
^ Fair with fro** tonight, Wedaea- ^ day genetaUy fair, not much chaage I t a t e m p e r a t u r e . ^ MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM


F r a n c o ’s M o o r s T a k e P o s s e s s i o n o f C a s p e EXPECT TO PASS CHINESE TURN,



^ AdmioisfaratHm Frieods Coih Deny Invaders Have FoD

Meat, Antis Torn To At- Control Of Taierchwang; STARTS RIOTOUS SCENE tempts To Amend; Seek Jap Clann Kiangsn Entry;

Many Changes In BilL Fighting Near Shanghai Starts Soch An UpriNur h Revised Tftx Measure

Washington, AprU 8.—(AP) — Chamber Of Depodes That RepubUcana and revolting Demo- Shanghai. April 8.— (AP) — Made Ready Today crata virtually abandoned hope to- Turning stubbornly ta their tracks, Herriot Is Forced To Sit> Chinese retreating from the ruined day of KiUtag the government re- city of Taierchwang again slowed organisation bill ta the House, but up the Japanese drive today towrard For Senate Debate pend The Session— Foes concentrated Instead on trying to the Lunghal railway, east-west riddle It with amendments. Although transportation artery of central Charge Blum Froposal China. Taking advantage of t(fashlngton, AprU fi—(AP)—Th*^ granting that concessions made by* nlgbt-tlme relief from Japanese ar- of 18 percent on corporation In- administration 'leader?. probably tillery and aviation. Chines* dug Finance committee sent to the Sen- come, approved by the Finance would awing enough votes to paaa patchwork defenses along the Grand ate today the I revised five btllton committM, wrould Increaae business Was Designed To Start'

the measure,' the opponents a o ^ b t Canal and Japanese admitted severe tax revlrion blU with a statement certainty and encourage expansion. to strike out three more noiitro- fighting still waa going on near Norris, howrever, declared he did An Economic Reroli Talerchwrang, center of a 17-day that the measure would clesu' the not like, the elimination of the veralol provisions. way for business ImprovemanL Those provlaicns would presto a battle. proflta tax “at aU.” Chinese still did not admit Jap- Nu^eroua changes mad* ta he Favor* Taxetten new Welfare Department, substi- measure by the Senate committee Paris, April 6.— (AP)—I tute a atagle administrator for the anese bad occupied all of the city, "I think a corporation should pay in *outhem wing of tasurnnt Spain’s march toward the Mediterranean and asserted that attacka at Ylh- included elimination of the admta- something for the privilege of ta- mier Ledn plum’s demand three-man Civil, Serviee Commlaaion, entered the city of Caspe. Residents of the town had latratlon - sponsored undistributed and create an auditor-general to sien, Hanchwang and Taaochwang corperaUng,” he aaid. "There Is sweeping powers to contMAr;: taken to the hilU a* the assorted battellon approached, but later roturaed to their homes. provided a constant rearguard profit tax, which the House had no reason why they should be pw check up on Federal expendtturee. continued ta a modified form. France’s economic life Bllmtaatton of thoee aecuone ------. A—------threat- to the Japanese. mltted to accumulate huge sur- Japanese pressed an eastwrard Senate debate on the measure wlU pluses wrtthout betag taxed for It” decree today threw the Chaa^^ wrould etrip the bill ot everything flanking movement toward Ylhslen Ik In at norm tomorrow. except general prealdentlal authori- Norris said ta* approved House her of Deputies into such ai$; ROBBERY MOTIVE and Kwanhu, east of where the \ In Us report, the, Finance oomnUt- provlSiona exempting from the ty to conaolldate and rcvlae Federal Grand Canal bends southward and tee said that "the major amend- uproar that its President agenclee. and penntaelon to employ profits levy those corporations hav- CATALONIA CUT OFF croeaea the Lunghal line. Their ments proposed by the committee ing net taoomes o f $25,000 and leas. Edouard Harriot, suspend six White House ssalatants. object appeared to be to cut the have been adopted wltb the view of the session. Membra of tbe ^nance commit- Oompromlac IN TEXAS MURDERS Lunghal at Yunho where the canal going even further than tbe House tee, mehnwhlle, made plane to push This came half an hour aft<^ and rallwray intersect They then Under a compromise by adminis- blU ta an effort to atimulate and tbe bill to passage by this week- or debate began on the P r # l tration lieutenants, tbe President's wrould have the advantage of the encourage bustaeas.” end. FROM REST OF SPAIN rallwray for a wrestward sweep to- mier’s financial program, w hlw ^ reorganization orders could be over- "If bustaeas goes ahead, and ward the vital Suchow Junction Some oommltteemen said the con- riden .by a majority vote of Con- Police Search For Two Meo there la no reason why It should Unuad economic recession hai many political observers gress. Various agencies, including potat of the Lunghal and north- not go ahead under the provisions south Tlentsln-Pukow lines. strengthened support of the rovlaed diet will cause his downfall. > : the Veterans Bursau. could not be of the bill as reported,” the report MIL Talk on capltol HUl that the Jean Montigny, intlep.^I Incorporated in other departments. BY REBELS’ ADVANCE And Two Women; Vic- Claim Klsngau Entry. . added, "then there wtu result more Ih the vicinity of Ylhslen Japan- admtalatratlon may seek an ta- deputy, charged the Blum Democratic backers of tha bill ese claimed their ahafUike penetra- taxable net Income, wrlth a conse- crease ta next year’s requested Jl,- wrere so confident of eventual vic- thnsHad Been Tortnred. quent Increase ta the revenue.” 000,060,000 relief appropriation, —conferring decree powers i tory that they made no attempt to tion from Shantung province had Norris Opposed til July 1—was designed advanced -Into Klangsu province they added, rosy lend Impetus to a complete a pon to determine how F»M’i Tn,„ CHbRjsTEnnnnsiQHEAD from the north for the first time. Before the committee forwarded campaign for broadening the tax start “a veritable social tbe roettibers wrould voth. By this maneuver Japanese the meaaure to the Senate, Norris baaa. Representative Rayburn of Texas, El Paso, Texas. April 8.—(A P)— (Ind., Neb.), said he would oppose economic revolution.’’ .a A hint that the torture murders of claimed to have pocketed 100,000 From Senator (tepper (R., Kane.), Democratic flooi leader, declared In Chtneae between 'Taierchwang and the committee’s racommeadeiion came a statement be wrould seek to “ That is the way the G|P. a radio address last n i^ t that the JT!? [““!'^'™““'!steel corporation a California society matron and her LInl to the northeast, where desperr for eUmlnatIng the undistributed restore on the Swats Ooor a 6-cent man Republic perished, toteT* legislation would have been passed uiNtal; Anomer Divuioii daughter on Texas’ mesqulte plains ate fighting still waa ta progresaC profits tax. poundage tax on Imported -perk Montigny shouted. months ago ’’had it not bean made wraa the outgrowrth of a robbery Japanese aviation claimed de- The levy, wrldely crtUclsed by voted by th* House and, ellmlnatod Bboot “Down with Hltlerr* " buetaeas s]>okeamen, haa been apon- the opportunity for the damonetra- MoTing Ob To TiioDdi. plotted her* cam* today frnm Sher- struction ot ten grounded Oiineae by the Ftaanca oo’-unlttM. Leftist deputies, Blum’s eu|msite UoB of hestnt^ by the ProsKwt’* SocMcdt Taylor A$ Chiir- iS J ^ ls Pox as offtews aaarched plaoa* ta attacks on airdromes J30 sored by admtalstriutoB flacal ax- Senator (TMahoney (D „ Wyo.), ers, rose ta a body end sdvsaoed ea - fOM»^ mtlaa aouth o f Changebow, ta aoutb- perta and approved ta aaodlhed hmn (of two men and two women •aid ha wrould offer aa amendment, gi'^|[J»Uat*, shouttag, "D ownJ|l^ "No PaUttaa’ pacts. eest Honan provtace and other by the House: rejected by the comroUtes/ to bn- "There la no politics ta the meas- Hendaye. Prance (At the Spanish nan Of Directori; Hat plaeea Bian, Shensi province cep- Chairman Harriaon (D., Mtaa.), poae a tax of 8 eants a poimd do I^m ler Btura prsonslly hMuiir^ The vietima, Mira. Weston itel and seat of Communist forces, ure,” he said, ”no departure from Frontier), April 8.—(AP)—Spanish Proroe, 46, and her SS-jrear-old asserted tbat a subatltuta flat rate imported beef. vened to prevent fight, as ttW'-i the principles or policies ot the re- Insurgent arpiies, driving to win the Brilliaot Business Re(»nl daughter. Nancy, were found mutl' was bombed. Japanese reported. Rightieate, shouttag ’% cfc to tbS public, no langer to any of our Ui- civil war this sprmg, cut Catalonia lated and clubbed -o death near Van Twenty-one Chinese planes at- Ghetto.'” end dftosudlng of tbaff- tempting to bomb Japanese lines opponente whether they really want atltutlons and no thought except to from thp rest of government Spain Horn, Texas, Sunday. simplify tha proce*Ma of govern- from a high alUtude about Taier- mnehmsn. roM to meet the Left. to eccompUsh their first great ob- New York, April 6.— (A P)_The El - Paso officers entered the In- chwang caused numerouf casualties ment and to niake more easily work- vestigation. Fox ..aid, "since there MICHIGAN S1R K E jective and swept on today towrard twro blllton doUv United States among their owm troops, Japanese Blum and several of his nUnlstaiis able machinery that has becoma Barcelona, their enemsr'* provisional Is aome feeling certain eventa lead- reported. LATE NEWS clogged and unwrleidy.” Steel Corporation’s three-point pro- rushed into the ewtrltag crowrd sy# ! capital. ing up to the deaths of Mra. Frome Flgiiting Near Shanghai. with the help ot ushersxept tbe tmo I Shortly befora Reybuni’s speech, A secondary advance wras moving gram for reotganlzaUch affecting and Nancy originated ta this city." Chinese reported that ta s guer- COMES TO AN END tectloq* separated. repreaenUttve Barton (R-NT) told toward Valencta. Its men, money and machines ap- Fox did not elaborate. rilla attack withta IS miles west of After 's 18-mtaute suapenskm Uta a radio audience that a Oamocrauc Communteations between these proaches frulUon today with the ele- Piecing together random bits of Shanghai, a truck wras ambushed FLASHES! premier imounted Uw roetnita f a ' revolt bad defeated plaiu of House twro major coastal cities rematatag vation to Its chairmanship of 87- and more than 10 Japanese offleera reply to MonUgny’s sttaclt. to the government were severed yaa- year-old Bdward Reilly Stetttolus. (Uoattaoed on Pag* Bight) and soldiers killed. The CJbtaese cardinal visits po pe to^ y wh»n Insurgents reached Rated by his associates as a mas- Strikers G ?e Bac|[ Plants :e declared that from now. (Uoattaued on Page eight) claimed Japanese burned all tbe vil- *55**: AP*** » -< A r ) —Tbaodero France’s treaeiuy wrould bsve'-te - 2**^“’ ‘®°blng down upon the ter of corporate management ta lages along a ten-mile stretch of OanItaMd-Iiialtser. ardiblsbop of ftad about one blUlon francs (a ' Keditarranean. spite of his comparatively brief ex- road, from Sunkiang to Sseking ta Bot Federal Board Is Call- Machine guns and field artlUexy Vtaua, anivwd by tiabi toalgbt 880,000,000) s week outside perience ta big business, the prema- JAPANESE CHARGES a house to house scarCb for tbe at- troaa Vhmim to ooafer wHh Pm * ources of income. raked the road from Tortoaa. ren- turely gray, but athleUc looking tackers. Kerosene was poured on DIS(»VER STUDENT jwftag uaeleas the last highway link Pha on Uw Bltnstioa la AastrW. ' OssBot OebUbue. Stotttalus succeeds the veteran ta- the houses and they wrere fired in ed In To Settle Dispute. A Vattcan new* servlo* aaid be betwreen Catalonia and the rest of dustrialtot, Myron C. Taylor. order to eliminate poaalbl* hideouts “Neither France nor any oth^^ government Spain, which Includes was aebedaled te _ Bonttlo Stetttaiua. one of the youngest DENIED BY SOVIET of the guerrillas. Oerdliisl PaceUI, Papal aecretery ot country can go on Uka this,*" Madrid and Valeneia. men ever elected to a post of auch Japanese v^llltaty trains operating told tbe deputlee, bis voice etiehlita - HELPLESS n ROOM Generalissimo FYanco's troops - Detroit, April 8—(A P)—The Con tele, toalgbt and that be' Weald be wrlth em otion. importance and responstbUity, haa from Bbangbal to Hangchow are sumets Power (^mpeny exerdaed ®d by the Pope tomerrew. 52J.PrN*rta« to occupy Torton bean chairman of the corporation's now under a spfdal guard, Chinese 'The men wrho are given Uta-^ full oontrol today over Its plants— cruel honor to govern this i finance committee. Foreign Minister LHrinolf aaid. harry G. smith DIRS AdvsM Stz SQks an authority seised previously by can not eonttaue this way, Te^'- Fualyzed And Hatf-Cot- An Insurgant communique an- Tbe prelude to hta election was Chefoo, port of northern Shan- Sbaaghal, A ^ R-(W e«aeeday) enacted at the corporation's annual tung, also was th* scene of bitter CIO union strikers—and metDators getttag party and epsaldng as R i oounced their troops had pushed undertook to clear up loos* ends re- ^^)—The deetk ot Harry a Frenchman 1 say It Is neoeeeety.lR ate mllas to the north, east and s^eholdere' meeting et Hoboken. Dechres No Ross Soldiers guerrilla conflict. Hitherto hidden tetete •» Angelea, Cain, at N. J., yesterday. Chinese units attacked tbe Japan- maining from the strike aetUamenL have a etable government and a flp i' sdois He li Unable Te scvUi of captorad Dertda on the tePtem lover was repaired today etpltaed nation.” Taylor, rotirtag at 64 as an offi- ese garrison at aeveral points. Strikers relinquished poMSasleB teaai Ohaagkiag by Biiittai wgtral aactor of the Chitalan Are Helping The Chinese. of 18 power planU ta ta ^ Micbl. (Brit- fore debate began, tbe RadH- 5S2^ Ctavanunant troops were cial ot “Big Steel” after 11 year* Twro truckloads of Japanese dead lah) News Ageaejrl Leave Bed For Five Oayi. of servtoe. deUvered hta valedictory and wounded wrere brou^t back to gan duet late yeaterday upon ao- eel-Boctallst party—vital element lii '1 SHKlo b* ta| fiffl retreat, presumably ceptlng a compromise which revived teaitti was a pUet su a TTnuiin Blun’s People's Front support ^ telM a lUsMrato stand ta fortlfl- as ebairmaa and tattoducad hla aue- C3iefoo after a Japanese detach- «d*J ^ Haer betweaa Okimgtdag ment made a sortie to tha wrest for four moDths an expired agree- gave its members leave to vote as tens stretentag between Balaguer ceeaor. Seated nest to Stetttaiua at Moacow, April 6—(AP) — Tbe JSf*''*''’ tewpeiery aeata ef they pleased on hla program, iadi- > Hartford, April 5.—(AP>— and Borjaa Blancas, approximately the presiding officer's table and al- Japanese foreign ministry has against tbe guerrillaa. ment wrlth the company, but there tbe Cktaeee geveraateat. Be for- ^ Ctaefoo surrendered peacefully to etui remained for solution the pus- eating a split ta his forces. covered after lying for five day* ta the center of Catalonia. so aymboUztag p>e corporeUon'a Soviet Ruaaia’s official denial that w^y was the pereoaai pilot ef Disetuudon o f the Blum program she la sending nrmy units and o f- the Japanese ta January. Today'a zle presented by three unions' claims peimlyaad and aeml-oonaeloua ta hi* With Insurgents moving north new policy of elemttag Its younger to bargaining rights. UaMreSsatnie Okfaug Kal-Sbek. began with the ChambOT crowded room at Hartford aemtaary fotmda- Id aast from Tortosa and east executlvie, was Bjenjamln F. Fair- ficers to China. attacka were considered part of a general campaign by Chinese mobile This puzzle wras turned over to and all Cabinet rotalstere preesnt. tlon, Theodore Sokoloweky, S3, from Isrids, their two columns leas. 46, reronUy elected president, Foreign Ctomralnsnr Maxim Utvta- ACTOR FOUND DEAD. Foreign exchange and eeeurities’ Ukrainian atudent, today wraa ta a could Join for what might be de- to succeed the veteran; William A. off also asserted that planes and units throughout northeaatern the National Labor Relatione Etoard. Weahtagtoii, April 8.—(AP) — Shantung, in which the Chinese flag an obeerver to ten and a half bours dealings on the Bourse Indicated -h aerieu* condition at Hartford hospi- cWvs battle at these government Irvin. j munitions were supplied to China ta E^l Wadtaoff, 48, night dub an- widespread beUef tbat ParUanwot tal. dMensas about 60 miles west of Setooted By Taylor accordance wrlth International rules again la flying ta most dtle*. Tha of continuous conference unddY tertalaer and character actor, was Barcelona. Japanese bold only the railway Governor Frank Murphy’s guidance wrould reject the Socialist Premisste ADIvtalty atudent who haa been In downtowm bu^eas cirelet It relating to such salea. found shot to death In hla hotel demands and a new governmebt A third column, meanwhile, wras Litvlnoff’s declaration yeaterday lines and moat Important porta. which eventually brought forth the apartment today. Beside him was atudytag in this country for about had long been knowm that Stotttaius agreement. Plants Were returned wrould come into power. The frailB 14 years, Sokolowaky was found by waa a rejection o f an earlier proteat a platol and a note wriitco ta Rus- wraa steady; French goverBnna (Osteinued oe Page twe) . ^ the Japanese ambassador Ma- to company oontrol almost directly. sian. a Janitor Monday. Since Wednesday (Usaueaed ob Page l-wo) Strikers had seized them Friday bonds and moat other Fnncb Isautd night, he bad lain ta hla bed unable woru Shlgemltsu, who warned that wrere firm. Russia must “assume reaponaibUlty night but continued operatlonz to MARKETS AT A OLANC^ te move or call for help. SUGGESTS OIANGES contumera. The premia had predicted bank- At the hospital today, he stIU for the conaMuencea” If aid to New York. AprU 8.— (A P )— China conUnuM^ The Labor Board mtist act on a Stocks—Steady; steels lead slow ruptcy and civil strife unleee radi- vro» unable to talk. A .Jioq^ltal problem of apparently as much Im- cal measures were taiton. Pliyaician 'said that be wtit Mffer- High Tension Nerves / . “Any declaration contradicting upturn. thla fact and Incapable o f verifica- m'AUTO DESIGNS portance aa the demands of the Bonds Strong; seoondary rails ta Blum demanded that the lub»* tag from an embolism, and that utilities workers organizing com- wrarm ChamW of Deputies and ^ while bis Ufe did not seem aulaa- tion could have beea laid only bj I • new rally. < ctretes which already are w « mittee, CIO affUlate, which called hostile 'Senate vote him fuU d< WM__ too ekdy to to o the strike last Friday night to en- powers. . Rightists roacled-at wmether he would recover from Cause o f Heart Trouble known for their sf atemxtlcYhbftte^ ntnttm~tevBied[’ tkms o f all kinds o f tolas report* fle^HHcieTes Many Ac^ fore* a contract renewrml and head Exchange-:- Easy; frane* wrlth the charge that hla program, paralysia. off "wage reductions.” was ”s {dan for a Marxist (Soetsl* Sokolowraky, wrlth moat o f tha Naw wrlth the object of sharpening rala* aUp, of th* ^ I. the tlona lAtwsen Japan and the Soviet Uottea Soft dlqnidatkai, fereiga 1st) dictatorship and revoiutlaa.” . wmtaary student*, left the caamue of (Coronary throm' well knowrn cause, ta men, of eor- (OaoUaned os Page Slz) Political experts socerded tea ' taat wreek te qiend the eBring re- bbate°o**af tha heart trouble‘ of high Uhioh,” Uivtaaff aaaerted. odeots Are Caused Doe seUleg. on^ thromboai*. it may act at Pordga Vehmtsstw premier only a slight Chsmbsr m *' ' oeae. He returned Wednesdiry, how- paoaaur* workers, was reported to first like acute Indigestion and often Jorlty, however, and predletad % ever. several days before the end the American College of nyalcians He aaid arms bavt been suppUed today. la foUowmd by apaams and death. to cailna by other hatioae and that To Lack Of Siste-Lioe. heavy adverse vote ta the Ounssis^ .. and of the boUday. 13*0 dogs wrlth Induced coronary It comee from too much acetyl volunteera from other foreign coun- live upper house, bringing his autor ' r'*«*d Ply Ashitor ttomboaU acted, and died. oxacUy tries are serving to the armed matic resignation. H* wac discovered Monday when chrttae, a d iemlral which the nerves like other dogs which had real cor- String Quartet Prescribed produce to make muscles move forces ot CTitae, and Japan has not New Haven, April 8.—(AP) — The premier’s bUI by wrbldi bs John Zximbardo, a Janitor, unlock- onary ihesaas. protested. hoped to attain sweeping authority ed the door to his room at Hoeraer ylwp U»e “motor center” of the Participants in Connecticut's first brain transmits an Impulse for So It waa concluded that this "Service ta the (Thtaes* anhy of highway safety conference studied contained onljr 80 wrords. It gava hall to take ta clean linen. type ot human heart trouble come* large group* ot military oombatanu For Spider^Bite in 1641 him the right to decree aU meaa* 'The student, clad ta pajamas, was movement. today a suggesUon by Robntae B. from too much nervous strata and from various countries not only wraa Stoeckel of Yale that some seetdents urea “Judged Indispensable to meek . ta bed. It' was believed be had Dogs at the Department of Medi- that the mechanism may be due to cal Reaexreh. University of Toron- not regarded by the Japanese gov- at least might be due to present day the necesslUee of tbe national

