WEPOTIAN. NEBITA. his nepote [L. fratris filii\ Appius Claudius. 1560 Rcr Council Scat. Privy II. 2/2 Nepote and heyre to die Erll tNere, obs. form of EAR of Montroise. 1889 R. BRYDALL Art in Scotl. ix. 158 Any 1483 Cat/i. Angl. 252/2 A Nere, auris. other than a nepote of the Holy Father. ln c 1 s n es JNere, variant of ge up shape P g found fn the eastern seas." NEER, tian. rare. = F. o , , kidney. Nepo [ Nepotien (Littre), f o. The most remote ne L. planet of the solar system, Nere, re, obs. variants of NE ER, never. Nepot-, stem of : see A Nepos def.J follower of discovered Galle in Ne-read. rare. Also 6 an by 1846. pi. nereiades. fErron. Nepos, Egyptian bishop of the 3rd who 1846 Astron. Obs. cent., RadcUfle Obser-. . Observed form of after held views similar (1848) 284 NEREID, Dryad, , etc.] A ne- to those of the millenarians Kight Ascensions and North Polar distances of the Planet reid ; a . 1641 R. BROOKE u. vi. Neptune. 1868 LOCKYER Guillcinin s Eng. Efisc. 89 Novatians, Sabellians, Heavens (ed. 3) 267 J. he of the Nepotians,..have troubled the Church from time to time density matter of which Neptune consists. a. L. 4. (See Nepotic (n/p?-tik), [f. nepot-, nepos quots.) 1861 Du CHAILLU + a. Inclined of the Equat. viii. go The a Girdle, and the rest like a nephew -ic.] to, nature of, A/r. neptune Fish. plate of yellow copper, which has attrib b. the long been one of the 1860 C. SANUSTER etc. nepotism, Holding position of a nephew standard articles of , 145 Verdurous trade imported hither by the merchants headlands down On Neread 1847 Fraser s Mag XXXVI. 715 The hMYTH looking shapes nepotic dispenser 1867 Sailor s \\-prd-Hi. 496 brass of MILMAN Lat. Kcptnnes, large JNerehand obs. ff. patronage. 1834 Chr. vn.vi. (1864)! V so pans used in the of Biafra v e, -hond^ e, NEARHANH. lo set Bight for obtaining salt. bounds. .to the personal or nepotic ambition of the 1 Nereid (ni-r/,id). [ad. L. St. a. ran;- , ^next. Keiiid-, Aercis, ruling pontiff. 1873 Paul s Neptu-nean, 1 Mag. 19 Jan., Regarding a. Gr. this 1852 Tli. Ross ir. Nr/p?;is, Nr;pei s, f. the nepotic youngster with amazement. irnmMdt s Trav. I. i. -,6 A mountain Krjpivs name of an celebrated on account of the ancient a. rarc~\ as disputes of volcanean and sea-god.] Nepotious (nfpou-Jlas), [f. ncptunean + geologists. 1. A of a prec. -IOUS.] Excessively fond of one s Myth. daughter ; sea-. nephews. a. 1680 OLDMAM 1-larl SOUTHEY Doctor x. Neptunian (ncpti/J-nian), and sl>. L. Pastoral Rochester I, Now does that 1834 (1848) 29 We may use the epithet [f. for those f. units lovely Nereid. .The Sea, and all her fellow forsake. nepotious [uncles] who carry this fondness to the Neptuni-us, Xcpt Neptune -t- -AX. Cf. F. POPE lliail XVMI. extent of doting. 1720 45 The circling with iheir neptunien^\ mistress weep. 1776 PENNANT lirit. Xool. I. 21; These Nepotism (ne-p^tiz m). [ad. F. A. adj. 1. to birds were ntpotisme Pertaining the sea-god Neptune, equally favourites with as with the l6 r It. ( 53) : see or to the sea. Nereids. I ntpotismo,i. nepote nephew -ISM.] rare. 1819 SHELLEY rc-mctli. Unit. in. ii. 44 liehold The the Nereids under the sea. fl. advantages, or opportunities for ad 1656 BLOUNT Glossogr. 