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IN the HIGH COURT of JUDICATURE at BOMBAY ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION OS-WP-LD-VC-259-2020 Ankit Hirji Vora … Petitio ssp 1 / 7 8_OS-WP-LD-VC-271-2020 final.doc IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION OS-WP-LD-VC-259-2020 Ankit Hirji Vor ! P"tition"r# V"r#$# Union o% In&ia an& ot'"r# ! R"#(on&"nt# WITH OS-WP-LD-VC-2)*-2020 Shr"" Tr$#t"" At+a , + - L .&'i#$ri#'/arji Jain G0an+an&ir Tr$#t an& not'"r ! P"tition"r# V"r#$# T'" St t" o% 1 'ar #'tra an& ot'"r# ! R"#(on&"nt# …...... 1r2 Prak #' Sh ' -on3/it' 1r2 J # San3' vi5 in#tr$6t"& .0 1r2 D$r3 (r # & Poojar0 %or t'" P"tition"r in WP-259-20202 1r2 Pr %$-- 72 S' ' -on3/it' 1#2 G$njan S' ' in#tr$6t"& .0 1r2 , 04 - S' ' %or t'" P"tition"r in WP-2)1-20202 1#. P.H. ,ant'ari 5 GP an& 1#. G""ta Sh #tri5 A&&-2 GP %or t'" St t"2 1r2 Ani- C. Sin3'5 ASG -on3/it' 1r2 A&it0 T' kkar5 1r2 D.P2 Sin3' %or R"#(on&"nt No2*2 …...… CORAM : S.J. KATHAWALLA AND MADHAV J. JAMDAR, JJ. 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