Oybek Alikulovich Ostonov1, Khamdam Alikulovich Akhmedov2, Khusan Ochilboyevich Khushvaktov3, Khidirov Kholmurod Norimovich4

1Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,Tashkent State Agrarian University, [email protected] 2Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Tashkent State Agrarian University, [email protected] 3Candidate of Historical Sciences, Tashkent State Agrarian University 4Candidate of Political Sciences, Tashkent State Agrarian University, [email protected]

Received: 22 March 2020 Revised and Accepted: 16 May 2020

Annotation: This article examines the features of the development of national crafts on the basis of , the factors of its development and socio-economic significance. The state of potential and level of development of national handicrafts on the basis of tourism in Uzbekistan, the organizational basis of development of national handicrafts are analyzed, the issues of promotion of handicrafts on the basis of tourism are discussed. Keywords: crafts, cultural tourism, cultural ties, tourist infrastructure, cultural heritage, services market, crafts.

I. Relevance Today, special attention is paid to the development of tourism services in the economies of developed countries. national handicrafts on the basis of tourism as one of the fastest growing types of industry, creating new jobs in the economy and the development of related industries. A number of scientific researches are being carried out in the world to improve the scientific and methodological bases of innovative development of national handicrafts and its market on the basis of tourism. In this process, special attention is paid to identifying trends in the development of the market of historical and cultural tourism services and the development of a model for the development of national crafts based on tourism in the national economy. At the same time, among the important issues in the development of national crafts on the basis of tourism is the strengthening of inter-sectoral cooperation in the management of tourism. As a result of reforms aimed at structural restructuring of the economy, modernization of leading industries, innovative development in Uzbekistan, the tourism industry is also rising to a new level. In order to diversify services in the field of tourism, to provide the population with new jobs, there is a need for in-depth scientific research, which will form the basis for in-depth analysis of the national craft market, tourism market and the development of relevant programs. Accordingly, it is important to identify the mechanisms for the development of national crafts with tourism and to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of determining the prospects.

II. Methods, analysis of relevant literature and sources The article uses the methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and expert evaluation. Theoretical bases of development of national handicrafts on the basis of tourism, practical problems of its development K. Pander., Judith Pelts., G. Keller., B. Wollenweber., P. Franke., G.Degeorge., C. Macleod., B. Mayhew. reflected in the works of scientists [1]. In the context of the new, global task of cultural tourism, the development of national crafts on the basis of tourism as a factor and means of cultural rapprochement, avoidance of contradictions and intolerance, respect and tolerance, culturally based industries serve a special role in shaping the aesthetic worldview of peoples. Socio- 1256


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020 economically, the development of handicrafts on the basis of tourism includes the whole socio-cultural environment, which has the characteristics of traditions and customs, domestic and economic activities. The minimum set of resources for tourism can be given by any particular place, but for its mass development it will be necessary to have a certain concentration of cultural heritage objects [2]. In these approaches, handicrafts developed on the basis of historical and cultural tourism are considered as participation in a tourism program, which includes knowledge of the culture and cultural heritage of the country, acquaintance with the culture and cultural environment of the destination. The lack of theoretical and methodological coverage of the issues of improving the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of national crafts in Uzbekistan on the basis of tourism in the scientific work carried out by the above-mentioned scientists served as a basis for determining the direction of research.

