19 September 2016 / Schebek Palace, Politických vězňů 7, Prague ABOUT The Institute for Politics and Society, The Friedrich Naumann Foundation and The European cordially invite you to international conference Multiple Challenges for Europe. The event is held under the auspices of Adri- THE ana Krnáčová, Lady Mayor of Prague and with the financial support of the EVENT . Since 2009, Europe has been facing multiple crises. Some would even claim that there should be a database of crises and challenges. There is a crisis in- volving the Eurozone, which has not disappeared but has been just overshad- owed by more urgent matters. There is the topic of staying or not staying in the Eurozone. There is a sovereign debt crisis in the southern belt. We have Russian aggression in Ukraine and challenges related to stabilizing Ukraine. Then there is the threat of Brexit and there is a crisis in the Europe- an energy market and energy dependency on Russia. Nowadays, everyone is concerned with the migration crisis, security crisis, and Schengen crisis. There are challenges with how to deal with , Syria, and ISIL. Furthermore, we also have a European political crisis, a rise of political extremism, the East West division, and a crisis of European leadership, values, sharing, and sol- idarity. The ‘European Multiple Crises’ Conference will aim to address these issues, and potential avenues for resolution in the European context. PROGRAM

8:30 – 9:00 Registration John Lloyd () Contributing editor to the Financial 9:00 – 9:05 Welcome Speech by Jan Macháček Times () Iliya Lingorski () Chairman of the Institute for Politics President of the Bulgarian Section and Society of the European League of Economic Cooperation

9:05 – 10:30 PANEL A: EUROPEAN VISION, Moderator: Jan Macháček VALUES, LEADERSHIP, (Czech Republic) SOLIDARITY, AND FEDERALISM Chairman of the Institute for Politics and Society Bartłomiej E. Nowak () Head of Chair of International Rela- tions, Vistula University 10:30 – 11:15 TALK FOR EUROPE Kai-Olaf Lang () Head of the European Division at the Václav Bělohradský (Czech Republic) German Institute Stiftung Wissen- Publicist, candidate for Senator for the schaft und Politik Social Democrats and the Green Party Leszek Jazdzewski (Poland) Editor-in-Chief of the Polish socio-po- litical magazine, Liberté!


Jacques Rupnik () Jacques Rupnik (France) Professor at Sciences Po in Paris and Professor at Sciences Po in Paris and honorary visiting professor at Charles honorary visiting professor at Charles University in Prague University in Prague Tereza Englová (Czech Republic) Moderator: Jan Macháček Czech journalist and documentary (Czech Republic) film maker Chairman of the Institute for Politics and Society Moderator: Jan Macháček (Czech Republic) 11:15 – 11:30 Coffee Break Chairman of the Institute for Politics and Society

11:30 – 13:00 PANEL B: MIGRATION, SECURITY, 13:00 – 13:45 Lunch FUTURE OF SCHENGEN

H.E. Aldo Amati () 13:45 – 15:00 RALF DAHRENDORF ROUNDTA- Ambassador of Italy to the Czech BLE: TALK FOR EUROPE * Republic Grigorij Mesežnikov (Slovakia) Welcome speech by Felicita Medved Political analyst, founder & President (), President of the European of the Slovak Institute for Public Affairs Liberal Forum

4 * This is a roundtable discussion organised by the European Liberal Forum (ELF) with the assistance of the Institute for Politics and Society, and co-funded by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of the programme, or for any use that may be made of it. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the European Parliament and/or the European Liberal Forum. Andrej Babiš (Czech Republic) Iliya Lingorski (Bulgaria) Finance Minister of the Czech Republic President of the Bulgarian Section () of the European League of Economic Leader of the Alliance of and Cooperation Democrats for Europe Zdeněk Kudrna (Czech Republic) Researcher at the Salzburg Centre Moderator: Pavel Telička of Studies at the (Czech Republic) University of Salzburg Member of European Parliament Krisztián Szabados () Chief Executive Officer of Political Capital Institute 15:00 – 16:30 PANEL C: EUROZONE, GREECE, AND SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISES Moderator: Aleš Chmelař (Czech Republic) H.E. Efthymios Efthymiades (Greece) Chief Economist at the European Ambassador of Greece to the Czech Section of the Czech Office of the Republic Government Helena Horská (Czech Republic) Chief economist of Raiffeisenbank 16:30 – 16:45 Coffee Break in Prague