...... P4 MANCHiiaiiiiK teVENTTrO HERALD, BCANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, APRIL B, 198S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, C0NN„ TUESDAY. APRIL B, 1981 day to the district court, challeng- PAGB ing the constitutionality of the ex- Thomas N. Cooks, rsal astate btok- WOREERS KILLED propriation decree. Both sides were WILLARD IS CALLED era wrbo represented sellers of land ■MBBOENCT DOCTORS prepared to pursue the case to the to the Commonwealth. % FOUR DIE, 19 HURT ABOUT TOWN WATERWAY IS PART Supreme Court, Mora than 12B persons have ap- raysiclans’ of the Manchester I [shr ine orcus tops "Speciar Winners in Contest CROSS PAYS HONOR IN LABOR RIOTS It was expected the court proceed- peared as witnesses before the J«y^ Medical Association whd will KNOW YOUR AIR MAIL Procession of Elephants ings would progress alongside nego- IN M E R R in PROBE w ^ h WUIls aald might complete ^Plfe Manchester TD club will respond to emergency calls to- By Thomas J. Quish, Postmaster tiations looking to Indemnlllcatlon Its work in two mors areeka. INANEXPLOSIONi meet tomorrow night In the Army morrow afternoon are Dr. D. C. OF m riER^S PLANS The ^ t sight weeks weak was ALL FORMER YEARS Manchester, Conn. TO JEWISH PEOPLE of the companies for selsurs of their w ------and Navy club to Jlscuas uniform 2 llcore, 4867, and Dr. Georg* On New York*s Streets property. The government agreed. ^ climaxed March 18 wbaa the Jury and band for the May National uem- liundberc. ««»! ««>tg* | Sereral Wounded When La- It was learned from an autharitatlve Secretary Of State G. 0. P. returned Its indictments cbarglmr EDITOR’S NOTE: This arUcIe •r"~" conspiracy against Ramp, 8U b^ ventlon In Proeldence. bonder Hamilton of later date) as quarter, that any conversations man and Cooke. Sxty Men Trapped In Grain and subeequent ones to be Postmaster General for toe EngUah- Rashes Work On Cana New Tork, April 6.—(AP)—S k y - ^ lion waa found dead in tU "fuft which company representatlTes had I Show Now At State Armory printed at intervals during toe Amerlcan colonies. This appoint- Goyernor Lands Adney^ ■fofoV\fo*H_KASm^ ** ___ _•_ _ ...______. .. • ^ bor Trooble Breaks Oot; Central Committee Aske( Two additional condemnation ae- A group o f ' IB members of the The iMdles .Ud Boclety of the scraper-bound New Yorkers, who on arrival, ^parently a viettoa with the government regarding In- Manchester Community Flayers Concordia Lutheran church will preparatory period prior to ment was confirmed by the British are prone to point when they see a old age. demnlilcatlaa would not prsiudlce UoM Parkway rights of wav Beritor; One Man Hurled meet tonight at 7:30. Manchester’s observance of toe Joint Postmaster General on April Which WiD Open Passage- their legal rights. were filed late yei■ tCTJUjr in Bupa* saw ’’Calling iSero” as presented oy In Hartford p rid e s In ments OC Race; Qye'His cow, had their hands full tost night The show opeaa the eeaaon Fii*^ Troops Are Called OoL To Testify At The Inqmr] rior Court hers by Highway the aiaatcQbury Players last night “FIRST NA-nONAL AIR 4,jl692. Settied Other Strikes Com- Threogfa An Open Windowi MAIL WEEK" are being 'mm- Neale immediately set out to es- aa a proceaaiqn of elephants, cam- day night with a memorial parfon*-*) President Cardenas had hoped mlsaioaer John A. M ac^ald . Memtera of the Alpina society are' tablish to post roads, post offices way To The Black Sea. ance for Dexter Fellows, to* gsaiat' On account of the concert at High at 7 o’clock BrOEance And Comedy. pUed by Postmaster ()uisb for Name To Scholarship. els and sebraa moypd nonchalantly ■ tta le o ’ caty, April S.—(AP)—Re- strife between the CTM and the the benefit of any High School .and rates of postage. These rates through Manhattan's canyona be-moustacbed. be-derbied. ba<*^^: older CROM was ended with the Bridgeport, April B—(AP) —The school hall tonight, sponsored by the X 19* Norman naturally differed throughout toe caned, be-dgared and inteniatkm -' * MNrt] of hocUllUeg between the New Orleans, April b —(AP)_AI Teachers’ club, the Professional stTML From there they wUl pro- students who contemplate con- The caravan marked toe arrival ally renowned dreua praoa ogeBt' Orizaba peace pact last January. Merritt Parkway Orand Jury r«- CATALONIA CUT OFF v ed to the home of Mrs. Anthony tributing essays in the State coloniea. The first post office estab. By DEWITT MACKENZIE of spring and toe circus: tha ani- OOBtodemtion of Mexican Workers Where the Labor Department and sumlng its hearings sfter a two- thuadarous blast which sent a whits Women will meet at O nter church By Herald Staff Writw Ilsbed in toe United States was at New York, April 5.—When his- Hartford, April 4—(AP)—Gov. who died last year. Proraeda of the «3tOM) added to the rovemment'e hot absst s . ” * tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. Mrs. pay their and National contests. mals were on a five-mile trek from show will go to hto widow, MrSb’ courts had failed, be succeeded la weeks recess, today called Clarence last tribuU of raspect and to rapeat year’s Shrine <3rcvs which toe home of Richard Falrbonka, in tory finally appraises Adolf Hitler’s Wilbur L. Ooas left with the Jew- Bronx railroad yards to Modtoon woRiee today aa it prepared for a restoring peach to strife-tom Ort- Boston, Mass., "for ail letters which Signs FeUows of New Britata, •oo» lerai light over the expropri* Q. Willard of New Haven, secretary FROM REST OF SPAIN ***• Of'ekM I street will give a talk and show trie- the ro*anr. r o * ^ . The society wUl W d opoied tn the State armoty tn Hart. rJw the preparation of any eosay, regime it may easily record that ho lah people today a thought that fu- Square Garden. (They don’t let ’em zaba, Vera Cruz, where 30 or more of the Republican State Central ^?t*Wr it deals, with aubjects hls- are brought from beyond toe seas or could have done few thlngr contrib- got off at Grand C ^tral any more.) Conn., who wiU be gueot ot bonor. ated ou industry. workers died and more than 100 tsmn^o**^*** yesterday of-1 turea o ' her trip to Alaska. 5he at 7?80*llt yesterday and continue*. are to be sent thither." The letters ture generations would wonder Stealing the’ opo^ht thto year Taw workmen were killed and committee, and his wife beforu it. lioeteaaea wlU be Miss Beulah Todd phlldsopblc or even phi'a- uting more to the might of Ger- Despite the tndormallty of toe were injured in bloody clashes be- The Willards took turns In appear- BY REBELS’ ADVANCE N o^iSi I this week * 3 were left at Mr. Fairbanks’ home many then bring to fruition the that “there ever extotod a civUtoed to Gargantua the Great, tha mMeo- atwaral persons wounded, including tween the rival organlzationa. 19 others. and Mtsa Dorothy Orterson. passes In practically every branob (to approach nearer the sub- with toe donations, one might call nation in which the government parade, lacking *, calliope and olent ^foot-6 gorilla billed oa tha two sellers, in a half-hour gun bat- ing as witnesses shortly after noon, in all 60 men were trapped by ___ ject at hand): or treatises on medi- thousand-year-old German dream could find no place for toe very other essentials, thousands of chil- The struggle for control of Ori- Mrs. Willard preceding her husband. (Osatlaaed from Paga Oaa) them, from the senders, until there of a navigable waterway through largest ever seen on tola continent. tle yesterday at Acapulco. A score zaba’s textile industry over a period plosion nnd fira which foUow-1 Mra. CUrenca Johnson «f 88 8un- rf^toe’! **•£?*’* chapUr, Daughters j ous offSng S artl cine or religion, It is well for the was enough money deposited grealeat men in aclence, art and dren jammed sidewalks along toe He travel* in a special 38-fbot ; of perocms were arrested. Among others on hand at the student to get an historical outline toe heart of Europe. literature." • line of march to gaze with the same moving south from the 'IY>rtosa sec- set strM t whose birthday occurred would pay toe expenses uid a nom- Hitler’s dictatorship has provid- alr-conditloned cage ^wagon and in>e battle between the two unions Andrew Rsi^h I Sunday, was tendered n surprise and background firmly in bis mind inal salary for the mail messenger. The chief executive, honored a t a juvefille awe that greets "the big doesn’t Uk* anybody. " started over the right to unload a tatermitt^ntly^ " operaU only | mlMionel- John A. Macdonald.. Elmer tor, towards Castellon de la Plana. so that he can give full'play to nls ed such a rapid succession of epoch- dinner Sunday night by Qinnecticut C. Weiden of West Hartford. Depu- 37 miles north of Valencia. These vw Wt yesterday afternoon by S2 of Then and not until then, would toe al events that it Is hard for the out- show” in Bangor, Me., or Salt LAke cargo of building materials from By the President's intervention friends, among them being knowledge of the subject at hand letters be started on their way. Miss M argi^t Rufflnl (left) and Miss Gladys Belluccl (right) were Jewish commimltles, referred to the aty. the Oerman ship Wesaer. ty Highway Commissioner, and Ray- troops occupied Morelia and moved Arthur E. DeFraltee. 80, Federal eight members of her bridge olu * side world to recognize another toe winners of the special prizes awarded last week in the "Personality the Mlrsfuentes contract went to mond H. Johnson of Manchester, forward on the road to San Matea and bis Imagination. Finally draw- To skip lightly over these colonial exputolon or arrest of Jews by Hit- The circus spirit even brought ObMhs VMerai troops Interrened and CROM, the Cocoloapan contract ffrala inspector. They brought with them n supply 6f ing hls conclusions from the experi- milestone in anything so prosaic as ^ ‘"5. “ P'tfcted in conjuncUon with the Red Men-Guiseppe ler. forth a time-honored gag—the en- former assistant attorney general Armies commanded by Generals Joseph L. Helwlek. B7. New Or* j'eara one might point out that with- a waterway. patrolled the streets after the town CTM. both unions signed a pact and a prominent Reptibllcan. dainty sandwiches, cakd and oooklea, ence of the past he can plot a true in a little time Neale bad estab- Garibaldi society bazMr which will be held at the State Armory the He mentioned in hie addreaa such tourage had hardly gotten under COLDS had been terrorised by the out- *Won-aggression", apd operation Solchaga and Moscardo occupied the leans Board of Trade inspector. which were served with coffee. Mrs. 5.?£ chart of the possibilities of the fu- lished moll routes between Fal Still, there is vast importance' in entire week commencing April 25. These special prizes are awarded name* as Prof. Albert Elnatetln, way when they started bandying break, one ef a number of Ten baiA employes from various whole right bank of the Noguera George Herrie, 80, grain spout S-a the announcement that work is to time to tlm* during the contest to the girls showing the most p i^ such the mills was resumed. Fairfield county communities, all Johnson received a beautiful hkce ture. mouth, Maine, and Savannah, Thomas Mann, the novelist, and Dr. toe story about the drunk who hap- claahes In the last taw years. RIbagorzana river, north of Lerida, operator. table cloth from her friends, flowers I every performance this week. Start- This is especially true in the mat- be rushed on the canal which will grass during a certMn period and have no effect whatever on the grand Sigmund Freud, toe psychologist. under subpoena, appeared before pushing their advance towards Georgia. The rates of postage were pened by and doaned back into a FEVER I0 p. m., except It will give her the materials ahe which is gaining rapidly in sales such a meeUng olnce it waa here Monzani, who said he was interest- C^ptahi SpiUer’s trained seal* ara seem that a abort, condensed his- needs to make her Independent of torough the country, depicts ningham vested control of the im- that Thomaa Hooker, 300 years ago, Sqving A ccount w IJ ; ff"','-,.®' Bra Herbert ed owina- tn fha T_Z------I St*wIoTd Trust Ck>mpairy, C. F. Insurgent General Juan Tague’t tory of the carrying of mail from Sundays emd holidays, arriidng at JJIJsJjtil •l*b to thank their many PCrtorm in New irork. (Newark Landing Field) other powers. the latest and newest styles for portant police and lights commit- preached toe fundamentato of de- frirade and nelchbora for klndnaei stafotr-S.^., I National troops, moving into the city, made The study group of the Manches- the time antedating Christianity up both young and older men. tee and the public works group of J f f ehown to them durlnx Bank of New Canaan, George H quick work of government snipers this vldnlty. Count Eraeato Wla- at 2:50 p. m. It will be of Invaluable assistance mocracy and the right to worship or a profitable investment we recommend ter Green Community club will hold weil and bis trick automobU* con- to toe present would serve the pur- Of Local Interest to her In extending her economic Glenney’s are established cloth- toe common council in Democrats aa a man pleases. inuMi -----L ' J . " -----I Stamford Savlnge Bank, who remained after Sunday’s aav- *4,^,000l4^0*C>rMd*^’b^tl u d boasting k dust-Col- Of sonevangeUsU^plSform Hammond, attended a nerfori^ pose of placing the contestants in o' the Greenwich age, hand-to-hand fighting. Green I tribute laughs galore a* VwUme This particular flight should tn- and political dominance in the Bal- iers in this .community and enjoy a at a special meeting of that organi- the following: mtker. Alao wleh to Atend thanki the nel^borhood of flO.OUU Tyuat Company, Theodore P. Platt After they retreated acrom the the cfeiS2!t of ance Of "Snow White and t S Seven TChool tomorrow night at 8 o’clock, o ' Clown riders. The hlrh- the proper mood fop writing an es- tereM Manchester patrons since the kans. large patronage that extends to zation. for tko miny beautiful floral tributea toe cleMest g ^ elev^Jora in the Dwarfs" at the State theater and Connecticut wire acts ara exceptionally goodud say on "Wings Over America.” many surrounding towns. Si Jr**® 'tom Manebea- With wme ot the personal property of the First National Bank of Segre river, the government forces 11:(K) a. m. mall from Manchester, Take one item alone—though Hartford—Scarlet fever showed Oranee. and th®ae who donated covered by insurance. Bridgeport. John Leonard of the w rld, suffered comparatively little enjoyed toe synchronized sound ef- Tho earliest records that man has Conn., going through the Hartford. moat Important one—that of toe It is said that men's hats never lat—The purchase of any number of cafs. dynamited a bridge spanning the fecta.’ Mr. Hale U ’N u t r i t i o n " an Increase in the ytate during toe “1 Don’t Forget Meanwhile the names of five mem- First Federal Savings and Loan stream. now 78 I years by (^sfleo swinging by his teeth now at hls disposal ascribe toe Conn., postoffice connects with wheat for lack of which Germany change but each season and each last week a health department sur- installment sharea at one dollar each ■orhart K. MItehall and Famliy. Mrs of one family rescued from the Association of Norwalk, Eugene Lerida, ancient Industrial center McKay said the plant would re- high up among the arroor/a r«ft- "postal invention” to the Persian FUght No. 17 at Rentschier Field, went hungry during the World War. year small subtile changes are made aume operaUon by toe end of toe Bilk City Tent.Hlv* of to* Mae- | ers. King Ciyrua when messages were so. that style-conscious men can vey disclosed. There were 143 cases that require monthly payments of CAKU UK raANKS b tin ^ g three-atory building on Levesque of the MerchaiiU Bonk and key city In the advance on ^ r - Ehwt Hartford, Conn., at 1:58 p. m. The Danublan states grow more of during that period and only 117 toe Fadier one dollar per month per share; Sandland place Sunday night re-J Trust Ck>mpany of Norwalk, celona, escaped heavy property woek. All Rebekahs who have books of cabeea will meet tomorrow night in A act Is another written on bricks. The method of Getting back to Postal history, we this grain than any of the so-called keep in step with fashion. Adam preceding week. »l»b to ezprees our steeere dp- Describee Bzploeloii tickets on toe painting by the late the Moose hall on Bralnard place. feature of the big show and some effecting communication between hats keep in tune with the times pfWtatioii for the many Idndnessee malned on the danger Hat in St. | Seymour Curtis of the Fairfield damage. Casualties among clvlllana find that intermittent and confused big wheat countries, barring the Hartford—Internal Revenue col- Mary’s, hospital. County Savings Bank of Norwalk apparently were few as most of the Robert Kincaid, 34. who was with Hutchison, are requested Tho women members* are urgea to unexpected comedy develops when persona and groups at that time was service was given toe colonists and United States. with smart, up-to-the-minute hats. Jolm's 2nd—^The purchase of single payment NMlIa Bokla Wo are deeply thankful a group of fellow workers on the ^ niake returns of tickets sold not attend and to furnish aandwiimes or the skaters take a few youngsters simply the carrying of the bricks by AU the latest style notes and colors lections in March were 321,677,- shares for which yon pay one hun- These were George Dupleaais, S3, Raymond H. Sturdevant of the Inhabitants had evacuated before that Dr. Brajamin FrankUn, toe A lot of experts were amazed tn 010.67, a total of 32,560,392.79 high- for the aympathy and help given ua and bis four chllaren, Paulina, Fer-^ South Norwalk Trust Ckimpany. the fighting started. fourth floor level of the nine-story ■»“ ' GJon Thursday, to Mrs. Emma cake. Coffee wUI be furnished and for a ride." Still more comedy whatever ancient methods of trans- well-known “Poor Richard” of al- 1933 when toe. world wheat confer- ara fashioned into these hats for dred dollars each with no further her deatk' ®‘ **'• *""• ®' Some civilians who remained towef when the blast occurred, said “ “P'® street. Mrs. Hutchl- there will be a door prize. combined with great skill 1* the portation there were at that time, manac fame, was a deputy Postmas- spring. With Easter near at hand er than the same month a year ago Medi oDe dinand, Clements and Jean. All were Member Short, ence in London told toe story of the the announcement of the agency in Connecticut . when the figure payments required. Osorge Bokia and fcha overcome by smoke. Another I_J!*** members. hung out hastily improvised red and It was "like thunder way off, but I '*** picture, waa act of the four French sailors, who short hauls being carried by mes- ter General under the British crown production in toe Danublan terri- gold banners, emblem of Franco’s kept getUng louder. We saw man- the wife of Grand Secretary william The Catholic Ladles of Colum-, tumble about as though without a sengers on foot, longer hauls by from 1753 until 1774 when he was here will be welcome news to many reached 319.116.617.98. Collector For Coldi F am il"^ **ta Jamea F. Murphy and tory. The so-called big four in men. Dividends are added to both of t^o regime. hole covers which cap the upper S. Hutchison of the Odd Fellows, bus, (Mothers’ Circle), will moet in bone In their bodies. boat and camel. ousted because of hls sympathy for wheat, production are toe United Thomas 3. Smith reported. Debris littering the streeU and shafts of the big bins, hopping up and was a former noble grand of the home of Mrs. L. J. Kenny at 40 the colonists. However, toe Revolu- This hat must be seen to appre- above semi annually and during the Came the time when civtllzatlon States, Canada, the Argentine and ciate the quality at so reasonable a aid Bo^r* broken windows gave evidence of and down like rubber baUs. Sunset Rebekah lodg^e. ^ g erto n street tomorrow night at because sfter last night’s perform- had progretser a little and messages tionary War soon swept every ves- Australia. 'TROOP B WINS TROPBY forty-seven years we have been oper- fighting which preceded the fall of ® , »P'e there’8 be a greater demSd tige of RoyM power out of the price. -*■ ating we have never declared less "We knew what it was then. We were written on the papyrus, a form But Hungary, Rumania. Yugo- The firm Is now shqwing a com- Biddiig” Jury. which had been re- the town, but moet of the bodlee of Rev. WliUam T. Wallace of the . , . —^ than ever for seats the rest of tho of writing material brought forth colonies and Franklin was again slavia and Bulgaria together have Hartford, April 5—(AP)—Troop than four per cent dividends. ~ headquar-1 cessed for two weeks to permit those killed Sunday were removed in ^‘1'' '*P'*cements of seeUona week. ReswwaUons may be called to be the first Postmaster fiete line of Adam hats and passers- MAHIEU'S t®rs coaap&ny, Alto a iniokA vlcUn, the night. Ijm-pouzS*mShoto’’cwera^were^wt! j by the Egyptian), soon to spread been growing some 300,000,(X)0 ly on Main street are pausing to B, noth Cavalry, Connecticut Na- State's Attorney *“ ------Lorin W. Willis bitumlnou Mvements here- will by phoning Hartford 7-7164 Gat in over the then kiiowr civilized world, General under the Continental Con- bushels of wheat annually. This is tional Guard, today was notified it 'f Series 80 matured In February at which tlroa wa paid |31S,000.09 WAA reported aa *'more coihfortAble.' to review nearly 4.000 pages of tes- be recelv^ by the stat* highway de- eirty and watoh^toe cIowSs' . P t L , gress. In 1776 however, when be Inspect the attractive display in OaoOERT l^on J. FiAhAr» AtlU anothei Amoke which included the dying Grecian half the American crop, and more one of the Glenney’s show windows. had won the national trophy, pre- stoEm’ nt'aharae!'**’' yeara ago ateited aavlag by purchaaing in- timony, was short one member ow- announced make merry with the damsels mush waa sent' to France with toe powers than is grown by any of the others sented by the United States for ex- 183 SpruM St. WAA llAltd AA "much improv- ing to the Illness of former Mayor I^ ^^hter, Judith Hurlbm, was t ^ y Besiks work in Manches- to toe state, the semi-comatose Egyptian of an American plenipotentiary, he •d." Calvin L. Bal-ton of Norwalk, who. RECAU BUCKIAND FIRE born last week to Mr. and Mm. Oor. ter, there will be construction In 18 their ascorts. dynasties and toe great Roman Em- of the big four. cellence In target practice. Wa have received several appUcatloaa (or loana on naw homes or more other town*, of which East pire, Boon to reach Its bighoat resigned and left the office to jils The mighty Danube will open up The award was also won by Troop Fancy Aiaakm Red It was reported, probably would be STETTINIUS HEADS don W. Bryant, of 178 West street. son-in-law, one Richard Bache. TOIb about to be buUt, also (or remodeling, and aa far aa wa a n ywie BrftlntrM. Mam. Mri. Bryant la the Hartford is the nearesL grandeur. a lot of territory for Germany. It N.Y. TAXICAB RACKET B two yeara ago. The present we win grant such loana In ordar of raeelpt of appUcatlona. Salmon, * gaew unable to return to duty for two OCCURRED 4 0 YRS. AGO Richard was later discharged from trophy waa given to Troop B for IU weeks. Deputy Commlssloi-er Strange to say the Roman Empire the government service on account flows from Germany across Aus- F* E. BR A Y tall c a n ...... ZoC of Welfare Robert J. Smith and It Is nearly dog licensing time. PUBLIC RECORDS established in the city of Rome a tria, along part of toe Czehboslo- merit raUng of 76.16. Capt. Rich- JEWELER The cost of obtaining a loan from ns to vary aaeaU. MEN LOVE ^ o r i l ^ The state's attorney aald, how- STEEL C0RP0RAH0N Another tax fee, but most dog own- of complaints against the service MADE N HU O N DOLLARS ard Henderson of Wethersfield Is ever, It would be legal to proceed Mra. Smith of Rlwood street Executrix’s Deed very fine system of “city-delivery" and then Ebenezar Hazzard waa vakian border, through Hungary, Stote Theater BniMinr Stop In and obtain such Information oa you may require os to ' Shredded Ralgton In Planninff North End Depart- ers feel that Fido or Rex is worth of mall matter. Naturally with toe across a comer of Yugoslavia, along commander. The trophy will be re- GIRLS WITH P t f * with a 17-man Investigating corps. toe charge and make no kick—or Sarah E. Ckx>ke, executrix of the named Postmaster General and Ulned by toe unit for one year. 737 Main Street eithern.— a- oaving account,------singla------payment------S arasw ^ obtatalHg • 2 pkffB. Z O C Since the special Inquiry group ment’s Anniversary Old (Oonttnned from Pag* One) Manchester friends will regret to e ^ t e of the late WliUam P. Cooke title of “Roman citizen", hol*mg its from nls Incumbency, the re-organ- toe Rumanian-Bulgarian border and mortgage loan. , '- hear of the death of Frank Helr- just a little one. through Rumania to the Black Sea. New York, April 5—(AP)—Three The "SUte Figure of Merit began their delll^ratloni on Jan. Timers Recount Earlier , • a transferred to John excellent prestige until the vandals ization he effected to make the Post Shield', presented by the stote of Evaporated SB it has Indicated three perions— Rlazc.<4. was slated to succeed Tavlor as the ! engt. wbicli occurred ^ yesterday „ S. White of this town, land of the and the GoUis made a mockery ot Office Department an Integra] unit Sixty navigable streams join it more men. accused of operating a A new eerie* opens In April, so If taitereated In to* purohass of MT»ratlon’s ranking officer. He morning at his home In East H i^ o The Stamp Collectors’ Club of from toe north and south. Connecticut for the highest figure Btorea of either type )rott ^ould ooon be giving the matter your Milk. G Leroy Kemp, former state land Manchester held Its regular meeting estate of the deceased lying In Ver- any such dlsUnctlon, one can well of governmental service has been mlllion-dollar taxicab shakedown W a tch and Je w elry WBrt |i^ aloRf »bo Mf m t J l o t p o o , agent: Samuel H, Silberman, and •'Imsolf, ac- 'on. Mr. Helrengt was proprietor Control of this waterway and of racket masked as a labor union, of merit attained by toe regiments ottMtlon* * 8 tall cans For thrM e«ii«rBtionB or« womaa Am told with members of the Manchester last night at the Hotel Sheridan imagine that the fortunate patrons one of progress. o ' ‘ '•tUlery-and Infantry In small 19c fire department working on plans ° common report, when toe | ° ' '•'« Pocotopaug House In that "ffo' 'and lo- of this Roman city delivery system In 1794 toe United SUtes Post the Balkans would make Germany were fugitives today from toe anti- *? **'">»zli" with chairman first gave thought to re- place. The former Miss Eva Jaiwl* with 46 members presenL Clarence cated in the north eastern corner of virtually Invulnerable In war, ao rackets crusade of District Attor- arms firing, 1^ been awarded to . Repairing A t Grapefruit Juice J3” J-.ri»ld>»“ • V«s»Uhi» Coaipoiiaa. It for the observance of the .fiftieth an- tirement. Bldwell, Stanley Kaskey and Ken- t l « town, according to an execu- included only the better class of Office Department was finally start- the 169th Infantry Regiment, , toav VP tM mt«a, thw tawto- niversary of the founding of toe de- of Manchester was married to Us ed, although the Postmaster Gen- far as supplies are concerned. ney Thomas E. Dewey. 8 No. 2 cans "i ^ fP y '’*** (>•■ SliSartlaml di» Stettinlus bad the advantage of oldest son two years ago. , neth Lealie were named a* * com- trix’s deed recorded today by Town Roman citizens. During the World War toe Dan- With usual swiftneM and secrecy, whose figure of merit waa 45.40. 23c 'fP vhlch wonn must sadurs. partment many are reminiscing mittee to investigate the securing ot Clerk Samuel J. Turklngton. The Made Government Ser>1oe eral was not a member of toe Oibl- Reasonable Prices about fires that took place in Man high social and business back- u ^ waa of great military impor- Dewey and hls staff obtained indict- T h e M anchester Building Premium Flakes, ground when he started with Gen- books of stamps on approval from parcel of land in Manchester is esti- From this point on, history is net until Andrew Jackson's time In telnce, and might be again. Ger- ments against five men lost Thurs- SHIRTS chcAter In past years. E. Hood Circle of the United Stamp Society, in ex- mated at about 3 acres in extenL rather vague aa to Uk operations 1829, and through toe yeara auc- A resident, of Buckland recalled ’ shortly after his iang* Daughters will meet tonight cesslve improvements and duties many proposes to reorganize her day, charging' extortion on 50 17c from the University of at 7:30 at the home of Miss Marv change for local approval sheets. Consideration for the entire deA is 'of the postal acUvitlea Suffice it to Danublan naval forces. counts. step In and See One of Man- today that It waa 40 years ago Sun- An auction of various Issues netted indicated at 33,000. ^ say that It was carried on by private were assigned: to toe system. To & Loan Associatio n, Inc. ste w ed Prune!', day that toe general store and post- Virginia In 1928, but his associates McNeill, 880 Center street. ' Throughout toe last War toe One or more of the five, Dewey ehester’a Lanreat Selectlona 955 Mela Street 2 tan cans .., Laundered have asserted that hla climb to 318. B.L.G. Hohenthal won the Vital Stetlstlea | hands to a great extent until in 1591 enumerate: armies of Central Europe fought said, were former lieutenants of of Greetinff Carda for AO office In Buckland which had been drawing both for toe regular pool During March there were 33 ' Queen Elizabeth of Elnglanu, by a In 1847 stampii were first printed Operated Under Lioeal Masageoaaet i 17c purchased but three dajrs before by eminence was cue to his ability. Luther Leaguers of the Emanuel of 1,600 stamps, and aleo for back and forth across toe Danube. Charles "Lucky" Luciano, convicted Ocowiona. un. KeUogg** Com ■5T BENDIX Stettinlus, a iwitive of (Thicago. Lutheran church wlU visit Portlsnd deaths, 3 marriages and 14 birtha royal decree made “foreign" letter and put out for sale at the different In August of 1916, Austrian moni- vice lord now serving a 35-year Tho Snoeesaor to the Richard J. Maloney waa destroyed special 3.000 alaramp pool donated by post offices. by fire'. Mr. Maloney, who bad been won his first executive job with tonight, lesvlng the local church t David Austin. R was announced today by the carrying a government monopoly, tors bombarded Rumanian towns. prison sentence. Washing Machine General Motors in 1926 when be 7:15 o'clock. The local League wlU Town Clerk. Of the 14 births 8 and note well this point, that from In 1853, the Registry system was Two dependants were In custody 7c employed as a clerk in toe store for Iraugurated to give more protection The following yeai toe river waa several years, purchased the busi- was appointed asslstsmt to the vlc*- present a Lenten program. were first bora children. then on to this day the carrymg ot the scene of great troop move when the indictments were returara. Fancy Cut Red The decorations committee of the to valuable papers and ' currency Samuel Smith, 35, former general WASHES — RINSES ness from Herbert Keeney and took prealdent. Four years later he was Armistice Day celebration will meet mail of any ctasa, foreign or domes- ments. _Beet8jJgj^^can naroM assistant to President Alfred Members of SL Bridget’s Holy Butterflies fold their wings high tic, has been a government monoo- sent through toe malls. The Rhine U at present the most organizer of the Independent Taxi- 10c DAMP-DRIES it over on April 1. On April 8 a fire at toe Army and Navy club tonight In 1863 the Railway MaU Service Bleaching destroyed the building and lU con P. Sloan, Jr. After that he waa pro- Name Society will meet In the b m - at 8 o'clock. over their backs when at resL ly. In 1636 a man by toe name of Important river commercially In cab Union, and Joseph Troue, 40, AUTOMATICALLY tents and Mr. Maloney had no In. moted to vice-presidency in charge ment of toe church after devoUon* while moths fold theirs dpwn flaL 'fhomaa Withering, who history tells was started to give added speed to Europe, though Germany’s new set- described as strongarm man for toe JW *terj_^jlon 'Surance on hla stoJk or fixtures. of Industrial and public relations. Wednesday svenlng and they wUl us, became fed up with’ tow mall toe transportation at mails.' up on the Danube may change that. union, were held in 326,000 bail Comfort 10c In 1863 dty delivery servl^ was each. Liquid Bluing, It waa only last week that mem He quit General