An intercollegiate football game will be played in Melrose Stadium afterall. Fisk University's Bulldogs of Nashville, Tenn., take on the Lane College Dragons from Jackson, Tenn., on the local field this Saturday night, Nov. 3, in a "Scholarship Foot­ ball Classic."

Eight former Memphis high school grid stars are members of the vastly improved Fisk squad this season, including Quarterback Char­ lie Lee who sprinted Melrose in 1957-58 and made All-City his last year here. The game is being sponsored by They Urge Adoption Of The Charter the alumni of Fisk. Proceeds from They Urge Yes the contest will establish a scholar­ ship fund at Fijik for Memphis high school grads. Expected to shine for the Fisk eleven arc these Mempniansi Fred Vote On Nov. 6 Malone, Melrose, '58-59; Charlie Lee Melrose, ‘57-58; George Bradshaw, Strong statements supporting the consolidation charter, which Melrose, '59-60, Johnny Rutland. will be voted on in Memphis and Shelby County next Tuesdciy, Melrose, ‘59-60; Larry Mitchell, 1 wB, ...o Melrose, ■60-61, Willie Hudson, have been issued by six prominent leaders: B. G. Olive, Jr., first Mel. ose, and Roosevelt Hancock vice president and secretary of Universal Life Insurance Co.; Dr. and Louis Simmons, Hamilton Hollis F. Price, president of LeMoyne College; James T, Walker, High. civic and labor leader; the Rev. J. A. McDaniel, executive secretary Lee. Malone, Bradshaw. Mitchell and Simmons mode All-City while of the Memphis Urban League and pastor of Bethel Presbyterian playing high school ball here. Church; the Rev. J. C. Richardson, pastor of St. John AME Church, Tickets to the game are now on and J. A. Beauchamp, editor of the Memphis World. Their state« sale. General admission is $1.25. ments follow: Student tiokets are 60 cents MRS. VELMA R. McLEMORE Memphians Malone and Lee are B. G..OLIVE JR. Stated: tn bring In more new Industry eo-captalns of the Fisk eleven. "I have been reading with a great which will provide additional tax deal of interest the many articles in money to help meet the need« of English Professor the different newspapers In the our schools. This additional Henry Armstrong, former welter­ City of Memphis with reference to money will make possible other Mt* weight, lightweight and feather­ the consolidated government as pro­ Feted By Students essury Improvements. weight champion, was born at St. posed by the Charter Commission "New industry will also profile Mrs Velma R. McLemore of 291 Louis, on Dec. 12, 1912. He was the as well as the charter itself. Silverage, ussociate professor of only fighter in history to hold all citizens with more needed Jobs. iiF.v. J. a, McDaniel JAMES T. WALKER The charter will mean better EngUsh at LeMoyne and in her three boxing titles at the same B. 0. OLIVE, JR. J. A. BEAUCHAMP "1 have also read the speech 19th year as a member of the col­ time. made by Mr. Donald W. Jackson schools for less tax dollars. School lege laculty, was surprised with a entitled, "Taxpayers look at Con­ facilities will be Improved end belated birthday party and ‘“Hus solidated Government," This speech county teachers’ salaries raissd. is Your Life" program. Sponsoring simply confirmed my own belief The charter has a potential for the combined affair were members and removed all doubt from my saving In the next few yean front of the student English Club. mind that the charter as proposed overlapping and duplicating sere vioes.' Gifts to the veteran teacher in­ by the Charter Commission un­ K eluded leather bookends, flower, doubtedly is by far better than our MR. WALKER wrote: . present form of government. an album containing testimonials. "The Negron, o| ^Memphis $01 The event was heid Iuesday In "I have talked with any number Shelby County have the most. faculty lounge. Mrs. McLemore is WILL MEET SUNDAY of people, some were for the char­ gain from consolidation. Under’t ter and some, as explained to me, the wife of Theodore R. McLemore, proposed charter, they will be, s- member of LeMoyne’s board of I are definitely against it. Those who rio; obtain representation Tn thè trustees. stated that thiy are definitely jor policy making bodies of against the charter were almost to­ LeMoyne Alumni government tor the first time ’ (AN EDITORIAL) tally ignorant about the contents history. Their tax load will beU- But Tactics Backfire ! of the thartei' and ere primarily Uppermost in the minds of voters as they await the Nov. 6 I To Plan Follies reasonable. Of even greater import- general election is the charter calling for consolidation of Three block-busters have been hurled in recent nights at going on what other people told anie, there will be more good pay­ 1 them. Indict Husband Memphis and Shelby County governments. Tuesday's vote will leaders of small groups opposing the city county consolidation ing jobs from „new industry. Tbto “After explaining to them what The Memphis Club of LeMoyne is our greatest need. We cam determine whether or not this charter will be adopted. charter. The latest bombardment came last Friday night in Woqd- is'in the charter and comparing It1 College's General Alumni Associa­ with the present form of govern­ The Memphis World urges all Memphians and.Shel^.Count- tion "holds it« regular rtontWy-’ttock where approximately 100 persons attended an anti-charter bette Who Chased Man ment, they were surprised and were L-. t* ' ians to vote FOR the charter. This paper takes this stand be­ meeting Sunday, Nov. 4, at 5 p, it meeting In the Shelby County Training School. The big blast at the tv Chester A. Elliott, 33, of 1269 Opposition came from Dr. Stanley J. Buckman, general vice chair­ very Hank In admitting that they "During my recent Illness, I have cause it feels adoption of the charter will mean better govern­ in the faculty lounge of Brownlee simply didn’t know. Dunavant, who attacked a man he ment, more jobs, improved schools and a saving of taxpayers' Hall. Business will include discuss­ man of the city-county consolidation committee and a member of read everything I could about con­ accused of making obscene tele­ “I do not believe that any in­ solidation. We have everything to money, ion of plans for the Alumni Follies the Charter Commission. telligent, fair minded person who phone calls and visiting his wife, whch will be presented Nov. 30 In gain and nothing to lose from vot­ was indicted by the Shelby County The Memphis World also believes that Negroes stand a bet­ is familiar with our present form ing for consolidation. I hope every Bruce Hall. Others credited with upsetting of government ar.d who will take Jury on an assault to murder ter chance of being elected to public office and that more The follies will feature dance«, the anti - Charlottes are O Z one of my filanda will vote lor charge. the time to read the proposed char­ appointments will go to Negroes under this new form of gov­ skits, songs and fashions from 1870 Evers, businessman who made an consolidation on Nvember 8.” ’ The man accused of making the ter will be definitely convinced REV. Mr DANIEL said: ernment, a type of government that is being adopted by all to 1962. Miss Clarice Sykes is chair­ unsuccessful bid for county court calls and visiting the Dunivant st. Students Elect thhl the proposed charter Is not 1 "On November 6, Memphis1 Ml man of the committee responsible clerk last August, and Jacques A only the type of government we house, Wendell D. Collier, 33, of major cities In the . Shciby County will be called upon for staging this unique extrava­ Beauchamp, editor of the Memphis should vote in tn November 6, but 93 Newell, an employee of Southern The Memphis World takes this stand even though there Is a to make one of the most sertóus ganza. World. they would be convinced that our Beil Telephone Co., was cleared by bloc of Negro politicians opposing! the charter. These politicians decisions perhaps in their history Mrs. Ann L. Weathers, president, When Editor Beauchamp address­ Miss Owen College nresent form of government is not the grand jury of the charge of have changed their tactics three times. Before County Commiss­ said this is the club's annual fall ed u group of 40 membe s of the the type of government for a lor- when the citizens vote on the pro»: making obscene calls. Miss Willie Frank Taylor, niece posed change of government. -7rn' ioners Harsh and Jones were defeated last August, this bloc of project. Hyde Park - Hollywood Civic ward - looking and progressive city, Collier admitted going to the El­ of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor of 548 “After prayerful considerando, Responsible for refreshment« at' Teague and called on them to rally especially'one the size of Memphis. liott home but said he went there politicians said: "We'll fare better under the present form of Nonconnah Rd.., was elected “Mias and serious study ot the charter, T this meeting are James Autry and behind the charter, a woman asked "There are so many advantages to discuss Installation of telephone government." After Harsh and Jones were defeated, they argu­ why, if the charter favors Negro Owen College" In the recent elec­ wholeheartedly support and endoree Mesdames Mabie Hudson and Grace tion held at the College. that the proposed consolidated gov­ chimes. He denied making the calls. ed that there should be more districts and that councilmen rights, the NAACP is against it. Ite provisions for a more progres­ , Accusing Collier of making the Meacham. ernment offers the citizen.) and sive government, should be elected from each district. Now their sermon is: calls was Mrs. Connie Elliott, 22. "Doesn't prove a thing," Mr. Miss Taylor Is a 1961 graduate taxpayers over our present form "Under the charter more good .EUioft was at home when Col­ "The charter gives too much power to a mayor." Beauchamp retorted. ’So Is the of Mitchell Road High School. The of government until I shall not at­ men will become involved in gov­ tempt to mention then’ and I sin­ lier arrived and began beating him And, now, on the eve of the election, these fellows have White Cltltens Council against it." popular campus queen is active in ernment rather than a few. I be­ cerely believe that if the citizens of with a stick. Elliott continued to reached under the bed and pulled out their old, worn-out wea­ 52 Boy Scouts Mr. Evers aroused the ire of op­ many campus organlatons. lieve In the honesty and Integrity administer the beating as he Chas­ position ieaders during a discus­ Miss Daisy Hodges, daughter of Memphis and Shelby County take of the leadership, of the business pon. They have put their hatchet-man on the platform to talk — ■ • ' ‘ the id, Collier from his home. sion at Centenary Methodist Church Mrs. Sylvia Hedges, 2437 Corry time to read and understand and professional men who support proposed charter, there would about the "Uncle Toms." But, this is becoming a big joke be­ When A. W. Willis claimed that Street, was elected sophomore at­ be this charter. I believe that they Stage Camp-O-Ree no question about then; voting cause the same hatchet-man was going around yelling "Unde the top Negro organizations are tendant to the queen. She is a fur | are solely concerned about the it." Fifty-two Boy Scouts of the Cen­ against the charter, Mr. Evers re­ 1961 graduate of Booker T. Wash­ common goed of all citizens in the Tom" in two previous elections. PRESIDENT PRICE said: tral Division, Chickasaw Council, plied: “There are only five hand- ington High School and is very ac­ city and county without concern Your vote FOR the charter means more than a vote for better "The present commission fonn of participated in a weekend Camp- picked men at the most who com­ tive in campus oiganlaztlons. - for neither persimi position nor government, more jobs, improved schools, better representation government Is inadequate for a O-Ree on the Owen College cam­ pletely urn and speak for these Miss E.hel Criss, daughter of power. and a savinq of taxpayers' money, it also is a vote to kill off pus. organizations referred to." Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Criss, community the size of Memphis. It "I do not believe that there are tends to accentuate and highlight would-be dictators and would-be political machines. The boys pitched camp Friday at Mrs, Maxine Smith of the NAA 1579 S. Wellington, was chosen any provisions In the charter that CP retorted: "That Is an undiluted as freshman attendant. She Is a differences of opinion ai d view­ will work an* hardship or lean Memphians this week were sing­ 4 p. m. and remained on the 1962 graduate of Shelby County points among officials. the puweg of the ballot of any min­ ing the praises of Edward Taylor, CAMPAIGN GOAL: $25,000 grounds until the same time Sat­ lie." Training School. "There are many duplicated ser­ ority group in the eity and county, 1761 Farrington, a foreman for the urday. They cooked their own And her husband Dr. Vasco A. vices in the county and city. Mon­ I rathet believe that under thè Public Worts Department. He was meals, played games and took part Pmith, told Mr. Ever«: "Those five in Scouting skllLs which included men you refer to are about the ey can be saved by abolishing these charter, minorities have a better credited with rescuing two babies duplications. first aid and artificial respiration. only Negro men in Memphis who Onzie In Jazz Concert chance of representation on a from a burning house at 3202 Horn "1 lie proposed consolidation char­ Lake Road. Four troops were represented: know how to h»ad these organi­ The Boosters Club of Father council of twelve (12) men rather Frank Lewis Will zations.” ter eliminates duplication and the than a commission of five (5) men. 102 of the Metropolitan Baptist Bertrand High School will sponsor Mr. Taylor just happened to be causes of friction and mhunder- Church, John Powell, scoutmaster; Friday right at the Woodstock Onzie Horne and his Mastros in a "I believe that education can be * passing by the house when he standnig. Both the residents of the heard women screaming that two 119 of Progressive Baptist Church, meeting, Dt. Bucxman, an unin- jazz concert Nov, 4 at 8 p. m. at improved. Equality of education for city and county wfl benefit from both rural ar" ‘ children must babies were in the building. jdtetlmast. moved, to the sneakers the school. Bernard Johnson Is the consolidation,------beprevided . He kicked open the back door, el Presbyterian Church, Daniel (Continued on Page Six) president of the Boosters. Head UNCF Drive Durr, acting scoutmaster, and 195 "I am hoping that every citizen salaries for teachers which oan covered his face with his arms and will study the charter, and having crawled to a room where he found of First Baptist (Magnolia), Willie CASH, WELLS, RODDY, MEBANE be achieved under the charter. I Horton, scoutmaster. studied it, vote in the light of what also believe that lost industry can the two babies huddled in the cor­ Frank J. Lewis of 210 Ashland Street, principal of Grant he has learned." ner of a. bed. He grabbed their Elementary School, has accepted the chairmanship of the United Scout Executive P. V. McMillian be reclaimed and further new in­ was In charge. J. T. Chandler is MR. BEAUCHAMP said: dustry induced to come here; for hands and pulled them along the Negro College Fund's 1962 campaign in the Memphis area. The “I am thoroughly convinced that floor to .safety. chairman of the Central Division. without full employment a large goal this year is $25,000 and the kickoff meeting is scheduled T. W. Williams was chairman of the charter for consolidated gov­ segment of our largest minority After toe. daring rescue, Mr. ernment will mean much to many for Nov. 12. The drive will continue through Dec. 31. the Camp-O-Ree. Sporting Goods stands to sutler first and most from people. The charter is the most im­ ' M Page Six) Dan Partee of the YMCA served lack of Job oppottuniiies. Mr. Lewis is a graduate of Ten­ as instructor in artificial respira­ portant development In our com­ “Finally, I trust the wisdom of '...... = nessee A&I state University in tion, and Coach Jerry C. Johnson munity in 50 years. toe Charter Commission for pre­ Nashville and holds the master's of LeMoyne College was instructor “The charter provides a number senting this document which is an degree from Columbia University, in first aid. of important benefits: more jobs instrumentality for good govern- New York City. He once served as and more industry. basketball coach at LeMoyne Col­ "The charter has a sound plan (Continued on Page Six) The Mid-South Sporting Goods, Inc., with temporary head­ Inside Memphis lege and later established an en­ viable record as basketball mentor Week Of Tragedy quarters at 1372 South Parkway East, made its debut Saturday THE CONSOLIDATION CHARTER is gaining support from those at Melrose High School. He cur- in the Universal Life cafeteria with a big banquet which attract­ ■rently Is president of the Mem- just making up their mind» and from those who have become dis­ ed scores of principals, coaches and athletic directors from all (Continued on Pago Six) j gusted with below-the-belt tactics used by some of the opposition. For Memphians over Shelby County. ♦ * t * The past week was a tragic one Top out-of-town personalities at­ Wells, principal of E. A. Harrold CONGRATULATIONS ARE DUE Hdrry Cash, R. J. Roddy, C. L. for several Memphis families. tending the banquet were B. T. Jr, High at Mlllngton, vice pres­ Wells and Julius Mebane for their big step into the business LONNIE CARL GLASPER, 15- Harvey, veteran commissioner of ident, and R. J. Roddy, principal of Shelby County Training School at world. Their Mid-South Sporting Goods firm should go over in a year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ the Southern Intercollegiate Ath­ rose Glasper, 2582 Warren, died on letic Conference; President W. H. Woodstock, is secretary - treasurer. big way. Saturday of wounds suffered when White of Vocational A fourth partner In the business * * ♦ ♦ a girl handed him a rifle she College at Itta Bena, Miss,, and is Julius Mebane, county school TED McDANIELS, the student bandmaster at Hamilton High, thought was unloaded. He is sur­ Eddie Plique, national fight an­ principal. vived by 12 brothers and sisters. nouncer and promoter of Chicago. is a polished musician and should make his mark with ease. Words of encouragement, brief MRS. JESSIE GREEN, 78. died \ * * ♦ ♦ and long, were given by the out- early Friday when fire swept her Mid-South Sporting Goods will oftown guests and Elder Blair T. • LOCAL ROMEO is threatening his two pals who failed to home at 6144 Rust Road. Mrs. handle all types of athletic equip­ »how and help him foot the entertainment bill run up by two Green’s sister, Mrs. "Pearly Pratt, ment and will feature the Wilson Hunt,, E. T. Hunt, Jerry Johnson, 81, and Mrs. Ruthie Brooks, 80, brand. The firm’s first order came Dr. G. Stanley Ish, Ernest Brassell, out-of-town female guests. Robert (Honey Boy) Thomas, Jack » * St * who also lived in the house, es­ from LeMoyne College through caped’" when attempts to put out Coach Jerry C. Johnson, and the LeFlore of Knoxville, Horace Wal­ BRIEF IN LOCAL CHURCH Bulletin: "There is somethinq wrong the fire failed. Mr». Green, who second was from Lincoln Junior lace; Dr. Charles Dinkins, Robert with the city that can support its race track and then falls down couldn't walk well, collapsed and High through the principal, Oliver M. Ratcliffe, William Fowlkes, Samuel Brown, Oliver Johnson and On adequate support of the church. died as she almost reached the Johnson, Jr. * * * * door. Funeral was held Saturday Dr. H. H. Johnson. afternoon from Little John Church Harry T. Cash, principal of Ham­ Salesmen for the firm are Joseph DID YOU KNOW that Dr. H. H, Johnson of Memphis was ilton High School, is president of Atkins, Randall Catron, James DR HOLLIS F. PRICE ten« the trainer for Archll Moore?______:______FRANK j. LEWIS (ConUnaed oa Psge Six) th» sporting goods firm; C. L. Scott and Samuel Carpenter, î * WMMBWÔftLt) é Saturday, NovemUr 1962 ------>------—----;------;------L_---- Alumni Of Owen Teens About Town ON HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUSES Plan Baby Conlesl Owen Collie Alumni Association T wiC sponsor a .baby contest Sunday Dee. 16, at 3:30 p. m., in the col­ .era lege auditorium. •(Who else were you expecting i Hancock has recently become a 4' f CARVER HIGH a^d I'm back to bring, you all the member oi the National Honor So­ Friends and members will «ter Idlest and greatest aroqjid our town ciety (this fellow.i§ tops in just babies up to 5 year, old in the ■rtlE MAGIC C IRCLE about everything) Robert contest which vid name a kingkin? ¡This week the multi-colored glow Davidson is the best dressed guy HIGH SCHOOL COBRA NEWS and queen for the boy and girl of the magic circle falls on one in the city (shirt, tie, and Jazzy By NEELY HURL ' entrants with the most votes. of the most outstanding young men sweater everyday) .... Roderick Your reporters, Emma Garrett in the clty-ef-Memphls. He is none- ■Piggs would like to announce to AND add Rulve Davis, ar» back on the All babies will be given prtees. other than Roderick Diggs. Rode- his club that his heart belongs to TXCQUEEINETflERS -scene with the Cr.rve. Cobras and —Mrs. Ma.y Taiford, Mrs. Bareli - rL'k. the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. their latest happenings: his one and only .... Eugene Lee Your reports: s, Niely Hurd and Gray, Miss Ruth Twins. MLsS VaL Diggs and he resides with his par­ The Counts Social Club presents can no longer conceal the truth Jacqueline Myers, are back on the eria Smith and Miss Ruby Mister ents at 1014 Woodlawn St. Aroupd (he has given, heart, head and their Inauguration Ball at LeMoyne compose the committee in charge highlights of the Junior High De­ the campus Roderick Is the presi­ soul to Barbara Duncan) ...... Commons, Dec. 1, at 7:3G until. of the contest. ' partment of the big "C". dent of the Student Council, Cadet Please come dressed, white shirts, Simone McAnulty is really a good This is the third time the readers Oolonel of the N. D. C. C. Battle­ friend of Melba Watson (Ronald ties. Preftmnent Countess wi’l be Hext meeting of the association of th.: Memphis World have seen group, reporter of the National says that he has .never even called selected. Mirs Vera Merritt is the wil! be Friday, Nov. 2, at 7:30 P. a report on Capleville High School. Honor Society, and a member of Melba aWtson (at least that is what candidate for Carver. M at lhe Eagle Club, 580 Welling­ Fcr those of you who aren't ac­ the Future Teachers of America, he told Simone McAnulty)^’...... ton Sheet. quainted with our school here is IN THE GROW TOGETHER the Ole Timers Social Club, the Did Archie Scruggs really slap some mfu: mation. 