Fisk, Lane to Clash Saturday!

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Fisk, Lane to Clash Saturday! IN MELROSE STADIUM AT 8 PM 3* Fisk, Lane To Clash VOLUME 31, NUMBER 20 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1962 Saturday! An intercollegiate football game will be played in Melrose Stadium afterall. Fisk University's Bulldogs of Nashville, Tenn., take on the Lane College Dragons from Jackson, Tenn., on the local field this Saturday night, Nov. 3, in a "Scholarship Foot­ ball Classic." Eight former Memphis high school grid stars are members of the vastly improved Fisk squad this season, including Quarterback Char­ lie Lee who sprinted Melrose in 1957-58 and made All-City his last year here. The game is being sponsored by They Urge Adoption Of The Charter the alumni of Fisk. Proceeds from They Urge Yes the contest will establish a scholar­ ship fund at Fijik for Memphis high school grads. Expected to shine for the Fisk eleven arc these Mempniansi Fred Vote On Nov. 6 Malone, Melrose, '58-59; Charlie Lee Melrose, ‘57-58; George Bradshaw, Strong statements supporting the consolidation charter, which Melrose, '59-60, Johnny Rutland. will be voted on in Memphis and Shelby County next Tuesdciy, Melrose, ‘59-60; Larry Mitchell, 1 wB, ...o Melrose, ■60-61, Willie Hudson, have been issued by six prominent leaders: B. G. Olive, Jr., first Mel. ose, and Roosevelt Hancock vice president and secretary of Universal Life Insurance Co.; Dr. and Louis Simmons, Hamilton Hollis F. Price, president of LeMoyne College; James T, Walker, High. civic and labor leader; the Rev. J. A. McDaniel, executive secretary Lee. Malone, Bradshaw. Mitchell and Simmons mode All-City while of the Memphis Urban League and pastor of Bethel Presbyterian playing high school ball here. Church; the Rev. J. C. Richardson, pastor of St. John AME Church, Tickets to the game are now on and J. A. Beauchamp, editor of the Memphis World. Their state« sale. General admission is $1.25. ments follow: Student tiokets are 60 cents MRS. VELMA R. McLEMORE Memphians Malone and Lee are B. G..OLIVE JR. Stated: tn bring In more new Industry eo-captalns of the Fisk eleven. "I have been reading with a great which will provide additional tax deal of interest the many articles in money to help meet the need« of English Professor the different newspapers In the our schools. This additional Henry Armstrong, former welter­ City of Memphis with reference to money will make possible other Mt* weight, lightweight and feather­ the consolidated government as pro­ Feted By Students essury Improvements. weight champion, was born at St. posed by the Charter Commission "New industry will also profile Mrs Velma R. McLemore of 291 Louis, on Dec. 12, 1912. He was the as well as the charter itself. Silverage, ussociate professor of only fighter in history to hold all citizens with more needed Jobs. iiF.v. J. a, McDaniel JAMES T. WALKER The charter will mean better EngUsh at LeMoyne and in her three boxing titles at the same B. 0. OLIVE, JR. J. A. BEAUCHAMP "1 have also read the speech 19th year as a member of the col­ time. made by Mr. Donald W. Jackson schools for less tax dollars. School lege laculty, was surprised with a entitled, "Taxpayers look at Con­ facilities will be Improved end belated birthday party and ‘“Hus solidated Government," This speech county teachers’ salaries raissd. is Your Life" program. Sponsoring simply confirmed my own belief The charter has a potential for the combined affair were members and removed all doubt from my saving In the next few yean front of the student English Club. mind that the charter as proposed overlapping and duplicating sere vioes.' Gifts to the veteran teacher in­ by the Charter Commission un­ K eluded leather bookends, flower, doubtedly is by far better than our MR. WALKER wrote: . present form of government. an album containing testimonials. "The Negron, o| ^Memphis $01 The event was heid Iuesday In "I have talked with any number Shelby County have the most. faculty lounge. Mrs. McLemore is WILL MEET SUNDAY of people, some were for the char­ gain from consolidation. Under’t ter and some, as explained to me, the wife of Theodore R. McLemore, proposed charter, they will be, s- member of LeMoyne’s board of I are definitely against it. Those who rio; obtain representation Tn thè trustees. stated that thiy are definitely jor policy making bodies of against the charter were almost to­ LeMoyne Alumni government tor the first time ’ (AN EDITORIAL) tally ignorant about the contents history. Their tax load will beU- But Tactics Backfire ! of the thartei' and ere primarily Uppermost in the minds of voters as they await the Nov. 6 I To Plan Follies reasonable. Of even greater import- general election is the charter calling for