INGREDIENTS 1 package OR 2 ½ tsp yeast ex. Fleishmanns Traditional Active Dry Yeast 2 extra-large eggs (room temperature) 1 cup lukewarm water (NOT hot) ½ cup neutral oil ex. Canola ¼ cup honey (sugar can be used if no honey is available) 2 tsp kosher salt 4-4 ½ cups unbleached flour – aerated or sifted ex. Robin Hood + extra flour for the board or surface you will work on

TOPPING: 1 egg beaten OR 1 egg and 1 egg yolk beaten (more golden result) Seeds of choice – sesame, poppy, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.

SAVORY TOPPINGS Za’Atar sprinkled with dark and light sesame seeds and/or Nigella seeds Pesto filling sprinkled with pine nuts Tapenade ex. Olive, sundries tomatoe Garlic and Fresh Rosemary snd Ciastsd sea salt

SWEET GLAZE 1 egg beaten 2 tsp honey

STREUSEL LIKE TOPPING FOR CHALLAH 1/2 cup + 2 tbsps sugar (or 1/3 cup white sugar and 1/4 cup brown sugar) 1/2 cup margarine (or shortening or butter) 1 - 1 1/4 cups flour 1/4 tsp salt

In a medium size bowl, mix all ingredients together using either a blender, fork or wood- en spoon until the mix is crumb like. Adjust accordingly until you reach a crumbly consistency. Use to sprinkle on Challah, Babka, fruit cakes (ex. Plum, apple etc) or crumbles. Freezes well. DIRECTIONS 1. In a small bowl, pour ¼ cup warm water. 2. Add 1 tsp. honey and dissolve well. 3. Add ¼ tsp. Yeast. Mix to incorporate and allow to sit for 8-10 minutes until foamy on the surface. This is proofing your yeast. 4. In a separate large bowl of either a stand mixer or a regular bowl, add the remaining ¾ cup warm water, ½ cup neutral oil and the honey and salt. 5. Mix all wet ingredients well using your mixer or hand blender or just by hand. 6. When yeast has proofed, add to wet mixture and combine well. 7. Slowly begin to add the flour, ensuring that with each addition the flour is being incorporated. Scrape down all sides and bottom of bowl to incorporate all ingredients well. • If using a handheld mixer, at some point the dough will need to be mixed by hand. • If using a stand mixer, the paddle will need to be replaced with the dough hook. 8. Add flour until the dough appears to be pulled into the centre at which point do NOT add additional flour. The dough will have a slightly sticky texture, not too wet and not too dry. 9. Have a counter or large cutting board ready and sprinkle lightly with flour. Remove the dough from the mixer, or bowl, and knead the dough on the counter/board for a further 1-2 minutes until you achieve a smooth dough. 10. In a large bowl, lightly grease the inside with paper towel. Place prepared dough in the bowl and cover with either a damp towel or place plastic wrap that has been lightly sprayed with “oil” ex. PAM to prevent sticking. You can also use the excess oil from the pa per towel used to grease the bowl. 11. Place bowl in warm area and leave to rise to double its bulk, from anywhere between 1 ½ hours – 3 depending on the temperature of the room and weather. 12. Punch down the dough and place onto a lightly floured surface. 13. Knead slightly to remove any air bubbles. 14. Have a large baking sheet prepared with parchment. 15. Preheat the to 350F. 16. Share your dough according to desired braid (3-braid, round, etc.) and place gently onto baking sheet and cover once again for 30-45 minutes. 17. Glaze with mixed egg 2-3 times. Sprinkle with topping and bake for approximately 25-30 minutes. After the 20 minute mark, check if browning too quickly and loosely cover with foil for the remainder of the time. BRAIDING: There are a few easy ways to braid a bread for the holidays. If you are interested in a pull apart challah, similar to a , you should have a spring form pan and parchment paper and a spray oil to lightly coat the pan. Otherwise, the other simple braids are simply placed on the baking sheet.

PREPARING A DOUGH THE NIGHT BEFORE BAKING: If you’d like to bake the dough the next day, so it is fresh for the holiday, braid the challah and then it can be refrigerated overnight to retard the rise. 1. Prepare the braids and place them on the parchment lined baking sheet. 2. Cover loosely with a plastic wrap and refrigerate for UP TO 24 hours, depending on how cold the fridge is and how fast the dough rises. 3. Take the dough out the following morning and allow to come to room temperature. 4. Preheat the oven to 350F. 5. Prepare the egg wash and coat the dough several times. Sprinkle with topping, IF using and bake for 20 minutes at which point you will check to see if the challah is browning too quickly and tent loosely with foil. 6. Continue to bake for a further 7 - 12 minutes depending on how hot the oven is, how fast the bread is browning. The time, on average is 30 minutes +/-. 7. Cool on a wire rack.