INDEX to VOLUME 43 Biological Control, 305 De Benedictis, J. A
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 43(4), 1989,346-350 INDEX TO VOLUME 43 (New names in boldface) abundance, seasonal, 157 briseis, Catocala, 331 Adamski, D., 108 Brower, L. P. 50 admiral butterfly, 102 Brown, J. W., 184, 313 aging, 244 budworm, spruce, 167 alkaloids, quinolizidine, 261 Burns, J. M., 11 amaretta, Godyris zavaleta, 258 Butler, L., 299 amaturaria, Calothysanis, 72 Butterflies of Nepal . .. (book review), 255 amaturaria, Timandra, 72 Byers, B. A., 210 American Museum of Natural History, 244 anise swallowtail, 217 California, 50, 59, 217, 229, 261 annabella, Vanessa, 81 Calvert, W. H., 50 Anoncia Canada, 148, 251, 331 crossi, 108 Caribbean, 274 diveni, 108 carpenter moth, 327 Antheraea mylitta, 152 carye, Vanessa, 81 aposematism, 261 Cashatt, E. D., 75 appeasement behavior, 33 Catocala briseis, 331 Appias Catalogue of Lycaenidae & Riodinidae .. drusilla, 333 (book review), 250 punctifera, 333 Chile, 71 Argynninae, 1 chileana, Chlorostrymon, 120 aristata, Gaillardia, 210 Chlidanotini, 313 Arizona, 79 Chlorostrymon, revision, 120 arvense, Cirsium, 331 chileana, 120 Asteraceae, 305, 331 patagonia, 120 Atalopedes, 11 Choristoneura fumiferana, 167 clarkei, 11 Cirsium arvense, 331 A Taxonomic Revision of the New World Clarke, J. F. G., 147 Moth Genus Pero ... (book re clarkei, Atalopedes, 11 view), 76 Classey, E. W., 333 aurantiaca, Euselasia, 247 elenchi, Morpheis, 327 Australia, 305 coenia, Precis, 289 Ayres, M. P., 93 Coenonympha tullia yontocket, 229 coffeae, Saissetia, 167 Baccharis halimifolia, 305 color illustrations in the Journal (announce- Baja California, 184 ment),259 Ballmer, G. R., 59 Colorado, 102, 328 Batis maritima, 332 conservation, 178 Baughman, J. F. , 244 copulation, 68, 79, 93 behavior, 157 Cosmopterigidae, 108 appeasement, 33 Cosmopteriginae, 108 feeding, 102, 167, 258, 331 Cossidae, 327 mating, 68, 93 Covell, C.
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