Summer-2004/5 News from the outh frican Association.

CARVETH GEACH -ALIFEIN Peter Spargo element. What Carveth will be the grounds of Modderfontein Dynamite remembered for, however, is his role as Works in 1973 and, as those of us who an experimenter and innovator. Let me were present will recall, it was an mention three examples. He had always unqualified success. At least one more believed that the sharp split between the was held two years later. Finally, in those Scouts and the Guides was much to be years of Grand Apartheid, Carveth My first meeting with Carveth was brief regretted. Hence the introduction during decided that not only should Scouts but memorable. In 1949, having just his period as Chief Scout of a series of work with Guides, but they should also gone up from Cubs to Scouts in the 1st Scout-Guide camps in such wonderful meet the Voortrekkers. He therefore met Belgravia-Kensington (BK) Group, the places as the Natal Drakensberg and the then head of that movement, Prof. characters in Kipling’s Jungle Book Boshoff, to explore the issue. At were fresh in my mind. One of them first our overtures were met with was Kaa the python and thus when warmth and we all hoped that some I discovered that one of the BK form of joint activity might come of Rovers who had come to assist at a the talks. However, suddenly and troop meeting was called Car, I was tragically the talks were terminated greatly taken aback! However, a and Carveth and I gained a strong close inspection soon convinced impression that orders had come me that he neither looked nor acted from the very highest quarters in like a python and I therefore put the the land that the Voortrekkers matteroutofmymind. shoulddropthematter. However, shortly after joining the But there was much else besides: BK Rovers in 1954, the Crew spent Carveth’s major role in the Quo a long weekend at a farm Called Vadis initiative of 1977 (the ‘Journey’s End,’ near crucially important ‘think tank’ that Johannesburg. Carveth was there was so important in, amongst other and, at the end, offered me a lift. things, bringing about a unified We talked and argued all the way Scout movement in South Africa); home and thus began a friendship his seminal role in the acquisition which has endured a full and development of Camp half-century and I would like to Korhaan, on the banks of Vaal believe has enriched both our lives. Dam, his crucial role in setting up Born in Johannesburg in 1928, and running the Jubilee Trust, Carveth attended Jeppe Boys’ which he chaired from 1992 until High School, after which he his death. His commitment was qualified as an attorney, in which indeedmemorable. profession he became outstandingly successful. After leading the BK Rover Crew he CARVETH GEACH 1928-2005 A final note. Throughout his soon became involved in the wider Scouting career Carveth was ably regional and national aspects of Phalaborwa, on the edge of the Kruger supported by his wife Mary and Scouting and, after serving on the National Park. Although greatly enjoyed many were those, including most National Scout Council, was elected by all who attended, these camps richly my wife Celia and myself, who Chief Scout in 1969, a position he held unfortunately did not outlive his period benefited from their warm hospitality withdistinctionuntil1973. as Chief Scout. Then there were the both at their home in Bedfordview and For most Chief Scouts the position is Pitso’s, camps at which would be sought their Bushveld gamefarm, Ntakobusi. essentially one of being reactive - the views of Scouts - not Scouters! - from Car, you have Gone Home, but your maintaining intact the fabric of the all over Southern Africa on a wide variety contributions to Scouting in South Africa Movement as society changes, although of issues relating to present and future will be your memorial. Requiescat in perhaps with here and there some fresh Scouting. The first of these was held in pace… SAHQ ANNOUNCEMENTS

On behalf of the Chief Scout and the Everest. It is also the first recorded time National Scout Council we would like to that the World Scout logo was flown on the wish all Scouts, adult volunteers and their summit. These are all the obvious DUTYTOGOD families a healthy and rewarding 2005. We recounts, but what always astounds me is trust that you all had a peaceful and happy the way in which we can celebrate the Mankind cannot exist without trees. festive season and as true Scouts were volunteers of this Movement. Without Trees for various good reasons, should mindful of those less fortunate and facing exception, every observer of the be part of every environment. Everyone, devastationelsewhere. voluntarism of Scouting cannot believe the everywhere should use every opportunity It is with sadness and a sense of loss that commitment and hard work of the to plant a tree – for example, for every we advise that Carveth Geach has gone volunteers in Scouting. You are all kind of anniversary, from birth onwards. home. Car was a former Chief Scout sincerely thanked for continuing to make a Only just be sure you’re planting the right (1968-1973) and currently served as Vice difference! kindoftreeintherightplace! President of the Association, Chairperson The Association also remembers the ThisprayerfromPortugalsumsitallup: of the Boy