iio eom pro^ms^

MIAMI BEACH (UPI)-Both mght. / !)l>ackin£ of McGovern’s claim to Humphrey.” 151 and 153 of them in ^ e par^ drizzle, he declared that “ the ffantnimi^r ■ ■■ c ^ t r ~S: Mc- — fir-T eJei'ieU M cQ ow M‘a-at* tnKruUCallfuriilmletegBtioir— - — E ^ally as— ndamant— Qredewttola CommittwSs daci- Awierioanpeoplfl araJmng ty io r , ^ le n g e r Hubert tempts to arrange-a^m pfonw -— Several of the-govemora-wid -McGovern. "There is no room H. Humphrey ruled dut Satur­ ise that would permit him to they hoped a compromise could for any compromise aU," he .fight for the full delegation day any chance, of compromise claim tbe full delegation, and be reached to avoid a bliJodbath said as he arrived in the Friday night when the Sii;)reme on the California delegatt thus regain a power base for a at the Democratic convention's convention city lo lake personal (Court ruled that the convention seating fight, ensuring a bitter first ballot presidential nomina- opening session only two days command of hia- campaign must decide the issue. floor fight ivhen the convention- _-tionr- ______. awajj .but...... tliek. ______doubte w^ --figjffi — M e^veH Ji^ to — whom—ihe ^nFSroh^ay7 ■McG'dvern^sTieurenants were nndprsonred bv Humphrey's “ Ag far a i I ’m j -nnpnrnad CoUfornia vutcs are ci ucial tor -lobls^g- t l » . governors—-to— adamant stand. rule^ is -elear^ on- California -a— fir^t ballot nojninatlori, fornia- was overturnedr Democratic governors at the support a deal under which the A s k ^ if any comcrQiniae en and we^wiU have- to sUek with arrived an hour late aboard a He said he would c^^rom ise . Fontainebleau Hotel, Humphrey Souffi'Dakotan would consent to California was possible, the the rules.” chartered airliner after a on the Daley delegation, but -se*ttBfr-th«..ousied .'SatmembejL ^in.iiir-Vo.!gfld_l

G ood niorninjf_ it^s SIIFI clay^ July %

M d ^ iv ( (tllry s llotnc ^cicspaper

69fh yeo r, 76th issue TW IN Fa l l s , id a th o

a u Andrus says Muskie right choice

BOISE I U PI) — Coy. Cecil D. Andrus, head of The other two Muskie delegates include the Andrus said if McCiovern is nominated he will factor along with Muskie and Humphre)' Idaho's Democratic delegation, will fly to governor's secretary, Jean Taylor, and Nolan have to clarify somq of his stands such ad at delegates in nominating the presidential can­ Minmi tfiHav with a .strong ronviction that Sen. Hancock, executive secretary of the state's what level he will maintain the «.-ountry’s didate if McGovern does not win on the first - Edmu>id Muskie is' ttie iiiuii to beat President I>niuc'i atie-Party-. TecuFtt}taiKn«!5ltaE£T^" I-'— ” ballot. T ------NixOrrirrWoveinberr- 'I would like to say that I am not anti- “ Some of the statements that have been tied Andrus said hd didn't expect any problems at " If Sen. ( George) McGovern doesn't win it on McGoyern but I am pro-Muskler*' "T^jidmj him but by hiy- I the Miami conventiofT which begins 6tticraI17 ■ the 'first ballot-----it may for ** long-tini

MIAM’i lU P li- F o r the first Burley J bond and Step- time since arriving at the pro peietiei ihould be o hit Democratjc National Conven­ with Cajgory i Stamp all Incomes—regardless of the tion, Alabama Gov. George C. ede- cro^d thii week. MIAMI BEACH (UPI)-A Wallace made ^ - brief but group headed by Sen, Fred R. source—at the same rate. This dramatic appear^ce Saturday Harris, a former Democratic could eliminate special rates night at a reception for National party chairman, for capital gains, tax free on delegates and said that he sought support Saturday expects to-be as activd flS an y -prapftgal inlonWpif tO clOSC the ojher fonris “sheltered” candidate seeking the presiden­ tax “ loopholes” for the rich. income. :------tial nomination. Button-holing delegates in the The plan would eliminate all plush hotels, the Harris group exemptions and deductions but- I^eaning forward from his ur^ tliem to write-a plan for- -weuld-pFOvide-a tax-credit “ to' wheelchair, Wallace told more comprehensive tax reform into replace, and fully compensate - than 3.000 persnn.s -that he the Democrauc piiltroriii durtiig~ ful , LTUI reilt pei soiial liifuiiie— apgcte hi£ campaign to be in the convention here tax exemptions and deductions tng~ntnva iid ~iie liupes' HaiTi.s who has oa.ssed UP a of benefit to the average that tnose delegates uncotninlt- race for re-election to the taxpayer, such as home mort- ted or pledged to other FIRi^T DEMONSTRATION by Students lor Senate from Oklahoma, said in gage interest and medical candidates will join his team, Ocmo<^l4a SSwicty at Democratic Party B e a n Iy a id a statement, "The ordinary deductions." — convention in Miami Bcarh was staged outsidr "Those among you who are taxpayer wants the rich off the The plan calls for direct Eden Roc UatulSaturda> It opposed "US racist u n con u n ittfd ," he said in a welfare rolls He wants tiiem on payments from the . federal.^ >lorc to eoiiie? acts and genocide." Protest was several blocks strong voice, "I hope you d i s c l o s u r e the tax polls so that his taxes treasury to make up for tax from ronventton site. lU P Ii decide to cast your vo te for us. can come down." subsidies, if they “ are deter­ And if there are any delegates q u e s t i o n e d The group's proposed plat- mined to serve a vital national here pledged to other candi- form plank calls tor taxation ol mterMt."------dates maybe you will have a WASHINGTON (UPT) -VtT-' change of heart., between now ginia H. Knauer, President Dfitey group iLins Demo seats and tfie vote Wednesday night." Nixon's consume!- adviser, Sa* turday asked 19 leading U S from seeking further action in that point in the U S yet " the court Ho said they have heard Wallace said he expects to be ' CiJU'AC.O (UPI I- A Cook cosmetic firms Saturday to More arrests Count> judge Saturday enjoined Illinois CQurJii. paved the way judge said about hi.s order from the news in the middle of the convention outline the steps they are for Saturday's ruling by Covelli The injunction will restrain media and that public notice is acUvities despite his paralysis a group challepKing Chicago lakjrig to make public the If the c^Hengers^ are ousted -the challengers "from a ttenipt- all Uiat is required in this kind that he suffered as a result of Mayor Richard J D al^ and in^edients of their beauty of his followers for seats at the and replaced by the uncommit- Tn g to gain seats in the'iiatiOnal oT''an injunction hut ’ CotVlll “ tXMiig— shot— by * a— w ould-he- loom in Blaine products as atl aid to women -trd D a ley delegation - Sen. con ven tion ^' w h ich .opei^s at instructed atloriieys 10 send assassin tn Maryland’f on-Maj{ TSmwrattc National (^onven- with aller^ey: tion from a ttem ptin g to take "G eorge S -MiaffH-Beach Mofaday . .Covelli lplp|.;r.-irn-i nf h is jrd e r to the i r ...... ■. ______^ jSvTE R R V CAMPBELL------Gerber. 25. botli Ketchumr an pstimalptl I'ehailenp. ^umfT > as lis^ iviiaub inild -nrtP^-Npw^ Writer ' A r r e W late Widay njght the seals when the convention “ l-ptnn-to-be as i any firms have started malting such votes in the 170-member Illinois Covelli overturned (our objec- Attorneys for the challengers KETCHUM - A drug crack- were two residents of a bouse opens Monday candidate at this convention," information available, either to 'ITie Injuni'li'uil WU l!>!.uw! Vfy tli'lBgdtlon' twiB' nnd" tssiwd—the formal ■ gaid I hejl pl annwd i m m adtaila.. he'BBid:- ...... ir T m , , HA..-n in W ntrhiim ha^ rpqil|tl^f^ .1 retaileTs” or”®reclIy io^^ciisi^ Judge Daniel A Covelli m Covelli said he issued the written injunction several hours appeal of the order to the State in five arrests with nwre-raids which netted ^ l i c e a garden Wallace talked to the crowd trers, but that many consumers answer to an 11th hour move by injunction t)ecause the challen­ after his verbal order He noted Court of Appeals and lo the and arrests anticipated. containing over 200 marijuana for only about two minutes and still were not aware of it. Daley lo gel back seats gers, In contrast to - Daley he could not stop the convention Illinois Supreme Friday afternoon, Ketchum plants. Charged with possession was out of his room on the 20th "T o help get this information awarded the challengers by the delegates, "were not elected from voting to seat the necessary , ' PoRce Department officers and manufacture of a controlled floor ^ the Sheraton Four to consumers, I am writing, to Dfimocr.aUc_jfj r.ti:„crg^na^ according to Illinois slatiiles." cTiallengers. "bul if they fthe In Miami, challenge leader raided ra~ Ketchum residence sttbstanee were Seott A, ^ 0 Ambassadors less than 15 lpadin£cnsmptirrtianiifartTin>r^ committee on a 71-61 vote eight '■A ^ o u p ""’o r '^oj5te~ 'Set challengers varcept-thosp'seats ■ W illiam Sinner. P ChK^eo - w a ----- w iscjtted------<$«»#■ aa, and “iiiliiuu.'ii for me ret-^tron,'neiS" to ask their policies oh' d;»ys-ago and dectd.etl -ttiey- they u nave to answer to me alderman, indicated the reliel ■pafaphernafla and numerous Claymore, 20, t»th Ketehufn. on the lobby floor of the same disclosing ingredient informa­ A Supreme Court ruling would override the thousands of He said he would not accept group will take Iheir convention nrarijuana plants in, pots. . During the Thursday raid, hotel. tion,'' she said. Friday-; ... night,6..., stayipg an voters that had selected the any plea that the challengers .seats as scheduled despite the Charged with a felony —- police arrested a third resident injunction by an Appeals Court Hplpgntp*; thpy hnH voted, for. 1 are in Florida and out of the risk of conteniBt of court manufacltu-e of a wntroUed of the hou^, Charles W. Dixon, against the Daley delegates don't believe we've reached jurisdiction of the Cook County citatioas in Cook County, substance, marijuana — were H; Kefchijin. ^ Range fir^ spreads Scott E. Gerber. 23, and Janice (ContinnedonP. U ) HOLBROOK A stubborn Dee Han^n, Forest Service •range fire burning in sagebrush Ere dispatcher, .said the fire Filer O K ’s levy -an4 -tu n ii^r near here had was repor^dly burning in an L o o k i n s i d e . . . SENBITOPY .Spread over 900 a ^ s late extremeTy"ruligli aiiJ nrar^ - ler; Maroa, TOA Saturday ond continued out of area wpicTt hamperea ~ TImes-News Writer pleased with election returns. Central and Victory school Control. , control efforts. It was repor- F n .FR — Filer and.HoUister The Uve^mill levy means a iiet. buildings. ANYWHERE.. Bureau of Land Management ‘ edly whipped into fingers school patrons passed a five- incsease for district taxpayers -^officiala_in_ Riirlpy rti»;pMt^hyH running from the main fire in \ let force repulsed, 6 mill plant facilities levy Friday of only 2.5 mills because the 2.5 After consolidation of schools, Add'tionol cop'^s the Time% all available equipment and Ibou t^sli setUuiis "but- wuwls “G en T fiirtd 185 to » . mills the patrons are now the Maroa sclwol was no longer News tprctol edition. Progress crews. 'n>ey issued a call fbr were reported subsiding about 8 72 • o re o v o ilo b le At Filer High School, the vote paying for the Filer pigh School used. Victory and Central were assistance to the Sawtooth P-*”- was XU tQt-the_k3or_.anjL.21_ jMn(la.wlll.be!-elimin«tfd in the vacant- after the new FUer' Hutofy Qfo wth ond develop JifltiPnflL JEox£at.^.SWuEda}L Ca““ ^ Ore ha^ngtbeen tooth ghosts, I I . against. At Hollister it was 41 coming year's tax levy. ^eteinralary school was e r e c tij *n»nt culTjfe re

- i a : - • /■

i Tlmw.M»wt..7wln FalU. Idaho . Sunday, July 9, \9T1 DeM joei^atie avQid "Jjloody figSP

MIAMI BEACH (U P I)—De- without a bniislnjg floor fight. But the scene was almoist spite the . emphasis 'on But both George S, McGovern c c ^ c a l l>ecause so few of the reform to ensure an open and Hul>ert H. Humphrey nation's 1 govemwere recog- ori w convention, Democratic govee- refused to accept any, com- nized.

crucial .(j^ o m ia dispute wasI ^ e d official party hostess after ______concerned, - the lightr -and-xameras~had • • • • Arkansas Gov. Dale Bumpers ’ *“Uowed a distinguished lookipg Henry Crow driving down was one of tlieTinstigators of Ghampagne Addison Avenue West . the closed session of state chief executives. governor," replied a blase Lucille Gerrish shopping fbr ramprnman nhliviniis to furth- groceri^ . . . Laura Mbepfer ttib pariy nas .Service agents stood er identification, reporting on progtesa of tomato— avoid was the Champagne guard outside the wooden door, , The lights blazed on one tall, production,, JeK Wlnterboller not too happy about posing for Room of the ornate Fontain- which openedbarel^;_a_g:f^jiJft,,^aB^§flflafi=Safl ■W««u Huttil. liiaHle, I 5~~uf ffiorr Ici cafl'i aWWhg govern orW er to be a i S i f R y guard” wfiHe a of "The nation’s Democratic after he had walked .the short, undistinguished man in . . . Matt Newton bicycling with governors huddled with tHe~ gauntleLef television Jighjs sn£l__irQnt of him was unnoUced. The friend . . . Mrs. Harry Brum- candidates in .an attempt to reporters' questions. firstman was the governor. bach helping cVildren with avoid what Gov. John J. shopping . . . Earl Faulkner Gilligan-of Ohio warned could checking to see all of his be "a bloody fight." customers are satisfied . . . ■ They were trvine to work out Gene Carpenter and son a compromise on the California Tislem iif tolBind concert . , . and Illinois delegate seating John and Frances Watltmd challenges so that the conven­ reclining on chaise lounges tion could bpien Monday night during band concert . . . Jim worries China Halby talking about camping . . I . and overheard, "In another WASHINGTON (U P I)—The Democratic leader, said that in -month, the primap' election House Democratic and Republi- conversations with Premier will be over and done with — to Obituaries can leaders said Saturday after (sShou En-lai and other officials. Demo women set tTie disgust of .some can- a.'^sit to China that Peking ."there was spe<^ic concern, dldates. >1. |{. \ illoi s Funeral Services was concerned about a Soviet rather emphatically, with re­ arms buildup and a possible gard to the possibihty of TWIN KAI.I^ - Maynard KlM fiERI.Y - Services for U.S. withdrawal from the continue credit for -the big Falls for a number of-years. superpower then much of the women are delegates to this The new look of the 1972 lump in women delet!ate.s. Antique Wilburn Howua-a vetcrun of-Worl War —— .Siji vIi'mh—fnr- wOi'ld is in oitticulty. TWm F ALLS CraiB, 74, Twin Falls, died inn aim Tihnws-strides - - ^ x n n v n m p n .vi i m : : tg^ had- r eturned- from -the Edward M. Griffith will be ot 3 Gerald R. Ford-of Michigan, Convention as in 1968. A record among other minorities, with feminized," said Elizabeth Car- Air Force as a lieutenant p.m. Monday at Hove Funeral 4h»-Repubii^afr-leader, said: F rid a yn w n ^ o fw l^ -ot f)enl<‘r, former press .serreUiry colonel after 211 -aulo^=4^R said wasTsdrinflTel. Final Horseless Carriage Qub of Mrs. l^e Collett, Mrs. M ^vin lyewis Bucon, Mrs. Harley Mrs. Leo Moore, Mrs. (Yaig, 7:i, Twin Falls, died rites in the Pleasant View America. AndersOn, Mrs. Raym.ond I.arsen, Mrs. Jerry Sabala. Wendell Campbell, Mrs. Robeft • • Friday morning at his home. C’-emetery. Most cars on display will tie William Francis, Teela Nash Vasquez, Jeanele Bird, Mrs. H A Butler, Katherine Cunningham, A resident of Twin Falls since /• frorr^ the teens an d ''20s with and Mrs. I>ouise Petersen, all Don Westovcr, all Burley; Mrs. Mrs. Herbertj^leman, Carvel 1945 when he came here from HANSEN — Services for Jess some sperial interest cars from Nyman, Mrs. Leon Eddins, Mrs. Jerome; Mrs. Harley Runyon, Thomas Clark. Oakley; Jim Ited Oak, Iowa, Mr. CYaig Earnest Turner will be at 1 p.m. the 50s. Mrs. Gail Carpenter, Charles Ellington, Albiop; Delores Harvey Meunier and Mrs. worked at Magic Valley Monday at White Mortuary There will also be a showing With Perpetual Care “ •> Swearingen Jr., apd Mrs, Peterson, Paul; Mrs. Dale Dfennls'Abrams, all Twin Falls; Memorial Hospital for a Chapel. Final rites in Sunset of antique phonographs from William Glltner, all Wendell; Shelby. King Hill; Mrs. Jack Mrs. 'Lonnie IJini)ocker, number of years and also, sold Memorial Park, Twin Falls. ^ collection of E D. Pippitt, ':;Ternme; DartiitifiZlStinuqundrl, Vernon Ball. Nampa: Tommy T a v lo r.. Rupert, and Mrs. -fm w tuTB -at-Jhe—Hayes Fur. "Twin Falfe, ------Select o companion lot whilp ymV rtri» fr.. Race, Shoshone; Mrs. Richard El wood Schroc]^, HeybWn. Burley; Emma Koch and Mrs.* niture Store for several years. . A “ KWap anri «-H " spptinn urill gether. We offer □ choice of flat marker, Rami^a Wood, "both Kimberly. Renfro. Buhl: Norman Howells. Dismissed______^ ± Born a» Cilhatt, loiva, oii~A'ug~ be featured. Plaques will be * 0* raised marker or private above ground Hagerman, and Lawrence Carl Schultz, Diana Winks, and Veleta M. Harral, Buhl. 31, 1898, he was married to awarded-to each car entered. • • burial. Dismissed Jensen, Eden. Joyce McBride, all Burley; File rites Ethel Rosina Hubbard at Elliott, Special trophies will be Wayne Case and Henry Bortz, Dismissed Mrs. Alton Tremayne, in May, 1919. She died in 1935 awarded to the best pre-1915 both Biirlp y Rprtha Riirhaimn' Rlihpn'Ijrseri, Mrs..~ATilrhell. Hpv.hiirn.__and thn— Hftskrll ■ Survlvnti ilP6 a sOn, Bet-riard car, the best post-1915 car and Rupert; Hazel Dobbs, Ullie Tomlinsgn, Mrs. U ster Molt babies, Rupert. si tidy CraiM Ttvin Falls: a daughter. the car travelini; the longest ;» Twin Falls Cemetery Ass’n >I Burlington, James Crisp, and Mrs. Stella McCallister. a lT ______Hn=trnr ______Mfa. Vordo (Charlen e) Hoover, ■flistanff tu umyr iiii.‘ siiuw, a ifford Wiseman, Mrs. Franck Jerome; -Mrs. Mary Houska Sons were born to Mr. and m e r e will bo no adm ission 43.& Mo«w- Avenue 6 . Tw in f a llt Mrs. 1-eo Moore, Burley, and McAuley and son, Mrs. Gary was transferred to the long- Delbert Craig, Twin Falls, and hut ses Mr, and Mrs Thomas Clark, charge Roland and son,- Mrs. John term care unit; Mrs. Michael Wilbur (Yaig. Red Oak; a O a k le y . ___ - ^-Pohbnanand»nvM rs^D ouglas— Efelcrstin and son. Twin J'alls; sisU?r. Nora P o gu e, R ed O ak; FILHH — Horse demon­ Karel, Mark Knaup and Mrs Mrs Benita Oneida, Mrs. Ray 10 grandchildren and 9 great- strations were presented Ponald Watson, all Twin Falls; Kelly and___son, and Mrs M inidokii Vlrm oriul •I grandchildren. Friday evening at the Lucky Joseph Brown, I>onnie Brown Georgiana thompson, all Adm itted Funeral services for Mr, Bools and .Spurs 4-H Club and Mrs. Alberto Ramierez and Shoshone; Mrs Richard Miracle Edwards, Bridge (Yaig will be conducted at 10 meeting at the Roger Vincent daughter, all Buhl; Mrs. Danny Hen fro, Mrs. Randall Stewart .------:— PinnlHicd------« m T iip < (t»y a l W h itts hfmm Reynolds aiiU sun uiid“ ni. and Edward Jullion. Hupert, and Mortuary Chapel Burial will be John Reed gave a demon- Elldon Knight all CastJeford' Mrs Orval Neilson. Croodin)> t-Vank Nyrr-W ilkm.vin: Wash in Hed Dak,______stralion on hor.se s a fe ty and Gerald Hildreth Jr., Hansen; Births Memorials may be made to Carol Vincent presented one on Jack Edward Nipper, Eden, A son was born to Mr, and ('oodin^ ('ounty the Heart Fund._ tlie gaits of a horse. Janie and Ijee Ernest Knode. Hailey. Mrs. Gall Carpenter of Wendell Vincent demonstrated how to Adm itted Births Daughters were t»rn to Mr. and Births show a horse under saddle Stefan Cunther and Kyle A daughter was liorn to MrS Mrs, William Glltner. Wendell, .•\ son was t)orn to M r and It was announced that Steve Wrighl. both Gooding, and Pamela Wood, Kimberly, and and to Mr and Mrs Jerry Mrs. Earl Qontz, Gouding. AndreHS<»tt w as top sc o rer sons to Mr. and Mrs Marvin Sabala, Jerome Arhn fhnstnpher.son, Black- Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, fool Men’s andWomen’s Shoes Eddins and Mr„and-Mrs. i/?e The most common causes o f . Dismissed Collett AH~~Fu'rnous Brands — All Prom our own Stock ‘ Mr. ana Mrs. ronnie tjocker, Jerome. Dress. Sport, Casuals ami Sandals SPEND WEEKENDS ON THE W A T E R ' Checti the tx)a» buys m Priced $ today'v CiMsified Ads 9 9 $ 9 9 from ...... Z to 1 4 «0«»ClttPTH»tltaTgl JCRE,T 1 M E S .N ^ W S Twin Fails, Idaho Save up to By Carrier Per M onth 1 D aily Si Sunday) By paid in Advance (Oaiiy ^ Sunday) 1 M onm W om en's 3 M onths Hand-Bags 4AAon»n« ' Year M *if subscriptions accept^ only VqluejJoAlADQ • wuherp c»rr? *r d e liv e ry is rwt Moccasins m ain ta in e d Reg.To $ y 9 9 ^Priee- -

