Agricultural Aviation a Strategy for Sustainable Food Production in Nigeria - Lessons from Brazil

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Agricultural Aviation a Strategy for Sustainable Food Production in Nigeria - Lessons from Brazil ADENIRAN Adetayo Olaniyi and AKANBI Olawale Mojeed, AJTL, 2019; 2:11 Review Article AJTL 2019, 2:11 American Journal of Transportation and Logistics (ISSN:2637-6172) Agricultural Aviation a Strategy for Sustainable Food Production in Nigeria - Lessons from Brazil ADENIRAN Adetayo Olaniyia and AKANBI Olawale Mojeedb aDepartment of Transport Management Technology, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria; bDepartment of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria ABSTRACT This paper presents a sweeping comparison of Nigeria and Bra- *Correspondence to Author: zil on their agricultural development performances with emphasis ADENIRAN Adetayo Olaniyi on agricultural aviation. Brazil is the fifth largest country in the Department of Transport Manage- world with 207.7 million people (2017 estimate); whereas Nigeria ment Technology, Federal Universi- is the most populous country in Africa with 188.7 million people ty of Technology Akure, Nigeria; (2017 estimate). Both countries were known to have good soil which enhances agriculture but at different level of tilling. Howev- er, Brazil has outperformed Nigeria most especially in agricultural How to cite this article: development with the approach of agricultural aviation, and has ADENIRAN Adetayo Olaniyia and earned world status; while Nigeria still struggles with low agricul- AKANBI Olawale Mojeedb. Agri- tural productivity with old technological involvement. Brazil has cultural Aviation a Strategy for Sus- large land mass with over 31% of land used in tilling. This study tainable Food Production in Nigeria examines the use of aviation in agriculture which increases the - Lessons from Brazil. American productivity of farm produce in Brazil, and with a view to identify- Journal of Transportation and Lo- ing the lessons for the improvement of agricultural development gistics, 2019,2:11. in Nigeria. This comparative study finds out lessons Nigeria can derive from Brazil in pursuing a sustainable agricultural develop- ment through suggestions regarding agricultural aviation. Keywords: Agriculture; Aviation; Development; Brazil; Nigeria eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA. Website: (For proof only) AJTL: 1 ADENIRAN Adetayo Olaniyi and AKANBI Olawale Mojeed, AJTL, 2019; 2:11 INTRODUCTION the Brazilian economy through fiscal incentives, special credit facilities, and most especially the During the pre and post colonial era in Nigeria, introduction of agricultural aviation which agriculture formed the means of livelihood of strongly promoted greater efficiency and huge the people and a strong factor for the rise of productivity. Agricultural aviation is an aspect of states just as the case of many countries in the general aviation. world (Lawal, 1997). Before the oil boom in the 1970s, Nigeria was strongly an agrarian nation. General aviation is the largest segment of The form of agriculture practiced and the crops aviation based on number of aircraft, number of planted were determined by the nature of soil pilots, and number of airports and communities and the terrain of the region. Shifting cultivation served. It is a $40 billion industry that generates and crop rotation characterized agricultural over $100 billion annually in economic activity. practices in pre-colonial Nigeria, owing primarily Because of its efficiency and productivity, to land tenure practice and lack of knowledge of general aviation has become an important highly mechanized farming (Ehimore, 2009). business tool. The majority of hours flown by Usually in the past, farmers depended on general aviation aircraft are for business and implements such as digging stick, hoe, cutlass commercial purposes. and sickles. The common crops produced CONCEPTUAL CLARIFICATION based on territorial specialization included, General Aviation yam, okra, vegetables, maize, cocoyam, There is no legal definition of general aviation. cassava, plantains, bananas, kolanuts, cocoa, It is defined with respect to the application of oil palm and forestry products (Fasinmirin and aviation, for instance in agriculture, Braga, 2009). photography, security and monitoring, traffic Nigerian economy similar to the Brazilian, monitoring, and others. General aviation is the during the first decade after independence was aerial application plane that treats one out of purely an agricultural economy because every five tillable acres of land, which facilitates agriculture served as the main stay for greater food production and keeps the cost of economic growth (Ogen, 2003). Nigeria food low. It is the land developer making survey occupied the