ssp 1 / 7 8_OS-WP-LD-VC-271-2020 final.doc IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION OS-WP-LD-VC-259-2020 Ankit Hirji Vor ! P"tition"r# V"r#$# Union o% In&ia an& ot'"r# ! R"#(on&"nt# WITH OS-WP-LD-VC-2)*-2020 Shr"" Tr$#t"" At+a , + - L .&'i#$ri#'/arji Jain G0an+an&ir Tr$#t an& not'"r ! P"tition"r# V"r#$# T'" St t" o% 1 'ar #'tra an& ot'"r# ! R"#(on&"nt# …...... 1r2 Prak #' Sh ' -on3/it' 1r2 J # San3' vi5 in#tr$6t"& .0 1r2 D$r3 (r # & Poojar0 %or t'" P"tition"r in WP-259-20202 1r2 Pr %$-- 72 S' ' -on3/it' 1#2 G$njan S' ' in#tr$6t"& .0 1r2 , 04 - S' ' %or t'" P"tition"r in WP-2)1-20202 1#. P.H. ,ant'ari 5 GP an& 1#. G""ta Sh #tri5 A&&-2 GP %or t'" St t"2 1r2 Ani- C. Sin3'5 ASG -on3/it' 1r2 A&it0 T' kkar5 1r2 D.P2 Sin3' %or R"#(on&"nt No2*2 …...… CORAM : S.J. KATHAWALLA AND MADHAV J. JAMDAR, JJ. DAT8D : AUGUST *:5 20202 P.C. :- *2 70 t'" .o4" t/o P"tition#5 t'" P"tition"r# .o4"n +"& #""k &ir"6tion# 3ain#t t'" R"#(on&"nt No2* ; St t" o% 1 'ar #'tr < R"#(on&"nt No.2 ; T'" Chi"% Se6r"tar05 D"(art+"nt o% R"4"n$" an& =or"#t#5 Di# #t"r 1an 3"+"nt5 R"-i"% n& ssp 2 / 7 8_OS-WP-LD-VC-271-2020 final.doc R"' .i-it tion an& t'" R"#(on&"nt No2: ; t'" 1$ni6i( - Co++i##ion"r5 1$ni6i( - Cor(or tion o% Gr" t"r 1$+.ai5 to --o/ t'" +"+."r# o% t'" Jain Co++$nit0 to vi#it t'" Jain T"+(-"# an& to ("r%or+ (r 0"r#>($ja t'"r" t. 22 On **th A$3$#t5 20205 t'" P"tition"r# +o4"& %or $r3"nt r"-i"%# in t'" .o4" Writ P"tition# to t'" "xt"nt t' t t'"0 #'o$-& ." --o/"& to vi#it Jain T"+(-"# an& to ("r%or+ (r 0"r#>($ja &$rin3 t'" 'o-0 ("rio& o% @Par0$#'anA i2"2 %ro+ 15th A$3$#t5 2020 $(to 2:r& A$3$#t5 20202 On t' t & 05 t'" P"tition"r# ' & #$.+itt"& t'ro$3' t'"ir A&4o6 t"# t' t t'o$3' on 30th 1 05 20205 t'" Go4"rn+"nt o% In&i 5 1ini#tr0 o% Ho+" ABair# C@1HAAD ' & -r" &0 i##$"& n or&"r to o("n t'" r"-i3io$# (- 6"#>(- 6"# o% /or#'i( %or t'" ($.-i6 on an& %ro+ Eth J$n"5 2020 an& t'o$3' t'" Go4"rn+"nt o% In&i 5 1ini#tr0 o% He -t' an& = +i-0 W"-%ar" on Fth J$n"5 20205 -#o i##$"& “SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in religious places/places of wors ip!" t'" Go4"rn+"nt o% 1 'ar #'tr /'i-#t --o/in3 o("nin3 o% #( #5 30+#5 ." $t0 (ar-o$r#5 .ar."r #'o(#5 -iG$or #'o(#5 + --#5 +ark"t 6o+(-"?"#5 "t625 an& -#o --o/in3 6"rtain n$+."r o% ("r#on# to tt"n& +arri 3" 3 t'"rin3# n& %$n"r - 6"r"+oni"# /it' #o+" r"#tri6tion#5 ar" ti-- & t" not --o/in3 t'" +"+."r# o% t'" ($.