in 1-1/2years new airport Kuwait tobuild spokesman Steffen SeibertsaidoftheAustrian deaths. extent ofsufferingthere,”German ChancellorAngelaMerkel’s ments. “Oneisbasicallyataloss forwordsinviewofthe they hopewillbeabrighterfuture. through thecountrysideof western Balkanstowardwhat and ordinarythugsasentirefamilies slogfordaysorweeks placing themselvesatthemercyofhuman-traffickinggangs ing flimsyboatstoItalyorGreece,andthousandsmoreare World WarII.InEurope,thousandsofpeopleadayareboard- respond tothelargestglobalmovementofpeoplesince sized. coast whentwooverloadedboatsboundforEuropecap- authorities estimated200peopledrownedofftheLibyan police said71peoplelikelysuffocatedinanairlesstruckand ing intoEuropefleeingwar,oppressionandpoverty.Austrian day fromtheincreasinglydesperatetideofhumanitysweep- VIENNA: European Unioninrecentmonths,withMacedonialastweekforcedtodeclareastateofemergency.—AFP Angela Merkel.Bothhavebecomemajortransitcountriesfortensofthousandsmigrantstryingtoreachthe action onEurope’smigrantcrisisatasummitofleadersfromthewesternBalkans,attendedbyGermanChancellor Greece andMacedonianearthetownofGevgelijayesterday.SerbiaMacedonia’sforeignministerscalledforEU GEVGELIJA: MigrantswaitforMacedonianpolicetoallowthemcrossinMacedoniaattheborderlinebetween SUBSCRIPTION Europe mi The UNrefugee agencysaysmorethan300,000 migrants European officialswerestunned bythegrislydevelop- Authorities aroundanunsettledworldhavestruggledto Rescue workerscounteddozensofvictimsyester- 2 tra 150 Fils AUDY UUT2,21 TUQD 4 46A No: 1436 AH SATURDAY, THULQADA 14, AUGUST 29,2015 Oil routforcesOPECto trim priceexpectations g e Gulf delegatesaysmarkettocorrectitself dy g

rant crisis by lan be missing.—AP (SeePage7) Refugees andthe IOM,andatleast100morewere believedto according totheUnitedNations HighCommissionfor women andtwogirls,wererescued fromthetwoboats, there’s anyoneelse.”About100 survivors,includingnine guard teamisstilldivinginand checkinginsidetoseeif said atleast105bodieshadbeen recovered,adding:“acoast Libyan cityofZuwara.HusseinAsheini ofLibya’sRedCrescent, Libyan coast. authorities countedthedeadfromthreeshipwrecksoff of rescuers.Theofficialcountwassettoriseyesterdayas countless morehavevanishedbeneaththewavesoutofsight 2,432 deathslinkedtoMediterraneancrossingsthisyear,but Afghanistan andEritrea. war, conflictorpersecutionincountriesincludingSyria, highest numberseverrecorded.Thevastmajorityarefleeing year- nearly40percentmorethaninallof2014,whichsawthe and refugeeshavesoughttocrosstheMediterraneanSeathis caretaker cabinet PM names Greece’s new 10 Two shipswentdownonThursdayaloneoffthewestern The InternationalOfficeofMigration,orIOM,hasrecorded d an d b sea rin g s China andpersistentoversupply.— Reuters pected pricedrop,growingconcern aboutthedemandoutlookin demand. Butthosesentimentshave changedwiththelatestunex- in pricestowardstheendof2015, supportedbyhigherglobal in JuneandtheGulfOPECdelegates werestillexpectingarecovery Yasser ElguindiofeconomicconsultantsMedleyGlobalAdvisors. ments, thisisgoingtobeatwo-threeyears’adjustments,”said term strategy.“Thisisnotgoingtobetwo-threequarters’adjust- to wait. one, butratheraplanthatneedstimetoworkandtheyarewilling OPEC’s strategychampionedbySaudiArabiaisnotashort-term signal howbigproducersseethemarketplayingoutandthat instituted afterapricecrashinthelate1990s.Butcomments over adecade,eversinceitabandoned$22to$28priceband year,” saidone. Arabia, thenIexpectpriceswillstayaround$45untiltheendof cut output,tochangecourseandpropupprices. producer SaudiArabia,thedrivingforcebehindOPEC’srefusalto longed periodoflowpricesastheydonotexpectthegroup’stop between $70and$80bytheendof2015. 2014 deepenedthedecline,sayinglastDecembertheysawoil more quicklyafterthegroup’sshifttomarket-sharestrategyin meets next. before slowlyrecoveringtoaround$60byDecemberwhenOPEC source said,addingpricesmaydipagaintoslightlybelow$45 will bequickerandthesupplyreactionevenbigger,” underestimate thesentiment,that’sproblem.” oil sourcesaid:“Peopleareover-reactingtoChina.Butyoucannot remain around$40-$50abarrelfortherestofyear.AthirdGulf ing therewillbearecoveryinChina.” until theendofyearandhopefullytheywillreach$60,assum- declined tobeidentified.“Priceswillaround$40-$50abarrel this lowpricewillcontinue,”saidaGulfOPECdelegatewho balance themarket. regardless ofhowlowtheywouldfallandlongittaketo market shareratherthancuttingproductiontoshoreupprices- Petroleum ExportingCountriesisstickingtoitspolicyofdefending thus liftoilpricesslightly. help reducethecrudeoversupplytowardsendofyearand shale andstimulatedemand.Theyexpecttherecentpricedropwill Monday, toreducesuppliesfromhigher-costproducerssuchasUS weak oilprices,whichfelltoamorethansix-yearlownear$42on rise seasonallyinthefourthquarter. and unlikelytohavemuchimpactondemandforcrudewhichwill see economictroublesintopenergyconsumerChinaasshortterm market shareandcurbrivals’output. they arepreparedtotoleratecheapercrudeforlongerdefend OPEC memberstocuttheirpriceexpectationsforthisyear,showing DUBAI/LONDON: metres gold wins 200 Schippers 48 OPEC reconfirmedthemarket-share strategyatitslastmeeting Gulf oilinsidersseenosignofSaudiArabiawaveringonitslong- As apolicy,OPEChasnotopenlytargetedspecificoilpricesfor “If thisoversupplycontinueswithnoactionfromOPECorSaudi Other OPECdelegatesoutsidetheGulfarealsobracingforapro- Arab OPECdelegatesinitiallythoughtpriceswouldrecover “Oil isbottoming...andthedeeperitgoesmorerebound A secondGulfOPECdelegatealsoexpectedtheoilpriceto “It willbebettertoleavethemarketcorrectitself.Idon’tthink The commentsfurtherindicatethattheOrganizationof But theyalsobelieveitwilltakemorethanjustafewmonthsfor OPEC delegates,includingthosefromcoreGulfcountries, A secondoilpriceroutof2015hasforcedArab 16624 Max Min 49º 35º LOCAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 Kuwait to build new airport in 1-1/2 years Backup terminal to handle 4m passengers