1848 G. B. CHEEVER Wand. Pit- green 1869 TOZEK Hig/il. xxxlll< 20 Turkey II. -,09 The of the Nereids is vancement, to a s 4 ^ social Neptunian pic-nic of this sort. beauty pioverbial. pertaining pope nephew. Obs. ^ri" R. 2. Geol. 1885-94 BKIDGES . , rsyjic .Mar. The Nereids 1662 J. BAKCRAVE Pope Alex. VII Resulting the action 27 (1867) 95 The Pope s from, produced by, all, who live the caves. married of among only nephew.. her, quitting his Cardinal s cap and water. to volcanic or altril: (Opposed flutonic.} 1767 F.UVKES ThC -critus vii. .. Most nepotism. KIRWAN Elem. 76 Halcyons, 1794 Min. 1.425 Mountains of Neptunian lov d and honour d by the Xeieid train. Gcntl. 2. The are 1847 ^. practice, on the ofthe origin distinguished their materials. CXVII. i. This part Popes or other by 1805 West s 173 stiuctuie .. may be styled the Nereid Furncss 374 The of this monument. ecclesiastics (and henceof otherpersons), of Anliij. progress neptunian pro showing cess is very curious. favour to or 1857 DurfERmLftt.ffifALai.ig4 trausf. 1781 COWTER Relirem. 537 Nereids or Dryads, as special nephews other relatives in of with Layers trap, alternating Neptunian beds. the fashion leads, Now in the now in the offices unfair lloods, panting conferring ; preferment of b. Based the view that certain meads. 1876 GF.O. ELIOT Dan. Do: nephews upon geological i, The Nereid in sea- or relatives to other robes and qualified persons. formations are due to the action of water. green silver ornaments. .wasGwendolen Harleth. 1670 G. H. Hist. Curiiinals II. I. rig 2. Zool. An errant Ministers that by 1802 Ellin. Rev. I. 206 A destruction of the annelid of the family A ercidv, the favour of the primitive do revive . .a new Nepotisme, Neronisme mountains.. is deducible from the Neptunian., having an elongated of a of 1688 Anno. Talon s Plea hypothesis. body composed large Tyranny. 10 His great aversion 3. Of or to the from all belonging planet number of similar with kind of Pride ; the freest from Neptune. rings, Nepotism of any. a Poi: rudimentary 1849 Mcllonta Taiila Wks. 1864 IV. A fine branchia; a 1705 ADDISON Italy 184 It is to this Humour of 299 ; Nepotism view of the five sea-centipede. that Rome owes its Neptunian asteioids. 1885 AGNES CLERKS present Splendor. 1740 RICHARDSON 1840 Penny Cycl. XVI. 147/1 The Nereids are Pop. Hist. Astron. 114 No further or widely Pamela (1824) I. xxxii. 320 His holiness declared Neptunian Uranian spiead, and some of the aie found in against satellites can be species most seas. BURKE Tli. perceived. T. R. Nat. nepotism. 1791 French Aff. Wks. 1842 I. 569/2 1845 JONES Hist. Aiiim. I. 334 The nereids, as Ihe of B. sb. 1. = NEPTUNIST 2. be fiom spirit nepotism prevails there nearly as strong as might expected their activity and eriatic habits, are ever. E. HOWARD R. 799 CAarac. in Ann. In carnivorous animals. 1836 Reefer xxxviii. The nepotism of Reg. 329/2 general he was a 1876 KcncdeH s Anim Parasites 24 the tieasuier of the that IS to he This annelid is a navy. 1876 FREEMAN Norm. COM/. V. Neptunian, say attributed the changes the earth long worm, like all the nereids. xxii. This of the has undeigone to the of water. 