Motors in 1934 proceed in a body to the home of service given the people of London, Many big industrial cities lie along KEMP’ S, Inc. bers of the Manchester fire depart- to become vice-chairman of the toe late John Benevento .to recite FINE MUSIC PROGRAM concocte<) s system of delivery and first operate In New York caty. toe Rhine and its tributaries. Daniel Klein, an alleged collector lOc bottle Perfectly nance committee of U, 8. Steel. the Rosary. { In 1864 money orders were first for the combine, waa held In 35,000 Discov- 781 Mala Street ment went to Buckland dnd fought coUectlona of mail tn toe city ot The Rhine la, of course, a favor- bail as a material writnesa. And That Applies To Every- a fire that rssulteu in the loat of two 1936 he was elected chairman of toe London. used to fadUtate primarily the ex- ite with American tourists not only garages and a barn, but tbs depart- committee. • An sight-pound son was born this FOR SOUTH C p t C f l HEN STATR And stranger stUl, toe rates set change of money between the Union because at the beauty of the scen- Named among the missing was ery for thihR You Send To This ment saved three houses that were Joins Steel Corporation morning at the Memorial hospital MANCHESTER mSM forth by Withering for the delivery soldiers and todr foUu at'home. ery but because of toe picturesque John Flrone, alias Matty Brown, an Modern Laundry. endangered in that fire. Ite came to toe Steel O>rporatlon to Mr. and Mra. Thomas F. Kell.y of letterk within the city limits of In 1874 post c a r^ were first ruined castles and fortifications. ex-convict with a 30-year record Active This date brought to mind to _ a* Taylor waa formulating his far. todav and tomorrow aancUoned by toe U. 8. Post Office of eight arrests. While Troue has • • • of 24 Drescher Road. It Is their Friendship Gub Has Open London, England, waa one penny, There are lovely atretebes along toe no record. Smith served a six-month resident of toe n o ^ end that it was reaching plans for debt retirement ^ r d son. Mr. Kelley is a .member our money two cents, the same rate DepartmenL Danube, too, and It passes through on April 3, 1922 that a joint ban- and almpllflcatlon f financial atruc Meeting With Promisinj; In 1896 the rural free deUvery term last year upon conviction of Feet 24 Hour Service of the Manchester High school of postage as is used today for de- many Interesting cities. ron^iracy and coercion at Mlneola, 5 M ARKET B ASKETS FREE! • • • quet of toe members of the Man- ture, modernisation and more Com' faculty and coach of football and Artists As Entertainers. lOIBURnSJRCKMKIE livery of local mall niatter here In service was started. Manchester’s *•” "* M-09 Apiece! . chester and South HanchfeaUr fir* plete integration of plants and baseball Manchester. first rural route was opened in 1901. The Dead Sea U 1,300 feet below department was held in Chanty equ^menl. and reorganisation . of In 1910 toe Postal Savings sys- ea IpveL T^e five men Indicted are accused THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 8 P. M. A fine program of Instrumental However, at that time It was the of levying 3ijx)0 a week on the Reasonable Prices Hail. At that time there was (.n* of personnel. ^ T O r i a l Lodge. No. 88. Knights tem waa authorized by Congreao. • • • departmenUl conaoltdatlon. but and vocal aelectlona waa preaented custom for the addressee to pay for TTie last named objective commit- of Pythias, will be host to the visit- by some ot the state'a moet promie- the postage upon receipt of toe same In 1918 the Parcel Post system that is further apart today, it ap- ted toe corporation to a close___ __ in- ing lodges In toe second district, st was started with 11 pounds weight Expert pears, than was the case IB years spection of it* more y o u th ^ exec- iDF arilete at the open nirht meet* In cash, and Louia XIV of France toe^dlstrlct meeUng to be held in Ing...... of the Men's Friendship hip club of waa the first to propose the printing Umlt for aU tones. Today the ago. It was toe first and' last joint to determine their qualifies- Liberty hail, Golway street tomor- wdght Unfit Is -70 pounds fop all Workmanship banquet held by toe two depar- t#ma for higher places in the men- toe South Methodist church last of postage at^ps. I say that it waa aonea. T O N IG H T A T 8 O 'CLO C K AIR-TRED ments. Previously on September row night at 8 o’clock sharp. The night in toe church pulors. Antoni Louis XIV, aa history so statas, but Rnhlnon Building You owe it to youraelf to agemenL Stettinlus, it has been meeting is open to the public. Luko, violinist of the Hartford and On May IB, 1918 tha first sir iwii 17, 1921 toe two departments had related, v~as marked'at toe outset perhaps it was some "forgonen low flown on regular schedule tn the 80-Piec« ...... ADDRE.SS give us a trial! joined in a flremen’a muster held in for promotion. New Britain Symphony Orchestras CLAIRE government official” who had first town. . Rev. Earl E. Story and Rev. W. and Salvatore Randazso, promislnr TREVOR la United States was .between Wash- SHOES 1 Although given executive poets conceived the Idea but Louis XIV ington. D. C, and New York City. Hartford Symphony Orchestra D. Woodward attended an all-day young Hartford tenor presented " DOH^ waa given credit down throughout Answer the cal! of active which implied a centering of Intor- sesaion of the Epworth League classical selections accompanied by BROAOWAV* In April *1937 toe <3fina Clipper Jacqoes Gordon, Conductor Many young m a^ed people and others who know the value and eat on toe corporation’e finances, Nutmeg TraU etrculL In East Hart- Miss Ann Strickland, Manchester the ages for iL Such tolngc have Inaugurated toe Trans-Padfle Serv- days in Air-Tred Shoe.s that Stettinlus was known to hsvs 'play- ford yesterday. DISHES TO THE LADIEsl been known to happen, aiid not too ice. UNIT OF WPA FEDERAL MUSIC PROJECT New System pIsnisL Miss Strickland opened the .Joiiff Itnce in lines industruU and Sponsors: A^chester Teachers’ Clnb. Kive exhilarating pep. Styled ed an important part tn iU indus- program with a weU executed piano Tto Trane-AtlanUc air maU eerv -for. beauty, hut built, for efficiency of a chetbidng account but who felt they could not afford RU M M AGE SA LE trial and public relationa. Mary BushneU Cheney auxlUaryi aolo. Prelude No. 3 by Chamlnade. mercantile. Iqe which to expected to cut down THURSDAT. • a . M. en He is tall and well built.'^la al- United Spanish War Vsterana, Will "The World Is Mine Tonight" by In the meantime other nations the maU aerviee between to* u' ' ^ ^ ^hchiester foot-freedom, they bring one have acclaimed Standard American 1007 MAIN STREET ^ s t white hair crowning hla youth* meet tomorrow night in toe Stote Porford waa acceptably rendered by were carrying on postal faculties of ed Statee and England from new verve and joy with e a ^ I one sort or another. The Spaniards Harrison SL Phone 3753 Women’s Home and Foreign fill face, makes him an Impressive Armory. A fuU attendance is re- Mr. Randaaxo,. also "Becauae" by TMOW AND THURS. daira to 24 hours to not far as High School A uditorium light air-cushion^ step. Missionary Societies, idoklitg figure. He cnjoirs the rspu- quested as dslegstea trill be chosen D’Hardelot, and “One Alons" foam found, when they first went into This coming summer wiU see ______Tickets: 75 cents. I Socyelopedli S. M. E. Church, tstion of being one of the handsom- for tbs department convention. ’*!%* Deasrt Song." Although just THE NEW Mexico somewhere in the 1500s that preparatory "teat tripe" made -v est executives in big busineas. The W - recovered from a throat ailmenL his the natives there bad an extremely bring this service Into fuU realtoa- iats O. O. McIntyre, newspaper col- p e Women’s League for Service offerings showed fine tone - place- efficient method of carrying com- Uon. PEG is t r Vohae-t-Wsek uninlat, referred 4o ,iim *om* w*^ meet tomorrow afternoon at % ment with exeeUent timbre and dic- munications between different I other business top-notchers a* hav- tion. CIRCLE points. The Mexicans ,hsd' men SPECIAL CONCESSION o'clock at the Second Oongrega- trained to run st full spieed certain (Tomorrow Poetmaster Quish will TRADE MARK ing all the necessary masculine pul- tional church. A food sale wiU be Mendelssohn's "Andante" from ANOTHER GREAT~ trace the history of toe Air MaU UNCHECK ^ COUPON chritude tor Hollywood romantic to* “Ooncerto in E Minor” waa *x- diatancea In relays, so fast tost they I rolea. beld In connection with the meet- PROVEN ’ '^uld out-distance toe fastest horses service la the United Stote* from ALL BIDDERS ing In charge of Mrs. L. J. Tuttle. presotvely interpreted on the violin the time maU was first flown (with Bve He la a son of the late Edward R. by Mr. Luko. who brought out Its PICTURE any long stage, carrying mea- •oeaecdtivety nnm- On (he Houses I^Tilch I-Rn. To Construct Are Asked To Ststtlnlua, who was a partner tn J, Mr*. F. H. Jones and Mra J. J, I*s at such a higii spe^ as to through the air by PUot Bari* L. I Strickland. About 3 o'clock. Attor- clear, singing melody Interspersed ______HIT! Ovington, between September 33-30, If yoa are not a Register Check user now try paying your S to aB. eUpp^ from P. Morgan Company and a former ^ U i enchanting double triUe, faeUe _<|r between 150 and 200 mUes _ SPEQAL bills this month this easy, economical way. Xke mnrn lag nssald) ea- a*al*t«nt secretary pt war. ney Fred Manning wUTsbow eoio- chromatica, and effacUva doubit dsjr- O rtalnly this was a more am. 1911, the flight being from Garden UOm tko nation pictures, and all inUrestod Ik e pletare that sraa mora bilious schedule tosn that put into a ty . Long Island to Mlneola, a dto- Though a hard worker. Btet- stopping, ably nipported by aym- awards than any other hit. tlnlus has time for some outside In- WlU be welcoms to attend. The operaUon by toe American colonists tonce of 10 miles, to inauguration Wednesday Morning I WOUCMB STS. "ijss; SUBMIT BIDS BEFORE 9 A. M. booteiaea wUl be Mra George F. pathetic accompaniment on to* CLARK GABLE at the China CUpper Service In RIG H T R O O F f t» E V ER Y B UILD IN G Ikto^podla terests end hobbles. One Is turkey grand piano by Mlaa Ltrickland. Hls In toe early days of - toe naUon, and Thursday (ed at The raising on his farm near Rapidan. Borst, Mra Peter Berwick, Mra encore number was the final* from CLAUDETTE COLBERT When it took six weeks to bring a 1937). Office, with the Virginia. He also Is Interested in Cleon Chapman and Mra Chris toe same concerto. His second letter from Boston. Massaebuaetto mill I Saturday. April 9tii (3iriitensen. colony to New York City, the dis- FALSE ALARM sniN saddle horsea and aviaUoiL Aaao- selection was Sarasats’s Ztgeuner- “It Happened ( roofings £. SHINGLES datos aoy be has aa *mi»h)e man- weisen, a fascinating number which tance being 210 miles. FLONIH IISIUTIM T H E M A N C H ES T E R AT 689 MAIN STREET ner In B^te of Us eapasity tor In- Mia* Doris Cole, daughter isf Mr. showed toe consumate art of tb* One Nigrht^ S>-stero til America MUwaukee—Sotneone called po- I te«aa work. and Mra William a . OBle of 842 finished vtoiinlet. Now as to toe InaugursUon and Uce and told them, where they (De Luxe EtBtiea Re was married in 1986. His wife Adams street, is bom* from Skid* A. Eugene Moaier, eg-Navy maa AlJBO! "TRAPPED BT installation of a posts) system in would find an automobile with Its mors ooUsgs, Saratoga, N. T, for Goowad Mvaral raala of pic* G-MEN* .\merica we must move oo to Feb- glass fuU (ff buUst holes. iiodwounD a mum, ncM. T R U S T G O . is the termer VIrglaU Oordoa WU- r.'ory 17, 1691, when Thomas Neale I Price IVr Vshiaic lae* e< Richmond. Va. the Easter vacation. tuna of to* "Hindenbeig" c ra ^ They found the driver. It w sant AppIkatMs at FnSmeta at TIm Cany C*. *9 CcHta) Theodore Zimmer Korea and the destruction of (Ky Lae* Ttasee Tefovi Boston. Massachuaetts Bay that way at all, he sighed resigned- Member Federal Deposit Ips. Corp. Any adult peraoa preaenting tbit U. 8. gunboat ’’Panay", • *14 ) VE AND HUMES'*' .oiony was granted a Crown Patent ly- I MeubSr of the A. F. of L. and That* ara more than BOO hotels advertiaament to O. ML WiUU and "THANK ro D MM. M O W C. E. HOUSE in Naw Tork City. In Manailica, Charles Banks was ebsi»msn of to establish poot offices and postal “My wlf*,- he explained, “got Viffilant DemoeraUe Aaaodatioa. Franea. wUch is some 2,000 years 8A6E rovn I . ' : ' MANCHBWreR EVENTNG HITRALD. IIANCHEOTER. CONN, TUESDAY, APRIL B, 1938 ______^MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, APRH. 6.1938 PAGE nVB mStay and'Italy should allnilnate undoubtedly, laboring under the Im- ganlaed by Mm. Walter Pomeroy. Amrlrtatfr themselves from U)e situation once weU as the place of meeting. Other man of Dstrolt; three slaters,' Mrs,. preasloo, at the moment, that the The gtrla met at the leaden’ home officers elected are oa followa: terials. Application of toe data to a the Flaaeolsta were eet up In L 6UNORE I STATE HIGH COURT Friday afternoon sAd discussed MATCH KING STORY EUa Koehler of Pbiladelphia, M I v tain, or a smaller dtaplay at 871; all-lmportant thing to this world PresidenL Mrs. Emma Hemman; SHINGLES FOR INSULATION tiqilcal case of actual roof conditions €nmftt9 Vrratt rules, etc., and w e n - given toe EUzabeth l^rickman and Miss Mato stTMt Manchsator, Omm. thorlty, how kmg would It be before was for him to get to that Are n ew ork LOVE ' l COWAN senior vloe-presldent, Mrs. Alice Bertha Friekman, both of Hartford. shows that, for a roof of average I N Y Motto, Slogan, Promise and Laws, the men and women of the republic LAUGHS Chapman; junior vice-president, area (18 squares), with an average roausHKo aT raa without the loas of a second of time. STONE to team by the next meeting which Elltogton AnxUlary AS W E U AS PROTECnON iuu> raiNTiNO ooMrANT, m a I OPDIS NEW 11RM BA^ OF MYSTERY Mrs. Mimtie Beaumont; chaplain, difference to coat betwben an ordt- AOCIDENTAULY SHOT who have borne the burden o f this Firemen are enthusiasts. They are \ will be at toe same place next The Ladles Auxiliary at Hhtoe- I I ai«MU MrMt By OEOBOE ROM Mrs. PauUlke Smith; secretary, Mrs. door temperatures of 4U degree F., KuMhanar. OeaB. war would'start a new one? Find f to w Is mistaken for a tranm aad Friday. Mrs. Henry Reed, M n. way-MlIler PosL American Legion likely to be all wrapped up ta thalr Gladys Orehr; treasurer, Mrs. Cfiara the home owner who burns fuel of ■K'orrtagtOB. April K— (A P )—1 tsomas raaocsoa is thrown out o f the studio oa bis AT THE NBA Sank*, he. Ruth Loomis, M n. Donsld Oerhlng wUI bold Us regular meeting this The Industrial InautoUrn Com- _ Oaaaral MaaAcar the ansvrer In the astonishing spirit vocatioB or avocation. It la aa New York, April 8.— Ethel B ar- DOCTOR Hewitt; conductor, Mrs. Bertha 89.00 per ton, can save during a condlUoa of Jsw ea LackOb 18,' ($) tbs dlrsctor Is fed up with are toe three Senior Advtson of Jie Schlaeffer; patriotic Instnictor, Mrs. evening at toe home of Mrs. Harry Vandal Oetakar 1, IM l o f those Loyalist mlUttamen who, admirable quality. But whea it re- rymore has come back to Broadway I Bay State Woman Sues For Commimity Players To En- pany, at 678 Main street, offers an single winter beating season the left leg waa shattered by a Um lahuman precocity o f his youth- OAST o r OBAKACnUUI UnlL Ruth Beaumont; planisL Mrs. Elsie Ltebman of Pinney itreeL starting gun charge when ha tripped as a wrinkled matriarch, 10 1 years ful starlet, and qulta , AU right, tsU her 1 stlU need her, a t eight o’clock. asphalt shingle which Is unique in dlqcrence to cost betwem an ordi- VaMWiad avarr atraalnt iCxaapl driven Into Vrance to escape cap- sults In their going completely bay- CXIN8TANCE MAIUWEIX — Constance followed Mark Rogers On Saturday a group o f twenty Betohauer. fell while bunting crows yesti M d u a aad Balldara aatarad at Uia old, to a stage version of Maao de Pbll Dunning, #hel Aroduesd heroliici the >anil-a. and put a stop to this nonsense." out of toe room. , i WUI Attend Ctrosw toe sense that It provldea roof In- nary shingle roof and a cork in- WMt at M aaalH_. Coma, M ture, are flocking back Into Spam, wire to driving through traffic, la Roche’s famed novel, "\ l^ te - hjuries h Ante Crash; men, two teams, one pair of oaten, act Presentation, Based Donghant Sale afternoon, continues critical at 'Bchoolhouse On the L ^ " boa DEREK M ANTHON—an artist “ You spoUed braL Mark Rogers "W ell," she said with a inocktog and a dump truck started to work The Friendly clasa of the Union Tbe children of the ToUand sulation, to addition to weather pro- sulated rOof. These aavlngs continue aaeaad Oaaa Mat) Matlar. twelve of them to renew the light somehow or other that enthusiasm oaks o f Jalna." said shortly, "you don’t need her Cha^tte Hungerford hospltaL sons to town on It, with sa ex who loved money lint. little smile, "it had to be a major on the tong talked of plan of im- Congregational church la taking or- CJounty Temporary Home at Vernon tection. year after year, aad to those locali- against FYanco for svary ons who must be restrained. 11110 la the saga, ths book's da- CJenter wlU be tbe guests of toe ___ aoaaciumoa VATaa <»IIeat cost of players aad a Ut- HILOEOARDB rUUUVALO — any more than 1 do” ; and reaUsmg operaUon, after aU, didn’t It? ” „ Odier Ai^ieals Hied. proving the grounds around the On Famous Murder. ders for a "doughnut fry " to be held Cork Insulatod asphalt abingies ties where winter tempcratureli are ----^------4- Vaaa a# Mail ••IA* votoes will recall, of a cynical Shrine circus at Hartford on la returning to Vrancolst territory. No . man can possibly bs so valu- ^ lady namsd Betty Phllaoa who Derek pointed her portralL too late bow unwary he bad been, "»’m sorry," Marl Rogers sal£ church buildings and Orange. A at toe Union church on Wednesday are made on a basu of asphau low or fuel costs high may easily t e a a ^ W Ban j old woman who avenges herself Wednesday ■ afternoon. Transporta- Mfla Can ...... i <1 Such people win never give up— able to a Are department that be does a pretty wleked Imperacoa- DR. ROQEKH—he met his most turned an unprofessional enmson "But when Mother gets under aray great deal w u accompltobed snd afternoon. The sole will start at saturated rag felt, aurtaced on the reach a total aum sufficient to relm- DaHaarad T a a r ...... upon her weak, decaomt, grasp- ,*on o f gbirley you-know-who. difficult cose. when toe boy went on, bla black Hartford, April 8 —(AP)—The tion wUI be furnished by the mem- tot home owner for the entire not while there Is the smallest gam- ing, grsedy, sponging and hypo- she—weU, you saw for youraelt." they meet again today to try and A t the time o f the suicide of Ivor twelve o’clock noon. weather aide with on asphalt cost- can be permitted to take such He hM paoqd it swiftly aad has eyes snapping deUghtly to their case o f Mrs. EHwoy F. Carlin of bers of tha RockvUIe Lodge of cost of the swingle. Thus the In- tan aa or raa amo c iatbo critical children and grandchil- "Of course,” (kinstanee told him. finish the job. Shrubs and ever- Kreuger, Swedish match king and Burial In Boekvine ing to which are Imbedded colored bler’s chance of winning thelf free- ghastly chances with human life as tlmsd thalsitgha so that they faU d e o hollows: Twrington against Paul O. Haas of EHka. sulation pays for itself and eventual- VRAM dren when she reads bar will to Yesterday: A t the ewi of her aa- ' It didn't matter at aU, really—ex- greens will be aet out very soon financial juggler, re1#allng the com- The funeral of Frederick J. ceramic granules. An additional m Tda Aaaaalalad Praaa M aaalaalvatr dom. Let the Italians and ths Oar- on# ^ Afiothto from tb# mo> "A ll right, then. For God’s saks, ‘togham, Mass., was argued at ly for tha iJork insulated fir Sart Tlml D k Oiiii arere taken to this instance. Obvi- thsm. And gives Miss Barrymoie. atgnmenL Uonnie is surprised one cept to Derek." when the grading apd drives have plicated .allure of his international Friekman of 283 Hebron avenue. asphalt coating ta appUed to the un- root. awtltlad ta tha aaa af faaaMlaatlaB QMAt th# auditpc# AiTivM until tell her bow much jrou laei her. shingles make the upstairs rooms at all aawt dlaaaieaaa aradltad la It mans salTaway, 1st their deadly ously there must be no lepetltlon of as a crinkly centenarian, a chance day .when Dr. R ogen’ mother ar- “Oh—him! The hal.-baked the Supreme Cout’s been finished. The women served financial toterezta, it was rumored Glastonbury who died on Sunday WORLD’S DEEPEST WELL derside, to which coating, whUe hoL Is Urns to go. Opinions, never- Maybe that will bold ber if nothing , I term today. was held this afternoon at two very mucb cooler ta summer and pay ar aai aikarwfaa aradltad la tkir mllltAry machinery withdraw, and Saturday's near tragedy, Not under to show what a truly fine actress rives and her "Mrs. Mantnon. ’ clssus!" Mark Rogeis almostri..., dinner at noon to all the worken. that be bad only fiUced his death, ground cork ta roUed. tuD PSue cekR^p^e^pPiHPUP Deppde^^ jja ^ r aad ^alaa ika laaal aawa aal»> tneless, were mixed. Some of the else w ill...... Oh, very well”— it This is an action for Injuries re- o’clock from his home. Burial was for themselves muny times over to It would not be a month before aha Is. She assiimee Connie Is an her honey- eo. ') This work is sponsored by the 4-H and r ^ I y ha» departed to South Bakersfield. (3allf., April 8.— ( A P ) Numerous careful anu prectas de- any circumstances nor out of con- b w sad girta liked it; some waa only tod evident that George edved to an automobils collision in ta Grove Hill cemetery, RockvUIe^ sheer comfort on' hot nights. leefMii#me^kUiei. Aeenll*' Not that anyone doubts her po- mnon! "You mustn’t blame Derek too Town Committee with toe Church, America, to live Incognito and to — Drilling on the world’s deepest terminations of the thermal insulat- -—— tf t. |^_ ‘ I All rtahta or rapablloallona at Spain would again be ablaze—and sideration for anybody. dWa t and there the show rests to Thorvald waa enjoying tUmself im- Watertown, 8 epL 12, 1986, and He leaves bis wife, Mrs. Mary •apaelal diaaatakaa hanrla ara.alaa ra> sition as one of the great Ladies an uneven groova which may, un- much," Ckinstanct. said swiftly. "It Grange and all org;anlzaUoaa 00- luxury on a fortune that he nad es- oU well has stopped ht 15,004 feet ing efficiency ot cork Insulated The Industrial Insulation Co., cor- brief Indeed would be the reign of eWAPTER XXin mensely— "If yo'a as my pbyalcian, counterclaim waa made by Haas, an Apel Friekman; two daughters. Miss —with no oil. ^^eeleiea e^i rei^r Probably no action will be neces- of the American stage. That was fortunately, turn out to be its wasn’t bis fault If 1 buUt him up openting. titbUshed there. Thla story is the ahtogles-appli'ed just aa tbs- would dially tovltes the ^pubUc' to Inspect the grandees. evident on Opening Night when don’t know h o'j to see to It that 1 toto something he never was, and officer ta toe United States Navy M n. Itothryn Dunlap, Miss G nce Elsie M. Friekman and MIm Ger- Art Mason. Continental OU Co. be to actual roof construction— bs've JniteM tar N OS-OtNI. «Me; Van aarrioa allaat at a. a A i sary on anyone's ,>art One may be grave. '.And of course this is the artist basis of the play aelecteo for presen- trude M. Friekman, both of Glaston- a display of roofliiig,< asbestos std- laa U a a great ovation greeted her first get toe kind of care luid nursing my probably never could be." ‘ for disabilities resulting from the^ 'Dunlay and William Dunlay from geologist, said testa were being mode by a recognised and impartial But th# Orm ans and the Italians quite sure that the particular flre- husband!” Mrs. Rogers went on. accident. tation by the Manchester Communi- bury; two brothers, Andrew Frlck- tog, tosu:atlon. tiling and flooring entrance aad final exit so long Bedlam On Breadway feeble state requires, I ’U have to see She »as, she rcal.zed detperats- Blue Hills, Hartford, have moved in- conducted at upper levels of toe expert to tha ueasurement of heat ' Waaibar Amarlaaa Nawapapar Vak* win not san away—not of their man In question will not hereafter HappUy unrniscious that at her The case waa tried to Judge John ty Players on April 19th and 2oth. man o f Wapping and Louis Frick- materials at their attractive show- that the action had to bo delayed first words all other sound and mo- what can be done about It for my- ly, saying all toe wrong things, it to their new home which Miss Dun- Wasco weU near here. I transmission through tosulatlon ma- a»a»a. AaaaotatloB own will. Both of them or erne or Ferhaps. to your Intellectual pllr- Rufus Booth to the Superior Court The subject at the play to a mur- room at 877 Main streeL New Bri- dUregard ths fact that motor traf- ten minutes. And the critical rc' sulta, you have come oeross s book tion nad stopped about'her as s e lf... .interrupt me If I ’m wrong, wasn’t Derek she wanted o talk Isp has just bad buUt on ’The im iilita. - EiwtaiFkta Vabnibara Rapraaaatallaaai Tha but this seems to be the only way at Wtosted last June and judgment der trial and an unusual feature ot the other o f them win stay. And fle has been halted at a craaslag; ceptlon of her work was no less by Dr. Victor Staall enUUed "I abruptly as the action of a motion sbouL It wasn't Derek at fill aay Swamp Road.” • Aallaa Mathaaa Spaelal Avaner—Maw out of It: was for ths plaintiff to recover to toe recruiting of twelve mem- Tark, Oblaapa. tkatroH aad Baaiaa. Spain wni not be Spain at aU, any his escape experience will be pret- rapturous the next morning, Know 8,000 Lunatics," which was picture when the projection machine more.... M n. Ervin O. Gilbert Is seriously ben of the audience to serve as though opinions (llffered on the "Connie, darling, wlU you mar- I8JS00 damages. The defendant ap- 111 with ivy poijonlng. She la con- more, but an Italian province or a the good doctor's sympathetic ex- goes wrong Mrs. Rogers boro cor- He said abruUy, "kou’re being pealed. jury. These memben will not be ItaMBBR AODIT or ty sure to cure him— to correct bis play itself. ry me— and m toe me laugh for the fined to her bed and Is under the OUCUlATIOWa O rm an province or, split In two. pose of the goings-on in a state to- dially down upon Derek. very fair. It’s an unusual, and a Another Litchfield county case ta “ planted” ta the audience, but sense of proportion. And the exam- Whether La Barrymore la Im- .''titution for the insane. res: of my life?" ' —a vei^i lovely tralL” care o f Dr. Hutchinson of Manches- an Italian province and a colony of Seeing Derek's stricken gray face, that ot the state against William R. chosen by lot. Tha Harald m ailag CoBpaap laa, ple of this ease will probably serve lervlous, or not to the press at- WeD, Hardic Albright, the qctor "No, George, dear," answered " I t ’k easy to be fair when—whoa ter. Miss Ansa Heyart Is staying aanaMa aa daanola) raapona'ibllltp Constance felt suddenly so’.Ty for Kulbarsh of Torrtogton, defendant’s "N ight of Janua-y 16th" had a aponalbllltp the Reich. Until, perbaji.s, after the to create a sense of caution through- Itude toward herself, she has (and a good one. too) sat down Qinstance. " I wU not.” things don’t hurt any more," Con* with Mn. Gilbert at presenL | atf tppagrophlaal arrora apipaaartac bi gone back to her former stand £ him. appeal from conviction to toe court long run to New York, and baa atNaftlaaoMata next World War. and made a play of Dr. Small’s "And why not?" George affected staDcp said, and added on a quick Mn. Roscoe Talbot of Darien la Itiaabaaait out the department. Interviews. She gives but few. ‘.'Of course 1 asked for you, my hurt surpriee. o f Common Pleas before Judge Ori- toured the United Ctatea. The late Binlaa RaralA It Is not Catalonia that Is dying, book and It was put on the other breath, "Do you fnow, that’s almost spending sevemi days with her Percy Hammond, dramatic critic on There Is, however, another aspect after Klenting a while last sea- dear, when 1 went back to Bart- "Because, idear Georga, I love gen S. Seymour and toe jury of father while her mother Mn. F. P. It Is Spain. night with great' success. In Its lett’s the other day.” Mrs. Rogers toe first nice thing you ever said to reckless driving on the Tbomaston- the New York Herald-Tnbune, of this going-to-a-flre freni^ sbout son when she whs with the Thea- stage reincarnation. It Is known another," (Constance said demurely. Hamilton is receiving care at toe TUESDAY, APRIL 8 was rushing blithely on. "I bad to me?" Torrington road. Kulbarsh was wrote of it "I have toe word of no ter Oulid, Then, she was gener- ns "A ll the Living." It can be "H m l" George frowned. ’That Manchester Memorial hospital. which something drastic will have "Do you know," bo said, with a fined 826 and costa of 880.05. He less an expert artist and showman ous to a fault when interviewers briefly described as the dramatlrA- go back to exchange one of those does complicate the matter. Not” — The latest reports a n favorable to be done. That thing Is the com- short laugh, "that you’re not a par- appealed to toe Supreme Court and than George M. Colian that "N ight AT THEIR OWN RISK A N T I-P U B L I C U NI O NS came around and spoke benignly tlon of the difficulties that medl- dresses I bought tor my n iece.... his eyes lighted with wicked cun- from Fred Miller who has been con- ticularly easy person to sny things assigned errors in toe judge’s of January 16th" alternately chill- mon practice of mere Idle curiosity about ra ^ y personal and Imper- The pink one- toe light. She’s not ning— “not that falr-haired boy to fined to bis bed for more than Tha Board o f Selactman may have It la not difficult to sea whert coa labor under to havens for the to— nice or otherwise?" charge. ed and fired his blood with the seekers, sUrttog off hell-bent for sonal thlfigs. But the Barrymore mentally unballanced. And with- so slim as you are. my dear. Such a the studio, 1 hope.” / week threatened with pneumonia. :aaaad iU way Into the eateem of a there can be, between employers temperament has changed again pity, wasn't it? " Although he did not move or look Chief Justice William M. Maltble drama’s agues and fe vfn , morg the scene of a bell-alarm Are to a out malice or rancor It condemns T og late Constance aate whither Miss Mabel Barnes ot Colchester, at ber, It seemed to her that be has assigned another Litchfield than any other masterpiece that has 'kandful of liquor dealeia laat nlsbt and employes, entirely sincere and and the rumor goes that she the system of undermanning such The questloi. waa obviously rhe- this game waa tending. Miss Kathryn Wingate o f Old Say- mad race to get there flrst--for no came nearer as h« went on, his eyes county case for today, William Mur- come within bis experience.” wouliln’t come across with a refuges so that the responsibility torical, for Mrs. Rogers went on in brook and Miss Alice Pond of Bran- by pracUcally apoloflalnf to the honest dlfferenos of opinion on the valid reason and without a shadow ’’No," she said shortly. "1 should bn his doubled fiat, 'T v s often won- phy, a Torrtogton boy, against Ben- scrapbook when the publicity de- for several thousands o f crazed pa- the -same breath, "As 1 aay, 1 asked hope not." i- ford, were guests Friday evening at The play will be given at Whlton rAelagation proteatlna against the subject of u/b closed shop. Each dered If It made any difference to jamin Oasala, owner of a bam to of excuse for their speeding and partment requested It. Explain- tients must fall upon a handful of Memorial auditorium under the for you at once. Ons of the models "I hope n o t.... Well, now, let’s you what I said." , that city. ths home of Miss Cora Kingsbury. poattna of relief radpleiita, and giv- aids may resolutely, even stubborn- oongesttog the stTesta to the vicini- ed that Barrymores don't keep scientists. There Is a love story to that lovely Nond one—they coll They all attended toe annual spring sponsonhip of the Young Married sny. see"— George’s eyes ruminated In- Hilda was right, Constance The boy sues for Injuries he re- bsf them Implied aaeuranea that the ly, Insist that It is seeking only to the play, but It is minor and a con- her ’, don’t they? . . . meeting of toe American Vocational (Jouples club of the Second Congre- ty of the blaze If any. THIa la an nocently upon toe ceiling— “it thought. He Is sb.v Suddenly be ceived two years ago when he gational church. poatlns didn't realty mean very protect Its legitlmaU Interests— venient