Iteg- to $1.20 . = . . -pair


Open Friday Nites 'tjl..9 p.m , . l y n w o e d .. ffz _ man goes to Demo confab_ M a r ko r s wn% a II ted

J I L E R A , K . -Reed, -Filer-r - uncommittea basist ■ - „ T)S!1N FALX^ — TwinJFflUs T.oljce are Mi»- - thinks ■ the ; .Democratic A TJnifed Press Internationa' \_.tlnuliig Investigation of an Incident reported presidential nomination may be tabulation this past week Hiursday In Twin Falls. TWIN FALLS — Disagreement between the casf. ' decided Monday night. showed that of Idaho's 17 Twin Falls Police said 20 metal gravemarkers members of a Twin Falls women’s club which - A.counter complaint filed by the defendants, That's . when - the p arty’s . delegates,- three were un- were placed In two neat rows on the lawtt 61 erupted into court action has been at ionsnjir's^togUetepiTefs' ------i^I^ence on Blue Lakes Boulevard. leagt temporarily. __ dismissed by Judge Ward. ■will be made at the national _George M c^ven \i o^e^wasTor Police ;salfflHiasJ^en determined the ^ v e The district court G0RvenH»fr=at=^M$amF'B5aehr -Sen Hranphrey;-^ iTTiuBrken were-UDused and hadlmraigcarded.' granted to plaintiffs in the case" .Friday af­ was the worst decision she had ever heard, Fla. none were for Gov. George Tbey are continuing investigation In an at­ ternoon by Fifth Judicial District Judge Tlieron s^d it will probably be appealefl- She said, she - Ftepd will 6e af'The con- Wallace. O ^ e rT ^ e re divided tempt to dptenoilne who perpetrated the prank. W. Ward. , ...... , -oould sefe-na. ..basis- 4if—justifi^tion—for—th« -TOnttoirr~attenciinB:~as^“ an'-nn- wSoRg“ DtheT IS ser "Mntehders judgment. A ^oup of women who said they were the committed delegate from for the nomination. officially elected officers of thfe Twin FaUs- -In-arguments in the case, it was brought out Idaho. --— Bttainea »-m>d—Profcaaioneri—W« mon'B ' " IlECayaccoitipinied * y Mrs. Brought action against another gr'oiip of women^— -th«-state and national levels ot-tho BPW had Reed, was-scheduled to leave who argutd they wefe pfricers''ana refused lb reviewed the diMgreement in the Twin Falls Boise at noon today aboard a give up the club's charter, record books and . dub and 'both had_ ruled in support of ihe chartered airliner along with •^faiiUea. ~ ^— ------p la k tg S r------Plaintiffs in the case were Doris -Harper, Kramer, in seeking the summary judgment, delegation. 'Delegates from president, and Betty Ainsworth, Faye Hoffman,. Oregon and Utah will make the warned the court a trial involving 11 angry LaVerna Rudolph, Frances >Buhlejv^nd . trip to Florida aboard Ui^e same women would test the court’s composure. Marguerite Montgomery. plane. During the controversy, the club's t«nk ac­ Defendants were Greeta Smith, listed as Reed is one o f , three un- counts were "frozen" by the bank with no drafts ^VOLCO president, andVera Rauch, DeEtta Campbell, News Qf -Aeoepted on the account5-pending-cogrt~5eT^ —eommttted alterniatc~aelegate!r~| ~ aiirfeyKendrick amr7gra~stronEr~'------to the convention, which will be tlement of the issue. In the summary judgment signed by Judge Servicemen the first has attended. Ward late Friday, he decreed the plaintiffs are Defendants in the case had declined to turn "It looks like it is going to be a Ca r p e t D e p t . the duly elected officers of the BPW club and as over the club records in their 'possession in spite JEROME - John R. Geiger typical Democratic con­ such are entitled to the club charter, liooks and of letters of request ant^ direction from the state h^s been pronjoted to sergeant vention," Reed said. He tank accounts. They were also assessed costs of and national organizations. rin the.U.S. Air Force.- referred to the frequency. of A r m s tr o n g Sgi. Geiger, a pavements floor fights over various mat­ maintenance specialist at ters which have occurred at Mountain Home Air Force many past^^rty conventions. Base, serves wjth a unit of the - _Dp-lt-YQurselt_ T F aide who will conie qut with the r Tactical Air Command which provides combat units for air party's nominaiion for support of U.S. GROUND president He declined to iii'drug case head of FORCES. comment concerning any ^ t. Geiger’s wife, Emma, is possible personal preference Colors T o X h o iise Fronx TWTN-“ ” T A n :S ^ - ^ A and that— she Tdrscontimje— thr daugtitfrJoe Blair, - since—he-Ts^ttendinB-^on an- preliminary hearing was associations with some of her unit -JerOme. His parents are Mr waived and a plea of guilty former friends. and Mrs. Gecyl L. Geiger, luslilutc hold entered Friday to a charge of Todd Ely Grosser, 19, Twin TWIN F A L I^ - Tom Nelson, Colton, Wash. Plain Colors Patterns =ft¥< ■Twtn— Pa+hs— ertT— Council stancB. yonro in the state penitentiary memtVir anOmenHwr Of ItieTaw “ <.uii(;i ega tlon s tnroughout 3 5 i - s q _ f i : Steven Gibson, 21, Twin Falls, on a charge of delivery of a firm nt.Rarry nnhort'inn, nnl>^ r Barrington received a was . among a group arrested controlled substance. and l.arson, will assume the telephone call from their'^ son. Magic "Valley attended a Sun- last month in Twin Falls by the The court day-school institute Frida ■Satur day lAvm j-ails U ty-^unty Drug saspefTdfd execution of Bar Association in 1974. who said he arrived in San Lutheran Church. Control unit. sentence and will retain He was elected commissioner Diego, Calif., aboard the air­ Guest speakers for the event He is charged with delivery of jurisdiction for 120 days, during in the state convention of the craft carrier Constellation in were ftobert Knight n, speech' marijuana, a felony. which time Cros^r will be association in Siw g a lle y last____ time to welcom e the 6 £onfined-in the state-prison, -and h i'a r n ig ^ p c rT ir fis ff^ a ^ - _A pre-sentenco investigation week. —’ r ^ Z lM S S g g a ^' nevfclJ^pand- ■S wa r?irm5 a r g , ' s p c c a 1 sncpft; quested and-wasi^r'anted ^ A hearlffg^ on a motion to' Nelsort will become presidenT daughter. The baby Vas born to 1 education, and. Dr. Matk. by Judge Theron Ward of the revoke probation for Mario elect next year and take over as Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth l.ay. Skovron, psychologist, all of the Fifth Judicial District. Alberto Hernandez, Twin Falls, president in 1972, the final year Mrs. l.ay is the former Ijnda Child Development Center, In other court action Friday, was continued until Wednesday of his three year term. Barrington, THE BUILDING And CARPET EXPERTS/ Ann Patricia Blake, 22, who had to allow the defense to obtain a As a bar commissioner, he Twin Falls.______“ previously entered a plea of firti.sR, ,(lir

was sentenced to not more than ~=»^yearr^trt-the s tate pmiltmr 'tative fur legal' criiss the Atlantic. "tiary. , Execution of sentence state penitentiary on a charge disciplinary measuj;^^, bar development and Christian was suspended by Judge Ward of grand larceny. examinations and other education. — ...... — and Miss Blake was placedon The state contends that regulatory matters. two years probation. Hernandez violated his Nelson also serves as city Terms of the probation in­ probation ‘when he was found attorney for Sun Valley. clude that Miss Blake make guilty last week »f grand lar­ Eugene C. Thojnas, Boise, is restitution for the/orged phecks ceny in Cassia County. outgoing president of the state bar a^ociation and John Sharp, Idaho Falls, will serve as TF laivyer named president this year. President Twin Falls Open Sundays elect is John H. Bangtson. BOISE (U P i) — Edward rr mittee for the re-election of the Lewiston. Benoit. Twin Falla ' was president, said Benoit is a past rni C apointedFridava-'rhairrfr?fn^ | ji Mi.lil.iii’,,f i>w>.i.j..hnt->nt^Pa- r.Fj p r o results; OioLJi- Shop Sunday Noon iil 5 IVIoriday 3:30 a.m. til 9 p.m. the lawyers committee for the Msociation. re-election ftf the president. ™ ' SEAKS CAN DO \SWM.

w n E B ffL A y SRIHGLES •••ANEW O liC E P T I N

Scars-Idaho Falls Sears-Twin Falls . .Sears—Caldwell Daily 9:30 a.m. till 9 pim. Daily 9:30 a.m. till 9 p.m. Daily 9:30 a.m. till G p.m. , Saturday till 6 p.m. Tu«s., Thurs:v Sat. Hll 6 p.m. Mon. and-Frir tilI-9Tjninr‘ Slinday Noob --Siwday Neo n 'tilf S p.nT. SMwdav-SfoOtv-tiH-5^ —— ■ - Closcd'S^m ay ----- ROWiANb EVANS & ROBERT NOVAK A Port In The Storm

Devoted Ta The Citizens of Magic Valley WASHINGTON - H ie depth Democrat in - conservative llie. sudden proliferation of What changed that was the pened. Mills — who, as Mr. oMhe ------(Mdahoma told^ us, "is way ' party leaders who see salvation riseI bf Georg? McGovern Taxation on Capitol HUl, has the., Sunday. July 9, 1973 Al W «t«rt)r*n, Publiiher PHONE 733-Q931 Democrats is liest understood in ahead' ih'''this skate today. It’s only in nominating the last of and, within the last, week, the confidence of businessmw phehoraenallj' transformed amazing, but the Democrats the Kennedy brothers is su-. deepening ieeling that he spells .frightened by M ^ v e m 's tM Official City and Counly Newipww Atam txf of Audit Bureau of CIrculMlon arid UPl attitudes Sniithem and Border here are looking to H»c«m ely-trontcr-Ast-m onUis disastei- - , b ut iiiit{tit-T>et-Tsr )-IO I at m * day oi Itii w*«l< 6n wtildi policies — would be favored for l« gil i>otlctt will bv'publlshtd. Publliht<} daily «nd Sunday. •xc«pt Saturday, at 132 Third Stra«t West, . stiate leaders toward Sen. the savior oflbe party.” What is ago, many argued Kennedy and s ^ p e d . McGovenr hurt him- toje ■ Vice j Presidential 7win Falls, Idaho. I330i;^y Magic V ajlfy N fw ic jp ttii lnc.-Enl»fd at iacbnd clasrm Ait mattac^Api^U ICpnnpHy Qiappaquiddick would kill the self badly inside-the party wltlr nomination,- t»ttr»rthri>oif-oH lc.lri Twin Fall», Idatig, IB tl. WKltf th t «tlflf M arch 1 .117?,______^------.------— ^Ted Kennedy,- - - « key in state after state: “Democratic party In 197ZT ' his intemperate reaction to the Other_____ reliable signs are _ California credei)tial&^de£isioit.,.ipounting that if McGovern fails by threatening a third-party on the flrat two ballots, m lioin fiat credeiTtiats lo^, in "overpowering demand for turn, reaaeM Meuoverti's'fffist^ Kennedy is pre^ctable. Tjie ballot nomination prospects irresistible pressure behind We Areij£UMiug^ from .100 to 1 down to around 10 such a scenario is the conviction to ______^ aniong Democrats of aU per-. Mcdbvemites reply • ig r ily suasions .ithat K ^ e d y .done the nomination w.ould be could prevent a third-party .-The battle against inflation was------' Laslye¥r^asTnurfHlie^ihl!‘ 'A joined in earnest about a year ago. worker’would have had to increase counter' beleaguered >paiiy stoppedi ' , • T he antidotes' adopted during the his income by about 4.5 per cent to regulars, that would not apply “ Kennedy #eta every one off ^ r i o d have b ejn strong nfiedicine, stay even with inflation, Since last to Kennedy? because he — and. ..theJiook^’J-one^JVestem-UberaL not w ithout their bad side effsita^ August, ^^nditions-tove begun------he-alone---- eouW-«»t-lo8fl^»-by— pledged 't t r ^ i r —EUilIUltRt'' unifying the party. ______MiksU p tnlri im ■nin FPimnn- But it is encourtging to learn from change. -Real-spendable, earniht Moreover, the instinctive Kennedy appeals to government statistics that the ^ after t a x » and.inflation^ — have feeling across a broad spectrum McGovern's militant' cadres. discomfort caused by controls and increased at an average annual of the party.: is that Kennedy His positions on the war, other -Strict measures—may— be_ rate of 6 per cent. Could be compelled to accept the welfape aihd"'defense are paying off. A verages7 ofTaJurse, mean some nomination despite his Sher- scarcely distinguishable from Ip4he five years preceding people are still not benefiting from manesque statement that McGovern’s. Vet, Kennedy Is “ under no circumstances" weekly earnings of* the non-farm the«lid on j)rices and others'^re totally acceptable to party would he run. professionals such as D a l^ who worker .increased by 12 per cent, or benefiting more. But the economy That feeling emerged at 3:20 Justifiably' think HcGO^cn’s $18 a week. While the size of the pay finally is showing signs of winning p.m. last TTiursday in the office ' cadres want to run them out of check was growing, its spending rhp battle against„inflatiQa.;That is ■»f— R«p:— W lfeiir— MfHfl— — the partyr ------power wag not Ififlation consumed — good news tor everyone. Arkansas. On an Impulse, Mills teddy Kennedy, in short, ail of the added dollars. reached into htS pocket, ei^L—suddenly become the only port tracted three nickels and of­ in the political hurricane now fered Rep. Dan Rostenkows^i of besetting the Democratic party. Illinois this bet: Mills' three But would Kennedy accept If the nickels that Kennedy would be convention drafts him? nominated against It took Kennedy months of Rostenkowskl's one that he soul-searching i before issuing would not. 1US"“Shemianes(lue”^statemertt, C^-riius And SJiade -Moments later, -Mills— was and the reason i ______Mayor Richard 1 Daley of feel such a statement would be Chicago, over the telephone that When cutting the lawn has credible coming from an and frosty glass. he was helping Daley fight the elective politician. b6C(>me a Chore to be avoided at ail cradonHnls rhallpngfi and that- — Infjppd— Kpnnwiy's inner cost, then summer has arrived. mower chugs on, its handle “ Teddy is going to win” the conviction Is that J972 is not his The zip is gone, along with the nip replaced by a tiny antenna. The nomination. year, that President Nixon of the morning breeze that ruffled slightest touch of the button s.ends Then. with Brooklyn starts far in front and that he Democratic leader Meade prcen^NoW comes it skirting round the rdse bed. Nice genuinely wants to follMy.the the lazy time when a man deserts Esposito on the line. Mills fervent desires of his family but still not lazy enough., remarked- "Meade. i;'et.a roon^.-4h«4 rim- -Vpf — his mower in midrow to loaf in the This pushbutton engineering gets next to Ted Kennedy at Miami continuing promotion of Ken- shade a while. on a fellow’s nerves. , near , Our trouble is^, we're not lazy ' Wfia needed is a rh odet^ me enough-tn-bt^come real jytillshasalargestaKeinaKert^^^ motrrbUr leaders shaa_that. ^ -nf mankind~V______juttons. rnen we -nedy.. nnmination„.If it«.hap<,- tusjlisavowel wasjno.tJxilieved..:.: ^tncm’— ph)d-^^eeHy— behind—a— can snooze, chat, read ja Book dr chugging gadgetj_J^L_demands even go fishing and leave greater gui^nce than sT push everything to rad ar.__ __ Co n ven4ien- See na rie THQSTESQN, M:D. model? No, he’d toy around mth Now we’re talking. Now we're radar •really lazy. But there’s a catch to WASHINGTON - Everyone not already been nominated. he is the only one who can Now we’re getting somewhere. it. W e’re much too lazy to rig up has his own scenario for> this But who? The Democratic possibly beat Nixon in A Chance Let’s roll back in a cushioned chair ^uch a gadget, even if ^we knew week's Democratic National Party leaders call- a • recess November, . / Dear Dr. Thosleson: Recently if some hydrocarbon beneath our beach ifjnbrella. how. Meanwhile that pesky lawn Convention. The way things behind the podium. They argue The compromise candidate is There’s pushbutton radar at our have been going with the party, and thrash it out for several not at '\he convenHom He has a friend lost a dear little boy (petroleum products, gasoline, needs cutting again. aftpr Hranlf rlp,inin(j fliiirt of- kerosene, furnitTirc"-potts^~anjT fingerUj25<^nc one scenario has as much hours. The only m1^ w whiwhose purposely staviul—a away way- BO- [id ice a-tinkle in a tall some kind. Her doctor said, "If so on) has been swallowed. ! next. TlliS 13 t f t f name is proposed asi 'tbe-emn- tbe-e<5m- people would believe he was not one that I have written and if it promise candidate i^_ a very interested in the nomination. you had made him vomit right Vomiting can permit some of puts in a ralLto him, away,-he might have stood half the poisonous fluid to get into the lungg and cause even wurse ' read it here. figure on the American scene. Everyone, In turn, gets on the a chance.’ Just how do you make a child trouble. ( It is the fourth day of the He has announced many tm es phone and tells him he has to be (or adult) v o m if - Mrs. B. Speed is urgent in many convention and the Democrats that he Is not a candidate for the the candidate. hr-iTlustard— pulsuillilgs. tJUt dUlllg'Uie HKnt~ havet)een unable-tc deciden n a— Prrsttfcncy ______-thi Vice_ -m le LuinpiiiuiuiJiise______^ (.•aiididattr______— Often—thef MR SPFrTATQJ^ in the Kiichen~ Kitchen. A" ining and not me wrong thing jiresidehtiai candidnte. Thir Presidency, and has said under speaks to George McGovern, ■T3?rwT!r5r can tie just as important. Or fight to seat delegations has no conditions would he accept a Humphrey, Muskie and tablespoon of it In a cup of warm water usually- will induce more so. taken up three days and, those draft------Wallace. They urae him to run. Everybody especially IT” people who were ruled ineligible Vet. the leaders argue he Is The candidate finally agrees to vomiting Other methods are drinking a there are small children in the have refused to give up their the one person wHo can save the a draft and says he will take the CUD of soaDsud.s i nol determent household - should have the seats to those who wc^^^-o(■ -party: ■ next plan« to Miami. Friends told us they were in the or a strong solution of salt or phone number of the Poison the northeastern United States and ficially designated as delegates This young man. whose name Xnd that’s how Bobby baking soda, or tickling the Control 'Center handy where it upper country - Stanley Basin and is’ designed to give the more than to the convention. had been associated with a very 'Fischer, the U.S. chess back of the throat with your can’t get lost. Sawtooth Valley over the recent l,500animalsand birds living there Almost every state delegation embarrassing Incident, is a ph am pi on-. became tlie In at least some communities holiday. has two people sitting In every household word now. Because of Democratic presidential finger. the freedom to roam at will in a But vomitmt' shouldn't be the telephone operator can give ___What they said, of course, was natural environment. The 1,000- chair. No one dares leave the the deadlock at the convention, nommee for 1972, floor for fear that someone will induced blindly in all cases of the number in seconds, 1 just thal g i i F w£feTiirthertrfeat therg. -apTft sita -con&i&ts of land features “ grab his "SiSat.------r - ^otsoninff. It-ts important- to^ Ified was very li^ie room per camper. B or'itnjiiialler' I'oiiuiiuiilties sim ilar to those found in the wilds When someone tries to speak "know what wiis swallow^,------ANDREW TULLY that don't have their own Pwson Reason was the crowds from here of Africs. the native homeland of he_ Is hooted down by the op­ If acid or strong alkali ( such ControPCenters, fd on 't know. and there were out inTorce. ’ many of the species. ' position faction. I>arry O’Brien, as lye) has been swallowed, vomiting should NOT be in­ There are different phone Which reminds us of a trip Mr. By using only natural and hidden the chairman of the party, has duced The poison burned on the c-ompanles. . , and Mrs Spectator made to the podium ringed with the 60 barriers to contain the preserve's Star Spangled way down; it will bum on I should think it might be wise National' Guard so no one can Redfish Lake m 1939 We wanted to wildlife and ^separate predators lfth?TTiayor. oTTown tonstable,' ^ a b the microphone. the way tip. The victim should take sonie scenic photographs of frbtfTtheiFpray, what we’ve really WASHINGTON - Ustening Benedict, MVD .Shortly the be taken in all haste to a or local doctor or sometxidy that area. We took along a picnic The nomination speeches to the playing of "The Star other prisoners were released, rrpatpH hpre i.s a ‘nnn-zno.’-': says hjvf not been heard, but the hoiipltor fof the BtotwMch to be made sure tlidt Iw-dl upuiaUiis lunch.- The I'Oad from rwetchum to ijpan^ilea Banner" — usually tait Beanes was held for treason had at their fingertips the R. Brian Hunt, president of the candidates have been wa.shed out and emptied with a ' in tape >n this ersatz age — one because he was a .Scotsman mmibei^^rf the iieai est' Pulsuii Redfish Lake was all gravel. It .venture, nominatnd — M rf’.nverr tube---- went pathiTP wntl Thp----- Enter Franri^s Srntt K ey. .an----- 1 Jkuwist;. vuiiiltliin I!. Iiai iiiful Oimr ul Ctjrimr In 'a iikhi by ulty As inothei^sijch facilities visitor^ Humphrey,Wallace, Ctiisholin, sports fans who rarely attempt anti-war activi.st He persuaded different point than now - and it will be .askto remain within the Jackion and Muskie to sma our national anthem. President James Madison to ana nni or safety of their "people,cages'" ( their *^TTiFre— "—HIT" Whatever Intent of accredit him as a prisoner-oT demonstraUons for the can- - ehuck holes automobiles) in ~thg- eytcnsii»r Krancig Scplt Kay , Iha " Ban, irara^pnt mnil tn^»pther with One didates in the hall t>ecause drive-th rough a rea s of the ner ';' is meant to la played by a John S Skinner proceeded to everyone is afraid if he Kets up iiiiU^M-y band to .Uia-absol ula . is that diirinp thnt photogpaphte-----preserv g o n e "“i5f o f “ tn? mam “a T " and marches they won 't let hun — expedStrorr w e w e re arotmd the silence of its audience. It is a After some discussion, the tractions will be the excitement of back in his section again. ■marcti, not a song, and a ruddy British commanding general, -ahores.of Redfish all day.. Utmost, not knowing what^ anim al -will- be good one We should enjoy It, R6bert Ross, agreed to release have been in September We never waiting arount| the next curve on On the first ballot McGovern and thrill to it, as such. Beanes saw another person at the lake all the trail Eyetwll-to-eyeball con­ picked up 1,234 votes, well shy To be sure. Key lifted the But all three men wera| of the 1,509 he needed The rest day. frontations with lions, tigers and music from a British drinking detained lest they spill to their Different than now — huh? other beasts will not be uncommon sonR. "Anacreon tn Heaven,’* candidates with the un­ t-omposed by John Stafford British fleet's imminent move People in cages and animals left committed refusing to vote for on Baltimore On the night of JI ST ASK BEN Smith for the , Anacreonltic free to rOam Anim al lovers will— ^Tmyone Society of I>ondon,'named for Sept 13; 1814, therefore. Key, If you want to fmd out something agree thaf'that’s the w a y a zoo , The second, and tlurd ballot the brt»uIous Greek bard, Skinner «nA - Beanes were real interesting have a little tallr odglil to be. found no^ on » budging. By the Anacreon. But British males., _ aboard the Wndert when, the with Ben Mottern, of Rogerson tenth ballot of else. British fleet opened. Its bom­ night session, the convention Cafe fame. Ben gn5 family just got GIVEAWAY DEPT: In a day when'ethlbitionistic bardment of Fort McHertfy" was hopelessly deadlocked. They rerrialned ^n deck all back from ^ trtp-to Europe. The We have 8 puppies to give aWay. professional pacifists sneer gt The 'State delegations “ nlgtit T' question? Ask him whattPanspired- Fopr are raahss; They «r e six weeks caucusetf right on the floor, it seems ironic that the march Beanes complained he had while he was in a saxma one d4y7 • old and the mother is a Brittany _ trying to get people to change was a- product of - history’s difficulty seeing ■ the flag' Spaniel. See them four north, one their minds. But it was im- penchant for whimsy. After the becaus^ of the smoke of battle. __ jCHUCKLF.t east and one-eighth-north of— posadhle, ______. „ . burning of Washington by the At- dawn%-first--light. he kept Soon aftar purchasing a used c^r Jerome or call 324-5120 and ask for - On NBC, John Chancellor and Brit{sh in August, 1814, two asking Key: “ Is-the-flag still a man fiikls out how hard4t is to David Brinkley bec'^^'short- minor incidents combined to set .there?" ----- Wilford Allison. tempered and refused to talk (& drive a bargain. ' Have a male two-year-old black the stage for-the casual birth of Key became irritatde and his each other. Howard K. Smith the,national anthem. replies were snappish. Yet th e, cat to giveaw ay. We iust have too___ and Harry Rgaaonar -on^ ABG-.- — Aroused 'b!K'TBe“ lootIftg^ of sceine. and th e' repeated “ 7 “ PEOI*LE'7tR«rCAGED" many pets and this 'one needs a were also not speaking to each some British s ^ g g le rs , some question “ Is the flag still A'drive-through wildlife preserve good home. Call 436-6161 in Rupert.. other, and on CBS, Walter folks in Upper Marlbord, Md., - t h ^ ? " built emotion in his scheduled to open this summer in We have three shorthaired kit­ Cmnklt*' wasn't iy ^ ir “Wnniin Beanes, breast. He found himself himself. West Milford, N.-J.-, is represen-' tens needing good hom’ies. Are very locked up six of the loofers in a scribbling riotes on an etivelopir Q t r n h N£A, tatiye of a new trend in, zoos. It'was obvious to everyone in ^ V 0nient Jail. In retaliation.. ’Htat nighC light after the m eahad ^gentle and are box trained. Two m d put.ot. th^ convenbnn hall Called-J un^le^ Hahitnt^ tha -nr* 4iie DiilljJi U l'm i^ Itt. Dcen r d e a ^ , key conipfsed malai brg- blaelt ' and '•'female that a compromlM candidate and !«mip nflipr«i anH .«^ngli»H Rannpr’lill- "Jn view of ererylhing, hov can'you ga oti thinking Sen- jHreserye is the firpt of ite kind in calico. Call 734-2274 in Twin Falls. ~afor~f/tcGo}iern is a statk'irig horif^tOf'GtdftO Steinem? "had to t>e found — one who had them off to thir 'cam p fit a Baltiriiore t^ e n i. J- -U- .'7------>-

