Resourcesat-1 Handbook.Pdf
IRS-P6 DATA USER’S HANDBOOK IRS-P6/NRSA/NDC/HB-01/041 RESOURCESAT - 1 DATA USER’S HANDBOOK NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING AGENCY DEPARTMENTDocument NoOF :SP IRS-P6/NRSA/NDC/HB-08/03ACE, GOVT. OF INDIA nrsanrsa BALANAGAR,Edition HYDERABAD No. : 1 / -August 500037, - 2003 A.P. INDIA 2 IRS-P6 DATA USER’SDOCUMENT HANDBOOK CONTROL AND DATA SHEET 1. Report No. and date : IRS-P6/NRSA/NDC/HB-01/04 January 2004 2. Title and subtitle : IRS-P6 Data User’s Handbook 3. Type : Technical, Reference 4. No. of pages : 137 5. Compiled and Edited by : NRSA Data Center 6. Originating Unit : National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) 7. Contributing Units : ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC), Bangalore Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad Earth Observation System, ISRO HQ, Bangalore National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Hyderabad 8. Abstract : A reference document containing information regarding IRS-P6 mission, orbit and coverage, sensors, data reception, data processing, products and services and dissemination. 9. Key words : IRS-P6, LISS-III, LISS-IV, AWiFS, OBSSR, Electronic switching, Mono and multi-spectral mode, Data Reception, Orbit and Coverage, Referencing Scheme, Path/Row, Steerability, Payload Programming, Data Processing, Products, Services, Digital Browse, User Order Processing System, Dissemination 10. Security Classification : Unrestricted 11. Distribution : Remote Sensing Data Users’ Community Document No : IRS-P6/NRSA/NDC/HB-08/03 nrsa Edition No. : 1 / August - 2003 IRS-P6 DATA USER’S HANDBOOK CONTENTS 3 Section Page No. ORGANISATION OF THE HANDBOOK 11 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 INDIAN SPACE PROGRAMME 12 1.1.1 Goal 12 1.1.2 Indian Remote Sensing Programme 12 Scope 12 Indian Remote Sensing Satellite Missions 12 Future IRS Satellite Missions 13 1.2 MISSION OVERVIEW 14 1.2.1 Mission Objectives 14 1.2.2 Payload overview 14 2.
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