-i6 to vi#it r"-i3io$# (- 6"#>(- 6"# o% /or#'i(2 :2 A%t"r notin3 #o+" o% t'" #$.+i##ion# o% t'" P"tition"r#5 t'i# Co$rt .0 it# Or&"r & t"& **th A$3$#t5 20205 not"& in (ar 3r (' 3 # $n&"r :- “#$ In view of t e a%ove su%missions we pass t e following order & ssp 3 / 7 8_OS-WP-LD-VC-271-2020 final.doc (i( ) e Petitioners are allowed to fort wit su%mit t eir representations to t e Secretar*" Disaster +anagement in t is regard$ (ii( ) e Secretar*" Disaster +anagement s all consider t e representation of t e Petitioners/mem%ers of t e ,ain Communit* and after considering t e same" more particularl*" t e su%mission of t e Petitioners t at if t e malls and market places" %ar%er s ops" spas" saloons" %eaut* parlours" li.uor s ops etc$ can %e operated wit certain restrictions" wh* t e ,ain devotees s ould not %e allowed to visit t e places of wors ip to o/er pra*ers and/or to perform rituals wit similar restrictions" su%mit its sa* to t is Court on 1#t 0ugust" 1212$ Stand over to 1#t 0ugust" 1212$! F2 P$r#$ant to t'" #ai& Or&"r & t"& **th A$3$#t5 20205 t'" Se6r"tar05 Di# #t"r 1an 3"+"nt5 R"-i"% n& R"' .i-it tion5 ' # #$.+itt"& 'i# # 0 to t'i# Co$rt5 /'"r"in '" ' # int"r -ia r"6or&"& # $n&"r 9 F2* T' t # on **th A$3$#t5 20205 t'" tot - (o($- tion B"6t"& .0 COVID-19 in t'" St t" o% 1 'ar #'tr i# 5,35, !" an& t'" tot - n$+."r o% &" t'# r"3i#t"r"& on 66o$nt o% COVID-19 i# "#,3! 2 O$t o% t'"#"5 in 1$+.ai -on"5 t'" tot - n$+."r o% in%"6t"& 6 #"# ' 4" .""n %o$n& to ." 1,$5,$$% an& in 1$+. i Cit05 1$+.ai Su.$r.an Di#tri6t5 T' n"5 P -3'ar n& Rai3 & Di#tri6t5 /'i6' r" ( rt o% t'" 1$+.ai 1"tro(o-it n R"3ion Ar" C@11R Ar" AD5 t'" n$+."r o% in%"6t"& 6 #"# i# $&$,"!% an& t'" tot - n$+."r o% &" t'# r"3i#t"r"& on 66o$nt o% COVID-19 i# "!' $2 In P$n" Di#tri6t5 t'" tot - n$+."r o% in%"6t"& 6 #"# ' 4" .""n %o$n& to ." 1," , % , an& t'" tot - n$+."r o% &" t'# r"3i#t"r"& on 66o$nt o% COVID-19 i# $#$%2 ssp 4 / 7 8_OS-WP-LD-VC-271-2020 final.doc F22 T' t t'" .o4" H3$r"# 6-"ar-0 #'o/ t' t t'" St t" o% 1 ' r #'tr i# +on3#t t'" +o#t B"6t"& St t"# in In&i 2 F2: T' t t'" St t" o% 1 'ar #'tr ' # .""n &o(tin3 an& "+(' #iIin3 vario$# (r"6 $tionar0 +" #$r"# to 6ontain t'" #(r" & o% t'" in%"6tion . #"& on t'" #$33"#tion# 3i4"n .0 t'" "?("rt#5 in6-$&in3 4oi&in3 o4"r 6ro/&in3 t an0 3i4"n (- 6"5 ." it #tr""t#5 ' --# or tran#(ort % 6i-iti"# #$6' # 6ar#5 .