leading position in the export of flights and the police officer observing traffic. It major commodities such as cotton, groundnut, is the family on a vacation trip and the air rubber, hides and skins (Alkali, 1997). The ambulance flying a mercy mission. It is the FAOSTAT (1999) showed that Nigeria was the relaxation flight. It is the air taxi bringing leading country in cassava production around passengers to the airline or picking them up at the world with over 30 million tons annually as the terminal to whisk them to a distant off-airline at 1998 followed by Brazil with over 19 million point. It is the spare part flown in to keep an tons. Grains such as maize and sorghum, as assembly line running. It is the pilot ferrying well as groundnut were major foreign exchange people, mail, and supplies from towns to earner for Nigeria. Nigeria had the wilderness areas. highest oil palm production around the world According to Quantick (1985), agricultural but did not maximize her potentials from the aviation is a branch of commercial aviation, very important crop until Venezuela (Fasinmirin which performs the essential task in production, and Braga, 2009) and Brazil took over as the and protection of the world’s food and fiber world leader in oil palm production. crops. Aerial application is also used in areas Recently, agriculture in Brazil was a result of such as insect control, fighting forest fires, and state intervention and protection policies as well protection of biological resources. as private sector participation (Ogen, 2007). Agriculture continued to play a significant role in AJTL: 2 ADENIRAN Adetayo Olaniyi and AKANBI Olawale Mojeed, AJTL, 2019; 2:11 For this study, the definition of general aviation task were only available after the World War I. as the aerial application plane that treats one In many countries, experiments were out of every five tillable acres of land, which conducted in the 1920s, and practical results facilitates greater food production and keeps were recorded by Neillie and Houster (August the cost of food low, will be adopted. It is 1921) in the U.S.A., and Professor V. F. important to note that in the industrialized Boldyrev (July 1922) in the U.S.S.R (Quantick, countries, 80% of spraying is performed from 1985). air, and there are approximately 30,000 In the 1940s, more effective insecticides and agricultural aircrafts in the world. fungicides were developed, and aerial Aircraft Usage on Aerial Application application of fertilizers was developed by Any use of an aircraft for work purposes related government research in New Zealand and to the production of foods and fibers or to Austalia. There have been some significant health control measures, in which the aircraft is changes in Agricultural Aviation Industry in the replacing farm implements or ground vehicles last 20 years. Aircrafts are getting bigger, while for the particular task accomplished is referred turbine power is becoming available for fixed to as aerial application of aircraft. This includes wing aircraft. Ag-1 was the first specially fire-fighting operations and the distribution of designed aircraft to distribute agricultural chemicals or seeds in agriculture, reforestation, chemicals developed in 1949-50 at the Texas and insect control. Approximately 4,000 aircraft A.&M. Aircraft Research Centre. The project are used for aerial application in the Japan, was initiated by the National Flying Farmers China, and Russia. The majority are single- Association, and was carried out under the engine piston aircraft. sponsorship of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the U.S. Department of Agricultural Aircraft Agriculture and the Texas A.&M. College Agricultural aircraft is an aircraft that has been System. Ag-2 and Ag-3 are other experimental built or converted for agricultural use usually aircrafts followed Ag-1. These aircrafts aerial application of pesticides, fertilizer, and incorporated pilot safety characteristics with planting of specialized crops (hydro-seeding). regard to field of view and structural Before mid-1920s, a number of individuals arrangements for protection of the pilot in began to experiment with uses of flight crashes (Quantick, 1985). technology that would later become important In 1960s, the DH82 Tiger Moths were replaced parts of general aviation. For example, the first by such aircraft as CA28 Ceres and Transavia uses of airplanes for crop treatment, aerial PL12 Airtruck, Cessna 188, Piper PA 25 surveying, and corporate flying all dated before Pawnee, DHC-2 Beaver, G-164 Ag Cat, and the mid-1920s. Alfred Zimmermann, a German the Snow Commander S-2D, to name the most forester in Detershagen, was the first to identify numerous (Aerial Agricultural Association of the ‘Agricultural aviation’ as a means of Australia,
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