III. Results of the research The world's interest in Uzbekistan, which gained independence in the 90s of the last century, is growing in the new century, especially in the historical monuments, folk crafts and national traditions, which are the rich heritage of our people. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the sale of national products on the international market. During the years of independence, great attention has been paid to small business and entrepreneurship. In accordance with the development programs developed during these periods, efforts have been made to further develop small business and private entrepreneurship in our country, and efforts are being made to such development. Entrepreneurship is developing rapidly in the developed economies of the world. The share of entrepreneurs in the gross national product of some Western European countries has risen to 70-80 percent. More than 70% of the country's population is engaged in small business and private entrepreneurship. Uzbekistan is also working hard to further develop entrepreneurship. An economic and legal framework must be created for the development and expansion of business entities. Areas such as handicrafts and trade also existed before. Entrepreneurship is now seen as a major driver of economic development, while at the same time playing an important role in providing employment, filling the market with essential consumer goods, developing the country's economy and improving the welfare of the population. Today, as before, international funds and organizations actively involved in tourism and the development of the economies of young countries in the CIS are actively involved in the restoration of traditional crafts. Their work focuses more on a particular type of craft or on centers that were popular in the past but are now extinct. For example, in Uzbekistan (in the 1990s) there was a UN project "Development of cultural acquaintance tourism and handicrafts" and "Support for artisans" under the American organization Counterpart Consortium [3]. They held various seminars, applied art fairs, invited experts from abroad to train local craftsmen in the use of traditional technologies, natural dyes, supported projects related to the activities of famous local craft centers. For this purpose, the UNESCO Program "Quality Mark for Handicrafts" was adopted. The program aims to support artisans who produce national handicrafts in innovative ways to ensure that national traditions and values, national handicraft skills and competencies are passed on to future generations and sustained. The Quality Label for Handicraft Program was adopted in 2001 at the initiative of the UNESCO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok and AHPADA, the Association for the Promotion of Crafts in Southeast Asia. Since 2004, the Program has covered Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka from Central Asia The development of tourism programs in our country, which can attract the attention of the world community, especially the promotion of our national culture, will pave the way for further development of this system. In order to increase the tourism potential of our country and further expand the flow of tourists, the number of events related to folk games, national sports, national crafts and culinary arts is growing. To date, the world science and cultural community has formed an image of natural and cultural heritage as a priority social value that determines the dimensions of sustainable development. Attention to the development of national handicrafts can be seen in the organization of frequent exhibitions and trade fairs in our country and abroad, in which our artisans participate and sign contracts for the sale of their products. Proof of this is the fact that handicrafts are sold directly through workshops located near historical cities and architectural monuments visited by tourists. Even more recently, the demand for handicrafts in our domestic market has been growing, which means that the demand has increased by 30% in the last 8 years. However, it is expedient to expand the export of national handicrafts, to ensure the access of our national products to world



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020 markets. Therefore, it is necessary to study the experience of foreign countries in this regard and use its relevant aspects. The success of market relations in Uzbekistan is characterized, first of all, by the change of property relations, the development of various forms of management and the creation of economic opportunities for this by the state as the main reformer. Therefore, small business and private entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan are developing from year to year. “The World Bank report notes that in recent years Uzbekistan has been among the top ten countries in the world that have achieved the best results in improving the business environment for entrepreneurship. [4] It currently accounts for one-third of total industrial output in the sector part, 98 percent of agricultural production as well as it also plays an important role in providing employment. More than 77% of the employed population are in this sector working and contribute to the country's economy with their own labor to the development. As a result of economic reforms in this area, the share of small business and private entrepreneurship in the country’s GDP has grown from 31% in 2000 to 56,7% today, or 1,8 times. It should be noted that the share of small business and private entrepreneurship in its output has increased from 31% in 2000 to 56.7% today, or 1.8 times. The development of small business and private entrepreneurship, in turn, determines the development of the country's economy, and its share in GDP can be seen growing from year to year. It is known that the ancient traditions of handicrafts have been widely developed in the territory of Uzbekistan, and each neighbourhood is known in the markets for its products. Each family in the neighborhood named the guzars, who lived in their ancient craft, after the products they produced. The caravans that came to the neighbourhoods visited these professions and exchanged products, as well as took the most unique products of the neighbourhood to distant lands and provided information about the craftsmen of the neighbourhood. Another factor that has a positive impact on the development of tourism in Uzbekistan is the presence of a unique cultural heritage that reflects the centuries-old historical development and the richness of historical monuments of the republic. There are more than 4,000 architectural monuments in the country, most of which are protected by UNESCO. Ulugbek Observatory in (1428-1429), Shohi Zinda architectural ensemble (9th-19th centuries), Hazrat Hizr (mid-19th century), Bibi-Khanim (1399-1404), Ulugbek (1417-1420) , Sherdor (1619-1635/36), Tilla Qori (1647-1659 / 60) madrassahs, Khoja Akhror ensemble (15-20th century), Kokaldosh madrassah in Tashkent (14th century), Hazrati Imam architectural ensemble (16th century) ), Arka in (11th-20th centuries), the tomb of the Samanids (9th-10th centuries), the tomb of Chamoi Ayub (1380 or 1384/85), the madrasah of Abdullah (1596-98), Gaukushon (16th century), Labi Ensembles of Hovuz (16th-17th centuries), Sitorai Mohi Khosa (late 19th century and early 20th century) mosque and madrasah, White Mosque (1832/42), Muhammad Aminkhan (1871) madrasah, Oqsaroy in Shakhrisabz (1380-1404) .), Hazrati Imam (14th century) mosque, Blue Dome (1435) mosque, Kyrgyz (9th-14th centuries) fortress in , Hakim at-Termizi (10-15th century) architectural complex, Sultan Saodat (10th-13th centuries) ensemble, Qoratepa (2-4 centuries), Fayoztepa (1-3 centuries) , The fortress of Khudoyorkhan (1870) in the Fergana Valley, the madrasa of Said Ahmad Haji (early 19th century) and others. All this creates ample opportunities for the development of religious and dating tourism in the country [5]. The favorable geographical location of our country is another factor that has a positive impact on the development of tourism. The location of Uzbekistan in the center of Central Asia, the development of all modes of transport and transport communications create real conditions for the republic to become the central ring of the reconstructed Great . It is known that for several hundred years the Great Silk Road has been the most convenient land route connecting Asia and Europe. Not only valuables, fabrics, perfumes were transported through this road, but also the customs, cultures, results of economic development of different nations and peoples were introduced and experiences were exchanged. This has had a positive impact on the development of cities, regions and countries. Today, as a result of the reconstruction of this road, Uzbekistan, located in Central Asia and its center, can become an economic, scientific and cultural bridge of Eurasia. The country has all the opportunities to become an interstate transit center for goods and services, labor resources. The development of tourism in Uzbekistan is positively influenced by the unique natural and climatic conditions of our country. There are different climatic zones on the territory of the republic - deserts, steppes, plain oases, mountain ranges, and even subtropical climate zones. The bioclimatic conditions of our country create opportunities for sports and health tourism throughout the year [5. 64]. The development of folk handicrafts in Uzbekistan also attracts the attention of foreign tourists. Today, more than 500 enterprises in the country produce souvenirs and ceramics on the basis of folk art, including toys, national knives, suzani, doppi, tillakor and carpets. The development of domestic transport infrastructure in our