consolidation of Three block-busters have been hurled in recent nights at going on what other people told anie, there will be more good pay­ Indict Husband 1 them. Memphis and Shelby County governments. Tuesday's vote will leaders of small groups opposing the city county consolidation ing jobs from „new industry. Tbto “After explaining to them what The Memphis Club of LeMoyne is our greatest need. We cam determine whether or not this charter will be adopted. charter. The latest bombardment came last Friday night in Woqd- is'in the charter and comparing It1 College's General Alumni Associa­ with the present form of govern­ The Memphis World urges all Memphians and.Shel^.Count- tion "holds it« regular rtontWy-’ttock where approximately 100 persons attended an anti-charter bette Who Chased Man ment, they were surprised and were L-. t* ' ians to vote FOR the charter. This paper takes this stand be­ meeting Sunday, Nov. 4, at 5 p, it meeting In the Shelby County Training School. The big blast at the tv Chester A. Elliott, 33, of 1269 Opposition came from Dr. Stanley J. Buckman, general vice chair­ very Hank In admitting that they "During my recent Illness, I have cause it feels adoption of the charter will mean better govern­ in the faculty lounge of Brownlee simply didn’t know. Dunavant, who attacked a man he ment, more jobs, improved schools and a saving of taxpayers' Hall. Business will include discuss­ man of the city-county consolidation committee and a member of read everything I could about con­ accused of making obscene tele­ “I do not believe that any in­ solidation. We have everything to money, ion of plans for the Alumni Follies the Charter Commission. telligent, fair minded person who phone calls and visiting his wife, whch will be presented Nov. 30 In gain and nothing to lose from vot­ was indicted by the Shelby County The Memphis World also believes that Negroes stand a bet­ is familiar with our present form ing for consolidation. I hope every Bruce Hall. Others credited with upsetting of government ar.d who will take Jury on an assault to murder ter chance of being elected to public office and that more The follies will feature dance«, the anti - Charlottes are O Z one of my filanda will vote lor charge. the time to read the proposed char­ appointments will go to Negroes under this new form of gov­ skits, songs and fashions from 1870 Evers, businessman who made an consolidation on Nvember 8.” ’ The man accused of making the ter will be definitely convinced REV. Mr DANIEL said: ernment, a type of government that is being adopted by all to 1962. Miss Clarice Sykes is chair­ unsuccessful bid for county court calls and visiting the Dunivant st. Students Elect thhl the proposed charter Is not 1 "On November 6, Memphis1 Ml man of the committee responsible clerk last August, and Jacques A only the type of government we house, Wendell D. Collier, 33, of major cities In the United States. Shciby County will be called upon for staging this unique extrava­ Beauchamp, editor of the Memphis should vote in tn November 6, but 93 Newell, an employee of Southern The Memphis World takes this stand even though there Is a to make one of the most sertóus ganza. World. they would be convinced that our Beil Telephone Co., was cleared by bloc of Negro politicians opposing! the charter. These politicians decisions perhaps in their history Mrs. Ann L. Weathers, president, When Editor Beauchamp address­ Miss Owen College nresent form of government is not the grand jury of the charge of have changed their tactics three times. Before County Commiss­ said this is the club's annual fall ed u group of 40 membe s of the the type of government for a lor- when the citizens vote on the pro»: making obscene calls. Miss Willie Frank Taylor, niece posed change of government. -7rn' ioners Harsh and Jones were defeated last August, this bloc of project. Hyde Park - Hollywood Civic ward - looking and progressive city, Collier admitted going to the El­ of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor of 548 “After prayerful considerando, Responsible for refreshment« at' Teague and called on them to rally especially'one the size of Memphis. liott home but said he went there politicians said: "We'll fare better under the present form of Nonconnah Rd.., was elected “Mias and serious study ot the charter, T this meeting are James Autry and behind the charter, a woman asked "There are so many advantages to discuss Installation of telephone government." After Harsh and Jones were defeated, they argu­ why, if the charter favors Negro Owen College" In the recent elec­ wholeheartedly support and endoree Mesdames Mabie Hudson and Grace tion held at the College. that the proposed consolidated gov­ chimes.
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