5 16:45 – 17:30 TALK FOR EUROPE Kai-Olaf Lang (Germany) Head of the European Division at the Martin Stropnický (Czech Republic) German Institute Stiftung Wissen- Minister of Defence of the Czech schaft und Politik Republic Leszek Jazdzewski (Poland) Jan Macháček (Czech Republic) Editor-in-Chief of the Polish socio- Chairman of the Institute for Politics political magazine, Liberté! and Society John Lloyd (United Kingdom) Contributing editor to the Financial Moderator: Anna Matušková Times (Czech Republic) Grigorij Mesežnikov (Slovakia) Political Scientist at the Faculty of Founder & President of the Slovak Social Science, Charles University Institute for Public Affairs

Moderator: Petr Kolář 17:30 – 19:00 PANEL D: UKRAINE (Czech Republic) AND ASSERTIVE RUSSIA Former Ambassador of the Czech Republic to USA and Russia Bartłomiej E. Nowak (Poland) Director at the Center for International Relations, Warsaw 19:00 – 20:00 NETWORKING

6 PANEL A The European identity has rare- Questions: ly been anything more than a Is there such a thing as a Euro- vision, try as politicians might. pean vision? How can Europe EUROPEAN Lacking a coherent vision, under- proceed when its members have mined by national self-interest, such divergent concepts of what VISION, and plagued by “part time Eu- the future should entail? Has the ropeans”, the next logical step, European Union ever NOT been VALUES, federalism, is for now impossible. in a state of crisis? How should European nations want to enjoy European governments approach LEADERSHIP, the common market and Europe- Europe when the future is so un- an family, whilst preserving their clear? SOLIDARITY, own national identities. It is clear that one of the most important A N D EU member states is conflicted with the idea of even being in the FEDERALISM Union. Have we reached the limit of European integration?

7 PANEL B The ongoing migrant crisis has between humanitarianism and come to define the European con- security is one that many western tinents experience of the Iraqi & European countries are currently MIGRATION, Syrian civil wars and the insurgen- grappling. cy of the so called “Islamic State”. SECURITY, Pressure on public services such Questions: as social housing, healthcare and Do any countries bear a responsi- FUTURE OF education might in the past have bility to accommodate refugees? dominated concerns surrounding What distinguishes a refugee SCHENGEN the arrival of, the most extreme from an economic migrant? Do case (that of Germany) over a mil- countries militarily involved in lion new inhabitants. Since the IS the Middle East such as the Unit- directed terrorist attacks in Par- ed Kingdom and France bear a is, November 2015 and the wide- greater responsibility than those spread, seemingly coordinated uninvolved in the Iraqi/Syrian civ- sexual assaults across Germany il war? For how long, if at all, can however, concerns have, rightly Schengen survive under the cur- or wrongly, tended increasingly rent circumstances? Do migrants towards potential security issues pose a threat to security? related to the crisis. The balance 8 PANEL C With very few exceptions, every Questions: developed economy in the world To what extent are these coun- was affected to some extent by tries still suffering the effects EUROZONE, the economic crash of 2007/8- of debt? Is there still a threat of many faced economic ruin, and the breakup of the Eurozone? GREECE, some are still suffering the con- Should EU members be obligat- sequences today. This is no more ed to bail out indebted countries A N D the case than in the Eurozone- in the future? Even those not in , , the Republic of the Eurozone such as the United SOVEREIGN Ireland, Cyprus, and most infa- Kingdom? What might a poten- mously Greece were unable to tial solution to the European debt DEBT CRISES repay their government debts crisis entail? How has the crisis and consequently public services changed the EU since it started? such as healthcare and education, as well as employment in these countries were crippled.

