First International Conference on Mars Polar Science 3001.pdf DYNAMIC/THERMODYNAMIC SIMULATIONS OF THE NORTH POLAR ICE CAP OF MARS. R. Greve, Institut fur¨ Mechanik III, Technische Universitat¨ Darmstadt, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany,
[email protected]. Ice-sheet model SICOPOLIS times mean-density ratio Mars/Earth). The bedrock response to changing ice loads is modelled by a delayed local isostatic = 3000 The present permanent north polar water ice cap of Mars is in- balance with the time lag V yr. vestigated with the dynamic/thermodynamic ice-sheet model According to the data listed by Budd et al. (1986), the mean SICOPOLIS (SImulation COde for POLythermal Ice Sheets), T annual air temperature above the ice, ma , is described by a ~ h which was originally developped for and applied to terrestrial parameterization depending on elevation, , and co-latitude, ~ =90 ice sheets like Greenland, Antarctica and the glacial northern ( N ,where is the latitude), hemisphere (Greve, 1997b, c; Calov et al., 1998; Greve et al., 0 ~ T = T + h + c ; 3 ma ma ma 1998). The model is based on the continuum-mechanical the- ma ory of polythermal ice masses (Hutter, 1982, 1993; Greve, 0 T = 90 = 2:5 ma 1997a), which describes the material ice as a density-preser- with ma C, the mean lapse rate C/km, c = 1:5 ving, heat-conducting power-law fluid with thermo-mechani- and ma C/ lat. The accumulation of water ice on cal coupling due to the strong temperature dependence of the the surface of the ice cap is assumed to be spatially con- stant.