1. Carla Cunningham and Frank Count's Social club, the Mu Alpha Janice Hill (that’s what I’m told It is located at the intersection Love. Theata and the Social Science by a reliable source) ol Malor.p Rd and Shelby Drive. 2. Odenna and Floyd McGhee. Club. Ill religious life he Is a mem­ TOPS AROUND TOWN The faculty consists of 40 instruc­ 3. Delores Hall and Zeb Hill. ber of First Baptist Chelsea, pas­ KINGS Knights Launch tors under the able leadership of 4 Emma Gairctt and GusHealth. tured by Rev. P. L. Rowe. Dan Hancock (FBH), Truman Prof. Ezra L. Ford. Within the past 5. Geraldine Rice and Lomas 'Roderick is well known around Hull (Meb, Henry Marman (BTW), five years the school has grown the campus' as a congenial and has Adell Smith (Man.), Wayne Wil­ Payne. from an elementary school to a 6. Allear. Clark and G. W. Christmas Drive af liable personality, one whose liams (MelJ. William Fleming high school. During these five years I Thelma Miller and Lawrence friendship is to be valued and (Doug.), Lewis Hines (FBHi, Lo­ ■ The Mallory Ktiights charitable the school has added many new those character is to be admired. renzo Childress (Man.), John Ed­ Foster. departments such as: typing, home 8. Thelma Steward and Napoleon Organization launches its annual Hats off to an outstanding and wards i Mel I, Morris Webb (BTW), Christmas Basket Fund drive Nov. ec.. agriculture, french, physical Mills. likeable young man. -—-—: _ Eddio Walsh (Man.) Charles caucation and music. We also re­ 9. Clarice Mitchell and John 1, it was announced by the director, ALL THE NEWS THAT IS Wright i Lest i. Thomas Milam ceived a new building with about Tudor. Harry L. Strong. The campaign FIT TO PRINT (BTW). 29 classrooms, including health 10. Alvin Floyd and Brown Eyes. continues through Dec. 25. Did you know that Eddie "Reko QUEENS l rooms and lounges. Completion of Walsh has a true love in Mausette Drothy Graham (FBH). Dorothy CLUB LIGHT Members of the organization »li­ ! the school gym is scheduled fur Brownlee, land just how long will James iHanu Stella Harns iLest.b The F. ß. L. A advised by cit contributions and use the money February. Mrs. R. Olive elected their offi­ this new romance last) .... Dan Simone McAnulty (FBH) Georgette tv purchase Ch Istmas toys and School;colors: blue and white. Walker (BTWi, Ora Douglass cers for 62-63. They arc as follows: clothing for needy children. President - Gloria Woodard (Dougi, Patricia Hooks iHam.t, SrOT LIGHT Vice P.csideui - Arnetti Phillips. Barbara l-ewis (Lest.i, Baroara Stepping into the green glow this Donations should be sent to Mal- Secretary - Rosie Maggitte. Duncan (Man.) Doris Rowe (Ham.) week is Mr. Calvin Turnage. Mr. lory Knights headquarters 519 Patterson High Yvonne Riley (BTW). Thelma Noel Turnage fs in the 7-2 class where Asst. Secretary — Ella Hardy. Vance Avenue. Contributors nuy Treasurer — Janice Griffin. (Mel.i. Naomi Reid (ManJ M . Noal Bond is instructor. also call the organization by dial­ IT 18 FAN CLUB TIME In regilious life, he is a member Reporters — Gloria Terry and Bet­ ing 527-8347. ty Herrington. Meetings are held So until next week, (when I in­ of the Oakville M. B. Church where School News tve.v other Wednesday. The F. Bi The Rev. D. E. Herring is presi­ tend to release a few fan clubs), Rev. Thompson is minister. L. A. installation service will be dent of Mallory Knights. By BARBARA TURNER this is your teen reporter leaving In social life, he is a member of held at Owen College under the and CAROLYN DUKES you with this little hint: "Even a Boy Scout Troop No. 142. He is also This is your roving reporter, woodpecker finds success because a member of the band in which ne sponsorship of Mrs. D .P. Patter­ ■ The corrupters.” Carolyn Dukes, bringing you all he uses his head." plays the drum. son Mrs. VAiatley and M.s. MeDavis are "The Detectives." .the latest news from the “Planet Calvin resides with his parents, GOING PLACES Mr. Berry and Mr. Goddard are Patterson." First, let me tell you Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward, at 36- (Ham.) Anne Burford; Lynda “The Flint Stone." ’a few things about my fellow re­ :2 Democrat Road. Hargroues. Mrs. Lowe and Mr. Rankins are porter and myself. Mr. Tuenage is noted as one of (Mel.) Anna Mulberry; Emmet Cool 'n Breezy the best d.essed students in the no other than “Tight Rope.” ! Barbara Turner is a sophomore Mocklin., seventh grade. rand belongs to the following: Stu- (Prep.) Maxine Perry; Wanda JUST CALL ME ■dent Council (where she Is Asst, When Caivin graduates he plan 2ogan. io study music. So again we con- James (play boy) Hollins. isecretary), Debating Society, NHA, Al Hamilton Hi (Min.) Bobbie Agnes; Selma Re- Mary (Press Scimitar) Taylor. and is editor of School Buzzer. I irutubte Mr. Turnage. glsler WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF??? Charlene (sample) Fo.d. am a senior, a member of the Stu­ By CAROLE JONES And (Bert.) Simone McAnulty; Dor- LEE ANN COOPER Vivian (bashful) Broodie. dent Council, Twelve Year Club, THEY'LL CHEER FISK — These pretty cheer leaders from Jackson, Tenn, in Melrose Stadium. Eight Stella Thompson could get a cer­ otliv Graham. On a chilly night, Oct. 26, to tain young freshman she Is after. Wayne (hard to get) Evans. NHA, Debating Society, and, oh (Wash). Kenneth Porter; Morris be exact, Hamilton’s Wildcats were of Fisk University in Nashville will be here this Memphis boys will be playing for Fisk in a game Neely Rurd quit Clinton Savage Janire <>>n to date) Griffin. : yea. let’s not forget the DSC. Webb. really on the beam. After hearing Saturday night to encourage the Fisk Bulldogs that will provide scholarships for local students and picked up where she left off PREDICTIONS ; This is a warning to all schools, (Car.) James Hollins; Carolyn the Thunderbolts bra? a» *eek, who go against the Dragons of Lane College attending the Nashville university. with Jinriny Bledsoe. Miss Sophisticated — Honorine ffWATCH OUT," we’re in mbit Sherman. Cooper. the Wildcats made them eat their Marshall Echols could be quiet for (Les.) John Jordan; Stella Har­ now!! words. Thanks to the fine playing at least five minutes. Mr. Esquire — James Peppers. 12 in our gym. Everyone interest­ ris. Wednesday, Oct. 24, the Student of our boys,.the score ended 31-12 Lillie Dean wasn’s attractive. Most Popular — Velma Rimmer- i Court held its first session during ed in attending can buy rickets I TEACHERS OF HOLLYWOOD Joseph Bell. in our favor. Top man of the even­ through any Hamiltonian. We will [ The seventh grade was as smart —Mr.-Stockton and Mr. Stovallare • the activity period. The five judges ing was L M. Carroll, makng three as the eight grade. Best Physique — Effie DeBerry, are: George Gentry, James Burkins, hold a homecoming parade, assent-; Most Manly — Willie Wilkerson. touchdowns, while Larry Dailey and Ry ROSIE MILES And U-Gene Miss Patricia Griffin. Veda Hayes gut a certain young : Bettye Jones, Jeanette Nevils and bly, and have our game on Nov. I Bertha Savage, Cora Polk, Willie Loquoclous - Dorothy Bell. Theodore Pickett contributed six 8. All ol these activities will be in I Timers won, say like the Feet- STRANGE AS IT SEEMS man she . is after. •Earnest Coleman; the prosecuting M. Carter, Robert Lewis Bomim, Best Dress - Cubic Jenkins — pts. each. Laloln Boyce's passing honor of ou: football queen, Miss I ball team whipped it up lest night I' Archie Scruggs is trying to get Tate didn't go with Odls ¡attorney: Sharlene Taylor; the de­ Edward Turner, Eugene Eddins. Willie Farmer. was running the Bertrand players with a t.emendoas saare of 39-0. Betty Agness tv see things his Fegerson i fendants, Lydia Jackson Dollie Cal- Lena Richmond, and her alternates, Willie N. Faulkner and Elbert Guy. Most Likely to Succeed— Wayne ragged. We would also like to men­ In other words they were -fighting way (all record keepers, this is The freshman boys stopped being ; loway, Carolyn Dukes, Vicki Doris Rowe and Myrtle Rankins. 1 Evans — Betty Johnson. tion the fine playing of Roy Scott, like a tiger should fight. We hope i fcr the record). The Los Premer- such drlpis. DUETS: Margaret Jones and Dave Odom. Tire Social Studies dub, one of Mitchell. Katherine Mitchell, Cur- Archie Scruggs. Amos Miller, John TELL THE TRUTH that Mitchell Rd. knows that they ious are going to give a hardy lit­ DEDICATIONS ...... tistene Mason and Eddie Bonner; Rossie Dean and Charlie Phillips. the most outstanding clubs on Car­ Johnsen, Prestcn Peyton and many Is Myrtle Rankins writing to Nel­ are the little M and that we are the tle paity. The Senior Class, is going Juanita1 Richmond is telling Her­ ‘.attorney for defense: Carolyn ver's campus, 1c aponsbred by Mr. others. We also noticed Leo Gray, son or is she finding out that big M. We have also, given Melrose bert Johnson "You Got the Power," Betty erown and Frank Blair. to have a year book. John L. Outlaw. Dukes. The defendants were found Aubrey and Denver Miller, and Hamilton lias more to oiler? Is permls-ion to be the medium suf Shirley Mitchell is telling James Charlotte Pickens and Marcus This years officers are striving to ¡guilty, but filed an appeal. What Otis Yette. Jerry, we're glad to see Mary Garlock going with anyone? M. OK" OK. THE WATCHFUL EYE Bailey "I ’Won't Be a Second Fiddle Tuggle. Joyce Smith and Lewis Taylor. make It one of best years in the :wDl the results be? Someone had you back. Can Ann Miller cut Clarence Bol­ HOMECOMING I Halfback Robert Mitchell got his Girl.” I hhtory of the club. [better studv Ms 'aw books. Pl.EASE ANSWER PRONTO den's head cn trombone? Is there Homeei’niiiig was a great event lights turned raff in the game Fri­ Patsy perry is Carl Den­ Girda Bailey and Leon Jackson. Charles Rush and Ruby Mae Our officers for the year of 1962- [ABOUND CAMPUS Why “Pete” Wells enjoys being such a club as the. Los Caber lie oes around Manassas Friday. We had day night . .. Jeff Matthews, did ton My ’lTiuber i 4-2426 and 63 are: • What social club around the Deb Sweetheart? Why Dorothy on.campus? Will the sponsors And , a lovely queen, a beautiful court, you see tile baboon in the water .. not "Beachwood 3-5789.” Harris. Beverly Pa:ker .... president; : campus is there that has three Thomason thinks one of the foot­ officers get together before the | and a great speaker. The sneaker J ickie Clavborne has been wear­ Annie Ingram Is telling Ezail WHO'S WHO: - " - Gwendolyn Glass . vice presi­ ¡presidents, thtee secretaries, and ball players is looking good? Why military ball?. I fcr th" cl.y was A C. Williams, ing Milton's pearl since September Ralston ‘fl Don't Love You No Most Dignified: Dorothy Young, : three members? Is it the "Debon- Lm;a G.eene changes with the | bette. known as Moo; haiv, of ra- Leo Edwarils, we oolli have .’.lore" I Janeth Murdock, Edward Turner. dent; Rubye Hawkins .. secre­ tary; Jean Spain . assistant sec­ 'aire Social Club”???? Earnest Cole­ weather? Why Robert Davis just TOPS | din station WDIA. The queen[s the am? ideal .. . Lora Taylor Emma Ridh Blair is telling Per­ Best Dressed: Charlotte Pickens retary; Lomas Paine .... treasur­ man, why sa many? Thomas Har- might get a Hamilton senior with­ GIRLS Janet Braswell, Doris j court consisted of: Miss 7th Grade1- has thrown a net over Vernon cy Golden; “Darling” James Faulkner. Josephine T imer, er; william Moore .. chaplain, ; ris, four Is enough. No more, out knowing it Rowe, Lena Richmond, Glover Tili- ■ Linda Small, Mbs 8th Grade- Hatch .. Mary Johnson, here OVT OF ORBIT (STRICTLY Collin Turnage. and Linda Jones and Emma Gar- :pie«se. ONE AND ONE MAKES TWO man, Myrtle Rankins. Maudette Ft racine Guy, Miss Freshman - conic the boys... John Collins, FROM SIKKSVILLE) I, Most Studious: Marshall Echols rfett . reuorters. Lydia, "Big Girls Don't Cry.” I Betty Carr and Arthur Gross, Brownie“. Carole McDaniels, Anita Shirley Redd, Mi.-s Sophomore — I'll keep an eye cn Macy Morris ■.. Earskin Graft and Patrica Hollo- Charles Hayes. Audrey Murdock, STROLLING [Fred Richard, “Don’t Hang Up” Glover Tillman and L. M. Oarroll, Stewart, Patricia Stewart. iiarllne 1 “ed. Miss Junior • Janice Barbara Rivers, you had better way. Delores Tuggle.' Cutest: Emndt Savage, Kathe­ White strolling down the com- ran Myrtis Burrows. Dollis is still [Ernest Batten and (we can't say), BOYS — E.nest Eatten, Otis Hill and Miss Senior - (yours tru­ lo-,k out Sam McDowell is not Jennie IPartee and Jimmy Smith. ’.saying “Gravy For My Mash Po- i Patricia Hooks and Whitier Seng- Hullum, Lariy Johnson, Amos Mil­ ly). Rosie Miles. In-behalf of our cuttig out on Virginia Knight. Charles Russ and Alice Eddins. rine Holmes, Dart Blair, Dorothy dot's we heard Gloria Woodard A. Merriweather. shout "Stop The Wedding" for Em­ ¡tatoes" and James Burkins is still staeke, Jackie Young and Rudy ler, Robert Wright, McKinley But­ student lu>;iy. we would like to say Some of this information was Carylon Lewis and Larry Wal­ I Best, Madeline Cooper and Harvell ma Garrett and Claude Boohe. f telling Curtistine Mason “I Can’t ler. R.ixul Davis, Lio Gray and Hail’ Q.ieen Patri 'ia, may vour given to us by one of our stool ker. Most. Handsome' Larry Freeman, Coope., and Eva Brittenum and Isiah Davis, Eric Harmon. Bobbie Thomas is singing to Stop Loving You." Eddie Bonner, Hoy Scott. L. M Carroll. reign be a long and happy one. pigeons of the I? A. M. He is non Paulette Petty and Clyde Walker. I TOP COUPLES Charles Cabbage "I'm a young girl.” t why don’t you stop telling Lorie, I James McBride. • SALUTE - Wt. the Hamilton other than Eddie Ronald Walsh. Bobbie Thompson and Grover i WE OVERHEARD school body, would like to congrat­ LIMELIGHT Odom. Veda Hayes and James Coleman, John Wiley is singing this tune to | Amelia Gibson has a crash on a ulate Miss Melrnie, Thelma Glass, Without hesitation this week's DEDICATIONS Margie Alien and Walter Tuggle. Shirley Mitchell and James Bailey, all girls in his fan club "Make it Fhmliton senior. Dorothy Grahem and her alternate. time light foil on non other than 'Sherry Bfibv - Robert Hunt and I Dorothy Merriweather and Tom Neely Hurd and Clinton Savage, easy , on yourself.’ 11-5 class is ! hasn't given up hope on Archie | Yvonne Patricia Griffin,-homecom- still singing Someday Someway. PREDICTIONS - Hamilton will, Wanda Boryan. ‘Honey! Honey! — Golden. Janeth Murdock and Albert Lee Scruggs. The senior girls are start­ beat Carver lhe Debs next party I lug queen for the year 1962-63. Andrew Love and Sheila Cabbage. IN ORBIT (WHAT’S HAPPENING) Badey, Lillie Bell Dean and C. P. Georgia Hawkins is singing you can j Pat i- a member of 12-3 home- ing their annual trend towards the will be hip. The senior class wil' “Seems Like Heaven' - Joseph William Bledso and Beatrice Por­ Pavne. and Larry Walker and Rita make it if you try with teart in junior fellows. iWatch out fellows) be the best ever. Robert Davis will i room where she serves as the presi- Flarg and DeDe. ter. Fave Moore. her eyes. Olo ia Partee is singing Homecoming will be what’s iiap- never go back with Lora Greene. dert. she resides with her mother, "What Kind Of Love Is This" - Lany Crewford and Doris Steve­ Most Attractive: Lillie Dean. "My Man" to Johnney stein (Wash­ pening. Debra Warmsley likes Wil­ Rode Taboi find a true Love. Mis.-Lillian. Griffin, at 335 Dixie Charlie Smith and Joyce Mayhorn. son. | Veda Hayes, Sadie Allen, Beatrice ington) Charles Steen is Binging liam James. Carolyn Br'idgeforth is scnied.iv. Mail. In religious life she is a “Try a Little Tenderness" -Pa­ Louise TJndsy and Jessie White Porter; ■------"Darling" to Geraldine Harris. -ott’ng together with Ben Peete. RETRACTIONS - member of the Greater White tricia Fo:d. (Melrose).’ Neatest: Herbert Johnson, Mar­ The Junior class elected their of­ FASHIONS Ann Burlord wishes to retract Stone Baptist Church where she "Nothing Can Change Our Love" Betty Mhtthews and Lewis Wil­ gie Allen, Jeff D. Smith, Dons ficer fcr the year of 62-63. Hie We saw Maudette Brownlee in a her name with Lawson Rowes . serves as a member of (lie Celes- — James Taylor and Sandra Ry­ iams. . I Stevens. result was as follows: President - cool plaid sweater at the game. (John Betsh maybe, bat Lawson, trial Choir, She is also a member an. Stella 'Iliompson and Torrence Most Talented: Calvin Tuggle, Arnetta Philips; Vice PreBident — Julie Saville looked swell in hei never). of the Ln: Primeroes Social Club, "Mv Man' — Albert Burford and Myers (Milroee). Rosie Dean. Gloria O'Neil; Secretary — Beverly raccoon collar coat. Madeline Goop- Barbara Lancs says Bobby Shipp the French Club and- the pep the "Big Ocier.” Janeth Murdock and Albert Bai­ Best All Aiouud: Carolyn Tucker, Harris; Asst. Secretary — Sheila ,r has a oute suspender skirt. is not two - liming her so he squad, in the future she plans to "Don’t Ever Leave Me" — Willie ley. Stella Thompson, Emma Blair. Cabbage; Treasurer — Lomas Lallon Boyce looks good in his couldn't possibly be going with attend L. A C, C and major in C. Owens and Shirley Purnell. Sally Washington and Bobbie So until next week, your repor­ Payne. The Juniors also ejected , shirt suit. We like Joe wililams Business Admmis’ration. "I Can t Take It" — Charles Ccffir. (H^mUton). ters Neely Hurd and Jacqueline "Miss Junior." She is Miss Georgia I red tweed sports coat. When will Pat is Known all around school Bowden and Charlene Stewart. HONOR ROLL Myers are leaving you with this Hawkins who resides at 121 East 1 the seniors start breaking sharp. DO YOUR BILLS PILE UP and hei selectlan as queen came as The honor roll for the first six thought: "Education Is a thing of Essex with her mother and father: : James Carpenter is tryftig to follow no surprise to the student bode weeks Included many of the stu­ which only the few are capable; Mr. and M.s. George S. Hawkins. ’ In the footstent of his fashion • LIKE THE AUTUMN lor she has always beer Known Memphian At C. Meet dents of the Junior High Depart- teach as you will only a small per­ Miss Hawkins is a member Of the minded brother,-Charles-Graham.li7 ■ io;-ii:i i-o'.ite and Ind.r ■ like ways. —Miss L. J Gleeden, secretary-tms- -ment Tiny are as folloowing; centage will profit by your most White Stone Baptist Church where i sporting some neat looking duds ------LEAVES?>— , zealous energy’" ————— Hats off to our wonderful queen urer of Henderson Business College, Delores i Tuggle, Charles Hayes, this year. Inc., is in Washington, D. C., at­ Enima Bic it. Veda Hayes, Jacqu- George Gissuig her Sunday school class. NOTE tending (lie 50th annual conven­ line Myers. Patsy A. Perry, Ruhv Our Coronation Ball will be Nov. Yvonne Colchian loo. «Paid Political Advertisement) (Paid Political Advertisement) IN THE FUTURE tion of the United Business Schools L. Burchatt. Neely Hurd, Janeth Starting next week we will list Association which started Wed­ Murdock. (Rita Faye Moore, Doro­ "You Don't Know Me." Bafoara j senior honors. This will put class nesday of this week-and continues thy Yout g, Margie E. Allen, Mar­ shall Echols, perilne Harris and lias time come for you to tell Bay-t against class starting with 12-A. ; through Saturday. She is an off!- NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION Willie Ci iter. mack to “Untie Me?” Vickie, is | Until next week. I clal delegate. Clara— going a-to get «a cFwinonchance to C£>Vsay TRIANGI Eb ; “Stop The Wedding?" Rev. Tuggle, ' Betty trown . Frank Blair- Germantown, Shelby County, Tennessee i don’t tell me you are still pastor- Betty ;rown — Frank Blalr- I ing 'til 2 and 3 a.m. Oeorge and Ruby Euechett. The undersigned S. Nelson Castle,Lesley H. firaiwv.aniG. I. ■ Ayres, are you going to make up Ida M isl-'y — James Campbell- Rita Fay s Moore. > your mind or shall I? "Pat" Joyner, Commissioners of Elections for Shelby Coun­ | Cllara, did you say fellow or fel- Dorotli * Craft — Walter Tuggle- Borrow Money From Doris Stevens. ty, Tennessee, pursuant to law, hereby give notice of an ! lows from Manassas? Etta Joyner election to be held within the corporate limits of the Town I and Carol Tuggle, why the attire? UsOn Mattie Scuggs — Eugene Eddins- Inne Bti rd. of Germantown, Shelby County, Tennessee, on Tuesday, ' Joyce Knox, have you been hiding? Automobile, Furniture SOLOS; November 6, 1962. . Johnnie, do I st ill hear you singing 5 • f Mary Ifl hite, Shirley Ann Pegues, [ "Danny Boy”? Rosetta, what’s with Signatures —^)l> i ■ I——»¡M This election is called for the purpose of voting fora Mayor, i1 the coiffure?? Girls, girls do you There is a reason why people ' see Carl Johnson? Hey Minnie, and five Aidermen for Germantown, Shelby County, Ten­ what’s the formula, keep up the like to do business with us. MEMORIAL STUDIO nessee. good' work. You, too, will like our cour­ TOP GIRLS—Cora Taylor, Myr- teous treatment and desire Beautiful, Lasting The poll will open at 8:30 A.M. and close at 7130 P.M. (Cen­ tral Standard Time). The election is to be held at the FIRE tis Burrows, Johnnie Anderson, to help you. / Memorials Katherine Mitchell and Cecelia Mc­ STATION. Open. Thursday and Friday Kinney. TO? B"YS - James Alexander, Nights Until 8:00 P.M. The following officials have been appointed to hold the George Gentry, Earnest Coleman, Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 election: Melvin Redeeme and Thomas Harris. OFFICER OF ELECTION _ LOVER’S LANE ..... Oliver Andenon JUDGE ...... Strolling down lovers lane this .... Walter Gholson JUDGE...... _. 0. H. Miller, Jr. ■ work are Leandrew Davis and Vic- JUDGE...... I ki Mitchell, but C. R. is following rste;JWNANCf COMPANY? — Lewis Brandon JUDOE ...... ?...... Harry Cloyes I close behind. Barbara and Zay- <«1'We like to say yes to your I JUDGE ______.... Mrs. John Meten mack are also a path. REGISTRAR . .»...... loan, request" ' Mrs. Emmett Hines Hey! there’s a young lady stand­ REGISTRAR...... Examined and Supervised by the I IN Union Avenue Mrs. Sarah Hobbs ing on campus wearing a black State Dept, of Insurance an J 1 Phone JA 6-5466 suede smock, sunglasses and coffee SHELBY COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSION Banklne IWafgner«. Bntlden and Erectors brown and tan saddle shoes. Do S. Nelson Oastle. chaiman 2 LOCATIONS of ..'Moments. Ovtotondlnr for we know her??? Lester H. Brenner, Secretary 161 S. Main JA. 7-8581 That's all for now Sae you next )52 Madi»n G. B. "Pal" Joyner, Member JA. 5-1611 week. I ______