$#"# n& train#2 F2F T' t t'o$3' t'" Go4"rn+"nt o% In&i ' # /it' "B"6t %ro+ Eth J$n"5 20205 --o/"& o("nin3 o% r"-i3io$# (- 6"#>(- 6"# o% /or#'i( %or ($.-i65 %or /'i6' #"(ar t" Stan&ar& O("r tin3 Pro6"&$r" ' # .""n i##$"&5 t'" Go4"rn+"nt o% In&i ' # in -- it# or&"r#5 6on#i#t"nt-0 an& 6on#6io$#-0 +"ntion"& t' t5 “States/3)s %ased on t eir assessment of t e situation" ma* pro i%it certain activities outside t e containment 4ones or impose such restrictions as deemed necessar*$! F.5 In #o %ar # t'" St t" o% 1 'ar #'tr i# 6on6"rn"&5 -ookin3 t t'" (r"vai-in3 (o#ition5 .ot' in $r.an an& r$r - r" #5 a 6on#6io$# (o-i60 &"6i#ion i# tak"n to 6ontin$" /it' t'" 6-o#$r" o% -- (- 6"# o% /or#'i( an& not to ("r+it an0 r"-i3io$# 6on3r"3 tion#5 /it'o$t an0 "?6"(tion2 F2J T' t #in6" t'" ti+" t'" r"#tri6tion# /"r" i+(o#"&5 ti-- & t" t'" r"#tri6tion# ' 4" .""n %o--o/"&5 ." it G$&'i P & 4 5 Shr"" R + N 4 +i5 Han$+an J 0anti5 1 ' 4""r J 0 nti5 8 #t"r Sun& 05 7$&&' Porni+ 5 Ak#' 0 Tr$ti0 5 R + &an 8i&5 V t Porni+ 5 Vario$# Din&i# to P n&'ar($r5 A#' &'i 8k & #'i5 G$r$ Porni+ 5 N 3 Pan6' +i5 7akari 8i&5 A-- Shr van So+/ r# C1on& 0D5 R k#' 7an&'an5 ssp 5 / 7 8_OS-WP-LD-VC-271-2020 final.doc Goku- #'t +i n& D 'i Han&i2 F2) T' t5 in% 6t Writ P"tition / # H-"& ."%or" t'i# Co$rt .0 Warkari Se4 San3' to --o/ t'" 1"+."r# o% t'" Se4 San3' to 6arr0 ( &$k # o% Sant D0an"#'/ar to Pan&'ar($r %or ("r%or+in3 t'" rit$ -# o% A#' &i 8k & #'i .0 %o--o/in3 t'" 6on&ition# t' t + 0 ." i+(o#"& .0 t'" R"#(on&"nt#2 T'i# Co$rt vi&" it# r" #on"& Or&"r & t"& 30th J$n"5 2020 / # (-" #"& to &i#+i## t'" # +"2 F2E T' t # r"3 r&# t'" G$"#tion ($t %ort' .0 t'" P"tition"r#5 t' t i% + --# n& +ark"t (- 6"#5 .ar."r #'o(#5 #( #5 # -oon#5 ." $t0 (ar-o$r#5 -iG$or #'o(# "t625 r" --o/"& to ." o("r t"&5 /'0 t'" +"+."r# o% t'" ($.-i6 #'o$-& not ." --o/"& to vi#it (- 6"# o% /or#'i( to oB"r (r 0"r# an&>or to ("r%or+ rit$ -# /it' #i+i-ar r"#tri6tion#5 it i# to ." .orn" in +in& t' t it i# i+(o##i.-" to +onitor t'" #tri6t o.#"rvan6" o% #$6' 6on&ition# in (- 6"# o% /or#'i(2 F.9 T' t a 4"r0 6- ##i6 an& r"6"nt "? +(-" o% t'" &an3"r in o("nin3 o% t"+(-"# i# to ." #""n in t'" o("nin3 o% t'" Tir$+ - Tir$( ti 7 -aji T"+(-" in An&'r Pr &"#'2 T'" o("nin3 o% t'" #ai& T"+(-" ' # o("n"& Koo&3 t"# %or 6oron vir$# in%"6tion#2 A# +an0 # &%3 "+(-o0""# o% t'" Tir$( ti T"+(-" ' 4" t"#t"& (o#iti4" %or COVID-19.
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