in many other birds the Amazons' typical except for the complete absence of than a mere feeding device. Many birds proventriculus, or glandular stomach, is ceca. Ceca are outpocketings ofthe large in­ consume fruits, seeds, and nuts and their lined with glands secreting pepsin and testine which may have functions in digestive systems are adapted to these foods hydrochloric acid. These tubuloalveolar fermentation ofcellulose, water absorption without crushing beaks. Normally, most glands open into a collecting chamber that and bacterial production of certain birds crack a seed and swallow the meat discharges by a duct into the lumen (food vitamins. whole, or swallow it shell and all, letting the containing interior) of the proventriculus. gizzard crush the object. Parrots, however, The ventriculus, or gizzard, is not of the General Nutrition have their own method of particle reduc­ muscular type as one would expect in a seed We need to know a little about general tion. The upper beak and tongue hold the eater, possibly due to particle reduction by avian nutrition before we can discuss food, and the lower beak grinds or shaves the beak. Amazons, specifically. Birds like humans off pieces to be swallowed. The pancreas has two .ventral and one have a single stomach and are called mono­ The tongue of parrots is markedly dif­ dorsal lobe. The two ventral lobes may be gastric. This makes their dietary nutritional ferent from the tongues of other birds in fused at their posterior end. Each ventral requirements more critical than those of that it is highly muscled. This strong lobe has a duct leading to an opening in the polygastrics or ruminants (cows, sheep). Very little information is available on the COMPLETE ORBITAL RING nutritional requirements ofany birds other SKULL than domestic poultry. However, we shall FIGURE I NOSTRIL" try to make some generalizations. " Water is essential for all birds, butcan be MAXILLA ~/ supplied by various means. A part of this PROCESS water can be supplied by succulent foods. UPPER MANDIBLE-ft~t- ~~~~~~ Parrots do need fresh drinking water. Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) are REFRONTAL PROCESS provided by seeds, cereals and tubers. Star­ ches are polysaccharides or long chains of LOWER MANDIBLE / monosaccharides. The most important monosaccharide or free simple sugar is ZYGOMATIC ARCH from Forshaw (1977) glucose. It circulates in the blood, is trans- 36 ported across the cell membranes, and is utilized in oxidative metabolism as a source ofenergy. Glucose can be made metabolic­ ally bygluconeogenesis, or can be obtained from the breakdown of polysaccharides. Fructose and other monosaccharides are less important except to some fruit eating birds. Birds are able to utilize fats and oils. Tri­ glycerides (glycerol plus three fatty acids) appear to be utilized more readily than free fatty acids. The requirement for an essen­ tial fatty acid (usually linoleic acid) is generally accepted. Linoleic acid is abun­ dant in most seeds and generally need not be added to the diet. All types of birds- Protein requirements are not only quan­ titative but also qualitative. Proteins are a complete stock of cages made up ofamino acids which are put into two categories: essential and non-essential. and supplies The body cannot synthesize enough of the essential amino acids to meet its require­ Retail • Wholesale ments. The non-essential amino acids can be synthesized from the essential ones, but HINKLE'S BIRD SHOP the metabolic cost of this synthesis can be Jim & Smitty Hinkle excessive. So all of the essential and most owners non-essential amino acids should be pro­ 415 West Grand vided in the diet. Escondido, Most essential amino acids are the same CA 92025 OPEN DAILY 10:30-6:30 for all monogastric . They are (714) 741-8074 CLOSED SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threo­ nine, tryptophan, and valine. In addition, glycine is needed by birds becauseit is a part of the uric acid molecule that facilitates nitrogen excretion. Themain symptomofa protein deficien­ cy or of an amino acid deficiency is essen­ tially poor growth. A deficiency of the Electronically eliminates amino acid lysine can cause a loss offeather flying and crawling pests pigmentation. • PROVEN EFFECTIVE AGAINST: Vitamins for birds, as for all life, are Rats Crickets Flies essential and some act as coenzymes in bio­ Mice Moths Fleas chemical pathways. All captive birds Bats Roaches Spiders should have vitamin supplements added to Squirrels Waterbugs Mosquitoes their diets. Marginal deficiencies, in Bees Carpenter Ants general, canresult in retarded growth, poor ECONOMICAL, MAINTENANCE-FREE OPERATION egg production, and hatchability. Specific The