KUWAIT: The Civil Aviation Directorate current terminal which will help accom- at the Kuwait International Airport. vehicles. He said some airlines will be General said that a new airport with a modate the increased traffic expected to He said the building of the new termi- moved to this back-up airport according capacity of up to four million passengers increase in the coming years until the nal will solve in part the congestion at to certain standards. per year will be built in Kuwait, said well new terminal is completed. the current airport terminal for many He said the number of passengers at informed sources. The airport will be The source added that the Central years. the airport reached more than nine mil- built with readymade buildings which Tenders Committee approved the He said the back-up building is lion last year exceeding the capacity of will be completed in one and a half request to introduce the tender for expected to accommodate four million the current building. So it is necessary to years, says Arabic daily Al-Qabas quoting designing, construction, furnishing, passengers and include all facilities for build the backup building to relieve the the sources. operational maintenance and mainte- departures and arrivals. It will have a car pressure and maintain the services level, It will be considered a backup for the nance of the back-up passenger terminal parking facility with a capacity of 1,700 the sources added.

KUWAIT: State Minister for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Mohammad Abdallah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah with Colonel Omar Al-Marshoud and Colonel Mohammad Al-Shatti after conferring on them new brigadier ranks. New brigadier ranks for KFSD officers

By Hanan Al-Saadoun Sabah conferred on Colonel Omar Al- Directorate Lieutenant General Yousuf Al- Administrative and Financial Affairs Brigadier Marshoud and Colonel Mohammad Al-Shatti Ansari, Deputy Director General for Saleh Al-Ansari and Acting Deputy Director KUWAIT: State Minister for Cabinet Affairs their new brigadier ranks in the presence of Prevention Sector Major General Khalid Al- General for Fighting Brigadier Jamal Al- Sheikh Mohammad Abdallah Al-Mubarak Al- Director General of Kuwait Fire Service Mikrad, Acting Deputy Director General for Bulaihees. Defense ministry VIVA announces fourth daily draw denies reports on winners of its prepaid campaign KUWAIT: VIVA, Kuwait’s fastest- August 2015 are: Ahmad Salah tions designed to create an of naval arms growing and most developed Altararwah, Lionida Martinez, exceptional customer experience telecom operator, announced the Aala’ Abdulaziz Mohamed Thiab, and reward its prepaid customers KUWAIT: Defense Ministry’s naval force continuously con- fourth lucky winners of its weekly Belli Sourcha Beili, Mebeerat Sisai for their continued trust in VIVA. Directorate of Moral Guidance ducts a set of exercises and drills. draws campaign that gives pre- Diro, Habib Rasoul Dashti, and VIVA will continue to seek new and Public Relations late The force also executes sever- paid customers a chance to win Khaled Ahmad Alsharhan. and innovative ways to facilitate Thursday dismissed as untrue al live ammunition shootings to $1,500 daily cash prize for every Both new and existing prepaid the lives of its customers and reports circulated on social media assure readiness and efficiency of KD1 they spend on recharge, as customers are eligible to enter share with them the latest in its naval equipment and networks on inefficiency of well as $ 5,000 monthly. The cam- daily and monthly draws through- communication technology. weapons, the ministry said. Kuwait Naval Force’s missiles and paign began on 28 July 2015 and out the promotion period, upon To find out more about VIVA’s boats, as well as the ministry’s It called media sources to valid for six consecutive months. recharging their lines with KD 1 new prepaid packages, or any of desire to auction its boats. pursue accuracy and not to post VIVA’s prepaid daily draws is credit. Lucky winners of the daily its other competitive promotions, The Directorate affirmed, a any news related to the Kuwaiti taking place once a week with 7 draws will get $1,500 cash prize products and packages, visit one press statement, the ministry’s army, reiterating the winners, one winner for every day while winners of the monthly of the 69 VIVA branches, or the keenness in acquiring modern, Directorate’s welcome to of the week to get the $1,500 draws will get $5,000 cash prize. VIVA website at, advanced, high-efficient naval answer any question by the equipment, noting that that media. — KUNA cash prize, and the winners for VIVA reiterates its commit- or call VIVA’s 24 hour call center the fourth week, held on 25 ment to providing unique promo- on 102. LOCAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 Interior Minister The man who fell in touts nation’s pavilion at Expo Milano love with astronomy MILAN: Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah yesterday said that Kuwait’s participation in the Expo Dr Saleh Al-Ojairi walks down memory lane Milano 2015 has “highlighted the country’s gracious and humanitarian achievements.” The minister made By Faten Omar