Sunday," July 9, 1972 TlrnM-News, TwInTSllS.iaaK

b y 0 .-A t^ (G usJ K E L K E R System at the federal, state and be 'funded at substantially higher modern managemenf techniques in • local policy fo r c ^ . into strong ' Editor, Times;News local levels. They .. urged levels and should adopt more the courts and at the same t o e statewide or regional units. Strong, These are times^of .change and ^tablishment of an independent imaginative approaches to reverse urged the creation of additioftiit io h a l- professional manage;ment will be . suggestions for change. Often these what the Committee believes is “a judgeships to permit immesdiate required— and ^needed. ------suggestions are disturbing to Justice, which would coordinate a debacle of majorpfgpui tipiis-tii the^- any. trial of-all felony cases. -nationwide-tight against crtme-and— -nation*s- ______The fin in gs of the Committ^ ,providfr:generoi&rfinanciai-support^“ Statewide, Regional ~finiaed^’eorne«ion£n=^ff^^ Tconcern ovenhrTtJle of parbsim for'Ecbnoniic Development having for properly reorganized state and (4) Private, unorganized politics in the judicial system. It Police Units ISeedejd -to-^io-w4th Reducing Crime and iQggrsystwsT gambling should be legalized. and~ itfgad-^that - pa rtisan - politica be- - Asiuiiiig ju s iice I'Duiirw enTet g fr In a key recommendation, the extensive experimentation should- removed from the process of a wave of opinion differences. It nonpartisan group called on'each be undertaken with government selecting judges and prosecutors. Among other things, the could approach the level reached state to create a strong, centralized operation of gambling Contributing to court congestion, Committee called for an improved by.the report of the Commission on departi^ent of justice. Jo take over arrangements. The Committee the panel found, is a scarcity of police attitude towai*d minority Population and the American all criminal justice activities new emphasised thai -the&e_ measures qualified prosecutors and defense groups , and the general public. Future. ..This report, bv a blue performed by thousands of state would deal a major blow to counsel, leading to repeatedTrase “ Discnminatory police conduct and ribbon panel, was discussed on this and local agencies. Under the CED organized crime by depriving it of postponements. Combined with the use of“exces^ve~foTee'TTnist not page in a two-part article last proposal, unified state-wide its nia'in source of income. lack of _fiufficient judges, this be tolerated,. j March.. J l callp_ri_, for gnrh 4u prescribed standards. This worsened, not bettered, by leadership to state-local law Actu:&lly the “Reducing Crime prdjxisal, it is pointed out, would l*rivnle flandf’iins “corrections.” enforcement.’ And ___the and Assuring Justice’' report is a cost the federat govemment about Department of Justice is heavily full statement by the resea.rch and $5 billion a year" but much of the ..The__CnmmlttPff r«>f nmrp^pHpd ^nmmihee-etthe CED. The m iviajor criminal sanctions politicized ------^ '——------cost -would be offset by lower state the replacement of obsolete . Research and Policy Committee is should be imposed-against ppfval« and loca l expanditures. This would prisons, oppressively managed, possession of handguns, 'Which The committee called upon the com post of 60 trustees from be a possible form of revenue with decent facilities where among the 200 -businessmen and accauntfor over half of a^ murders .business community in particular shacing. ______- ■ opportunities for educ^on _aiiri aliimsi nil killings iff pi)lictr~ training and p.>ninrti.l ^ role^ improving officers. The federal and state the administration of Justice— noi Committee for ' Economic l)el(i\fi In Justice are available under the guidance of governments should be the sole only because crime costs the Development. It is not government q«a4lfted-aflth«en8itive staffs. dWhers of such we»pons^d=sl»e»tkb^ f f e J u s I To o LotPfT business community an estimated sponsored. Although the cost of these -is« r c th» m oh a temporary bosis-to- “"xRimges may total well l\ Hnotori Underlaying the Committee's t^r inmate in construction alone. drawn regulations. recommendalTons______oh court______reform_____ ^ the report emphasized that these Am errcan SftCtetyT’ ■ T2i " “PoHce"^ shoTiW 1>e better IS Its MieftHaTthe courls areThe eic^nditures “must be placed in ----- BnstifeVsmeTT^ere asked to------trained, better managed, and “ clean” their own houses and aid in ~~Righi nfTtKp rftpAFt f^nnieqds IHaEI JoE ou gU - ^ c rim imtf------~cdsTs tSorne I5y~society cVime is deeply rooted in the social the citizenry. The police “ undermines the legitimacy of a because of the tens of thousands of offenders, whether employes, ills of our society. departments should ' b e democratic society.” The hardened ajid embitt^ed career company officers, customers or Jusi w h a f d i f (3ie““r0Riimittee' restructured to place much greater Commiriee' cti11 c 1 zed""ttie “Tong criminals among the 100,000 to clemenrs 6f“ W p n iz ‘ed cflm e. It find? What-rect>mmeflda4ioft&-do omphasis on the suppression of delays of justice that result from 150,000 released from American urged business Icadors to us^4beii^------they make? serious offenses, narcotics - abuse the congestion of the court prisons each year." influence tn support. ofneeded The CKI) called for a complete and organized crime. calendars. ' As to police, the Com”)nittee reforms in the criminal justice overhaul of the ^criminal justice <3) Correctional systems should system. It called for (he adoption of recommends the consolidation of

SnprpiTip r niirt Riiling Will Change it Pattern

lind Uat tta ' U.O. Ftr ififj of tha -Kota- Washington, had more ' a remedy allowed for return of decisions required th^t the consfitutional principal and heard; before a state could F.dllor, Tim es-N ow s hlfjh court to the punch by .stove. Firoutnna i nctit urt' M I m i ii , li...] i,.i tn relate fletie— gootla;— «— — deter-- A UniTed -Stales .Supreme .striking down .state laws action in small claims court for to the Supreme Court minBtion of the right to Court (lec'i.sion will have., a authonzint; secured creditors to reposses.sion of the stove and possession of the gtioas, Uiti ■ .significant effei l nn the ron- .seize floods in the hands of stereo claim ing that Mrs .She had been divorced from di.strainor ") has seized Roods to selie goods on the application party in possession must have a surier cri-iiil imlustry allcfjed debtors with state P'uentes ha.s refused to make her hu.sband, a local deputy from a tenant i "the of alleged creditors. portunity to be heard, was any notice and an opportunity to F'i)r all oraciical iiurnoses the ^asMstiUliX.Brior t» anv court her retiiainin^ payments.______slieriff. and was enuaned in a distrainee"! to satisfy a debt The Court said an opportunity substitute for a prior hearing to dafand his—posgasgioo .---- most effecUvc o( the creditor's determination of the creditor's Simultaneous with the filing dispute with him over the allef’edly owed. to Be heard was required, test the validity of the claims of nature and form of prior collection t( Uie Firestone law suit to custody of Itteir son Her for­ If the lehant insUtut«d it holding the alleged debtors had the party seeking to seize hearings requiretr by' th^ state seizure of HimhIs in a.j In Fuentes two-:i jud^e collect the balance due on the mer husband, beint< familiar replevin action and posted a neither adequate notice or an property. decision were left by the court to debtur's possession is a thinu' federal courts had upheld the cojiditional s^les contracts, and WTth the routine form.s'Used in bond, the landlord could be opportunity to defend the^r The court found that the the. legislatures of the states. of the past It came to an end in validity of Florida and Penn- before Mrs, Fuentes had b)?ien replevnn proces,s, had obtained 'ordered to reTurn the oroDertv possessToii oTtRe' goods beTore’ mirilmal deterrent effect o? a Decker said similar laws in an early June decision of the .sylvania laws authorizing the served with a summons to a w T it that ordered the .seizure at once, pending a final seizure by state officers acting ^ond requirement is, in a Idaho, although .not directly Court in tlie case of Mariiariia surprise seuure of-j answer------compiairthl of tlie IxJ-vV rttrthes-. ~fuffmurF luagmenl jn the underlying^ under state authoi^y, '" praCticSI sense, no sub^ilute affected by the de£tsfDnrTi®- i--uentes. et~al. vs. Robert I. possps-slon of alleged debtors Firestt)ne obtained a "writ of and toys' dispute as to the debt of the The court, in revTewine the Tor an informed evaluation. by_a undouWedly be- questioned. - Shevin-;— iiltonii'y— jjeiierat' 'n t wilhoU any notici^ or rrrr u'pliHlii" nrderlng sheriff W ' "tenant to Ihe landlor'd. hlSTOfy-BP^me 'doe process neutral state official, nor was it Idaho’s statutes are popularly Fl Pennsylvania victim's o^ However, the pre-judgment requirements of the 14tli any replacement for the right to known as“ claim 6nd delivery" Details of the decision were debtor. once, the "replevin" law were un- replevin of goods at common Amendment, noted that the a prior hearing that is the truly laws. However,a.similar lawJn_ .related ui Twin KaUs by Fred Jn these fHses, Decktrr satr}, a tinder the Florida taw. sucressfiiJ in* their smt as were law did not follow from an purpose of these requlrem ete effective safeguard' "ag^aInsV California was struck down by Decker, attorney, when he ••writ of replevin" was i.ssued Firestone had only to fill in the the Florida people Both the entrrelv ex-parte process of is to insure fair play to each arbitrary deprivation of the California Supreme Court' spoke to members of the Twin. by the clerk of the court blank.s on the appropriate form Florida and Pennsylvania pleading by the distrained. individual, and more par­ property rights. on similar grounds to those used federal courts upheld the The distrainor could always ticularly, to protect an in­ Falls Chapter of the In- authorizing and directing law documents and submit them to The court found that the by the U.S. High High Court to -tha rlorlt nl tho .jmall clflims ^constitutionality of the state's stop the action of replevin by dividual's use and possession of -tgniatloiial OeUit A«Jwi^tion,— entoreement offteerg to flciao states had abdicated state con­ strike down the Florida and ~TOJtulPS ■ claiming to be owner of the property from arbitrary en- and later in an interview on "the personal property in the hands court, who then issued a •w rif trol over replevin procedures Pennsylvania laws -prnfldtunanl tn minimUa^ ~^bject with the nmes-News. Tsrsncged debtors WTIen 11 allot eil pi ivattL '[juitiLj= me alleged creoitofs did rioT Tfie-TTS Supreme conrr sattr unfair or -mistaken seizures g'mem wr ur the lavi' firifr serving tHeir oot" private a f ~ in c x c Tf^ S j u ------require the persons instituting only common denominator property a danger thal is of Parry, Robertson, Daly and these laws allowed the issuance vantage, to unilaterally invoke He said a southern California ■replevin proct^infjK tti-sim.lha- hatwann ‘pfg-sent ri. .-I of **wrtt8" o r d e ping-8lat»^ of— Fwnt«?r iy.!i:cpl&via espfiaaUy.gcfiaLtjtbeiUhiE-atate. puwei tu ^eizcgoodg-rfrstate statutes and common law seizes the goods simply upon the DecHer said th« decision was firers to "aeize goods simply I.atcr the same day, a local alleged debtors ' None of the another person. No state of­ recently struck down this jst—Pennsylvania—debitor faplcyin was the fact that the appliootion end for the benefit no i,m pi isu til lawyui s toiiu se- upon m g CT^par te rfppliijtioM of— (Juputy .muji'irr ana an appnt ficial participated iF the provision of the Uniform ever sued in any court by their ancient action authorized the of another private party. the high court in Sni'adach v another person who, claimed a Firc.stone went to Mrs, Fuentes' decision to seek the writ, review Commercial Code because it -ri^rt^tfr^ssess'theiTT. -alleged creditors seizure property before final The basic theory of the court - - Pani1t>' h^me and loflk away llie st»* the basis of the claim -to the degrived debtors of possession ^ dectdrt^tn. JM% ,hi;itJ..a; —Margarita Fuentes, a a ^ stereo^______Under PennsyWanta tsw •TndgiiicnU---- -____ was that when-* person has an writ or - evaT|rnt^ , thg rux resident of Florida, had pur­ IHere was no reqmreriienf~thaf oppoi ttiiiltyttr up"in” nis Wisconsin I.a » unconstitutional Shortly thereafter, Mrs — nSElSCOMMON"— immediate seizure without chased a gas stove and service the creditor ever give the own defense and when the state which authorized a creditor to Fuentes instituted a law suit in These laws are today com­ notice and an opportunity to merely seized the property...the person for whom goods are must listen to what he has to seize, with state assistance, the policy from Firestone Tire and Florida federal district court monly used by secured defend possession. so-called "self help" remedy for seized an opportunity for a say.’ unfair and mistaken earnings of an alleged debtor Rubber Coiflp’any under a challenging the coo; c;peditors to seize goods credi tors_ hearing on the merits of the deprivations of property in­ while, in the hands of the"" deb­ conditional sale contract calling stitutionality of the Florida law- allegedly wrongfully detained— _U !o se cLefendingihe.state law creditor's claims to possession terests win be prevented.^ 1 t tor's employer—but before any for monthly installments over a authorizing Firestone~t8 sSze not wrongfully taken—by argued that the language of the Decker said this remed said no better instrument has court determination of the period of time. ■ i ' the goods jvithout notice or an of the goods The most that was debtors. At common law, a conditional sales contracts in probably finds its most frequeht required to be filed is an af- been devised by man for validity of the creditor's A few months after pur­ opportunltj^lo Mrs. Fuentes to creditor claiming a debt against these cases waived the con- application in automobile claims. chasing the stove and .service defend her right to possession of fidavil of the value of the a debtor secured by personal arriving at truth _and g i j ^ a ;^u7 tionJ"ri^“tiZ w l^ ^uie Bnancing industi]^ ^ e InSniadach, Decker said, the policy. Mrs. Fuentes.fiurebased the goods. • She eleiined the property to be sel*ed. ~ If the progerty -c0ura~n5l” » iz fi tHe" Terstm-in^ieotmrdy of > ^ - ecntr«U pJ^vidiST^. the buyer who neglects to m akeJiii. Court found ttiaT" en-pdrte a stereophonic phonograph Florida law denied her' 'Mue person who loses tHe goods- is personal property prior to loss ( m this case of property ^ payments runs rthe risk of seizure of a person^ unpaid from Firestone under a similar proces>i-of law " under the 14th ever to get a~^ost-seizure judgment by invoking the state .r.ghtsl notice of the case awakening-ooe morning -to- Hnd against him and opportunity to earnings was a violation of his contract The total cost of the Amendment to Ihe United hearing, he must initiate a law power. may take back ,the mer- Uie creditor harSetTetly taken meet it. — r ig h t s State's cenr-sTniiTion.— Mry? suit rtraiidliier**- -These -yrordfl were the car.______■ The court said in these guaranteed t>y the U.S. Con- $500.00, plus an additional Fuentes lost her suit in the In both Pennsylvania and" pfOvided some kind of notice found in relatively small type in replavin cases, tbaL.if the right .i5Litution..'niej;^iB-t held; 11 i A_ fmmce charge of oyer $100^00. United Stati^ Federal District. Flpridaj the party from whom and Oflportunity to' be heard by ^ m te d fonfisr unaccompanied Decker '■ said, although the to notice and a ' h'earing is to person whose ri^ ts (the right- TJndet^ the conditional safes Court in Florida. _ _ the property is seized must post the party then in possession of by any explanation clarifying repossession complained of in. serve its full p i n j o ^ 4hen, It to receive wages earned) are to contracts. Firestone had Three of the people.in Penn­ a counter-bond within three goods, and an official must have fheij^ meaning to the-persons the -Califbmla^ -case-- were <»»■- , iie«affected by "state action" retained title to the m er­ sylvania had purchased goods, days after seizure to regain the at least made a summary mmust u s iobe egranted p -a n ^ aat ia a utime m e whenwnen o,e tensibly private 'aets pursuant ( seizure in. this case) is entitled chandise. but Mrs. Fuentes was Incluiding a bed, a table, and possession of the property and determination' of the relaUve -deprivation of the possession of_ - to contract, they were to be-"heard"; ( 2 ) tn order for entitled to possession of. the other household, goods, under assert his claims to retain rights of the disputing parties the property can be prevented. authorized hy Section MOS of installment s a l» contracts possesion of the property. A later hearing may 'return him ______T— ^Ijejores - - agjroiirt. In ^ 3 lievlaHaL. the, Untfwm ,C»wnniffcM.O^ stmilsr to, the one S lg tiH ^ iP notifled of that opportunity; o n ,.W instSOEieitt TTie pre-judgment “ i-eplevin" taking the goods from one In (Justices Powell and Rehnqulst in effect in Califbmia. Ac- Mrs. Fuentes. The sellers had (3) the right to “ an opportunity payments. laws of Pennsylvania and possession 6f the goods. ,X »U R T REFUSES did not partlCJpateT, he sadd the^MUrt obtained •Vrits of replevin” , to be heard" must be granted at Mrs. Fuentes made her in- Florida are descended from Ihe The question the United The .court refused to accept fbund the reposaesdon acts claiming—Uie «U «gedX debto» •jnore coniinon law ot cAgiand^ some notlci had fallen behind in their in-' “ meaningfd manner.” than a year, but then, with only six centuries old, but they-now decide was whether the 14th done can be undone. The court required, or even that a court law” and vgere found to be of stallment paymmts. . Struck Down about t 200J»'remalning to be bear little resemblance to the Amendment requfreniimt of' PHgiOTlYania and lieariM Hwffiaiant atata ilHlml tn; ' ■ U6« M l^m tM m WJl fligir •paid, a dispose developed biie f^nnsylvflhia victim' 6t cbmmkn la y ‘ W it of replevin', profi^ural due process derived pre-judgment replevin court meirely held th at^ party the “doe process”constltatloaal„ courts in JJew York and between M rs. Futtites and the snrpriae seizure of goods. Reg^evin at coqimon taw vps from fonneT' Supreme O f ^ la ^ flew tn the face of tMa-must have tl^opportunity, to be question.' _____ U r - •