C '

0 (Paid Politico! Advertisement) (Paid Political Advertisement) (Paid Political Advertisement) (Paid Political A Ten At LeMoyne Voted WsW Ten LeMoyne College students, two seniors and eight juniors, have been named to Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. The seniors are: Stewart Truly. 514.Edith. L Floyd L. Weakley, 730 Walker. Juniors are: Louvenia S. Clayton, 578-A St. TauT Mrs. Odessa Robinson. Mrs. G. Ida MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN Marian N. Chapman, 631-B St. id my church, l am chairman of the Olive, Mrs. Utillus Phillips, Sr., Mrs. CHURCH CELEBRATES Paul. Board. Some of the achievemehts caih.uiu Jj.i.uun, ,U1S. Jlfllullc 40TII ANNIVERSARY Willie R. Chapman, 631-B St. have made enemies .... and for Mitchell, Mrs. Emma Gilmore, Mrs. Paul. Mrs. Roxie Crawford. Mrs. this reason I need an anchor. He Lelia Crawford, Mr. Wm. James, Virginia Flowers. 1851 Keltner Johnetta Kelso Ilozay and Mr. ended saying that he owes much to Mrs. Eloise Grant. Mr. Ed C. Circle. A. M. Walker art The Only . his church to the members and White. Mrs. Ambrie Brown, Mr. J. Earline Houston, 935 Leath. Living Founders to Rev. Hunt who lias always been T. Chandler. Sr., Mr. William Lowe. Donna J. Jones. 2030 Worthing­ When the powerful and eminent close to him. Mrs. Sam Qualls. Jr., Mrs. Warner ton Circle. Elder Blair T. Hunt got up to LeEleanor Bensn. Mrs. Julia Walk­ Mrs. Maceo Walker presented Rev. Everett D. McKissicr 1433 Hum­ speak Sunday. He said "This- church er and Mrs. Doris Patterson. —; has grown from a little run down Hunt ...... and Her introduction ber. frame building to this beautiful was a masterful one. Mr. Hunt, she Others playing active roles were Ruth___ Louise Young, 172 Brooks edifice in the past 41 years that said," has excelled in so many fields Mrs. Sallie Bartholomew, Mrs. H. | Road. that I hardly know where to start”. A. Gilliam, Mrs. Anna Allen, Mrs. I have pastored it" .... and all of Elizabeth Shaw, Miss Barbara Neal, j the credit goes to the late Dr. “Elder Hunt was born in J. E. Walker the late Mr. M. W. Memphis where he had a happy Mrs. Rosie Thompson, Mrs. Ophelia Bonner, Dr. Wm. Luster, the late childhood. He first attended the Bonhart,, Mrs. Lucy Coleman. Mrs. Griggs Shorthand Mr. E. E. Bright the late public schools then LeMoyne High Janie Williams, Mrs. Nellie Irwin, Mrs. J. E. Walker, Mrs. Roxie Craw­ School...... He carried Commerc­ Mr. George Crawford, Mr. George Parker. Mr, Harvey Doran. Mrs. ford and two children (now leaders ial Appeals as a boy ..... later in the community. Mr. A. Maceo working on a market wagon. He was Jane T. LaMondue, Ms. Lula Dean- Club Pours Tea er. Mr. Horace Chandler, Mrs, Walker and Mrs. Johnetta Walker once a cosmetic salesman .... and Eunice Snell. Mr. H. L. Jackson, Delta Rho Shorthand Club of Hozay). Rev. Hunt also praised worked as a butler in the Foun­ taine home . .. He even happens Mrs. Ida Mae Lockard, Mr. John Griggs Business College. 492 Vance other members of the church who to be a jackleg carpenter- (a wade Ave., sponsored a “Get-Acquainted came into the church a year later (Continued on Page Four) Tea.” Remarks were given by Ro­ and the minister who served eight he learned from his father (who followed the trade well). He first bert T. Denson of Praetor, Ark., months before he came. attended Fisk University in Nash­ and Rev. C. J. Gaston. Serving as chairman ana co- ville ...... then Talladega College Miss Barbara Jean Hearon of chairman of “Founders’ Day at the and was graduated fronj Morehouse Drew. Miss., was presented as the Mississippi Blvd. Christian Church Mrs. Storer Sei College in Atlanta after which he secretary of the month. were: Mr. Charles L. Boyle and taught the second grade at Geor­ Officers of the club are: Mrs. Ann Hall Weathers who gave gia Street School. He was first the purpose as two fold .. Also principal of Koretch Grammer for Nov. 6 Race Miss Lee Berta Henderson, presi­ playing a big part was Mr. B. G. School...... then LeRose and his dent; Miss Barbara Jean Hearon, Olive, Jr. who was in charge of last appointment as principal was vice-president; Miss Lillie Cozzetta, finances. in the ear|y '3(Ts when he became Jones, secretary; Miss Eatha Mae Brown, assistant secretary; Mrs. FOUNDERS iadministrator at Booker Washing­ The first of the founders to speak 1ton High School. He holds a de­ Frankie Mae Porter, treasurer; Homie Sykes, chaplain. Miss Màg­ was Mrs. Crawford and I Quote: Igree in Theology from Roger Wil­ 4 “I am proud to think of the strug- 1liams College ...... a master de­ gio G. Newsom is the advisor of the gles and to see the growth of this Igree from Tennessee State Uni­ club, and Mrs. Clara Evans, re­ small church to this fine edifice versity and a degree in Social Arts porter...... and to see my many friends from Harvard University at Cam­ here,” bridge ...... she told of his many local civic contributions of his ap­ Mrs. Johnetta Kelso Hozay was pointment' as a member of the Business Career the next speaker...... praising the County; Board of Ed. and as an of- other founders as she said that site llcer at Juvenile C. Elder Hunt was a bit sad, but grateful and thanked Mrs. Walker ... and his proud as she paid tribute to her talk was the usual masterpiece. In Day Set For Owen parents who had the foresight to addition to the praise that the become founders of several church­ Owen College chapter of Phi Mississippi Blvd. Christian minister es, and Insurance companies, a Beta Lambda will sponsor its an­ gave the founders, he told how Dr. Bank in Memphis • one in J. E. Walker established a Christ­ nual Business Career Day, Monday. Mississippi and a Club House here ian Church in Indianiola, Miss...... A skit—"Mr. and Mrs. Bell Visit that now bears her late mother's paying the minister from his own Tlie Bank"—will be the feature of name, She was generous with her earnings ...... how Mrs. Crawford the 10 am. program in the Roger praise for Elder Hunt whom she and the late Mrs. Walker selected Williams Hall Auditorium. said writes her every month on the MRS. EDWARD If. STORER ,51 funds to make the lirsi down paj - Business departments of 13 local west coast and whom she loves ment on their old church building Mrs. Edward H. Storer ;s run­ high schools Trave been invited to dearly ...... She spoke of her love ...... He brought out how Mr. ning for the State House of Ra­ participate in the activities. for the many members of the Bonner and Dr. Walker went pi esentatives on the Conservai ivc Refreshments will be served and church ... Mrs. Ann Weathers la through the neighborhood getting Republican rickct and seeks the a tour of the campus will be con­ very close friend) and gave glow­ members and boys and girls for vote of all Memphians. ducted. ing words of praise ...... to her the Bible School. Mr. Hunt went She is the wife of Dr. Edward. brother, Mr. A. M. Walker who has On to another phrase telling how H Storer, associate professor of Officers for the current year are: followed in the footsteps of her 1500 members have passed through surgery and president of the faculty Amanda Jenkins, president; Alice eminent father and his wife who the church .... and who over a at the University of Tennessee Martin, 1st vice president; Ruthie has given her relatives to live for. half-million dollars have been rais-' Medical School. Jefferson, 2nd vice president; Ros­ She closed reading a poem sent her ed giving more than $45,000 ior She is a member of the Shelby alyn Carter, secretary; Veola by Mrs. Weathers, "A Friend". Missionary Work. Again he brought County Better Schocis Association Graham, assistant secretary; Luther Mr. A. M. Walker spoke out of up Dr. Walker who started Walker and the League of Women Vot­ Bond, treasurer; Melody Riley, humility ...... asking himself Chapel in the J. E. Walker Homes ers. parliamentarian, and Bobble Row­ VOTE REPUBLICAN THIS YEAR the question “What does the church and the Riverview Christian Sue is^campaigiyug on a plank ell, reporter, mean to me?” ...... His answer Church. We, said Elder Hunt, have for better, education in our public Mrs. D. T. Patterson, chairman "It has meant a Stewartshlp obli­ supported the NAACP having more school system and urges the ap­ of the division of applied sciences, gation ...... An Anchor first be­ life memberships given by members pointment of a commissioner OÍ is the advisor. than any other church . We were Education. cause I have something to tie to ■ ( ' among the first Sit-Ins and can when I drift the Banker and In­ first of which will be hold Nov. 10 boast for our fight for first class surance Executive said" ...... He at 1379 Doris Avenue at 8 P m. citizenship. • HELP ESTABLISH A TWO PARTY SYSTEM FOR SHELBY COUNTY. £ spoke of the sins of today and the Refgreshmcnts will be served and enemies that we brake because of DAC Club Hears Others on program were Mr. Mrs. Brooks will narrate a hat am! success or aggressiveness .... and Charles Johnson and Mrs. Emma hair fashion show. of the jealousy in the world ...... Lee Wilson who had charge of Mrs. Marie Jones, president, Mrs. Opportunities and cooperation have the music ...... Mrs. Mary Helen Talks On Charier Ruth Fisher, secretary, and Miss come to me, said Mr. Walker, be­ Ezelle, Mrs. Helen Chandler. Mr. Sederia Jones, reporter cause I have stuck close to the Ernest Grant, Mr. John Shaw, When the DAC Club met last church ...... and I am grateful he Mrs. Louvenia Moore, Mr. H. L. wreek at the residence Qf Mr. and added...... An Honor Society has Jackson, Mrs. Burnadine Holmes Mrs. J. S. Isabel, 620 S. Orleans, • BE A PART OF A NEW ENERGETIC MOVEMENT FOR GOOD NA been named to me at my high and Mrs. H. A. Gilliam who pre­ speakers were on hand to talk school, Booker Washington High .. sented the founders. about the- proposed charter. J. A. ... I am serving as a Trustee on Beauchamp of the Citizens Associ­ TIONAL GOVERNMENT. the Fisk University Board of Trus­ Heading committees that made plans for the big day were Mr. B. G. ation, spoke for the charter, and tees (my undergraduate school) .. Atty. A. W. Willis, a member of Olive, Jr. Mrs. James Greene, Mrs. Ihave the highest political ap­ the Democratic Club, spoke against Letitia Poston, Mrs. Dempsey pointment thgt a Negro has ever it. Gates, Mr. Charles Johnson, Mrs. held in Tennessee I have Members of the DAC Club are: Emma'L. Wilson, Mrs. Dillie Grant, risen to the top in business .. . and Mrs. Geraldine Smith, president; Mrs. Alcne Brown, secretary;-Mes- dames Ethel Hooks. Bessie Young, • HELP STRENGTHEN SHELBY COUNTY'S VOICE IN CONGRESS, f. Refreshing Lift! Alberta Ford, Mattle Johnson, Mary Reeves, Elizabeth Cash, Lot­ tie Wade, LaVelle Yancey, Irene Sanders and Minnie'L. Allen. One of the club's major proj­ ects is visiting and helping pa­ tients at Western State Hospital in Bolivar. The members are making plans for a Christmas party. • ELECT A MAN WHO WANTS TO REPRESENT ALL OF THE PEOPLE. BUTTERMILK Helping Hand Club Is Set For Thanksgiving The Helping Hand CommunHv am Club, founded by Mrs. Inez Brooks 2 POWDERS 5« invites the public to attend a ser­ 12 POWDERS 25« Tïï^r^iîtoTAdvertisement) (Paid Political Advertisement) ies of Thanksgiving programs, the NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION YOU WILL ALWAYS ELECT Bariteli, Shelby County, Tennessee The undersigned S. Nelson Cosfle ,Lester H. Brenner and G. B, FIND A "Pat" Joyner, Commissioners of Elections for Shelby Coun­ ty, Tennessee, pursuant to law, hereby give notice of an election to be held within the corporate limits of the Town r of Bartleff, Shelby County, Tennessee of) Tuesday, November 6, 1962.

This election is called for the purpose of voting for a Mayor, Board of six Aidermen and a Marshal for Bartlett, Shelby

County, Tennessee. . ..< At Your 4 The poll will open at 8:30 A.M. and close at 7:30 P.M. Cen­ tral Standard Time. The election is to be held at Bartlett T.V. TO Company, Stage Road and Court Streets. HOGUE & KNOTT The following .officials have been appointed to hold the 973 S. THIRD 1578 LAMAR 3511 PARK election: 1378 NO. HOLLYWOOD AND 4311 SUMMER

L. B. Johnson OFFICER OF ELECTION Don't forget to save your HOGUE & KNOTT CASH RE­ » Mildred Hawkins GISTER RECEIPTS for your favorite church, school, civic or JUDGE Bettv A. Llnhoss JUDGE ...... Jeff W. Newbill recognized charitable organization. JUDGE ___ John F. Boyd JUDGE...... Simply save the cash register receipts from purchases CONGRESS Mrs. W. B. Witsell REGISTRAR ...... made at any Hogue & Knott Store and give them to your SHELBY COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSION particular organization. When these receipts are presented '• ' . S. Nelson Castle, Chairman Lester H. Brenner, Secretary* to us by your organization, we will issue a check made out Q. B. "Pat" Joyner. Member to it in the amount of 1% of the total of the receipts.

‘Il 4 1 I t

4 >• MIMHWSWOMD • Saturday, November 3, 1962 —;------




The undersigned, S. Nelson Castle, G. B. ‘Tai” Joyner, and Lester U. Brenner, The election is called for the purpose of voting for Governor, Stales Commissioners of Elections for Shelby County, Tennessee, pursuant to law, hereby Representative, 9th Congressional District, Public Service Commissioner, State Senator, give notice of a GENERAL ELECTION, to be-held in all the wards and precincts 30th Senatorial District, 31st Senatorial District, 32nd Senatorial Dutnct, 33rd feen>j s in the City of Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee on Tuesday, November 6,1962. torial District, Representatives to General Assembly Districts 1 through District 13 and

A CONSTITUTIONAL REFERENDUM For the Convention • Against the Convention

"f. f SPECIAL ELECTION REFERENDUM Sec.: 6-3703 & 9 of the Tennessee Code

Against Consolidation of Memphis and Shelby County Notice is hereby given that City, County, State or Federal Government employees Polls in all voting precincts of the City of Memphis and Shelby County will Open »re not eligible to serve as election officials by State Statute (2-1120). Any Government at 8:30 A JI. and close at 7:30 P.M. Central Standard Time. , employee listed herein is requested to inform the Election Commission for removal of k their name by calling JAckson 6-8831, Station 205, The following persons are appointed to hold election at locations listed How!