the statement during his visit to the Kuwaiti “distin- guished pavilion” at the universal event that took off KUWAIT: As any child with fears, Saleh Al-Ojairi in particular on 1 May, accompanied by the country’s ambassador was afraid of nature such as lightning and thunder, the sky to Italy Sheikh Ali Khaled Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. and the stars. But one day Ojairi decided to face his fears by A the pavilion, they were received by Kuwaiti knowledge, and now, at 95 years old, Ojairi no longer consider Commissioner General for Expo Milano 2015 Faisal nature his foe, but rather see it as his friend. Now, he is Dr Al-Mutalaqim, Minister of Public Works and Minister Saleh Al-Ojairi, a popular Kuwaiti astronomer, who made the of Electricity and Water Ahmad Al-Jassar and the history of the astronomy of Kuwait. Kuwaiti General Consul in Milan Abdul-Nasser Bu- Dr Ojairi was born in Kuwait in 1920, the eldest of nine sib- khadhour. lings. At 4 years old, his father enrolled him in school to learn reading, the Holy Quran, mathematics and other subjects. His Talking to KUNA, Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled father was the first to encourage him to study astronomy as he expressed pleasure for visiting the Expo, and the was the one who sent him to the desert when he was a kid to Kuwaiti pavilion showcasing Kuwaiti achievements learn the life of bedouins (stateless tribe) and learn horse-rid- under the bannerline “Challenge of Nature.” He not- ing, shooting and other skills. It was in the desert observing ed that the pavilion, inspired by the Kuwaiti history the sky with its sun, moon and stars that Dr Ojairi became and traditions, embodied the “gracious and humani- more in love with astronomy. tarian image of our dear country.” The minister thanked all people who have taken Turning point part in Kuwait’s honorable participation in the six- When he was 18 years old, Dr Ojairi began his passion in read- month universal exhibition, especially the Ministry of ing books and read the book that changed his life. ‘Al-Manaheg Information. He paid tribute to Minister of Al-Hamedia,’ written by the Egyptian writer and astronomer Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs: Ghaith Abdul Al-Hamid Morsi, made Dr Ojairi wonder about Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah. many things in life and it was in reading this book that Dr Ojairi Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled also voiced admira- made a turning point and decided to meet the writer and ask tion for the Kuwaiti young people receiving visitors him about everything. “I traveled to to meet the writer from worldwide to brief them on the history of who made my brain explode with questions. That time we had Kuwait. no buses or planes, so I went to Egypt by land, and traveled from Dr Saleh Al-Ojairi He conveyed to them greetings of His Highness Kuwait to Basra, then to Beirut, then to and finally to the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al- Cairo,” said Dr Ojairi. “I met the writer who welcomed me and teacher to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- Hamad Al-Sabah who will visit the Expo next month. taught me a lot but he kept his valued books away from me, and Sabah. He then worked as an accountant first for the govern- I was dying just to take them, and read.” Al-Mutalaqim thanked the Deputy Prime Minister ment and then for a bank. In 1971, Dr Ojairi retired and spent Later, Dr Ojairi continued his university studies in Egypt his time managing his business. and Interior Minister for his visit, offering him a scale and got married when he was 20 and had four sons and one model of the pavilion as a souvenir. daughter. During the interview, Dr Ojairi opened a cupboard Ojairi calendar He said that yesterday’s visit as well as the and showed Kuwait Times a set of old books. Dr Ojairi issued his first calendar in 1945 which he printed Premier’s reflect the special care to Kuwait’s partici- “After a while, the Egyptian writer’s wife called me and told in Baghdad and was called the Ojairi calendar. Later he issued pation in the Expo, as well as the success to convey me that her husband passed away and that she wanted me to different publications such as wall calendars, pocket diaries, the country’s sophisticated message. have some of his books, and that was my chance to get in his office diaries and others. Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled also toured the secret library. I took all the books that I so desired and asked Dr Ojairi is a model to follow by those thirsty for knowl- pavilion of other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) the wife how much I owe her. Her response was that those edge. He spent seventy years of his life struggling to learn states at the Expo. Dubai is to host Expo 2020, to be books were her husband’s second wife’s and she hated them astronomy and received highly valued medals and certificates, held in the region for the first time. — KUNA so bad. That moment was my happiest,” he said. an act that has made him a well-known scientist not only in After graduation, Dr Ojairi worked as a teacher and was a the Arab world but also in the entire world.