Mind Your Mdn,ey ■ “ By PETER WEAViih ' ^ be woi^ nearlace value for ^ Maybe^ouil find it at the~-deeades-aiid-it%- not-tamittg bottom of a piggy bank or in the interest. change from pojne anonymous —Medallions and m ed ^,. if cashier. • - you buy new ones in bronze for What you’re looking for is a educational or artistic reas6hs rare coin or piece of paper — finer Otherwise, they're a SAIGON (U P !)—South Viet; were routed 'from the ,19th V ie t n a m in a ](^ |wrt city. money._ You’ve got lots of comp- poor investment namese paratroopers tried to century citadel. Pilots rep o rt^ knockina^ut_^,iy I f s Hke a national There nro m«t>p ham ______t jKebfcjQuang Iri xityi^alled- tK# t>i> treasure hunt, says Ben and there but you have to know ®tontay7 but WBTtF" DOUgtasTTiBttonatiy—knowfr- how—to - evaluate'-thenjT' F o r...... driven bacli' by Communist got help from eight waves of In a delaved report, the tmmiflmatiat-flnd -Q p ^ iBer -r f- eaamplct certain gold coins are------iljiiiperstuirrtcadedlnHidfc.I'othe uaz heavy bombers and 100 jet command said three U.S. F4 -fising^^pidly , in yalue. But----- ~ South, ihe Norui Norm Vietnamese tighler-bombers^Tfat pounded rtiantom jets went down ^ over' Becoming ^ serious coMctor which dates? Are they fake? ^ p p e d up their attacks around Communist positions outside North Vietnam during the past of old and unusual money can be What’s the condition? Hue, blowing up ih e largest tlie city. The command said week with all six crewmen an absorbing |»bl^. You may If you think you have, a Allied ammunition dump in the B52s had dropped a total of listed as missing. Twa of the even build a valuable valuable coin or bill, your first area. 9,075 tons of eikplosives on Phantoms were shot.over North Investment. But, says Douglas, step is to look under “ Coin Saigon commanders said suspected Commurist positions Vietnam down by missUe-flring “ Your chances of striking It Dealers” in the phone book tfwlr—tmoDs hart rccantured near Quang Tri city in the past MIG31S last Wednesday, and jich — quick — are ab<^t the Yellow Pages and call five or ~ two-thirds of QuHng I'ri city, n n tayir; tiie—frish six, including those Qi a nearby South Vietnam’s northernmost In addition, the command from unknown cau^s. Sweepstakes.” big cjty if need be. -provinclah-eapital - 433 milea— said- American -planes-flew 34ft A B52.en route to a combaL -Pnrthp noiiglfts flnd — If-they^-e-intefested in whgt------north—Of— fiaigatte=But=4hey=Taid3—t>ver— over— Nurtli—Nurtii VtEtnanf ' mission over Vietnam crashed' others list some of the frauds you have, visit three and get an maintained the eity w ouli not Friday, concentrating their into the Pacific Ocean Saturday and myths being offered by tiie offer from each. Dealers are l)e theirs until the OOmmunisis raids around HaipmsHgri'TOTTlr unscrupulous Ur~uiiliifui nied. at Guam, the Air Force said, —The famous 1913 Ubery they need new material to but all six crewmen bailed out head nickel. If you have one, satisfy the growing army of an^ ^ r f spotted on life rafts you’re- -assured- it’s -a- fake collectors.- Hanoi attitude by search planes. because all are now accounted If you want to build up a Military spokesmen said the for in museums and private collection and be better South Vietnamese reconnais­ collections. Artistic crooks can informed, 117 joining one of the sance unit that tried to scout alter other nickel dates to read many collector chibs. Dealers said improving the citadel in Quang Tri city “ J913.” often have meeting notices on.a made its way to the fortress’ —Colonial and Confederate bulletin board and some thick stone walls with no money. Many copies have been_ newspapers carry notices, SAN CLEMENTE. Calif. PARTLY SUBMERGED, abandoned North direct and ipdirect contact that opposition, but then was spotted (U P i)—President Nixon’s chief made. There’s no law against it’ a ' rank VietBamese tank lies where It toppled Into jjpter the time for W io iu negotia- by North V i^ a m e se inside — A -r m o r -diplnmafto. itrataglal aaid Sa. dtaalnnfthaan n'irarrtiia unless the copies are palmed off Y,flU'lHlSSiU£££3§.tft., when bridge over My Canh River was ^ partly rtly . wha farced it M5eh wiHi hea^y u n g m a s: turday It appeared Hanoi would He said the United States was these books: ““Blue Book” destroyed. South Vietnamese troops pass scene gunfire. F o r e i g n fakes. d u n k o d "take a new and more reasona­ approaching the talks, which (Handbook of U.S. Coins, on way to Quang Tri, objective of drives. (U P I) Counterfeiters in Europe and ble approach to negotiating an were broken off May 4th after Yeoman, $1.50) gives wholesale rr-, . I the Middle East are cranking end to the Vietnam War when North Vietnam launched a prices and descriptions; Don- out fake U.S. gold p iec^ with peace talks resume next massive offensive in the south, I ribes meet lon's “ Large-Sized Bills" and . rare dates and denominations. Thursday. “ SmaU^ized Bills" give retaU with the idea of holding WHITE SWAN. Wash. (U P I) Elsewhere, serial letters are — Dr. Henry A. Kissinger told prices for paper money (two- systematic discussions to find a _ Thousands of Indians-fnnir^ being inserted on 1928, $1 silver newsmen he expected Le Due volume set costs $4.50). just solution to the war. ^1 parts of the United States certificates to make them T*»o-anrf- Xuan -'Fhuyr HanoiV^ He added: “ We have some gathered al Hie FT Slmcoe "instMt rarities. ’ ’ Individual copies can be two top negotiators, would be in reason to believe that perhaps ceremonial grounds Saturday to -H o a rd e rs ’ delights. The purchased from some Paris for the talks and left they will approach these security precautions help celebrate the return by uninformed are hoarding newsstands and most coin open the'^sslbility that he also negotiations in somethiog like the government of the eastern billions of Kennedy half-doUars, dealers. A je a r ’s subscription is would go to the French caplUiI the same spirit, at least we -s lo p e s -o f-m -Adam» to • the- EisenHbwe'r dollars, Joseph $6. For more Information, By United Press International the Federal Aviation Admints- others said security would be for secret negotiations. have some reason to Believe ,Yakima-Indian Nation. Barr . ( form er treasury write: Coin Worldi Box 150; Hepreseiitativ^s or aboul aOu ^ r e t a ry) dollars and other Sidney. Ohio 453^ gan stepping ___up security . centii-seeurity-checks" o F ^ F fiow Or” wheh. following a week-long review of - He said that while the U.S. trlbes from the Mlccosoukee of numismatic trivia,' “ hpplng Copyright 1972. precautl6ns to comply, with passengers and luggage at On!ofr^the W stern “comprehensive settlement of Alaska were.present in full “ order ■ requiring strict anti- less than that at others. comply with the President’s Whitt; ffon.se ______— ______, - r - —■______Hp said hig chief tfjc Vietnam.^.^problein,. -the -Geremonial==gartr and —high _ aome f r i e r s all order b^ut said he--wasa‘t sure deputy; Ma^. Gerf. 'STexander Ftesidenl thought the best spirits. dorhesllc comiinuter flights. on luggage would be screened' what it meant or • how to Haig, had found during a fact- approach would be to concen- -to—the—Prea- —and— -tiehet— ^agenta-^-warned -4niplemcnt-4t-if he did.------finding trip- to South—Vietnam— (rate the n'cgotiatiOBs on-ending^ ident’s order. Issued Friday by passengers to expect delays; According to an FAA spokes- last week that the communist military hostilities and leave a

all passengers must .submit two pe^k and that the North of Vietnam to the piefces.-of.,identification and Vietnamese do not not aow South Vietnamese. _sobn]ir to. Body searches tt appe'ar’fb liaveihexapabllity-to- I\o dtic warranted and that all carry-on launch another such massive MIAMI BEACH (UPI) — AFLCIO Pretidenl luggage" rmisTT)e^ar ched. attack: “ In the long run you're going Almanac George Meany rame by rail Saturday for the Kissinger said ' the period to see incrtased diligence in since President Nixon's Moscow Democratic National (^onvebt)oo and per- By United Press International 8 ■ pecurily by airlines but the IJin UIARVIN > slsteally brushed aside question! about summit had been one of intense Today Is Sunday, July 9, the White House Is going to have to diplom atir aplluit}? rfnrln^^----- ngM g MACKSflA^! organized labor’s role In nicking which the nominee. spell out whai 11'means, ' said a United States had follow, “I>KIWIIECUT” 0 " spokesma^i fop United Airlines. conveyed to ' Hanoi through The moon Is approaching Its new phase. ; CO M IN G S ' PANAVISION- TECHNICGLOR' H tn i-iO „ V The morning stars are Venus • ENTERT.AINME.NT!!# and Saturn. Elias Howe, Inventor of the June ?7 ifl July 9 tiwiMA ina I HELD OVER T(>lp,visinn Srhf>dnlf>s ■seWiny m arh inp, wa«; horn .Tiily l o d o y : AT 1 iO0-3:OO-5:OO-7:OO-97otr 5^1819. 4D Sunday. J u ly 9, 1*73 3. - AAU internaJional Cham 10:1S Kareo M for HappNness On this day In history: , r k v u e ; A t 0 p m on ch«nr>el — M ovie pions 2b ~ CBS Wews 7b E m e r g e n c y Tr>» Auariv ------10? W In 1943 American. Canadian Now you can sa e '^ Graduate" Hepburn and A lb e rt F in n e y In ^sl — C ham pionsh ip Chess 7b - American Adventure and British forces Invaded, bl|fer sweet exploration of Tournament Special______10; JQ •___ gaiffarfai' the first time: SlrliyTlliriliy WOnh vVar iwo. July 1 I to 16 • Turesoue thro uoh Southern 3. 5 CBS Tennis Classic 2b — Movie "Ftve Million fo 7s\ B o o k B e a t In 1960, Soviet PremlerNlklta France Superbly'bly directed by 7b - R o ller D e rb y E a r th 10.00 Stanley Donen with taste arvl ttyle 11 Lee Trevino 8 - Nashville Music H i ?b 3 5. /D. 8 U Khrushchev threatened the S H E B • M o rn in g _W e a th e r S p o rts 3:00 -11—— iVlnvie.. "The. Ynjiino. W rtrnnri United Staty with ro^eri- L Gospel-Movr ------U--- C-ampa.^fv ------D etrttr V a t r e V O * V i “ 'C om m ent t t r f e Tolfed in - 7 i r - V ------Wr.itnpr. SPnrlt can general — Old Time Gospei Moi*r 4SI Movie "Carry On Cruismg ' i. Movie. ."Love Js Th«A 11. JQ Vietnam. O pen 8 :3 0 3 — Tabern

n -r Mfrcl-. Jb - Good New s 3 — This i% the L ife «si — O ra l R oberts 5 Eleventh Hour 7b - O ral R oberts 9 - V|?yypttint . n : » 2b - Death Valley Days . 3 ~ Instght A&u 7b. ft — i44u»( *nd Anftw«fs Afternoon U;00 7B. tiT — tJemocratic Telethon C « o t m w « ______- , r ------3 — L a m p u n to M y Peet \ I — Emergency 5 — Richard L £vans Tribute , f:SO 7b — C«rt«dian Pro Football 7b — A B C New s 19:99 3 ~ Loofc U p and L ive 2sJ. 2b, 3, 5. • . n — N e w t. W e a th e r, 11:4} Sports 5 — I d Be A n fw unced- 7si — Evening at Pops ~ nw •------— 2»l. 5 — M o v ie To Be AnnourKed 7b — News. WeaftMT. Sports. CLOSED FOR

ranch bouie ol 'JBaiunu". I.V. tu n e .__ ! l^PENJULY 18th» Vitil Ihe Sihrer DolUi. Saloon, pjn for gold or ride Ihe Pondero^ trails. . BrowM througtrfrDntier town, then treat ybarMMI lo HOti^f ^hucjiwagon gnib.