Scout Jubilee Trust Fund, many victims and those affected by Aids. Trustee of the Scout Foundation and One is starkly reminded of the horror of ThePrayerofthetrees active member of the National Scout Aids when you can put a face to the Ye who would pass by and raise your Council. Car also held the worlds highest 16-year-old orphaned Scout girl living in a hand against me, hearken ere you harm Scout Award – The Bronze Wolf. Car has rural community, who not only leads a me. led a life of service as is fundamental to Scout patrol but also cares for three Scouting. All who have served with Car will siblings–allorphanedbyHIV/Aids. I am the heat of your hearth on cold winter remember his compassion, incisiveness The Association also extends its nights, the friendly shade screening you and pragmatism. Car always displayed a fromthesummersun; expressions of solidarity to the Scout deep sense of justice regarding all around Associations in Asia and Africa who were And my fruits are refreshing draughts him and the society within which he affected by the earthquakes and tsunami quenchingyourthirstasyoujourneyon. served. From as far back as Quo Vadis in late in 2004. We are, at least in thought, 1977 where against the country’s laws he I am the beam that holds your house, the with all those brother and sister Scouts was instrumental in merging the boards of your table, the bed on which you and their families who have suffered as a Movement into one system for all, until lie, and the timber that builds your boat. result. Various efforts in the Association to present where Car fully supported the show support have been initiated and we I am the handle of your hoe, the door of Transformation of the Association, it was hopetheyprovidesomerelief. your homestead, the wood of your cradle clear that equality, fairness and unity were We enter 2005 renewed and hopeful that andtheshellofyourcoffin. paramount. It goes without saying that Car we can continue to make a difference. lived his life according to those high IamthegiftofGodandfriendofman. Together with our fantastic partners which standards that Scouting sets. He was a include Scouting Nederland, Scouts Ye who pass by, listen to my prayer – tremendous example to all in Scouting and Canada, NOVIB, National Lottery, Food harmmenot. outside, yet not aloof. He expressed a and Trees for Africa and many more, we keen interest in the needs and opinions of are committed to “embracing change for VeldLore the youth. In this way Car has endeared himself to all. He is truly a Scout’s Scout the good of all youth” and enriching and we are grateful for all that he has theirlives. CONGRATULATIONS done. On behalf of the Chief Scout and the SPRINGBOK/TOPAWARDS National Scout Council we express our deepest and sincerest condolences to B-PONCAMPING Mary,thewholefamilyandfriends. Damian Lahoud –CapeWesternArea “The only place to do real Scouting is in PhillipWilliamPlant– Mpumalanga Area Looking back, 2004 could not have had camp.” more in stall for all of us. We remember the Taun Kirby Brewsher – Tshwane Area “There’s no place like camp to bring out AlanRichardNewham– Gauteng Area tragic losses of very special people within the Movement. We also celebrate the thecheerfulspiritsofboys.” Gary Coolin Rice– Gauteng Area successes of what we are able to achieve “Camping is the great point in Scouting MarcBaker– Gauteng Area as members of this, the largest youth which appeals to the boy, and the CraigWilliamLloyd– Gauteng Area Movement in the world. And there have opportunity for teaching him self-reliance SeanCarter– Gauteng Area been many achievements! The and resourcefulness, besides giving him Allan-Roy Sekeitto – Gauteng Area Association has also made tremendous health.” Robin Bruyns – Gauteng Area progress in reaching out to others. The “A tenderfoot talks of “roughing it in Hendrik Johannes Visser – Gauteng Area SCENE programmes, the Cub Challenge camp”; but living in camp for a Scout who GregoryScottGardiner– Gauteng Area and so many other service projects in aid knows the game is by no means of those in our communities are but some. “roughingit”. Graham Tuckey – Gauteng Area The “Scouting and Aids” programme was KevinWilliamKohler– Gauteng Area “Have you ever thought how camp helps presented to the Africa Region and was your boys to practise living the ?” AmberLeahJackson– Gauteng Area lauded as an excellent example of what Lludd Gerallt Ap-Gwyn– Gauteng Area “It is only while in camp that one can really Scouting can do to address this terrible learn to study Nature in the proper way, MarkTimothyStevens– Gauteng Area pandemic. The new Scout Trail was because here you are face to face with DylanGeorgeLindsay- Kwazulu NatalArea launched at an extremely good price in Nature at all hours of the day and night.” JarreddeBeer–CapeEasternArea order to make it accessible to as many youth as possible. Its user friendliness, “Every Scout knows that when you break Mark Muggelstone –CapeEasternArea up your camp there are two things which many illustrations and relevance is a MarkAnthony Welvering –CapeEasternArea youshouldleavebehindyou: celebration of providing all our youth with a Siseko Skade –CapeEasternArea book of adventure and development. We 1.- Nothing. Thulasizwe Ntsele – Gauteng Area also celebrate our Chief Scout’s 2. - Your thanks – to God for the good Robert Mientjies – Kwazulu NatalArea Commissioner, Andre Bredenkamp’s, time you have had, and to the owner of the ChristopherJacobs–CentralArea fantastic achievement in climbing Mount land who has let you have the use of it.” STARTERKITSFROMTHE CAPEWESTERN AREABADGE