KUWAIT: The Arab Fund For Economic & Social Development has recently launched a number of projects of providing fresh drinking water in Gaza. LOCAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Crime Report Carcass of dead whale swept away KUWAIT: Very strong winds swept the carcass of the dead whale, detaching it from the ropes that were used to hold it, and disappeared. The whale’s disappearance alerted the com- mittee concerned with the incident, which decided to search for it through the Science Club team. The team designated divers to look for it while the environment police used a heli- copter in the search. Sources said the whale weighs 4.5 tons and is 11.5 meters long.

Asian tries to rape Filipina An Asian man was charged with attempted rape, when he attacked a Filipina maid inside her sponsor’s house in Abdallah Al-Salem. The Filipina was attacked in the pres- ence of two other domestic helpers who testified that the man who works as a driver in the same house attacked the Filipina after threatening to kill them. All three women said the incident took place at 4:30 am.

Officer swindled A police officer was swindled by a Kuwaiti woman, as he deposited KD 10,000 in her account, only to discover that he was tricked into a bogus investment. In another story, a citizen accused a person she knows of tricking and swindling her of KD 21,000 after tricking her of buying goods, but he disappeared. The lady gave police KUWAIT: The Ministry of Interior in collaboration with the Kuwait Municipality launched on Thursday an inspection cam- details of the man in her complaint against him in Rumaithiya paign in and around the Friday market. More than 40 traffic violations were registered in addition to the detaining of 20 police station. Investigations showed the man left the country vehicles. to an Asian country and detectives were asked to arrest him as soon as he returns. Cat hooked like fish Kidnapping A Bangladeshi national told Jleeb police that his brother was kidnapped by five expats who demanded KD 1,000 for By Hanan Al-Saadoun his release. Farwaniya detectives are investigating the case. KUWAIT: A cat was the victim of animal abuse after its body was penetrated with fish hooks and cast out like fish bait in Insulted Anjafa beach. A policeman in Ahmadi accused a citizen of insulting him after A passer by heard the painful screams of the cat and when he issued the citizen a traffic ticket. The citizen is being sought. he saw the cat he called 112 where the call was responded to by Mishref center men. The rescue team went to Anjafa beach where they recued the cat and took the poor animal to the Illegal entry center where the hooks were cut successfully. Nuwaiseeb border crossing police foiled the attempt of an Arab national to get into the country, hiding in a truck used to Weapons transport heavy goods. When police searched the truck they A citizen was sent to criminal detectives to find out why he found the man hiding and he did not have an iqama (visa). kept two swords, an axe and a knife. The arrest was made dur- The man said he intended to beg for money in Kuwait then ing a campaign in Bneid Al-Qar. return home. The man was sent to concerned authorities. Beggars deported Domestic abuse Two Arab expat women were seen and arrested begging A citizen filed a complaint against her husband who beat her during a routine patrol in Farwaniya. The women were sent for in the parking lot of a mall as a dispute took place between deportation and sources said that it is possible that their hus- the two. Police operations received a call about a man beating bands will likewise be deported. a woman in a Salmiya mall so a police patrol was sent there and found out they were married. The woman insisted to file a Drug arrest complaint because of the embarrassment her husband An Egyptian man was sent to Drugs Control General caused her in front of others. Department (DCGD) for trading in narcotic pills. The suspect was stopped at a check point in Khaitan then when he took KUWAIT: A fire fighter trying to unhook a cat from a fish- out his Civil ID from a small bag, an envelope with tablets was ing hook on Anjafa beach yesterday. Neighbor attacked seen. There were eight half-tablets and 37 tablets of suspected Two brothers who live in Sabahiya ganged up on their Tramadon pills, as well as KD 350. 40-year-old citizen of insulting him, after writing her a ticket. neighbors’ son and beat him with a stick causing a cut in The officer said the female driver then attempted to kill him by his head during a fight that started over a motorcycle deal. Insulted trying to run him over and he avoided the speeding car by The victim’s family rushed him to the hospital and got a An officer from Farwaniya back-up police patrol accused a jumping aside. medical report stating that he sustained a head injury and various bruises on the back and thighs. A complaint was filed and detectives are looking for the brothers. Kuwaitis cannot directly Car robberies Criminal detectives arrested two men who specialized in acquire real estate in Bosnia breaking into cars and stealing its contents. The thieves tar- geted cars parked in mall parking lots in Fahaheel and con- fessed to committing eight thefts. Following the many com- KUWAIT: According to Bosnian law, here yesterday. In a press release obtained Bosnian law. He indicated that the Bosnian plaints, detectives learned that one of the suspects lives in Kuwaitis cannot acquire real-estate in by KUNA, Al-Mutairi said that registered government is looking into measures to Mahboula, so they waited for him until he left his home and Bosnia and Herzegovina directly from sell- Kuwaiti companies do seek to document attract Kuwaiti and GCC states investors to arrested him. He told detectives that he, along with his Syrian ers unless through registered companies acquired properties through the embassy; the country, affirming that there will be partner, targeted multi-storey parking areas and gave them operating in the country, said Kuwait’s however, this procedure does not equate meetings between Kuwaiti and Bosnian his partner’s details and he was arrested. — Al-Rai Ambassador to Bosnia Nasser Al-Mutairi the ownership of any real-estate within officials to look into the matter. — KUNA LOCAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 Malayali community in Kuwait celebrates Onam

By Sajeev K Peter dishes and is traditionally served on a at attractive rates ranging from KD 2.5 to banana leaf in Kerala. The feast is quite KD 4 per packet. KUWAIT: Members of the Malayali expa- elaborate and a usual feast can have Yesterday’s celebration marked the triate community in Kuwait yesterday cel- about 24-28 dishes served as a single beginning of a festival season for the ebrated Onam, Kerala’s harvest festival, in course. At many apartments, men and strong 300,000 Malayali community in its traditional fervor and flamboyance. women in their traditional attire joined Kuwait with associations scheduling Luckily for many, this year’s Onam fell on hands to lay colorful ‘pookalams’ or floral Onam festivities and feasts in the coming British Airways a Friday, making it convenient for rangolis. weekends which could very well roll over Malayalis in Kuwait to celebrate the festi- Cashing in on the soaring demand into October. Many Kerala associations ‘exiting’Kuwait val on the same day itself. during the season, supermarkets and have planned cultural programs staging “We are glad that we could celebrate grocery shops in Indian neighborhoods dance, music, drama events and various skies over security? Onam on the same day itself this year,” announced major promotions and sales competitions. said Mari, a housewife in Abbassiya on fruits, vegetables and other essentials. ‘Thiruvonam’ marks the culmination KUWAIT: British Airways took a decision to stop flying to whose family enjoyed a traditional Onam They also welcome the Onam shoppers of ten days of Onam festivities which is Kuwait within weeks due to what it observed as ‘weak’ securi- feast at their friend’s house in Jleeb. For with specially imported jasmine flowers, observed as the homecoming of the ty procedures at Kuwait International Airport, said Arabic daily many Keralite families in Kuwait, the festi- plantain leafs and traditional Kerala mythological King Mahabali. The festival Al-Rai quoting British sources in a letter by British Aviation val served as an occasion for social get- sweets and delicacies at discounted brings alive the cultural heritage of Kerala Authorities to their Kuwaiti counterpart. together where the traditional ‘Onam’ prices. Many Indian restaurants in in its best form and is celebrated in com- The British side said British Airways decision is final and will feast was served. ‘Onasadya’ or Onam Abbassiya, Salmiya, Mangaf, Farwaniya memoration of a glorious past during the not be revoked, unless certain security procedures are taken banquet is the highlight of the Onam cel- and Mirqab yesterday home-delivered regime of the king when peace and pros- quickly and such procedures will be under watch and subject ebration that consists of pure vegetarian ‘ready-to-serve’ Onam meals in packets perity prevailed in the country. to evaluation. Concerned Kuwait authorities took several steps, especially under the tense atmosphere of the region and in the presence of active terrorist groups. The Customs Department plans to buy communications and radioactive systems to increase the safety and security of their procedures and will be able to dis- cover explosives and drugs. Further, the Customs Department announced a bid to buy advanced systems and said there is coordination with the Interior ministry to increase checking and inspection of pas- sengers and their cars. — Al-Rai

KUWAIT: Indian Ambassador Sunil Jain poses for a photograph with ladies in their traditional Kerala attire during an Onam celebration.