9 PANEL D Europe has always faced crises. Questions: Never however, has the issue of To what extent is the Russian ad- European cooperation and iden- ministration correct in suggesting UKRAINE tity inflamed such bloody and the EU’s expansion towards the violent unrest as has been the east is “aggressive”? Is Ukrainian AND ASSER- case since 2014 in Ukraine. Europe integration into the EU worth the finds itself in a standoff with one risk of potential bloodshed? How TIVE RUSSIA of the greater nuclear powers of can amicable relations between the world, over a country in which Europe and Russia be maintained? much of the population has no Is Ukraine Europe’s problem? Was interest or desire to be integrat- the Dutch referendum the final ed into Europe. The crisis threat- nail in the Ukrainian-European ens to tear Ukraine in half, and coffin? Europe, as the Union finds itself within touching distance of an in- creasingly assertive Russia.


Václav Bělohradský is a contemporary Jacques Rupnik is an author and academ- Andrej Babiš has been a Czech Deputy Czech philosopher whose paramount ic, educated at the University of Paris and Prime Minister and Minister of Finance theme is postmodern political philosophy. at Harvard. He is currently Director of Re- since January 2014. He got his degree at He earned his PhD at the Charles Univer- search at CERI, and Professor at Sciences University of Economics, focused his stud- sity IV in Prague in 1969 and in the same Po in Paris with a particular interest in ies on international trade. He began his

year he moved in exile in Italy. Since 1973 East European history and politics and career as a trader for the Chemapol com- EUROPE FOR TALK he has been a sociology professor at the European integration. In the past, Profes- pany in Bratislava, and continued it for University of Genoa and since 1991 at the sor Rupnik served as Executive director of the Petrimex company. Moreover, later on University of Trieste. He has collaborated the International Commission for the Bal- in 1993, he established his own company, with numerous Czech exile magazines kans, advisor to the European Commission Agrofert, that is nowadays an internation- and various publishers and domestic dis- (2007-2010, and member of the board of al group with more than 250 subsidiaries sent. He gained reputation for his compre- directors of the European Partnership for of several lines: chemical industry, agricul- hensive expertise in political philosophy Democracy in (2008-2013). He is ture, food processing, forestry and timber- with an overlap in art and history of cen- a regular Visiting Scholar at the Center for ing, ground-technologies, technology and tral-european civilization. European Studies at Harvard University. transportation, renewable energy sources and media as well. Since 2011 he has been a chairman of ANO political movement that gained second largest amout of votes in 2013 parliamentary elections. 11 Guy Verhofstadt Martin Stropnický Jan Macháček BELGIUM CZECH REPUBLIC CZECH REPUBLIC TALK FOR EUROPE TALK FOR EUROPE TALK FOR EUROPE/MODERATOR

Member of the European Parliament, Pres- Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic, Jan Macháček is a journalist and musician. ident of the Alliance of Liberals and Dem- Member of the Parliament (ANO 2011), dip- He is also a leading Czech commentator ocrats for Europe (ALDE). He studied law lomat, former Minister of Culture, actor, and and analyst of contemporary issues con- at university in Ghent, Belgium. He start- director. After the Velvet Revolution of 1989 cerning both interior and exterior political ed his political career as President of the he studied and graduated at the Diplomatic and economic matters. Before his arrival

