iio eom pro^ms^ MIAMI BEACH (UPI)-Both mght. / !)l>ackin£ of McGovern’s claim to Humphrey.” 151 and 153 of them in ^ e par^ drizzle, he declared that “ the ffantnimi^r ■ ■■ c ^ t r ~S: Mc- — fir-T eJei'ieU M cQ ow M‘a-at* tnKruUCallfuriilmletegBtioir— - — E ^ally as— ndamant— Qredewttola CommittwSs daci- Awierioanpeoplfl araJmng ty io r , ^ le n g e r Hubert tempts to arrange-a^m pfonw -— Several of the-govemora-wid -McGovern. "There is no room H. Humphrey ruled dut Satur­ ise that would permit him to they hoped a compromise could for any compromise aU," he .fight for the full delegation day any chance, of compromise claim tbe full delegation, and be reached to avoid a bliJodbath said as he arrived in the Friday night when the Sii;)reme on the California delegatt thus regain a power base for a at the Democratic convention's convention city lo lake personal (Court ruled that the convention seating fight, ensuring a bitter first ballot presidential nomina- opening session only two days command of hia- campaign must decide the issue. floor fight ivhen the convention- _-tionr- __ __ _ _ . awajj .but...... tliek. __ ___________doubte w^ --figjffi — M e^veH Ji^ to — whom—ihe ^nFSroh^ay7 ■McG'dvern^sTieurenants were nndprsonred bv Humphrey's “ Ag far a i I ’m j -nnpnrnad CoUfornia vutcs are ci ucial tor -lobls^g- t l » . governors—-to— adamant stand. rule^ is -elear^ on- California -a— fir^t ballot nojninatlori, fornia- was overturnedr Democratic governors at the support a deal under which the A s k ^ if any comcrQiniae en and we^wiU have- to sUek with arrived an hour late aboard a He said he would c^^rom ise . Fontainebleau Hotel, Humphrey Souffi'Dakotan would consent to California was possible, the the rules.” chartered airliner after a on the Daley delegation, but -se*ttBfr-th«..ousied .'SatmembejL ^in.iiir-Vo.!gfld_l<lfiH nnp^j- McTinvern is fighting to storm-tossed flight from Wash- "as far as I'm concerned the California delegates crucial to Chicago delegation led by nee said: " I think a good regain the full 2‘71-vole aei6BB“ •"tngujn. f.lo I. ,^|p«r on CallfnrniH [McGovern's hopes mUst go to Mayor Richard J. Daley in compromise in California is 120 tion he won. in the June § Standing ^ under a j.mndy- and we will have to stick wi I the “ convention floor' Monday exchange Tor the "governors' voterf6^McGovem-and^06-fop--primaiY.-only-tO'-lose between stripcd 'awhing • in' a Might “the rules.” ... .. G ood niorninjf_ it^s SIIFI clay^ July % M d ^ iv ( (tllry s llotnc ^cicspaper 69fh yeo r, 76th issue TW IN Fa l l s , id a th o a u Andrus says Muskie right choice BOISE I U PI) — Coy. Cecil D. Andrus, head of The other two Muskie delegates include the Andrus said if McCiovern is nominated he will factor along with Muskie and Humphre)' Idaho's Democratic delegation, will fly to governor's secretary, Jean Taylor, and Nolan have to clarify somq of his stands such ad at delegates in nominating the presidential can­ Minmi tfiHav with a .strong ronviction that Sen. Hancock, executive secretary of the state's what level he will maintain the «.-ountry’s didate if McGovern does not win on the first - Edmu>id Muskie is' ttie iiiuii to beat President I>niuc'i atie-Party-. TecuFtt}taiKn«!5ltaE£T^" I-'— ” ballot. T --------- ----------------- NixOrrirrWoveinberr- 'I would like to say that I am not anti- “ Some of the statements that have been tied Andrus said hd didn't expect any problems at " If Sen. ( George) McGovern doesn't win it on McGoyern but I am pro-Muskler*' "T^jidmj him but by hiy- I the Miami conventiofT which begins 6tticraI17 ■ the 'first ballot-----it may for ** long-tini<i," Ho said he wduld sup^rt tho-winning Candida ...siippnrler.s, '. Anrtriis said. Monday and said he was sure it would not be a “Sndrus tulU United ■Preas—lflternational whpn the final rieri.sion is made and he was SUT£ iiie eovernor said Muskie has the best chance _______________ ! Chicago meeting where Saturday. Idaho's delegation “ would cor.ic home united." of beating Nixon in November because the pouce and demonstrators battled in the streets 1 Andrus, Sen. Frank Church, D-ldaho, and Tfie remainder of ' the state’s 17-vore Marne Senator^ has been a "stable memt)er'meml)er" in The governor said it would be a long shot if other Democratic leaders gave an early 'en­ delegation includes four uncommitted votes, I politicfi and has been a former governor, a U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy accepted the nomination, IN THE DAYS before the women's liberation dorsement to Muskie. Since, that time, Oiurch one for Hubert Humphrei’. two Shirley &na.tqr and a