KUWAIT: Assistant Undersecretary for Nationality and Passports Affairs at Ministry of Interior Maj Gen Sheikh Kuwaiti youth keen to achieve Mazen Al-Jarrah met at his office last Thursday the ambas- sador of Philippine to Kuwait Renato Bedro. They dis- cussed bilateral issues and topics of mutual concern. development programs: SCPD Kuwait’s $15m donation helps KUWAIT: The Supreme Council for ducted field visits to several project sites drilling started, concrete has been laid, Planning and Development (SCPD) said that made a notable progress in achiev- and contracts were signed, Mahdi said. UNRWA schools’ reopening on Thursday that Kuwaiti youth is cur- ing these projects, calling media sources The SCPD team also visited the rently sparing no effort to achieve sever- to activate its positive role and highlight Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) RAMALLAH: UNRWA announced that schools for Palestinian al development programs, calling citi- efforts exerted by workers and organiz- to inspect the “Olefins 3” project, which refugees would start on time after Kuwait has donated $15 zens to await development plans’ prom- ers of development plans’ projects. is the largest among other developmen- million for the agency. ising outcomes. In the past period, the Council’s fol- tal projects as it is expected to attain There are currently half million Palestinians whose future There are several other state bodies low-up teams have inspected a number highest revenues for the country’s treas- depends on receiving a decent education, and Kuwait’s dona- that interacted with SCPD to follow-up of strategic projects in the country, list- ury by producing 12 industrial products, tion would help to open schools on time, Commissioner- with results of the development plans, ed within the annual plan 2015/2016, he added, noting that the project General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Khaled Mahdi, Assistant Secretary- including expansion of three hospitals; remains under initial study as the Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Pierre Krahenbuhl said in General of SCPD’s General Secretariat, Adan, Sabah, and Frawaniya, Mahdi said, Company received the project’s land a statement yesterday. said in a press conference. Mahdi adding that achievement pace of these from Kuwait Municipality last July. On Students of UNRWA have hopes of starting their academic stressed the importance of commitment projects is currently proceeding in Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Bridge year normally despite the difficulties and challenges they face, to prepare monthly reports that inform accordance with their time frame. project, Mahdi said that achievement said the official, praising Kuwait’s humanitarian aid and gen- all sides on latest updates regarding The team also visited Al-Zour refin- ratio for this project is currently 37 pct, erosity. UNRWA previously announced a deficit of $101 mil- development programs, confirming the ery, in which large part of the project’s expecting its completion by end of 2017 lion, which could lead to delaying the start of the new aca- General Secretariat’s efforts to raise area has been reclaimed with a total or by November 2018. demic year in 685 of the agency’s schools. awareness in the public on the develop- achievement ratio of 13 percent, he said, A significant number of data has been The UNRWA was established in 1949 by the UN’s General ment plans, actions to activate its role in adding that achievement ratio for the updated in SCPD’s automated follow-up Assembly to aid and support about five million Palestinian following present and future plans, and area’s soil treatment project is 50 per- system to allow bodies in the country to refugees, who were displaced by Israel in 1948. The agency commitment to implement the cent and it is set for completion by mid- follow the development plan automatical- provides Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon Council’s recommendations. 2016. Other field trips also included the ly, he said, indicating that this would help and Syria with education, social services, health care and infra- Meanwhile, Mahdi indicated that the environmental fuel project, which is cur- in following projects and submitting their structure service in refugee camps. — KUNA General Secretariat has recently con- rently proceeding on good pace as monthly reports to the Cabinet. — KUNA

SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 Three arrested for deaths Ten killed as India, Pakistan Obama praises New Orleans of 71 migrants in truck 10 border skirmishes continue 11 on Katrina anniversary tour 14

ZUWARA: Members of the Libyan Red Crescent, wearing protective white clothing and masks, collect the body of a migrant that had washed ashore on a beach yesterday in the port town of Zuwara, about 160 kms West of Tripoli, after two boats carrying hundreds of migrants and refugees sank off the coast ofthe town. Seddik Said, head of a joint crisis team, told AFP at the scene that according to survivors around 400 people were on board the main vessel and another 60 on a smaller boat which sank. — AFP 200 dead in latest migrant disaster

ZUWARA: Libyan authorities were collecting the bodies of in and checking inside to see if there’s anyone else,” he said. passengers into the packed hold and were demanding mon- migrants who drowned off the coastal city of Zuwara, with There were conflicting casualty figures and the Red Crescent ey to allow them to come up to breathe fresh air. some 200 feared dead yesterday in the latest disaster involv- was still counting the bodies and the survivors, he added. Dozens of boats are launched from lawless Libya each ing desperate people trying to reach Europe. In a statement, the United Nations refugee agency said week, with Italy and Greece bearing the brunt of the surge An Associated Press photographer at the scene saw work- that up to 200 people were missing and feared dead after the of migrants. Since a 2011 civil war that ended with the over- ers removing bodies from the water, and pulling a flooded Libyan coast guard carried out rescue operations Thursday for throw and killing of longtime dictator Moammer Gaddafi, boat into the harbor that contained several drowned victims two boats carrying an estimated 500 migrants. the oil-rich north African country of Libya has plunged into floating face down. At least one victim, a man, was wearing a Othman Belbeisi, chief of mission for the International chaos. It is divided between an elected parliament and gov- life vest. They were put into body bags and lined up on the Organization for Migration for Libya, said in a statement: “We ernment based in the eastern port city of Tobruk and an waterfront. are still waiting for more details, but we have learned there Islamist militia-backed government in the capital Tripoli. Hussein Asheini, the head of Libya’s Red Crescent in were 400 people on one of two boats.” Militants from the Islamic State group are also exploiting Zuwara, said at least 105 people were killed, some while He said 100 were rescued, including nine women and two the chaos. Violence and poverty in the Middle East and trapped inside the boat after it capsized. Fishermen and the girls. In a separate rescue operation by the Libyan coast guard Africa are driving a surge in refugees headed to Europe, coast guard found the waterlogged vessel at sea and towed it on Wednesday, UNHCR said 51 people were found dead of with many crowded rafts capsizing and leaving hundreds back to Zuwara, where they had to break the ship’s deck to suffocation in the hold of a boat, with survivors recounting feared dead. Libya in particular has been a hotspot for reach people trapped inside. how smugglers beat them with sticks to keep them under the human trafficking, although boats occasionally try to leave “The boat sank out sea and a coast guard team is still diving deck. It said one survivor described how smugglers forced from Egypt as well. — AP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Amnesty accuses UAE of torturing Libyan-Canadian