TALK FOR EUROPE FOR TALK Liberal Flemish Students’ Union in Ghent, Academy in Vienna, and became Director to Lidové noviny, Macháček worked at Re- and later became City Councillor in Ghent, of the Department of Cultural Relations at spekt and Hospodářské noviny. Macháček an MP in the House of Representatives, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech gives lectures on journalism at New York Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Republic. He dedicated the following years University in Prague and holds lectures re- the Budget, a Senator, and National Pres- to diplomatic activities, serving as Ambas- garding economic policy at other interna- ident of the Flemish Liberals and Demo- sador to Portugal (1993-1994), Italy (1994- tional universities and conferences. crats (VLD). From 1999 to 2008 he served 1997), and Holy See (1999-2002). During as Prime Minister of Belgium. In June 2009, this period, in 1998, he briefly assumed the Guy Verhofstadt was elected to the Euro- position of Minister of Culture in the inter- pean Parliament and leader of the ALDE im Tosovsky government. In recent years, Group. In addition to his duties as a poli- he has pursued acting, theatre directing, tician, Guy has written a number of books writing etc. In 2013 he was elected Member including, The United States of Europe of the Parliament as electoral leader of the (2006), The New Age of Empires (2008) ANO 2011 movement in the South Moravia and Emerging from the Crisis: How Europe district. In January 2014 he was appointed 12 can Save the World (2009). Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic. H.E. Aldo Amati H.E. Efthymios Efthymiades Tereza Engelová SPEAKERS ITALY GREECE CZECH REPUBLIC PANEL B PA N E L C PA N E L B

H.E Aldo Amati has been the Ambassador H.E. Efthymios EFTHYMIADES is a newly Czech journalist and documentary film of Italy to the Czech Republic since 2014- assigned Ambassador of Greece to the maker. Worked in Czech TV as a foreign the latest post in an illustrious and dynam- Czech Republic. He studied at the Faculty news reporter, editor and anchor focusing ic career. A graduate of the Universities of of Law at the Athens University. He started on crisis reporting and “third world”. Re- Bergamo and Milan, Amati has previously professional career as Diplomatic Office of ported from more than 20 countries. She served as Director of legation in London, the Prime Minister of Greece in 1990. Later moved to Pakistan in 2007. Spent two years Director of embassy in Washington, First he worked, among other assignments, at as a freelance correspondent for different Counsellor in Tokyo, and Diplomatic Advi- the department for NATO, where he was Czech media and taught foreign affairs and sor to the President of the Italian Republic, responsible for NATO operations, and mis- film making at Fatima Jinah University. She among other posts. He was made Grand sions or at the Ministry of Foreign Affair for lived in Turkish Gaziantep from 2014-2015 Officer of the Order of Merit of the Repub- EU Enlargement. He served in Washington, focusing on Syrian conflict and refugee is- lic in 2013. D.C., Addis Ababa, Toronto etc. In 2014 he sues. became Director the Department for EU External Relations.


Helena Horská is an acknowledged expert Leszek Jażdżewski is an editor-in-Chief of Zdeněk Kudrna is a researcher at the Salz- in the field of monetary policy and its prac- LIBERTE! – a Polish liberal quarterly por- burg Centre of European Union Studies at tical implication. She is author of publica- tal and think tank. He is a co-founder of a the University of Salzburg, where he imple- tions in the field of monetary policy. As a community centre 6. Dzielnica in Łódź and ments the Horizont 2020 project analyzing part of her Ph.D. study at the University of columnist of publications such as Gaze- the economic and fiscal integration in the Economics in Prague and Advanced Studies ta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita, Polityka, EU. His research focuses on the political Program at Kiel Institute of World Econom- Wprost. He is also commentator for TOK economy of European integration and fi- ics she published research papers on infla- FM radio station and TVP television chan- nancial market regulation. He has taught at tion targeting. These days Helena holds the nel and Marshall Memorial Fellow. He was the University of Vienna, Charles University position of chief economist of Raiffeisen- chosen as a leader in a project carried out in Prague and Central European University bank in Prague. Besides this she actively by Teraz Polska magazine nominating 25 in Budapest. He has been an advisor to the contributes to the economic think-thank leaders for the next 25 years. IMF and World Bank, UNDP and the Czech project “Alter-Eko” and gives the lectures of Minister of Finance. His work recently ap- economics at universities. She is involved peared in Journal of Common Market Stud- in professional discussions and writes for ies, Journal of European Public Policy and in periodicals including Respekt. All new and a volume on the EU’s decision traps (Oxford unknown in the field of monetary policy is University Press). Zdenek received a PhD in exciting for her. Helena’s purpose is to stim- political economy from Central European ulate the discussion and search for the sim- University. He comments regularly on Euro- ple answers to unanswered questions. pean affairs in the Czech and Slovak media. 14 Kai-Olaf Lang Iliya Lingorski John Lloyd SPEAKERS GERMANY BULGARIA UNITED KINGDOM PANEL A, D PA N E L A , C PANEL A, D

