THE WEST-FIELD LEADER Tkm Lmding and Mo* Widely Cirtuhud Wmt&Y Nmmtm^R in Union County 1GHTH YEAR-No
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THE WEST-FIELD LEADER Tkm Lmding And Mo* Widely Cirtuhud Wmt&y Nmmtm^r In Union County 1GHTH YEAR-No. 40 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1988 Pubiiih.a 33 Pm 10 Canto •vary Tkun4>F rters Honor Driide Council to Unveil Good Citizenship Medals Hopkins Portrait Council Proposes Speed Mayor H. Emerson Thomas fire, Terry Bentley announced today that a por- Awarded Four By DAR trait of the late John T. Hop- kins, town engineer for more (Picture* •» f*I* 3) than SO yeavs and administra- Limit Boosts In 2 Streets cholarships The winners of the 1958 good Space Available tive assistant to the Mayor and citizenship medals, awarded to a Council, will be unveiled at girl and a boy in the eighth grade the Town Council meeting Ptulor Jfccelvei Coll .(standing at the Roosevelt Junior High In Swim Classes June 23 at 8 p.m. PTA Donates $268 Rahway, Lawrence School and at Holy Trinity Gram AH cititens of Westfield who : Activities mar School, have been announced wish to attend the tribute to To Boro Library Avenues Affected; by th« Westrteld chapter of the Y Opens Registration Mr. Hopkins are invited to he National Society, DAR. The pupils To Non-Residents present. ' stfteld School Booster* honored are: Sharon Savage, hu awarded its 1959 "Many cttttena, upon learn- Juvenile Books Hearing June 23 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tur- Registration for all phases of ing that this portrait was to to Terry Bentley, 128 ney Savage, 384 East Dudley ave- To Be Purchased wtnut street and Prude the boys summer swimming in- Ire made ind because of their Speed limit* in Lawrtnce and nue and Harrison H. Young Jr., structional program Rt the West- high regard and deep respect Railway avenues will be railed ac- Prospect street, both son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison 11. for Mr. Hopkins and the many MOUNTAINSIDE—The Moun- We*tfleld High School, field YMCA will open for non tainside public Library was the cording to ordinances introduced Young, 137 Harrison avenue, both Westfield residents beginning Wed .rears of outstanding service by tho Town Council Monday It* Booster president Ed- of Roosevelt Junior High School. ecipient Monday evening of a nesday at 9:15 a.m. i he gave the town, havr asked donation of $2(18.33 from tho night. Public hearing ind Anal HoUchuh. These scholar- The pupils receiving the honor if they might make their con- passage will take place June 23, (iven for outstanding Space in available in all classes Mountainside PTA. The funds, in Holy Trinity's eighth grade are ranging from the very beginning tribution. They have been ad- reallxed from a recent play, were The limit In Kahway avenu* and leadership in ath- Marie! FiUfhrris, daughter of Mr. vised to contact Miss Shir'ey would be raised from 25 to 3S irtsmanship and charae- bility level to the most advanced, presented to aid In the purchase and Mrs. Leo J. FitiHarris, 819 and from boys who have reached Louise Wright at the Westfield if additional juvenile books for mil** an hour (or the entire length a scholastic record at Nancy way ,and Theodore Hack, Memorial Library," the Mayor of the nUeet. Alia patted at • to the school average, the minimum height requirement servicing the school children in son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hack, of 49 inches (Jirough high school said. he borough. In addition to nor- speed limit of 25 miles an hour, ater scholarship award- 329 Carolina street. Lawrence avenue would now b« ntley amounts to $300 students, it was announced. mal public library hours of 2 to 5 The selection is made by ths Because of several schedule p.m. Monday through Friday, and 30 miles per hour between Moun- fnated as the William H. DRUDE SfARRE faculty or by the faculty and the tain and Dudley avenu«n, 35 mild memorial scholarship changes, additional classes have Westfield Lions Monday and Tuesday evening* per hour between Dudltiy (n«t members of the class. The qualifi- been instituted and the VM staff 'rom 7 to 9 p.m., the library has honor of Mr. List who cations are: Roanoke road and 45 mile* P«r reports that this summer it will be for years also serviced the school hour between Roinokv raid •n4 nuary, 1958. Mr. List able to accommodate all boys who Install Reilly Booster president and Honor: Honesty, high principles, hlldrcn during school hours in tho W"e.UI«ld-MouiiUlntld« line. trustworthiness, loyalty, truthful- are desirous of swimming instruc both DeerAeld and Echo Brook *EV. O. H. AUSTIN of sports activities for ness, punctuality, moral, strength tion. Schools, both an an incentive to Alto Introduced wai in »mwid- en of