NICOSIA: Authorities in the United Arab Emirates have tortured a Libyan-Canadian man who has been held for a year on suspicion of having links to the Muslim Brotherhood, Amnesty International said yesterday. Salim al-Aradi has been in deten- tion since August 29 last year. Although police in Dubai gave no reason for his arrest, it is believed that authorities suspect he is linked to the banned Islamist organisation, the rights watchdog said. Aradi is “believed to have been tortured or oth- erwise ill-treated in custody. His health is said to be deteriorating rapidly and he has been denied access to adequate medical care,” said Amnesty in a statement. “The unlawful treatment of Salim al- Aradi demonstrates the extreme tactics the UAE authorities are resorting to in the name of protect- ing national security,” said Amnesty’s Middle East and North Africa deputy director Said Boumedouha. BAGHDAD: Protesters chant in support of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi as they carry national flags during a The group said that Aradi was among 10 Libyan demonstration in Tahrir Square in Baghdad, Iraq, yesterday. Friday’s protesters were joined for the first time by follow- businessmen arrested in the UAE, four of whom ers of Muqtada al-Sadr, a radical, anti-American Shiite cleric. The protesters have staged weekly rallies since last month were released in December and deported to to press demands for reforms, better services and an end to corruption. — AP Turkey. The UAE has not seen any of the pro- reform protests that have swept other Arab coun- tries since 2011, including fellow Gulf states Iraq PM orders easier access Bahrain and Oman. But authorities have stepped up a crackdown on dissent and calls for democrat- ic reform. Most of those targeted have been to Baghdad’s Green Zone Islamists. A rare mass trial of 41 radical Islamists Sistani warns politicians against empty promises accused of seeking to overthrow the government and of having links with “terrorists” opened on BAGHDAD: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al- But yesterday’s edicts showed that securi- ‘Previous promises’ Monday. — AFP Abadi yesterday ordered security forces to ty remained a high priority. Abadi called for a Abadi also ordered yesterday the forma- ease access to Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone plan “to protect civilians ... from being target- tion of a legal committee to review the and main streets, in an apparent bid to ed by terrorism”, according to online state- ownership of state properties and return improve daily life for ordinary Iraqis as the ments, but did not identify specific measures illegally gained assets to the state. Critics country braces for fresh protests. or a timeline. Bomb attacks, many of them say some officials have abused their The capital and many southern cities have claimed by Islamic State, continue to strike the authority to appropriate state-owned prop- Saudi-led air witnessed demonstrations in recent weeks Iraqi capital. At least six people were killed on erties for personal use. calling for provision of basic services, the trial Friday morning in a car bomb attack in the Top Shi’ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al- of corrupt politicians, and the shakeup of a southern district of Zafaraniyah, police and Sistani, who wields authority few Iraqi strikes kill 10 system riddled with graft and incompetence. medical sources said. politicians would openly challenge, has Thousands of people were heading to Abadi pledged in November to remove called on Abadi to “strike with an iron fist” join yesterday’s protests following a call concrete barriers from the capital, but move- against corruption. Yesterday, he cautioned in Yemen from powerful Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al- ment in many areas remains constrained by protesters against letting personal goals Sadr. Security forces deployed in force to the blast walls. He has managed to reduce the distract from their demands while urging SANAA: Warplanes from a Saudi-led coalition prevent violence, which has been limited in army’s security role in the city and lifted a politicians to provide tangible results of killed 10 people in air raids in central Yemen yes- past weeks. nighttime curfew. reform measures. — Reuters terday, local officials said. One air strike targeted Partly in response to the protests, Abadi is the home of a retired army brigadier in the central pushing reforms to a system he says has city of Ibb, killing him and five members of his deprived Iraqis of basic services and under- family, the officials said. mined the fight against Islamic State militants. Four more people were killed in separate air He has announced several measures this strikes on military and security buildings in the month to combat corruption and misman- city, the officials said. The mountainous area of Ibb agement including scrapping layers of senior lies between the coast and the Houthi-controlled government posts, cutting security details capital Sanaa. and other perks for officials, and encouraging corruption investigations. Yesterday, he The Iranian-allied Houthis seized Sanaa last directed military commanders to ease civilian September in what they called a revolution against access to the Green Zone, the central a corrupt government, then took over much of the Baghdad district home to many government country. buildings and several Western embassies. Yemeni government forces intend to launch an The 10-square-kilometre area on the bank attempt to recapture Sanaa within two months. of the Tigris River once housed the headquar- Steps are already under way to break the grip of ters of the US occupation and before that one Houthi fighters, the country’s exiled foreign minis- of Saddam Hussein’s republican palaces. ter told Reuters on Thursday. President Abd-Rabbu Checkpoints and concrete barriers have Mansour Hadi fled Aden, where he had sought blocked bridges and highways leading to the refuge, for Riyadh in March. Arab countries led by neighbourhood for years, symbolising the dis- Sunni Muslim power Saudi Arabia intervened in connect between Iraq’s leadership and its the conflict to push back what they see as spread- people and wreaking havoc on traffic in the ing Iranian influence in their backyard. city of 7 million people. NABI SALEH: Palestinians fight to free a Palestinian boy (bottom) held by an The war has killed more than 4,300 people, Abadi also ordered the elimination of no- Israeli soldier (C) during clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian many of them civilians, and spread disease and go zones set up by militias and political par- protesters following a march against Palestinian land confiscation to expand hunger in one of the Arab world’s poorest ties in Baghdad and other cities in response to the nearby Jewish Hallamish settlement yesterday in the West Bank village of states. — Reuters more than a decade of car bombings. Nabi Saleh near Ramallah. — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