1.43 SHOSHONE ST. N, • POWDEROSA RANCH, P.O. BOX 18. INCUNE VIUA6E, NEV. 89450 '••••xteee#ew^',e'rwwe#»ee#ee«ee*ee«eeeeee* British break studied , ’ Sunday,.Juiy 9. 1972 T)me»-New». Twin Falls. Idaho > f l o m a b Solar yiadow spreads- " s u p p l i e s by TJlst^r^ r e tcstattts weapons around world-Monda BELFAST (U PIJ-A mUitant miUtant Protestant IHster Van- earnesUy to maintain the Protestant leader said Saturday guard Movetiitot, made~lKe"T“‘t®'.’* Cr,“ 8 said. MOTHER of two children and By ROBERT !W. COCKRUM -Canadian Maritime Provinces M e rtu ry ; checking' on the Northern Ireland’s Protestant breakaway threat at a rally of *‘But we must now say, and divorcee, Mrs. Unda Vasquez, Upited Press International to fade away before dusk in the shape of the sun’s corona, the majority will brealt Ulster’s 20,000 sympathizers in Mother- we mean it, that if this is not fp North.Atlantic at 8:03 p.m. halavisible:aaJhejp 6o n ± to d a - ties'with Britain, if Tiecessary" well. Seotland. ' he the caM then we shall b r^ CalU., she bouifht two handguns- spread dartaiess across a EDT. ______' out the body of the sun, whidi . to preserve its B ritiarliei lUi^e -— hnpn jmH pray it wiBTinie liiQbn -anff'^»e SlSSill; “ go»d=4flend“ MivLn^l “narrow^trip' of Alaska- and - Although-' paths_ of totality gives clues to the level and ,and way of l i f e . ______possible the great British __public tliro(ign 01 Azmanoft a week before he and Canada Monday and cast its cross the same location on fopatinn of ifnlnr' artivity^— Ihe.threat came.aa the, death . wju— iBsist— thtl\r~TFr niir-Rrlttsh r—flafftfrpr—fitttgarian—fefngCfr- shni^ngj>ggrjactarofth« i lnttad- £actfajmceeverv-30(H^ars-as-a^ - looktng-fer-apictilea—wploalons- - till! In three years of violence government witbaccord us our~ ^ ay of life is out of jeopardy, skyjacked alrilher In California ^ tes. The blackout will range rule, it will be the second total ot not gases ^ r iiittt Bpuce— between Northern Ireland’s rights, because we desire most ne“ sattlr"^ ■^tyXBOtlTffien"werrHneffTy“ from about 14 per cent In San eclipse for the residents of from the sun's boiling Catholics and Protestant‘ major­ ' ■ Craig said Britain’s suspen­ F B I agents in shootout on plane. Fran cis to 9Q per. cent in Sheet Harbor, Nova Scotia, who and comparing the precise ity rose to 4()7. sion of Ulster’s parliament (UPI) Boston. also saw an eclipse oh March 7, timing of the eclipse with their Lawrence McKenna. 22, r in\positionof direct pile-marcl Scientists and W nateUf'Hstro; 1970. computations.------— Catholic shot from a passing Blast kills 24 had caused a breaKdown of logers will be watching from On ^the East Coast of car in Belfast's Lower Falls law and order requiring the land..sea and air as the moon’s America, a partial eclipse will area Wednesday, died of his -BEIRUT (UPI)-Gassan Kan- Protestant majority , , to act. He shadow . blola_ out^-the—sun.— begin-at-3!d2-pjiv-EDT-,-Fead>~ wounds Saturday. He was the ®foni, a Icadep4>f^-tliet:fixtceini5t _said that unless Ulater reEakifid ExpeMs w arn e^th at vlewine its height, nt 3-41 p m and wid 12th fatality since a cease-fire Popular Front for the libera- its own parliament ancTgoverh; Vlass slayer dies _ahttutdLlie-done onlylindirectly at 4U3-pjn^In-San-Franci8 of ..gMh»aiiw-fPFLP)rwas^-Tnent~^‘we""wtH~tal{t steps IF to avoid permanent eye da- the maximum eclipse will Ireland 12 days ago. assassinated Saturday when a ^tablish a government with a CH ERRY.H ILL. N-J- (U P I) after his conditloiv-woMiened in mage. visible at 10:26 ajn. PDT. TRADE William CraiR. leader of the Powerful explosion blew his car institution of our own mak- —A security guard accused o{ the early morning. Mrs. Elli- Starting at ^sunrise near Moving at 2,100 miles an to pieces. ing.” the mass murder of six person? abeth Bailey, assistant super- Sakhalin Island north of Japan, hour, Monday's full eclipse will ilied-.SataraaVTnjiSrtfnHv nBPff MIS 14-yeffl*Wd nlede aBb'wat" wfille, (Jraig s[X)ke'in scot- I he erlln.se will.travel eastwards last lonBest- 2 minutes and 36 GUNS Ellsberg killed in the blas( so powerful it land, Protestant militants in lyzed and still unable to say Doctors said the bullet from in a 113-mlle-wide arc across seconds—in a remote region split and pactially,. melted Belfast HigmnnflAH npwly. gnytWns thaLniiBhLgg^ selUnflicted^vsaunri. atilLysaSL-Jhe ^Sea .of nwhntsV the flOrthwest of-Hudson-Bay- and------I I R E D S ^ - Kanafani’s handgun, scattered built street barricades but said shooting spree he staged 17 lodged at the base of Grace’s Peninsula of Kamchatka in near the Arctic Circle. 215 Shothone St.'S. bits of metal and flesh over a another would stay up to create days ago. skull when he died. The woupd eastern Siberia, the Bering Scientists w ilt be searching to trial wide area andjleft a foot deep a sixth blockaded Protestant Edwin J. Grace, 33. died at left his right side paralyzed and strait, northern Alaska and for the planet Vulcan believed hole in a concrete parking lot. neighborhood. the Cherry HiU Medical Center prevented-ljim frOm sDeaking. Cai\pda, Hudson Bay and the spotted between the sun and Monday LOS ANGELES (\JPI)-The long delayed trial of Daniel Ellsberg for theft of the ■Peiitagui] P i a 5lets' undei“r way Monday .'more than a year after the publication of the cV)cuments dealing with the Origins of the Vietnam War. The 40-year-old former re­ searcher for___tha__ Defenae Department faces tlie possiblli- JyJeL &. long .Pfigon^term. as does codefendant Anthony J. Russo. If they are convicted by a jury of charges of espionage, theft of|^ government property, and cohspiracy. _ _ The main ' polnt.s of— tha. “ defense Arfe eit{>fictea to be that the 1940 espionage law under which they were Indicted does not apply to their; actions .and that the removal of classified documents and disclosure to the news media Is a common

■'Ellsberg had frankly admit- ted that he turned over sections of the secret study to the New York Times and other papers butj contrary to a widespread 4in{>resEion, the “ leaking" of the Pentagon Papers is not an i^Ue tn the case. TTib New York Times, which

for its handling of the documents in June. 1971, is not even mentiohed in the indict­ ment which deals only with Ellsberg's allegedly illegal re­ moval and possession of them. Sections of the papers, some ol them still unpubiisned. a re , expected to be read to the Jury ------B I G V A L V E by the prosetution in an -atteinpl tn show that their Boys'* 1.011^ Sleeve Sears Rejgiilar 1 Q.QQ Lliiiqiu^ tli.sclo.siire was or could be: harmful to the national inter­ iVriiia-Prest^ Sport hliirts Sid e F^ntry L a w n B u ild in g with Aeiioii-Ti aetidn Soles ests of the United Slates.

.">1 V4\

Most of the rioters were Urdu- "speaktng— Pakistafiis, tnainly ■ refugees' from India’s Uttar Pradedi and Bihar states.

LOWPHMiCE, h o w p m a e m ] * 4 * * ^ - ~SAt'BgS% : SA^B4Q% J S A y E 2 4 % S*-ar« Ihirahir l>arrtm ' t iWiit l lordiirov R<-j5iil«r 8.S.99 Regular M .‘)9 jtJ. Regular 95.99 gallon Regnlar ‘Wr Ii4*giilar P<»lvfnlrr PatiriK Hilh llvadlKMird JranM fo r ( viH m Babv Sfal <'.arrirr “ V’Iprmoni" Carpeting Interior Paint Ahinitnnm ll«i)e Holder S|Mirk l*liipw FURNfteES -CLEAHED^ AhtDSERVICep Itfiti-K teluir |iailp|«. 'ntra-urr jraiv in •i»r« inX f. on h ^ n d \ Muiri-lr\rf riqiH fraiiwr^ a (VtilrJrfHwt, w^ini fr«i-laW I )th*» _.tUinh . a vA-t—. —{“Z *W4J>«r4>- MwV nf ■ liphnmghf^ iHiuniir III a lo\rT% % rU ri*liLt* /int>h. H ill* _ |Mthr^lrT fa ll’ll' makr^ litllr «>r JuraMr mulrrial*.- |0 miml. ihi inMiin): x» mkm. l . w ’

Sears—Twiiv Falls '. ^ r a — Logan Seafs—BoIsc" ------Sears—Caldwell ^ ^earsi-lduOio Falls - Daily 9:3Q ji,m. till 9 p.mr ' ' Stnp Mon. andTri. 9:30 a.m. idi '* DaHy 9:30 C iii. till 9 p.m. D a ily 9:30 a.nL till 6 p.m. ' Daily 9:30 a.m.-tiliir^.m. &ars v T u is . Thiirs.,'Siit. till:frp;in. \ ----- r Ti»f«.~W««L.TIiiur«. Sat.-^ .Iue5._anct-SaL till 6 n.m. Mnn. anrf Fri. till 9 P.IW; -Saturday HQ 6 p .in ,.. ,. - Suncjay Noon till 5 p.m. _ 9:.T0a.m. iai 6 p.»«. Sunday Nooti till 5 p.m. Closed Sunday ^~Sqnday-|iteg»4ilL5 i>.ni .Muas. MMUVCE ANtf CA . . i n r ," 7 ’ ^ ------a: • *5, > ------^ ------_____ — —7- . ■ ■ ^ _ 8 TlniM.News. Twin Falls. Idaho Sunday,'July 9, 1972 IVImd Your Money Muslae remains uiis^atheS in candid^ warfare By STEVE GERSTEL phrey-Siid Gov. George C, Credentials CommittM to strip language he has yet used, at Govern no longer even speak to the nomination and the hati({,nal Q—The Wig Corp. of America metal between' the heater and MIAMI BEACH (UPI)—In Wallace of Alabaipa. Even a McGovern of 1S3 of his Humphrey and not the others. • each other in- the Senate convention begins to look for a compromise candidate—a Mml-^ called me long-distance and told carpeting gives protection. the increasingly ugly warfare large share of the uncommlt- Califoniia delegates. The California case, still chamber. me of a wig sale. TTjey said if Electric baseboard heating Is between'-' Sens. George S. teds, a distinct possibility, The chaUenge was brought by simmering, became a Mc- As a result,-Muskie has not nee who could, as 'bes't as the wig wasn't satisfactory it relativielj^ inexpensive and McGovern and Hubert H. would leave him trailing badly. Califomia'delegates pledged to Govem-Humphrey brawl, com­ been bloodied by the battW, possible under the circuntttan-. could te' Tetumrti and tlie. simpletoinstail^utithasebigtLjJumgt^ey, Edmund S. Muskie Mjiskie—like all the other Muskie, Humphrey, Sen. Henry plete with chargra and coun­ To McCiOvem delegates, ces, unite the party. McGovern money refunded. I ordered one. operating cost. strangelyVemains unscathed. candidates—cap do nothing Jackson of Washington and Rep tercharges. It was the culmina­ Humphrey is the villain. To delegates probably could never TOe wig came c.o.d. and wasn’t ------, . If. Muskie has any- chance at about his campai^ until and Shirley Chisholm of New York. tion of; increasing— hostility Hujaphre^elegates,McGovem swallow their enmity and vote _the colQiLi oniered, jo I mallied ' Q— 1 understand the Democratic presidential unless McGovern is stopped. Yet, wti^n ^ e decision was between tJjan. is the vUlaih. for Humphrey. ’They .might be hftlf-and-h^lf and nomination, hianbovc-the-batfle- announced .McQovern exploded. XRRS' They refused the wig^ and-K whipping crevim helps preserve posture could be the key. in the harshest and angriwt neighbors, Humphrey and Me- factor If McGovern cannot win , was returned to me postage the product but have you tasted With three days to go before Antiiysis due. How can I get my money the stuff? - Mrs. J,D.M.. the convention Qpens. the Maine back? ■— Mrs. F.H.R., Green Pasadena, Calif. senator has stayed aloof from -Rragg:-Mo: __hayerrt tasied it, Bor The fratricidal fftUd. He-speate iTie,other candidates, including A— Wig Corp. of America’s some friends have. I'hey say li"s t OTSHly u fTio one, and nn nne. -Mnskip Infnrmflllv have formed executive vice president, J.D. not bad when mixed with other speaks harshly of*him. . what Jack L. Chestnut, Hum- W inners in Blacker^s Apter, says they - donH give ingredients in a recipe.- The. Muskie has about .200 dele­ phrey'8 --campaign - manager,.- refunds but wih_ allow ex­ main advantage o*f "sterilized" gate votes on the first tialiot, changes for uro^tlsfactory dairy products is the fact you far behind McGovern. Hum H r*i ' k ' M wigs: "if they are airmailed 'cahT^rTQiem'lh a can orTydur shelf. You can store them for a A N N IV C II5 back within seven days of the date on the pilrchase invoice long time. ------(the day the company sends If you can’t get to the store them out) . . . in original con­ very often or want some canned Get ^ dition." ■ whipping cream on hand S A L E 1 That seems like an awfully ( versus the ersatz kind) to short deadline for sending back ______an e m e r g e n c y, then a perfect Contest W inners List a wig. “ sterilized" products are quite — ~-Apter-says^'th~ so they won’t get hotter than 750 F U R fliT U R E -degrees. This Is supposed to be The first Amerk'cin In .space FVERYTHIN<~ rC'f' Tl'[ safe but draperies should was Navy Dndr. Alan H, tiiways be hung 4 to 6 inches .Shepard who ascended 115 J|23^ridAVEJEAST^OPENMON^^R^jGHT^TI|^ above Ijaseboard heat. The- miles In a r^ckct May 5, lOfil.


C AECiJliilV


. It will, pay ypu tp .make fuTTuse of tfiis wuy luTetlLrce food cpsts. At Safeway, right now, ]j/Qjj'll fmd-^ tude of Super Saver arrows pointing the" wCiy to extra -^o vi ogs- oB -4tem ^-thxougho u t ..t h a., sJjOie.------—...... —__

When you see an item marked "Super Sqyer", it means a special temporary savings, even below everyday dis­ count price. Also wTien v/e make an exceptional pur­ OPEN 'TIL MIDNIGHT! chase or receive promotfon allowances from manufac­ WonderiullHscotmiiJPUiices^oiiv turers, we have an opportunity to pass our savings dlon^ to y o u . Becau^se f t i e ^ a T e te rh p o rary e x tra sav- Available Until 1 2 :0 0 P ,M . , r Jngsr^v/e mark them '"Super Saver",

, at Safeway r - We urge you to come in now and stock up and save. Every Night Of The Week Some of the Super Savers are listed in our ad X . . . jmany- more-d£& in .our stoi:e.,L e L . g i r o : w s Lynwood ond Mom Street Stores Only pCTnt^yoiriowdrd greater savingsTo^dyT i / 1 r ■ ^ ' ■ f , T ■' ^ _ ' - - • - .------>■ SMART SAVERS SHOP AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT

I . ■\ Sunday, July 9, 1972 -nm^NBVW, Twln-Fall», Maho. 9 ^ h t s

BYJANiBDUNN sitive, but so are the trees. “ A governor’s mansion. Five library thanking us for land­ There is • one 18-year-old girs 'that s’howplace one of the city’s . . BOISE (U PI)-If you’ve lot of trees are like humans. years ago Bousliman said, the scaping their building.” on the crew, the first girl to be main attractions. - happened to notice bow They c w b« dying and you' {Wo-square blocks of the le likes the flawers the hired, in such a Capacity, and beautiful the grounds around wouldn’t know it.” He said the SUtehouse were their "only best,\.4t^iU(gh, planning all who gets a lot of praise from her the Statebouse- are this sum­ Dutch elm s are especially re^nsibility. through th^'Wintel- for each bo.sses. mer, It could be because the sensitiye ahd must be sprayed That takes a $60,000 yearly spring pl4p t ^ . / “ I try to rotate “ I think most wofeen Uke grounds foreman is trying again this year for Dutch elm budget from the Department of the flowers like putting them on gardening,” Bousliman says, "some new'things—UKe talking' -Aaminrstrative-services- tBe'tritiie Mrners this year. ” 811^1 they are more gentle than" to the flowers. " Bousliman and hi^ 12- - propriated to the building Next year we will use a men—more trt^ey— good.— the best plants were oo one side. are responsible for the upkeep -pliments from people, tourists Fayne attributes the pleasure 1 think the guy who planted of a loisquare block area with espMlaUyj and state gfficials," they get from the job as a

them was doing some talking." the,Capitol Mall, the armory ^usllmansaid. "Weevengota ‘ ‘back-to-the-earth-approach. . H t A U. t U U * U t OH Not only are fle e r s sen- near Fort Street and the letter once from the state It’s good for them.”

• I

QUALITY HOOVER iUMLINEPORTABIJ. Complete with attachments, the Swingette has 840 MC GRAW EUSON watt motor, eosy-to-empty dust bag, extra length 2 t )ln c h b i 4 b o y woTTd.'Modet 409. - BREEZE iHARBfOUt INSECT BOX HOOVERS ^ISTEWWe— »t kills flies, Tnosqanoes anff Compact convenience, easy handling, power-to-spare 4 \ oiher small flying insects lor — in model 2017 canister. Save for a limited time. 1 I op to 3 months.

$1.79 Value M o d el 2 4 3 8 UPRIGHT VACUUM $16.5,0 Value Model 59-3, triple-action cleaning in one step. Rog 30 QUART thickness adjustment, two-speeds, large thr 6 w -a w a y hag JU iiV in *odoy! _ Children's - ■ f FOAM CHEST SAFE Floral VinVl LARG^ENOUCW FOR THE WHOLE l ^ f t R S f A T etHElEAGI FAMILY. BUT



12 oz. Crackers

R egular 1.69

DINTY MOORE just eat them alone\ ^ B EEF STEW LIGHT (Regular 3 9 ‘

Jl QUICK M U n N /TCAN. Powerful beam, mJ m/ ■ handy belt clip J 1 5 ruggad case ' / I n J ' y u r r u'I .W 3-way switch Reg. 1.69

2Vi LB. CAN REGULAR 1.19 Save! Northland Stainless Now,4or u tiiTutgd time, boy

intnrHiTm i^ 0|H>n 9 a.m. 9 (>.m, W^TH-PU^ .njp. aunUavx__ 12 oz .Bottle prpbably th« oloseat ’ L Y N W O O D LIFE l^VERS . R e g . 1.49 thln|; to your own skin Inbricuita^Ita high inten­ SHOPPING sity moiaturlacrr. Ificlud- ^CENTER ins • ntpersbun'danc* of ------ONTHEMALLTWIN^FAUS lanoTIn, In^Hcataa and . | iwir^ CUM ■oftenayonr aW a.J»«lp«_I . $hep daily a t tha Ben lil« m pnrratdiTiieM. TMnrelHi 9>30-fo Si30, "*°^^^”Opwtv6uirBmi.-].. __------Mohday.and Mday ctom ocwunt Iwlo — •vninga 'HI 9 . ^ ~

■ I i'-') rr"rr" :r I <•...... ■ — 10- TImea-News; TjWlh Falls, ld*ho Sunday. July 9, 1972 '

i n memories

requires that the general fund figures show iQ) BOISE (UPI) — state’s general fund are at hand. He said at that time he would have (Pic&ves page 11) sum m er homes in that area — keep enough- information Ip project next year’s in the black atjhe end of the fiscal year. showed a blushing deficit of $2.4 million Frlitay For the most part, o nly'.^ the legends alive. They tell again (or Uie 1971-72 fiscal year which ended Jiijie 30. deficii^ if any. — ^Andrus^^and the Republican-controlled the stories of these storied com­ Aft^ days -of anUclpatlon,-Gov, Cecil D. At that tiirie, the governor said,' he would legislature disagrM Oirthe projected revenues memories remain. " Andrus announced that prejlminary figures determine if a special ^ssion of Uie legislature of the state and the lawmakers adopted a budget . - The hustle~and bustle that was munities. - s h o w e d thprp w a s a cash balance of >1,8 million had to be caUed to raise revenues or-cut spen-. some $2 million higher than Andrus felt there the gold and silver mining days in There is the Sawtooth Cemetery In the general fund. He^ added. that en- ding. ------waa revenue to auppoi t.------“Sfwtooth Valley is gone. So^ are — shared hy Vienna and Sawj;ooth /-Iiinhranrps, outstanding. biUs and purchasing “ I ’m not.in favor of a tax in cre^ ," Andrus Tlie governor ^ d Friday that his figures yisnna. Sawtooth City and Eureka. City. with well over -25 jgraves,- said. “And Tdont' think-the peoplc:oftfae-state------— shewtliat general fund, revenues during the orders carried over to the present fiscal year Where hundreds of niiners lived, ~There is the old-bea^ trap — nude are either." 1971-72 fiscal year came to |123.3 million while totaled $4.2 million. fought, loved, worked and died — by Hand near Sawtooth Citym nd Andrus had earlier said that- the carryover •* Late Friday, a joint report by the treasurer’s the legislature authorized 1126.7 million in— bills Will have “a dramatic and traumatic and auditor's offices verifiWThe^ovemor‘3 -^pending:------r ------■ Impact on our state revenues" in the year million cash figure. "If we don't have the money, we can't spend There are,„ of cpurse, a few slaughter house is gone. The bear ahead. A freeze was e^Iier put on the payment of it,'" Andrus said. deserted and tumbled down log trap, constructed to keep the bears Fr»day, he said he would meet with legislative state Wlla durthg-June so tJ^ bu«lget coul^ He said without the^evenue figures for July cabins, a fewr trails, a'-f^ piles of •• fr<^ destroying the domesticated leaders in early August after July's revenues balanced at the end of the fiscal year. he could not project a deficit. . rubbish here and there, a few anim als, remains. There is the old cleared areas- where once a assay cabin. There is the squat | community stood. But other-than cabin which an. unnamed trapper— that it Has all disappeared. occupied near Eureka. | Board OK’^s F B h^ ad s he ar- ^ BuLjnOre. from Sawtooth City to Eureka to quiet of the past. Vienna, where a magnificent hot^l was located, and jh ea j?j;er ^Sawtoolh City, on Beaver-i> e^ is G em o f £ici a 1 the mountains to Ketchum is now gone. Vienna on Smiley Creek is money gone. > /ione. TWIN FALLS - Farm farm labor legislation was History buffs like Dr. Georg^ E. Only the quiet and the dreams Bureau presidents' from Magic tinder discussion as was the SANDPOINT, Idaho ( U PI) -- after the state revenue picture Brown and Ted Schiermeier — and those who sleep in the Valley couhtles met here Occupational Safety and Health A frustrated Idaho Board of has been tlarlfied. Friday for a briefing on current Act as it pertains to the farm Twin Falls residents wh 6 have cemetery remain. Education Friday gave tenta­ The four schools are the Uni­ farm problems by state of­ operator.^Also attending was T tive approval to the fiscal 197J- versity of Idaho, l(Jaho State ■f ficers. ^ b Sexton, field representative 74 general'fund budget request University, Boise State College Dale Rockwood, Iona, Idaho,-^of district 3. for all agencies under its con­ and North Idaho College. Farm Bureau president,- and aifford said the meeting is a I trol, except for the four in- The board, faced with the un- M oeou tivo — p itjid e rit"' twuJfftia evwit, inrsiginitf iu ' !itltuUuiui-Uf liiglim certainty uf T a tiu'ee pel eei'if " Shepard Quate, Pocatello, Inforhi the area presidents on Board President M.T. Uea- rolliiack in cufrenT 'Tundjngr ~9K- conducted the district 3 meeting matters of national and state tbn, Pocatello,^ said he would felt it was nearly Impossible to to report on current farm importance and to obtain views arrange to meet with the h6ads project the schools’ budgets. problems and Farm Bureau and suggestions from the of the four schools within the “ Board ihethbers concluded matters from the state aad county membership level* for next two weeks’ He a d d ^ the their two-dSy session Friday af- Gondie national leveTT^ grass-root planning in the Farm ' meetinL’ would seek to reahgn ternoon aboard a private'^arge Also partipipating were Bill Bureau organi^tion. No their respective budget requests on Lake Pend Oreille. Brown, mai-ketlng manager, policies were formulated in the to seat Nyal Rydalch, director of briefing session. commuflities, an'd i/iuls-Tgp- —"euunties in tin Damaee suit per, research director'of the elude Twin Falls, Gooding, on panel legislative division. Tlie Cassia, Camas, Jerome, meeting was at the-Holi The appeal carnt. from the of a Sierra Club suit to stop tracts will not be awarded un­ Court of James M Cunning­ -all future logging in such ar­ til the court decision has t>een ham. The case involved Donald eas The order will hold untii a rendered and Dahlia Glavin,-wha were married in 1946, and resided on a farm until 1970 when Mrs GeM i l a j j e u e y Gtavin soug“hl S divorce The lower court granted the BOISE i-an Koad Builders’ Association divorce, divided the communi- public iMtormation workshop ot "Ty—property and dSllied ■ rector for the Idaho riepartnH-nt Milwaukee, Wis., July 19, wife's request for' alimony of Highways, said today the de- 7Hi;s__ r.Tnm .^praleri partment will receive an honor­ Harvey said Idaho received denial of aliinony to the Slate s able mention citation for an out- Iho award fgr a prograin of highg^court. ' "“smidfng ‘ artilevemenrinrHigft- •persori-ib-persoh visits,with tel- Her plea was overruled in an way public information evision. radjo. newspaper and opinion written by Chief Ju.sUce Harvey said the citation will Mire service editors‘ to deter- Henry F McQuade, be presented during the' T2th mihetheirpreferencesreearding______1 Associaion’of highway department ir^orma- if yo u wian'i iq s £ ll /kell. oe: gOOO re^uHs with WSn! AcK -State Hiflhway O fficials-Ampn^— Uouon the stat^ and W p i level. 7210921