PEST FREE pest eliminator system is ideal for any indoor environment. and serious deficiences in chickens can Simply position the units you need to cover the problem areas, and forget result in dermatitis, diarrhea, deformaties, about them. No more sprays, powders, and traps required. Eliminates paralysis, respiratory difficulties, internal periodic pest control services. hemorrages, and death. Someofthese have e PROVEN MORE EFFECTIVE THAN POISONS Price & postage offer been seen in caged birds also. eUSES ONLY 4 WATTS OF POWER, YET COVERS 1500 SQ. FT. S900Sdin9uSA5°~ Minerals are classified as major or trace ePESTS ARE TOTALLY ELIMINATED IN 2 TO 6 WEEKS • each according to their requirements. Themajor • NO SPECIAL INSTALLATION REQUIRED (includes postage & handling) minerals include calcium, phosphorus, California residents add 6% state sales tax. For ordering, or additional information, write to: sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, Aria and Associates, P.O. Box 7031, Newport Beach, CA 92660 and sulfur.Trace minerals are iron,copper, magnesium, zinc, molybdenum, iodine, Aria and Associates, P.O. Box 7031, Newport Beach, CA 92660 chromium, selenium, and fluorine. When Please ship me PEST FREE eliminators at $69.50 each. deficient the major minerals can cause Name Address~~~~~~~~~~_ serious problems. Trace mineral deficien­ City State Zip,~ ~__ cies are harder to induce because of the small amounts needed. Selenium, molyb- 37 denum and fluorine deficiencies have never ....,..~.,..,....,..,...------"""'l""-----.E .~ COMPLETE LOCAL been seen in birds. WAREHOUSE STOCKS Natural Diets The only way to determine the natural diets ofbirds is to do field studies. The most obvious and accepted methods is by direct observation by workers who sit in the habitat of a given bird and watch it feed. of food, part eaten, how much, how often, time of day and year, and number of individuals feeding are all recorded. Table 1 gives an overview of the observations obtained by this method. Most ofthe Amazons areseen eating fruits, GALV. AFTER AVIARY NETTING berries, seeds, blossoms and leaf buds, 24" thru 72" x 100 Lin. Ft. Rls. specific examples are listed. ';' x Y, Mesh 22 Ga. GALV. B4 POULTRY NETTING Captive Diets Cousteau, please, pop/orparrots is not on thelisl. 12" thru 72" x 150 Lin. Ft. Rls. 1" Mesh 20 Ga. - 2" Mesh 20 Ga. The idea of captive diets has been ap­ GALV. WELDED FABRIC proached in many ways. I would like to The only problem I see with this diet is the 24" thru 72" wide x 100 Lin. Ft. Rls. relate some ofthe most commonlyaccepted size of the canary seed and millet. I have 1" x 'f" x 16 Ga. - 1" xl" x 16 Ga ­ 1" ;( 1" x 14 Ga. diets with little comment on their relative seen a few Amazons eat millet sprays, but 2" x 1" x 14' Ga. - 4" x 2" x 14 Ga. ­ merit. There is no scientific data available many appear to prefer starvation to a 4" x 2" X 12'12 Ga. to analyze their virtues. canary-millet mix. GALV. WELDED & WOVEN I think everyone agrees that supplemen­ The diet that is most widely accepted in HARDWARE CLOTH this country is a mix ofvarying quantities of '/2 x '/2 Mesh 19 Ga. - 'I, x 'I, Mesh 23 Ga. ­ tal calcium is necessary for breeding and 'I, x 'I, Mesh 27 Ga. growing birds and that supplementation of the following seeds: FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION all birds is a good idea. It is usually supplied Sunflower seed CITY WIRE CLOTH, INC. in the form ofa mineral block, cuttlebone, Safflower seed 13900 Orange Ave., Paramount, CA 90723 in grit, or in a powdered form mixed with a Peanuts (213) 630·8050 supplemental food. Hot Red Peppers Com There are many commercially prepared Squash Seed vitamin mixes. Most are adequate but Kafflr vitamins K & A are the most often Milo neglected. Vitamins are usually mixed with The Kaffrr and Milo seeds are used occa­ water, and should be changed regularly sionally and the peppers are improper in the because they loose their potency. One Amazon diet according to many. The rea­ representative vitamin mix is mixed one son usually cited is that it will give them in­ drop of vitamin to one ounce water. One digestion. But the birds that I have seen milliliter of vitamin mix contains the consume it, do it with great zeal without following: regard to the possible digestive conse­ VitA ..... 3000 LU. VitB, 600 mg. quences. VitD •••.. IOOI.U. Vit B ••.••• 300 mg. proudly presents 3 2 In addition to the basic diets many peo­ Choline 5 mg. VitB ••.••. 150mg. Topper's Bird Feed 6 ple have supplementary mixes. These (average protetn 17°'0) VitC 3mg. Linoleic Acid 14Dmg. ThiS seed is coated with all vitamins. Niacinamide .. 