peg upon which to hang the Well, anykow, aha had had a card Association at Ctonnecticut State Intolerable nuisance to tha firemen M oils Brat Opus j ~— couldnt be— ’’ looked up, and his eyes were deep picked up some dynamite caps to and fully believe It. major therao and no' one possibly from 3TOU that very day post-mark- " I f you’re through playing 20 College, Saturday. M n. Herbert auKh; but It did Itaetf, aa a bpdy and to the drivers of apparatus, as "Schoolhouse On the Lot,'""^ an- to 'lo/s. He began -again, ’T v # avoo the bam and they exploded to nis can object to IL ed from California, and they were questions,” Mark Rogers snapped, H. Tomlinson attended this meeting and Individually, a great deal of It la very difficult. Indeed. how< well as a general traffic menace. In other entry to the spring thestrical But the actors handle this deli- wondered sometimes—" Behind b ia hand. The jury to the Superior also. lists. Is a cartoon on another phase all wondering if you really had come "here’s Miss WUi:ox with your the door opened abruptly. Court with Judge Frank P. McBvoy barm in the community aa a whole. svsr, for any but a completely cate theme with such tender un- Mrs. Benjamin A. Strack and two actual fact It constitutes an unwar- of Hollywood Hfe— the child won- on to be married after all these lunch. I ’U come back v/hen i^u’ve found for toe defendanL The plain- And tf we are not greatly mlataken, biased and ooe-alded thinker to see ■" wherein the amplosrer-employe re- Is a aerlous question whether every names of Bhirley Temple, Jane Constance, watching Derek’s face Knight and Dauch, appealed. aa one of the major achievements and hoping the others had not seen toe sudden death of Mm, Strack’s gosling, Ihe selectman are pretty lation Id industry or private busi- Withers, Bobby Breen, et al. of the sesaon. Other appeals Hated for argument one of the offenders could not be It. began, ‘1 think there’s—" eldest brother Frank. likely to dlacover that they oommit- ness continues when ‘.hat rclatlon- A t t|)e Mercury Pictures Stu- Dr. Small came up from atnton. the Manchester Herald, ( “Beauty today are: proeerated on that score. Certain- But It was laeless. Mrs. Rogers The Board of Selectmen ___ dios, where this tory takes place, N. C., incidentally, to attend the Spoiled” ), with a street 60 to 70 feet . State o f OonnecUeut against Clif- ted a grave' tactical error. •hlp shifts to the place where na- heard only her own voice. posted a notics to the effecL that METER READER FALLS ly to any case where It can be clear- the brat who causes all the trou- premier. A counti^ doctor to that OPEN FORUM wide covering tha weedy brook and ford B. AUderige. defendant’s ap- W ater The time baa not arrived when tional or stats government or the ble gets her pretty tutor fired for peal from New Haven county Court all dog licenses must be obtained ly shown that a motorist, merely by comer o f the aouth, the first thing "O f course they’d all >een tre- mud bole. It would provids parking during toe month of April from Aj- the favor o f a dozen .avem and government o f a municipality bs- no good reason st all and there- NORTH E?n> P A R K IN O o f CJommon Pleas; petition of Dan- being to the neighborhood o f a life he did when he arrived here was to mendously Intareated to your ro- space for 100 or more autos oa9 bert E. Harmon, Town Clerk. Com- UNCONsaous ON job! package store keepers Is as valu- oomas tha employer. upon' wreaks havoc upon the firm iel J. Oilhuly and others from do- without any other reason than curi- look to on "Tobacco Road" and mance from the time you bough Editor of The Herald, with a 4 or 8 foot sidewalk and A plete copies of the dog laws may be w I'th a g u a r a n t e e d because ( 1 ) the banker who keeps sewer which Is needed it arould bs ings of John J. Blake, registrar of O able an asset to an office holder Nothing can be much more car- search out restaurants for authen- your trousseau there." she was A continuation of the dtocuaalon obtained from toe Oommtosloner on osity, causes aa accident or pre- Mercury Pictures solvent falls to a big Improvement to toe north end,' ‘voters, and another, defehdant’a ap- Mystery Sarroonds Mishap To . aa the respect and good opinion of^ tain than that tha greatest ^ Mistake tic southern fried chicken and corn- rushing on. "To think you were go- of the North End parking situation. Domestic Animals st Hartford. vents the proper functioning of the love with the tutor, ( 2 ) the l>ther pone. He is shy in the presence of ing to be married the very day Mr. also Improve the library grounds. peal from Walter M. PlcketL judge Frank Hepton At Everett | : the vast majority of the voters pf* labor leaders ever made, hot ex- banker who supports Mercury Plc- The refuaal of the New Haven R. Mm. Anna Porter la vlslttog her Bremen, be should be baled Into actors. Manthon left to come here, and— R. Co. to permit the destroying of It would create several good build- o f toe Court of Common Pleas for Dickinson’s Home. m a x i m u m o p era tin g N ew Haven county. alstei; M n . Thomss Morley ta Hart the town of Manchester. I f there la oapUng the sit-down strike, |haa court and dealt with as he manifest- hew could you bear to tear yourself toe beauty of the small parks at De- tog Bites for tenements which are ford. ' ' any Ukellbood whatever lef Ita be- been the fostering of attempts to away from her. Mr. Manthon?” pot Square, for the parking of autos, needed very mucb at toe norto end, ly deserves. punishing Semlnolea was the busl- M n. Annie Schell accompanied eenee method which I hav# found "Mother— ’’ Mark Rogers oegan; recalls us to a previous request by such a project carried out toe RockvlUe, April 5.—Frank Hep- I coming ao, there ta stm decency unionise munlctpal employes as neaa of Semlnolea and nobody else. Mr. and M n. Charles Schell of WU- effective over a period o f many but there waa no stemming that made to the same R. R. Co. mean- new assessed value of toe Improved ton of ElUngton who reads meters c o s t . ------enough and enterprise enough such, or to enforce the closed shop NORTH COVENTRY Umantic to Woodmont to spent Sun- ■The other day the Indian bureau yean. tide of words. ing the Oakland street crossing. properties could liquidate the arhoTs tor ths Ckmnectlcut Light and Power was Informed that the wayward In- cost to a few years. There also day with Mr. and Mn. Henry among the ten thousand voters here Idea In. municipal departments or Some of you may wish to sefid ’’And I’m surprised at your not The North End Improvement Asso- dian, freed for the time of white- could be an outlet through Mints Mr. and Mrs. W alter Pomeroy Schell. Ck>mpany waa found lying to an un- to know what to do about It. Be- on municipal government joha for articles on catarrh and on the Insisting on hts bringing her right ciation, put their seal * of approval man justice, was blown Into the court to North Schoql streeL over- ment Sunday with relattvea to ICast M n. Arthur J. Vinton will attend conscious condition to toe basement . ^,.caaee both the eeleetmen and the Tbelz failure to recognize ths essen- W ashin g to n conditions commbnly found associ- along with him in the first place, on each of toe requests, and each Hampton. the executive committee ot the Tol- at the home o f Everett DicUnaon happy hunting grounfi with u ahot ated wrlth It and you are arqjcorae to Uma reoelved a refuaal. coming a fire hasarfl to the rear ^ Bquor dealers can put this down in tial T e re n c e between the private gun. Hilda, with aQ tha rooma to thla North Mato streeL making more sa^ The 4-H Priscilla Alden Cooking land County Council of Religious on Hale street extension. Tha man 1 write for any of the following: big house that are slniply going to Why arasto Uma on those went to toe home as usual to read Y o u k n o w before yo u Mack and whlU aad pasta It In employer, whose objecUvs Is to > D aybook sessable values Ih Improved proper- d u b met Friday at toe home of Education, Tuesday In South WUI- Catarrh and Oolda— ; How Catarrh amste... .1 do not understand, Mark have no Interest to our parking Ington. the meter, and when he remained | Rv Rrrjfaa ties. their leader Miss Esther Koehler. their hnta; The moment the people make a proflt on labor, aad the gov- Gra Is Produced— ; Stous Trouble— ; ue Rogers” —the old lady turned ac- troubles or tbo hazards of North to the baaemenL Mrs. Dicktosan to- | Mato street, and there is a hazard Taxpayers and North End mer- The meeting planned for this Wed- The men singing to toe Men’s cf this community get even it aua- ernment-employer whose only prop- fectlve Hearing— ; Ear NoUes cusingly upon her son—"why you vestlgated and saw him lying on toe Washington — The governiue ,t from Depot Square to Oakland chants, wake up! Let's get this ploa nesday, April «, will be postponed chorus Palm Sunday will have a n - Bronchitis— ; Polypi (of the nose) haven’t written me a line of this. It floor os she went to toe bead of the start using the heater ptekm that the booae sellers are er purpqse is to render public serv- has succeeded to plowing under Health and Diet street comer. By actual measure- agoing at once. > until a later day. hearsal thla evening at the home — ; Hal Fever— ; Bronchia] Asthma It had been a nice messy typhoid stairs. trying to dictate the runniag o f thie •*as at the lowest possible cost to many of Its treaties with the In- ment near toe library, March IzL I thank The Herald for space. Dr. W. L. HIggtoa has been visit- of Mrs. Ernest Gowdy. but the Job of keeping the Six » and Snoring. When requesting epidemic, now, I ’d have had to read W. 8 . G R A N T . tog the schools in town to the capa- The ngular choir rehearsal wlU She summoned toe neighbors, and town, out they go on the heels of a the people. Is sure to do more to dis- Advice the articles, send only one large -i- two trueka were parked, one on the called Dr. E. H. Metcalf. Mr. Hep- Nations and Senecas off the war- By UR. rU AN H M ctXIt all about It.” north elde and one on the louth tide city of Health officer. Samples of bs held Wednesday evening at toe popular revolt and a no-license credit them and their organizations path costa It many yards o f bright velope, regardless of how many water from: O d a r Swamp district church. ton waa found to have a laceration that y o u r b ill w ill not copies you requesL Enclose a sepa- of the street. The space between of the face and he was unconscious vote. than anything they could possibly calico every year. Omstance started to say, "But wa.s only (20) feet. Th# Rockville FRANK HEntEHDT DIES; has been taken to be tested, to see Several to town are planning to IVH.tT TO DO ABOUT C ATAIiR H rate stamp for each separate article really. Mrs. Rogers, this Is all an If it is safe. It has a peculiar taste. avail themselves of the opportunity for several boura at the RockvUIe This aewsp^ier was a cooslatent do. They court the IndlgnaUon and George Washington was Prsaldent bus was going east and a large City hospital where he waa taken. when on Nov. l i . 1784, the new re- desired. I will appreciate it If you absurd mistake.” Mr. Nichols of toe State Board of to hear the A Capella chorus of aad aggressive opponent of prohi- resentment of the entire communi- truck was coming west and they What had happened to the man re- public signed a treaty b, which It Those who follow faulty habits of will arrite your name and address But a glance at Derek's face told WAS ONCE INTERPRETER Education also visited toe schools Houghton CoUege. New York, e x c e e d bition. It would be again. It the Is- both stopped for fear of a side mained a mystery as he waa Imable a c e r t a i n 1^1 ty. agreed to provide annually (4.S00 living and thus produce catarrh upon the envek^ie as this saves my her that the damage was -already swipe. If the road bod been wet or making a survey of where the Jhll- Thursday evening at 8 pjn., to Ver ' .sue were to be revived. But It It secretaries the work of having to to talk. It Is not believed that he This failure of comprehension he- worth of calico for dlstrlbuUon should regard the resulting catar- done. No one wht had sc^n It could ley what would have happened ? We East Hampton. Oomi., ApHI 8— dren lived to relations to. toe school. ,non. This is a free concert and la feU from the stairs. His condition unequivocally opposed—and It Is among the Senecas, AUeghenles, address over a thousand o f bese en- have failod to realize that there waa at the North End see such things He had a map o f the town with a ra n opportunity. Aa offering will comes peculiarly aggravating when rhal inflammation os an effort on velopes. It is your way of helping. (A P)—Frank Helrendt, 88. hotel today was reported sUghUy im- thoroughly coavinced that nine- Oneldas, Tonawandas, Tuscaroras, more to this than an absurd mis- about every day. keeper here who once served as to- •very home marked on IL be taken to help defray traveling proved. a m o u n t . the government or the community the part of the body to eliminate The remedy to to provide a park- The Sabbath School Claas con expenses. tanths of the voters of this commu- Onandagas and Cayugas, then' take.,.. And they had all seen t ' ”preter ta toe old Waldorf-Astoria Dairy Club to Meet has gone to the extent. In the cause mostly In northern New York. The waste materials accumulating be- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Derek’s face. ing space, and post "N o Parking" ducted by toe pastor Rsv. Leon H. April 7, Thursday evening, Cov- cause of those habits. Due to an to New York (31ty, died yesterday There wlU be a meeting of all 4H Btty are utterly oppoeed—to any of sound administration, of estab- Indians, to return, were simply la ‘T he joke about the whole thing. signs from Oakland street to Nelson Austin, will flnJto their study Easter entry Grange, No. 78, P. of H. will accumulation of Impurities, the after ot almost four dairy club members this evening at I msaeure of domination of the town’s be good. Mrs. Manthon"—the merry twinkle plsce, and a 19 ratnute parking sign years’ duration. Sunday. "The EHeven U vtog Re- hold Its regular meeting to toe hall. lishing a merit s>'stcm for employes body finds It necessary to throw out (Young Child Upset) tha Farm Bureau office to RockvUIe Evidently It seerted U cWeap jrice to Mrs. Rogers’ ayes assumed that from there to North School street. ligions ot toe World” ba> been the The first aad second degree will be politics by the Uquor intereats. of the public. the exceas, which Is accomplished (Question: Mrs. W. K. writes. A native of Alsace-Lorratoe, at 7:80 o’clock. The. program wUI to pay then but Uie«) is no way of Constance arould enjoy the Joke as We of the north end arq interested Hertendt.came to the United States oourse. Questions relative to the given. Include a taUc by A. I. Mann, assist- Electricity for n o rm al use o f As for the particular question In In Bridgeport six Education De- by way of the mucous membranes "The first two years my baby was use o f a 6 0 g allo n h e a ter ca n n o t stopping the thing. Every year the In all improvements, but more inter- a- a young man and worked to sev- w bject were given out and were an- The Every Ready aaas i#lU meet ant Dairy SpectollsL point, whether the person who ssUs if you are troubled with catarrh, ths picture of health but now ahe much aa she did— "was that one or partment mechanics were transfer- government goes Into northern .4ew ested ta what Improvements that swered at toe class lost Sunday. Friday evening at toe Church Ckim There will be a judging contest, you should.realize your body ta try- aaems to have stomach trouble, two of toe girls In the store bad an eral hotels before joining the staff Bquor to relief workers who haw red to the Oentral Maintenance Da- York to late summer to deliver aev- can be done where It will bring toe Many more will ba answered this munity house. movies of short course and club ex- ing to cure Itself through getting once to a while." Idea that your youn^ man had jilted most bcnellL of the Waldorf-Astoria to 1898. H« bean jegaUy potted shall be press partmaat ’at tha city yard. Thera of calico to each of about you to come out here, and were first served as a waltsr but Ms next Sunday. I f you ware present The children of the 7th and 8th hibits wUI also be shown. Each e xce e d an d is usu ally less than 8,000 Indians to and around .SalS' rid of waste material. The best re- Answrer; If the Infant eras healthy North End -merchants and people at any of the seosiona don’t fail to grades are working bard to present member wUl be caUed upon to give auted, tha dealers will do wall not to the workers already employed at sults will be obtained only when you wasting a lot at sympathy on you." that are interested and who are ability os a linguist— bs knsw ssvan manea. U- first two years gnd has develop- languages—later wen him ths post ba on hand for these last two for "Jerry’s Amateur Show,” April 19, a report on bla animal. accept any squashy assuranot of help this eliminative process Instead Wall, It’s out tha yard dlaeovatad that four of the ed IndlgesUon ifU r being placed on ♦fc*.. .k * -T-%. *. .. condlUons and more ot interpreter. Lbay ara extremely laUrasttog. at the Church Community house. PITS OempMy Meeting , tolerance from tte selectmen. There of hindering IL solid foods It Is likely that you re thought. That s aU it nsoded. ^ bustoeos, wake up and put too park- six were non-union men. Whsevup- They Uke Calico Into the alienee that (oUoWad, Hs purchased toe Lake V’a# A very good audtenoa wltaaased The money earned Is to help pay The Hook aad Ladder company of Is not the slightest reasbn to believe Certainly, the body will throw out not Imping her on a sulUble diet ing sltuatloD up to our Honorable the prei^tation of the play "Sim- th# RockvUIe Fire Department wlU on the union workers to the dspart- In 1909 an agent of the Bureau of Derek begat, to a thin, still* voice, Board of Sslsotmen, that the tiraa to house here to 1606 aad attar bs ft toe way tor the graduating ctoas to Indian Affairs went to Salamanca these unnecessary wastes. If you The moat common cause o f dlges- ple Simon Siiqple’’ ThunKlay eve- take an educational trip to New hold their regular monthly meeting that the police department wlD not ment declared that they would not give It a chance. Look upon ca- "O f oourae It’s easy to sea bow this have tola job dona Ir now. With so the Waldorf-Astoria ta 1920 davet- ebfl tried to talk the Indians Into Uve distress to a youngster of three ed all his time to the local hostelry. ning at the Grange Hall to ^lite of York caty. ■ this evening at toe Prospect street do Its duty If Infractions of u s law twrh as an effort by the blood- story started. There was— to fact, many man out at work and adll bs work wllh^ the four non-members, lump settlement which would end la incorrect diet. Keep the meals k ft Helrendt leaves a widow, Mrs. Mar- tha heavy fog which made traveling On Wedhesday, April 6to, at 2:30 firehouse. are brought to Its attention. And stream to rid Its e lf^ f Impurities. for some time or until ths farmer TT»e director of public works Is a the annual distribution. Hut the simple and be - sura the vegetables garet Helrendt, two sons and tour Tery dlfflculL p.nii. at the Chuixh Community Tialk on Faods You will then clearly see that when are properly prepared. Avoid rich, Out of sheer pity Constance needs their help. It has been talked Th# first of tha series o f four I If It does Its duty It can bs very union man blmaelf anif hs ordered Indiana would have 0004- of It. They of building a new movie house at or daughters. The 4-H Coventry Handicraft bouse there wUl be a meeting to or- Uiese Impurities are completely greasy or fried foods; also be sure broke In, her voice clear, cool, and talks on "More Food for Your sure o f well nigh unanimous public wanted the calico ami w'antea It ev- near Depot Square. If that Is the The funeral will be held Wednes- Club was organised Thursday after- ganise a Mother's club. The topic the four to join unions, ths Infer- eliminated, and when by adopting the meals occiir st regular hours. just enough amused, "It’s too bad Money" WlU be held on Wednesday mipport. ery year from now on. Just as the to spoil such a p~etty romance, M rs program for ths near future, we of day from SL Patrick’s church here. noon at the home o f their leader for dlscuaaion "The Task o f Being ence being that If they did not they treaty says. Many of them are better habits of living, you prevent If you wish to obtain a copy of my Mrs. John Kingsbury. The follow a Mother" WlU be presented by Mrs. evening, April 6th at eight o’clock the accumulation of further waste Rogers; but Mr. Manthon and 1 are toe North End must provids a at the Bast School Auditorium. would ba let go. succeesful farmers but the calico article on CHILDREN'S DIET write parking spaos for the p o^ b ls In- FATHER AT 74 tog officers wers elected: President James Edmondson and Mrs. Ernest material, catarrh will automatically to me to care of this newspape.. not married. It to true that we did Mrs. Marion E. Dakin, State Extea- a month D YI N G SP A I N Th# men stood fhclr rights business has become an occ.'ision announce our engagement— there crease of business that such a Barbara Robertson; Vice PresidenL Davie. A ll motoere of this com- for a special visit to town disappear. and enclose one large, self-address- Robert Buck; Secretaoy, Edna ■lon Spedaltot to Foods wlU conduct under the clvU service system un- was even something about It to some propositloa would be needing. That Kellogg, la.T-Alvto (jooper, l4i munity and aU tboee interested to I f there are any whose siiperflctal Papa Indian collects the lulico— The method which banlahes ca- ed, stamped envelope. The artlct'e Glesecke; Treasurer, Irvtog Rounds. toe welfare of ehUdren ate cordially the first meeting la place of the | of the papers, 1 (luUeve'; but we to' a good parking place nearby, and retired farmer has beooms a father speaker previously announced. (e n o u g h for any avera g e der-which tha d ty operates and ths It usually amounts- to six or eight tarrh will require persistence to the will explain to you the general feed- for toe iSto time. County 4-H Agent Henry Sefton Invited. Vlear of the Spanish conflict has found— oh, some time ago— that the toe only place that would give ample Her U lk wUI be Ulustrated aad personnel director of the Civil Serv- yards per Ifidlan. He wraps It matter of dleL yet the treatment ing schedule_ I have found m,.st suc- space for all of the north end park- The latest addition to toe Cooper was presenL The club voted to been that eventually the “resptc- which seems to take the longest is whole thing ama—well, rather a wUI empbasixa Important points to ice Commission declared hUi belief around hie shoulders llk^i a-Mexican cessful, and wiu be sent to any ing needs would be toe Nelson place family, a son. brings the total to meet toe second and fourth Thun really ths shortesL because it mistake.” food selection. tohle" 'and "responsible" elements sarape and struts the town with It reader who desires a copy. area. As mentioned In a prerious seven boys and eight girls. Mrs. days of each month. that they enjoy civil service privi- throws aside tbs non-assentlals and S’lc smiled a llttli pityingly at The course Is sponsored by tha fa m ily o f thifee p e o p le) o f the n.n.Uon would re-establish or- Afterward he gives It to mnmma letter to toe Open Forum of Cooper, 42, Is (hooper’s fourth wife. The "Eara A Dollar Pasty", was leges. settles down to the Important ques- toe gratitude she re.ia to Uerck’s RockviUs VIstUng Nurse association derly government and that Spain for a dress for herself and tne littlr (Pain In Stomach) held Friday afternoon at the Church Q uotations- So Uiere Is a conflict, or at least tion of removing the causes. hunted eyes and the RockvUIe Chapter, Amerl- girls. Community House. A very One ! Would gradually become serene and In the treatment of sny form of QueaUon: Mrs. R. L C. wants to Mark Rogers had strolled to a can Red Croaa and la open to toe there was a day or two ago. Many years ago a )>and of Oneida know. "What la tbs cause of a program planned by M n. Floyd general pubUc without charge. pcoeperous again under the rule of chronic catarrh the first thing to do window, and was standing now, AU the good or bad that gets done No such situation should by any Indians left New York and migrated pain to the stomsfb at night which Blandish was*presented. The fin t Emblem Club Social Hs "beet people," now is a good to Wisconsin. With them went the Is to give the body a chance to looking ouL bis bands to pock- thing was a game for tha purpose In Uie world Is done worde. poRslblllty exist. cleanse Itself of waste products, the disappears to the morning? Have The RockvUIe Emblem club wUl time to examine tliat belief In tf!e right to tl.TOO worth of calico. But ets, wbietllng toaudibly. c f getting every one acquainted. •—Dr. Joha H. Flaiey. New York beat treatment I have found la the been bothered with thU for shout 6 hold a members’ social on Wedneo- E n jo y E l e c t r i c W a t e r H e a t i n g O n O u r N o v e l R e n tal It^vould If the leaders o f the •?5 ir_rinoa the Wisconsin branch years." Derek b e g ^ agiUn, "(Jonnanos, Each-one-was to start a eonveraa- ' ...... -- short fasL—together wUh- -ether dSjr Olefhoon at the BUu Home. !tu o“ ^ ‘a fla b o r ‘ fedeTOlPms” were gave up the idea tff accepting call- l~ttitnk 1 ought tb ^w o "don’t want ‘tlon with their neighbor but no one M rs Gladys Cannon and Mrs. Rose The Spanish people will _ i^ver measures such as enemas and baths Answer: A pain o f this kind Is not utterly blind to tha value of CO. They take and salt any misunderstanding about this, O P E N waa supposed to use the word L I f In the end he’U land on the ecrep McKenna wlU bq bosteasee to a g ^ . live under a government pf Evelyn Pierce, a Seneca Indian which artll stlmulsts the allmtostlve often duo to the formation of gas of course. I- -’’ you did and were detected you were heap, but dot before he’s bad charge. pubUo opinion. organs of the body. The fruit juice firin g the ^ h L I suggest that ffoddtlme. . -i I P u rch ase P la n — T h e fin est h ea ter o n th e m ark e t for a Wqtaly p^vlleged Spanish arinto- girl, works to the Bureau of Inuian Really, aren’t wa making a given a bean. There were great Oraage to Bleet j Dest plan le.for you to secure ea e*» Affairs hero. She won’t take cash fast will have the additional benefit mountain out of r mole hill ?’’ HUda peals of laughter and every one who —**AX-Oen, SiiuMley D. B atW , The ToUand Grange wUI hold a ceats and their military retainers. ■peeking at Hitler. or salt She Insists on calico and of supplying the body with an aminatloD. In the meantime, you Thorvald asked lasily with one at T O N I G H T talked at all received beans a plen- meeting this evening at toe Com- They may not become free. In fact GOING TO A FIRE? abundance of the alkaline-forming will probably secure some rell.f, \ the government has to give it to her faint. Inacrutable smiles. "A fter ty. Following this game, Mm. Al- I • • • munity House. The Home Bco- there now seems very slight chance ber. Lately It has become lots of minerals, thus overcoming the aci- providing the pain is due to the fof^ Speech it fme. That means all $ 2.5 0' o r $ 3 .0 0 a m o n t h ren tal ch arg e, (depending on the size) The hair raising tacidwl of last all, this Isn’t anyone’s affair out til 9 p. m. bert. Anthony of Mansfield Hollow ■peech. fooltoh as weU as wise. nomiee committee has arranged for fun and the photographers make a dosis which so commonly exlats to matlon of gas. If you will select yours sud Connies, to U, Derek?" favored us with a recitation entitled a demonstration by a manufacturer. that their rapublic of the people Saturday afternoon, when an excit- Henry P. Chandler of the Chien- circus o f It. caurrh. During the fasL aad for your evening msal vary carefully. She smiled compsnionably at "Hilda’s F ln t Ride to a Pullman” Osrd Party Will aurvlva. But It wlh not bs rich some time afterward, tha patient T it using good oombtostkms and fe Bar Asei^ttoa. ed officer o f the Fire Department Constance, strolled over to the rnpeoded by an encore. Maoter • • • The Burpee Woman’s Relief Corps and aristocratic Spaniards arho will Setninole Justice should speed up intestinal eUmlna- a comparatlvsly small meal WlU hold a whist party on Wednes- jb,. drove his car through pedestrian piano, sat down, and began to play Icbard B owen o f Mansfield Depot T ta RepubUesn party has its eye fn ls them, any more than it has Uon by the use o f at least one plain « d ^ If this helps. Also, be sure day evening at 8:18 to ths O. A . R. R e n tal p a y m e n ts a p p lica b le to w ards p urch ase at a n y tim e, traffic Grossing Main street at Park, The calico keeps the peace with arlto oompleto absorption. ’"'a d two piano aelectiona entitled. on the past aad not tbs presenL tha Senecas and others but the gov- W’arm water enema dally. to eat the dinner meal several hours h ^ There wUl be prises and re- baan rich and ariatocraUc Span- narrowly escaping kiUlng several The Meadow” and “Tha Foun- •h m u the Democratic par&, with ernment technically is still at war Following the fast, adopt a diet before going to bed. Inasmuch aa f!!-Richard u eleven yea n old. freshments will be served. k rd a who have ao nearly destroy- your discomfort has col Constance stood (br a moment a lot of good Intsationa. ^as Its eye children only because a poUce offi- adth the Seminole Indians in the which avoids slarcbes, sugars and ttoued for 8 Another game waa played with the B. B. a Chib ad popular government In tha coun- years, you must bs exactly where she lisd stood since cw the preeent but cannot aee the y o u w ish. cer kept bis bead and his nerve, Florida everglades. Andrew Jack- milk, as most catarrhal patleata do convinced by m>men divided to ttoree groups, future. The a a O. club wni bowl.this Dot handle large amounts of these this Urns, that It to Mrs. ^ ^ a rs bad begun her epoeh- Open every Tuesday and Thursday evening try. should at least serve as an effeetu- son best them to battle a 100 years not going to •Bch group was given a predicament ~ Her. PhlUp r. LnPsOette, Wlo- evening at toe RockrUle Et^ltoa foods ta a successful way. The diet clear up of Itself, and that suitable raacing h a m tive; then ehe turned Onter at 7:80 o’clodL The regulv • Oennaay and Italy hava baaten al warning. ago but they would not sign a peace and swiftly left the loom. As she until 9 p. m. Other evenings by appointmenL •Bd they bad to write down oow eonsla. treaty. They retreated Into the should consist of ah abundance of treatment la required. e e • meeting aad a aortal win foUow at Che Bponish govammant—or at all wenL she heard Mrs. Rogers Insist- tliey would get out of IL Mias We cannot classify this driver swamp couatry. They are still both cooked and raw non-starchy Closed Wednesdays ^ t 12, noon. Othar doy^ Am y Randall of Andover then gave Ohio, I toe club rooms on Market etreeL avoBts aaem re a coams toweL The patient should utee later. Dr. Rogers waa there. ning at the OouacU chambers. Um. CMH autboritlaa atappad n n ie ofQcar sniffed oo'or scheme was red aad white. t t « a bo BptUUk la Juit tbo ooaw fihMn a distortad aeaae of propor- avoid ovar-eoddU^ tha -k i" b « "What’s tola abrut your gotng The EUlen a. Berry Auxillarv and ware going to punish the Indian lockarA prtad coa open and atagi While the attendance wasn’t os toip Btot tho gnootam U at »tm - Uoa than from any latmttoa to defy wearing toe much etotWag. - kwsy, Oonnla?" Gsotgs dsmandsd. United ^Miilah War VetaruMv^ but who aticqld come to his rescue g M M ^ to tha otisat carrying a Ump luge M pnvtoiM ysars evuy cm this evening at the home o f ^ iRR' or any teal Indlffereaot to but his Seminole neighbors who put Tha riapto nwtbod o( ovanotelng “Otxxl Liord, Docl I thought you THE CONNECTICUT POWER COAAPANY aatarih which I have ouggaatad is •ore oae et thess strang aOent men C A T KIN S OM uaglily eRjsyed the en- •9CDO lond to. every m n . wmaan t h e n e i^ alaoted praeldeaL Mrs. V om ha waa eraattag. Ba was.; ■P iMsMa im ay aAKgot Um out '‘Ssbotoga," ertad ths ouMfir. 8ROTHSRS. INC toMBS Hamman of 70 vniaga atzeaL YTtPfedagtiMC SB buu. asadas plain *#«* ana which wiH ha pwdneavn at r— ■ - - wbolmav*------■Bd^Nldta Um state aad still have mad n n te oM I9 gin «gMMRi patnilRiaa, T<"i h N ^ lift' Tha mambara are oakad to sote the *%iK-lAaRit of tbo BHM&g atekt aa 'f