1 WARD t WARD 11-8 WARD 16 J WARD 20-3 WARD 25-Î WARD 29-t | WARD 33-1 REGISTRARS - Mrs. JCItoB K St. Mary'» School Vacant Building Fooie Homes Community Center Crump Stadium Memphis Vocational School St Tiloma» School Fire Station No. 13 Bowers, Mrs. Sid Hall ■ 220 X. Montgomery 580 ífijfg 962 S. Cooper 11» North Third St. 578 Mississippi linden k Cleveland 460 E. Parkway, N. WARD 371 OFFICER-Wm. J. Raney. ______OFFICER-Mrs. ______Orville ______Flack.!01™1^-1)- L- Johnson. ©FFTCER-Hiram Kyle. OFFICER-C. B. Cade, Sr. I OFFICER-Matthew R. Cole. OFFICER — Mike Gavin. Lester Elem. Schoo! JUDGES — Mrs. Jessie Fruit- JUDGES — Jlrp. Maceo Red-' JUDGES-L. W. Paschal, Mil-.juDGF.S-Edith Phillips, Mary JIDGES - Mrs. E. M. McCal­ JUDGES-Greta Hollingsworth, JI DKES-J. W. P. Fleming. 584 Lester wood, Emma Mae King, The­ ton Follie, R. J. Reynolds, Beecroit, T. J. Phillips, F. L. la, J. K. McDaniel, Charles r ticher, Fay Brogdon. Mrs. D. B. Crowley, JIrs. D. B. B. T. Highland, Nirs. Mike resa McFaden, Margaret Sophia Drucker, Eva Bene- Barrier, Opal Stoddard, W. Kinsey, W. D. Howell. Roy OFFICER—Nolan Turner. Clyde M. Notgrass, Mrs. II. ' Crowley, JIrs. Charles S. Gavin, Sam, F. Cole, Mrs. J. Jackson, Ora Crutchfield. Mat- dirt,a:., 0.n W.„■ Budgets, ciChar-.. REGISTRARS-Mr E m 018 Emerson, Mrs. B. L. Robin­ JUDGES—Rosetta Pilcher, Mr*. Pi Jonas, Pat Yates, James Drake, Gordon Hollingsworth, A. Phillips, Nil’s. R. D. tie Todd, Loretta Preston. lotte Wallace. son, W. J. Floyd, Mrs. J. L. E. J. Washington, Betty F. T Brooks. Jr,, Fred Mullet’, Jr.. Earl P. Barrier, Vivian McNulty. Wright, Dr. S. R. McKinney. REGISTRARS - Clara Barks. REGISTRAI! -Mrs. Abort J, Wright, Mrs. L. W. Iawe, L. Chism, Richard Johnson, Mil« JlEGISTRARS—Mary F. Lazen- Davis, Dudley S. Jefferson, ' REGISTRARS - Mrs. Stanley Odessa M. Coleman. Steiner, Mrs. E. K. I’atc, WARD 25 3 died L. Sweet, Henry F. by, Mrs. W. F. Wenzler, Alma Zimmerman, Waldo A. WARD 211 Southside School REGISTRARS -Hattie Surratt. Pilcher; Oscar Joyner, Eliza* ______WARD13______. -Zimmerman,------— WARD 33-2 beth Walker, Mae Ola Mor« WARD 2 I'iro Station No. 15 667 Richmond Mrs. B. JI. Peterson, Wisconsin School REGISTRARS-Helene E. Greg­ Armstrong Furniture Co, Bhclby County Office Bldg. 1010 Faxon OFFICER--Sular J. Mondy. Ward 29-2' gan. 176 Wisconsin son, Alice S. King, 2533 Broad REGISTRARS—Barbara Had, 151 Poplar Ave. OFFICF.R-Gertrude Smith. OFFICER-J effet son C, Cal­.JUDGES — Katherine Hanisi Orange Mound Swimming Pool OFFICER - B. C. McKee. Lydia B. Robinson. OFFICER-M. R. Barker. JUDGES—Rosemary Powell, W.ARD 171 houn. Claudia Casern, James! 2376 Carnes JUDGES - Mrs. Effie Stiles, JUDGES-R.LUULuJ-Jl, B. Everett,AwVLll.4.1, Ui.JJr., Holmes, JJVIUIIIVDorothy L.LJ, VJones,¡OFFICER UI IT. S, I » »V, « s Rudolph Johnson. «wJUDGES------—Louise — - B. Harlow,. WARD 37-3 Magnclia Griffin, MildredI Jewish Community Center - - ' ...... ~ ” 1 -s, Mrs. Margaret Bratcher, Mrs. Mrs. Stanlev- Davies, Huth Ixittie .Mae Smith. Shirley L. JI DGES — Bridget Pyles, J. H. Norton, E. T. Hodges. Chuck Hutton Harris, Mary Pugh, Louise’ 2016 Court > ... era J TIsaaclene_____ l.__ TrtFerguson,______"»Jlarga- <_____ R.T> S.C tTntu.lrinvHawkins, Vra/1Fred OC. Beck-PrV'lr. •M. V. Carter, Mrs. Helen Williams, Rosetta Robinson, Smith. Mrs. T. C. Wynn, T. C. Dawson. 2870 Popter ; OFFICER- J. Thomas Douglas. Wynn. Mrs. Lou Finch, Harry REGISTR ARS-Fannie Woolen,! ret E. Muse, Minnie Mae Nel­ entlorf. Bryant Geraldine Fletcher, Lucy Mae! Marié E. RdckamoitJ REGISTRARS — Mrs. R. S. OFFICER—Robert E. Marsh«! ■It DGES- D. J. Foppiano, Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Harry J. I Eloise Casern, son, ... _____ REGISTRARS--Mrs. Clove C. Hurt. ’ JUDGES—Mrs. Robert E, Mar­ | W. P. Shea, Ida Hodges, JIrs. Lucille Crawford. Simpson, Mrs. J. H, Finch. 'Read, Juliette C. Read, REGISTRARS — Geraldine R. Fitzgerald, Eleanor Palmer, shall, Walton P. McCarty, • E. T. Ferguson, Dr. John V. Richard Mile», Henrietta WARD 251 REGISTRARS - Patricia A. WARD 341 WARD 4 Hopson, Earlcan Armour, Mrs. M. L. Slatton, Walter 8. Hummel John Brooks Hodges. Miles. Tent •— 'Calvary Mctliodisl , Hackett, Ray Francis Gordon. Pine Bill School WARD 131 ’ REGISTRARS Mrs. BcnH. Ty-i Hartman. • ’ . Memphis Salvage Corp» ■REGISTRARS — Mrs. David Church WARD 59-8 1087 Alice registrae-Mw. Earl Moto- 214 Monroe I.aRose School ler, Gladys Lee, J Boyd, Mrs. Vick Bernacchl 584 E. McLemoro Hanley St. School OFFICER - Kyle Hasley. land, OFFICER—Noel R. Whitaker. 851 S. Wellington WARD 212 OFFICER IL W. Beecher. 680 Hanley JI DGES — W. 11. Jack, Mrs. W.ARD 381 JUDGES — lima Franks, Ken-1OFFICER —Mattie E. Day. WARD 17? Dave Wells Community Center JI DGES Mrs. E. Young, Marie...... ■OFFICER—Grant Parham. B. H. Gilliam, W. J. Rapp, ■ jeth T. Finley, Sara Davis, ■JUDGES — Rosie L. Owen s, Catholic High School Grahamwood School 4 helsea A Ayers A lams, Blanche F a n i o n. JUDGES — Evelyn T. Walton. Louise White, B. H. Gilliam, lewis Green, Flozell Mc­ Alma Bonds, Anne Dawkins, 57 N. McLean 3950 Summer f OFFICER-John Grashot Booker T. Jones Sr., Mollie Arthur M. Holoman. O. M. Mrs. R. W. Lincoln, II. B. Queen, Arthur J. Fleischer. Mary Wallace, Mozell Smith,OFFICER______—Frank Flournoy, Jr. Jl'DGES-Almeta S. Grashot, Carter, Erma Jones. Bucks! Sam Nolan, Subrathes OFFICER—Dr. Walter Hoffman. Ella Mae Stewart, Fannie^jcnGES-Ila Baldorie, Oscar Christopher. Registrars - Alma Perry, Geo. Turnipseed. ITheresa REGISTRARS-Hattie M.1 Hardaway, Faye A. Burrow, REGISTRARS - Irene Astor. JUDGES—Erline B. Dye, Mar­ tfilllam V. Hamblin. Mae Mackey, M. Diffee,' Mrs. Harold R. Mills, David M, Simpson, Moore, Pearline Tate. Susie L. Briggs. garet L. Hatcher, Mrs, Len REGISTRARS—Alma Higgs, Liebcnrood, Harold R. Lieben- REGISTRARS - Mrs. Arthur W ARD 34-3 Miller, Mrs. L. K. Foster- WARD 5 Rosa Spore, Mrs. Albert Pead Felts. rwxl, Evelyn M. Rawlings, Smith, Mrs. N. E. Self, Er­ WARD 261 Perkins, Lucille Boyd. Argo Cleaner« Mrs. Douglas Cooper, Mrs. D. Beale St. Auditorium Mrs. George Aitken, J, R. 1531 S. Lantlcrdalo WARD 13 2 nest M. Jenkins, .Marvin E. Cummings School WARD 30 A. Kilis, Mrs. R. L. Lankhuff, S93 Beale St. lire Station No, 11 Brady. Sims. ' 1037 Cummings Peabody Comiilunitj’ Center OFFICER — Joiin P. Wallers. H.H._ H.H, Fisher.Fishel REGISTRARS-Vivian Wood,!REGiTRARS_Pau1ine OFHCER-Curtis Johnson. 383 E. McLemore Rcilz, OFFICER—Mildred Townsei. Peabody 4 Tanglewood Sts, ¡JUDGES •— Jit’s. E. E. Platt, REGISTRARSI — Juanita R. JUDGES -Bernice Bowen. 0Fn( EK- lì. F. Pation. Marjorie K, Jones. Gladys T. Simpson. JI'IHIES-Neihe Bridge.'orth. OFI-TCEK-Joseph J.'Swcency.i Vivian C. Williams, Elvira Campbell, Mrs. H. H. fisher. Queen Ester Guy. Anne (. j1DGES-Mrs. R. C. Polls, WARD 213 Bessie' 'I-ee ‘ Forrest,‘ Annie‘ .JI ...... DGES —- Austin T. Welsh, Cody, Inez Payne, Anna. R. WARD 38 2 Moore, Johnnie Hill, Felix; jIrs_ j. T_ Eor(ij j[rs> yera WARD 11-S Klondike School Mae Threat, Daisy Lee Luke Kingsley. Sr., E. JI. Willis, Ella Winters, Ella Vacant Building Memphis Park Commission Wesl Clark, Estelle Rivers, Lucille 1250 Volcntine Strong, Marie Brown. Lingenfelder, Mrs. Geo. G.! Snipes, Frankie White, C. D. 3314 Summer Maurice. Hulbert, Sr.,... Josie.... C.j jjawynS| y,'i|r|ia j. Jones, II. Office OFFfCER-E. R, Rhodes, . REGISTRARS -Mildred Clarke, Virginia R. Massie, Lumm, George Buchanan, Er- Moore.' . I O. Stanfield, Sallie Snow. 1161 Court’ OFFICER—L. A. McCune. JUDGES-James Harris, Mari­ Graham, Eva Young, Neely Grant, Lillian JlcNeil,!, nestine Boone. JUDGES—George Brotvn, Ruth Registrars— Shirley ""’.REGISTRARS -Mrs. II. O. Stan­ omCER-A. Britt Acred. REGISTRARS - Jessie Me- lyn Harrison, Thomas Frank­ H. 15. Scott. Jf. Wyckoff, Mrs. E. B. Ben- King, Gaudette Collier, JUDGES-John P. . Brown, WARD 26 2 field, Mrs. H. R. Wilkinson, lin, Ella B. Mallett, Jesse REGISTRARS Ada Coulter, Mahon, Emma Argo. dall, Mrs. Robert O’Brien, Merle Marbury, Mrs. Zada WARD. 8 WARD 13 3 James. Cumming* St. Baptist Church Leona Jeter. Ward 351 Mrs. Sam McCalla. Mrs. T. Allen, Mrs. S. 0. Todd, Ethol reiustrARS-Mis. E. Frank- 1220 Cumming* lire Station No. 3 A. B. Hill School WARD 31-t Florida Street School D. Edwards, Mrs. Bruce D4- M. Fransioli, Louise Harwood, Jin, Mrs. S. Clayborn, OFFICER-Ruthie Mae Deber­ 474 S. Main St. 1372 Latham Peabody School 3560 Florida cus, Ernest Williams. Mrs. Raymond Selph, Mrs. C. WARD 21-4 ry. 2086 Young OFFICER - Ruth Perry. OFFICER-J. M. Cox. omCER-L. F. Simpson. REGISTRARS-Mrs. Portis ■ I Law, Ruth W. Hunt. ' WARD 36-t 393 Jones St. chelow, Rhea Hinds, JUDGES—Mrs. E. R. Caudlo. ton, Mrs. Fred Wells, REGISTRARS-Mrs. Fred Y. OFFICER—Louis Hall. OFFICER-Mai-sdcn D« Mlch- „ , ’ REGISTRARS - Mrs.:. cC. “W.■ Snowden School Kathryn McGuire, ,C. ’ro !,n Hurst, Mrs. J. R. Bums. Demuth, Mrs. George R. Tai- JUDGES—Carrie Hatchett, El­ WARD 1.1 WAKO 27 2 1870 N. Parkway • •eU. Metcalf, Mrs, Dumont Frank­ lent, len Johnson. Dorothy Ander­ JUDGES—Ruby’ W. Banks, Al­ Bed Cross Bldg. WARD 211 Fire Station No, 8 OFFICER—.Aino A. Brugge. lin, Rhea Pinson, Fiances WARD 31 I son, Nannie Dixon, Emma L. Mansfield 4 Central Fire Station No. 1# 921 Thoma* JIDGES-Mrs. Frank E.'Faux, pha B. Lewis, Owen M. Wade. Den-ford, Joseplii I. Cavallo, Tent — Glenview Park Ford,. James Brown, L. C. Jettie Dodson, Lola B. Jones, OFFICER- J. C. Lancaster. It, S, Parkway, W, Andrea J. Baker, Martha E. REGISTRARS - Mrs. E.. W. OFFICER-Charles Crawford. Lamar 4 Barksdale Bledsoe, Annette Duffey, Jes­ Pearline Kimbrough. i"JUDGES ...... Andrew ’ Jobe, A. B. OFFICER—Harry Bobo. Ramsey, Lucille Collins, An- Low:;’, Helen Gray. JUDGES — Rosa Lee Cooper, OFFICER — W. Neal Maxwell. sie Smith, Alma Parham. JI DGES-Ella Hudson, Addie ihony A. Aspern, Dr. G. B. REGISTRARS—Edna M. Mitch-■ Sanders, Jesse Cunningham. Mattie Moore, Earnestine JUDGES — Evelyn McLaugh­ REGISTRARS—Gloria J. Ander­ Mrs. J, C. Lancaster, Rich- M. Harley, Samantha Hudson, ’€11, Martha J, Bramlett. WARD 201 Hughes, Eva M. Tillman, lin, Warren P. Ware, Helen Ramsey, -John A. Peterson, son, Earnestine Hall, aid Shepherd, Mary Elizabeth jfcmpli'h College of Music' Josie Holloway, Alonzo Cald­ Tommy Guy, Jr., Sliirlee A. S. Wagner, W. B. McLaughlin, Geo McLean, John W, Ap­ WARD 9 well. . WARD 401 Redd, Wylie Holeman, Mrs. 1822 Finnie,’ Edna JI. Haywood. Mrs. J. K. Maguire, Mabel B. pling. . Building Chicago Park School Thomas Whit?. ¡OFFICER-Dr. Arthur OG1II(Sample.„V. REGISTRARS-Julia Hightow­ REGISTRARS — Ora Moore, Hili, Mrs. A. L. Duval, An­ REGISTRARS - Mrs. J. W. 487 N. Fifth Sfreet 1415 Breedlove REGISTRARS — Mrs. Ralph jvdgES—Roane. Waring, Jr., er, Rosie L. Applewhite, Ella Belle Raines. thony A. Meyer, Mrs. John E. Owen, Mrs. A. A. Brugge. OFFICER-Charics Nunnery. F OFFICER—Will C. Davis. .Grayson, JIrs. Lester Green. Henry Zderad, Jerred G. WARD 242 . Conley, M r s.. Amelia Cam- JUDGES'-Alma H. Trobaugh, Mt, Moriah Baptist Church- W.ARD 28 I WARD 36i JUDGES-Charlie Hursey, Mary Blanchard, Jim Breytrpraak, urati. Jame» F. Holcomb, Rosa L WARD 161 Little Flower School—Tent Gray, Myrtle Canada, Esatl E. M. Greeson, C. S. jloserj. 1’64 Florids Lenox School REGISTRARS - Mrs. J. B. Nunnery, Mrs. H. H. Smith, Idlewild School 1666 Jackson B. Davis, Rosetta O. Jacksoij, Preston McDaniel, 'Troy Rit- OFFICER WarreftBurt. 519 S; Edgewood Stedman, Alice Maxwell Mrs. A. R. Ñiques, Lillie D. 1950 Linden OFFICER—E. L. Williamson; Lucille Price, George B, Ross, Bufford Rev D. B’Burbidge/OFFICER-Chalmers Cullins. ter Mrs. E. A. Russell Mrs.JI DGES Lillian Thomas, .era OFFICER—J. B. Ferguson, WARD 321 ' tt t» .. 1.» Pnmnlvill 7r»lnhia Hont» Tkir. JUDGES—Jesse P. Bellamy, A. Dorothy Taylor, Ruby Harf- Chas. H. Patton, Mrs.-Law­ Campbell, Zclphia.Hentz, Dor­ JUDGES — Alice N. Booth, Lamar Terraco Mattie Bell Swift, Earline Wil- JUDGES-T. D. Moss, Howard ris J. Morris, ^Marguerite C. Cross, Jake Principi, John! ing, James Douglas. rence Grehan-, .. - . Mrs. Jack .Fulton, P. K. 1111 Lamar liams,.. Cliff West, Mrs. ■><_.,Mel­ Winn,ninn. Lawrenceuawicmc Mason,.uaevii, War-wai- 1 ------.. . . Getz, E, A. McDermott, Mrs. REGISTRARS—Betty Williams, ren Webb.' Marie Gibbs,' J. REGISTRARS—Ethel C. Mer- Turner, Mrs. Willie .Thomas, . Holden, Helen Date! David E.- OFFICER — L. H. Bonham. vin A. York, Mrs. J. A. Mar- Jessie Mae Henderson, Ma- Joseph Cowling, Sally Dame,. Viola Austin.. rin, Mrs, Arthur Sample, Csywood. O. T. Booker, Mrs,!¡JUDGES — Mrs. Joe Powell, • tin. , Frazier Ailsworth. . Gertrude Carpenter, C. P. REGISTRARS-Mrs. Pat Dcne-'llEGISTRARS - Mrs. Howard )iza Williams, Nettie. Mae William G. Grancy. B. C. Berry, James M. Som­ WARD 40-2 WARD 20-2 Coleman. E. Ammons Dorris. Porter, Amantha Steele. REGISTRARS - Mrs. J. B. ers. Dorothy Gold, Mrs. Wil­ Vollentlne School 'gri, Mrs, R. L. Nunnery, " Winri, Dorothy■ Sullivan,- REGISTRARS - Josephine Robert Outland. • ' ' ' Stonewall Lodge Ferguson, Mildred Harris;- ':. lie Oglesby, Neal E. Tidwell. 1682 VolUntlM registrars - Mrs: P, B. •' WARD 16 2 1583 Overton Tark Watts, Viola Robinson, REGISTRARS - Mrs. R.. H. OFFICER—Harold Davis. WARD Il l 4 W ARD 28 3 Peebles, Ethel Harris. Locke School ’ Cossltt Library OFFICER-Austin Frame. WARD 251 Hobbs, Mrs. A. F. Patterson. JUDGES - Mrs. J. L. Dixon, 'JUDGES — Drucilla Moxley, Bill Bro'. Motor Co. 688 St. Paul McLean .4 Peabody Walker School WARD 32 2 WARD M-S Emma L. Rogers, C. E. OFFICER—Belle Pettigrew., IOFFICER —T. W. Billions. Paula W. Moss, Agnes 885 S. Lauderdale 2114 Madison House Vacant Store entine, Mrs. Cari West, I It JUDGES—Frank J. Braugher,.JUDGES—Mrs. Hal P. Bailey, ■ OTzary, Mary O’Leary, Mrs. OFFICERi —Lofton Bowers. OFFICER—J. D; Marks,. 784 Dudley 1723 Jackson C. DoyJe. Louise J. Dt.,„ T. G. Emmons, Jr., Sue B. It . OFFICER—Milton Bowers. . Anastasia B. Hail, Audrey A. Lynn H. Ferguson. W. T. JUDGES-Georgla Lewis, Em- JUDGES - Eric S. Elrod, Ed OFFICER - Ruth A. Pegram. Laird Ainsworth, Helen L> ___Noisome, Ruth Lewis. -Jean- Biggs, Mrs; Melvin Furchgatt.l Baker,...... , ...... Blanche Phelps, Ar-II estine Shumpcrt, Mrs. A. L. R. Dewev, J. N. Bagwell, R. JUDGES - Randolph Holt,, JUDGES — Margaret Poston, Davis. "Jr., liValle Sorrells, Herbert! Hale Mosley, Ethel Rawlinson, Rosa Lee Turner, Mi*. B.-'B . Claude G. Christlcv, Mrs. B. ette Flynn. John W.. Tyför, Thur F. Scbwrnhsi iTxjfse' Willis, Arme ~M; Spraggins, REGISTRARS - Mrs. X, I» A. Wilmot, Walter Hoffman,) Herbert S. Esch, A. L Dab- Johnson, Crawford Heming-• L. Pentecost, C. F. Majors, Uila F. Buford, John Mc­ Betz, Louise Herron, Torn) Wm. T. Gurney, Dorothy San- Brooks, Mrs, William P. Al­ Muench, Mrs. Eva D. Marks.) ders, Tom Harris. ney, Mrs. A. L. Dabney. way,wav, GeorgiaGeòrgia Watts. John R. Aday, Margaret Rad- Donald. Paul R. Benjamin, j ...... , ______. . ______bert. jtEGISTBARS-Maria Y. Ho- REGISTRARS—Mrs. John V'. REGISTRARS—Rose F. Cissel,|BEGISTRARS-Alma E. Cut-REGISTRARSREGISTR.ARS - Margaret rR.. registkaksREC.iSTRARS-Josephihe-j Holt,, ford, Charles Kirchen.-Mr». V-; . Spence, Barbara T. Hall | Clara M. Smith. | ler, Katie H. Tipton.>v' """t ■Patt^rances O. Sullivan, , Louise Westley, jan, Jacqueline E, Partee, Charles Kircheti,' (Continued on P»