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020 country, as well as the existence of international air links with many countries around the world have a positive impact on the development of tourism in our country. In this way, we first of all demonstrate our national traditions and values to the representatives of different nationalities abroad, who in turn promote us to the world community. This will stimulate the growth of the tourism industry. It is also important to note that all events should be regularly covered in local and foreign media. Through the same mechanism, the national crafts that attract more interest abroad - ceramics, carpentry, blacksmithing, jewelry, coppersmithing, stone carving, carving, embroidery, tannery, sewing, weaving, degreasing, embroidery, goldsmithing, painting, fine arts (classical) and further development of industries such as traditional sculpture, increase the number and quality of national exhibitions, fairs and festivals with the participation of the best examples created by artisans, and determine their timing depending on the season in which the flow of tourists increases. This practice will allow us not only to attract more foreign tourists to our country, but also to create new jobs, increase the number of small businesses and family businesses whose activities are related to national crafts. Global experience shows that the factor of socio-economic well-being of any country is the development of small businesses. In a market economy, small business, including family business, plays a key role in ensuring economic growth, employment and income growth. Family business activity moves in accordance with market changes, responds quickly to the effects of the external environment, that is, quickly learns the requirements of the times, quickly assimilates a new product and brings it to the appearance of the final product. These and other socio-economic functions of family business make its development one of the important tasks of the state. Today, there are more than 5.7 million families in Uzbekistan with a population of more than 34 million. Creating a prosperous standard of living for families and increasing their incomes are among the most pressing issues of economic reform at the national level. In this regard, in his report to the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the main results of socio-economic development of the country in 2016 and the most important directions of the economic program for 2017, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said: Home-based work, handicrafts, and extensive development of horticulture are also lagging behind. “It should be noted that the structure of family income is changing - the income from entrepreneurship is more than half of the total income of the population. However, in post-Soviet countries this figure does not exceed an average of 20-25 percent. In this context, the development of family business will solve the problem of employment, especially for women, rural youth, significantly increase the income of families, increase the welfare of the population of our country. This is, firstly, an important source of income for families through employment and the basis for the formation of the property class, and secondly, it will increase the living standards of the population by meeting the needs of the domestic market for products and services. Family business is an entrepreneurial activity of family members and other hired participants who assist them at risk and take the status of an individual or legal entity under their own property responsibility and legally earn income (profit) [6]. World experience shows that the majority of small businesses operate on the basis of "Family Business". For example, in Russia, 85% of all small and medium enterprises are family businesses. While the number of family firms in the United States is 16 million, in Sweden more than 60% of the working-age population continues to run a family business. In the UK, 16% of all family businesses are passed down from generation to generation four times. The direct influence of the state on the economy, including the development of family business, is carried out by the state through the creation of laws in this area. In recent years, a number of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential Decrees and Resolutions, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, normative legal acts regulating the relations related to the establishment and operation of small businesses have been adopted. Among them is the Law "On Family Business", adopted by the Legislative Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 16, 2012 and approved by the Senate on March 23, 2012. The law sets out the following main tasks: - Participants of a family business are allowed to operate in the place where the family lives without moving to a non-residential place and sell their products on the spot; - after the payment of taxes and other obligatory payments by the participants of the family business, the profit remaining at their disposal is exempted from taxation; - Exemption from payment of a single tax on income from the sale of family business, folk arts and crafts produced by him in the manner prescribed by law. At the same time, we believe that it is important to improve the business documents, liberalize and deepen market reforms, give more freedom to family business, remove barriers and obstacles to its development, and increase its role and share in the country's economy. The most important tasks in this regard are: - implementation of specific measures to eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic barriers and obstacles to the development of family business, reduce the functions of public administration and give more freedom to entrepreneurship;