1822 attrib, LADY BRASSICY 44 nepotism Bishop who made a mainten operation CLEAVE- 1885 The Trades 316 A large ance for his LAM) .!//. (ed. Nereid kinsfolk out of the estates of the Church. tfGcol. 2) 11.723 Neptunians and Vulcanisls. worm, about six or seven inches long. 2. b. Fondness for one s An inhabitant of the /.ool. nephews. planet Neptune. Nereidean. rare. [f. mod.L. NereiJex 1818 LADY PROCTOR Other H orlds The MORGAN AutoMog. (1859) 9, I am sure that 1870 173 Neptunians would f. L. be (Savigny), Nereid-, NEREID : see A nepotism is an affection in and wholly unable to see . -EAN.] organic single childless nercid or similar marine annelid. women it is a maternal ; instinct gone astray Hence Neptu iiianism, belief in, or advocacy KIBIIY Hab. I. 1835 /*, Inst.Anim. xii. 333 His first Order (ne-pflist). [Cf. prec. and of, the he Nepotist -1ST.] Neptunian hypothesis. denominates Nereideans. Ibid. II. xvii. 128 The ap One to LYELL Princ. Geol. I. a given nepotism. 1830 69 By singular coincidence, proach which many of the Nereideans of Savigny make to SYD. and weie 1837 SMITH Wks. (1850) 608 To be accused of neplunianism orthodoxy now associated in the the Myriapod Condylopes. 1842 BRANDE Diet. Set etc. same cieed. ., Nepotism by Nepotists, who were themselves in. praising ! Nereides (n/rrid/z, maT/ |id), sb.pl. [L. directly by the accusation. 1898 G. SMITH Twelve hid. NEPTUNE + Neptunist (ne-ptirfnist). [f. -IST.] G. of Statesmen x. 276 The Marquess of Dalhousie was no Nereides, Nr/pr/i5<s, Nr/piiSfs, pi. Nij/jr/is, 1 1. A nautical person. Obs. rare. nepotist. Nr;peis : see NEKEID.] Nereids. 1593 G. HARVEY Pierces Super. Wks. (Grosart) II. 290 Hence Wepoti stical a. 1390 COWER Con/. II. 172 The Gieks..such a name upon Let . . fine Daedalist, skilful Neptunist, maruelous Vul- 1886 SVMONDS hem leiden, Nereides that thei ben hole. Renaiss. It., Cath. React. I. ii. 68 It canist..be 1579-80 NORTH (1898) respected [etc.]. 1597 A. M. tr. Gnillemeaii s Antcntiis was the last, .and the most brilliant Ptutarcli, (1612) 923 Appaielled like the Nimphes display of nepotistical />. Chirnrg. *iv, The Neptunibt, of windes, ofstormes, and ambition in a Nereides (which are the Myrmaides of the waters). 1601 Pope. of .can talke best. tempest,, HOLLAND II. obs. Pliuy 567 The Sea-nymphs or Meere-maides Neppe, variant of NEP sb.\, catmint. 2. An asserter of the or Neptunian aqueous origin also called Nereides. 1656 BLOUNT Glossogr., Nereides dial, variant of Nepperkin, NIPPERKIN. of certain geological formations. aie also taken for Nymphs, or of the Water. t Obs. [OE. tuple, ad. L. Cf. Eilin. Rev. I. 201 Its author cannot be considered sb. and a. Zool. Nept(e. nepeta. _i8o2 Nerei diaii, rate. [f. NE MDu. G. = eilhei as a Vulcanist purely, or a Neptunist. 