During 2004 ten scouting groups in South Africa received starter kits funded by scouting As far back as I groups in the Netherlands. This initiative is a result of the partnership between the South can remember, African Scout Association and Scouting Nederland and involves a scouting group in the and most Netherlands raising funds to buy a kit for a group in South Africa. It is hoped that the two probably from scoutinggroupswillalsobecomepenpals. the very There are many scouting beginning, the groups in South Africa that Ostrich design do not have the most basic has been the equipment or handbooks to logo of Cape do their scouting. These kits Western Area. give them the opportunity to The badge enjoy scouting as each boy design has and girl deserves to. Each changed from time to time but always starter kit contains scouting retained the Ostrich logo. One of the first books, arts and craft administrative divisions of South African material, ropes, sports Scouting, it encompassed the entire old equipment, books for record Cape Province. Even after being keeping and material to established, the former Cape Midlands and practisefirstaid. Border Divisions were administered from Thankyou Cape Town. In the 1950s I attended the Scouting Nederland! second Scout Wood Badge Course held in Port Elizabeth, directed by Frank Quin and In October 2004 Luke van der Laan and Milly Siebrits visited two schools in the Free Impy Briant, sent all the way from Cape Statetohandthemtheirkits. Town to conduct the course. My theory If your group would like a starter kit, write a letter to your Area Headquarters and notes were posted off to that city for reading motivatewhyyoushouldreceiveone. and comment, with the usual postal delays, nevereverdelaysbythetrainingteam! ECO CUBBING

Each year in September and October our beaches but also floating about in the nation holds a Coastal Cleanup Day and ocean. National Marine Week. On both occasions Any jellyfish eating creature swimming we are concerned about the condition of our along and seeing a piece of plastic, thinks beachesandtheoceansaroundus. it’s a jellyfish and eats it. The plastic blocks In 2004, cubs and scouts joined in the their insides and the creature dies a slow beach cleanup and also visited the Marine and painful death. In the past, dolphins in Week Exhibitions held around our coastal one of our Oceanariums have died ports. Plastic, in it’s many forms, is the most because they swallowed plastic bags that noticeable culprit not only on our beautiful have blown into their pool from the surroundingsuburb. GIFTS If you have ever watched a show at one of our dolphin or seal pools, you will see how FOR the trainer throws a rubber or plastic ring PEACE into the water; the dolphin or seal sticks its nose through the ring and brings it back to the trainer. Well, down on the Cape Town Peace - and Waterfront I have seen Rangers capturing peace education - seals in the harbour and cutting off plastic PLs Xhola Minziwa &AndrewTonkinof has always been a bands (strapping) that have become stuck Humewood SeaScoutTroop,Port fundamental part around their necks and have cut deeply Elizabethdisplaytheplasticstrapping of Scouting, and through their fur covered skin into their foundatastormwateroutletonthe was Baden-Powell’s key theme at the bleeding flesh. Maybe these animals came beachfront. veryfirstWorldScout. across this litter floating about and had some fun with it – only to become badly place the litter. A split bag is most frustrating To make peace practical and real for injured. These are the “lucky” ones! Out at to a cub or scout trying to “do his good turn”. every Scout around the world, National sea there are no Rangers to help the seals Keep the group together, don’t let Scout Organisations have been asked to anddolphinsthatsufferthesamefate. individuals wander off, especially in lonely organise “Gifts for Peace” projects in places. Fair skinned children MUST wear a CubsandScoutsjustdonotlitter! their countries during late 2005 and hat and shirt as sunburn is an ever present 2006. ACTIVITY: Leaders are asked to observe danger in our hot summer outdoors. Have These can be in one or more of the the safety of Scouts and Cubs taking part in them all wear suitable sunblock cream. any “clean-up”. Make sure they wear shoes Australians have a campaign to fight skin followingareas: 1 Creatingamorepeacefulworld; or tackies – slipslops are not good enough. cancer: “Slip, Slap, Slop” - Slip into a shirt; 1 Challengingprejudice; Have them wear tough gloves as broken slap on a hat and slop on some barrier 1 Encouragegreatersolidarity. glass is one of the common finds on these cream. Do have an enjoyable outdoor expeditions. Provide strong bags in which to activity. SELLINGTHEINVISIBLE NEWSCOUTTRAIL In our development programme, we approach a community and try to sell them on the “idea” of scouting. We are selling them the invisible. It’s not like selling a pair of boots or a tin of jam, here the customer