Wtstficld. Club Lisle. $2,800 ment to the traffic and parking and stability, cleanliness in mind A special summer membership good library habits, and In close has won three letters and body. Given to Projects work with tho teacheri on re- ordinance wftlch would fenpoM ng, one in football and for non-residents is available for quired reading and class work, aa Fourth Minister parking restrictions aa follewi; No Service: Cooperaion, meritori boys in the fourth grade and above (i»rklng in three nectioni of the •nnis. He was captain of ous behavior bringing honor to At its l«Bt meeting of the Reason an additional service in lieu of this I championship swimming that will cover the 10 week period Boulevard) a t*n-mlnut« parkins school or community, kindliness, from June 23 to Aug. 30. Three held at the Mountainside Inn out- usual school library, It was re- To Join Staff zone In WeatAeld nvcnue at South also the tennis team, unselfishness, true Americanism' going Prcaidcnt Edmund P. Lewis ported. "There haa been such a 'the state championship recreational swims per week plus avenue during rush hour* and individual responsibility to Home, an instruction*! class will be in' of the Wentfleld Lions Club Install- great demand and use of books two-hour parking sonct In part* terfly for the last three to Country, to <Jod. ed the following new officers: for the youngsters that tho limited J was undefeated in this eluded in this membership. De- l*rc*l>yterimis ' of Charles street, I.udlow place Courage: Mental and physical tails regarding schedule and fees President, Robert K. Reilly, first library budget has not allowed for and. Nelson place. Another meas- JHNew Jersey State high determination to overcome ob vice president, Joseph W. Free- replacement of hooka which are In Cull Rev. Austin ure provides for the Installation npctition during the en- are available through the mem- staclcs. bership office, man; second vice president, Alvah constant demand. The gift from ot parking motcn in the 10-mln- has also been active in 'Leadership: Ftfrsbnality—orig- C. Sapp; third vice, president, K. the PTA will considerably aid In Members of tho congregation ute parking tone In WentfUld ave. Held Ski Club and is see- inality—ability to lead and hold For those boys In the first thru Ray Crow Jr.; treasurer, Georgo this replacement," « spokesman of tho Presbyterian Church In nue. the Westfield High others—good sportsmanship—re- third grades who have reached 49 Pakinham and secretary, George said. WostfU'ld nt special meetings Sun- Oir. He is entering- Dart- Inches' in height, the Y Is offering day voted unanimously to extend Hearing on the amendment* sponsibility. Hamrah. William Tctley, president of tho ll be held on June Z'i. fall and has won a Patriotism: Fundamental Amer- two types of classes. One will meet Mr. Lewis reported that during Board of Trustees of th« HbriU'y, a call ttn'QiiKh tho PveahyUvy of twice weekly for 10 sessions and Elizabeth to the Rev. Orval II. Contracts totaling 164,837 were from that college. icanism. the year the club, with tho support has instructed Thomus Hyde, an awarded for newer and «ld«wilk is receiving the |200 A similar award will also be will enable the person who will be 'of the townspeople In Its fund' chairman of the Policy Committee, Austin of 'Murray, Ky,, to join the away for part of the summer to staff us minister of pastoral vial- onsU-uctlon, Tho 'Shamrock Con- S'aeholarahip awarded to made to the pupils at the Echo raising activities, had distributed to meet with his committee mem struction Co. ' of Newark wu Being gill. She is a mem- brook School, Mountainside. An- complete the work In a concentrat- approximately $2,800 among the bets during the summer «m! for- tatlon, U wan ttlao voted to author- ed period. The second type wll ize the Board of Trustee! to pro. •warded • contract for $87,791 Girls Sports Council, nouncement of the winners there following projects: mulate it projected plan of allo. for itorm sewera'ln part* of Carte- and performer in meet once weekly for 10 weeks. Wosfcficld Boys Baseball League, cation of future gifts, since, he cecd with the purchase of • manse, will follow their olosing exercises. Courses are being offered Week ton road, Crovo »treet, Boynton and basketball. She $250; Westflcld Boys Football said, it may be that later gifts for the additional minister and ivenuu and several p)*ct» In thi Utor-in-ehM, J>t the days as well as Saturdays. League, $100; ChrUtmas dinners should not be earmarked fov »ny his family. l)ii»lni'»» section. pr«I*mt>bf Y- Also boing offered tW» summer for Indigent residents, $100; Salic particular purpose, Mr. Tetloy Mr, Austin U at pTexent pastor Methodists Ordain Choir to Give lUted there may bo times wheiy A contract (pr< $tu,B2l for »tnl.