Dr. Kai-Olaf Lang is a senior fellow at the- Iliya Lingorski started his career in computer John Lloyd is a British journalist and con- German Institute for International and Se- sciences and academia. He served as First Dep- tributing editor for the Financial Times. He curity Affairs of the Stifung Wissenschaft uty Minister of Finance and Head of the State co-founded the Reuters Institute for the und Politik (SWP) in Berlin, Germany. He Treasury in the Saxe-Coburg cabinet. Among Study of Journalism at the University of was a previous research fellow at the Fed- other duties he represented the Ministry of Oxford in 2006, and is now Senior Research eral Institute for Eastern and International Finance on the Government Council for NATO Fellow. Mr Lloyd is also chairman of the ad- Studies in Cologne, Germany. In 2015, he integration and co-chaired the task force for visory board of the Moscow School of Civic produced and published, “Germany, the Eu- negotiations on the final chapter of Bulgar- Education and has written several books in- ropean Union, and Their Gentle Force in the ia’s EU accession. Iliya acted as IMF Alternate cluding, “What the Media Are Doing to Our European Neighbourhood – A Comparison Governor for Bulgaria and was responsible for Politics” (2004). of Two Soft Power Engines”. the government liaison with the Central Bank. His field of specialisation are the countries During his term in office he led and managed of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) such as the sharpest reduction of sovereign debt and transformation, political developments, for- was awarded investment grade credit ratings eign and security policy, bilateral relations from all major agencies. Over the last years with Germany, EU enlargement and implica- Iliya has acted as Regional Director of an in- tions and security issues in CEE. Currently, he ternational oil, gas and technology company has been carrying out research concerning with headquarters in Houston. Iliya Lingorski foreign and security policies within these is President of the Bulgarian Section of Euro- countries. He holds a PhD in Political Science. pean League for Economic Cooperation and a Trustee of the American University in Bulgaria. 15 SPEAKERS Grigorij Mesežnikov Bartłomiej E. Nowak Krisztián Szabados SLOVAKIA POLAND HUNGARY PANEL B, D PANEL A, D PANEL C

Grigorij Mesežnikov is a political scientist, Bartłomiej E. Nowak is a political scientist Krisztian Szabados, an economist and president of the Institute for Public Affairs and he holds a PhD from economics (War- political analyst, is the founder and (IVO). He is a founding member of IVO, saw School of Economics) and completed co-owner of Political Capital Institute, a which he joined full-time in June 1997 and his executive studies at the Harvard Kenne- Budapest-based think-tank specialized in only two years later became the Institute’s dy School of Government. He also holds a research on political extremism. He is a president. He has published expert studies Chair of International Relations, at the Vis- former network fellow at Edmond J Safra on party systems’ development and politi- tula University in Warsaw where he teach- Center for Ethics at Harvard University. Sz- cal aspects of transformation in post-com- es the courses on global governance, inter- abados is the author of several books on munist societies in various monographs, national organizations and global ethics. Hungarian domestic politics as well as a collections and scholarly journals in Slova- At the same time, he is Foreign Affairs Sec- biography of Nicolas Sarkozy. He is regu- kia and other countries. Since 1993, he has retary of Nowoczesna (The Modern), a new larly quoted by the international media on been an external correspondent for Radio political party which entered to the Polish current affairs. Liberty/Radio Free Europe. In 2006 he was parliament in 2015. He also worked in the awarded by Reagan-Fascell Fellowship European Parliament (Brussels-Strasburg, by the National Endowment for Democ- 2004-2009) as the head of cabinet of EP racy (Washington, D.C.), in 2012 he was a Vice-President, Janusz Onyszkiewicz, and research fellow of Taiwan Fellowship pro- as an advisor to members of the Conven- gram at the Department of Political Science tion on the Future of Europe (2002-2003). of National Taiwan University in Taipei. 16 Aleš Chmelař Petr Kolář Anna Matušková CZECH REPUBLIC CZECH REPUBLIC CZECH REPUBLIC MODERATOR MODERATOR MODERATOR