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ TUEBDAT, APRIL B, 1988 MANCHASyrER BVEwlNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 6,198S depository for the nation's cuiren- PAGE showed a gold reserve of 5S,806,- »ARD SUPS POUCE TOWN STREET UGHT u00,000 frans at 48 mUllgrams of 47 PREMISES STUL CLOAK COMPANY SEEKS gold to the franc, the value fixed In CEMETERY LAND August, 1987. This was 33.9« francs Local Stocks DAILY RADIO PROGRAM SYMPHONY TO S ay COST GOES UP SOON to the dollar. TO TRANSPORT WORKERS Gadabout in This Fresh. AUTO TESTING LANE REUEF LIQUOR BOGEY The statement's figures represent- USING PARK BROOK Claim Young Girls Hirei^ TUEtOAYf APRIL 8 (Contral and Eattera Btalidard Tima) ed 8,899.69 tons of gold. I f revalued rim abit by Eddy Brothera * Oo SALE REFUSED 88 Lewis fUtr^ Afiks Pnblle Utflitiefi Commis- Notai AU procntnui to ker and basla oboInR oc aroupo thoroof u n l«« i HERE THIS EVENING Little Runaround Frock ago, whereby the taxpayers'. It was at yesterday's dollar rats of 88.34 Hod; coast...... to eoaat- * * (e ‘ta I e) i dMlrnatlona IneJuU* Alrarailiiblo sUttona. HERE OPEN APRIL 9 To Care For Insane Mi francs. It would be roughly 78,S68,. Hartford. Cooa. sion Fm* License To Carry Pregramt subjaat to changa by atatlons withaut grtvioua notlo^ P. Ms ; Sdecbnen, Faced Whb Ques- planned, would beneflt from possible To Start Billing At Annual W lllUm R. Martin By CAROL DAY reduced reUef outgo as a result of 000,000 francs, or an Incteaas of ap- Heahh Board Reports 8 Cao* New Britain Workers Here. NBOWEAP (RED) NETWORK wkbb wtaq wkbh weoo wabt kaoj wnax proximately 22,960.000.000 francs I Local Bepreaentatlve BASIC '«> Eaatt taaaf wnao wUe wjar woo This little frock rroea to market putting a clamp on the bottle necka IffiO p. m. QaoUUoas Town Comsel Asked To Con- MOUNT.—kYor kla koh kat kero kfbb Program So Arranged It Boeton.____ AprU 6.— ( A P ) — T h e A pr. Puroen Schube^ __ Rate Of $33,441.40 Next which srould go to the government. wtag wcah kyw wfbr wro way wban COAST—kn* koln kol kfpy kriaafo koy or to business or to call on U e tions Of TaTern And Instead, there was adroit ducking not Reach Sewer'Lines; Insnraaoe Stocks A notice received last night by wcaa wtam wwj waal wdal; Nlidwaatt Boston American said today girls perlntmdeat at tha of the issue aU around the council Blum also wanted an ''extraordi- the Board of Selectmen, statea that kad wmaq who wow wdaf wire katp; Cant. East. neighbor# Just es happily as It stays 18 years of age were employed os nary tax" on capital holdings tinne Negotiations For Mountain: koa kdyl; South: wmbg; ’'Stapmothar** Sarlat—ba- female orderlies were naad to ' table. Ur. WaddeU stated frankly Aetna Chmualty . . .. . 73 7$ the Independent Cloak Company of Shoold Appeal To E?ery home, and it's awfully becnmlngt orderlies In Ue male wards for Ue Month, It Is Stated. which, although approved, met Pacific: kf1 ks'(w komo kbq kpb ksu; - Boys—othar aullona male wards because of "the Fackage Store Owners, that he preferred to let the PoUce No Action Is Taken. Aetna' Fire ...... 8#^ ggi- this town has applied to the Public OPTIONAL___ if,rATIO NS (oparat# Intar- 4:45— 8:4^Hilltep Hquaa Skit—to c Make np Pattern 8037 In Unen, mory—-To Continae Tests violent insane at Boeton hospital effect” Uey bod on tha some opposition in the Cabinet Utilities Commission of the state ebalMMibtyebalMMibly on altbar aSD or BLUE 8 :0 ^ 8:00—PraaavRadio Nawa Pariad gingham,, broaucloU or dotted Swiss and Uat, In the past two weeks, at Oommiaalon and the PoUce Depart- Aetna Life ...... 23™ 24™ West Cemetery Addition. natworka): BASIC East: wlw wfaa 8:08— 8:06—Oaorga Hall A Orohaatra Lover Of Music; ment pick up the argument «>i«i its Edouard Daladier, minister o f na- for permission to enter into the waan work wool: Mldwaatt wood wet and trim It w lU that darling of our least Uree of Uem bad been sub- "But If any nurse haa h46a Pnt Enforcement Of Their The Manchester Electric division tional defense, said be opposed the Automobile ...... 23 29 A —-- • -----en 8:30— 8:K^Boaka Cartar’a Commant Through April 30. flareback. (3onn. General . . : i . . 21 28tranaportaUon Itself, of employees ^ b f wbow wabc kaoo kana. OTHBl. 8:48- 8:45-Daap PH Boya Vocals moUers' day— ricrac braid; jected to attacks by inmates. tacked. It certainly is n e m to of the Connecticut Power com- capital tax which Blum estimated The Board of Health last night O PTIO NAL STATIONS — Canadian: 8:00— 7:00—Juft" EntaHainman. — a^l he asserted. Chief Oordoo's Stand Hartford F ire ___ 6014 62U from New Britain to Manchester. w t cfcf; Cantral: weft wtmj wtba wday Thanks to the carefuUy planned The girls were rescued, U e paper would bring In 20,000,000,000 francs reported to the Board of Selectmen Town Counsel William S. Hyde Bddialla . Heuaa...... at tha ^Orsan—watt Legend and history will boU play Act Up To Police Officials Today there wes no intimation as p l y , through its local manager, Hartford Steam Boiler 48 47 The petition of the cloak oompany kfyr koam: South: wtar wptf wla wjnx 8:15— 7:15—Hollywood's Soraanaeeopa pattern and U e* detailed sew chert asserted, by male attendants who 'The girls are never left i (about $600,000,000) in ten yeara U»«t 47 premises remain to be con- reported last night to the Board of wflm-wsum wlod waoo wfbe wwnc wcac 8:3«rs ...... 885 375 prietors of a strip of land at the 7:30— 8:30—Al Jolaon with H it Shaw Vehicles announced today that a able to handle any situathn ItcfusioK to take any responalbll- month, the town will be billed for economy practiced In Italy and 2:19 p. m. ktar kob: Pacifici kfbk kwg knij 8:00— 8 :0 ^ A I Pasra# and Hla Gang echeol hall this evening. The pro- most aa easy to make as it Is to put left alone during her tour of duty. Samuel Ck>rdon came the Informa- PnbUc VUntlas 8:30— 8:30—Ooadman Swing—also cat motor vehicle Inspection station will may arise'', be added. lty.fQt-tbe'backing or enforcing of street lighting at an annual rate Germany'' were told by Blum that houses, according to the report of the present West Cem etery,.hs;fl $rom will consist o f five outstand- on snd wear, tt you Uke, you can The gtrls are paid 810.36 a week, tion thaL so far as be is concerned, Conn. LL and Pow. ., 48 92 For some time certain of the CanL EaaL 8:00—10:00—Ta Ba Anneunoad <30 m.) open here April 9. The station will Dr. Sebube said tt waa a coat the atate itatiite under which namei of $33,441.40 — over $13,000 more rearmament costs were so heavy cannot be connected to the new refused to sell to tlie town. Thegiuj 8:30—10:30—Haward IPtllllDa. I^ngt— make It atlU long sleeves and omit plus board and room, U e paper a law la a law, and that the penal- Conn. Pow...... 88 40 cloak company's employees have ing numbers, all of which should bo located on Leonard street, oppo- many private hospltalB, tad la . than the $20,000 annually now ^ d and the nation's finances In such sewer, and ILIU remain a source of 4 i8 ^ tiSO—Jack Armstrong. Serial— basic: SL Laula Polly PaTilaa—midw U e pockets. E lU er wsy, you’ll feel added, and are hired In violation of it tndigenta on relief were listed In ties for sales to posted persons wiU Htfd. Elec. L L ...... 9014 6214 been commuting between Manches- acres In the parcel have been sought ^ baalo; Joa. Qallioehio Oreh.—west 8:45—10:45—Four Cli/lMan and Songs appeal strongly to U e audience. site the State Armory, and will be instltuUoDs In oU er statea, to by» the town for this service. A c- condition that the measures were brook contamination. Nineteen t«c.and New Britain In private con- hs a means of enlarging the extent 4:45— 8:45—LIttia Orphan Annla — 10:00—11:00—Aba...... Lyman A OrelOrchaatra fresh, crisp and well-set-up, every law, which prohibits use of women taverns yesterday, the Board of 3e- result Just as quickly and as thor- lUumlnatlng Shs...... 46 48’ Mention baa already been mode of In operation up to and including ploy female orderliea la tion taken by the ';electrlc company necessary housM near the Green < have been veyances, and the present move ts to the West burial ground. It was aaat: Joa. Qallioehio Orehoo.-Affraot basic; Just Entartainmani—w. rpt time you put It On. orderlies in suCb institutions. oughly as In the case of any other New Britain Gaa . . . . 29 29 • :0 (^ 8:00 ' Scionco from the Newt 10:30—li:3 (^B u d dy Rogara Orehaatra April 30, dally, except Saturday warda. lactraen, faced by a dozen local to bring about an Increased pay- tied In with the sewer system. It understood to be considered one- of 8:15— 8:15—Nina Daan Song Program Ue "Symphonic Prelude” of Robert Pattern 8037 is designed for sizes law violation. The Chief held out So. N.sw Eng. Tel. Co. 122 128 stated that a section of the Seelert ,11:00-12.*00—Rad - ...... Narva...... and Onirehaatra afternoons sffd Sundays, from 8:00 Uquor dealers, last night paddled ment by the towm U based on man- was sUted that o f the places re- accommodation and economy. farm, at the eastern edge of the 5*J?~ 8:K^Praaa-nadla Nawa Parlod 11:80—12:30—Paul Pandarvik Orafjaatra DoeUner, Manchester composer. The 14, 16, 18, 20, 40, 43 end 44. In size little help to the optimistic asser ual. or regular rates, now being \ Western Moss...... 22 24 8 : 8 ^ 8:85—Lani Melntlra’a Orohaatra A m., to 6:00 p. nj.. weaUer permit- backwards from a prevloiuly pro- maining unconnected, those with A strike at the company's plant, cemetery, and approximately 100 by NBC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK oU er four selections all have an In- 16, WlU long sleeves, it requires 6 Alfred J. WIlUs; secretary aad tlon of certain of the Selectmen paid by neighboring communities. Indus trials 8 : 4 ^ 8:45—Orphan Annla—pnldw rot teresting story behind Uem. ting. i ' ment U ey wUI find a wide nounced and vigorous stand they overflowing septic tanks have been Acme W ir e ...... 2I 28 still In effect dccording to report, 900 feet In all. Is for sale for $1,600. 8 :0 ^ 7:00—Amos *n* Andy—oast; To BASIC — East: wj»„wba-wbta wbal 1-4 3rards of 35-tncb material with treasurer. Mra. L Tllden Jewett. aU that "everything wlU be aU rlghL” Last month, before the adjourned Ba Announcad—west wham kdka wgar w xyi wjln wayr wmal The first Inspection period for o f merchandise o f high had taken In regard to the stopping Am. Hardware...... 1714 1914 will not. It is understood, concern This price was considered rather Beethoven's FourU Symphony .3 1-2 yards of ncrac braid. With re-elected. "Everything wiU be aU right so to w ) meeting, the electric company OBITUARY days. In which to connect 8:15— 7:15—Voeal Varlatiaa by Choral wfil waby wabr wcky waj^ waan wleo 1938 ends July 16. On or before priced In line WlU M( it Uquor sales to persons on relief, jwth the sewer, and others have the state authorities In their decis- high, and on motion of Mr. Spless, 8:35— 7:30—Unaaan Jury—waaf; By wlan; Mldwaatt wanr wla fw k koll wran haa been U e subject of much dis- N « t Friday evening, April 8 at long as there are no violations," the asked for a gradual stepup over a Arrow H and H. Com. 23 26 short sleeves, 4 3-8 yards of 39-lnch Ust date every motor vehicle regis- pursea. - and assured the dealers that the been given SO days time to do like- BilUngs and Spencer. 814 4U ion on the question of transports- it was voted to reassign the pur- Candlallght, Muaio Drama-natwk pute, but Uere Is a tradition that tt fabric is required. 6 o clock the regular supper for U e Chief stated. "Elvery policeman Is period of four years, at the end of 8:48— 7i45—Swing and Dane# Tima krgv kfdm wrol kiis wibo wdan w a n tered In Connecticut must be In- . Board has no interest in the en- deatos W18€. * Bristol Brass...... 27 80' Oon. chase question tc the Counsel. a*lC'^ 7 : 0 ^ 8:0^nuaa Morgan A Orohaatra wagn------lonrs;a. Mountain------was inspired by U e romance of U e Tolland Federated Church Ladles' under oath to uphold the law as It which time the town would be pay- For a PATTERN of Uls attrac- spected and display U e official seal, foteetnent of the measure. P- C. Y. Moore’s letter to Colt's PaL Firearms . 47 ' bo ing that he Investigate a possible S :I^ W a y n a Klng*o Orohaatra PaelfloI kgo...... kfad kaxix kga kaea klr master composer w iu Oiunteas Aid society will be served at U e is written. I intend to do that, and ing the rate for which It is now to John Beoevento • 8:00—VoK Peppara A Quaatiena Sea WBAP-NBC for optional tlve model send 15c In COIN, your or owners win be subject to U e "W e hive done our part under the ine Selectmen, he suggested that a Eagle Lock ...... 12 14 buy from Kohn Brothers, provided 8 : 3 ^ 8:10—Plbbor McQaa Prog.—to o list of atationa Therese vOn Brunswick. True or <;hurch. Thit is the first public sup* BROTHERHOOD TO HOLD to see that the poUcemen under my be billed. The Selectmen passed NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM- penalty provl*ta Spots QuaftOt—OSSt BeeUoven announced his engage- ed wlUIn U e prescribed period U e DEBATE NEXT TUESDi persecuted, but that as long as the N. Y . Stocks -a. Andy—repeat for woat 4:48— 8:48—To Bo Announood—baste; FaU er and Sons; December, for U e It was further explained that the brer's report, and wlU not consider ternoon following a lingering 111- mit to the Board of Health for Its Hendey Mdcb. B. . . . . 9 7 ten years, it Is underst(X)d that Tha Throa Remaoa. Vocals—west ment to U e lady In question, who TERN BUREAU. 11 STERLING law is concerned, then he la con- 10:15—11 :lO~Oray QorOen A Orehoitra PLA(3E. BROOKLYN, N. Y. "CommIsMoner shall suspend U e Rockvjne district Farm Loan asso- - list of names has not actually been taking any action unUl the new bill ness. He was a native of New York approval, sanlUry disposal plans Landers. Frary A cik. 2114 2314 Kohn Brothers' main objection i to Nowman’o Orchoat. 8 :0 ^ 8:00—Nawa; M. Frodarla Ora. was U e sister of a very close registration of such motor vehicle d in the places which sell cerned In seeing It enforced. la received, or until formal notice la and was employed at Cheney Broth- New BrlL Mcb.. Com. 16 17 selling Is based on the fact that 11:0(^12:00—To Bo Announced <1 hr.) 5*15" 8:10—Jahnnia Johnatan In Song friend. The music has strong erao- ciatlon. Come and bring your wm Argue On Advltoibmtg and Intended sanitary outlet ar- Adams E x p ...... ••88— 8:35—Soronadora — wJa only; The new SPRING AND SUM- for such period o f time as he may r, but that the lUU have been Take Off One Name served...... 90 100 they depend on the shed for the JahnnI# Johnston. C#ntln*d—chain _ tlonal content which no one can fall friends and enjoy a good supper and Bigger Army And Ntvy ers and the Cushman Chuck Com- rangements before development of A ir Reduc ...... CB6-WABC< NETWORK determine, but not exceeding nine- social. e hept under cover, accessible to theThe Board, in session after the Petition by nine residents of Earl North and J u d d ...... 21 23 storing of tobacco. 8:48— 8:45—Lowall Thomaa — SMt; ^ appreciate. MER PATTE R N BOOK, 32 pages pany of Hartford. He was a mem- property is permitted. The Board Alaska Ju n ...... BASIC — Bait: wabo wade woko weao ty days.” Next Session. hearing of the Uquor dealers' woes, Peck, Stow A Wilcox 9 7 On motion of Mr. SpiesA. it waa Chicago Cenoort Orohootra—weot of attractj-ve designs for every size Mr. and Mrs. Miller and famUy, liquor dealers and their clerks street for Installation of street b"r of the St. Bridget's Holy Name took no immediate action on tlUs Allegheny ...... wool wgr wkbw wkre whk wjr wdre 8:06— 7:O ^E aoy Aeaa, Skit—aloe cat "The Persian Dance" by Mous- The Manchester lane la estabUsh voted to erase one name from the Russell Mfg. C o . ___ 23 27 voted to Instnict the Toivn Engineer wean w5a wpro wfbl wlav wgiii; Mid 8:18— 7:15—Mr. Kaon A Loot Paraona and every occasion. Is now ready. who have been living In ops of “hfs Further Interest” lights there, the Board refused to Society and was at one time a suggestion. Allied Chem ...... waati wbbra wfbm krabo *----- ed for the convwlence of the mo- A debate will feature tha list of pasted persons. The posted Scovlll Mfg. Co...... igi4 20 U to make, "hereafter, a semi-annual .. . T— ------kmo* whaa 8:30— 7:30—Dorothy Thomooon, Talk sourgsky ts taken from a Rusalan Photographs show dresses made Frank Williams apartments moved A t the last meeting of the Board entertain the petition on the member of the Manchester Fire De- Selectman Mathias Spless, urging Am O n ...... kfab krnt ^ Happy Jaek and Seng—woat torists of Bolton, Coventry, Glas- one had secured medicines from the grounds that it has no funds with Stanley W orks...... 32 34^ t AST'—wbna wpg whp whac wore efrb opera w iu a very involved political from Uese patterns being worn; a last Saturday to Massachusetts. meeting of Ue BroUSrhood c o f Selectmen, when it was voted to partment. that the connecting ot houses to the Am Rad St S ..., inspection of the condition of sll •:45t - 7:46— ton CoUege choir; 2:30— Brevity out U e land are no exoepUoo. u u - tavern keeper to know everybody (Orattnoed frMD Page Om ) Tneeday, April 6 7:46—New# Service. maining number: "The Saran ot Ue daughter lived "la mortal fear" When U e local inspection station " ‘ ' a. Olf- and a resident of this town for Title Guarantee ... 4H 6 <3ol Ctarbon ...... time. Local Agent handling the MaUnee; 8—Pepper Young’s fami- ford’s Boye’ department being aver on the list " STARTS RIOTOUS SCENE P. M. 8:00—Treasure House. Tuonela” by SlbeUus U based on a of him. Closed here, 170 motor vehicles had many years, died Monday afternoon WATERBURYJURORS V. 8. T r u s t ...... 1469 1529 C3ol Gas and El . . . . project ts H4rry C. Mohr. ly: 6—Ame.ica's b< hools. W A B O mindful of U e needs ot Ibtal bcW It was pointed out that under Two other unions, both parties to 4:00—Lorenzo Jones.. 8:18— Shapers Special. Finnish legend Tuonela Is U e "land at the Manchester Memorial hospi- (3omI Inv T r ...... CBS, 12:15— National councU for not been inspected. Consequently, It has osssmbied for Easter a fine ee- law, tavern keepers have to rec- the peace conference, claim major- 4:16—The Story of Mary M a r^ . of death" In Finnish myUology, and (Unnttnoed from Page One) tal foUowIng a long Illness. She Coml Solv ...... 9:00—Fred Felbei at Ue organ. prevention of war, speakers, Sen. waa necessary for U e owners to tertion of furnishinga that are at ognise minors, considered a r ile ity memberships among consumers 4:30 — “ Hughesreel” presennng 9:19— Madison Ensemble. FH6 NB SfilA Hava Mr. . was born In Italy. RECALL BUCKLEY 0>ns E dison...... it Is surrounded by a black river Ernest Lundeen, Rep. Harold Knut- drive long distances to neighboring once precUcal and good looking. oalHng for ^orcem en t similar to power employes. One is the A F L ’f Rush Hughes, news commentator. 9:29— Star Gaxiag In HoUywood. Can With Samplro year moratorium public debt Besides her husband, she Is sur- Cons Oil ...... POST OFHCE ‘O T S ” WlU a ra.ild currenL son and format Representatives communities where b spectlon sta- The entire basement of U e etbro name posting. International Brothnhood of elec- payments. National Guard 4:46—The Road of Life. 9:30— Phil Boudlnl, accordionist vived by one daughter, Mrs. An- Cent <3an ...... On Ula water rides a black swan, Jeanette Ranking and Edward Keat- Recreation tions were In operation. Is given over to U e need ot boya Always Far Heaeat Ui "This is a different sort of pro- trical Workers, the other the Inde- 6:00—Dick Tracy. 9:49— Don Harding's Wife. pendent Power Workers Associa- The bin atipul.ited only that the thony D'Anzl of this town and two Corn Prod ...... singing. The hero, Lemmlnkalnen, ing; 3:45—Curtis musleale; 4:46— and Includes every need from head • . . OoOM Hera! POOlUon,'' Mr. Chambers announced. decrees must he taken before July sisters living In Italy. INCREASED TO FIVE 6:16—Terry and U e Pirates. 10:00—Pretty K itty Kelly. tion. — News — Del Lack and Weql 6:80—Jack Armstrong. wooe U e girl "Pohjoia" but her Inventors' Cong-ress at Cffileago; to foot. Recently new display rests A N T S-PHEOB 8R The Uquor dealers who appeared 1. 19.38. and ratified bv P.afllamen't Funeral services will be held from RepnbKcan-Leader From 10:15—M yrt and Marge. Governor Murphy, who hastened Douglas Aircraft .. 6:48— "Little Orphan Annie. 10:30— Richard Maxwell. moUer says before be may have U e 8:16—New series, Exploring Space. Center Items TOLLAND were Installed In this department ta b ^ r e the Board last night repre- before Dee. 31, 1938. The govern- her late home Thursday at 8:30 a. Review and Dinner romoirow Du P o n t ...... order to give U e boys apparsi aad nmtted places of business all over home from a Florida vacation to 6:00—News., 10:49—To be announced. girl, be must perform lmt ha?i no choice,** the ' reeident, died suddenly last Republican leader and director of Int Hsrv ...... He boy. Peter Rabbit and Peter Pan AuTooNsiiiccnc.- Bade In such an event. — whether the CTO union's extended uniform prescribed by Colonel started work yesterday, his appoint 8:80—Wayne King's Orchestra. 12:30— Romance o f Helen Trent. outstanding, rescues him and re- tall; PCI NeUerlands, 7—Program P.A.A.C. Al Bogglni will referee. tended U e funeral of Mr. West's premier declared. ‘Her fljrht for life 17 ^ r k street. the party's 1936 gubernatorial cam- Int Nick ...... ***^ term o f swimming lessons health shoes gives young feet U e OUARANTEED 8 TEAHB H »e Board could not answer the agreement would prevail the full Is s fl^ht aj^alnBt time. A new drop Newport. R. I Mr. Fraser left Joseph P. Nolan wh( ordered the af- ment dating April 1 at the local 9:00— Vox Pop— NBC 12:45—Our Gal Sunday, stores him, Intact, so that be may for western Hemiipbere; HAT4 cousin, Mrs. Pauline West Rattray four months despite a victory In the . ^ ..... ess. rv U4'.ru r-alFn. reported to the Court House Int Tel and Tel . . ., 9:80— Fibber McGee and (Tompany 1:00— Betty and Bob. will start for aromen. The class will right start WlU plenty of arch sup- question, members observing that In our ciirronry. which would bring this town for Newport ncarl.v two fair In order to promote better rela- post office. return home w lU her ir, full health, Budapest 7—Romeo and Juliet; 2KO at the East Hartford Congregation- election by either of Its rivals. F. N. today as the Waterbury Grand Jury Johns M an ville...... 10:00— "Tales of Great Rivers" — 1:19— Betty Crocker. rontlnue for twelve weeks. Time al church, Sunday. port and toe room. Manchester Bvoaecutlon is not a function of the a rise In the cost of living, might year* ago and was employed at the tions between the twc< Connecticut The vacancy In the' local office Rome, 7:80 - Amerlca’a Hour; Harris. internaUonal A F L repre- reconvened after the week-end re- Kennecott ...... Tha Blue Danube. 1:30— Arnold Grim's Daughter. TlckeU may be obtained for U ls for classes Is aa follows; 7:00 to Mothers will find it unusually Moctmen. It was suggested that break the ecoriomlc cqutlihrium of torpedo station. cess. regiments. Following the dinner at was caused by the promoUon to YV9RC Ca.acas, 8:30—Continental Ivan West attended U e funeral sentative, said Governor Murphy r>ehlgh Val Rd ...... 10:30—Jimmy Fiddler 1 ;45— Valian t l A d y . * concert from any member of the 7:45 Beginners; 7:45 to 8:30 Inter- of his sister PauUne W. Rattray at convenient to shop CSlfford's. Boys* Upholstering Co, to# liquor dealers send a delegation the nation, -nd It slmoit certainly He leave.s his wife, Mrs. Florence the Inn, a review will be staged in regular clerk of William Turklng- orchestra: OSD GPt' GSB London, assured him that 'I f we (the A F L l The Tolland coimty chlettaln, for LIgg and Myers B , 10:46— Dale Carnegie. 3:00—News Thru a Woman’s Eyes. oopjnittee listed below, or from mediate. U e East Hartford Congregational Shop for all U elr children's wear- Bm y Since 1833 to i^ h t to the meeting of the Board would cause social difficulties. To iMcCormIck) Fra-'ct: two sons. the Meriden armoiy by the First ton who was appointed subsUtute 9:30— Frcm London shdwa. win. the present contract will be years one of the closest advisors of Lorlllard ...... 11:00—New*. 2:19—The O’Neill’s. Watkins Bros., Kemp's Inc., or U e The Shamrocka have U e basket- church, Sunday. Mis. Rattray was ables. Here in one compact depart- oc Police (Jommiaaionera In an effort defend the fianc Is a diit.v, because Herbert C. and Roy W). Fraser of Battalion of the 169tb Infantry con- upon the death of a e r k Henry Fra- voided as soon as the new one is the late J. Henry Roraback, atate Mont W a r d ...... 11:16—Gray Gordon's Orchestra: 3:80— American School of U e Air. Manchester YMCIA. The concert Is ball floor from 6 to 7 o’clock. 111 at her boms in Mtaeola, Long Is- to determine whether or not the law It Is also defending so(:lal peace." this town: and two ' daughters sisting of Battalion, headquarters ney who died July 21, 1937. The wOl be enforced. drawn, regardless of whether the G. O. P. chairman, was Joined in the Nash K e lv ...... 11:30— Ruby Newman’s Orchestra. 6:00— A ll Hands on Dtak. being sponsored by U e 'Teachere' Wednesday land, and passed away from an op- Rightist groups, meeting In the Eleanor and Shirley of Newport. He company, and Companies A, B, U, other substitute- clerk is Domenlc four-month period has expired." area reserved for witnesses by two Nat Blue ...... 13:00— Weather Report. 3:30— Deep River Boys. Club df Manchester.” for U e bene- MAINE MAN CHARCXD The men's volleyball period will eration and pneumonia. What To Expect CTiambcr dccl.ared the plan "a real leaves two brothers, Harry and and D. Farr. The subsUtute carriers are Brassing for some assurance that The extended agreement between WaUrbury men, Judge John F. Mc- Nat D airy...... Eklward H. 8auter» Frank Ablanon# 13:02— Woody Herman's Orchestra. flt of U e Verplanck Foundation. be from 8 to 7 o’clock. The regular meeting of Tolland and Intolerable provocation against William Fraaer. and one sister, Mrs. Promotions Effeettve Nat Distill ...... n a y arlU not be prosecuted if sales consumers power and the utilities .temima Dougan. Grath of the CMty Ojurt and Martin and JOMph Twaronite. 13:80—Mike Riley's Orchestra. The committee chalinjui Is Mary WITH DOUBLE MURDER p e Junior boy's plunge period Grange wtU be held at U e Com- it Ur------workers organizing commltUe the nation and ag.ninst republican J. Dunn, aupervisor of purchases In The following promotions in Com- N Y Central...... 1:00 a. m.— SilenL will be from 6 to 6:46. __ UquOTs are made to persons not liberties.'’ Funeral arrangements are Incom- Roach. Chester Robinson is In munity House, Tuesday evening Weognired as being posted, the deal- duplicated the original pact, which . plctte. the city comptroller's office dUring pany "K ", 169th Infantry went into N Y NH and H ...... Tomorrow's Prorraiii charge of Ue ball; Marion Oaffey Is The men’s swimming classes will when a representatlvte of U e Stanley Meusure .Approved North A m ...... BOLTON JJ* aaked what they could expect 11 expired April I. except for clauic.-), the administration of former Comp- effect last .ilgnt, the first drill night A. M. U e head u her, assisted by Marion Portland, Me.. April 6—(AP)— start at 7 o’clock. Company will be prMent and dis- they are caught In such a "Jam". allo^v1ng for wage changes In event The Chamber Finance committee troller D.anlel J. Leary. of the month. Private Roger Alescl, Packard ...... ST. JAMES'S SOCIETY Lynch, RuU Nyman, Gwendolyn <3ounty prosecutor Albert Knudsen The bowling alleys have been re- play their products. '' | yesterday approved the bill by a Charles Gotten Param P l c t ...... 6:00—Blue Orssa Roy. •'1 think the law Is all wrong.' of an employe's promotion or de- Oiarles Gotten. 49, a resident of It was Buckley's second trip to Michael KokocI and Gerald Uemeu- 6:80—"RevetUe." Forty-eight were present at Ue PrescotL Frances Allen, Margaret moved »to build on “factual evi- served from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. Mrs. Charlotte Howell o f Rock- motion and a company pledge not to narrow majority, but a minority Penn dence” today a double murder w e d Selectman Mathias Spless. Vernon, died suddenly early yester- the Court House since the Investi- sey were appointee Privates First 7:00—Morning Watch— Ben Haw- church school Sunday morning, jh e Boyle as ushers. Tbnraday ville was a Sunday guest o f Miss one of the voters for the discriminate against strikers declaration railed It a "plan to op- gation of Waterbury's government- Class, to fill exUtm^ vacancies. Pbelpa. Dodge TO MEET TONIGHT charge against 47-year-oId Grover Genevieve Gardner at Uo Steele erate a real economic and social day moirning at the home of Wil- PhllPhil Petlfete .. Uorne. The following teachers are also The following teams will play ^ I iwatlng of names. "U doesn t seem al affairs got tinder way five weeks Military BMellnes Junior department purchased flow- Parker, whom be described as a House. levohitlon.” ^ liam Dietz, Taylor streeL Vernon, Pub Serv N J ...... 8:00—News. associated as listed: David Hart- basketball: 6:00 to 7:00 East 8 lW - that any police official would hold a ago. The former member of the Thanks to James Mutisle for that ers for church with U elr offering "Jealousy” alastsr. 7:00 to 8:00 Falcons. ’ Mrs. Emery Clougb spent the Even the majority Inserted a where he had made his home. Em- Radio ...... 8t. ______8:10—Doc Schneider's Texans. well. publicity; tickets. Mary Mc- Attorneys for U e alight, sandy- W who honestly didn't recognizi State Liquor CJontrol Commission picture last night---- It's the only James's Holy Name society 8:30— Radio Boxaar. Next Sunday U e flowers will be A Pew aeries of swimming les- week-end at the home of her sister < lause that President Lebrun should ployed at the plant of the Pratt and Reading ...... Guire, Isabel W orU , Nathen haired herdsman said U ey would that a man to whom he Is sclllnc HOSPITAL NOTES waa called last Wednesday for the one the company haa In Its posses- udil hold Its m onL-jntlUy meeting In St. 9:00— Blue Graas Roy. tans will start'again. Time as fol- and family In New Britain.'^ flUESTIONC ANSWER box ’ be present at all Cabinet meetings Whitney division of the United A ir- Rem Rand ...... presented by the two older groups. Ostcbell, Paul Volquaidsen, Ger- offer a plea of ‘temporary Insanity" (Winks Is posted." first time while the Jury apparent- sion showing the blue uniform. , , . James's school hall tonight. Th* 8:16—Gretchen McMullen. . i o ^ 7:00 to 7:46 Advanced; 7:48 to Mr. and Mrs. Brnest McClure had wlure decrees were to be approved. craft Corporation In Fast Hartford, Republic Steel ...... entertainment committee has ar- The choir furnished special music, trude Carrier, ElsUer Orandatrom, at Parker's arraignment In munici- 8*lectman Joseph Pero went tur- ly had turned Its attention toward the company meeting scheduled to 9:80—Food News.. 8:80 Ltte Saving. as week-end guest U elr son, a stu- Admitted yesterday: Miss Abble While the premier prepared to en- he was formerly a resident of Glas- Rey Tob B ...... ]^ g e d a fine program for the affair. Bernice Mayer, tietty Carloon, pal court In connection w lU U e WOT than to sympathize with the legislative activities. be held last night was postponed 9:46—*Toung Wldder Jones." at U e morning worship service. The dent at Wesleyan college. Middle- p tM u m en t of the dealers. He sug- Fogarty, 54 Chestnut street: W il- -ter the Chamber, 30.000 occupation tonbury where he leaves several Safeway Stores .... The evening's acUvltles wUl be KaUerIne Shea, Daniel Donahue, fatal shooting of Mlsa Alice E. M. town, Cortn. ’ relatives. Begin Fifth Week until this coming Monday.,, .plans 10:00—Mrs. W iggs of U e Cabbage sermon by Rev. A. S. KUne waa on gested how the law might be beaten liam Forde. 109 Oak street. strikers In metal plants, members Sears Boebuck...... openro with a business meeting fol- Thomas BenUey, Huldah Butler, WlUam, 38, Boeton native, and The New Zealand government has Watch for This Feature The Jury opened jts fifth week of for two overnight camps in Bolton Fateh. Ue "Persmal ChttsL” At Ue eve- Mr. an(t Mra. Harry R. Bartlett, ^ way out. by which no Uvem- Birth: Yesterday, a daughter to of the premier's following of 9,000,- The funeral will be held Thurs- Shell U n ion ...... lowed by tha entertainment, which Mary Burke, Mrs. MiUtcent WalleL Ralph M. Flanders, 48, outside U e approved U e ^appointment of a com- who are spending Ue winter ta Investigation about one o’clock. are now being discussed... .an en- 10:16—John’s Other Wife. ning service a fifteen minute organ jjaeper. In his opmlon. could be held Mr. and Mrs. William Stratton, 41 000 workers In the General Confed- day morning at ,4he funeral rooms Socony V a c ...... WlU be furnishe* by both the mem- latter’s west end apartment Satur- mittee to Investigate Ue suitability Garden street. Special Prosecutor Hugh M. Alcorn, tertainment will be made u^ tor 10:8O->Iust Plain BIU. prelude by Walter Dawley oa the Hartford were at U elr Tolland home li^ Ie for violating the names post- eration of Labor, hung red flags of J. D. Sullivan In South Glaston- South P a c ...... bers of the local society and* out-of- day nlghL of U e city of JVellington as a base for Suhday bury. who with hla staff came to the 10:46— The Woman In White. Hammond Electric organ was en- r In The thg count. Mr. Pero also Is one who D ea^: Yesterday, at 6:30 p. m.. from windows of their plants, that Saturday night and a darn good South Rwy ...... town guesU. Boxing matches wUl Flanders, a raUroad Ucket agent for overseas fl^n g boats. Miss Tbeo Oourrler, who has been Mrs. Fannie Gamba. 60, of 229 Oak Court House about 11:30 a. m., to time will be had by all the mem- St Brands ...... feature the program. A smoker 11:00—David Harum. joyed. The numbers were: "Largo, PiW ously voted for names posting, Blum hoped by revaluation of the prepare for the aeasion, gave no In- spending her vacaUon w iu her street. bere.... there are only twelve more St Gas and E l ...... and refreshments will wind up the 11:15— Backstage Wife. Handel; Berceuse. Kinder: Passion, night be suggested that do Bank of Franco’s gold reserves to dication why the session had been 11:80—How To Be Chonnlng. aunL Mrs. Mary Healy returned to ■*'“ **y' • »on to Mr. and drilla before we leave for Camp St Oil <3al...... evening’s enjoyment. Each mem- Chorale, Behrens; Lost CSiord, Sul- U take for the government s paper FUNERALS postponed from the usual atartlng 11:46—"HeUo Peggy." RADIO her studlee at Vassar college, Mon- BARGi^IN HOUND tt he wants to buy a drink.-There- Mrs Thomas Kelley. 24 Drescher profit of 22.550,000,000 francs Croas, Nlantle..start saving up, St Oil N J ...... ber may bring a friend to the affair. livM . The North pariah was Invited, day. road. time of 10 a. m. • He said the Jury Tex Corp ...... There is nq charge for admission. 18:00 heon— "Getting U e Most Out and U elr veatac. choir sang an Day rore, any man who asks for a drink (about $676,500,000). Vlte Marglotta men---- Prtfate Btasell did not de- Ih e re d in g club was postponed Census; Sixty-five patients. probably would not hold a night Timken Roll Bear .. o f Life — Rev. William L. Stld- anUem, accompanied by Walter The latest statement of the bank, The funeral of Vito Marglotta of cide to spend .aat night with us___ ger. Baaton Staafiard Time ATTENTION KIDDIES! from April 4U to Monday afternoon, t h f *£^iH?** Idemuy himself, m 21 Purnell place was held this morn- session tonight. Trans Am erica...... COLUMN U e W e e t ^ a opinion, can iS-^-rv- well, we understand that they are P. M. Dawley on Ue electric organ. Rev, A p ^ liU to Mrs. U Ernest Hall's. ing from the W. P. Qulsh Funeral The reason for summoning Buck- Union Carbide ...... W. Kendrick Grobel, pastor at U e going to use tamer horses *t the rid- 13in8—Studio Program.. New York, April 6.—The annual Four large flocks of wild geese Home, 225 Main street at 8:30 and ley. like all Jury matters, was cloak- Union P a c ...... Stafford Springs Congregational TOWN’S BUDGET AT PRESENT ed In secrecy, bull It was generally ing academlee from now o n .... ABOUT TOWN 13:80—^RayonallUee. vying of Ue networka oror which flaw norU over Tolland last week from St. James's church at 9 Lieutenant Nathan Gatehell Is at- Unit A ircra ft...... church delivered the eermoa. About FREE PASSES within aa hour of each flIgbL en- assumed In Court House circles Unit (3orp ...... 13:46—"Singin' Sam.” one WlU do what aporU broadcast Is seize o'clock, Rev. Hines celebrated the 160 were present. The pews waro all oouragtag signs of spring weaUer. Every Wednesday 'Standing ol Appropriation* a* Reported to the Board that hla appearance meant the Jury tached to Oo. K for training pur- Unit Gas I m p ...... Members of Gulaeppe Garibaldi 1:00— News and Weather. about to get under way. Such on In- TO THE mass and conducted the committal occupied and chairs wars brought Tbs annual msettag ot U e Tolland o f .sricetm rn M areh 25, 1938: intended to press further Its scru- poses and It won't be the lieutenant's U S Rubber...... society will meet st 7:15 tonight a t 1:18— "Joyoe Jordan, Girl Interne. dication cornea ta lengU y announce- IJTOorj uil! seek to support th e' service in St. James's cemetery. In from downstairs. Visitors wars Cemetery association was held st tiny of legislative matters. fault If a certain private forgets U S Smelt ...... the Sub Alpine club and proceed en 1:30—Marjorie Mills. menti by NBC and CSS telling of t;. Expended The bearers were Joseph Savino present from nearby towns w lU a U e Tolland Town Hall, Saturday af- Appropriation - - Thla assumption waa supported how to come Into the C O.’s office U S S te e l...... masse to pay their respects to the 3:00—Federal Theater of Ue Air tSh items U ey plan to put on u e NEW CIRCLE THEATER. ^ persons whose j Charities 3-25-38 Balance Joseph Uriano, John Ponticelll and Ita'ge delegf tlon from Manchester. ternoon. The reports for U e year .$ 100,000.00 by the recalling of McGrath, who U personal hygiene la one of the Vick Chem ...... memory of John Benevento who died — Han of Fame.. air between now and winter again. $ 68,077.04 31,922.96 Antonio Lupacchlno. Organ pledge cards were pissnl ouL ware presented and showed much purchsl^r." H'fh'vays: listed In municipal records as re- moet Important phasca to study up Western Union ...... yesterday. 3:80—Brevity Matlnea. About sverythtag ta athleues K '<>"»• ! 3:45— Hank Keene. A committee was appointed by Rev. improvement done In U s U ree town General Maintenance . 55.000. 00 ceiving a payment of $7,600 for on coming to camp... .Lieutenant West El and Mfg ... from opening baaebaU ta mid-AprU Johnson Paint Co. I (Ion I want the busine.lnted oo-chalr- Child Welfare ...... 9.316.72 6,683.28 d i*ii*e the sign at Ptna andudOoat 6:80—StepmoUer. D«er. important plans s 8rst tnnseaatlsmtSI rafi- The ToUanc Couuts Oamoeratta great rtvars. T h a Danube"; 10;48 w naturday. Ssnd oO eatrlea ta Maxager Obela Thaatw. TotaU AH scouts in tows ars urged to ten. It Is attracting wldaspread tau tead built In the Amartean eooti- t.'OO—Watifii tbs Pun Go My. Oy adopted tfsp^weeiu .