- ¿ JL. .-fl 4i I • « 4 À ••• ■ ■ •* . - . 4 MEMPHIS WORLD • Satindwy, I, Ktf • »I »

Í-’ ‘ r ' ’ t

"tfOUlKÀl. ADIMcbkjfi.»!, UJ.J14AL .u.ti.l^uHi CPOLIIICAL ADVL8TISÏ1IÔÏ)' irOUnCU'ilivkiflSlMBKT) irOUTlCAL *Dv£ÏTÏsSMl»ti "trOl.lTICU ADVERTISEMENT) il'UtltlCAL ABVKRIhïMMiY» (POLITICAL AD)EBIlsÎMMT) GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6.1962 ICoutinued (rom Page 4) Ml'MJNS WARD 451 WARD 55 2 WARD 57 WARD «11 WARD 69-PRECINCT 1 M1U.INGT0N Millington School Pink Palaeo Mallorv Heights School Christ Methodist church Dunbar School Fire Station No. 58 Shelby County Penal F»n< OFFICER - Aaron Longmire. ( WARD 411 Chickasaw Garden« 2058 Shelby 4488 Poplar 260« Select 3S45 Millington OFFICER-0. M. Rogen. , JUDGES - Ida Mae Clark. Shannon School OFFICER—Fred Burmeister. OFFICER—Marcus D. Sloan. OFFICER - C. P„ Boyer. OFFICER —James McDonald. OFFICER—Walter G. Furr. Commander Leonard Reintjes. 'JUDGES - Mrs. A. B. Grift), 2248 Shannon JUDGES—Stewart F. Morley, Jl'DCiES-N. E. Sloan, Odessa ■JUDGES —I. S. Lawo, Jr., JUDGES — Gertrude Bridge- Lucille Gullett, Mrs. J. E,. JUDGES- Maudie Glenn, Mrs Omar Pitts, Gene Sanders, Mrs. Robert E. Rich, Geo. Summers, John H. Shelton, E. Mrs. Chas W. Montgomery, forth, Mrs. Leslie Norment, Siinerson, Mrs, J. V. Wills, OTTTCER -George C. Caudle. Andrew Whalen, Roy Geng Sue Couble. Morris Raney, Madlinger, Bert Ferguson, C. Weber, Grace Mcllelvy, Jr., A. C. Peterson, James C. Irene Richmond. Lavetta L. JUDGES—Irene Burrell, Gracie rich, Mrs. Frank Hom, Mrs. Wnt, Chambers, Joe Salg, Mrs. R. T. Waldran. * ¡Parker, Dorothy Daniels, Lou­ Fred Bauer, Jr., Wm. 0. Gor­ Sallie Wall, Mrs, J. Norman Rainer, Hl, Daniel E. West. Glover, Virginia Glover, Viola John Fracchia, C. P. Sigler, Tom Clifton, N. P. Barrett, REGISTRARS -A F. Tqj’loT, don, W. J. Cody, Carl Fuess, Wood, Prudence B. Teal. Joseph H. Michael, Thomas Hill, Josephine Hewitt. Eliza­ ise Roberson, Arizona Caroth­ Marvin T. Sanford. Ixxiise V. Brooks, W. F. Me- Mrs. S. C. Harris, Fred McIntosh, Charles Berry, REGISTRARS - Mrs. J. K Johnston, Mrs, Winston T ers Mrs. Georgia M. McCain, beth Saunders, Louella WJregISTRARS — Beatrice Bad- Kelvy, Mrs. Dewey C. Bailey. Mrs. Geo. Madlinger, J. W. Stone, Alic« Morton. Bowling. Eddie Belle Nelson, Earline Parker. galupo, Mrs, Charles L. Hec­ REGISTRARS — Vcnita Cail- OAKVILLE r Brakebill, W. B. Mason Jr., Mrs. Am el Beker, Haynes 0. Jones, W.ARD 511 REGISTRARS REGISTRARS -Susie Bryant, kle. Oakville School > Mrs. James Hughes. louet, Helen Chapman, Jackson Gules Linnle Mae Carnet School Peterson, Mrs. James N. Ester Jones. Democrat Road k Highway W REGISTRARS - Mrs. W. Garrett. D. 843 Lane Campbell. WARD 62 WARD W—PRECINCT 1 RALEIGH Mathis, Helen Morley. OFFICER - • George W; Gr*I)t. MEtllBTRARS — Mrs. George OFFICER-Geo. W. Jackson. WARD M I Jackson School Frayier High School Raleigh Utility CommliMon JUDGES - Mrs. Nancy ft. Caudle, Lillie H, Jones. ■JUDGES—Mattie B. Chatman. Garage (Rear) 3925 H ales 1530 Dellwood 4184 Janita Rd. WARD 45 3 Bradshaw, Mrs. D. F. - Ma. Martha Randle, Mary Exum, 909 8. Highland OfflCER — Bob Crain. Messick School OITTCER — A. B. Irwin, Jr. OFFICER—Charles W. Pation. honey, Mrs. Lurline Martin, WARD 41 5 Lorenzo Childress, Odessa OFFICER — L. F. Islaub. JUDGES -Gertiude L. Daniel­ "03 Greer JUDGES — Mrs. J. W. Card, JUDGES — Sam Cacciola, Ed­ Mrs. J. F. Howell, A. G. Donelson, Sadie Reddus, Tony JUDGES —Frances Woodward,' son, Claude Reese, Howard Baron Hirsch Synagogue OFFICER—Albert J. Daniels. . JIrs. D. C. Pass, Joseph C. ward B. Farrell, Haywood Stowe, Mrs. Howard E. Crow- 1740 VoUinUne B. Simon, Amanda Banks, Juanita Walls, Mrs. Henry Reese, Mrs. Glenn Meddick, JUDGES—Pauline Montgomery, James, Mrs A. F. Russell, Williams. John B. Crain Jr., son, Mrs. Dorothy J. Grant. OtfjTCßR—G. T. Wingo. Fred Horton, Loverfa Mack. Fones, Dorra Nell Sullivan, Taylor B. Gowan, Bill Bur­ Lora Habem, Hilda Sisco. An­ A. F. Russell, H. A. Wendt, Hoyette Hodnett, J. A. Regan, Arezetta Jefferson, Leroy W. Mrs. Joe M. Morris, Wm. K. rell, Mts. Harlan Coubum, REGISTRARS - Mrs. Frttnk JUDGES — Ruby Jenkins, Elsa nie M. Bonnell, G. H. Luckett, James F. Davis, Mrs. John W. T. Rankin, Dr. Fred Raths, Smith, Jeanette Neal. Connors. W, D. Stallings, Mrs. Mr». Agnes Danielson, Chas. Bodamer, Mrs. Sam P. Odell. Mei»tef, Mrs. G. T. Wingo, Ann L. Bishop, Mrs. W. E. C. Tapp, Elbert M. Bryeans, Mrs. Haywood Williams, Mary Mrs. George Dorman, S. L. REGISTRARS-Inez Ivra, Geor­ Walter Marquardt, Mrs. Annie Mrs. G. E. Diviney, John R. Sue Riley, Helen Stivers, Mrs. Littlefield. Brower, Edna While, Leah B. Avens, Mrs, D. B. Salis­ registrars - Lucille Sere. OAKVILLE 5 Nkjiols, D. R. Finch, Vmbert Torti. gia L. Walker. Baker, Jr. John B. Crain Jr., Mrs. J. A. bury. Ines Armour. Knight Road School Fieri«!, Morris Ostrov. REGISTRARS—Mrs. H. R, Tay. WARD 512 REGISTRARS - Mrs. A. B. Ir- Via. REGISTRARS —Dorothy Cow­ Winchester Pike A Knight REGISTRARS - Mrs. Umbert lor, Mrs. Hulct Beard. D. H. Parish k Soa win, Jr., Mis. R. J, Billions. (REGISTRARS — Mrs. Parnell gill, Nola Jean Grissom, SCENIC HILL1! Arnold Rd. fierini, Mrs. W. A. Ryan. 1083 Galloway WARD 68 1 Dwyer Jr., Mrs, t Richard Scenic Hills School ‘WARD 45 3 WARD M i OFFICER -Arthur Summerfield Berclalr School Pinegar. JIM Scenic Highway OFFICER -Henry D. Pearson. WARD 41-3 Sherwood School Fire Station No. 18 JUDGES Mrs. Arthur Summer­ 810 N. I'erkln« OFFICER - Harry V. While. JUDGES —Mrs, Howard Far. Hyde Park School 3717 Vanuys ward 7o-rRF.aNcr: 3428 Southern field, Mrs. II. Billingsley, OFFICER —Edward Kallahcr. JUDGES — Mrs. Fran Pollock, roll, Charles Van Eatqp, 1581 Tunica OFFICER - C. N. Talley. Dchno School OFFICER-Geo. Hollev. Geoige Tidwell, Sr., Henry JUDGES - Wm. Earl Whiscn- J. H. Bostick, Bruce Welch, Thomas W. Taylor, Mrs. Hays CFFNT.R-Rcv. M. Winfield. O’Neil. Cathryn Harless, Mr». JUDGES — Vernon S. Cash. 1716 Delano JUDGES-Mrs. Willis Head, • ant, Sara Blount, Sandra James L. Patton. Chester K. Faulk, Mrs. C. D. Case, Anni« JUDGES—Mar,iorie T. Johnson, Finley Holme», Elizabeth Mrs. Dixie Reitano, Mrs. B. Mrs. Geo. Holley, Douglas Blouht. Ralph E. Jones, Lil­ OFFICER -George S. Reeves. Graham. Albert E. Walmsley, Mae Temple, Shirley Pearson, Ollie Ward, Sara L. Fletcher, O'Neal. G. Brown, Mrs. A. M. Statler, Walker, J. B. Carney, Bonnie lian Conrad, Louis J. Spoon, JUDGES-Mi-s, Willie S. Daw­ Elizabeth D. Hinckley,. Mrs. Susan Bowen, Harry B. Rob­ Addie Johnson, Shirley Bea­ REGISTRARS - Mis. B. F. Allen Robinson, Mrs. Keith Springer. Elizabeth Jackson. son, JIrs. C. P. Voss, Mrs. Gene Strong, Jane Everett, ertson, Mrs. Harry Robertson, Head Sr.. Frances McGold­ Colbert, Mrs. Harre Jones, Patricia Jones, Louise P. Jen­ mon, Arnaid Britt, Frank II. Hick C, Williams, Dr. Richard kins, Mrs. C. A. Hoots, John­ Paul A. Flanders, Raymond Mrs W. F. Lenderman. Jr. rick, Jr., Mrs. C. N. Talley. Gray, Ernest Winfield. Raridon. A. Putt, D. A. Jackson, Joe REGISTRARS - Mrs. H, J. REGISTRARS -Martha Mash­ ny W. Sandy, Jr. REGISTRARS -Jane H. lütt« Registrars—Josephine Bar-■ REGISTRARS-Mrs, Bruce Ely, WARD 521 REGISTRARS - Evelyn Vena­ D. Chastain, C, W. Ogilvie, Beach, Alfred Rulf. • ris, Bernice V. Oliver, burn, Louise McGowen, Fund, Ruth Camithcrs. Mrs. Lee Morse. Springdale School ble, Mrs, Charles B, Bruce. W. C. Scssum. 880 Hollywood WARD M S REGISTRARS ■ ■ Mary Stubble STEWARTVILLE ROSS' STORE WARD 63 2 WARD 421 WARD 45 4 OFFICER—Gordon Robertson. Sharpe School field, JIrs, E. E. Jackson, Old Shelby Lodge Building Macon School Hoss' Store Hollywood Baptist Church St, John's Episcopal Church JUDGES — Mrs. Jerry Cooper, 3431 Sharpe Brunswick Road 9(i8 Mendenhall OFFICER - George C. Sens. 1139 Hollywood 322 S. Greer Mrs. Fleet Wylie, Arthur L. OFFICER - A. V. Phillips. WARD 71 OFFICER - ■ E. C. Fowler. Ing. OFIKtER-H.« IVZMia XI, D.£7, Bomar.OUlIldke 1|OFFICER—T. K. Robinson. Cox, Ann Krasner, Clovis H. JUDGES — G. JI. - Bozeman. OFFICER - John H. Ball. JUDGES—Ixxma Doyle, J. C. JUDGES, —Allen Davis, Mrs. W. Causey, Mrs. R. IL Walker, Van L. Kerr, Mrs. Travis G. JUDGES w. E. Boats, Ed­ 3936 l/wler W. McCreight, Sam Butler, JUDGES - Clarence A. Sroitii, Evans, Mrs. H. D. Bomar,i L. Burnett, Elizabeth P. Wor­ Giarles C. Handley. Jackson, C. D. Baldwin, Da­ ward F. Zavodny, Mrs. David OFFICER - M. J. Sledcll. Paul Stewart. It B. Ostxirn, Guy B . Smith, John J. Al­ mond, John T. Baird, W. H. Mario Hodgson, diaries 0. ley, C. G. Boyer, Lawrence REGISTRARS - Mrs. Roller! vid 0. Erwin, Georgia L. Full­ Mays, Beverly Pinner, Ru­ JUDGES Goo. M. Woods, Jr„ J. D Pope, E. I,. McDaniel, Weir, Hattie Pennington. Jaseplt, Ross H. Horton, Da­ Simpson, Mrs. Lewis Alford, er, Edward A. Tyler, Mrs. T. dolph Mills, Mrs. C. A. Hall. Mary Todd, Mrs. H. C. E. II. Parr, T. V. Williams, Jackson, B, D. Moffett. . REGISTR IRS Mrs. T. B. Registrars - Ann Newton, vid V. Johnson, Eleanor Wood­ WARD 52 2 ‘ G. Cuppies, Rheba G. Mash­ Duster. Mrs. W. M. Crawford. Mrs. T. V. Williams, J. A...... REGISTRARS ...... 1 - Mrs. J. L. Dis« Dorothy Rinaldi. Young, Dorothy JI, Harrison. ward, Alice B. Craddock, Mrs. Faxon Ave. Baptist Church burn, Katherine T. Lockhart, Mildred Green, Mrs. Howard Reeder, J. B Wylie. tretti, Mrs. L. M. Ross. T. G. Cuppies. REGISTRARS Sibyl Tread­ E. S. Birdsong. 577 N. HoUvwood WARD 61 A. Vaughn, Jr., Howard A, 1 WARD 42 ! REGISTRARS -June Phillips, REGISTRARS—Mrs. Herbert OFFICER- J. B. Mason Sr. Boy Scout Hut Vaughn, Jr., W. A. Oven. way, Mrs. Jack Lancaster. WHITEHAVEN t Hollywood School Mrs. Edward G. Tyler. F. Landstreet, Mary L. Rob­■JUDGES—Thelma A, Vaughn, 10 N. Jlendenhall Waller Phifer, Cliris D. Mar­ Ilalneshaven School 1346 Bryan WOODSTOCK inson. A. J. Goodballet, E. A. WARD 58-4 OFT1CER-F. B Tripp. tin, James Wilson, Jr. OFFICER - Jack L Bunch. OFFICER D. W. Walker. Parish Hall. South Park School JUDGES—Earl Hays, Ray Crc- 'REGISTRARS -Dorothy Borjes. Shears, S. D. Gaston, Wanda St Ann's Epls. I liurch JUDGES Mrs. Leon G. Hank­ JUDGES-W. B. Barron, Ber­ WARD 46 1 1138 Getwell son, Camille P. Cameron, I| Mix, Gene Lamar, E. Spooner, Jessie C. Ma- 3906 Old Millington Rd. ins. C. II. Pills, Mrs, H. W’, nard C. Hunt. Gladys Parker, Memphis State University son; Mrs. Edward Noely, Rob-|OFFICEB -Wm, B. Beckemey­■ Charles R. Zcmp, Hugh C. W.ARI) 721 IOFTTCER ■ Rembert H. Wil­ Ixnelady, J. A. Rube, F. W. Bessie Aldridge, Mi's. Beni Patterson Street er! F. diapman. I er. Hollowell. Edward G. Grogan, | liams. Jr. Thatcher, II. S. Gill, Jr. Bushart Clyde J. Ilutf,, OFHCER-R. W. Johnson. judges - Nellie G. Wiley. Denver School 1 L REGISTRARS - Mrs. A. C. '' Ix-onard W. Gill, Matt Beard.' JUDGES Murtha IL, Craw­ XT. Ci'ips, Dorothy Shurden,, JUDGES John Farrior, Haw- Alta Dulaney, Mrs. J. E. W. L. Forman, Guy G. Lan?i lino Fntyser Blvd. REGISTRARS - Mrs. Rvbtft Chandler, Maurino Blems. ford, C. P. Bursi, Mis. Rem­ Mbs.' W. B. Barron, Marie' thome Wallis, Mrs. R. B. Mor- Hill, Mrs. Earl Price, Mi's. OFFICER ■- Venoy Vaughn. W. Skidmore, Mrs. W. ’ L. WARD 52 3 ■ sky, Arthur R. McGoldrick, ¡' bert Williams, Robert L. Bowles, Albert J. Rose, Mar-• row, Mrs. James H. Branch, N. 0. Lambert, Joseph Unzi, ¡JUDGES—Mrs. R. F. Hens­ Sproles, Jr. Tent Sunnyside Civic Park . Jr., Al L. Lansky, John Ga-' Mitchell, Mrs. Aubrey Tucker. tuerite Davis,. Mrs. A. P.. J. H. Branch, Mrs. John Sor­ Geo. E. Zachs, Mrs. J. B. ley, Mrs. Jack A. Price, Mrs. Sunnyside Civic Park ■ lella Jr. REGISTR.ARS - Annie H. John­ Laadford. rells. Horton, Mary Joe Richard­ W. 11. Craig, Jr. M. 11. Belote, WHITEHAVEN J OFFICER -C. C. Collison. ■ REGISTRARS _ Ruby Kerlin- son, Ray Madden. REGISTRARS-Mary Doyle1 REGISTRARS-Mrs. Joe Matre- son. kowske, Bobbie I). Farley. L. K. Collier, Mrs. P. H. Yar­ Grave» Road School Mrs. Ellis AL Malone. JUDGES -Howard A. Fletcher. 'REGISTRARS -Mrs. C. P. cea, Mrs. Harry S. Spears. brough, JIrs. Jack ¡Schweitz­ DISTRICT NO. J 3398 Graves Rd. Mrs. Edward Wray, Mrs. WARD 6>-I>RECIN(T I er, Mrs, Bill Dickerion, Mrs. Winningham, Ida E. Dough­ CAPLEVTLLE OFFICER - Robert R. Lamb. _L. WARD 43 I WARD 46 2 diaries C. Collison, Mrs. Da­ Tent—Holy Rosary Cluiri'h Luccan Moore, Mi's. Edgar | erty, (Kplovllle School JUDGES - Mrs. James E. Ir­ Furniture by Fleming vid Hassler, Mrs. M. L. Loper, 4851 Park . lire Station No. 23 WARD 58 J Burns, Mrs. L. K. Collier. ¡OFFICER1 - E. W. Bowe. win, Eva M. Bodamer, HIT- * 3574 Park Ave. Floyd D. Rowe, Jr., Mrs. Geo. OFFICER II. E. Vaught. REGISTRARS Mrs. B. J. 3I8S Jackson Ave, V. ¡lodges, Laura Mitchell. Fire Station No, 30 JUDGES - T. H. Crump. Nor-| nett E. Campbell, Mu John OFFICER—Geo. T. Walker, OFFICER-Wm. Frank Wells. Getwell & Rhode» JUDGES -Mrs, Robert Candler. Beeson, Mrs. W. H, Craig, I REGISTRARS - Mrs. 11. C. Mrs. W. F. Schulte, Rembert I ris Hall, Trent Malone, C. N.j U. Osier, 0. F. Buddenbohm, JUDGES-James K. Fly. Mcl- JUOGES-E. A. Wedman, Mrs. OFFICER - F. G. Castle I Edward W. Land,'Jr., L. E. Donelson, John J. Doggett Jr.. I WARD 72-2 Henderson, Otis Stepherson. ! yin Greer, Alpheus E. Saums, J. W. Harney, Dora m’ Har- Bergdorf. Mrs, Frank MensiJ JUDGES -M. C. Ossario; J. REGISTRAR ■ Mrs. J. W. I)od-‘ Lamb, Edgar L. Jones, L.V. rison, Mrs. Bert Winnick, Mrs. WARD 53 I Betty Galloway. Harmon Per­ (irun


