Item No: 05 Address: Woodcote Manor Cottages, Road, Bramdean,

Parish/Ward Bramdean And

Proposal Description: Change of use of land from agricultural to residential, erection of two bay garage and construction of new drive, following demolition of existing garages

Applicants Name Mr And Mrs R Peers

Case No: 04/01203/FUL

W No: W18936/01

Case Officer: Mrs Jill Lee

Date Valid: 26 May 2004

Delegated or Committee: Committee Decision

Reason for Committee: Parish Council submitted representations contrary to officer recommendation Site Factors: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty


SITE LOCATION PLAN Case No: 04/01203/FUL W No: W18936/01 Address: Woodcote Manor Cottages, Petersfield Road, Bramdean, Hampshire Proposal Description: Change of use of land from agricultural to residential, erection of two bay garage and construction of new drive, following demolition of existing garages


Site Description

• The application site is located on the northern side of the A272 road at Bramdean • The site is part of an open area of grass parkland which is part of the Woodcote Manor House estate. • There are substantial copper beech trees within the roadside verge. • There is an existing access to the site which is also the driveway to Woodcote Manor House and The Gardeners Cottage. • There are two existing garages and hardstanding which it is proposed to replace with the proposed development. • The existing garages although in a poor state of repair are well screened from the road by existing vegetation and do not impact within views of the AONB. • There is a terrace of three cottages to the east of the application site, and the proposed garages are to serve two of these cottages, the third already has an access and parking area.

Relevant Planning History

• There is no planning history relevant to this application.


• Change of use of land from agricultural to residential, erection of two bay garage and construction of new drive, following demolition of existing garages. • Existing on site is a driveway which also serves the main house and a cottage, two garages in a poor state of repair and an area of hardstanding. • It is proposed to demolish the existing garages and provide new garages and hardstanding closer to the existing terrace of cottages which front the A272. • A new driveway will be provided and the garages and hardstanding will be provided in an area of land which is currently open grass parkland. • The existing garages are well screened by existing vegetation but the proposed new siting is in an open area which will have a much greater impact both within the countryside and the East Hampshire Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. • It is proposed to erect a double garage which would be constructed in timber with a clay tile roof. The footprint of the building would measure 7m x 6m and the roof at the highest point would measure 4.8m. • There would also be a considerable area of hardstanding, new driveway and pedestrian access to the A272 all of which would be contained with post and rail fencing.


No consultations were undertaken.


Bramdean And Hinton Ampner Parish Council • Support the application but comment that the existing area of hardstanding should be returned to grassland to avoid the possibility of flooding. No letters of representation have been received from neighbours.

Relevant Planning Policy:

Hampshire County Structure Plan Review: • C1, C2 Winchester District Local Plan • C1, C2, C7 WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE AGENDA 10 November 2004

Winchester District Local Plan Review Deposit and Revised Deposit: • C1, C7

Planning Considerations

The main considerations in respect of this application are:

• Principle of development • Impact on the character of the area • Detailed design

Principle of development • The site is within the countryside and the East Hampshire Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It currently forms part of open grass parkland. In such an area development is only normally acceptable when it is essential to agriculture or associated uses. The proposed development would involve the change of use of the land to residential and the erection of buildings, hardstanding and fencing unrelated to the needs of agriculture within the countryside and the AONB. The principle of the development is therefore unacceptable.

Impact on character of area • The application site is very open and the proposed development would be intrusive and detract from the character and appearance of the countryside and the AONB. • The proposed development would increase the spread of buildings along the A272 and in doing so increase the impact of the existing buildings. • The existing garages are well screened by existing vegetation and the preferred siting for any new building would be on this site rather than intruding into the open countryside to the detriment of the visual amenities of the area. • The proposed new siting has been chosen as the garages are to serve numbers 1 and 2 Woodcote Manor Cottages and the new siting is closer to them and also provides a pedestrian access onto the A272 verge from which they can access their houses. In practical terms the proposed siting is preferred but it is unacceptable in terms of siting within the open countryside and the AONB.

Detailed design. • The proposed garage would be constructed in timber with a clay tile roof. In terms of materials and design the building would be suitable in the countryside provided the siting was acceptable. There are no details of the materials to be used for the hardsurfacing and the site is to be contained within post and rail fencing.


REFUSE – subject to the following refusal reason(s):


01 The proposed garage block and associated hardstanding and fencing would represent an undesirable intrusion into an area of open countryside which is within the East Hampshire Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in which no development should take place other than that essential to agriculture and related uses. The proposed development would detract from the character and appearance of the area.