1830 LVELL nepte, nipte, nepte(n, nepl.] NEP s&l REID-*- -IAN.] a. sb. A nereidean or nereidous Princ. Geol. I. The confidence with which the con. C r " aa0 S Leec i- 2oS as man 346 ,, j o P wyrte nepitam on b. ^ and Vulcanists in the last annelid, adj. =next. lleden] & obrum naman nemneb I/n il. III. tending^ Neptunists century nepte 72 Neptan 1860 in WORCESTER. in sad dogmatized on the igneous or origin of certain 1890 Cent. Diet. & wuduhrofan sa:d. a 1400-50 StaetAolm Med. .l/.V. aqueous or rocks. 1856 PAGE Adi: Text-bk. Geol. 65 The Wei nerians or a. Zool. as + Re 209 Nepte cattys mynte, ncfta. c 1440 Promp. Parv. Nereidous, [f. prec. -ous.] Neptunists contended strenuously for the aqueous origin of a nereid 353/1 Nepte, herbe, nepta. 1513 SKEI.TON Carl. Laurel sembling ; belonging to the Nereidse,. The all the old rock-formations. 982 columbyne, the nepte, The ieloffer well set. 1600 1839 DARWIN Voy. Nat. xiii. 305 nereidous ani attrib. SPENCER Ess. 60 This Crawling SURFLKT Cauntrie Farms n. xlix. 1863 II. Neptunist hypo mals of 320 Cats mint or nept is a multitude of forms. 1845 Ibid. (ed. z) xx. 465 a kmde of thesis., was quite untenable if analyzed. calammt. Nereidous worms, which perforate every block of dead coral. Nepuo, -veu, -vew, -voy, obs. ff. NEPHEW. Neptha, obs. form of NAPHTHA. II Zool. Nereis (ni->-r ,is). [L.; see NEREID. a. Obs. ! f-Ne-quient, rare~. [f. pres. pple. used Neptune (ne-ptin). [a. F. Neptune, or ad. Formerly as a name for several unrelated L. Ar of L. neqittre to be unable.] Not able, eptun-usJ\ being marine forms of animal life.] 1. In disable Roman religion and mythology, the god of (Blount Glossogr. 1656). 1 1. A mcdusid. Obs. rare. t Obs. Also 6 nar. the sea, to the Greek Ner, conj. 5-6 nere, [var. 1752 J. HILL Hist. Anim. 92 The body of the Nereis is of corresponding ; also of after but cf. OFris. Nor. a cylindiic figure; and the tentacula are four in transf. the sea or ocean. NOR, peril, NE; ner.~\ number, c Ai inv. Arth. Ther but two of them are usually very shoit, often scarce ci38s CHAUCER L. G. W. 1420 xii, schalle no mon do nere say. per 2421 , The se..possith PENNANT Brit. Zool. IV. That schalle greue the. c tr. De Imitations I. iii. No ceptible. 1770 38 Nereis Noctilu hym now vp now doun Til neptune hath of 1450 4 hym compas- man wibouten him undirstondib ner demeb cous. These aie the animals that illuminate the sea, like sioun. 1564 Brief Exam. Bivb, Wyne was consecrated rightwesly. a 1500 in C. Trice-Martin Chanc. Proc. C. z glow-worms. 1797 Emycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XIII. 8/t The., vnto . . i^tft (1004) Bacchus, Water vnto Neptune. 1590 SHAKS. Miih. ff. Youre besecher never receyved of ner of none other to noctilucous nereis, which inhabits almost every sea. 1813 u. I. 126 Full often hath she.. sat with me on hym Neptunes his use the value of d. Anc. Cal. Rcc. Dublin BINGLEY Zool. III. 424 The night-shining nereis. yellow sands. 1634 MILTON Camus 18 Neptune besides the xij. 1538 (1889) I. 503 To by nar sell wythe any man. 2. The typical genus of the A ereitlse; the sea- sway Of every salt Flood, and each ebbing Stream [etc.]. in ner nother; see NOTHER. 