S Sudan army ordered to end fighting

JUBA: South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Riek Machar, gave a 72-hour deadline for a doubts” on the government’s commitment. same with his forces,” Ateny said, but added has ordered all government troops to cease permanent ceasefire, with comes into effect The UN Security Council has given Kiir until that as rebels were “no longer one entity”, it fighting rebel forces as part of a peace around sunset today. Late on Thursday, September 1 to get fully behind the agree- “remains to be seen how Machar will con- agreement, his spokesman said, ahead of a rebels accused the army of attacking their ment or face possible sanctions, and the trol his forces.” full ceasefire today. Kiir has ordered all the positions in the northern battleground state has circulated a draft resolu- The signed deal gives the rebels the army “to stop shooting and remain in their of Unity. The army did not respond, but has tion that would impose an arms embargo post of first vice president, which means barracks where they are, but they can shoot previously dismissed rebel claims as lies, or and targeted sanctions on those who that Machar would likely return to the job in self defence once attacked,” spokesman accused them of launching attacks. undermine peace efforts. Two powerful he was sacked from in July 2013, an event Ateny Wek Ateny told AFP yesterday. Facing the threat of international sanc- rebel generals, Peter Gadet and Gathoth which put the country on the path to war Both sides accused each other of tions, Kiir signed the deal but annexed a list Gatkuoth, split from Machar earlier this later that year. But the 12-page govern- launching attacks on Wednesday as Kiir of reservations that he said would have to month, accusing him of seeking power for ment list of reservations of the peace deal signed a peace deal aimed at ending be addressed for the deal to take hold in the himself. The government has said the split calls this a “humiliation” and a “reward for the 20-month long civil war in which world’s newest nation. is a key reason they doubt the peace deal rebellion”, and insists the post of first tens of thousands of people have been can be effective. Ateny said rebels must also vice-president must be on equal footing slaughtered. Massacres, rape, atrocities stop fighting. with the current vice-president, whose The accord, already signed by rebel chief Machar has said the reservations “casts “We expect also Riek Machar to do the post remains. — AFP

Teen gets more than 11 years for helping Islamic State

ALEXANDRIA: A northern Virginia teenager was sentenced yesterday to more than 11 years in prison for helping another teen travel to Syria to join the Islamic State and for providing other aid to the militant group. The judge said he considered 17-year-old Ali Shukri Amin’s age and lack of a criminal record during sentencing in federal court in Alexandria. Amin told the judge he didn’t “expect sympathy.” Amin pleaded guilty in June to conspiring to pro- vide material support to terrorists. The Manassas teen would have otherwise been graduating from high school with hon- ors around the time of his plea. Juveniles rarely face charges in the federal system. “I have not attempted to deny or explain away anything I have done,” Amin said. He said he has “resolved to not blindly become more radical.” Defense attorney Joseph Flood had argued that a sentence of about six years was appropriate. He said in court that Amin’s Twitter account may have had some 4,000 followers but that “his influence was actually very small.” LONDON: The British Library is pictured in central London yesterday. Academics have criticised the British government In June, Flood said Amin was motivated by sincere reli- for creating a “climate of fear” after the country’s national library declined to store the world’s biggest collection of gious beliefs and outrage at the regime of Syrian President Taleban-related documents over concerns it could be prosecuted under terrorism laws. — AFP Bashar Assad. He said yesterday that Amin had been manipu- lated by older radicals and Amin has “repudiated ISIS” in con- versations with family and religious leaders. British Library rejects Taleban Assistant US Attorney Michael Ben’Ary said in court yester- day that Amin “wasn’t being radicalized. He was radicalizing” others. He said Amin knew what he was doing was illegal. trove fearing terror laws “Today’s sentencing demonstrates that those who use social media as a tool to provide support and resources to ISIL Terrorism Acts make it an offence to ‘collect material’ will be identified and prosecuted with no less vigilance than those who travel to take up arms with ISIL,” US Attorney Dana Boente said in a press release. “The Department of Justice will PARIS: Academics have criticised the British ‘No recipes for making bombs’ The Terrorism Acts of 2000 and 2006 make it continue to pursue those that travel to fight against the government for creating a “climate of fear” “It’s surprising and disappointing,” said an offence to “collect material which could United States and our allies, as well as those individuals that after the national library declined to store the Alex Strick van Linschoten, a Berlin-based be used by a person committing or prepar- world’s biggest collection of Taleban-related author and researcher who helped spear- ing for an act of terrorism” and criminalise recruit others on behalf of ISIL in the homeland.” documents over concerns it could be prose- head the project. “There’s no recipes for mak- the “circulation of terrorist publications”. But Amin admitted that he helped 18-year-old Reza Niknejad cuted under terrorism laws. ing bombs or anything like that. These are under the laws, police must also prove that to travel to Syria to join the group in January. FBI Assistant A group of international researchers documents that would help people under- the owners share the views expressed in the Director Andrew McCabe said that after taking Niknejad to spent years putting together a trove of docu- stand history, whether it’s Afghans trying to publications and intended them to be used the airport, Amin delivered a letter and thumb drive to ments related to the Afghan Taleban, includ- learn about their recent past, or outsiders for terrorism. Niknejad’s family informing them that they would likely never ing official newspapers from their time in wanting to understand the movement. James Fitzgerald, a professor at Dublin see him again. power, poems, maps, radio broadcasts, and “Any scholar would realise it’s essential to City University and editor of the Critical “Today marks a personal tragedy for the Amin family and several volumes of laws and edicts-digitising read primary documents related to your sub- Studies on Terrorism journal, said the the community as we have lost yet another young person to the estimated two-three million words and ject if you want to understand militant library’s decision to turn down the Taliban the allure of extremist ideology focused on hatred,” McCabe translating everything into English. groups, but there is a climate of fear among archive was “completely, completely ridicu- said in a news release. “Amin’s case serves as a reminder of It was hoped the project, which was academics who study this kind of material lous”. But he put the blame on the govern- how persistent and pervasive online radicalization has launched in 2012 and included members of because UK law is very loose,” he said. The ment for creating an atmosphere in which become.” Charges against Niknejad were unsealed in June, the British Library on its advisory board, British Library was reluctant to discuss the academics are increasingly nervous about alleging he conspired to provide material support to terrorists would prove an unprecedented resource decision, referring queries to the govern- touching anything to do with extremist and conspired to kill and injure people abroad. Boente said at for academics and officials trying to under- ment. A spokeswoman confirmed the library groups. “How much fear must there be to the time that Niknejad made it to Syria. stand the movement and the ongoing was “not currently able to acquire a copy of bring about a decision that is clearly ridicu- As part of his plea, Amin also admitted to using Twitter to insurgency in Afghanistan. But despite the archive”. “It is a large digitised archive lous,” he said. “This is a symptom of a creep- provide advice and encouragement to the Islamic State and hopes that the library would host a master which contains material that could contra- ing orthodoxy of UK legislation that is trying its supporters. Through his Twitter handle Amreekiwitness - copy of the digital collection, it got cold vene the Terrorism Act,” she said. “The legal to enforce so-called British values,” said Amreeki translates to “American” - Amin provided instruction feet at the last minute, telling the project’s advice received jointly by the British Library Fitzgerald, adding that the atmosphere has on how to use Bitcoin, a virtual currency, to mask funds going organisers that they feared they could be in and other similar institutions advises against worsened since new guidelines were issued to the group and helped supporters seeking to travel to Syria breach of Britain’s increasingly stringent making this type of material accessible.” for universities calling on lecturers to look to fight with the group, court documents said. — AP counter-terrorism laws. The Home Office declined to comment. out for “potential radicals”. — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