$1,132,966.00 $702,186.44 $430,429.56 tarast and is the Paint anti Powder A fter tbs busiasas sssskm last AMoeUtlea m at^ h tan sS eld TUwn -Data'Carnegie. ^ •*•■■■ te fiiat Bttaa tataxro. fit* a^ro ta MMd - -Appropriation OvieribiW^ attend in uniform as wall as all n e ^ w u U e Panama raUroad. night rafrstUmsnu (sare aervsd by Mra. MatUa TadtetMil o f utax),- 8:80—Cassd Caravan. HaU. Maaofiakd Monday avanmg. FINER TEA.. clubs most eiaborata work of this lOiOS—To ba aaawmead. WABCiCBS, 8— Ikiward G. KoMn- •M throe paaaaa trMrd wtaaar. Sea^^y. ift T 4 ■ P***Bta and M endi of tha aoouts. year. . i fltiAed te 1886. ntsniag from Aaroctotsa E U si Madden. M s m m huiy. Vatmoot Is vlatUu her «Maln Mrs. Faaaia Dixon Welch, eoUactor ooiea to Paaaas C t t y X ^ . I b e M . . ^ . ag I------t Dspartoro o f w t a a i s a . ■"htosen sstt t t o ir ------« f pott^..Melta on - •Mow; fi-A l Pifitca gang; MANCHESTEB evening herald. MANCHESTER. CONN,. TUESDAY, APRIL B, 198* financing a sight-seeing trip to MAiMUHiamuK BVlfiNlNO HERALP. MANCHESTER, CONN- TUESDAY, APRIL 8,1988 York Saturday, April 28. by .. under all conditions Is not reason- PAGE SE GROUP SCANS grades and high school pupils Mrs. able." precious second taeth. Dr. Erlenbaeh Ida Heck and Mrs. Alice FogU, EXPECT TaPASS Wilbur L. Cross, Jr., motor vehicle MAP EASIER RULES SIXTH YEAR VITAL u m e d . Regular examlnaUons by teachers in the Oliead schools are department engineer, told the eoh- the family dentlat wlU dixcover tbe OVER 1 3 MDIIONS FEROCIOUS YANKS GIVE Greyhound Track To Use IDCONTROLBUL planning to accompany the children ference he believed that evmtually TO DENTAL HEALTH small defects and taidlcate the need from this part of town on this trip. BUREAUS BILL w w rs would be subjected to FOR RAIL LOANS for early correction, thus avoiding PA'S SEEK TOWN CAGE TITLE TONIGj Mr. and.Mrs. Newton Ailing and re-examinatlons consisting the danger of dlseolMd Ueth and **Eye In The Sky** Camera son John of child, for that Is the year when the 227,000 After Payments Holds Its Own In World of the final month of the season at ■ the West Springfield track to Mr. and Mr:;. Harry Welles In East "Now the strategy L to bliy off young and old, are Ignorant of their pected from the child who Is free innovation tn the sport the coming provide quarters for the photo finish Name ...... AT EAST SIDE I faUlng abUiUes. sixth year molars come into place from local Irritations such os a nag- without much Incentive, played season at the Crescent Kennel club Woodstock. Important elements of .opposition tioos Wonld Help Roads. flawless baseball. They did not look esmsra on top of the present stand „ In the mouth and these are the foun- ging tooth. Also, reslatence to dla- at Woat Springfield with the sign- Addreoa ...... ' I^^Mhlngton, April 5—(API— A Mr. and Mrs. George McRobble, by specious amendments, private dation for future oral health, ac- e w can be strengthened apd com- For First Quarter. Series Plajr; Rnppert Ri- like the same team that bad Mr. and Mrs. Walter Joyner and promises ,and secret understand' dropped an entire series to the low- ing here of contracts for tha instal- be drawn up.” a. worn a. pi«« can I More loto Finalt Of Id! AT 8:15 V ( committee conildered today cortlng to Dr. F. M. Ertenbach plications from childhood diseases lation of tbe "Eye in the Sky" pho- The camera derives its name “Eye Date Birth ...... son Herbert and Mrs. Annie BIssell Ings," he asserted. Washington, April 5—(AP)—Ad. eWef of the Division of Mouth Hv- lessened If a clean, healthy mouth fles Hare Annexed Fire ly Athletics In AugusL to finish camera at the West Spring- nr Bncland flood control pro- of Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. The House had to dispose of _ ministration business advisers gave la maintained. Hurling Big Factor In'the Sky" from the fact that It wmiG glene of the State Department of Hartford, April 5.—Labor Com- field oval for the season opening "shoots" directly down upon the Height...... Weight ...... embracing the controveralal Howard Tryon of Buckingham were stack of minor legislation before re- serious consideration today to pro- rlCftltll. missioner Joseph M. Tone disclosed Contrary to a general conoeptlon, Juno 17. a suming the acrimonious debate over posals to relax restrictions on Fed- again based upon what the Yankees finish line from a point directly of power and states’ rights Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. When the sixth year molars, the today that $3,752,000 was dis- Titles In Eleren Years. Announcement of the plana for over It In on upper tier of the 1 would like to p la y ...... Game I t Plajoff F tr have blocked construction and Mrs. Elton Buell. the bill late this-afternoon. Leaders eral loans to railroads In receiver- first perm^ent teeth to appear, are have achieved, pitching has been Installing the photo finish at the 3 To 2 Victory. SOUTH WINDSOR NAMES ship. trade to get report tributed In unemployment compen- more Important than batting power judges’ stand. Ught for tbe pho- r the projects. Miss Lovm,' Foote, teacher at the decided not to hurry the discussion erupt^, th ^ establish the proper sation In Connecticut during the" West SpringfleltL. track foUowed a tos Is supplied by a battery of re- »)'Adnurilstration leaders have held Durham High school, spent the unduly, but they hoped to reach One representative said such vmy for teeUi to meet In order to (This Is the second of three stories m giving American LeogiMra the conference Mtween Dr. Frank Pa- (Send this blank, properly filled la, to Herald flporta Editor, RodmI Honors h loans would supplement financial first quarter, which ended March World Series edge. The records flectors stretching across the track or bring to meeting at West Side Rec Friday night, AprU 1. roval of Interstate compacts week end at her home here. final vote this week. chew our food, be said, speaking In ON SAFETY PARLEY 31, and that the amount available dealing with tho currently debkted lumbo, treasurer, and John E. above the finish line in p double By ASSOCIATED FflESS Eig for construction of reser- One prominent Democrat joined NEW ZONINC BOARD aid already being extended to rall- Uie department's weekly broadcast show that tach side has outhlt the Brooks, general manager of the All plans are completed for the roada not in recelverabip. for future benefits Is now $13,- baseball Issue; Is tlie American other on 17 occaslona. Remember row and throwing a total of 30,000 The Syracuse Stars, changed con- Leagne; Moriartyi I on the Connecticut and Merri- clinic to give diphtheria toxoid to the opposition forces yesterday, today. Maay at the other second 227,000. League stronger tlian the National), Crescent Kennel club, and represen- rivers on the ground they They would fit Into whatever pro- teeth, which will begin to appear the White Sox, "bitless wonders" of watts of light on the finish line— siderably since their triumph over pre-school and school children at the RepresentaUve Woodrum (D.. Va.) Group Of Five Selected By Those Who Represented School Mr. Tone said that with the tatives of the "Eye la tbe Sky" enough light to "dim daylight” the Philadelphia Ramblers lost year ate Federal power policy. The Hebron Town Hall Wednesday, a key member of the aj gram Mr. Roosevelt may advocate from time to, time from now on are 19067 They beat the Cube In tbe shortly after the arrival of Dr. Pa- Selectmen On Rec for restoring distressed roads to already forming In tho child’s Jaws. At Conference To Address quarter's business finished, the fund By ALAN GOULD World Series. Remember the Bos- Is Fastest In Use. In the final plgyoff for tha first In- To Phy Opener. npacU have been ratified by April 6 at ten o'clock. Dr. D. C. X. committee, said he coul lumbo. The camera U tbe fastest In use buasetts, Connecticut, New x>rt the bill because of the Welfare^ ommendation Of Finance profitable operations. He Is expect- •re the ones with Assembly On Thursday. from which compensation Is paid Is New York, April (AP) — Na- ton Braves of 1914 7 They aeblsvetL. First In Bay State. ternatlonal-American hockey league Moore at Manchester and the school ed to send a mesaage on the rail which the child, will have to mastl- In a "very healthy state” and wlU Uonal Leaguers shudder or put cot- a "miracle" by taking four In a for any purpose today. The nor- cliamploneblp, today found them- hire and Vermont nurse. Miss Teresa Vlnclent will be Department provision. Board. be Increased when contribotlona on It will be the first year that the mal movie camera takes 180 expos- proposal that the Federal gov- He said it might put the dispens- rood situation to Oongresa In the cate Ua food for the rest of his life. Thursday afternoon’s assembly at ton In their sars when they think of row from tbe favored Athletics. photo finish camera baa been used selves In the final again. Picard Credits Putting Th# PaUsh-Amerieons pents pay full costa of construe- in charge. Parents are urged to next day or oo. It Is Important that they be well January, February and Marob pay- tackling those ferocious Yankees In If there's anyttilng to cycles or ures a second. The fastest camera Another group of strong-legged, tremely eager to wind have their children there on time. ing of relief on a permanent basis Wapplng’ April B. _ The South toe local Stats Trade School wifi be rolls are collected from liable em- on Masxacnusetta grayhound tracks In Use, with the exception of the I and land damages, on the other and that the new department would Many Informed persona believed formed aa they develop. devoted to reporta bn the first Con- another World Series. the law of averages In baseball. It's and the decision to Install one at keen-eyed youngsters bum aroimd 1937-38 basketball campaign I Services were omitted at the the administration was depending In order to accomplish this, Dr. ployers not tater than April 28. You can't blame them. Five the National League’s turn, Yankdes "Eye in the Sky" camera, lakes a nucleus of veterans, won tho west- baa not been accepted by gov- add from to |3,600,- necticut Highway Safety Confer- the West Springfield track followed from 130 to ISO exposures per sec- but that's only one of tbe ~i of the four states. The gover- Gilead ’ Congregational church Sun- 000,000 to the annual cost of gov- last night by tho Board of Select- heavUy on revival of the carriers to Brlenbxcb fltxted, continued xtten* race, held at New Haven yesterday, ‘The Connecticut unemployment times in the last eleven years tbs or no Yankees The decade of 1908- satisfactory use of tha camera on ern division UUe last night after a day evening so people could attend men Mttag upon the recommenda- aid general business recoveiy. lion to the diet lx neceLsary. Well* compensation fund help up well", he Yanks have fiattened their rivals In 17 saw the Americans just os domi- ond. The “Eye tn the Sky ” cam- For National Links Win why they're determtaed to I contended the proposal, ^ d by ernment. Paul Volquardsen represented the Florida tracks during the present era takes 180 exposures per second. near-record batUe vlth tbe Oeve- emen to have White House the concert given by thevGlee club tion of the Board of Finance. The A more direct attack on the re- formed teeth properly hardened pointed out, “even though we began the big-raoney battle. They have nant In the World Keiies as they winter racing .leason, the first year land Barons, who led the group the YD iMvkw In the festw*^ No matter what form the House board of five Is as follows: Kbool faculty at the conference and peidng benefits in the midst of a re- taken 20 out of 23 games. Including have been In the last ten years. In Despite the s p ^ needed to take would “violate states of Connecticut State College at the bill finally takes, a small group of cession as far as the average biisi- have greater resistance to disease Jolm Bertrand, president of the tha photo finish has been In general th. ough the regular season. Syra- traction of a douhleheader Sts.” Columbia church. This concert was Max Adelson, attorney at law neae man waa concerned, however, Tho proper elements necessary for cession. The first quarter is com- 12 in succession lu 1927, 1028 and between the Nationals held their this number per .second but a fifth of Representatives and Senators meet- Ephraim Cowles, steam-fitter; Ho- S.AA... represented the student use on greyhound ovals. a second Is needed for the camera cuse won the second and deciding East Side Ree. More Impor further complication arose to- sponsored by the Trl-County Chris- ing quietly behind closed doors will was foreshadowed by rfbuse pas- proper formation and growth body. pleted and there Is $13,227,000 left 1932 against tbe I Irates, Cardinals own. In fact. Nations' Leaguers "Decision to Include the photo “Hershey Horricaoe” Cops| r?”** te^take the^Suhn^ Gj"*. Jr„ electrician; Ells- for the future. and Cum. Only the Glanta have put to reach maximum speed whan game of theli two-out-of-three lead when Ckmper soared to a second the fact that a vtetmy wU| ’ when one Congressman Indlcat. tian Endeavor Union. have the last word on controversial sage of the Senate blU to give the : ^ t be obtained from those foods Letters and tournament medals still like to recall In the midst of finish camera In the Improvementa series, 3 to 2. after more than two worth Fairbanks, carpenter; and ReconatrucUon Fiance Corpora- that contain the necessary elements "Ctontributlons from liable em- up anything resembling a itrubble, current gloom, that the Yankees turned oo and but twoflfths of round 77.! toe PA'a their second straight i the President bad a new plan points of the reorganization pro- Peterson, clvU engineer. will also bb awarded the TiAde planned at the Creaeent Kennel club second to stop It aa the last dog hours of battling. Augusta Open By Two ..^pwper came back close with a consideration to solve ^ the gram. Uon almost unlimited dUcreUon In -^speclaUy calcium and phos- ^bool basketball team, which enjoy- ployers for 1938 are based on a pay- and last year they came apart, too. got no better than one tie In a the coming aaason that opens June flenlor League and town caM^ Wilbur and Frederick Hills, sons making loans to aid commercial and toll tax of 2.7 per cent which repre- Are Even. Otherwise string of nine & consecutive games crosses the finish line. The Stars, who finished-third and third-round 71 os Dudley dropped fiera to add to toe Stats r ’ England flood problem. Joint Oonlereooe of Mr. and Mrs. George Hills of pborua and vitamins A, C and D. ed a successful season during 1937- 17th la merely a continuance of our A photo finish Is taken of every last in thBv western gioup during b ^ vdth a 77. It waa at tola 'vever, members of the House ROBBERY MOTIVE If and when the House passes the Industrial enterprises. Co has contributed chiefly to the 21-13 erator's booth-within 40 seconds of Syracuse Sunday night. 6 to 8, then bock with a finishing 79. game serlM for the coveted 1 Information, authorities advanced a the British Parliament, Is almost as day evening. Instead of Thursday of trade. being held to acquaint atudenU with margin of tbe Americans In World same as that tn use here at tbe St. the finish of tbe race. .While JonM put together rounds (D,, N Jl.), have Introduced theory tljat four-persons were In- old as the American Congress. It Is ^ c e a appear between the upper the importance of personality in Petersburg Kennel club, one of the came through foi a second triumph The YD’e whipped the PA’e 1_ kmendment to the 1936 Flood eventag on account of the annual Senate approval of a single House baby teeth during the sixth year. C^allander, Ont, April 8— (Cana- Series oomMUUon, and (2) that Training Camp Tbe photo oo which the judges wheq, Maxle Bennett found the net Augusta, Oa., April 8__(AP) — of 76-74-72-76 for a 397 total and first meeting 4ii toe opening volved In the crime. used so many times In each session meeting of the members of Wap- securing employment and selling ontsids of the aeries In which the first greyhotmd tracks to offer Its boM thrir decision is then thrown a tie for 16th place, his beat effort atrol Act under which the gov- t ^ t It frequently Is called the amendment will send the RFC bUl This Indicates sufficient lateral ones services. dian Press)—The Dionne quin- patrons the photo finish. It made with a long shot In the fourtn over- No one was more certain that Henry but toe defending champs * vs ‘—ent would pay all costs of Two Men In Oar plng Community church, Their to the White House for President growth to accommodate the broader tuplets have a new brother. Yonks have participated since tbe upon a larger screen, easily seen .^ time period. since a 13th place finish la IMNl Third House.” war, the toiter-league battle has Notes * an Instant hit with the fans here, the public, within two or three min- Picard would win th* aU-star Au- Sam Snead, tha slugging rooklt matters the second time am drs and dams on projects Search for the two men and two Administration supporters Invari- meeUng la to be held at the home Roosevelt’s signature. That amend- fiecond teeth. When tho sixth year FANNY BRICE SUED The boy. weighing 7 1-2 potmds, fated as the most critlcsl of any lAst years final may be repeat- gusta national golf show thaw the trimmed ths TDs In ths piny In the A ct An Army women suspects followed reports by of Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Slmler. ment eliminated a provision that was bom last night to 29-year-oId been pretty much of a standoff. utes after the finish of the event from Whit* Sulphur Spitags, w. ably are In the majority on the molars have come Into place, they ed, for Philadelphia’s Ramblers and "Hershey Hurricane" himself. Va., went toe way of all prevloua first half supremacy. By r"s report on the Brown-Mc- E. M. Wells, ‘division highway engi- They are to have a speaker at this ioau to railroads must be approv- establish a definite relationship be- New York, April 5—(AP)—Fan- Mrs. Oliva Dionne and la the The factors affecUng World Se- By ASSOCIATED PRESS committee, but the opponents also Dionne’s 13th child. ries results are numerous and con- ths Providence Reds meet at Provi- Tall Henry len’t the bragging favorites. Hs was near tonlghL the PA’a will c-- bill remained In the Bud- neer at Pecos, that he had aeen the are represented. Congressmen who meeUng, who will be Mrs. Ernest ^ by the Interstate Commerce tween the upper and lower jaws Brice, and motion picture Winter Haven, Fla.— The report dence toraor. v>w tn tbe tnlrd and last type, but he Is the sort of golfer of the list. and league season In poasesslan , ; Bureau. Frome automobile near Balmorhea Holcomb, of West Granby, who will Commission. Before Quinta Marie, Yvonne. An-; flicting. Big league magnates, for have sat through many conference Md they maintain thla relationship comedienne, arrived from Holly- example, have twice recognized the that pitcher Paul Dean bad alj^ed game of th* eastern final series. who wUI tell you when he feels Paul Runyan of White Plains, N doubla honors of league .■»d , CkM official said delay on the part with two women In It. Later two committee meetings say they are tall about her travels in the United Administration officials said the during the Ume the child Is losing wood tod*y to oppose r $33,000 suit "e“ e, Cectle and Emllle were bom a (tontract with Boss Branch Rickey Providence, divisional leader, won that they’re going to hang iip hla champs ns they did last yaa*. ' the Budget Bureau In returning aoldlers wild they saw two men In States. requirement waa not needed be- hIs first baby teetb and cutting bis May 28, 1934, there were Rora InoonclusiveDesa of a best four-out- gamely to finish fourth regular "horse trading" sessions.* brought against her by Edgar Allen, of-seven series between any two of the St. Loula Cardinals was the at Philadelphia Saturday only to number ta a tournamenL with 388, whila Byron Nelson of Ths Amsriis, rated one < * "iport to Army engineers "may the machine. / This Is the procedure: All dlver- (Bldwell) Norton, cause It waa already a part of the second ones. The InlUal plans for a booking agent Theresa, Pauline, Ernest and Dan- chief item of news to«lay as the Al Schacht Can’t Find 'The Pennsylvania pro, 40 years a change la policy.” The car was found abandoned 82. formerly of New Britain, died law under which the RFC operates, the child's entire maatlcaUng ma- iel Oliva. Jr., was bom July 9, 1986. clubs by lengthening the limit to gos-bouse gang checked In for have the Ramblers reverse tbe de- Reading, Pa., who staged a garrloon finest cage aggregations to gm t portions of the House and Sen- Tho action, In which Allen seeks nine games. Aside from this tech- clelon, 1 to u. In a long overtime bat- old .and a native ot Plymouth. finish a year ago to beat Guldahl sent Manchester In many .(TesenUUves of the New Bng- near Balmorhea, 200 miles east of ate bills are studied. The- House Saturday at the Hartford hospital. ta the ICC now must cer- chines are laid down during the to recover commissions ’ he claims One child died In Infancy, game with their Columbus farm. Mass., practloed only ones before came In fifth with 290. 1 flood control compact commie- here, Thursday. Search for Mrs. She was the widow of Henry Nor- tify that the line receiving a loan sixth year and much distress over The baby and mother were doing nical point. It Is true that relative The cards. It is said, got wdlvers on tle on tie Reds’ rink Sunday. have coffipUed an envinUs members make concessions on some was on the Supreme Ctourt calendar condition, psychological factors, and the start of tha golfing feature of during thslr two years of sn I attending the bearing dlsclos- Frome and Nancy began Immedi- |»lnts, and the Senate delegates ton, and made her home In New can be expected, on the basis of crooked teeth can be avoided bv for trial today. nicely In their modeat home near their pitching problem child so be the winter and the putts were roll- that since they coofeired last ately. Their bodies were found )ield on others. Britain until twelve years ago, when present and future earnings, to special care at this time. ' the quints' special nursery, Dr. L the "breaks’’ have contributed asi could attempt a comsbaek with one Another Walter Johnson winning 78 oat of 86 gnmsa l nuary with President Roosevelt niect its fixed charges. Mias Brice has Indicated that Joyal said. much to World Series outcoma os ing for him. They continued to U st year tho Amerks won about 80 miles back on the road to A compromise approved by a ma- she moved to Hartford. She was Regular, dental attention should while here she w'ould dlseuta ar- the. twin major assets of power or of their minor league "branches.' roll and that's the story of ths vic- Last Night *8 Fights pjofrees had been made by state E3 Paso. pority of the conferees is the result, tom In Canton, April 25, 1855. a -Administration advl^rs contem- be carried on continuously to avoid las Jaquellne Noel, formerly a Sports Roundup tory that won him $1,500, of 46 atarte and wera tied IFsderal officials toward a com- daughter of Sherman and Betsy Congress re- the possibility of losing any of these rangements fpr a divorce with her e for the quintuplets, assisted pitching. umpire couldn't make him take bis ond place In the State Lear bine on the compacts. Wells told Sheriff Albert Ander- ^ e two chambers usually accept producer husband, Billy R ^ . The Americans not only have had. BlsbM, Arlz.—Varying problems BasebaD Clown Befieres Big third strike. That waa about the And, for Ralph Guldahl of Chlea- By the Assoidatod Preee. son that closely following the Frome ine committee recommendations, Bldwell. Sfie leaves a son, WlIIls IM this restriction so the RFC mav the doctor. concern Manager Charley Grimm of By SID FBDER go. the National Open champion Philadelphia—John Henry Lewis, )fear they captured the • . Conference have a freer hand in approving the happy faculty of producing easiest strikeout Walt ever got." (Plnrh-hlttlng for Eddie Breitx) with 21 wine In 23 gamm l car was a large dark cobpe contain- because members know It la the only Norton’ two sisters, Mias Catherine more "super teams", such os the the Chicago C^bs and Manager Jim. Supposing Johnson In his prime who was edged out of the big prize 183, PitUburgb, outpointed Bob l^ifit that time the President sug- 8. Bldwell and Mrs. Emma W lows, especlaUy to roads in re- here a year ago. It was the failure won 36 out of 89 gamsa in i “ —ted that sUte and Federal of- ing two men. The soldiers reported way to enact legislation without ceivership. Athletics of two eras and the Boston my Dykes of Ul* Chicago White Swede Was Greatest were pitching for the present day Tow, 202. Alexandria, va. (10). they also had aeen a coupe answer- endless haggling over details. If Humphry of Canton Center and Red Sox, aa well ai the Yankees, but Sox. Grimm Is weighing the Idea of Yankees, how would he do? New York, April fi—(AP)—Hank of putts to roll that cost him a Nick Camorata, ISS:^, The YD'S are a formidable i Jb composed their differences Those To Be Aided Greenberg and Rudy York want to possible tic and play-off for ths appointed officials of the ing the same description given by on% House rejects the compromise, funeral will be thsy bava estabUthed a more effec- giving right-hander CIm Bryant "He would average about 80 wina Orleans, outpointed Pete Lello, no doubt about thaL with :__ _ Wells, with two women In It. One the committee must draft another. held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock Informant said, tive esprit de corps. For esample. confidence by starting mra In the Pitcher Of All Ume; Tells and two losses In a season," figured bet their home-run output this year ebampionahip. 132*,!,, Gary, Ind. (10). la performers la the lineup i f-jawsr Mmmisston, Army engineers a oeclded blonde Crop Control Act funeral home. New to roads having opener April 19 against Cincinnati. tops the combined clouting total of Looking back over the scoring Pittsburgh—Billy Conn, 167H, .nag national resources committee to eound financial proepecta. Thoro In 1910, an all-stat American League A l "He couldn't possibly do worse Sheldon, Al Balmoods and Officers said neither Mrs. Frome The most recent major blU to pass Britain. Rev. Theodore A. Greene of BOYS W ILL BE BOYS! team waa put together to keep Ckm- Dykes haa enough to think about than thaL" tarn Gehrig and Joe Dtmag^o . . . records, one finds t)mt Picard and Pittsburgh, outpointed Dominic Schuetz, along with such lerjrtth sUte ofTlctals. hopelessly in the hole” would be without looking that far ahead. Stories Of His Terrific how about that, jrou Yanks? , Guldahl were exactly even through Ceccarelll, 170%, Italy (10). Cservatlon of power rights In nor Nancy answered the descrip- ^ conference committee .Gongregatlonal church UMblo to obtain aid. In many —— Dle Mack’s first great team on edge ablea sa Andy Raguskus, tion of the women seen In the car waa the ^ p Control Act. In fact, officiate, and burial will be In for the World Bcrles with the Chl- Joe Louis loafs through tbe next 69 holes. But at the 70th hole, Washington—Oarenca Red Bur-, and Chapman, The game Is j compacts, the power commls- Falrvlew cemetery, New Britain. the latter then would have to merge Guldahl three-putted, wrher* Picard violated the Power Act by WelU and the soldiers. the final legl«latlon waa written al- "''to more profitable lines. edge Cubs, up to then the most BrjM, Tam—It was aavaland's Speed In Delirery. and Lofayettevtlle, N. Y_ before man. 187, Baltimore, outpointed Bkl-1 8115 o'clock. most entirely by the conferees, be- Mrs. Norton is a great aunt of Mrs. Tliere's No Doubt About That feared outflt In the majors. The A’e tern -to be the "home" team in its and LafayettevUel N. Y„ before got hU par. Again at tbe 72nd, die Seder', 183 LA, Now York (10), Oevemors of the four New Bobbery the Motive ■rae President’s message on rall- the Mg eweago champion' three- The opener at 7:16 o'clock District Attorney Roy D. Jackson » use House and Senate bad passed Truman C. Hills of Wapplng. Won. long series with the. New York PICK MAPLE LEAFS starting training for Max Schmellng East St. Louis, n i —OUs Thomas, togethsr Mortarty Brothill ctates have taken the widely divergent programs. Cards have been received from ro a^ was to accompany a special Glanta today, and BUI Terry was . . . won’t dlclde where his camp’ll putted and Picard cahie along tn 209, S t Louis, knooksd out Jimmy however, that by accepting of El Paso and Sheriff Albert An- report which waa the au^ect Over a long stretch, the best By OAVUS TALBOT get hla par. Renn's in a clash to decide the'i derson of Van Horn held to the be- Although the conferees are' not Mrs. Emma West telling of the minds of the American League have U inkful The Giants supplied the be, however, Ull Mike Jacobs ticks Burns, 308, Son Antonio. Tex. (1 ). ner of third place ta toe final i IMyment for the reservoirs death of her daughter, Mrs. Pauline a conference yesterday between They'll Be Better Dressed Boys! bMballs for yesterday's exhibition New York, April B—(AP( — Al FOR HOCKEY CROWN the site for the fight . . . Buck Mc- There is where the winner grab- LoulsWIle—Joiuuiy Detmon, 170, would surrender their sUtes lief the murders were committed any provislona Mr. Roosevelt and repreaentatlves pooled their Ingenuity and re- tags. Tbe game looms as a ' hts. for money. -UK contemplated by IWest) Rattray of Mliieola, N. Y sources at World's Sertea time. How at Austin, and 23 of tnerhem were hit Schacht, the baseball clown, is Cormick, the Reds’ new firstsacKer, bed twro strokes that Mved him Indianapolis, outpointed Clarence of railroad labor and management. Into tha crowd. back from his annual tour of the from deadlocking with Guldahl and Batael. 174, Central aty. Ky. (8). with Morlartys rated slight George R Aiken of Ver. Tm almost convinced that who- either the House or Senate, they who paased away Thursday night ait much effect this post-season "all for holds some kind of a record for get- lies to gain the same berth sometimes do so. ^ lO.JlO. She had a major operation One proporal suggested at the IF YOU OUTFIT THEM AT one" policy has had Is, of course, a training camps, and be still hasn't ting . . . started tbe 1980 ^eaeon LIghtborse Harry Cooper of Chica- Minneapolis—Barney Ross, 142, ...■rr “ e government proposal ever murdered the women tortured persons said, Toronto Farored 0?er Chi- go, who knocked off a sub-par 71 on earned in the first round. . 00 "deprive ouf state of tax In. the Revenue Act of 1932 the and pneumonia developed. F ^eral matter for eonjecture. It contrasts, Bradenton, Fla—Bealdsa having ■petted that rookie pitcher who can with roronto and played In four Chicago, stopped Henry BchofL them In an effort to make them tell Eovernment guaran- trimmed hla old club, the Brooklvm throw a baU like Walter Johnson tbe final round to ftninh In a tie for 149'.^, Minneapolis (4). ji'JPBTcea and give the Federal gov- where the money the murderers be- Senate Imposed a three-cent tax on services were held Sunday ofter- tee the railroads a fair and profit- liowever, with the bickering and other leagues before Labor Pay . . . K *.«>“» neglected to say noon at 2 o’clock with Rev. Truman CLIFFORD'S BOYS' SHOP jealousy evident within the Na- Dodgers, tn three out of four, C^asey used ta Oolorado announces Its golf and ten- second place with Guldahl New York—Mike. (Kid) Frattlnl, r control, without lieved the pair had was hidden.” able level of earnings so they could Every spring when Al makes the cago Bladdiawks In Final All in all It was a great tourna- 148, Italy, outpointed Vince Plm- Jackson said. who should pay It. The conference H. Woodward offlclaUng, with buri- tional League family. No doubt, Stengel feels his Bees have the nis rosters—and, believe It or not, r sUtes' rights. rommlttee provided It shoufd al services In the WUson cemetery. m aln^n wagra and employment part of thla faetlooal feeling baa weather Ueked, too. When tha they roumU of the campe, working out ment. Picard was a popular win- plnellS? 151, New York (8)'; Paul ) of^ousands of acres of land. And get needed new equipment. There's No Doubt About That! Whlsxer Whit* Isn't on 'em . . . ner. Bobby Jones, who helped out I believe the slayers wore disap- '7 consumers, although the In- Mr. and Mrs. Judson G. Files and arisen from the more hoUy-con- broke camp today, tha Boston Club and lining up engagements for tbe Series For Honors. Fight wavM on Jacobs’ Beach Cortlyn, 149 1-4, Newark, N. J„ pointed In not finding more money, Senate sponsors had been two BODS, Judson, Jr., and Terry .. labor spokesmen told tested N. L. pennant races. Quite had finished five weeks' training season, be keeps watching the tho big show on the winter trail knocked out Jaek Toleon, 152 8-4, the President that the Increase In young pitchers, searching for that (Hippodrome to you): Mike Jacobi for his lone competitive appearance New York (8). By ASSOCIATED PIUCMt| tried to find more, and when they to Impose It on the power com- spent the week-end at the home of often It has been felt that tbe wln- without a day lost for rain. Is getting ready to spill something found no more, tortured the women panies. • ner juat happened to be luckier at easy, flowing motion that made since his retirement In 1930. came Newark, N. J.—Freddie (Red) GILEAD Mra. FUes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. from a resumption of raUroad Toronto, April o.—(AP)— The today or tomorrow . . . but tha uet- through better than expected. At- lateraotlonal-Aroertcaa In an attempt to make them talk. William Shook of Sheffield, Moss BELL SHIRTS the right time and that, |n fact, the Lakeland, Fla.—Though his In- Johnson his Idol He's about decid- Cochrane, 188, Bllaabeth. N. J„ out- Ptoyeffs "There might have been some oth- spending probably would pull earn- best club had not wch. fected hand stiU Is in bandages ed now that he’ll never find It. Toronto Maple I^aft' led by snipers Ung Is It won’t be to tall th* folks tendance records were broken and pointed Maxle Fisher, 137, Newark, hold Miss Mary McGuire, of Wapplng ings up for enough to make guaran- Prep and Junior sizes In Gordon Dnllon and Bytvai.i's Apps, where Schmellng and Louis will go the weather man waa kind, after a Syracuse 3 (^sveland 3 (4 meeting at the Gilead er motive behind the torture-mur- SUGGESTS CHANGES hM returned from the Manchester (f Refnaca To Tska Advioe Shortstop BlU RogsU stoutly msin- AI, who was with the big Swede (8); Tony Fisher, 158, Newark, and time periods) ' d e ^ such as trying to gain some ty payments unnecessary whites and the neat patterns It win be recalled that in 1928, talna he'll bo In the Detroit Tiger on tbe Washington club for many skate onto their home rink tonight to work . . . (Al (Weokit) Weill, shaky start that washed out the Fteve Karley, 164, Hazelton, Pa., Memorial hospital, where she un- They estimated that in any easel all boys like. a year, practically rli the favored to de:eat the Chicago Lou Ambeni’ pilot, saw Sammy play after seven towsnmea hod com- drew (8). nuS! nj Worthy Lecturer, Mlu other informfttlon the women might derwent a tonill operation. while the Yankees were tn the Ilne-up on opening day. , ’That la," Tonight's Bnhsfinis have possessed, but I rather think IN AUTO DESIGNS the cost to the government would 79c midst of polishing off the r.rrtin .i. he adds, "unless somebody shoots time except when he gets around to Blaekbawks in the best-of-flve final Luftaprlng ot Canada fight for the pleted nine hnlea on Friday. Coo-, Miami, Fla.—Slxto Morales, 187, Natloaal LsaguO (Staaley O ^ e Warner has prepared an April MIsa Elizabeth Pierce, who Is "“‘ exceed $300,000,000 a year. the subject of Johnson. Then he for the 8tan*ey Cup ant" professional first time only last WMk . . . and per shot a 68. four under, for the i IKogram for the eveutag. robbery for money was behind the training at the Hartford hospital, four In a row. Babe Ruth brought a me In the meantime.” Hav.ina, outpointed Mario Ramon, FteyoKs " slayings" •I. .P*** concern over the railroad SWEATERS storm of abuse upon hla head In St. gets serious and sentimental all at hockey's world championship. Immediately laid $3,000 on th* Jine first round lead. Ed Dudley, the 134, Mexico (10), Chicago a t Toronta E wSTh*^^™' Pomons Grange No, 3 (utflt, which led Skipper knows there was never one even rule . . . which would hardly com* Vtemoon ^ been planned by the derers xpparently only wanted tended aerviees at the Community times, that managers of pennant since beating Boston three straight money, or Jewels which they might is ^most non-existent. This should 'toelf out TIES clubs have abrupUy rejected euggea- Pic Traynor to observe that “right clohe to Walter?" he asks. "Ask any for the National Hockey League under the head at smart atunU . 1. . Mrs. Lucy 8. B lrU l. be given thought.” • cnurch Sunday rooming. 01 toe recession. Nice lookiitg straight gamka with the WhlU Box dispose of without attracting ‘ too ties for boys In tlons from fellow-pilots. The only man who aver tried to hU that fast title, wbtTMU Chicago goes mto ac- Fred Apostoll or Glen Lee wlU head- Milts-' if SlimM « h ^ Gruige ^serves visa a uiiincrdlnndr lO much attention." He uolnted out that this would be economists say now I Btmiler Instance we cai recall, on starting Thursday should be juat ball of his. Theyu tell you. tion right from two bruising, thres- line the next Garden card (May 18) B Ihe^members of the Pomona Grange of Kreet Importance to drivers that the trend Is toward a alight Im- whites and pat- what the doctor ordered." Some Jewels Taken ENOCH PARKER DIES; terns. the American league side, was when “When I look at some of these gaaw eerisa, aaeb of which Included against tbe winner o< tomorrow's Caayton Bolles'of Anderson aald the ^rl's gold small In statura and sugge..ted de- epring. followed by the A's of 1931 refused to take any ruys they call fosUball pitchers one over-Ums game. SoUy Krieger-Issy Jahnaaso tangle 4^.- t .W ttorough and Mrs. 'lertha Hub- bracelet and the mother’s diamond signers devUe an up and down ad- fal” ■"bstantlal upturn In the advioe on how to handle Peeper Fort Worth. Tex.—Add SpurgeeoD I d a ^ it bonds me a laugh. / The ToroBto attack, during the . . . needlaaa to say, on* and aU • jr d Md son Rlcharo of Jackson juslable for front seats In addition Martin and lost tbe series to the Chandler to the small listt of N-ew Why, Johnson threw a ball baiter figure Apostoll Is getting ths well- ring still were missing. Mrs. ONCE SHIP BUILDER *toper told members of 2-KNICKER SUITS regular aeaoon, waa th* strongest Sunday Frome’s wedding ring and diamond to the lateral adjustment now found I Cards. York Yankees helping make the when he sras loafing along behind a In the league, Chicago» th* weak- known run-around in tha Freddy *auM « the home ci h art E. Buell. In nearly all cars. Council last (le and double-breasted team look somethingethmg Uke world one-nm lead than anybody else ever atuddemur, Flrsmon. who had dlOlculty 9a 1.00 ^tflalder Wally Moses had aooept- around again at Syracuae, raoovsr- ADAM Hais *»( up on etlquet 2.^5 r*? ‘****' t'y « given this wek Wednesday more Infoimatlva signs and pointed ••cred solo at the preventing the blase from spread- •fl the Athletics’ terms will be bad tost baU thrown by Mays, llg- HazelUm, Pa__ Daano OGIahonsv ad from hla b€tck injury. North Methodlat Churoh. -^ tt ■swa for at least two of Connie 385. Irstand, throw Ed iSm aSSl for iht^maker’s famous mark. April 6 a t Habron Ttown out that "steep hlU" means more ing, found ths coys' bodlos huddled 868, Waohington, 18:00. n Edith Stevens spsctai <«cert are to beeln than “Hill.” tor. ^ u e d “The BUeat Voice." in a part of what had bs«a the base- Ahs Park. SSt j 5£S5S' ®'‘*^*‘* BBOIHKBLt AID Oeae weanng white glovee becauae "they MIm Dqro^ Shedd (M. H. -ae) « a ^ Bariia. when tbe rostsr Laaeastar, Pa.—Ruite DuoMl ns, teacher Is in chugs of tkla Btoeekel aald aigna controiung moot—a part which ha said had iSNOPI "Itoy Uksd to 'erosrd ths ^Mha. Sab., threw Lm Maeahiam An Day "" Btoceeds wfll go Mnwwad atteatjoa and give the S- h « Easter vacation Is out Rsrd-hltriag Mosts* holdout Walt's fiiat pttek Uppad tiia rianTtf Ctaanratar, Fla.,—Buddy ITiMitfc flosp mors aelf faspeet i speed are toe aumsreus and thet oofitkliMd dry com tuakf tho kmgMt tho A's bass 338. BuOalou 49-,8fl. Brooklya Dodgats' first baamaa Wadawday ■M y "arg piaoad wbsia nha^gin i. Tnm Winimantlc Normal School at Thsy ware atUl cUngtag to each aer homa la M tau. w Kaes^ auneses got ehsUaatsew?L Ha tefned around and walk- Wllndngtoo. DsL—Jaek Lsagua. srUI atnd hla 18-year-M brother GLENinnns n*fet agek to " s-KTona diteatod J m CmTSl Barney to Oartnouth neat fall 789 BfAIN 8TR1ET. two at tkna taOa, raey le a star haekathan gfiiM aiANf^HESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, APRIL 8.1988