! V » i $


MW Barksdale-Edmondson , 6 • MEMPHIS WORLD • Saturday, Ncvcmher 3, 1962 I " Bishop Releases Republican James -Latest Gospel -Song ElectOfficers Civic Club Pours Tea The Barksdale - Edmondson Civ­ Week Of Tragedy Charter Hains Bishop George Lusk, pastor of the -International House of Prayer, ic Club held its auinuai tea Bun­ (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) On Owen Campus day. 0:1. 28. at the home of Mr. Raps Cliff Davis By SIMONE McANULTY Odd DOROTHY (»AHAM 63 W. Mallory, announces Sunday anil Mrs. Walter Hubbard, 1842 in Woodstock. ment second only to that of the cervices at 11 9Jn. and g broadcast Robert B. James, Republican The student body at Owen Col­ Edmonason St. M.s, Hubbard, a MBS, JENNIE V. SHERROD. 44, Constitution of the United States." over a local radio station at 9 a. m. candidate for Congress from Shelby lege has elected officers for 1962- charming hostess, saved buffet wife, of James 8herrod, 870 Annie, Rev. Richardson said. Guest Writers: THE THREE , Marshal-John Arnold and Lydia County, released the following 63 and representatives, to the Stu­ style. died Thursday morning one hour “I, Rev. J. C. Richardson, presi­ i Campbell riding on one bucket seat. A composer of gbspel songs, the dent Council. Guests seen among l he fashion­ after a trafffic accident at Macon dent of the Unity Committee am statement with respect to the char­ bishop's ltest composition, "The WISEMEN DID YOU KNOW? ably attire J ladies were: Mrs. Lil­ and WMC Road. Several other per­ in favor of the charter, because of ges cf Representative Davis that tie End of Time,” is said to be a “hit" ' ■ ' ■ - :■* 4 Freshman c’.ass ©Ulcers are: Wil­ lie Patton, Mrs. Bertha McClain sons were Injured. what P offers to the Negro people. hart “ghost Writers" Issuing relea­ Marion Roberson asking James with life people. Tlie reason for a certain young liam Higgins, president; Melodie Miss Plrdie Lenoir, Mrs. Hattie MRS. CURTHA DAVIS. 51, of I speak for myself after studying ses on his behalf. Nav? for a chance (Gee, Marian, hdy’s hai'r conditlon is because she Riley, vice prer'dent; Sylvia Sneed, Wright, Mrs. A. Randolph. Mis. 928-H McDowell, died early Tliurs- the charter. I find that there is no­ 'Congressman Davis, up to new vou'd better give it »P because Tlie NAACP Wa sorganlzed in has hot sensations - Mary Foote secretary; Joyce Green, assistant Zelma Saulsberry and others. day* of injuries suffered when she thing-in it that will damage—tile has-been faced with, an Impossible 1909 to obtain -Aqual citizenship Rachel Rainey-stone has that un­ arid Albert Gray-are going steady secretary; Mary Calhoun, treasurer; ....Charlie Walton is the president, was struck by a car on Crump Negro race. I fcelievo that it is a situation. Our whole community rights’ " for,' Negrdft? * .through.through legalleg der control) . . . Lawrence Trotter —Edgar Da vis is out-of-eight—The Miss Robbie Herron, secretary, and has become r nre of his d’sregard action, legisliftlfch »'nd education. Maurice Taylor, business manager; Boulevard at Walnut. much better government than the and Stella Harris vrowto’ closer three B’s.walit everybody to know one we are no.v living under, anti fo. duty and of h's Slavish adher­ Theresha Bryant, public relations Mrs Wod'Le -Dick Cane) Cole, re­ her.. . Sam McDowell saying, that the ready chicks will soon ■------>------I sincerely feel that all voters both ence to the demands of the New 1 officer: Winfrey Dickerson, chap- porter. Vi-rtnia Nnlght. nay nay . . . Ge­ swing-In the love life of Wesley Frontier. Whatever tuppori he may Yates. hin: diaries Cabbage, parliamen­ Frank Lewis the Negro and other groups should raldine Parks, vou're mlvhtv right once have hid. hr has it 11c longer, Mitchell there are so many-Shtr- These Arms of Mine - Margo tarian; Robert Edwards, sergeant- (Continued from Page One) have t.'ieir freedom of choice to , . . M»ra'e Blackmore telling all vote Consol'daiion without being i Since he's prevented by a realistic ley Purnell admires Willie C. Ow­ Nixon to Howard Grimes. at-arms; and Jimmy Smith and ♦he ‘lions” "I'm ■rtad I got mv phis chapter of the Tennessee | dictated. 4zxto by any group cfT sub­ ! oTWivaiuoappraisal’. nfof ihnthe fâlïiiVnfailure r.fcf hfFhie GiVRown ens and her only competition is a You Belong To Me-Vcra -Boggan Norma Jackson, Student Council Harvest Day Al hid In frrt”—Kay JOv at the draft basketball—Richard Dorsey is out State Alumni Association. I ject. reeori . to vse that as a campaign to Walter Cummings. representatives. ISstte, Mr D’vis has been hard hr.«) frv("r to seek admission— to wreck and he may well accom­ I Can't Take It—Hamilton girls Officers for the sophomore class UNCF is a national fund-rais­ I "I am the pastor of St. John A. irAkcd 10 find something to talk Gloria Miller fligginc a coin to plish it-Claudine Cooper goes for to Bertrand girls. are: James Watson, president; ing agency for 32-member colleges M. E. Church, 232’ Luntc Avenue, aijdut. decide whether to date Larry Mil­ Albert Buford—Shelbra Brooks is Down In The Alley—Brenda Rice Charlie Folsom, vice president; Ml. Vernon Bapl. j and a leader of people. I person­ an universities, including LeMoyne ler (Lest). Weslev Mitchell, or L. thq president of the B.T.W. chapter to Danny Peete. Herry Douglass, secretary; Willie A Homecoming-Harvest Dav cele­ "Yesterday, he found it. He has in Memphis; Lane, Jackson, Tenn.; ally believe m tills form of Gov­ V. Hicks—Billv Cunnineham tin- of the Douglas Bobo fan club- My Man-Evelyn Finley and Car- F. Taylor, assistant secretary; Do­ bration on Sunday. Nov. 11, will accused me of having "ghost Fisk, Nashville; Knoxville, Knox­ ernment; consolidation of Memohis nTe out on Beverlv We’’s with Veima Becton, Patricia Ford and mella Guy (Aubrey Yates). rothy Vaughn, treasurer; June climax a month of activities at Mt. writers". M.. Davis, you have no » I ville, Tenn.; Philander Smith. Lit­ and Shelby County under one unit­ ’trice Hill —Archie Scruggs writ- Jeanette Cummings are three of a Thy a Little Tendemess-Carole Lacy, chaplain; Ruthie Jefferson, Vfrnnn B’.pttot Church. On this idea hov. much help I really do tle Rock. Ark., and Tougaloo South­ ed form of government that if of­ in~ a research paper on “How to kind-Roger House has competi­ Thompson to Larry Hill. reporter; Daisy Hodges, historian; day the pastor will deliver the 11 have. There are thousands of peo­ ern Christian, Tougaloo, Miss. fered in (he Charter, and I oe'ieve get girl« cU mv back and succeed" tion for Henry Petty, namely, (well Hide and Go Seek—The Kenneth George McKinney, sergeant-at- a. m. message which will be fol­ ple. literacy .thousands, from all Ttie member schools, all accred­ in the Charter for what it offers —» certain malorette using axle we’ll keep you in suspense until Porter Fan Club. arms. and Henry Douglass and loved by a Fellowship Dinner at ited and in the South, receive a walks a.' life, who are helping in We are looking lorwa d to a not- grease on her knees because they next week) — Arenthia Leath and Minstrel and the Queen-Benny Geraldine Patton, Student Council 1:30 p. m. The 3 p. m. address will share of the overall fund which us­ this campaign. These people supply disiani rl;;v when, under tlie Clr.r- are ‘kind cf rusty — Rosie Mlles Jackie Young have a common in­ Adems and Marilyn Jamison. representatives. i .be delivered by the Rev. L. R. But- ually exceeds two million dollars me with a continuous running ter, the Negro citizens will rote to­ ehf.")-jn7 cut Carver—Frankie Ma­ terest in Rudy Best and a certain Untie Me-Anita Curry to Van I ler, pastor of Hunter Ave. Baptist each year. gether fcr one good and common si ream of facts about your record thews is now going with young men senior at Father Bertrand—Pepper Lusus. | Church. At 6:30 p. m a forum dis­ cause. and about your activit’es. UNCF Deposits $10,000 The sum of $15.000 was raised in "Mr. Davis has also accused me of frat are her speed—Buddv Taylor had better watch out for a certain Another Night With the Boys - cussing church membership will be JACKSON, Miss.—The presenta­ the Memphis area last year and inacctixcy. Let me ask him this. chegk’nv out a b’Sketbail lineun to young lady has definiteup made PbtUip Duncan to Beverly Tate. presented. "I urge Negro voters to think, tion of a $10.000 check on behalf LeMoyne received about $$35.000 as not fcr now', but for vnuf children's Is it inaccurate. M.. Darts, that see who her next victim will he— plans to elude James Walker in her Up On the Roog—John Edwar ds Chairmen of committees working of the United Negro College Fund on vaneus activities are: Mrs. M1- its share of the national fund. future. This consolidated form of ycu were abseiiv on ¿1 out of the Wil’i-m Young and Yvonne Riley senior schedule—‘Morris Webb has to Sarah Rqeben. tor dfoosit in the State Mutual dred Nelen, general chairman, with A. C. Williams of the WDIA ra­ government will bring new jobs 120 rcll-cal! votes of the 1962 ses­ on the Warrior Campus (Sav Ko- found a'true love—Georgette Walk­ You Can’t Hide From Love- Federal Savings and Loan Asso­ Mrs. Mattie Rouse serving as co- dio station staff was last year’s with better P’y and will give us sion c’ Congress? Is It inaccurate trim. cheek place on the ’•oil call) er knows hew to wreck in ‘more Lydia Campbell to John Arnold. ciation highlighted a meeting of j chairmar.. Miss Remclle Finley is chairman. lower lax rates for equel service and that you missed voting on the Cu- —Everybody is downing John Jor­ ways than one — Elnora Presley Just for a Thrill—Eugene Lee io this city’s leading professional and program chairman and Mrs Hattie- will ,igve us better schools, and b r Resolution? Is it »’.accurate dan tor obvious reasons—The pri­ goes with Larry Smith (Ha Ha). Barbara -Duncan. business leaders recently. Bull, publicity chairman. equipped schonl for our children that ycu voted for 1 aid vate eve is planning another party, Carmella Guy is wearing a friend­ You’re Something Else-Johnny Dr. F. D. Patterson, one of the Other activities leading up to Foes Yell whh the tax doliar. Look at dis­ bill that supported Yugoslavia and this oone is guaranteed to be bet­ ship ring given to her by A. Y. Martin to Lynn Ulen. founders of the UNCF and present­ the Homecoming-Ha. vest Diy in­ (Continued from Page One) crimination in ihe Charter noiut i Poland? Is it inaccurate that you ter than the last one—The Squires Y — Dianne Westbrook and Ed­ Tva Got to Let Him Go-Glenda ly a member of the Board, orient­ clude an evangelistic program with 16-12 the’e will be none lor those voted to pack the House Rules at Father Bertrand are trying to ward Sanders are in the groove — Mitchell to Edgar Davis., ed the check for that amour1, to emphasis on membership and an table and asked for a chance to in classif'ed reivice. Conmiltte?? Is it inaccurate that me’lo 4hemsel'"*s like the Interns' JcvCe Carney is talking to William Don't Hang Up—Betty Agnes to speak when he heard man after Dr. Jacob L. Reddix, president and every member canvass. Oct. 29 "Wberi’ the e ;s unity (here Is you switched your vote on the Agri­ -^Bernard Johnson eyeing the Richardson (Say, Joyce, what are Wi'lle Taylor. man attack the charter. lie told the chairman of the board of the as­ through Nov. 4. a Youth for Christ strength, and where there is no culture Bill after the primary? Is freshman girls (Watch it Bernard. ■ycu going to do when Tyrone Tear for a Year—Marvin Bledsoe nualence: "These men are deliber­ it inaccu.nte that you voted for a sociation. Revival is being conducted by Rev. vision tieople perish." »}we comes Bang—The Thugs are ccmes back — Eunice Logan has to Carita Harrison. ately trying,to confuse you. This $10 million fish tank for Washing­ L. A. Mullins of Mayfield, Kv still visiting Hamilton regularly, started a new fad—wearing skies ATTENTION TO ALL CAR charter was written'to preevnt a ton. D. C., the same weex you did Rev. J L. Nelters is pastor of fit looks as if everybody’s hustle —Mary Lynn Morris’ main ambi­ LOVERS pm,' cal machine." not vote on the Cuban Resclutlon?" Mt. Vernon. Heroic Foreman is being ranked—Fredda Boone is tion Is to become popular (If this When asked to elabcrate Satur­ When you ride with W. J. Centenary Seis (Continued from Page One) courtin? from 1 to 30 (T.B.) Roset­ day morning. Dr. Buckman un­ ils true you are on the wrong road) Be sure to have your pay. ta. McKinney is trving to put a nose leashed a ve.bai blast against Ne­ Wm. McCadden Buried —Bcbble Agness and Roy Jones WEATHER REPORTS Woman's Day Nov. 11 Taylor walked atfay without giving -job on Charles Bower’s uniform— gro leaders who he says are "de­ his’ identity. An alert reporter trac­ Final rites were held Saturday have nose-jobs on each other — Hot-Yvonne Riley. Loretta Shares finally settling down At 1st Baptist Church liberately tiyiiig tc confuse" others morning for William G. McCadden Ervin Keith objects to seeing his Warm-LaWare Wright. Goal0f$5,000 ed him down by finding the neigh­ for one fellow (Could this posslibly First Baptist (Lauderdale) will about the charter. from Collins Chapel CME Church name in print with a certain young Mild—-Vera Merritt. borUUI liehe HBUhad beenMCCII visiting.VlOlViixg, - - . . Sunday. Nov. 11. will be Men’s observe annual worn in's Day. Sun­ The area of the hoi^e in which ¡in Covington. He died Oct 24 at last)—a certain couple is being lady (could the fact be that she Cool—Robert Davis. “It was nauseating to see Negro Day at the Centenary Methodist day. Nov. 11. Guest speaker for the the children had been was destroy-, Collins Ch a pel Hospital.^ The ^de­ named 'tMutt and Jeff—The teen­ is a day-time girl and not a night people who should be leaders in Hurricane—Aubrey Yates. Church, Mississippi and Alston, afternoon will ’'e Mrs. Mildred P. | ceased was the husband of Mrs. age pages are stone getting into time hat) — Carolyn Boone and Tornado-Flora Fleming. their communities deliberately try­ ed by the blaze. and the afternoon speaker will be Horne, a member of Avery Chapel ' Pearl B. MrCudden and father of somethin^ — the Squires wearing (Melvin Carter are in the groove— ing to confuse their people about Just Plain Wet—The Reed twins. Dr. Aaron Henry of Clarksdale, AME church and a teacher at Lin­ Cluirles F. McCudden of Tuskegee their own class ring»—Jimmy Jack- Eddie Walsh is trying to keep his the consolidation charter and the TOP TEN BOYS Miss. He will speak at 3:30. coln Junior High School. St. Stephens To Hear Institute. Ala. son full of joy while singing Gloria fan-club a secret (but wiH he) — benefits they will secure from the Ruflis Lee, "Popcorn,” Lenard Dr. Henry Is a prominent Meth­ and trying to pass a Big Nasty bag adoption of it,” said Dr. Buck­ Rev. Edgar Young Joe Williams gets what he wants Ward, Wilbert Collins, Willie Hurt, odist layman, a member of Haven The Missouri legislature, in ac­ man. of Dixie Lilly flour to anybody but doesn't always want what he William Hamilton, Bioki Johnson, tion at Jefferson City in June, 1959, The Sunday School Depart,nenl Geeter Hears Ratcliffe that wants it—Zeb Leath telling Methodist Crurcli, state president “In meeting after meeting, they gets-That there Is a campaign to -Ralph Collier, Andy Boyd and "Mc- of the NAACP and a courageous established a permanent Commis­ of St. Stephens Baptist Church. 503 Geraldine Parks that nothing can tr” to smear both the Negro and Tells Students Of UN stamp out John Jordan—Charles 'Ghoo." leader hi the movement for social sion on Civil Rights. N. Third St., will celebrate Its change this love of ours—Naomi white people who support consoli­ v” Robert M. Ratcliffe, public rela­ Whltsey’s famous words are, “Ill TOP TEN GIRLS Justice and freedom. annual "Go to Sunday School Day" I dation. This is the reason why I tions director and alumni officer Reed and Jodie Westbrook making be blue no more-Jackie Claybome -Barbara White. Rathsliui, Alva The minister of Centenary, the asked for an opportunity tc speak. Sunday. Nov. 4. with Rev. Edgar ■plans for the furthering of their sored bv the Klondike Aid Club, Young of First Baptist Chelsea as fur LeMoyne College, addressed the made that all important move con­ Crlvens, Natlyn Hirsh, Marion Ro­ Rev. j. m. Lawson. Jr., will deliver will be he'd at the old YWCA "They try to curb them from relatlonships-Mary Lynn Morris guest speaker. The public is invit- high school division of Geeter cerning Mark Milam—Bonnie Col­ berson, Claudine Cooper, Dolly the 11 o'clock sermon on “What Is supporting consolidation by calling purchasing a book entitled ‘How building, 514 Varce. Sunday, Nov. ed. School Tuesday morning. Respon­ lins has succeeded where Loretta Parker, Shirley McCussim, and Faith.” 4, from’4 to 6 P m Proceeds from them "Uncle Toms.' to become popular In one easy B. T Lewis. Jr., is the supe: in- sible for the occasion we.e staff Shores has completely failed (right, Odetta. Henry c. Ray is general chair­ the affair will be used to help "Actually, if the 'Uncle Tom’ shoe step (bv going with a Count)— Crivcns. members of Geeter's student paper. L. M.)-Robert Williams is looking QUESTION OF THE WEEK man of Men’s Day and the goal is fits on any foot, it is the very tendenl, and Rev. 0. C needy children in the Klondike Janice HUI telling YKW to break for a love from around Father Ber­ Is Hubert McGee really calling $5,000. One bundled men are being small group of Negroes who a e pastor. School aiea. Prizes will be awarded. these chains and set me free- trand—Bang Long is cool, calm Carole Jones or Is it the other way asked to give $50 each. trying to apply It to some of their School Girl Assaulted Donation, 25?. The public is invit- Betty Laster spending her lunch and Into nothing. around. finest leaders. Hewed one in the basement cf the David Saunders. 20, of 948 Texas, ed. ... money to buy stamps for James* DEDICATIONS LAST COMMENT "These self - serving, community courthouse in i960.” is being held on $20,000 bond ------1------;------Klondike Aid Club Mrs. Katie Sexton is the cluos The Happy Weekend — Dorothy A certain young man at Douglass forgetting Negro political leaders Memphis and Shelby County vot­ charged with criminally assaulting preside».; Mrs. Freda Mitchell, James. had bett» check his hustle before are the ones who engage in politi­ ers will east ballots Nov. 6 cn the a 16-year-old school girl In an al­ had known the girl-most of his Sponsoring Tea, Fashion secretary, and Mrs. Freddie Gatun, Darling — Lewis Hines to Lucy he loses a good thing. cal deals, such as the much -pub- charter. ley off Florida Street. Saunders life. He denied the charge. A Teg and Fashion Revue seph- reporter.