747 Scheme Equip. Men ofWar 23 Their Tide of Learning, Ner, centipede (see NEREID 2). ..whilst under the Influence of Neptune, is always Ebb. TTer, obs. var. NAR and NEAR a. and adv. 1797 P.ncycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XIII. 8/2 Nereis gigantxa, or 1820 SHELLEY Hymn Mere, xxxi, The sacred wood, Which giant nereis... Thethree rows of small tufts. -ser\elhis nereis Nerand, obs. f. ERRAND, NEARHAND. . . echoes the voice of Neptune. 1873 GEIKIE Ct. Ice Agt instead of feet. 1839-47 Todd s Cycl. Anal. III. 538/2 In XVH. J. Ifercotical, obs. form of NARCOTICAL. 231 Neptune, when imprisoned in such deep, narrow the Nereis, , and other erratic worms. 1845 T. ocean a. l valleys, is powerless. t Nere, Obs. rare~ . fa. OF. ner, neir, R. JONES Nat. Hist. Anim. I. 334 The mouth of the dead b. Nereis to be a The sailor impersonating the sea-god in the var. noif.L. nigr-um.] Black. appears simple opening, quite destitute of teeth. 1883 s The with . Ccer de L. A robe nerev Harper Mug. Jan. 184/1 nereis, ceremony observed in crossing the Line. 13. 6526 i-furryd with blaun and opal tints and gleams of pearl,, .resplendent with light. 1815 Chron. in Ann. Reg. 104 At the usual ceremony of t Nere, were not : see NE and BE v. A. 6-7. the fNereon, obs. variant of NERIUM. passing Line, .. Buonaparte made a present to old c looo /ELFRIC in Assmann Ags. Horn. ii. 124 Das (1889) 1661 LOVF.LL Hist. Anim. Min. are hurt Neptune of one hundred Napoleons. hal^an naeron ntefre mid wifum besmitene. ^1175 Lamb. ff 115 They by Horn. neren \ aconite, neieon, prickwood,. .and scoitching fennel. 2. s Hi aferede of nane licamliche 1 Neptune cup (or goblet} : a. A species of 97 pinunge. c t Nerf. Obs. rare. Also nerff. OF. coral 1205 LAY. 538 pa Grickes neoren noht warre. Ibid. 1118 , nerfe, [a. (see quot. 1 855). Leode nere in E. : j<ar nape. 111300 Se-uenSins 27 E. P. (1862) ner/:L. nerv-uiii see NERVE A sinew. 1839 MALCOM Trap. (1840) 28/1 One of these curious pro so.] ^ e no at aliue nere . V? b none so riche as he were. 13. ci374 CHAUCER Troylus u. 642 His sheld..In which men ductions, a species of called s . ^ alcyonium, Neptune cup E. E. Allit. P. B. 21 .. DALLAS Nif he nere scoymus & skyg Hit mightyn meny an arwe fynd, That thrilled hath both horn, 1855 Syst, Nat. Hist. I. 239 The Aliyonium pocit- were a meruayl. c 1374 CHAUCER Comfl. Mars 35 Com- neife, and rynd. c s bat is Inm, or Neptune s cup, which is found the coral reefs 1400 Lanfi-anc Cintrg. 29 pat upon him that neuere in her seruise He ner so bolde. in the eastern The Trades maundynge maadof bisnerf {v.r. neiff] and ^is ligament isclepid acorde; Archipelago. 1885 LADY BRASSKY c 1425 Seven Sag. (P.) 2058 None ther nas, That thay nere be which bat meucb be to be wille of be soule. 312 There were grey sponges.. in shape not unlike coral lymes al at on. 1503 HAWES Examp. yirt. x. 4 Vnto your grace Neptune s cups. -honde, obs. ff. NEARHAND. wolde 1 Ner this bio. 1600 Nerhand(e, b. fayne go lettynge of water A kind of II Nerita Zool. PI. also -as. sponge (Thalasseina neptuni\ FAIRFAX Tasso xn, Ixxxi, He trembled so, that nere his (n/rai ta). neritffl, 1863 WOOD Ittnstr. Nat. Hist. III. The beside 770 extraordinary squires To hold him vp, he had sunke downe. [L. ncrlla, ad. Gr. ynptVnj, f^it rr/s sea-mussel, f.