United States Patent (19) 11 4,211,433 Pedersen 45 Jul
United States Patent (19) 11 4,211,433 Pedersen 45 Jul. 8, 1980 54 TWINSKI Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Fred Philpitt (75) Inventor: Alec Pedersen, Vancouver, Canada 57 ABSTRACT 73 Assignee: Pedersen Industries Ltd., Vancouver, A monoski is provided herein having an integral mono Canada nose section which is preferably made of exceptionally strong material to resist twisting, the integral mononose 21 Appl. No.: 926,818 section including an upwardly curved tip, and bifur (22 Filed: Jul. 21, 1978 cated tail sections separated by a longitudinal slot, with 51) Int. C.’................................................ A63C5/00 particularly disclosed ratios of widths of the mononose 52 U.S.C. ..................................... 280/601; 280/609 and of the slot. Bindings are provided for securement on 58) Field of Search ............... 280/607, 609, 601, 610, each of the tail sections of the monoski adjacent the 280/11.37 E, 16, 12 H; 9/310 C, 310B, 310 AA central waist portion. Bridge means are provided at the tail section adjustably and floatingly holding the tail 56) References Cited segments in predetermined spaced apart relation, so that U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the lateral spacings are predetermined, but yet the tail 2,841,805 7/1958 Roudebush .......................... 9/310 C segments are allowed to move vertically. The ski has 3,854,738 12/1974 Fish ...................................... 280/607 extremely good manoeverability, good pivot turnabil 3,862,764 1/1975 Hartz ..... 280/11.37 E. ity, controlled turns at substantially all speeds, good 3,947,049 3/1976 Pedersen ... 280/607 support on powder snow and excellent manoeverability 4,027,895 6/1977 Larsson ....
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