Aleš Chmelař is currently the Chief Econo- Petr Kolář is a former Czech ambassador Anna Matušková is a political scientist, lec- MODERATORS mist at the European Section of the Czech and is currently a senior advisor for the law turer and researcher at the Department of Office of the Government. Until 2014, he firm Squire Patton Boggs. Mr Kolář held a Marketing Communication under the Fac- worked as Researcher of financial markets number of top positions in the Ministry ulty of Social Sciences at Charles Universi- and household economics at the Centre for of Foreign Affairs and was ambassador to ty in Prague. Her area of expertise includes European Policy Studies (CEPS), the largest (1996-1998), Ireland (1999-2003), issues of political and election marketing and oldest Brussels-based think tank. He the United States (2005-2010) and the in the Czech Republic and worldwide. is specialised in European economic and Russian Federation (2010-2012). Mr Kolář is Matušková has also authored a number of financial policy and household economics. an expert in economic diplomacy and has books and essays on the subject. Further- He was trained in the Financial Services advised business and government organi- more, Matušková pursues the develop- Unit of the Secretariat General of the EU sations in China, Vietnam, the Philippines, ment of election campaigns, government Council and worked for the Economic and Russia and several EU institutions. Mr communication, and public affairs. Financial Policy Unit of the Party of Eu- Kolář focusses on market analysis, strategy ropean Socialists in Brussels. Graduated development, trade optimisation and dis- from Sciences Po Paris and London School pute resolution. of Economics.


MODERATORS MODERATORS Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of Group of the Alliance of Lib- erals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). Af- ter having graduated from Law at Charles University, he has served as Ambassador to EU, Secretary of State for European Affairs, 1st Deputy Minister of Foreign Af- fairs, Chief Negotiator for accession to the EU, and Member of the European Commis- sion. He received a Memorial Medal from President Vaclav Havel for his contribution to the integration of the Czech Repub- lic into the EU. After rejecting an offer to become Minister of Foreign Affairs, he be- came partner in a consulting firm (2005 – 2014). In May 2014, Telička was elected to the European Parliament.


VENUE Schebek Palace, Politických vězňů 7, Prague, Czech Republic


Šárka Prát Institute for Politics and Society e-mail: [email protected] mobile: +420 602 502 685

Miroslava Vitásková Institute for Politics and Society e-mail: [email protected] mobile: + 420 777 840 106

The event is held under the auspices of Adriana Krnáčová, Lady Mayor of Prague. An event organised by the Institute for Politics and Society and supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). The Talk for Europe with Guy Verhofstadt and Andrej Babiš is organised by The European Liberal Forum and with the financial support of the European Parliament. The European Liberal Forum and the European Parliament are not liable for the event. The views expressed herein are those of the speakers alone. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the FNF and/or Institute for Politics. The Institute for Politics and Society is a Czech think-tank founded in October 2014. The mission of Institute is to cultivate the Czech political and public sphere through an in-depth and open discussion and to create a living platform which terms problems and offers recipes for their solutions through international conferences, seminars, public discussions, political and social analyses available to the whole Czech society. We believe that an open discussion is a prerequisite for any successful solution to political and social problems.

Our main themes are foreign and security policy, defence, European matters, but also schooling, digitalisation, power industry, urbanism, life in a city and in the public space, values in politics and human rights in our country and abroad.


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