Fisk, Lane to Clash Saturday!
IN MELROSE STADIUM AT 8 PM 3* Fisk, Lane To Clash VOLUME 31, NUMBER 20 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1962 Saturday! An intercollegiate football game will be played in Melrose Stadium afterall. Fisk University's Bulldogs of Nashville, Tenn., take on the Lane College Dragons from Jackson, Tenn., on the local field this Saturday night, Nov. 3, in a "Scholarship Foot ball Classic." Eight former Memphis high school grid stars are members of the vastly improved Fisk squad this season, including Quarterback Char lie Lee who sprinted Melrose in 1957-58 and made All-City his last year here. The game is being sponsored by They Urge Adoption Of The Charter the alumni of Fisk. Proceeds from They Urge Yes the contest will establish a scholar ship fund at Fijik for Memphis high school grads. Expected to shine for the Fisk eleven arc these Mempniansi Fred Vote On Nov. 6 Malone, Melrose, '58-59; Charlie Lee Melrose, ‘57-58; George Bradshaw, Strong statements supporting the consolidation charter, which Melrose, '59-60, Johnny Rutland. will be voted on in Memphis and Shelby County next Tuesdciy, Melrose, ‘59-60; Larry Mitchell, 1 wB, ...o Melrose, ■60-61, Willie Hudson, have been issued by six prominent leaders: B. G. Olive, Jr., first Mel. ose, and Roosevelt Hancock vice president and secretary of Universal Life Insurance Co.; Dr. and Louis Simmons, Hamilton Hollis F. Price, president of LeMoyne College; James T, Walker, High. civic and labor leader; the Rev. J. A. McDaniel, executive secretary Lee. Malone, Bradshaw. Mitchell and Simmons mode All-City while of the Memphis Urban League and pastor of Bethel Presbyterian playing high school ball here.
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