Syracuse University SURFACE TheSchool oflnformationStudies: Faculty School of InformationStudies (iSchool) Scholarship 3-2013 Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema for the Seattle Interactive Media Museum Rachel I. Clarke Syracuse University,
[email protected] Jin Ha Lee University of Washington Joseph T.Tennis University of Washington Michael Carpenter University of Washington Follow this and additional works at: {JPart of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons Recommended Citation Clarke, Rachel I.; Lee,Jin Ha; Tennis,Joseph T.; and Carpenter, Michael, "Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema forthe Seattle Interactive Media Museum" ( 2013). TheSchool of Information Studies: Faculty Scholarship. Paper 169. ThisArticle is brought to you forfree and open access by the School of Information Studies (iSchool) at SURFACE. It has been accepted forinclusion in TheSchool of InformationStudies: Faculty Scholarship by an authorized adminjstrator of SURFACE. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema for the Seattle Interactive Media Museum Jin Ha Lee, Joseph T. Tennis, Rachel Ivy Clarke, Michael Carpenter Information School, Universityof Washington, Mary Gates Hall, Ste 370, Seattle, WA 98195, USA Phone: 206.685.0153 Fax: 206.616.3152 E-mail: j
[email protected];
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[email protected]; carp12
[email protected] URL: Abstract: As interest in video games increases, so does the need for intelligent access to them. However, traditional organizational systems and standards fall short. In order to fill this gap, we are collaborating with the Seattle Interactive Media Museum to develop a formal metadata schema for video games.