can see and weigh and decide that it’s worth the cost that we are asking. In that community it is probable that no one has even heard of scouting and here comes a crazy person, in a fancy uniform, trying to get me to do something that I have no idea of what is required. The term “selling the invisible” is a business term, recognised by firms such as Insurance Companies and Financial Services. They are selling the future, something you can’t see or feel. We in scouting are also selling the future, how the youth will turn out when they grow up. Like the Insurance Company, we must prepare well to make our presentation understandable and something that every parent would wish for their child. We know that a well prepared scout/cub programme is magic to most youth, so therefore we are selling a good saleable product. The parents must want it, not just the school principal or the church parson.Withoutparentsupportwearefightinga loosing battle. Whether we are approaching development of the “Pakamani” program or extending existing Districts in our city environment – go well prepared to put the FULL story over – Show ‘n Do, if you can, then leave them each with a well prepared sheet of paper telling them what to do next and where they can contact YOU; the Mr or Mrs Scouting, as far as they are concerned. Sure, put your Area HQ or District address and telephone number on the paper as well, but tothemthatcouldbeasabstractasanaddressonthemoon.

“SHOW-N’-DO” The up-to-date SCOUT TRAIL is now PROGRAMME available at your Area Head Quarters. It’s been my experience that more Pack and This well illustrated and comprehensive Troop Leaders are recruited after a well OFFICERS publication should be part of every advertised and run “Show-‘n-Do” than after any sit Patrol Library. There is no excuse for around and talk session. What is a “Show-‘n-Do”? your scouts to not make progress – from It’s a group of parents and friends of scouting The Association wishes to appoint Membership, all the way through to the getting together and experiencing a “hands on” programme officers in the North West, activity of the cub or scout skills. Free State and Eastern Cape Provinces Springbok/Top Award, the requirements are fully laid out in this book. The first The District is the ideal venue for such a on a contract basis. The officers will be printing has been sponsored, so if you function. Each of the existing Leaders in the tasked with ensuring that the are quick and snap one up, you can get District is invited to prepare an activity base Association’s HIV/Aids programme is featuring one or other of the cub or scout yourcopyataveryreducedcost. properly implemented and monitored. advancement requirements. On the day, the TROOP LEADERS HANDBOOK – invited visitors are divided into a six or patrol. Other responsibilities will include How can any Troop Leader operate with their sons or daughters as a competing assisting the Area offices in increasing without a copy of this publication? It team. They are first shown the requirements at their capacity toward providing better contains everything you need to know one of the bases, then pit themselves against Scouting to more young people. For more on how to run an efficient, progressive the skills of their cub six or scout patrol by doing that activity. The two groups then move on to information contact: M Siebrits, Project troop. the next “Show-‘n-Do” base. As many of the Manager, SAHQ on 021 6833910 or Also available at Scout Shop at a bases are visited as time allows. Refreshments [email protected]. reducedcost. are provided and the day could conclude with a braai and a Camp Fire. Make sure every visitor takes away that sheet of paper telling them what to do next and who to contact. 5thAFRICANSCOUTJAMBOREE– At such an event it is not only possible to recruit Group Leaders and non-uniformed MOZAMBIQUE Committee people; but District might find additional personnel for their ranks. Do December27th2005–7January2006 stress that training is available for whatever TobringtogethertheScoutsofAfricaandtocelebratetheirunityanddiversity. job they would like to undertake in the There will be no SANJAM in 2005, but there is the movement, no one likes to show their shortcomingsinfrontofothers. wonderful opportunity of attending an International Scout gathering right here on our doorstep. Let all Areas in the country plan to have a contingent to “” attend this great opportunity in a years time. Very The original, 1908 edition, of Scouting for few Scouts have the chance to attend an Boys has recently been published by International event overseas, so let us make use of OXFORD University Press. The book this very much cheaper opportunity to be held in retails in bookstores for R170. We have Catembe. managed to secure a special discount for Scout Shops where it will retail for R125. With more than 380 pages of text, some More information will be available in the new year so of which has never been printed before, we can start planning our fundraising and preparing this represents an excellent buy and participants for this event. Look at: additiontoyourScoutinglibrary. [email protected]

Contributionscanbe: Postedto:TheEditor,P.O.Box1733,PortElizabeth6000 Faxedto:0415858513-Emailto: [email protected] Editor:ColinStretton-Tel:0415851147