1 T o v o T o N »80Tt YftOM TWE '(OO TH\«>, ■OOEEV4T \T EENT KCL 1 \T Tu(%Mb I'H MOT 60H4ETD SENSE and NO NSENSE V0M4T WE TO HPTTIE ? WEA& VOE \O^S^ TO BE K n ^ET .Exit T008K \ \ CKW'T VOEXtE . ^ObT bVCK. ftOCiNX, TRXVJWPHl I Evidently the business world KbouT esau'b WAtt txl\. O^y Teacher (reading)—Then cs OWVXV4'. i * w E O 6utbTb VEMRM 'n’t catch its breath during the toe great dragon belching forth. ^ >OOOfe»“ *EEi IV. aC.TT)M6 H N ftaM O : breathing spell. Little Johnny—And didn’t he TH RILU IO! ctise himself 7 VMCE C.M9U6H MOVING—TKIiCKlNG— SITUATIONS WANTED— ^We suppose people do get 1ST—BLACK BTCMALB angor* FOR SALE —1987 CHEVROLBTl' STORAGE 20 HOUSES FOR RENT 65 Named Fluffy. Reward. Call FEMALE 38 ay at times: Tee, toe women of today are out] Master Deluxe sport touring sedan FOR BENT— SEVERAL slngM Fa man who wr. new to golf turn- tot eqjial rights—and lefts. ru . with all extras. In excellent shape. GENERAL TRUCKINQ, tobacco WOMAN WOULD UKH house- hauling, also tractors for hire. houses and flata. thoroughly mod- KADH) SHORT SHOTS I P to his caddy and said: Call 3379 or Inquire at Scranton’s work abou 3 days each week. No Manchester STAFFORD SPRINGS Telephone Manchester 8867. L. N. em, exceUent locatlona. Inquire of [ New Golfer—I say, why eouldn t Poultryman—I fired toe man Who I ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 Tourist Home, 160 Tolland Turn- laundry. Write Box M, Herald. Edward J. HoU, 863 Main atreet WUllam 8. Rart’a recent aoueai^ at fellow get hla baU Into toe pike. Hevenor. •ace on < ^ rg e McCall’a Ho Uot^ Date Book runs my poultry farm; he read | telephone 4642. Funeral service for Kenneth ole 7 ____ gangster stories while be was work- ---- THE PERSON or persona AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS when you the tw ^ S n Robert Fedler, 8, who died Sunday . , Caddy—He w v stjrmled, sir. ing. teTlng seen accident at corote of 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN, 1986 WANTED—TYPEWRITING to do FOR RENT—MAY TO November, picture! a c o u ^ Tndgiit afternoon at his home in Dennis Auburn sedan^ 1934 Ford convert- want the best In Local and Long at home. Call &677. f New Golfer-He was what 7 Friend—Negle-'ted tha ehlekens, I and Spruce street In which 1 Distance Moving. Dally Express six room duolex fumlahed, Includ- April 5—Concert at High School Lane following a pfotracted illness able coupe, 1934 Plymouth sedan, HaU, sponsored by T a a t o ^ aub. ,1 Caddy-He was stymied, sir. did he? terms Involved, please communicate ing electric refrigerator. Apply 9 EHS?* *^1 Wm In an old- was held Monday afternoon at hla ^ New Golfer—Dh, was heT i 1933 Plymouth coupe, rumble seat, Hartford, Manchester, Kocavuie. i , — =:------Mlddlefleld S t Next Week PouUryman— No, but he read eut I With Samuel Robb, 170 Maple Phone 6260, 68 Hollister street. | L IV E STO CK— V E H IC L E S 42 « d lo aerlM to late home wlto toe Rev. George D. ught he looked a hit queer at Tel. 6062. 1933 Plymouth coach, J63.1 Stude- AptU 10—“OUvet to Calvary" bv Wilcox, rector of the Grace Eplsco# loud and toe chickens started lay- [ baker ‘sedan, 1932 Auburn sedan, choira of Emanuel Lutoeran^urc/ pal church officiating. Burial was sport top, 1032 Packard sedan, 1932 HOUSES t'O R S A L E 72 PAINTING— PAPERING 211 sal e- one cow. second to toe Stafford Springs cemeteryh ^DMOKII.ES H»K SALE 4 Bulck sedan, 1931 Ford A sedan, Mutual clUe. that sTesn milk is good for toe com- In case you’ve wondered what aa ■" — ' “ “ due next week Phone 8931 FOR SALfi^—NEW 6 room home, Hary baU at Bond Hotel, Hartford. He was born here April 17. 1929 toe lesion, says a beauty expert. Just 1930 Bulck sedan 1930 Uesota son of Charles and Mildred (Bates) average man is—he’a toe feOow who , „ PONTIAC COACH, 1913 Ford PROPERTY OWNERS -AttenUoa. This Mcnth |bb toe linger In toe cardboard cover Toonerville Polks sedan, 1930 Chevrolet coach, 1930 46.98 repapers room, celling paper- mU modem Improvementa. O. L. M them t o on n 13 years ago. Besidea bis mother Mrs. gets pretty sore If anyone ouggestt teomch, 1936 Ford coupe, 1936 Fish, 110 Benton atreet Telephone “ tension of the program. the milk bottle and enjoy a re- he’s not above toe average. CC.sVTolet town sedan, 1936 Uooge Ford A coupe, 198i Durant sedan, ®c or kalsomired. Material, labor POULTRY ANU SUPPLIES 43 8394. 1?^ ^ comedy- drama Mildred Laverty, he leaves a broth- 'sblng shower. 1933 Terraplane coupe. Porterfield complete. Inside outside painting, er Wallace Fedler. ;’«pach.- ^935 , Pontiac coach, 1936 BABY CHIt.'KS. Waterers. feeders, « r » ^ o recently Jolndd Ben Pol- JwPontlac sedan. Cole Motors—6463. Motors. Tel. 6S84. Spruce and tiarge savings. Work guaranteed, FOR SALE—84 HUDSON atreet Meaaages opposing toe reorgan- Correct This Sentence: "Yea, I Peai-I. t^ang. Pbone 3u92. brooders. Complete line poultry nn*'*»h • o n g s t r e a a isation bill now before toe House In And here’s another thit dldn t OUR BOARDING HOUSE house, aU Improvements. On lot Penner ehow. PoIIack’a biBatob up e. weil: bad taken a couple of drinks,” si|d ^ulpment and feed. Checkerboard extending through from Hudson Washington, have kept toe local he. "but nobody could tell i t ” 1-8 OFF ON ALL 1937 wall papers. wife diacovered her In a Loa An- [ Babe—1 caw Jane j'eteerday, and Manchester to WUllam street Width 99 ft, ■teles night club. • An- office of toe Western Union Tele- HUSINEsm ser vices See your own contractor or fhos. 77U paph company, the busiest It has * aba’s furious about the way her length 168. Large garden. Phone marriage was reported to toe Evening Herald OKEEKEI) 13 McGill Jr., 126 Cedar street. 7900. ti* ^ * * ™ ^ * ‘***’ recent- been In a long period. The plek-up ly **** alrwavea, wUl iim f^ ~ ®«to»-tormai dance at at toe local office began late Thurs- papers. ^ back a ^ n as Paul Whiteman’s “““"P to Bast Hartford ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 radio guest April 22. day and has continued up to toe Ooil*—Why. It didn’t mention her CLASSIFIED CARPENTER WORK and lobbing. Scandla Lodga age, did It? STORIES IN { 0»«- ^ R S A D / X AM ITEVELO PIM O A repairing 23 No. 28, Oraer of Vaaa. present time. George Rorcbuah ADVERTISEMENTS CaU 7074. * Although Tyrone Power leaves Baba—Yas, indirectly. The papers toe air July 8. he^U be back agito who U tn charge of toe office here, PAM SeW O US COU<3H -—1 LAWNMOWEHS sharpened and re- SOIL FOB SALE. Inquire 180 Alao apaer au b’s 17th anniver- said Monday, that about three a stated that Miss Jane Olden and Mr. Osant SIS av.raa. words le s Uaa paired. Precision grinding. De- Keeney street. Racing Notes wlto hla WMkly draibaa to OctSSn sary dance at Sub-AJplne club. STA MPS W AP B E S T t a k e A WIP O P jW U sU. oumb«r8 and AbbrtvlatloDt Johnny Downs, one of the "Our M y is toe average since last Thurs- Frederick Brown were married, toe eounl 48 4 word and oompoond MII.UNERV— I livery service Karisen and Edger- T «mual concert day wlto a total of about 40 In all latoer being a collector of antiques. COLQ PE A ^EPy PPBOM IT S IWrds M two wurda Mlnlrmim eoti t« ton. Bucklano Phone 1388. FOR sal e;— ONE medium size By ASSOCIATED PRESS pang kids of lo yeara of age, has of O O ef club at Emanuel Luth- dressmaking 19 ^ signed by NBC, whlchblans telegrams have been sent to Sena- ^LACEO JA PPM ^ M O N < te ac c usto med WIPIWS. ; priM of tbroo linos «Me, In good v-orklng order. The Tho classic stakes, annual mid- eran church. tors and Congressmen. All of toe READ IT OR NOT— rataa por daj for tranoioat HAVE YOUR COAT rellned and to make a radio master-of-cere- ELECTRIC MOTORS and radios Murphy Drug Co. 4 Depot Square. summer three-year-old classic at 28-30—Baxaar sponsored by jmessages sent from hero oppose toe The black swallower, a fiah of the PLACE ahortened. CaU Mrs. P Berrett, 67 repaired. Clajrton A. Woodruft, 240 monies out of him. PipffT P o w a p a / ' > esrrtl.* ■arch If, ISSt Arlington Park, Chicago. wlU oe o . •“ ** ®*“ »*PP« OartbaUdl Atlantic deptlis, has an dost c stom- Pearl street, rear entrance, up- Spruce street Phone 7717. converted Into a futurity after 1938 XI ■*’*ten, toe "Beth • CaabCsab CbaiChars# Holly* ofT One Man’a Family.’* Is Society at State Armory. xxrSff’ Jl” '* **” • PoUnsld of ach and often swallows fish twice ‘ #U stairs. Tslephone 7823. electriual U was announced today by John D. April 27—First annual Fbonderr I CbBS#cuU». Day# .,1 s ij ots REUPHOLSTERINt and furmture being screen-tested for comedy roles “*• PBWBt* of a son Its else,. stretching Its stomach to applianc es—RADIO 49 Hertz of the Arlington Park Jockey as toe result of her work aa "Vera sponsored by Temple Beth John Stanley, born at the Johnson transparency. * .“ •••I » •«»' W repairing, bprlngs reUed. cushions Oub The change Is expected to Memorial hmyltal, Sunday lrr#Volii 'iM.rtlo'i^ rebuilt J. Hillman. Tel. 8446. ONE WEEK ONLY.’ ! Save Money Vague on a West Coast NBC Sholom at Masonic Temple. ^ a »T coo OOO UlOO faco. double the $30,000/ purse. Hertz Show. A daughUr Elizabeth Ann, was *• ‘ ha «<>• Uio. rsi* on Your New 1938 Rcfrlgerator-- April 29------Father and Son Ban- Lady—Why should a great strong eatimated additional feea accruing Marlon Talley, who’s keeping her quet, St. Mary's church pariah born te toe Johnson Memorial hos- man like you be begging. HARNESSES. COLLARS, luggage Regular $199 98 6 1-2 cubic foot bouse. 1—•— ‘.V^v ^ f “ iS ™ ; -J'—5 ^ , . b #--•-•wf o r # Mwu # atiirst h ird ore i arma rt h r^IuRRYirOR and harness repairing, sport tops from tho July 13 nomination date ten^ng alive on the alrianes with a #*^'1 Jo»eph,French Tramp—It 1 toe only profession SpecIM $129.98. Special low prices this year should raise the value or of Stafford ..Hollow, late Friday. v-g ? . Z'JL^ • b a rg .d »n ly f o i ik # a c Ioneoftheses and curtaina repaiied 90 Cam- on Kelvlnator. General Electric SiuKtay concert from Hollywood, la Oomiaa Events I know In which a gentleman can • «nib#f »o.f .tilm rr*. ItDh# aa a p p a a r- the W39 running to around $68,000 te^ u ltel to ^ g at toe Hollywood A t toe annual convocation of ruim varnaa but bridga street. Telephnne 4740. Hotpolnt. Electro'ux Gas, Stewart 4 — Fourth annual High address a beautiful woman without -'g'yltJilfL"* 3*’* '■••• ••road bat pw a l used and that by 1940 the race should be B ^ l Elaater Sunrise services April School concert at High School toll. eWent Chapter No. 42 Royal Arch an Introduction. liJS 5,2f* *' r«f and# ean ha mad# I Warner. Very easy terms. Uberal worth $80,000. Masons to ^ held Wednesday night Bma ads atoppad aftar tha CMTBUYS' I KOUFLNU AND SIDING esDmaiea| May 8-6’ — Faculty play, "The I'..-- dS^a' a - freely given. Years of experience Allowanv-e. Tuckel's, 1083 Man AI Pearce’ whose radio gang la at Ma^nlc HaU, offlcersT^'thTtn f»reida“ : diapiay ima# pet street. Hartford. Top of Morgan Late Christopher Bean," at High «u h « term wlU be elected. The an- Customer—XVhat colors have you Woi kmanship guaranteed. Also The Maryland Jockey Club will so dicky at toe moment that four ^bool hall, auspices at EducaUonal to window blinds? »^HE sting of foreign fixterven* terete,’ ----- next to • Proven ••-•veil i-iciurca. Pictures. name one of Its PlmlUco steeple- eponsora are after him, will broad- nual reporta will also be submitted »IU aot ba raaponaibla 1987 Dodge 4-Door carpentry a . a Dion. 81 Weiu Club. to toe chapter. Clark—Window blinds are all ^ tion, cheaUng her of full vic- fry yra thao ooa looorradi Inaartlos atreet. Phone 4860. represen- chases for BatUeshIp. American- caat from Hollywood for two May 7—80th anniversary eelabra- •hades, madam. tory In toe Chino-Japanese war, V *4 My advarilaamaat ardarrd tor Touring Sedan— $675 tative. Phone Manchester 6836__ bred winner of the 1938 Grand Na- months this summer, atartlng June Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner of teem than oor tlma 1988 Dodge 4-Door Hartford 7-313b. tion of Maccaboea. F ^ p t e t street spent toe week-end still lay with Japan when her con- g •»a«»«rtani omiaaton ol lacur- t onal steeplechase at AIntree. Bat- May 25 — Third annual outdoor The little daugbtar of a clergyman flict broke with Russia in 1904 Touring Sedan— business tleship won the Billy Barton steeple- The Hollywood Hotel program with friends and relatives In Boa- I jgte.HPUcailon ol adaartlalnf win ho 1983 C h ^ s l e r $545 Music FesUval by 1.000 school sing tcxi. stubbed her toe anr. said "Darn!" Japan had emerged from the I-tePmumod only by oancollatloe of tho OPPORTUNITIES 32 chase at Pimlico several years ago. win have Gary Cooper as its visit Chinese struggle In potsMsioc M ” 5**^* ••rvie* roodorad. Sedan— FUEL AND FEED 49-A Ing movie star on April IS. era at Educational Square. Mss Ruth Reid of Washington. Father-IT! give jrou ten cents if $345 Although his legs apparently • re June 6-11 — Carnival sponsored you’ll never say that word again. toe strategic naval base. Port Ar- m •""for® 1983 Chevrolet I FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS sec- none too sound, Mrs. H.-O. Sim- Ben Bemie, the roaming maestro apendlM a few days , ***4 Ifposraphy with Coupe— FDR SALE—WELL seasoned hard by Manchester Fire DepartmonL her parents .UrT and Mrs. Uttle Daughter (thinking It over) thiv, and valuable portions ol tha niidlMlona antorcad by iha pabllah- $235 tion, brick meicnntlie ouiiains WMd Apply Edward J HoU. tele- mons’ four-year-old. Saunderstown, returns to the band fold this sum- dca and ihay raaary# i g , „ 1934 mer. Ben, who has been without hBcbael Reid on Morton street. —Daddy, Fve got a word worth half Chinese mainland. ‘ But Iktropesn with 3000 ft. of ground hoor space. phone 4642 Ol 8028 still can step off a good race uow powers Interfered, charging such any eop* Ford Sedan— Suitable for light maaufactunng. a baton for some time. Is readying Berry student nurse a dollar. ' ..a w ■ — . pwJ objactlonabla. $265 n« furlonga In at S t Mary’s hospital In Waterbury victory was a threat to the peace Bafyalaa aamateht# aiiywlicral Far on* Apply Edwaro J HoU. FOR sal e;—A FEW tons of well f a new orchestra, which will plav 1:08 at Tropical Park yerterdav 1^ a week-end visitor at toe home No person who has 'spring fever of the Far East. So Japan sur- MMw«lionlr-d.p.naibl.^b»ri-|hatal!J Saae l AM Ai T. «Ay_____ inSI Barr t n a i Ba r r cur^ hay. 284 Lake street. A. E. win the Gov. Fred P. C6ne purse by at Catdlna Island, off toe lower CURB QUOTATIONS "sf maai ba ra- mlli. “ V California coaat. of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph really wants to be cured. rendered her territorial gahi^ but B'^wSd ** o clock noon! Satordays Fish. Phone 8811. a comfortable margin from Mrs. D Berry on Morton atreet ^ not without a bitter resentment HELP W AM ED— Malanson's Happy Not. The popular "Gangbusters” thrill- “ A Car For Every Purse er win leave toe alrianes June 28 Mrs. M ^ Lucas of Somers U a He was a loyal lltUe fellow and that was to flower 10 years later. M A L E ’16 By ASSOCIATED PRESS And the man who was to play telephone yo ur and Purpose" for an eight-week breather away Am Sup Pow ...... 11.1a ^ tlra t at toe Johnson Memorial we wouldn’t let anything said Three Kentucky Derby ellglbles from studio Urae clocks. ^ p lt a l where she U receiving against hla parents go unchalleng- a commanding role in this new bid WANT ADS no t ice;- -HI. SCHOOL graduates, Blue R id g e ...... “ ” for Japanese power was General ‘G A R D E N — F A R M - were due to sec action at Bowie Irving Caesar, popular song writ- IH medical treatment ed. One Sunday afternoon a hoy 18-21. Free to travel to California. i today. They were the Bomar Can Marconi ...... 1 Nogl. Together with toe brIllUnI (C.MM. kj raualsa fas) ad'*flbL*SLfRn4*'’DV41»‘*‘* ‘•'•Phona ^ la ry $18 pr. wk.. See Mr. Miller | DAIRY PRODUCI-S 50 er who has written a series of Cent States E l ...... Miss Margaret Parizeau has re- friend said: r S “ • ®BAR0B RATK clvaa abov# Schaller Motor Sales sUble’s Blllmar and Mrs. John Du- Songs of Safety," has been signed H turned to New York after spending Admiral Togo he was to bring * JP.VJ2?.*“ l*n«a to advartlaara but Dodge-PIymonth Dealer P m.. New Dorn Hotel, Cits Service...... 1 Boy Friend—Listen to your fatosr victory for Japan In the Russo- '4111 ba aooaviad as Hartford, Con rant’s Red Jack, both entered In he appearances on the cats Eerv, pfd...... *’ * * ' s r a n d m o t o e * noting? > PaTMENT rt paid at tha busl- Over 16 Years of Square Dealing! sal e No. 1 POTAl'UEa, fourth race, and W. A. Dams's War- Rudy Vallee Hour In which he will 29 Mrs. Julia Parizeau on Furnace Japanese war. SCORCHY SMITH 684AS4 Center HL AtAS F\lOlcott__ AA * * * 70c bushel, delivered. Phone 3858. laine In the fifth. Efi Bond and Share .... 6 avenue. Little Fellow (Indignantly)—Dad Ever a strategist of the first or- ' Akw • » bafora tha aavaoib |waNTEI> yo ung MAN to work carry on his campaign with Tommy Nlag Hud P o w ...... ■ "P ^ w ln # tha Ural Inaartloa of Phone 8101 Riggs’ "Betty Lou.” 8% I n ’t snoring. He’s dreaming about der, Nogl laid the successful land In drug store, one with store ex- Unit Gas ...... „!? # “ 7- “ "irtca McGllUcudy a dog, and that's the dog growling. ^U£Wm PAY ateaniwn po l kbI FOURFOLD Ken Murray and that amusing SH and fa i^ y of Hadley, Mass., spent siege of Port Arthur while Togo HSAPCUAETFI?*’ - $1 ■' B? #11“ ** aollaoiad Na raspnnsl- perience preferreo Apply Drug, *"OR SALE—CO\i MANURE about unit Lt and Pow A .... - 1% directed the fleet’s attack Like- ”4 torerora la talspbohad ada Box 8, care of Herald. backbone of hla act. Oswald, will ^ w ^ -e n d at toe home of Mr, u d — OCR RBCORW RBVEAL^ ■ s s w e S and Cli#lr aseeraev 25 cords. Tliepbone 8998, Astoria, Ore.—A surprised dty remain on toe Hollywood Hotel pro- l^ ^ G e o rg e Lester on Priwpect wise at Mukden. In Manchuria. »ae Sa arvaraotaad. gram through July. Brush off toe cobwebs—grease ud Nogl handed the Russians one of THAT 9UCKIB PANIBLA AISP I WANTED -H IG H SCHOOL boy treasurer received toe following me t e o r ite PAULS toe wheel. wlto bicycle afternoons. Run er- note: Kay Kyser. whose band has been Mrs. Albert GUman of Norwich toe crushing defeats of the war, HI* MCN HAVB BEEN VFKV INDEX OF H O U SE H O LD GINMKS 51 burning up toe airwaves with Its This Is toe moiito of toe rod and killing 27,000 men and wounding A crinr ON el^lTt>H a o i l - in rands and Work around store. Also 'About 30 years ago I neglected Chicago, April 5— (A P I - A smafi ^ a vlaltor over the week-end reel. CLASSIFICATIONS emergency I HUNDREDS OF HTSED tcurnltur“e to pay a street car fare of live nutty novelties recently, drew the meteorite fell Into a parkway In vrito her brotoer-ln-Iaw and sister 110,0(H) others. The result, was INPIA THEY STAfrSP *BVBBAu one for soda fountain. Ehcperlence Nature decrees that winter la done. the rise of Japan into the first unnecessary. Apply Arthur Drug bargains. 3 rooms furniture J78. cents. Recently an awakened con- largest check ever given a band suburban XVInnetka last night and street” *^ Mrs. Joe Russell on High W LP-Vflf, ANP WSEE- ram aa t i* ***** *^ ******** master for a vaudevdUe date tn All of her young to.nga look to toe rank o'l ' world lajaa^ *...... ••••••• store. E ^ y terms. Phont or write tor a science reminded me of this. Ac- toe sound of toe crash and toe sun. PBAIINO lNNABC0rtC*~ ’■-■••AtAtAA •• • • • • • • «, Courtesy A u tt’’ Alberts Furni- cording to Exodus 22 In toe scrip- Chicago last week. bright light started rumors of on Leo Sabourln of Putnam spent powers and the itba *P**A*«66A6 a*«« CALLS , Jack Fulton, the former Paul Plant In your own life thoughts beginning of an ture Co., Waterbury, Conn. tures. one should pay fourfold, so I **■ hla home on Wll- d at Tkaaka explosion. Policemen Lester Barker llngton avenue. that are new— expansion which STkHtBorlaA .. HELP WANTED— am enclosing 20 cents." Whiteman trombone player who’e and Thomas Snhulta found a two ‘ and Fottfid ****•••••••### FOR SALE—DINING table and five on his own tenor, ts seren^ing Hol- Beautiful things con then happen to ______Is even now pre- MALE OR FEMALE 37 Street cars have not operated here Inch fragment of toe meteorite, POLICE chairs. Cheaj If taken at once. 18 for ycatj. lywood and has a movie studio In- The Ihiclflc ocean’s mean depth you. t elpitating a new “ "at?:” *"* ' ...... terested In his voice and profile. which had cut a five Inch bole In Far Eastein Delmont street. toe sod and buried Itself. Is much greater than that of the Brush off toe cobwebs—give the Aaiambnaa WANTED —EXPERIENCED dish AUantlCe wheel grease. i 1 crisis. General ■;5l*teawi>lla# foi'sMa 4343 I Nogl is shown -Sgteobllaa fo, il»ch.ora‘ '::r .: washer. Apply at Sheridan HoteL Winter la ended, earth hnds raleaaa. , Aatp _Aecastoriaa—TIraa MAt.’HINKRY AND I’OOLS 52 —Bobert C MeHaffey. on**•• asa awa/i1937 mMiiiiu.stamp. ' ^ ta Kapairinr IC'n p yrlx h t . 1M J. .SK A S # rv lc r. Inp t Aato geboola ....-Psiotins' .SELECT YOUR rebuilt tractor f l a p p e r f a n n y FIRE from our large stock of Far mails, By Sylvia Fonisons, John Deere, Caterpillars ’CoeaiaMnaxaaia«ict.MC i a ato.». a eat on South FRECKLES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blosscr j, used plows, singles and doubles’ WASHINGTON TUBBS I.Vfaalad Aatos—Moinrereiaa is FOR SALE Dublin Tractor Co.. Providence Hoid Everything! — ' ProfaaalaaaJ SsrTf### 4321 One itory offlou building, wood Road, WUUmantlc. Hey! exjT rr cxrr— S o TtXJ Tfeieo rSUT rrs H0Re©TDLEAVE.> 0"»r»d ...... oonitrurtinn, $ roonu, 12” z 12 YOU C A N T DO THIS T& PULL. A FAST aabold .Barricaa Odarad «■ * and 12" -^loa-ConlrMtlBf * u North z 18" and wnaJiroom. TO M E ------PH UJB — O N E , EM/ MAKING I’leoty of windows. Can be used APARTMKNTS— FL.ATS— --GLUM PH— rr LOOK LIKE jaarai Dir^uon ?i for a variety of porpoeea. Ho TENKMENTS 63 DUDLEY WANGLE 5432 eonstnirtod that It can be easIK tnoivd. Apply FOR RENT—TWO room furnished WAS REALLY ^ lln a r y —Orasamaklr.f i l or unfurnished, 4 room furnished SPEAKING ]■ apartment. Available at onci cen- AMBULANCE Harold T. West, Inc. tennial Apts. Call 4131. (Dougan) 29 BlaceU Street TOR RENT—8 ROOM tenement, $19 month. Inquire 97 Mather 8«rvle#...... f& atreet. ***^““ ®“ * '" * « 8»rvia* a .,., 5630 KdaeBflBaol •t*a§ ud CUsBBft ft (Holloran) beautiful 4 ROOM modern rent, second floor, « Walnut street, near " t e n s '" * '™ " '" " * ...... *• Cheney Mills, reasonable. Inquire -iwi-b^m ^Ve’ ...... FURNITURE atad-lnairue,Ionar::::."::: M 3060 premisea. Tailor StJTe. Flaaaclal FOR SALE (Qnish) Orotip of Oocaolonol Chairs, floor FOR REINT—2 ROOM apartment, samples. Many styleo. to a completely furn shad, wlto private Regular $6.95, at ... ^ 4 . a 7 0 bath. Grube, 109 Foster tercet. f Vai w ■leaBfUaa 4340 Special Assortment of Table i.Balp WaotBd —FomaU...... la Lamps. Regular prices AND ALL the *nME> 'fc in :: ;" 't t ’*..;:;:...... 5 to $1.98. Clemwnce ... H H C rr XAAS JUST A PHONO- HOSPITAL New S-Pleoe Mohair Frieze Liv- ing Room Suite, tosyrk REAL ESTATE (3RAPH RECORD OF "'•"'•d-Famaia...... « Value $110.00.... H . a y d HIS OXM4 voce 1 HE I Boiplnrmani Aa.nte.t *« 5131 If to bny—aell exchange or rent K N E W HE WAS TOO Odd Bedroom Piccea — Vanities ***•• Estate, this agency' can and Chesta. Special- togs sorely assist yon. dumbjp remember ly priced a t...... vHas/O A Many local and farm proper- I J&*U^°"a!S>d 'supp'lTra...... * • • J J WATER DEPT. Twin---- - Speaker x/onaoie Console pea to choose from. gSOO down I ' l ^ a d -'’pru„',V-lAt.:e‘k u Radio, Oemonatrs- 9 5 buys a home. tor. Reg. $80.98 at UaaP m F o rSain-.MIaaalUMwwa Sal a and Acdjtsiiii^...... JJ 3077 Montgomery Ward ,,^*4a Watchanl,^o*p^|— *** .. (After 5 P.M.) I 824-828 Bfain Street TeL 8181 Ha R. Hasfinds $$1 Oakland Street Dlal*4842 But shR wu jeskw of Snow White’s be*utY# w she ‘J : Manchester » Always Open 7 8 6 8 II 8he couW do that, F«n, why didn’t she just nuke her- aelf more beautiful than Snow White?” oppir. ••anl7na.rsn.aSSr.; ; — - « AtANCHESTER tunny to give his men ■ pep talk.” ' •••• ! WATER CO. MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE ” (I Mischief Afoot •aeerta By THOMPSON AND COLL 5 9 7 4 HEAVEN BE PRAISED-TH iW " Board ...... „ XWTAH'B OOlU'OOWNf / x ' ' LfXJK.MYRA.’ HEAH OOM^ LEM XML50N AlslO YQAH . PON-TX^ORKI^ J L IP G G -R ic K O N ' 1 , h e l l o , NtYEA- .'*5’y-j500N BEABLE10 N • ^ ® L > S if r A o e r o y a hoosedow ' EANWHILE, bl ack LUKE , friend back - B U T BLACK HOXWS ABOUT .^AAOVE BACK TD THE HOUBE! ' J * cleaned out bef o r e we roundj HAS TRAILED JACK AND GAS COa LUKE’S NOT WITH UPOUR’GUESTS* 1 •