/’b.bOO volt chassis with NEW! solid slate sicTidTsystein • Hi Brite MaRiColor picture tube CORRUGATED FIBERGLAS Low Budget terrhs, ' Philco Cosmetic Color Circuit • S.eparate VHF/UHF channel with-trr sfore financing. pro-i/rdes a greater range ot cfTto'r selectors ~ ' ^ ’ PANELS We do it for LESS! shades, more lifelike flesh tones • Iliuminat'^^d channel indicator 6 Grades to choose in ■ * Green ♦ Pink * Vyhite ,*JfellavwL* Blue-

—lengtito—ep--tn 14 feet and prices stort low as 1 0 ‘ per ru n ­

ning fool up to V5‘ per sqoore foot. Some 8 to 12 foot panels ’ ...M.OOeoch. RIVER BEFORE HAS THERE BEEN THIS KIND OF BARGAIN OKQUAUTY BUILDING MATERULS IN MAGIC VALLEY! Use for Fences, Patios,. Garages, Bdrns, Trailer Skirting, roofs and slicJs —ond' toke "O—look- put together for a ’small price! j\PPMAr\TE STORES IINC. J e r o m e t w i i \ f a l l s BURLEY JjftSTHIirMIIRSEItY , 157 West IWain 702 IVTain Ave, North 123f) Albion. Ave. 54ip Rter Av«. — 5 btoclo'Wit of lynwoed Stoii Ught ■ 3 2 4 -2 7 0 2 7 3 »- 6 t 4 6


----- ...... V , ______S'______Sunday, July 9. 1W2 TImes-News, Twin Fa)U, Idaho 11

-Thftxemains of the-once,papular.«— and widaly. — -¥tet»ta-Hofe> gt Wtc mining town of Vienna on Smiley Creek. Construction with wooden peg» instead of nails.

Cnwses erMted by Twin FaUs Lutheran Boy Scoute m&rk the graves at the A mULboUer ruste a Way itayean in Sawtooth Valley. . l i TInre».New», TwIn-FaHs, Idaho Sunday," July 9, 1972


P A ^ S (U PD —North Viet- cohference the President an- nam*! chief negotiator U nounced that the United States, returning to Paris for next and South Vietnam would week's session of the Vietnam return to the conference table IWHPB r nnfi»r«»npe—the first in next Thursday and the Commu- 10 weeks, aHanol official said nlst side had aigrleed to atleiiU.

change in the Communist pass through Moscow t>efore position. . arrivljig back at his post early nert-week, the official said. "The negotiations will be able Thuy. left for home after to progress if the United States President Nixon called off the renounces their aggressive posi­ weekly conference s ^ i ^ . M e y tion, stop bombing and mining 4 and later ordered Increased ports and abandon their neo- hInfltaHp nf IMprth colonialist policy in South Viet Vietnam and TTlhey rM ^n d- resident N ix o a i^ d -th e re -positively ta the seven-poInF was no point in going on with plan of the Provisional Rievolu- ThF~we5l!iyT(Tecnng5* "Tlre- tionary trovemnrent- lime because he said, neither Vietnam, Bie-oBrcTffl sail Hanoi nor the Viet Cong showed our side .we‘On .we will signs of wishing to negotiate continued to show proof of a seriously. serious attitude and good will,” However in his June 29 news he said.

M e r r y

Question: Do cats have hay .He Is half Alaskan Maiemute Ho all the classic sym ptom s; always goes with me when I sneezing, stuffy nose, runny ride my horse so gets quite hot eyes, but she is not sick (eats In the summer and is constantly Wfll^ frinky grnwing) t^iWng B dip in the nearest Can you g ive cats irrigation ditch. I have taken antihistamines? Wm to several veterinarians but »er; Cats, dogs, guinea have no answer to the cause of ' pigs, iiuinara r ' gml iiiOst --of--hla-«iccg»iv » tfcratching. ■ God's other creatures can be 1 have never found a slhgle allergic. A stuffy nose looks , flea on him either. Is it possible about the same whether it's on that he can be strongly allergic the front end of a to various crops, weed seeds described and sprays used in a farming " " ' ^ bla alsu ouHrtwftcm s—~~ __ _ ^ lot . ... ______AUergies, can be caused' by Answer: If your veterinarians ______have ruled out afflietions like olien difficult in'^llpUDSltili!„ Ixf Uver...... disease, rnirmone pinpoint the exact cause. Patch imbalance, staphylococcal jea tlng.(asis-donfcla Jiiima na ) is uifectiuti, and uai-asiter, aU. ^ serdom used in pets unless the moves tb lRfe top”of the list. allergy is extreme. When It is Pollen from flowers, crops, done and the allergen can t>e weeds, dust, and sprays w e all L prime offenders. Ask ■ your injections may t>e used. V e tje,r Inarlan a b o u t These injections are effective antihistamines. If the problem about 50 p€f cent of the itm e ^ d is allergicnhey shouldKglve the must be repeateiTyearly . That's 'dog some relief, even odds at best.so -tfs more Cton'l overlook that dally dip common to dispense with the as another exposure to all sorts testing and treat the symptoms of malingering bacteria and AT T H E BG N with antihistamines and fungi. Most irrigation ditches sometimes corticosteroids. We are notably.short on pure Rocky often find that allergies are Mountain spring water. seasonal and will vanish with Why don’t you- try bathing the first hard freeze (only to him with a medicated shampoo reappear next spring). when you get home from these I don't believe 4'd just tag excursions? And because dally jum kitten— ull«i|jii"' UiOUJili UPBsme » aryingi you'^ until she’d been checked. add a skin and coat conditioner Pneuifionitls and a few of the to Ms food. "other viria>!3 can nrtasquerade quite well as "hay but once they're recognized fever.” they can usually be eased if not Qu'estibh: ”My dbg has an anrnared:...... apparent Intense Itching and If you have a question about when not active will set and your pet, send it to The Merry scratch vigorously for a Pet column, c-o Times-News, prolonged period. He does this ja a i_ 54fl,—Twift--FeH3 , Idaho Viry frequently. 83301.

LUXURY SHAG' BROADLOOM Why buy from sample swatches buy from the roll and you con see -svhot your rug wilUook like in your home 10 year w ear ffO O fa n tw fx ceec/s FHA RequintmBnts • ^fom s«v«ro) and ^ members Glacier -and ...... earned $4,500t() finance the trip. Natii^nnl pnrlKi telephone services aind com­ for the trip. AhQiit a .score of plete final details on the office finishinK. cers a r res I o in DOG I.IFK can't in- too bad if this is an example. Those two pets o(,the Tom Hutchinson McClure family stretch out for a nap in the, air con­ Ketchum driiii; crackdown f lo t d u g s ditioned back room of their owner’s shop In (Continued from P. 1 According to Ketfhum Police Twin Falls, during a hot summer afternoon. 1 pressed concern over what he Dixon and Qaymore have p iie f Dennis Haynes the raids called th e'“ continued and talks in ‘ been released on a reduced H urrm :!'- rn n illj^ ----- ideaprend"------bond of $500 cash each. All the "contitjqing and intense" in- hallucinogenic drugs and the others are being held ii) the vesWuatj.on through - joint illdgal growth, sale and con- Burley , Minidoka mayor^ Blaine County jail in lieu of c-ooperation between the Ket- sumption of marijuana. $1,000 bond each. chum Police Department and Haynes said. "We hope.the B T JR LE Y '- James Blaine Arraignmdnts in Bliiiae— thc—offwe—> entire 23‘v years C a s s i a have been continued until the last two days are only the any future use of a controlled Miniodka area Thursday and busy Mayor Dorothy C ou rts of her ten^e. Mrs. Courtright K l m o r e Monday in order that they may beginning of a crackdown of substance and the growth with Friday.' right, who is also secretary of also worked at the post office obtain attorneys. drug abuse and the illegal intent to-sell marijuana. " 'On “ Friday^night. TVIceii^— the—MtTiidoka County Zoning for three years under the C v o o f l l n f ; Also set for ■ Monda^ are growth of marijuaria plarTts^uT '^TJrugs are a problem in our spoke to a small group of East Board, has a new position — previous postmaster, Pearl Jeromo arraignments for Meyers and Ketchum," CPJOim uni ty, -said.. Jerome County residents at the filJL-lime "o ffic e r . in Mason. IJneoln - Claymore. The department chief ex- "With leads and cooperation of-^ Paul ,^Werner h6me, near the charge" at the Minidoka Post several people wltK tlie TCet- — Tlie ne w- postal "bosg** hf y Jeronie-Minidoka County line. Office. ^ !Wlnra«ka chum Police Department we served not only as the only Thursday evening McClure Though not formally named are going to continue on an even distaff mayor pf the city of Twin Falls spoke to his Mini-Cassia sup­ to the postmaster's position yet, greater tiasis to expose the Minidoka, but as the only ma.vor V alley Shoshone club porters at the Ponderosa Inn. Mrs. Courtright hM all the. residents o f our Brea to that of either gender, The CQ.ni-- Sunday. July 9, 1972 facL" ...... munity, formerly termed a ataut the^hifih food prices and - the postmaster. The U.S. Postal "village," became a city under the welfare problems. He .also ^ .v ic e ’s Board of Goveraors . State law in 1964 when other sjponsors eyeiu spoke on the recent Social will make the formal ap­ terminology was abolished Security benefit boost, federal pointment. ■ SHOSHONE - The Antique Tickets inay be purchased C(tfidifiate spending, Viet Nam,’ en­ Mrs. Courtright succeeds Mrs. CourlrTght' ITien serving Festival Theatre, sponsored by Mrs. Howard Hill, club vironment and education. . Pearl Woods in the top spot — as chairman of the villaL'e the Shoshone Civic Club, will president.' ^ campdigns .... MM'liirn iviis a.slfpdlh rftirifv ~7io new TTiini; for "M ayor board, was named mayor of the prPSPnl P chn.., nt thn Aneicnt ear “PiWPJ?® will go a com- his voting record In Congress. Dorothy." who has worked with new "city" m 196-1, .serving City Park on July 17. He said he attended a "Vital Mrs, Woods as rd ief post. continuously since .Ihat time. , munlty project, Mrs. Hill said. i 1 } P f The chamber of-commerce TWelve cw t mem6e7s will be7 * meeting om zinc and other metal By MARJORIE UF.RMAN will w-operate with the Civic -jjerfon.iing, and facilities are imports" in Europe last Timcs-News Writer Qub for thei^enl. solicited for the youths for GOODING — Cong. James November and while he' was HOLIJSTER - A„1911 Lozier car passing A free tuppet show for uvernighl' and breakfast, McClure. R. Idaho, cam­ absent from Congress nearly 10 through Hollister and Berger Friday morning Filer firm gets children will be held at 4:M hMp.may paigning In Gooding County per cent of the total numtier of c-rrated a lot of Interest on Its way. .Friday' for U.S. Senate '■roll-call yoies were recorded. Mrs. Dlfk Parrott, who lives near Berger, producUon. con tacrW rs.' Howard Adkins.- . "Before The Flood" will begin hpusmL- chairm an. nommatlon, said America's said the anripnl hinrkinpen car natgfd her « n- at 8 :30 — :------is obsolete and Highway 93. It had an Illinois license and a man purchase offer This is a comedy, a story of Mrs. Howard Johnson and .‘‘growing like ciincer.”. ' and woman as passenger. Noah and his family before the >^s. Kenneth Blackburn are McClure who hopes to be the The antique car later came tiirough Hollister flood and his problems in get- chairmen of the dinner for the Republican nominee for tlie By MARJORIE UERMAN 500 members. Charles Cun- heading soutb. Mrs. “ Diide” Heostock of the Ung his family and'the animals cast ^n Monday evening before Senate seat being vacated by 3 fire s Tlmes-Newij Writer____ iungham. is. manager; C. .J__ Henstoek,Store; said-the-car-attracted-lot of ~amrr the'arlf;------l*ie performance. FILER — The Idaho Cedarholm, chairman; Ora attention because the steering wheel was on the Gooding, WeniielL and Telephone Co., Homedale, has JonSs, vice chairman; Ijeonard, right hand'side and because of the unusual noise Hagerman. Accompanying him reported made an offer to purchase the secretary-treasurer; Arnold the horn made. on the tour were. Vernon Filer Mutual Telephone Co. Gier and Duane Ram.seyer, Spectators .said the car was going along at a Ravenscroft. Tuttle and James The Homedale company sent directors. good speed. prpsiirni**^'y | -...... ~ Yost. siekmg repuDiican in a r e a —^ l«atoii tn nil ■Piri"’*"rw ha,''v ^futwl. ttipjr^ nommatlbns as representative members of the Filer company . opposition to the purchase on brtd senaldr In Id a h o s U t ^ ring to purchase the assets the basis that the present legislative District 23. Falls County near Hollister and for $1 million in cash , mutual and non-profit structure approves travel McQure said last year the another near the Utah-Idaho The Idaho Telephone Co, at presents advantages in lower SHOSHONE - School board Manhattan Cafp Maynr__ United Sfates gp«nt na fanlmr_ they -h s;rTi?pttgirtO tR e~T i^= ' - A range iire' p r o b U n T ^ needs of the ^on Runberg and Ben Webb The July 13 meeting has been were ' named tu 'i tjprtiSKiir tin; — Job 'ti ainliig pi agranis must ' femoined at

HAGERMAN — A day full o f events is Barbara Hall. Bliss. Mrs. Hall' announced en- The dinner will be under the direction of Mrs. scheduled for the ’ anpual Pioneer Day fiies are coming in fo» this wntest and reported R K. Bendorf. - celebration to be held in Haj^erman on July-22.‘ ■■ the candidates wtH be limited to-eight-this year, -'' The parife will be presented in five divisions According to Bishop FIojtI H. M ar^, general Merthan Ellis was appointed parade chair- ’ which will include organizational, riding chairman, the queen's contest will Be held at 9 man. He will be assisted by C.W.. Oipules and groups, marching groqps, old-time and com­ ajn.and the parade at 11 ajn . A dinner will be Jack Allen. Anyone wishing to.enfer the ^ a d e mercial. Cash prizes and trophies will be served by the Hagerman .Ward Relief Society in should contact one ot these men prior to parade presented wiiuiers in eaph of these divi^on^ A ) the air-conditioned cultural hall of. the church time. EUis may reached by calling 837-4823. chUdten's section will also be held. directly across the street from the city j>8rk and Linda Wood will be rodeo secretary -mdeo aten a-jh ejod eo-gill beginrat 1:30 n,m - WrondF Wuutl, BlUa; rodeo amtniiaifiT" ' At 8 p.mo an even mg's, entertainment will be Ralph Steven's rodeo string. and by furnished by' several groups of barber Slop A Kids' animal r a m b le t9 planned agabi this ■ WSOd’s Ranch, Bliss. ' - s p a c e I quartets from throughput Magic Valley and ^ year. The scramble, which will be under the Buckles or trophies win be'presenled in each rocket pbnfe, went oB dfatpiay la Twta: Falk - sogthent Idaho. There wiH be no charge for the 'i direction of Ed Larson, will be held In tw o .- rodeo event aS wettas pay-off money. The rodeo Saliirdliy at the Ljmwood Sbo|ipttg Oedter. It i» evening event. divisions for lhose-chil(fren up fo 7 years of age feature a full schedule of events which will D c s ig li on todr from Nortioa Air Fectc Base, CaUL, aad Committee chalrftfCT were-annwmced by and for those from 8 through 12 years. Anyone ^ include bareback, saddlebronc, team topingi- it a new design wtddi'Kov«niiieBt alfidala iMpe ^ M ar^ at the meeting Thurs^y evening. Co- wlaWng-to^lonate^animal» m ay do so b / «m — — - ribbon ropii^g; wild cow race, bull riding, calf o f fu ture chaiiroen for the queen's contest arerfilair and ..fe t in g Larson. , ' . fcping,.roy and-ldds-calf-rid^j^— _