Congressional leader. ' but if he did iV'drus said he would find it easy to movement, a girl could get a boy to put a wonn - has thrown his support to MeGovern, but An­ Chisholm and seven for McGovern. “ He is also from a large state v^h a sm a ll__ support Kenncily,---- ;------------- -------------- - ~on a flihhook. Hut Nancy i*alne, Kewaunee, drus continued to support Muskie and will be in The alternates and regular delegates include population," Andrus said. • Tlie Idaho rl<*|pRalinn will join the Utah and WU., had her hands full and no offer of male Mlaffiras^ ‘ thrpe'Blacta^itthresXhtcannsrltls madcTip ----- Andms feels 'Gag. Gcorge^ Waljaee'-wiltrbe ^ Oregon deTegalibns to Mjami on'a chartrrcrf holpsK she was trying to-tfaread-thls.irormjinto;^ Muskie delegates. -|2i_^ft.pw cent women. - p • ^ ---------- —key figure-at the^ convention, and he will ht‘ a-----pkme,— ....- the hook when she was fishing. (U PI) • \\ allao(‘: ~ » ‘ Tax rieform MIAM’i lU P li- F o r the first Burley J bond and Step- time since arriving at the pro peietiei ihould be o hit Democratjc National Conven­ with Cajgory i Stamp all Incomes—regardless of the tion, Alabama Gov. George C. ede- cro^d thii week. MIAMI BEACH (UPI)-A Wallace made ^ - brief but group headed by Sen, Fred R. source—at the same rate. This dramatic appear^ce Saturday Harris, a former Democratic could eliminate special rates night at a reception for National party chairman, for capital gains, tax free on delegates and said that he sought support Saturday expects to-be as activd flS an y -prapftgal inlonWpif tO clOSC the ojher fonris “sheltered” candidate seeking the presiden­ tax “ loopholes” for the rich. income. :---------- ------- tial nomination. Button-holing delegates in the The plan would eliminate all plush hotels, the Harris group exemptions and deductions but- I^eaning forward from his ur^ tliem to write-a plan for- -weuld-pFOvide-a tax-credit “ to' wheelchair, Wallace told more comprehensive tax reform into replace, and fully compensate - than 3.000 persnn.s -that he the Democrauc piiltroriii durtiig~ ful , LTUI reilt pei soiial liifuiiie— apgcte hi£ campaign to be in the convention here tax exemptions and deductions tng~ntnva iid ~iie liupes' HaiTi.s who has oa.ssed UP a of benefit to the average that tnose delegates uncotninlt- race for re-election to the taxpayer, such as home mort- ted or pledged to other FIRi^T DEMONSTRATION by Students lor Senate from Oklahoma, said in gage interest and medical candidates will join his team, Ocmo<^l4a SSwicty at Democratic Party B e a n Iy a id a statement, "The ordinary deductions." — convention in Miami Bcarh was staged outsidr "Those among you who are taxpayer wants the rich off the The plan calls for direct Eden Roc UatulSaturda> It opposed "US racist u n con u n ittfd ," he said in a welfare rolls He wants tiiem on payments from the . federal.^ >lorc to eoiiie? acts and genocide." Protest was several blocks strong voice, "I hope you d i s c l o s u r e the tax polls so that his taxes treasury to make up for tax from ronventton site. lU P Ii decide to cast your vo te for us. can come down." subsidies, if they “ are deter­ And if there are any delegates q u e s t i o n e d The group's proposed plat- mined to serve a vital national here pledged to other candi- form plank calls tor taxation ol mterMt."-------------------------------- dates maybe you will have a WASHINGTON (UPT) -VtT-' change of heart., between now ginia H. Knauer, President Dfitey group iLins Demo seats and tfie vote Wednesday night." Nixon's consume!- adviser, Sa* turday asked 19 leading U S from seeking further action in that point in the U S yet " the court Ho said they have heard Wallace said he expects to be ' CiJU'AC.O (UPI I- A Cook cosmetic firms Saturday to More arrests Count> judge Saturday enjoined Illinois CQurJii. paved the way judge said about hi.s order from the news in the middle of the convention outline the steps they are for Saturday's ruling by Covelli The injunction will restrain media and that public notice is acUvities despite his paralysis a group challepKing Chicago lakjrig to make public the If the c^Hengers^ are ousted -the challengers "from a ttenipt- all Uiat is required in this kind that he suffered as a result of Mayor Richard J D al^ and in^edients of their beauty of his followers for seats at the and replaced by the uncommit- Tn g to gain seats in the'iiatiOnal oT''an injunction hut ’ CotVlll “ tXMiig— shot— by * a— w ould-he- loom in Blaine products as atl aid to women -trd D a ley delegation - Sen.
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