3 mg. Folic acid 14D mg. usually contain a cereal, a fruit and/or minerals & amino acids recommended 10 vegetable. One such recipe was given to me by most prominent veterinarians. VitE 1mg. VitB ,2 mg. Pantothenic VitK 7mg. by a veterinarian-breeder several years ago. We have distributors from Chicago to Acid 1mg. I part Rice the West Coast. In the Los Angeles area, Your distributor is Fine Feathered Grit is not a necessity for Amazons and I part Wheat Friends. most can live their entire life without con­ I part Barley WE ALSO HAVE suming any. Although Galvin (1979) has I part Oats I part Com Diamond Doves, Silver/Normal encountered a few Amazons that do require Plantain or Button Quail - Cockatiels I I it for proper digestion. Whole undigested Banana Honey & Eye-Ring Lovebirds seeds could be seen in the feces in these The grains are boiled until soft, the fruit by Special Order cases. and honey are added for taste. II There are two recipes commonly used to I All Birds Raised On Our Ranch Along with these supplements many formulate the main diet for Amazons. One Hours: 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri other foods can be fed for you and your was suggested by the late Duke of Bedford. Sat.-Sun. 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. bird's enjoyment. They are vegetables, 2 parts Canary Seed FOR INFORMATION: fruit, eggs, yogurt, meat, fish, poultry, dog FINE FEATHERED FRIENDS I part Millet I part Oats biscuits, canned cat food. Richard Rundell P.O. Box 1486 in "Zoo and Wildlife Medicine" (1978) Canoga Park, CA 91304 I part Hemp I part Sunflower Seed recommends dry kibbled dog food in addi­ (213) 340-6318 I part Peanuts tion to fruit and vegetables as supplements. Fruit Daily These supplements are important also in 38 the color ofbirds. Manyofthe bright colors TABLE 1 A mazona viridigenalis Corn in your bird are carotinoid pigments. They Food Preferences of Amazon Parrots Green-cheek or Pine seeds Species/Common Name Observations Mexican Red Amazon are taken from food and incorporated into Amazona vittatta Sierra Palm Amazonaagi/is Plantain the feather as it grows. Without these pig­ Palm Seeds ments the colors are lost. Flamingos Black-Billed Amazon Pimento Seeds Amazonaalbifron Figs *endangered species become quite white after molting when pig­ White-Fronted Amazon Corn ments are absent in the diet. They are re­ or Spectacled Amazon References cited: sponsible for yellows in the green feathers, Amazonaamazonica PalmSeed Bedford, Duke of. Parrots and Parrot-like oranges, reds, and violet. Orange-winged Amazon Hog Palm Fruit birds. TFH Publ. 1969. Because there is no scientific data on Orange, Mango, Swamp Immortell Seed Fowler, M.E. 1978. Zoo and Wild Amazonaautumnalis Palm Fruits Medicine. W.P. Sanders Co. feeding your Amazon, it is best to use a Forshaw, Joseph M. Parrots of the World. common sense approach.Ifit's good for you Red-Iared Amazon Citrus Fruits Mango Fruits TFH Publ. 1977. it is probably a good supplement for your Amazonabarbadensis .....Organpipe cactus Friedman, Herbert, Davis, Malcolm 1938. bird. Milk is the main exception. Birds have Yellow-shouldered Amazon fruit Left-Handedness in Parrots. Auk. Vol. #3 55 lactase, the digestive enzyme necessary to Mangos p.478-480. break down lactose in milk but not enough Amazonafischi Wild Figs Galvin, Charles, 1979. Personal communica­ in the G.I. tract to handle large quantities. Lilac-crowned or Corn tion. Without the enzyme, the lactose in milk is Finsch's Amazon Bananas Osman-Hill, W.e. Comparative Study of the A guildingii* Pennypiece Fruit Pancreas. 1926, p. 581, Proc. Zol. Soc. Land.• not broken down and absorbed in the Bullet Fruit digestive tract and can cause diarrhea. Of Amazonleucocephala Palm Seeds course excessive salt orsugar is not good for CubanAmazon Pine Shoots &Seeds any animal. Amazonaochrocephala Pereskia Kellogg's Bird Products This variety in menu is probably not Yellow-Crowned Amazon guamacho Double Yellow Amazon Curatella Wild Bird Supplies necessary, but it can provide a healthy Tres Marie Amazon amercana change in your bird's daily existence. It can Kanakudiballi fruit Cage & Aviary Seed supply them with certain pigments for their Amazonapretrei* Araucaria seed feathers. There can be therapeutic value for Red-spectacled Amazon Nutritional Aids some birds, a bird crunching carrots, Amazona ventralis Corn SEND FOR PRICE LIST HispaniolanAmazon Palm Seeds &. celery, oroats may not pick feathers or per­ Guayacan Trees, Cacti ches as much. Plus there is a definite enter­ THE BIRO'S NEST Guava, Banana, Plantain 7 Patten Road, Bedford, N.H. 03102 tainment value for you as your Amazon Amazona vinacea Araucaria seeds learns to eat new foods in new ways. Vinaceous Amazon

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