■ Wr o\ f" 74 SaI# Evening Herald forbshajijfa' -Rate Batata

> M a t l a a a *••••>*•** MUS.B S* 5121 4Ec4r PA6H1WELVS

TDW AT. APRIL B, IM # £imtbttt A. ft

r a n t o W . T . G C , HOUSE'S

______815 MAIN STREET ______Popular HALE'S Self Ser Wednesday Moniii^ Specials The Orifinal In New Enfland! And Sdf Scfoc GtoccTy WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY 865 Main Street , Rnblnow BnlUinv and H e a l^ M ark 36” UNBLEACHED ... Blue____ SPECm S W ednesd a y Morning Speci a ls MUSLIN y Pepperell Store CkNwd At 1 P. M. WedMadays. jtW Green Stamps Giten With Cash Sales. A Store Closes At Noon On Wednesdays. WORK CR18CO 3 lb. can

ic yd. 10 Extra Green Stamps Given Ref. 75c SHIRTS

lb. 2 3 c ib .2 8 te Extra Large, N*. S Oaa, Burt Otney 7

Plnehnrat c Ioms at noon Wedheaday . . . Please plan 2 ^or $2 >00 FLORIDA ' T O M A T O JU IC E 21< to bnj^our p,|„p To Eat” Wednesday nornW . MaxweD Hoose Wednesday Is the last day of the foDowhiff Birds Eye Specials . . . . Orsmges —each 3 e C O F FEE RED PERCH FILEETS...... ik 23c doz. 1 $ « CUT CORN, box 19c and BLUEBERRIES,' box 23c M en’s W h ite Shirts ®**ra Large, No. IS Can, Sunssreet FRESH FISH With Air Flex Collar PINEHUTOT MEAT PRU N E JU IC E Scallops Oenerona Six*, rn ah ly MaSa Sizes 14 to 17. $1.00 Fresh Oysters LAMB FATTIES. , —Begulxr----- —~Six* .w*.Cm Derby St«d( CM 4 for ...... Z 9 C Demand coatloiiea for our tasty Pollock BtXK SArERKRAUT yiliprair.v.’W'iilicu ilFH .iiiihM rh ccM C O R N ED BEEF Perch Fillets 5 pounds l«c « pounds SOe 17c 1 Cook It with Eekhardt^ FTankfurts N«.1TiUICm ' BIRDS EYE wlilcli are featured Wedueaday at Sle tl».niKIUUeo CRAB MEAT Ih., or wllli Fresh spare Riba, ttc lb. M amc mistir Comm» ^ Cans K ' or LOBSTER Fresh Genuine Calves' Liver. CiJIOUSe^SON Gra p efruit Juice 3 Cans 21Cc 1 Fowl for Fricassee...... lb. Sto

Scotch Ham, lb. 39c Tender. Jnicy Pot Boasts. INC. Any FlaTor!

Wednesday . Morning Specials !

Extra Lerfe. itder ORANGES iley grapefruit Kre m el D essert Canal 4 fOr SSe SIxa. Special Remnants of Lingerie Colors , O A pkg. 3c 1 32c dozen Wadaesdsy Moral ag! Mate than a H a - in 39” French Crepe V"* 4m ^ Ink* t i neeh o r a a f. . 5 fcH* 25c Reg. price 69c yd. 1 2 1-2 yd- lengths. N E W C A B B A G E Lb. 4c 1 N*. 1

RIPE PINEAPPLES quaaUty of a beautiful to quality Fraocfa Crepe In pastel ...... 18c each

DANDELIONS ud TOMATOES...... lb. 12e SJSS 'iTghTwiJl’ ** "*■ W ____ 17c peck Baldwin A p ples 8», 25ec 1 ASPARAGUS . 25c

9 to 12 CLOSE OUT


Vuyidiarjit G/vcen/Jnc. 1® Pxtra Green Stamps Given ' ^0IAL4I5I 302 MAIN STRtET SILK HOSIERY Only With Any or All of These Items vg»/A' POST :F F :^ [ ■ N [ BLOCKFFO.M SfAUAHMORF n dark shadea. SIxea 8H. », 10, lOH. aalea flnal. Values 89c, 8JJc, ftl.OO pr. p|",


W . T . G r a n t C o . 500 SHEET PACKAGE SLICE D B A C O N

*SoUd-- 815 M AIN STREET



($25.00 Value) BASEMENT

The *a.wT. cORIl Delightful Prints MAHCHimii COMH- IN SPLASH br o adcl o th

mad Quick Drying ENAMEL

Oosing oui this high grade enamel.

Occasional Chairs

25c 1-4 pint cans ...... 15c Fc y d . This is no ordinary I? usually 39c yar d Wednesday Morning Sp.. 50c 1-2 pint c a n s ...... ,...2 5 c

$ 1 4 . 7 5 cial! For these are de 80c 1 pint cans ...... 39c

luxe Occasional Chairs . . with de luxe features: $1.40 1 quart can ...... 75c

•Solid mahogany or walnut front legs and arms;

Good Buys For Wednesday Totfgh kiln-dried hardwood frames, doweled and 59c T R U E V A L U E H O U S E P A I N T

9 A. M. TO 12 O N L Y 1 comer braced; Closely interlaced webbing; High In 1 Quart cans, o / h Begular UVio yard. Unbleached aosing ont at, quart...... carbon steel, od tempered springs; Sanitized Quality. 89” wide, y a r d ...... lOc curled hair filling; Sterilized felted cotton . . and

81x99 M d 68x99. CBoloe Irtegnlai. of weO - f x FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING CI’ LY X known brand. Limited quantity. Each ...... 7 9 C your choice of rust or green damask covers in

small all-over patterns. Choice of styles, too. if T U B k ^ TO nX LS. m 4 4 . ooloted borders, Reg. S9o each, Spedel, 8 far ...... you’re here early. $1.00 LUNCH CLOTHS, Beg. 49c, fnat eolare.

Made In America, e a c h ...... 39c Wednesday*^


913 M A IN ST., N E X T TO THE BANK . .WATKINSothers •'• . iJc




TO THOSE 9»/t» H MOM9 W a lt e r N . Le cle rc

Funeral Director

EEO No, Mmla 8t; riinao Uflu ./I

Coots CLEANED And pr e s s e d

NEW WAY LUNCH Called For and Delivered

97 C E N T K t ST. * INCLUDING FUR GLAZING Aow^mieer mw m— xgtxumi.

A L SCSALZtTLLl, S ia H ._ A OMa PiM* 9,

I ..-

f i l m s CoAto WUli For C o W m 4

DEVBLOPSO AND HUNTED ...... D T O D A Y - t h e slogan of A m erica's b est Builders is 39c

Aay atm M B.

Dial 7100 Arthur Drug Store SALE! Crepe Gowns and Pajamas

FOa PROMPT PICK-DV 8EBVU:ii;| ^SdTei"^^”*^ ArealvalaeatlL-OO. Coin™

PLEASE NOTE! ...... 88c

^*S?5kM? 9.*S*c Cm S. "om ■ewIaHM AMe — — ______L e t U t W i u k Bycl«t Mesh Rayon Panties W6W SBIHICBtp _ _ over with RoSidw 25c...... 19^ u s. W e f ^ ls u r e our e x p erie nce in building b eautiful Your Windows

ho m es w ill ^ ©f great assistance to yo u esp eciallv as t o and

plans, specificatio ns an d financing «+<>

Beat Your Rugs M ontgomery W ar d ooal^SLSt GLENNEY CO. 824-828 M A IN STREET F«ft* - PAINT done reasonably S. CLEANERS « TEL. 5161

Phone 3926 8MBIaia8trwt

JL i ■ *We Owa ani OpwqSe Oar Own I