I -I '

t r ; . .. f4--iSmBS-N0wi."Twlrt; pajls/'ldatio 'Sundayt. July 9, 1^72 ■ Marichat ends slump .V.*'/ ' ■ ■ \--A. ^ • ■ / r' MONTREAL (U PI)-The San Blanco t% 1 0 0 0 ftanko p 0 0 0 o C a lla tim r 364 3 ) 0 !Hoo& p h j 1 0 l o FVandsco Giants back^ Jiia'n A(\arich«l p 3 2 7 0 Giibtft p 0 0 o o WHItsms rf 1 1 I 3 McAnaMy p I 0 o o Marichal’s first victory since ' - Strohmayr pO 0 tl o ' F a lre y If '3 0 0 0 lit, flliack T otH ------i t M i? I an ffra n cltc o ■- ■ OOOm i m - o .^Mentrtal 000 001 OOO— ) E—Foil.' McCai'vef.- Futnln. OP-^ AAoptr.tai 3 LOB—San Francisco s Montreal 4. &WHH 3B-Woodi. Bondi 3- HR-WIMIamt-i}) SB—Callagher. S—Bailey Ip h r'tf bb u M artcnal W 3 10 A 4 ) o o i The powerful Pirate Swim at Hannon pool are eipect^d to • claiming second with 602Vi. The. 3 1 0 0 0 0 r-a-Q-S-} 5' club of Magna, Utah, ran off ■ Vie In tne wuipi-water swim capital city crew was third a f 4 A 0 2 I with another team tiUe in the .^ipday qt EWerke's I^ke, - 547‘/4; followed 1)V Utes 117. Renko » 3 < 3 7 CT pool “ portion of the in­ Magna piled up 890Vi points to Nampa 313, Bountiful 295, G ilbert I 0 d 0 I 0 Strohmayer pitched to 3 bartert m termountain AAU e ^ y c U ^ the title while . Cotton'wopd 213, Twin Falls 202, Save-- Johnson (5) H B P -b y M arichai duunpiooships .gaturday. Id ^ o Falls becartie the first Pocatello 18(rand Brigham City (Hunt) T-3 3S A-ir,532 ' About 225 of the individuals Idaho team in'a long while to cofhpeting In the two-day ^vent place ahead- of ' Boise Y in The Pirates also provided four of the individual leaders. The.Jea^rs, by class include, eight and under girls, Chris Rosengreen, Bountiful, 52, and Twin Falls svyeeps boy, Clarli Garso, Utes, 52; 9-10, , girls, Tracy McFadden, Twin Falls. ^O^and Jeff Bull, Nampa, pair from Boise 43; H-f2 girls, Nancy Taylor, tltas.- 52.' and tiovs. Corv BOISE — Mike Anderson an^ In the seven, Hanchey opened Killpack, Pirates. 46; 13-14 Dennis Warburton threw three^ with a walk and Saras followed girls, Bonna Aflen, Granger, 43, -and Mikp Kiljp^irk Pirate.s. 43:. night at the plate 'Saturday again hit to load the bases and 15-17 girls, Pat Cleary, Boise Y, when the Twin Falls Legion the runs scored on Groves' •49, and boys, Lyle Christof- swept a doubleheader from the fielder's choice that retired no ferson. Pirates, 48; senior girls, ONE OF THREE gold medals hangs from the Boise Gems. one, catcher's interference Kirsten Tucker, F*irates, 52, and neck of John Hunter, Gooding State student' Anderson, getting late run while Mike Fries was at bat and, 'Seffior boys, Taylor Martin, from Id^o Falls, at the national qua/lfying^r support, won the opener 8-3 Mike Tremaync’s walk with thi^ Pirates, 52. ' the world deaf games. Hunter won this event, while Warburton protected a t>ases full. The mile swim at [Jerlce's the 5,000 meters, with Hall of Kansas second and one-run lead most of the time In the nightcap. Twin Falls will start at 10 a.m. and follow Stei^en McCalley, Gooding Sta^e, third. Hunter and claimed a 4-2 decision in the took thejM d in the second when in age groups through con- . e h a m p i o n added firsts In the 10,(^ m e te rs and 3,000 meter steeplechase. McCalley placed third In the long 1 niiihtcap. Twin Falls’ record ia ■Trehiavn^ and Warburton colusjon, expected to t>e about 3 , START YOUR LIFEf IME DUET event. Both Will yeprM eiin ill!! t'UUlllry in till- now 19-9 with the teams slated sandwiched doubles'around p.m. Sunday. world games next year in Malmo, Sweden. VyiTH A MATCHED ENGAGEMENT for a single game at 1 p.m. Dick Walker's RBI single. After Individual Medivy t lyfit <»na unO«rf g'Jis I ko>engrern AND WEDDING RING SET Sunday in Boise. Boise had pulled into a tie. Twin hS D f .SM.:r »S D WrtHdte Boi^f V II M) I • Uuys {. M'fi hell Hill / > Twin Falls fell behind ^ in Flails went ahead for keens in TtW WTTTTacIT'rr*n So ion^singlenoss. It’s going to be the two I inning ot the fourth when Trem'ayn^' » IliJiii.O. IM HS II jl 8 Ni^Aio r'.f t .a T M( r.id Boll. N-rii '1 ;8 7i B Grt«\o Ijiooding State’s Hunter wins be as well matched as you..We'll show you with four in the sixth and three On balli, Tremayne eventually Irtylor Ulfs Trtyior BY rtnJ a dazzling variety of rriatched engagement and B I mviiu* HY more in the next inning, \larch scored on Warburton's bouncer. AUi4.li. D Whilfifv. U!ci. aOU O wedding ring sets. And help you choose rings AncJtTlon HTsT 12 H yirl% D All«?n Cr Hanchey and Saras opened the ^ It stayed 3-2 until IhFTop of H S-J V tf f .shfij rtOfj W CrflOun th ree firsts in L.S. meet exquisitely made for each other. Like you sixth with singles and Kovin the seventh inning when Saras Hi AiMi toy^ Ml. J^tti were meant for each other. < Ek’p* 'IU- .>nr} D And»;^»on H( S I Nelson was hit by a ^ tc h to load - provided*' a__littlp.. breathing tLXUtix ... a.v.. [ the Ume, hutxaughl the— wa.s excited ahfiiii his chances ■tJ .i«td t)Oys H Pniipol .the bases. Darrell Groves space for his ex-Wirflco 1*1 '; K) H junior - to - be at Idaho School first runner with two laps to go in the world games You have to teammate. Rick Spriggs walked I Oif . smtfj'fson 1*.I .imi O H.»rUa>«. for theDeaf (Gooding State; <^d won rath,er e a s ily ^ ______remember,. llWildlng m in ted prompted unloaded them with a H.YA1 . wiiiur. u>fl^- p. Iutht;f. P^r and' flew around when Saras I vVgi‘r I. lii Pif V lu ij'fl% Wursliyr - Hunter^ wbo-won the state A-^ Bass nam«A£oaeJi^-^ Nrt'TK rtOiJ iKJyS D Nifolo ]' Boll .ifcr■ J AAfyrr MHAFH U W. g rik N two-mile and placed third ifl the tmier-weni— —the longer- Mi)f U)» distances and took the 10,000 Culloii I K of ABA Memphts " meter isix miles, 376 yards), ^5;0e0~Tneter t three miles, 4M MEMPHIS, Tenn. (U P Il— Finley, who said he "detesls" yards, and 3,000-meter RflcC n v<*tArnn. f>narh in fh<> nirkpMnit* SriimNGTTTBOSR^E^rs SALE ytceplechaae -' ^^ne-mile;- ItSW— the American Basketball Asso­ of "P ros," is currently holding IK)ys ' Mrtf l.fi f’ r I 1 IS 4 AOO B, Liirson. C olt yards). His times were 16:00.1 f^reeityle ciation. was named the now a contest, with a $2,500 first at 5,000 meters, 34.27.0 in the r head coach of Memphis’ prize, to find a nay^ nickname. rtCKUfl iMi.S long event and 10; 29.4 in the professional basketball team Until then, the club renwins M( rtOiIff' II I I IH S. M steeplechase. Saturday. nameless. my h‘. ^ In the two shorter eyents, he Bass coached the Miami- Finley tlid not attend the Qirt^ N I Tflylor H I 11 Qt) e' D l>eat the , i^ericatju je c o rd bas«d Floridians last reason „ -iiewi^ «ters and was sixth in the with regularit)' did serve as temporary general managers HAl.TIMOKE lUPIi-Second 1,500-meter run. „ ttidnager of the -tasumun l^enny Randle pow;-. „R u!>s. Hollins of Gooding SUito a permanent manager is “ I didn't come here in a ered a three-run eighth inning placed seventh in the discus and named. hoiise trailer and I didn't tell homer which gave the Texas sixth in the javelin but went ’ ‘After considerable discus- my kids not to make any Rangers a 3-1 second game unplaced in the shotput. sioii wtt*<-ButJ~Hnd L'un&ultatiuns friends,"- Bass said: Mctorv .ind doublehcadcr The Idaho girls picked up with other owners throughout and I have already found Orioles of the Baltimore medals but were unable to get ^iirh V fiatuftkr UlthL - Bass b the man to coach my ^ will buy and it will take 30 After Rich Hand seven-hit the of Twin Kalis placed second in team," said Finley, who also years to pay for it Orioles for a 2-1 win in the the women's pentathlon, run- owns major league baseball and "So, as you can sec, I plan to opening Kame. Casey Cox and ning thw 100-inetar hurdles in - STARTING TOMORROW hockey teams. be here for awhile PaulWndblad (.'ombined to stop 19 1. throwing the shot .10 feet, 4 the Orioles in the second game inches, high jumping four feet, OPEN 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. and hiind BalUinore its third long juiiipinti 11 feet, 11 inches straight defeat and running the 200-meter dash Three marks fall Randle's .second home run of in .13.1 The point total was 2,450, the year followed singles by Hal the title going to Ann Reifel of King and .Tw T.ovitto 16“erase' a Indiana at 3,003 points. in women’s meet 14) HalUmoro l«>a-»t««)- 1,500-meter, breaking the old Diego, placed first in the 200- _ represented this country in the record of 4:14.6 held by Don.' meter dash, edging out Miss • I' '* world games "He didn't have . Bcawn. .She..ha I Patty Johnson, a Washin^on the American record Barbara boat Phillio.s native now living in San Friedrich, the current xecord PHII.ADFI.PH1A I UPI l ^ -ST l.OUIS lU P li-R e g g ie Clemente, Calif., ran the -100- holder, was disqualified in the Nate Colbert drove in five runs, Cleveland pitched a seven-hitter nwttr tiuraies In ' twu. fiiialjT.------r------indlitaihg rvii'o with a ninm- 8 e r c*' i '■ 7 ? * ne itw-m«ter Hash was so enter the . event for each C o 'b ^ t >0 5 7 < S JOt\nsan 1b ) 0 0 decisions. r* > 0 ? O * close, offlciab hid to rely ol>^ country regardless of whether ■S»*hi c* S 0 0 0 t> * r» 3 C ' : M atiyJUou reached base on ‘ photo finish camera, Barbera c 4 0 0 a R O ©.n«)n f< ’ a 0 an InfleldsinglcTiTthe first anij she meets the minimum n 7 0 l \ B a te m a n < i 0 ' Farrell of _Los Angel«t- won 3 0 0 0 Garnftie pf 0 0 0 0 scored on Torre's double. pTie standard. • R o ts 0 . Q 0 D D irv a n F- with an 11 3 lime. Iris Davis of Mrs. Connally,. a mother of M a r m o t 7b 3 1 0 0 Cards made it” 2-inn“ Biee3SOj CAampion o J o 0 0 Nashville, Tenn., and MattUne four, Was a gold medallist for * F re e d p ^ 1 0 0 0 . wheO Ted Sizemore doubled, Render of Ntw York City were L * T K h p 0 0 0 0 went to third on Alou's sacrifice Czechoslovakia in the 1956 & e !m a o 0 0 0 p in a dead heat for S^ond. I 6 1 0 .Shp later married p ^ .. _aM ~ tim T M B II n 1 1 ! 1 T o u t* 15 1 » » American lathlete Harold Con­ San 0(*«e t«l 000 tS i— 9 tall. The Cards now have ' but Miss Farrell. ” 001 MO 0«0— S nolly and thoved to the United E ^Aor(*v DP D egO l Pn»i»(jet 16 of their last 18 and six of ■'in “the SOO^neter event, Slates. ____ p^*.# « LOB Sar D.ego § 6 eight - With . the__Astros this Olympic gold m ^ llis t I^ade- MB co»t>^*MT: SB bo«.a s season. No long Jiimpers made the BotWrft SF Mernanatt r l i i » tim in g - Jacl&on placed Olympic standard either, so first with a Although She C aidw »M 7 * ) Martha Watson, of Los Angeles, Ro»» .^3 1 ^ 1 0 was slower (han th^ Olympic O « m p !o f» 7 : .j Trout as large as 35 pounds wiU represMt this country. Her L « t* c h • • 0 > 3 1. 0 q u a ilin g tini^ her r^ord 2;02 best jump of the night was 20 1- L 1 A J 3 '3 3 have been caught in Argentine Lv rtc N j^ttch rti to a tM itvrs .n 'docked, at jUie B l a ^ .Lutlwr 2. The dlyiTipic mintonum' is 20^ 10 X OAlIari »n lakes and^rivera. .says"Argen- King Games-in Philadelphia W P ~ R & » P B n v » n - T 7 J3 tfnr Airlines, 14.4M • — * Sunday, July 9, 1972 •Hnw-N^ws. Twin Falls/ Idaho Harrelson qualifies IS

s net meet( MUlRFlELD.^tland (UPI) year’s Open, took the $250 —Fortmef major league bSse- dollars with a. 138 total Yamaha's^peciat JjaU- HaYrelsotl was Gullane's par 71 course with among-those” golfei;s J i l t * : T T X F w r r " who qualified for next week’s' He finished one shot ahead of British Open golf tournament. Bruce Devlin, the 34-yea.r-old Harrelson, who quit baseball, Australian who has picked up WIMBLEPON jUPI) - Rain between Stan Smith of the Hie ^ Africans, who , last ^ e '^ d . , last year to pursue-a pro golf $7i,000 on the American circuit washed out the anticipated United States and flie Natase of won the title in 1967, em ecg^ 6- ■’There nothing more really career, shot-rounds of 68-70— this season. ■ Devlin’s scores —men’s singles finals Saturday Romania. - _ ____ 2, B-2, 9-7 ' winners. The for me to accomplish now, but I ,138 at GuUane, which was only were 69-68. „ markei only.. the. fcurtt Australian4)om. twice love tenhis 'w d will" keep on two: time in 86 y e a r s ^ ^ Wimbledon previously^ won the title w^th playing?' she said. qualifier, South Africa's Tieni'e tournaments, Australian Bob Bench powers tournament has failed to finish FVed K o lle .' ...... Apart from the silver ivin- Britz. Britz led the-way for the She^r, Italy's Roberto B«.r- Reds by Cubs on schedule. But il delayed for received ffom " second year ih a row. nardini and Briton Andrew 24 hours the cfaestion of whether , CiNCtNN7nT~TUPl )-John- ~TFe United States can sweep the Chris (E vert) had taken so achw kfor $6,240. I^st year she qualifiers at Hillside Shearer, a 24-year-old from ny Bench's tie-breaking single singles. Billie Jean King got the much o ff m y shoulders I became the first woman to earn Melbourne, shot 67-70 at the par in the seventh inning gave the first half Friday when she won relaxed and did not get in the In eic es s of $100,000’ for 71 North Berwick "stretch to Cincinnati Reds ^nd pitcher the women’s title. right frame of mind.” . 'Swinging a racket around the ■edge Donald Swaelens of Gary Nolan a 3-2- -victory Mrs, King, ignoring the - The -2a-year.old Airs. King, world. Bear*>jsJale ... Belgium who- carded 68-70 for. Sa turday over the Ghicago Cnbs hostile stares of 15,000 pairs of who was appearing 'in her Miss Goolagong 20, saluted 138. , before a turnout of 47,310. eyes and some strange line- seventh final, was not too Billie Jean as a very tough aind camp openinji Bernardini had a pair of 66’s The seventh-inning single by calling, beat defending worried about the hostile crowd, determined competitor. But she for 132 at Luffness' par 69 CHICAGO (U P I) - Chicago Belftfi was one of two hits for champion Evonne Goolagong of but she was upset by the poor had little sympathy for the 'course whilp Rrnnlfs trnrad-fiT— — ewrch— ^Sl3e tnBron the Reds' catcher, who also. Aitftra lin —for ^t.i^r.fc=Gatls._ ’■‘ThQac^Jinc- ealla->jea f e King: 65 at.Gullane's No. 2 course, a . TarnaHoMototcross sununoned his- offensive unit drove home the Reds’ first run requalling fourth time since broke my concentration rather 'When she hit a bit short or par 70. - JT2 — Mx Mini 60 cc of the game while running his veterans and all rookies on the World Wai' II. > thw just bothering m e,” she hit out and' everybodyclgpped:* , , , , , , . Qualifiers at Luffness include C.ash Only 66 league-leading RBI total to 63. - Mrs. King, „Qf I Fu»nph said aftei the match it upyt me. 1 -juat-dgffTThinkTr ^uad to report July M for the Qave Marr, of Houston-. T ex.. Opening of Lcuiip at St N o Tra de In"; ; r ’. C hicago C in c in n a fi Calif., routed the Austrahan in SiTlie Jean admitleTtSe final" was fair,” ^ e said. the 1965 U.S. PGA winner. ab h bi ab r It bi Joseph College,- Rensselaer, MonOdy cr 4 0 0 0 Mocgdn 7b 4 0 2 0 50 minutes, 6-3, 6-3 to reverse a had been “ sp otty" and a Evonne said: “ I'm relieved Ke&smgrf st 4 0 ] I Rose II ] 1 I 0 Ind., to prepare for th1one it 4 0 ? 0 P e re i ID 4 0 0 0 Goolagong last year. crowd, many of whom paid $100 that 1 still have a lot of ex­ Reg. $889.00 HicKman rf 4 I All the rest of the veterans on Lump lit ' I R o l l e r r l 4 1 1 0 The champion here three for a pair of $9 tickets. Several perience to g a in " Popovich 7D 4 0 1 0 Menke 3D 4 < 0v 1' 0 u a squad of between 75 and 80 SPECIAL ...... * 7 6 9 ® ® H u n d le y c 1 I I 0 C oncepcn js 3 0 0 C straight years — 1966-67-68 — hundred others must have Peusch«* ( } 0 0 0 Nolan p 3 17 1 players were told to be in camp RRTSBURGH ( UPIf..- Sa- M c G in n p 0 0 0 0 H du p 0 0 0 0 Friday's win lies the record wondered if their night long PhoeDus p 0 0 0 0 Carroil p 10 0 0 ■ Geologists believe that at one^ Sunday afternoon, July 16. inuel M. Kier successfully 360 cc Enduro' M am iH oo p 0 0 0 0 held by compatriot Louise wait in line, for standing room T o ia it } • J'^ofaU i l J f J had been worth the effort. time E;ngland was joined to Veteran centers, quarter­ refined crude oil through ITeg. $1035.00 Chicago Brough, who gained the last of ' 3 000 1 Iff 0 6 ^ J Eul^pe by a land bridge and. backs, receivers and running distillatioH and made the Cincinnati 100 100 l O i - 3 her four titles in 1955 th e^ew “ Both . of us- were really s p e c ia l ...... * 8 9 9 ® ® O P C h.(ago Cincinnati 1 LO0 the E ^ is h Channel was just a backs were to report on Friday. world's, first smokeless pe- -Towy Tfubeft boot' Donmarlt’o -JiervQus because it was so 7B Munaiev IB Popov.ch. MR m/ ■ g u ir : ^ se6 (.‘til iwflu^n in « ' - - The Dewpu iMtgt-tha Kani»« - U»»teyre'<»l:lanip iii Igifli ffll SB Rose 1 Morgan Poster ‘'Kurt Nielsen to take the men’s windy. You never knew where ip n r *r bb 10 bridge to form the Strait of Citj’ Chiefs Aug. 5 at Notre ■nine year^, before the world's S C O T£ -the ball„^as going," Mrs. King t RgPIH’S "rrjU-XAMAHA-: fte u ic n e i l 3 l 6 t 3 ; 3 3 4 4 title and score America’s last Duver, pi'obabty about—16;666- Dame', in the first contest of. first oil ■•well was~~UrtlleU nea r ------1 J u U U U U~ double at t^e world’s premier said. ^ 263 Addison West PhOeCus 1 2 0 0 1 I sLx.-Rame pre-season schedule . Titusville, Pa. 7 3 3 - 9 3 4 5 H.»(Y>irT6n 13 0 0 0 1 0 tournament'. The champion, however, is I g F * Nolan w 17 7 r 0 2 Mdi’ 13 0 0 Smith and Erik Van Dillen of happy with her game. “ From Carroll l ? 3 0 0 0 0 l Nolrtn p to I Dflfier flin 5a*e San Mateo, Calif., lost Friday’s an artistic point of view, from C a rro ii i? doubles final in straight sets to Paris on, this is the happiest I T 3 20 A 47 )10 Bob Hewitt and Fred McMillan. have ever been with my game," Sox slop late Helroit rall>

______1—Jlelief sper’ cialist Terry Forster picked up his 11th save of the'season by snuffing out a Detroit threat in the top of the eighth inning Saturday to presei^e a 5-2 decision for Stan Bahnsen and ■_ih& rhirapn Wjiite Sox The While Sox triumph snapped a four-’game losing streak and gave Bahnsen his -11th w Ib- against nine los althouah he failwl fnr thp ?nih tmie in 22 starts to pitch a complete game. O « tro if Chicago ab r h bi V c A u i'M f ;t)4 0 0 0 K Aline rt 4 0 2 0 Alvar