/ --1 t 1 •?

■L^.. i. Round 'n Round MÉMHíH WÒHb è Saturday, November à, I Mi tí

It’s "cool and breezy," but not too cool and not too hot to play ML Just the right kind of weath- dr tor a goad golf game. I am sure dWty working man and woman has Norma Tqylor, popular member of the zenior class of Lester dt least one or two days off from High School, was crowned "Miss Lester" at the program open­ Sports Trail Work each week. Why not make one ing the third annual homecoming activities of the school. LESTER of these days a golf-playing day? BOOKER T. I was asked to play a game last J, T. WASHINGTON A large crowd including many mint, Miss Robbie Ann Howse, with BY SAM BROWN .800 work after school hours with Char­ parent' and alumni saw Charles her attendants, Naomi Reid and DOUGLASS ...... 067 ley Tarpley and Charles Pride. Wiight, president of the student Virginie Turner. CARVER ...... Sometimes after working hours one council and captain of Lester's "Miss Lester” was presented with WASHINGTON .600 Loral fans will get a chance to clals, umpires, or any other ipoiHa can play at least 27 holes. Juve­ football team, crown the queen. a stageful.of gifts by toe Nasses, HAMILTON...... By GEORGETTE WAI.KEP, officials come In for prtipe Ar, h. nile delinquency could be curbed a Entering the gymnasium with an [ clubs and organizations of the see some college football before the FATHER BERTRAND And CHARLES JONES good word. We, too, at iiaea l|Vt2 lot it our teenagers would take up escort of NDCC officers, "Miss Les­ . .hool, with a special gift coming season ends without having to Journey long distances for same. been critical of the work of hM* .- MANASSAS ...... golfing. ter" was followed by he. attend­ from the joint faculties of Lester This is the second year Wash­ Plans are being perfected for the ous officials, but in a manner •( MELROSE ...... For instance, Al Geiberger. only ants Marlon Roberson ard Roset­ and.Caipenter Elementary School. ington has had a:rifle team. List Klak-Lane game to be played here being helpful If possible. Aa a three years out of college, happily ta McKinney. Following the program a social pour year the team ii ed one mutch Saturday night' at Melrose Stadi­ whole, the work of the < • *L exclaimed last. Monday that he had fo; the honorees, their parents and which was against Caiwi, Wash­ Miss Taylor is a member of many um, under the sponsorship of the working the Prep League Gridiron Spotlight Focused On Lester Lions achieved one of his major goals as student groups including the ether guests was held in the school ington rifle team won the match, Fisk Alumni of Memphis. has been exemplary. a touring pro with his victory Sun­ library where the queen’s gifts were by 148 points. The team was led cy Gracious Ladies, the Library Staff, Both* teams have several Mem­ There have come to our desv f jv, With but two weeks to go before the end of the Prep League day in the 127,500 Ontario Open. o.i display. one rifle team captain, Aubrey the. National Honor Society, the phis boys, and former prep league eral comments regarding so few . Geiberger shot an eight under par Players Guild, and is a majorette The coronation ball, a brilliant How rd. Tills year Washington has season, the Lester Lions stand a good chance of »haring the 1962 players on their squftds. Fisk is officials working the games, -or 2?6 for the 72-hole tournament affair given in honor of the queen, another fine rifle team which wen championship with the Warriors of Booker T. Washington. And, in the school band She is well why the same officials or at least over the Par 71 Whispering Lake wes held in the school gymnasium. a match against Douglass. Wash­ loaded with a number of boys who known thixuahout co-ed circles in were outstanding in prep league some of them work each night- it's possible for them to win the title. Golf Coast. Tied at 277 for second the city us the president oi tire Homecoming activities were climax­ ington won the m itch by 88 points. Some time ago, the officials were At week'» end. tester and BTW were tied for firit place, was Tommy Jacobs of Bermuda ed by the game between the Lester Some Ct the members are Cantaln play wniie atteuJing Morose mid oity-wide Student Librarians As­ required to take an examinatioiij Dunes. Calif., who shot a 65 to Lions and the Melrose Wildcats Trov King and Aubrey Howard, Hamilton. These boys will undoubt­ each with a 4-1 record. Washington goes against Melrose to­ sociation. The daughte; of Mr and and some who had done a good job equal the best round of the ouma- Al this time, the football queen Rick C mobeli and Charles Jones edly bo happy to perform before morrow night (Friday) and the Warriors should win it. Lester Mb-. John A. Thylor, Sr., she lives as a football official missed out oft ment; Chuch Rotar of Los Vegas, chosen by the squad, Miss Margie High score in the ginie .vas Cap­ lheir hometown fans, and the fans with her parents at 2866 Princeton the test. . ; meets the air-minded Douglass tonight (Thursday) and the Lions Nev.; John Duesi, Billings, Mont.; Blakemore, participated in iis’f- tain Trey King. wil) likely turn out in large num­ Street. She is a member of tl.e This was not only true in Ity must win if they expect to stay up there with Washington. But, Bob Goalby, Belleville, II., and time nativities. bers to see them in college play. Early Grove Baptist Church where 1 responsible for the game gards to the rrt-League, bnt In beating Douglass won't be easy. The Douglass Red Devil» will Dickinson. she sems as assistant secretary Leste. High facu'ty member' who INSTALLATION Golfing regularly are Wm. T. hope to make it mi annual affair to most of the football conferences II at the Sunday School and presi­ wived as a steering committee for Last week (lie Installemnl of be out for blood and trying to prove that Carver hod nolaustneis Knight, music teacher; "Tuff" the fc|lowing clubs was held, The help raise funds for the establish­ was the same thing. The examina­ dent of the Junior Choi. . homecoming were Mi's. D. S. R.iv, defeating them last week, 25-7. Green, Andrew Bland and Chester clubs are The Science, club. T end ment of u scholarship fund for tion eliminated a large number ot Other students featured at Hie Mrs. M. F. Jones and Mrs. M. ¡1. Cade. The have been playing from Memphis high school graduates to officials, and has put added i*> No matter what happens this week, Lester is slated to qo coronation ceremonies were the Senders. Other committee members I. Club, Dramatic Club. Social five to 12 years and feel there is attend Fisk. We feel that it is a sponsibillty on the various schools against Washington next Wednesday night. If Lester can get by foolball curen, Miss Margie Blake­ were I. W. McIntyre. Mrs. B. C. Studies, N. H. A. and the Qmll not a belter game than golf. They noble...... undertaking ______and should____ have and conferences. It also has pot on more, a junior; and her attendants, Washburn, W. G. Cowser, p. L. and Schroll Club. Represent'lives Douglass, next week's Lester-Washington battle could turn out can be seen on the course every frem ,hc Bnieuee Club was Carrie the support of the fans of Memphis those certified io keep from being Cordell* Porter and Doris Harper. Washington, Miss E M. Bag>b(. and the surrounding territory. overworked. At any rate,r«te, local pipt-­ to be the game of the year. Sunday evening. Sharing the spotlight also was (he H. F Pilcher, and G. W. Cox R. H Evan, the T. and I. Club, Melva ■ * * * * See next week’s golf column, ll isn't often that football oifi- ficials are doing a fine job. quee* of the junior high depart- Mor. is is principal of the school. Young, Barbi’a Starves and How­ your name may be there. ard Finley; the Damatlc Club. Several Principals Concerned About Losingl 1 rrv Fiiilth: Social Studios, Del­ ■»¡.R la Sanford; N. IL A. Pliyllto Stine At least three high school principals are concerned about Doi». the losing ways of their football teams and chief among these The guest Speake; was Rev. Fred Big Water Show Lcltan Ire sr w on the subject of is Floyd Campbell of Melrose. The Golden Wildcats of Melrose voting men of today us men of »o- have played six loop tilts and lost six and their final league mi.'.'tvW. -d. game is this Friday night against B. T. Washington .... and there isn't much chance of the 'Cots winning this one. JIVE TALK By WANDA BOCGAN And Monday At YMCA Barban White, Melba Watsmi Louis Hobson, the principal of Manassas, isn't too happy *» . .• •• MAXINE PERRY mid Mabie Herndon, ycj’rc play­ about the Tigers' next-from-the-bottom position. Manassas it ac­ ing with fire, because Ewald Es­ The Fourth Southern Regional Conference of the National , Have you seen the $90,000 swimming pool at the Abe customed to winning and it's hard for the Northsiders to accept This Is Lt. Bogjan and Sat. Per­ ter belongs to Simone McAnultv. United Church Ushers of America, Inc. will be held Satufdtiy, Nov.': Scharff YMCA? No? Well, here's ycur opportunity io see an A- a lowly position. ry bringing you all the Investiga­ John Jordan, *hy do you try I. be 3rd, at Mount Zion Baptist Church, 1427 S. Main Street, pasttSred ■ tions around the cool reformator­ rated, heated, indoor, year-round swimming pool of the finest so hard. Howard Fluky bus the Melvin Conley, a Southern and Southwest- football official bv the Rev. I. D. Sanders. / ies. Without further due, let's pro­ order. hear| i five vuutn ladies — Vera as well as principal of Douglass, found it hard to believe that HooltiT, Yvonne Payne, Venuti ceed. Robert Alien of llhnois is «tire- fur .1 ;> in,, lilt Rev. T, c. ygfit- Wiley, Siarlit.i Taylor and Ernes- the Baby Cobras of Carver ran over the Douglass Red Devils, 25- ON THE GRIDIRON The Abe Scharff Branch YMCA is presenting "Acqualics For tor and R E Harshaw Jr., of Mem­ font. of Mt. Olive Cathedral Vplll t'tie Sharp. Why, Howard art you 7, last week. We find that, after Friday night, Fun" af 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 5. A very fine water program has phis Is state president as well us speak at 3:30 and a summary of the Manassas Tlges had to di.? going tu leave someone for Joe tin' meeting is scheduled at 4. •. .'.i«’ Principals Hobson and Conley aren't grieving too much, but been prepared. Some of Memphis' finest acquatics experts will national president. the Washington Warriors up and Willie Redmond, Walter Cummin?. Jesse Bishop will lie toastmakter'J Principal Campbell is in the dumps. after all that burying. My My, Mv! be' on hand to enhance the affair. Jerry Johnson of LeMoyne, Charles Gtiffln, Jewel Berry and First session will start at 8 a * * * * at the bsuquet scheduled lor DW-"' The Carver Cobras defeated the James Smith of Porter, Frank Lewis of Grant, Dan Partee of the T. Vi'. Taylor. Morris Webb what's m , w’lh registration abd breakfast it. day night at 8. The welcome Wilt” Douglass Red Devils 25-7. They is this going on between von and MANASSAS picked green Mitchell Road High School Tigers YMCA, Bill Springer of the American Red Cross, Jack Pentz of Mrs. Myrtle Thornton will welcome be .riven.ilvi p bv MMrs.m. Harriot UfbUa» "I Joseph Young? I hope it is not the from the county for their homecoming competition Saturday night cruwled over them as if it was their didegates. duty. Lexter Liens squashed the tho Memphis Recreation Department and several others will par­ same thing that's going on bs- and ran over them 39-0. It was the first time in a stadium for Melrose Wildcats, 14-6. Wildcats, ticipate. tw«n Joseph end his girl. DorothJ Business pc iod will include an the Mitchell Roaders who showed a couple of promising young­ are you tired of being on the los­ Janies, you better keep both eyes ushers' demonstration and talks by sters in Halfbacks Carl White and William Partee. For Manassas, ing end? The big question around Demonstrations in boating, swimming, diving and life-sav­ on Dan Hancock, because a little Faber, editor of the ush­ ers' official publication; President it was a perfect setting for the Tigers' football queen, Miss Pa­ Hamilton. Friday Was will our boys ing will be included. The public is invited. No admission fee. sophomore says she lias nim cov­ beat Father Bertrand? The pass­ er’d. Sonja Taylor, what's c-nng Harshaw ard James Chapmui:. tricia Griffin, a senior, who was presented at halftime. word was eBat Bertrand. Hamilton on uetwean vou and Charles Grif­ chairman of the national board of 1 * * * * was victorious. fin? Herbert Bobo want’s to know. directors. FATHER BERTRAND and HAMILTON proved themselves bitter GOSSIP Honor Students Roy Driver belongs to Mattie Har­ A panel discussion is scheduled rivals last Friday night. The game, won by Hamilton, 31-12, was Around the reformatories, per. Who does Dorothy Makey go ALG with? Wanda Bogan and Maxine highlighted by a midfield battle royal with several players hit­ Criminals are all gossiping. Percy Jazz trumpetlst Dizzy Olllsple, Chalmers was doing the Monster Perry, keep the good work up. Pa- originator of the "Bop” idion of ting the dust. The throwing of fists was short lived but exciting. Mash over hearing of Katie Taylor Ât BIW Listed malar Jones has eyes on Howard Jazz was born at Cheraw, S. C., on LIQUOR STÖBE fr Bertrand was playing' without the services of its co-captains, taking him back again. Betty Bry- Lee Wrlsotr (Lester) Julian Banks, , . ' . . 4 ...... Tackle Lewis Hines who was given the heave-ho an1 the fltSFplay; -ar.t -and Henry Smith look met Booker T. Washington students why did you leave O a Hnrirs'? Is March 12, 1959 — Congress vot­ making the honor mil for the first it because you saw Virginia Har­ 575 MISSISSIPPI BLVD. ’ and Defensive end Michael Siggers, who was injured. Big man together. Hattie Bonner and Rose ed to admit Hawaii into the Nnion f six weeks are: ris? Leytee Wild field missed Wilbourne arc still jiving Percy as the 50th state. for Bertrand was the hard-running Leonard Alexander. Hamil­ Chalmers about his strugglebuggy Charles Jones at the party. Jean­ ton honors went to End Theodore Pickett, QB Lallon Boyce, End (his 49 Poptlac). Rosie Tabor con­ TENTH GRADE: Mattie Ki’k- ette Robinson was making fun of wood. Jane Mitchell, Emery Som­ Larry Dailey and Backs L. M. Carroll and Jerry Smith. centrates only on the high test the senior head picture. Yvonne erset, Evelvn White, Katrina Wor­ * * * * speed of Clyde Warren. Lena Rich­ Riley is being used by two renio- tham. Willie Jamerson, Alleena boyj.i Have Vernl's Wiley and LESTER and DOUGLASS also presented their football queens mond is admired by more than her share of fellows. Ma.yland Roby is Foster, Jimmie Coleman, Maggie Shelbn Brooks forgotten they have last week. Football queen at Lester is Miss Marjorie Blakemore, still waiting on the return of Ro­ Muldns, Peggy Robinson, Carolyn real hair twig hats are in style)? Coleman, Cecil Lincoln, Gall A. a junior. Miss Norma Taylor, a senior, is Miss Lester. Douglass elie Sumerise. Stella Hirris can LONELY HEART CLUB _ easily pull a nose job on anybody. Moore, Willie Berrv, Wl'lie heard. Herbert Nealv, Thomis E. Jones football queen is Miss Beverly Braswell. The title of Miss Douglass Howard W.shlngton, Tommie P (Hew about that?) Laurence T otter, Ronnie Hughes, belongs to Miss Kathryn Smith. First alternate at Douglass was Green and Natolyn Williams. Alice Taylor has eyes for a young Herman Thami’., Fred Dorse, Joe Miss Grade Hardy. Ward, Dnvlcl Marshal land,Johnny man at Douglass. Douglass was ELEVFNTH GRADE: Mary Rob­ ♦ * * * Hunt. twisting the night mvay (At Their inson. Sillv Roddv, Sarah Ken­ Ccronaticn Ball) off the big time MELROSE even tried a walkie-talkie contraption last week. nedy, Oe ildine Stephens, Vivian TOP CITY WIDE LADS Jukebox. The fashion was out of Their quarterback's helmet was wired for sound but it must not Malone, Geraldine Ch istkn, Mnr- AND I ASSIE sigat, socks and muttons, heels and Don't scratch!... It jo'.nne Colo. Calvin Todtiv Mary... ■. Stella Euijrs ard Larry Miller have worked very well because the helmet was soon discarded Colettes, jeans and banions, T- can cause infection! Spearman, Jcyce Livingston, Au­ (Lester). for one without wires, shlrts and neckties. I see we missed L O V I L | R N dio? Grey, Henrietta Taylor. Mo- Melba Watson and Eddie Walsh Stopl Internationally A Big Treat. (No Big Thing). (Man.) famous Palmer’s OOMPIalXlOH Cheryl Tucker has found a new zella Starks, Samuel Campbell, Simon; McAnutly ant Dan Han­ “Skin Success" Oint­ ... plu» hwd-to-toe love. OH, excuse us Hirold Beane. Ohs D.irdy end Rubystine Turner. cock (Bert.) ment contains eleven protection with the Eva Thompson is over • covered bv POWER JR. HIGH SCHOOL TWELFTH GRADE; Vivian Epps, Dorothy James and Robert important ingredients skillfully com­ deop-ootlflg foamy Betty McCaster. Joe Ingram has David (Ham.). pounded . . . induces fast, blessed medication of “Akin a king -size nose Job on Big Time Pairica Wortham, Berth Purdy, Ç. Penny Isbnmel (Mel.) relief when skin cries "help"! Don't Succeaa" Soap. It This week it is my privilege to Cha-Cha - Don Roman. Shirley Harris. Lawrence Griffin Yvonne Carodine, Robert Pool. Mae beauty bathe» whit« It Jackie Harris and Clarence Wi­ risk disfigurement or dangerous in­ focus our spotlight on a very in­ State Bop - Dorothy Jefferson, you rsecret is out, namely Mary­ F. Go.t’.on, Jeannette Robinson^ I flghta germs that ther (Michell). fection by scratching tormented telligent and honorable young man. land Roby. Mary Week is tighter often aggravate ugly Ricky Griffin. Carolyn Thornton, Betty Duncan. Mary Love and Herman Thoma.'. I am speaking of none other than with Lavon K’lsev than hLs lover upset skin. Use the skin comfort blemlshei end per­ Social * Sherman M„ Edwin J., (Wash.) [Edwin Jones. He is a member of the Robert M„ Eugene 8. Sidnev Daggett. Rebecca "Hill "is Thomas Milan, Iris Carpal, Doris secret of millions... Palmer’s "Skin spiration odors , . , Honor Society, Senior Band, and B. Couch and R. Griffin can al­ cute, McVay, otto is the handsom­ Hamilton, Brenda Jones. Ernestine TOP SENIORS Success" Ointment. Only 85c. Large make» you inn you’re economy size containing four times nice to be near. is also on the basketball team. Hats most take’em all. est boy at Hamilton. Ciivetta Hos­ McGhee, Robert Holliman, Aline AND JUNIORS $ [off to Edwin and please keep up (si ■’ as much, only 75c. Satisfaction guar­ Palmer's “Mln Sue- kins is getting a date tc the corin- Ingiam, Geraldine Robinson, Ernes­ Helen Purdcnt, Sen ja Taylor, the good work. QUALIFICATIONS ation ball. Uriah McGee is inter­ Rase Jones, Jeanette Rainey, and anteed or your money refunded. cess” Sup. Only 29c. Hair like Lois B., Eyes like Jakie tine Sharp, Doris Watkin, Mary lost and found ested in only one girl, namely Dor ­ Yvonne Riley. Larry Clark, Robin­ [ H., Lips like yours truly, Dimples I Ann Burton and Gwendolyn othy Booker. Hairy Martin and Foote, Glurn Fleming, Vera Ollie son and firnith, Morion Brewer, tashely lost James W. but 0. Cle- like Johnnie O., Face like Barbara Evelyn Covington are tighter than and Annie R. Ter. ell. i Lawrence Trotter, Ronald Ester. P, Waistline like Gwendolyn L.. ever. Willie Earl Lynch to taking pons found him. M. Henderson lost Shape like Linda Y, and Legs like IW. Fort and A. Morrow found him. his girlfriend to the ball. Sallye QB CHARLIE LEE Andrea M. Ross has brushed Amos Miller from D. Clayborn lost the "B" she her mind completely. Joyce Walton WITH FISK - Menwhian Char­ thought she had in science and FRIENDLY REMINDER and Roy Stott has no interference, lie Lee, former Melrose grid star, found "C", E Castle lost F. Wor­ Student Council election is com­ a is quarterback and cc-captain of ing up soon. If you do not wish to we have heard. Loriane Jones has tham and B. Barr found him. L. the Fisk University eleven which Barbee, who was that cool breeze vote for me. please for the person no competition with her man James still meets Une College here Saturday |ou found at the game? It couldn't who you feel is able and capable McKinley, AIRttfus Evans still night at Melrose Stadium. to chance be Roy Johnson, could to get the job done. cares and loves W B. Some of the students running CITY WIDE POLE FOOTBALL O88IP for president and vice president of BOYS iE. Scott's bachelor days are over, the student Council are: For Preii- Edward Junior; Mac. A. Hender­ bw that E. King came, saw and dent-Fannie Coleman, Bernice son; Paul Stas; Herbert Bobo; inquered him. M. Raiford has a Couch, Raymond Wells and Bobbie Clyde Waftren; John Davis; Em­ GAME mett Mackins; Waverly Hopsen. BENEFIT CLASSIC tee-job on R. Mitchell. G. Lashe- Judson; For Vice President-Alecia I found her true love at the game. Borders, Linda Young, Betty Aus­ GIRLS Bettv Car”: Sells Harlrs; Janice [Jackson is letting it be known tin and Cora Clemons. ■t R. Montgomery is her property There are others but I havep’t re­ Hill; Vers Ollie; Flora Flemming; ■ hands off. V. Ishmuul, why ceived their' names as of now. Maggie Dandridge; Catherine I* you get angry at the name Please, remember to VOTE. Nealy; Mary Ann Cloud. Winkle-toes.” J. Norfleet quit Until next week my dear crimin­ FISK UNIVERSITY (Nashville) iking so much at the period, als, Kelp Prevent C-lines: ■rman M. or should I say E. Leovwts Mark tats Is looking for your truly, LeMopi SMenls K. that so M. Norris? D. Jeffer- Eyou must be taking pep pills, Hur UN Expert • Keep your tigh dry skin smooth <• you have that old Porter spirit. •' ____James ______Di a|to, (yjtesident. of Hickerson, you know what they Draper - Swearingen Advertising and soft with MOTHERS FRIEND. to,-“while the cats way. the mice Aiency and an expert on the Vnlt- Neglect of body skin tissues fll play.” Isn't that true? L. Rob- ed Nations, addfesaed a general as­ during pregnancy may show up for the rest bf your life. This fa­ LANE COLLEGE (Jackson) ■Kean twist with the best of sembly Thursday morning at Lt- |K R. Wells, someone is trying Moyne College. He discussed "The mous skin conditioner is especi­ |Ma nose-Job on you. Charles important Role of the United Na­ ally compounded to relieve the ^Mfeit all brains or brawn. Y. tions in Relation to the March of discomfort of that stretched feel­ AT MELROSE STADIUM ■HL,1s looking for that certain Events if Our Time." ing in your skin. You'll find a Hw. Bass, don’t go out trick or MOTHERS EMEND massage can Mb. R. Mason, what happen be soothing for that numbing .the party Saturday nlgnt? F. -in_lags-and back, too. Take ¡■nan Is still cool. Work Day Is Success Work that would have cut hun­ care of you'r body skin with SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1962 8 P.M Oder report ■ijjtormy - Cora Clemons, Rainy dreds of dollars wm done free on MOTHERS FRIEND You .wifL never regret It ■bin Jones, Twister - Lois Bar* LZMoyne's campus Friday by stu­ dents, faculty members and ad­ See a Total of Eleven Former Memphis High School Grid Stars Return Home as ta Cyclone - Evelyn King, Cloudy At Drug ministration officers during the College Standouts on the Fisk and Lane Squads ■orothy Agee, Tucoon - Shirley Store» fib m, Snowy - Robert Mitchell, college’s third annual Work Day. Elizabeth Ann Lacy, a senior of Everywhere B jtricane - Ora Clemons, Windy - ■ V - Proceeds from the Game will Benefit Scholarships and Grants-ln-Aid for tod Wortham.f Blustery - Owen 6 West Waldorf, served as chair­ Ehely, Sleety - N. Hayes and Tor* man of the event which is spoh- Students Attending Fisk from the Memphis Area jdo - Andrea Morrow. sored by the Student Council. Work Ince watchers Included moving magazines from twist - Lamant Robinson the old library to the new library Admission: Advance Sales, S1.00; Al Gate, SI .25: Students, 50c ■Vatusl - Bernice Couch,...... byiMing and painting wpd redec­ V lit - Ed Adams. orating the arts class loom. A Product of Ai S0WÂIW • *