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- ensuring openness and transparency in the interaction of business entities with government agencies, tax and regulatory agencies, radical simplification of the reporting system and the mechanism of reporting to the financial, tax and statistical agencies through a gradual transition to their electronic submission; -providing additional benefits and preferences to family businesses on tax, customs and other payments, which will help to accelerate the development of entrepreneurial activity and increase its efficiency; - Further improvement and simplification of the mechanism of interaction of family businesses with commercial banks, etc. During the years of independence, the attitude to traditional crafts has changed radically, and folk art has taken on a new look. The attention to artisans in the republic has been growing more than ever. In 2016, more than 82.6 thousand jobs were created in all forms of domestic labor, in particular on the basis of the development of family business and crafts. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the implementation of program tasks such as the provision of tourism and services in the country, the creation of conditions for further development of national crafts, as well as the development of all their types and the full creation of planned jobs at local enterprises. It is noteworthy that special attention is paid to the full allocation of loans to small businesses and micro-firms, especially for businesses operating in the field of family business and services [8]. In addition, the traditions of handicrafts play an important role in the development of tourism. Attention is paid to the preservation of traditional heritage and its transmission to future generations, the restoration of craft centers, changes in the quality of products. Today, the production of handicrafts can be divided into two groups: products for use in daily life, as well as for exhibitions and sales to foreign visitors [9]. In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 17, 2017 PP-3393 "On measures to further improve the activities of the Association of Craftsmen", in February this year to purchase handicrafts from remote areas (cities) Craft and Art Limited Liability Company was established under the Craftsmen's Association. To date, the company has provided practical assistance to about 250 artisans in the sale of handicrafts worth 300 million soums in domestic markets. At the same time, the society reached agreements with art galleries and trading houses in the CIS countries, exported national handicrafts worth $ 40,000 and received orders for handicrafts worth an additional $ 35,000. Presentation of national handicrafts at exhibitions and fairs abroad In order to facilitate the sale of handicrafts in foreign markets, more than 20 different events, including exhibitions, fairs, festivals and trade fairs, were attended by 150 artisans, in which about 40,000 handicrafts were exported. In 2018-2019, Crafts Development Centers will be established in 23 cities and districts of the country. These centers will be built in the style of historical and traditional architecture, in order to attract tourists, there will be "historical oriental market" stalls, special places for folk artists, caravanserais and other items are placed. Importantly, in these centers, artisans have lived and worked for centuries in the same place as their ancestors, that is, on the first floor of the building under construction are their workshops and shops, on the second floor modern accommodation is organized for them.

IV. Conclusions Based on the above considerations, in the development of national handicrafts in Uzbekistan on the basis of tourism, it is necessary to pay special attention, first of all, to national handicrafts and its geography, which attracts the attention of foreigners. This in turn allows the regions to showcase their national crafts. It is important to organize mobile exhibitions of handicrafts abroad, regular participation of artisans in international exhibitions and festivals. On the basis of tourism, the development of national crafts, not only in the centers but also in remote areas, creates positive changes in employment. What attracts foreign visitors to Uzbekistan is, firstly, its historical location and nature, and secondly, its craftsmanship, which has been developing since ancient times and passed down from ancestors to generations. Further deepening of the link between national handicrafts and tourism depends in many ways on the widespread promotion of handicraft products. In addition, it is important to increase the number of "tourist centers", "tourist villages" and "tourist neighborhoods". It is possible to increase employment and income of the population by providing direct or indirect services to tourists. Increasing the flow of tourists can be achieved by improving the skills of the local population to serve tourists, the organization of guest houses, the development of handicrafts and home-based work, the further development of local traditions and gastronomy. The role and importance of our national culture in the rapid development of the tourism industry in our economy is determined by such 1260


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020 criteria that these processes allow to expand the consciousness, thinking, national identity and pride of our people, to further raise their cultural and spiritual level.

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