NEW YORK I UPI I - John Milner scored the decisive^ run on a wild pitch in the .seventh Inning and the New York Met.s went on to score two insurance -runs-tfl the eiBhth- Sahirda y -to- defeat th^J^os Angeles Dodg­ ers, 4-Ti and snap a three-game losing streak Milner scored on a wild pitch uncorked by Dodger relief pitcher Pete Mikkelsen and gave -tb» Mete a 2-1 lead. The Mels added two runs in ~*hc—eighth— as— the— Bodgers ______JEd— ai _ . fourtJiermrs of ihfiLitmtesL___ The Mets opened the scoring ih the- third when Duffy Dyer •donWed, moved to Oitrd otr an error and scored on a fielder's ~ choicer'' ' ^ L o t A n 9«ln Ntw York 1 a

Oa . . I 0 0 0 r l 1 0 0 0 Roomwi * 0 0 0 Garrett 7t) ' 0 0 0 Pafiier IB 4 110 C rfgoi. )b 4 0 I 0 or on seg; just the thin g fo r L I 4 Q ? 0 v - in # r It 4 ' 1 0 C a n m ;; 4 0 0 0 t>e*<-hfr,p Ih ; 0 0 0 c o m fo rt and ease as w e ll as W .in « ) 0 0 0 K r«nepo< ID 1 0 ' 0 X>*>T1 p 7 0 0 0 ^Mrt^^^»; rf 3 a p. 0 style ... by h.i.s

MiKkeli«n o 0 0 0 0 p 1 0 0 0 R .c h a rt p 0 0 0 0 Var\K«M p»% 0 C r 0 0 0 0 0 T r t a it IJ 1 7 I Total* JO 4 • I L o t Ang«l»« 000 000 IOQ 1 M aw r e r k ^ _ _0Ol 000 I J* - « E LHeOvrf I » Picf'^r* RSb'r*v>«> OP C«H Vt>fk » lO B '8 and ^9 LOI Angeiai i. vprk 4 Ovf^ SB M a rrH to r> S Vc Ar.,% ip n r vr bb M ^ 4 2 10 0 1 I \ t ? 1 J 1 1 ' 0 Qicnm ' 1 . M 5 7 Me AfxJrew W ft J Pr»»^«ia- Save- Fri»^i^ JO*^n M>ti T 3 A I


• MMB lodom • u m n a 1 rninm ' • locn t run • un t isa mt—iinaw - d e a r s ' Shopping C enitt s.n4ayN«o»tinirii.«i. •fCMJAWAVl'l. SHop,Friday nights ’til 9 ' Tlm«SxNews, Twin FafiS/ Idaho . ' Stmday/.July 9. 1V72 Indians edge .|Out fo r y e a r : ^ahsas C Tfy^^ ' CHICAGO (UPI) ’Hie CWpa/io WHte Sox CLEVELAND (U P I) - Ray pennant hopes received a sev^-Jo^t Saturday gain net finals' Fosse singled hoqge .Oraig Nettles and' Alex Johnson biasenum Bill Melton would.be lost for the BRETTON WOODS, «.H . serve.-" scored on a throwing error by season. -- — (U P I):-C llff Wchey' used his Richey said hiS, victory was Amos Otis Saturday to give the Melton, the American League’s home, run superfbr knowli^ge of clay primaHly jhie with to . his C lev ^ n d Indians a 2>1 victory champion in 1971 who was 27pn FYlday, wiU be -----courts —Saturday to defeat experience with fcaver: " over the Kansas City lUorals. ^ — operated on for^ a herntatied disc next week fourth-seeded Arthur Ashe to The Mt. Washington play FOHl' ERIE, Ont. (UPX)— «lassJe al Qwny-Hllhchibr.'- Saturday, eqiialiin||, the coutm ^ t l T ohe out ill the second, according «to club officials. courts were used for the Gay Brewer f i i ^ a red hot 68 Brewer, winner of the Mast^ record set by during move into the finals of the Nettles walked and raced to _ Melton, who had been sidelined Jiine 2§rd of tournament, because the wjarld tn take ' a thr»»-gtrok« - lead ers^ouiyamentjh 19B7, camp In Thurgdav's opening i‘oiind. $25,000 BrettonWoods Intema- third on a single bv .lohn^nn season, suffered ah injury -Sftturday-ln the th M round of with a 64-hole total of 205, eight Wadkins said he “ missed a^lot Fosse followed with a single to ’''Wine workingonhis pa^io in-hia Gulfport, Miss $15p,OOfrCiu»aian^OpengoU' under par.-Loit Xirahwn, Phil of r ^ l 'maiteable putts’’ in tlie home. Meltorrwas wwitog Off"a^laddw when he TV ' __ Rodgers and Bruce Cramptgh round which he termed, as — sudenly-lost-his-balanee-Md-landed-on^his-back, were three shots behind the “satisfactory." Richey said. “ I don’t want yjjU- leader at 208. “ My long irons were real a campaign to defeat Bob Royals dugout. Jp say 1 am knocking him, but V T ^ la in , Dave Hill, co-lMder with good,’’ the rookie pro said. “ I ...•A Carmichael of Australia. 7-6. 6- day is not Arthur’s best ~fcaniai Clly C U v tla n d Graham after the second round,- hit the ball rea l. good ' today, 4. •b r h bl «b r h M Richey, who also defeated si^rface. 1 do think he is better Pafek ts 3 0 J 0 Unjer cl 4 0 0 0 V I a n k e r i * o p fired a twoover 73 and was real solid.” • Hophjcu ph l.il a 0 Afotumf ab 4 0 to Peterson anxious top-seeded Rod Laver, bested on a faster surfaJe.” Otis cf 3 0 10 Chambiss 1b4 0 I o ' deadlocked wiUi Toiirimy Aaron Henry, who came in with an Pifiiella If 3 1 1 » LoM ch H 4 0 0 0 "That’s ti^ie," said Ashe. " I at "09. First round leader even par 71, was four-ijnder par ^ e 6-2, 6-4, The game was Schelnbim rf4 0 0 0 Nettles 3b 2 1 | o ______irass, or AAaybrry lb 4 0 1 0 Johnioo If 1 > i n bat leaan into^ double bogey on the o I C * («a fe d to reach over the net Hovley pn 10 0 0 Leon » 3 0 0 0 The emotional sujpport of the FloyO 3b 3 0 )0 Kilkenny p 3000 Ted Manlntf—of- ' Keebler M itchell and -Bud AHin at pag-fuui /til. “ Tlia t course~is ------for a vnlley. "Die crowd switched from" Ashe to Kecugtrpn 1 0 0 0 Mennlaan p l o 0 0 Cookies, hitting .627 and Steve three-under par 210.'' getting ^tougher each day,’’ KERRVILLE, Tex. (U P I)— and is training in Chicago for it a (legal game. Nelson p 3 0 0 0 Richey who has been described Fitim orns pO 0 0 0 MeGlain of. Depot Orilh at .460. Defending Canadian Open Henry said. . ' ^ c b Bill Peterson, Tes.Uess the College All-Slar game. After the game, Richey was Tot»U 33 I 7 I Totals M 3 * I by Ashe as Cine of the "fastest lead the Atlantic^*airaS^cific champion Lm Trevino shot a “ 1 wonder where that 15- since last winter to start his Sophomore quarterbpcks D&n pround of his service in a Kans«» C(ty 001 000 OOO - I primarily defensive game. "I men in the game.” C le v e la n d OM 000 OOl - I divi:}ions...jf the Twin Falls onerumjer par 70 to put him at under is that everybody was rookie sMson as a professional Pastorini and Lynn Dickey will E Q t.s L O B <d and,atarL,.the firaL Qf, tW M ifeY skwood ,531 -llemi P r .517, Barry Espii .511, and MlKe well lately,” the somber-looking The exchange was made for ing veterans on the .team which ness and forgetting the past Florence, R ick' Semba, Jim Brewer said. "I'v e been work­ an ^undisclosed Juture draft finished 4-9-1 in 1971 report July will be a big problem, but we Brown and Clarence Phillips ail ing on my putt^ quite a bit. choice. 18. feel that we have some at .500. I’ve taken the glove off the past Kopay, 30, has. played four Peterson, 48, will be without excellent players on this team Dwight Bair and Rich Borah- three days and it’s* the first years with the San Francisco his . , first , round , „ draft choice. depite the question marks.” -are. tied fnr. hnnri*>rg in . time I’ve ever shot without a Forty Niners,-Bs well arTTith -^ "s iv e end^Greg^m p^ — ^terson— -was— unsure— if— SAKE0RIW1^N4HE^ i^ac'ific with six' while Bob glove.” Detroitand-Washing ton. P roud- 6-5 1/2, 25^ pound Stanford nffcn.sivp ta c k le W a lt .Siigg.s w ill Howard, Karl Malone,-DeWey I^nny Wadkins, of Winston- iiomme, 30, has also played for product signed Friday for give up his Conroe, Tex., and $10P,000 Williamson, Rocky Reece, Mike Salem, N.C., shot a 65 Buffalo and Kansas City. between $75,000 construction business. Phillips and Al Busby share the Atlantic honors witji five. Gallatin^ Valley .£ e ^ remains r the only undefeated te^m, leading the Pa~cTTri' dlvl^iui]'ut~ 12-:Q and with a two-game lead over Cain’s Furniture. Other H E Y A l b e r t ; ii/ H A T you PUT IT IN THE FREEZER 0 VFRNI6HT, - standings are Pepsi 9-3, Lyn- wooU StWKtHTd'=8^ , "MHStcr DRINK LIKE— Sheet Metal and Uiympia Beer TRarnjarce,soPAoRMiL^... - ? ^ r _____ ;s voiKswagen i - Kim berly Seed 4-7, Culligan-La Valle Construction, Indepehderit Meat and Theisen's Motors 4-8, Haney Seed 3-9 and Twin Falls HENNY PENNf^ Bank_aDd-IruaLl-lL___ Coors-First Federal Irads the 'Pacific division at 11-1 , followed CHICKENS by the Alley 9-3, Royal l^ounge, Paris-Oulligan and Depot Grill, 9 9 c all 7-«; Ford Transfer-Brake and Petroleum and Turf Qub 3- 9 and Maxle-s Pizza 2-11. Ilunler,^ homors FIRST OF THE WEEK SP boail B ro w o rs STIR FQRjA WHILE ANP PRESTO-

three-game Oakland losing streak *as the Athletics laced 09 the’ Milwaukee Brewers 7-0 Saturday Lb. Hunter, who blanked Califor­ nia on two flits last Monday, was touched for only five hits by the Brewers while he DINNER FRANKS stretched his record to 10-) & d posted his Ittth career snutout. Ih„(.y Goorf' lb Meal 2 Lb Pa< ab r h J 0 0 0 Lam pnf\ ii \ I J L ahuuo rl 4 0 0 0 MuO' If 4 I j >o 4 4 0 0 4.1 .10 1 SMOKED PICNICS = •• 5 LUNCHMEAT:rr 69' B r.g g s M 4 0 ' 0 Bflnoo JO J 1 1 M a y <1 *0)0 ErfStfin ID i ; ) Clark ;t) ' ) C 0 0 MAnguAi rt 4 > 0 t 1 0 1 0 rJuncanm^ . * i-j F ttfd fQ .ib i 0 t 0 Cunen 7b 4 0 i Ryersoq p I 0 ' 0 HunrVr p 4 0 0 O a v is p»^ 1 0 0 0 p a 0 0 a '* T o ta ls K 0 S 0 T o ta ii )« 7 n M ilw a u k e e 000 000 OOO Theama/.in.u SlushmastfrniuK- O a k la n d 0« I 003 0 ) i E Acertxic^ DP • I Oak M ^ riJiiatwr ft O nly suK,tr.V;^Uni pric^‘ with 3B Epstrm May Rodrigue/ Cuiien

Duncan (13J S H-*efson tp n r e f b b s« inp Phillipslii) stations.

H u n te r W P E 10 4) nrrrap^^^fi pia.suc, T 7 04 ‘ 7 washei'safe. Cdmes with free > .l . lips Twins recipe book, too! - Limited fiupply, so hurry to ____«>n.,soio hnpiffr ■your Phillip;? (W'{iinliuii L'otiay.- BI.tXDMINGTON, Minn'( U P I) =;RiTnie__Allen’.'! 11 th inning homer broke a scoreless' * a d m ~ as~~the Kew~ T o n r Krabtied a 1-0 victory frorti the Minnesota Twins Saturday Allen, a tormcr Twin, was the r^st batter u, face reliever and mT after Bert Qf dueled Mel ' '0 scoreless Inning.'; DeL's <^6 66 . Holly's 6 6 ^ Fields' 66 1431 Kimberly Rd. W est o f H ospital , 285 Blue Lakes N. 326 So. Broadway Twin Fall* Tw in Falls ____ Twin Pnlk _ B u h l- J.o } 0 < Qer ^ 0 0 0 0 617AV«s» Main 977 Eost Main i 8 0 No. L y le p- 0 0 0 0 IDMATO JUICE W Tafais .m » 1 Totals !«•»• Burley «fVW Yoffc 9 0 0 000 0« O l - T B urley^ , North Burley Mtnnesola • OM 000 000 00— 0 ____ DP- rocd to I b atte r tn 11th MEAT T H E F O O D PEOPLE S a v e ^ L W * 1 1 1 ) P8—Min#r« T-' Rupert ■* ' Jeriime - Gooding .. 3:03 A - i U M WHCtSEfFECTiVErjULY 9, llKWiSf r ‘.V. •T, / -Sundayr jutv , 9 1972 TImes-News, Twin Falls, Idaho h w i n ^ ^

E U G E N B ;^ e . (U ^D —Jun .. -;i4 ^ u ld have likepfere fourth place fVniIhers“ jM day .night, but world record good try. Robinson won the long jump Matson’s series in the final North Carolina Central third in qualifying heat of the 1,500 and .revised order of finish for the Savage from the first™ holder R^ndy Matson failed to with a leap-nf fi3-4 3-4. lift-io 1-2. 67-5 3-4. JM. quanfy 'm the -shotpui ana queStlgH Tther^roiren^ a a n of WilliaiTis^ntshed^cond at 2fr4 66-0, 63-11 1-4 and a final throw Smith, Smith, a a former former Occidental Occidental mandatory qu^ifying height semifinals of thhe 1,500, placed McAfee first, MicHaiel SUte from the seconrii h»nt probabl3.-4^ fimshed -as of 67J 1-4. which; was a little star. feU far-shoi^f4he-4yarld .uid. advanced to tha high-jump------MitAael •wonHhe^-third-semi= secoHd and~MacXtoriad active competitor. thu-d. also at 26-^. Williams more than sevfen inches short of record, but he had a full stride l.lnal Sunday along with Matz- final heat of the metric mi! -on Burton an^ black ‘at the (lorf were uiria uiftin. Gene Matson finished fourth in the gained second bacause his next Oldfield's be’st. FViday night in the good time advanced hlM>' to th^ final original format of a nine man TVials final behind-George best jump • was 'better than -While the first three were wire. Stoner, Raymond Usey, Ronnie of* 3:4^2, but officials, after anyway, making it a 12-mM final. Woods, Al Feuerbach and Brian Carrington’s—26-3 1-2 to 25-7 1- teing congratulated, Matson Burton, the NCAA champ, Lee Jourdtln, Tim Helkkila, viewing viedo tape of the race,' Oldfield and thus failed to win 4. ■, ; walked quietly off the field.-But proved a big surprise because Dwight Stones, Dennis Adama, set the Marine down for 2 TWIN F A llS SLOW PITCH LEAGUE SCHEDULE S -a third consecutive Olympic Matson’s failure to gain a trip tiefore he could make it out of this' is his first year of Michael Bernard, Gene White, impeding Reginald McAfee, who • berth. to Munich was the biggest tfie stadium, he was grabbed by competition in track. A split Rick Fletcher, Edmund Clarke, finished second. Michael was •: FQRHiQH.. jUiTJO end.on the RDilermaker fnnt.ball ^Jahn^Rjid«tichrJerFy-Culp-and- Upset_with_ -Trials -a televisijin sportscaster for an dropped tfr- last with Bnncan- S ^ 4 5 bAatimi SK««t M«tal F a r Tro it “ his surprising setbackrthe 27- Ho is the world record holder interview. team. Burton tried track on the Ranaldo Brownv a 1968 OTym^ moving up toMacDonald 8:00 Lynwood Slondord jsXwht[Il6tin Volley Olamondl year-old Pampa, Tex., strong­ al 71-51-2 and also has the four While his' winning time advice of a friend and plan. second and Clifton West, the 9; 15 Indepondont Meot Coin't Furniture participated in his first meet Among those highly regarded man said he couldn't get fired lon(>est throws ever. Saturday was w^li off hii world man Van .Dyk -interfered with O ly m p ia f t ffe r - v t ------P e p ti Colo__ up for the competition and Matson, a former Texas A tM record of 3:31.1, Ryun had little ever last Jan. 28. who didn’t advance were NCAA Thursday, getting the third and 8:00 Theiien Motors v» Blue take* Volkiwagen champ Tom Woods of Oregon 9; IS Ston'a Chevron fCulligan-tavolle ■'when you can’t win it, it’s star, became a world class shot trouble winning once ,he Matzdorf, who took the world final spot for Saturday’s final. ------A,------— time to quit and look on putter in 1964 when he won'the grabbed the Jead. Coming into record to an alnmsl unbelieua. State-a^d-Bawy Schur-of-the However, the Olympic Rules Courtesy of — OlyinplL' sHrcr meters, he was a ble 7-6 1-4 a year ago in the Mid America TYack Club. Coimnittee met again Saturday Eddies Steam Cdrpet Cleaners Meanwhile, for the third time Prom’ there,/ he went on to good 10 yards ahead of V^pttle U.S. vs. World /Ml Stars .meet morning, viewed film of the Owned & Operated Ey tdairtnjettiifl — 733-6036 amass the longest throws in of Bowling Green State Univer­ at Berkeley, Calif., cleared the since the trials started, -officials race and then decided that history in the event and Capped sity and -Wheeler, who seemed mandatory height oi)atpd __ In the other__ quarterfinal, Malnntt------i ------:------leHmfj w ill meel in t^if fipont-r Rftyal l/>nng(> ctiinnpfl-tiiaffiip- -The— gompetition— wimts— np- -wh«n-4t>«^-tO(u-namfnK-restmies idlli^ O lav at Har- lO.'usinu a six - run fifth inning at P ocatello’s R iv e r s id e nion Park. The winner gets the to overcome an early ^leficit Country Club. rest of the day off, advancing to In other games. Coors-First the 8:15 p.m. finals while the loser Of that one and four other teams battle to eliminate c o c h other; — ...... riircre tie PiratPN thum p Nielsen's jumped heavily on Depot Grill of Twin Falls which fo r lead B r a v e s played poor defensively tlirout'liout 'I'he Boise crew AT1./\NTA I UPl I - HR-hie i n 1 0 1 1 r n e y Hebner scoretl two runs and drove in another with a triple HORSHAM, Pa lUPIl-Jo Saturday—nigM—te—p»ee- the Ann Prcntie«^-ef-OnoQnlji, Flo.. Pittsburgh Pirates to a 5-3 ~ sank |Six birdie putts Saturday victory over the error - plagued O i l I IQ I ) IJ to move into a tie with Sandra Atlanta Braves. I I * Haynie and Sandra Palmer with 142 totals after the second PiTltbyroh r h bi -Jim Rvun round in the George Washington Strnr.cn Jh S 1 0 0 G a ' i n ^Aa/ef04^> 7bO 0 0 0 LyfTi 11 l,adies Golf Classic. Dflwrti MO " b ' 1 0 Aaron ttj EUC.KNE, Ore. (U PII-Jln \ Miss Prentice scored a three- C 'ifm e n tp r( ^ 0 ' 0 c Ryun felt as if the cares of the S'Aroeli 10 S 0 1 . f. vflf'N h, under-par 35-35—70 for a share ' r 0 0 0 0 R rth r r c* world suddenly had been lifted O liv e r r t S 0 0 0 ?t) of the lead in the 54-hole match frcm hie Bhouldcri: “WHWt- j l tlBeB^Siinagy Ai*P> i'm sure happy it's all prize in the $30,000 tournament D Clinch oh r, 0 r.A over, " K>un said Saturday IS worth $4,500 H Mrr r>r>fl i <' 0 0 night after winning the 1.500 Q.uif. p Miss Haynie,. of Dallas, T0f«(% II 1 1: meter run at the U S Olympic scored a 36-36—72, one under P it lv b u r g h tio 010 ot& Atlant* 00] 001 004 Trials and the Olympic Ix'rtli par, to go with her 70 from ( , P '"srnjf gr- that goes with it Friday Mis.s Palmer, of Fort K>-un biiltviiis slakes later this summer trio wereThreemore girls who Now. he has assured hmiself. were- tie