MOTHERS tetem'tti M’lhat teffi H MEMPHIS WQKLD . Saturday, November S, 1961 »•Riaa»' money and without price. Where­ NASHVILLE — George Peabody fore do ye’spend money for that Funeral services were held Mon­ College for -metiers here will «• which is not bread? - Harken dili­ day night from Hill Chapel M. B. oeive a grant of approximately An enjoyable program was held gently unto me, and eat that which MY WEEKLY Church, 2531 Dexter 8t.( for the late $160/100 frönt the Joseph P. wn* oniD at the New Hope Baptist Church, is good, and let your soul delight Rev. Charlie Smith who died Oot. nedy, Jr. Foundation to establish a itself in fatness.” Highway 19 West, Sunday evening. 22 at John Gaston Hospital. The new approach toward research and A large crowd was on hand to Now turn to the formula in the husband of Mrs. Gary Smith, he study in mental retardation. Hear the group of singers from SERMON Published by MEMPH18 WORLD PUBLISHING CO. New Testament in the 6th chapter was pastor of Rhea Chapel M. B. Drew, Miss. After the program, the Every SATURDAY at 54« BEALE - Hl JA. By of the Gospel according to John, Church in Somerville and Prospect The funds will bring to Peabody Member of SCOTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE ladies of the church served. Rev. I. the words' of Jesus, “Except ye eat M. B. Church in Galloway. Burial at least eight leading scientists. W. A. Scott, II, Founder; C. A. Scott, General Manager H. Harvey is the pastor. REV. BLAIR T. HUNT, the flesh of the Son and was Tuesday morning in Gallilee drink His blood, ye have no life in Memorial Garden. April 25, 1959 -'.The St. Law­ Funeral services for Mrs. Charity 8econd**cluB postage paid it Memphis, Tenn. PASTOR, you." rence Seaway opened to ocean ships Neal were held Sunday from St. traveling to Canada and the Unit­ I, A. BEAUCHAMP _------Managing t James CME Church with the pas­ MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Let us eat of the heavenly man­ sions are adequate and sufficient tor, Rev. M. Mayweather, officiat­ to meet our demands. Let our soul ed States’ Midwest. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: na, leave out lanness, take on ing. Clay’s Funeral Home was in delight themselves in the fatness Ymt $4M — I Months $2.25 - 3 Mentha $115 (In Advnnoe; Jesus Christ and grow fat in the charge. thereof. * GHANA-CHINA PACT WHY ARE YOU SO LEAN? "Give and it shall be given unto Lord. Some professed uniutians NaUonal Advertising Representative: She is survived by two sons and you." are like the worst wife whose pan­ “0 taste and see that the Lord WASHINGTON - (NNPA) - AMALGAMATED PUBLISHERS, INC. two daughters of Detroit, Mich. TEXT: “And he said unto him, try is filled with food but who is is good." A Peking radiocast monitored in Ill Madison Avenue 16« W. Washington SL why art thou, being the king’s son, You are lean, change your diet. starving to death, . Tokyo said Ghana and Communist New York 17, New York Chicago 2, Illinois____ Mrs. Lula Coleman is the Mem­ lean from day lo day?" — H Sam. Turn to the 55th chapter of Isaiah Yes, we are children of the King, China have signed an agreement phis World’s representative in Rip­ 13:4. and find there a formula: “Lo, ev­ There are spiritual blessings in then why are we so lean from day on economic and technical coope­ MEMPHIS WORLD to an Independent newspaper — non-iectarlan ley nd Lauderdale County. Leave eryone that thirsteth, come ye to God's great pantry. God's provl- to day? ration. non-partisan, printing news unbiasedly and supporting those things news for her at Thomas Funeral There are skinny people, plump aM Ittieves to be of Interest to its readers and opposing those thingsHome where you may also get a people, fat people, all sorts of peo­ kgeiut the intereet of its readers.______copy of the paper. ple. Some people are very lean. We (POLITICAL ADVEMBBttNT) (POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT)' (POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) (POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) call them skinny. We fear they are States Information Service and he underfed. We wonder why they are Why Should Negroes Help The White operates libraries in East Pakistan. so lean, so skinny, so bony. '•• r He also puts on exhibits .... Has In the church we behold profess­ * i Citizens Oppose The Charter? charge of guest artists, and films ing people of God, the King’s sons that will pattern life after the daughters, and we wonder like NOTICE Surely we sometimes lose sight of the forest for the frees. American way. In addition he is the text, "Why are they so lean?" Some members of the Negro community oppose the Charter. The in charge of the teletvpe that sends They are children of King Jesus. The' foUowins* citizens, residents and registered voters of Shelby County, Tennessee, have requested absentia out news to local papers. They have tasted and seen that ballots for the General Election and Special Election referendum to be held the sixth tty ofNovember 1H2: White Citizens Council quietly agrees, but for different reasons. The native Memphian (of whom the Lord is good. They have great They want to see the Legislative Council and School Board posit­ we are all justly proud) took a spiritual privileges and opportuni­ WARD IM ions numbered. A defeat of the present Charter would provide plane Saturday morning from ties. We wonder, “why are they ?iul‘«uw VA» II I them with the possibility of obtaining this in a new Charter. Such Memphis for Grambling College in so lean?” Pletcher G. Coin ° * Louisiana where he was asked to « o result would clearly make it more difficult for a Negro to be They are heirs and Joint heirs Anna K. Norrie speak after he arrived here. He elected to positions on the Council and on the School Board. with Jesus Christ. Their spiritual , k , , »AWVA» I will go from there to Port Gibson father is rich — but they look so Jobs R. Wilke Why then do Negroes work to defeat a Charter which offers M to visit with some grand aunts and lean and hungry. They have no Jimei Oti» »0 many good things for them as well as the white citizens? Sure­ un to Atlanta (where he spent many joy, no gladness of heart. They I years) for a week. His next stop Franklin R. ly, we recognize that election of members of a Council from small seemingly don’t know that within WARD I will be Virginia College where he their souls there is a well of wa­ Venoe D. Blanton’ districts which are largely Negro or white is no good for either Howard C. FerswoSreriuson first served as librarian .. and on ter springing up with life eternal. Claud* S. Pryor race. Our white friends are right when they say this would keep back to Washington and New York They forget that God has prenay- TA» IM Ñ^0'LeanMuMta(4 City. In New York he has been ask- segregation alive as part of government. It also results in select­ ed for them a banquet table. They Luter íoien . ing people based on where they live rather than their ability to e dto speak at Columbia University. are spiritually undernourished. Roosevelt T.^Smltt"* After leaving the states, his first They are lean. Kenneth D. Hurell be good public servants. stop will be London where he will Nunret ’S,« We should not want this any more than we should want a study their library system ... and When we to love — love WA»1M Willie M. Wilton mayor without enough authority to do a good job. Careful study a second stop will be in Beruit. He somebody — we become lean. Yes, WA» lit .iwrence - _ y „ WA» M plans to arrive in Decca Decem­ we have got to love everybody — Katherine Mamina WAID n-i gf the Charter shows that the mayor does not have too much X'S« Paul Jimei Teattan^* ber 5th. those people who are funny to us - power. Is there confusion of proper authority with feelings toward YMuV.ÄW Among the large number of — all sorts and all conditions of James R. Hollldip VA» M , „ „ WA» 4L» an individual? This is not a sound basis for a decision about a Memphians who took him out and people. Let us fatten our souls with ßwu4E’VÄD 1W DavW C.Jerw"jr. form of government. The ballot box is the place to answer such extended courtesies were Mr. and love. & Mrs. Lewis Twigg ,Sr. with whom Homer C. Butler questions. In the meantime, why should Negroes help the White When we cease to sympathize La, Salle Dudley „ „ . WARD ILI Richard E. Brod? lie had diiuier and spent the even­ Calais A. Hines Cornelius Brown■ Cifiezns Council oppose the Charier? with fellow creatures we become firt?1Dorotty*W*Mdf»nif ing ... Mr. Walter Guy, Jr., Mr. Mrati » ”4 WA» M spiritually lean. When we cease to r* Jimei H. Tunüpieed Robert Ratcliff all close friends Howard R. »SX* give we become lean. We read, Wie dK.B,WlUii of a long standing .... Dr. Hollis D IM „ „ WA» 41 Nothing Takes The Place Of Jobs Price at LeMoyne, Mr. R. J. Roddy Catherine' Alberti? * Euttne Cor i Jr. Lunina Coz at Woodstock and Mr. L. B. Hob­ Jimei Bile, HI Boy W. Holleyfleld t The backbone of any community is a plentiful supply of Nathlnlel M. NlttdS Cawttorn TÍómai C. KilpitridC son at Manassas ...... Mrs. A. Cluence Smith, Jr. ' good jobs for all citizens. Without jobs, growth of a community Nicholson and her sister, Mrs. A. Surprise Club C, Owings, Sr, McKissic on East McLemore. He in­ garlón C. C»t. RtaBd XÄS W stops. Housing and the quality of schools go down hill. The best „ . WARD quired about many old friends. Jo|eM D. ÄV” young people leave. A community becomes poorer and poorer W. T, Br.^”1“* Gran t. Beramann Among those he had previously Venoni E, Beramann Installs Officers John W. Dlltari,.Jr, John Belli vrahia Æ in all of the things that make a happier and better life. planned to see were: The Hayes Frederick 1. Muller Harold B. Culllni Brothers, Taylor and Thomas ... John A Remley, Jr, Albert L. Fancher Ray Ewen* Slmpra Memphis and Shelby County are at the crossroads. One road When the Ladles Union Purprise Claude B. Shaw Jeanne E. Hurley JÄ-Ä“8 leads down hill. We already have started on this road. Industries Mr. Maceo Walk I . Mr. Edwin C’tib met cot. 21 at the home of Susin R. Shew Mai. Kenneth D. Hurter Prater, Rev. Bob Mason, Mr. Mat­ Sudle L. Witerr Danny A. Scott , * , WA» M are leaving to find a better place in which to locate. New indus­ Mrs. Estcila Rivers on Latham St., , „WARDWARD WJ pickle C. Settler thew Thomton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. JoHbhlne Gitei Bowti Richard K. Settler the following officers were install­ ...... \ Charlea E. Thompson 1ÂÆ tries are looking and deciding to build their new plants elsewhere. Caffrey Bartholomew and Dr. and ed by Mis. Martha Bernard: >r. WiUlim C,.WIIaon Out confused, bickering, double governments and increasing tax Mrs. W. 0. Speight, Sr...... But ID M • „ WARD M Mrs. Esteila Rivcis, president; Wilier H. Kelly. Mil, ferd Thomas H. Absten maybe the next time he said as Eleanor D. PhllHtu Maatla M. Richardson rates are the reasons that they give for not wanting to build their Mrs lucile Ha.vkms, vice o.esident; Elittbeth A. Lee ford, Cot, much as I would like to see them. jnw. jr** Mrs Gussie Day, secono vice: Mrs. Florence 0, O’Brien plants here. Of course he could tell us about Williim P. Temoletoa, Cwt Lucile Joyner, sicretarj; Mrs. Ella Jrn J. Worrell Inn C. Manua Consolidation of the governments of Memphis and Shelby Dr. Hugh Gloster (now teaching in Jimei.M. You,j Watkins, assistant secretary; Mrs. ■ David Lu Robinson County provides another road to travel. Il is a road good for all Poland!. Memphians can remember Jessie Reese, treasurer, and Mrs. E. Hewilt Alvn Charlea V. fforton, ...... and I can as a yongster Ruth C. Alvm - „ of our citizens. The Charter provides a simple, logical plan for Kelley Dean, chaplain. Mn. Donald W. tedletter' Sue Harris Morton remember Lewis Twigg, Hugh Glos­ honild N. Ledbetter Dr. Eugene D. Rut hew industries to get answers to their questions. The Tennessee A. Hirold Lubin ■Fean Ann R^ueland ter and Jimmy Hubbard as almost a Guests attending the meeting John L, Sinclair' Taxpayers' Association confirms that the elimination of duplicat­ trio during their college days. Selma Enselbera were Mrs. Rosa Goodman, Mrs. Mdfe Fdwinl« D. Green ’m Ronald A. Meroner ing and overlapping services will result in large savings and a We’ve known a combination of English, M a. Debris Moon, Mrs. Anna M. Hemden Lillian I. Ptttard Jimei R. Lusk more stabilized tax rate. These conditions will bring new manu­ sadness and excitement before. It Juanita Wilson, Mrs. Clarettu Hy- Glidyi L. Neal . thans, M;ss Esteila Wilson, Yaile wu-i «.WAW> ’M Dr. M. B. Sellasteln facturing industries which will add to the present supply of jobs. was just that to see an old friend Theodore Chapmin James R, Thompson go so far away. Mr. Hulbert ap­ Joyner, Leander Wilson, Misses Ri­ Herbert L. Frink »'vía To these also will be added the many new jobs of supporting ta Joyce and Shelia Denise Hili and I E. R, McGee services which always follow increased manufocturina. Typical I parently had the same mixed emo­ Thomii Nithin tions .. although he stllll loves little 4'oreiripe Hill. _ WA» V4 Eulton L. Cobb Cecelia Chilton WARD N-4 Elizabeth J. Cpmstodt examples are: grocery stores, clothing stores, garages, filling^ta- Memphis and thinks that It is a Pearl M. Head Jerry 0. Gordon Georae F. Comstock m i Mrs Ch-nty McDora, sister to Richard C. Moor* Marie McBride tions, beauty parlors, etc. These will provide mce new jobs which beautiful place where he spent his John Gilbert Sansing, Jr, Mrs Rivers, was co • hostess. Riymon Sauer DOT. I ere badly needed by our young peoole as well as many of our happiest days ... he would not ; WARD 14 Nancr 1. Soloes The mxt meeting will be at the Betty C. Freeli WHfred B. Spooner older citizens. They then can buy the food they need to feed their trade Asia and his position there Kenneth F. Freeli Wanda E. Spooner for anything. The people of Mem­ home of Mis. Irene Burrell, 2034 Thermon W. Garrison H«V T. WyUnd, K UTaÄtt. JC. Dorr. I ■families properly. They can have the kind of homes where their phis and Atlanta were also sadden­ Nedra St. John Heywood HW ^RD IV Gloria M. Ladd DOT, I families will be happy, and the money to educate their children. ed two years ago over the passing M s. Bessie M. Wells .s alcing re­ Gonl” K W"»M ■ftliJcey to all this is more jobs. Nothing takes the place of jobs I of his charming wife whom he porter. udwtrker ------k—— ------;------X Lince Scott Camp • ONT. I brought back to Walter Reed Hos- Kenneth Dnvle consolidation will bring. Pettie E. Garibaldi ______• pital in the States. John W. Harris CHURCH HEWS Julliette D. Jon« DR. AND MRS. W. 0. MT. MORIAH BAPPTIST SPEIGHT JR. ARE IN NEW YORK Jeny Wilson CHURCH Mnfim Wolfe, society Rietini V. luff city , • WARD N-t B■ > I Mra. William Woll u. .• Will Visit Son and Parent Day Rev. R. W. Norsworthy, Pastor *%» ur (Continued from Page Three) In Connecticut and Attend Guards­ The Mt. Moriah Baptist Church I men's Week-End Party. (Orange Mound) held its annual j Eutene J. Johnni., Shaw and Mrs. Corine Whitaker. Stribling, Mrs. Eunice Snell all who Dr. and Mrs. W. 0. Speight, Jr. Chirlotte F. Mooney Mrs. Elizabeth Rowan, Mrs. Doro- Young People’s Day Sunday, Oct John David Snamler entertained in some way . . . but left last week-end for the East 28. j thy


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