17 years jail for organiser of Russian MP’s murder

SAINT PETERSBURG: A Russian court yes- Duma deputy Galina Starovoitova with the ultranationalist Liberal Democratic Party led was ordered by the head of the powerful terday sentenced the organiser of the 1998 aim of ending her active political and gov- by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, was arrested in 2009 “Tambov” criminal syndicate, Vladimir killing of prominent opposition politician ernmental activity,” the prosecutor-general’s over a separate case after being on the run Barsukov, a one-armed mobster nick- Galina Starovoitova to 17 years in prison. office said in a statement. for several years. His sentence took into named the “night governor” of Saint Saint Petersburg’s Oktyabrsky district court A charismatic politician and rights activist, account that he is already serving an eight- Petersburg for his far-reaching influence. sentenced former lawmaker Mikhail Starovoitova was an MP in the State Duma year sentence for extortion in a separate case “He ordered it, we did it. If I hadn’t Glushchenko to 17 years in a tough-regime lower house of parliament and chaired after being convicted in 2013. done it, they would have killed me. prison colony for organising Starovoitova’s Democratic Russia party. She was also an Glushchenko, who appeared in court in a Barsukov is a very harsh person,” murder almost two decades ago. advisor to Boris Yeltsin during his presidency. crumpled grey suit, pleaded guilty to being Glushchenko said in court last week, quot- The gunning down of the 52-year-old lib- In 2005, a court in Saint Petersburg con- one of the organisers of Starovoitova’s mur- ed by Russian media. eral member of parliament in the stairwell of victed two hitmen, one of whom was dis- der and asked for “forgiveness from the Barsukov, also known as Kumarin, is her home was one of Russia’s most notorious guised as a woman at the crime scene, and Russian people.” being held in a Moscow jail while he is political killings of the 1990s. “The court sentenced them to 23 and 20 years, but investigated over numerous crimes. He is established that Glushchenko along with an failed to identify the mastermind. ‘He ordered it, we did it’ already serving time for extortion and cor- unidentified person decided to kill the State Glushchenko, a former deputy for the Glushchenko said in court the murder porate raiding. — AFP

Three arrested for deaths of 71 migrants in truck

VIENNA: Three people believed to be part of a human smuggling oper- ation were arrested overnight in Hungary in connection with the deaths of 71 migrants found in a refrigerated truck abandoned on Austria’s main highway, law enforcement officials said yesterday. It was the latest tragedy in a year that has seen tens of thousands of people risking everything to seek a better life or refuge in wealthy European countries. At least 2,500 have died, mostly at sea, where another tragedy was unfolding Friday as Libyan authorities counted bodies from two ships that capsized off the coast of that country. The U.N. refugee agency said 200 were missing and feared dead. In Austria, officials said they are still investigating but believe the migrants suffocated in the truck. Investigators found a Syrian travel doc- ument, indicating that at least some of the dead were refugees fleeing violence in Syria, though it wasn’t clear if some were from elsewhere. The 71 included eight women and four children, the youngest a girl between 1 and 2 years old, the others boys aged 8 to 10. Authorities initially estimated the death toll at 20 to 50, but raised it after towing the truck to a refrigerated warehouse and counting the partially decomposed bodies. Migrants fearful of death at sea in overcrowded and flimsy boats have increasingly turned to using a land route to Europe through the Western Balkans. They start in Greece, which they can reach via a short boat trip from Turkey, then move on through Macedonia, Serbia and into Hungary, where thousands have been crossing the border every day, crawling over or under a razor-wire fence meant to keep them out. : Caretaker government take a religious oath during a swearing in ceremony at the Presidential Most go from there to other countries in the European Union, some- Palace in Athens, yesterday. Greece’s new caretaker government, led by the nation’s first female prime minis- times paying smugglers to drive them, but the discovery of the bodies in ter, Vassiliki Thanou, not pictured, was sworn as the country heads to early elections next month, the third the truck showed there is no truly safe path. Police in Hungary said that time will go to the polls this year. — AP as of Tuesday, 776 suspected human smugglers had been detained so far this year, compared to 593 all of 2014. In the southern part of the country, police said they had found 18 Syrians near an overturned van Greece’s new premier on the M5 highway between Szeged and Budapest early yesterday. Ten were taken to the hospital for treatment while the driver, a Romanian, was treated for head injuries and then taken into custody on suspicion of human smuggling. names caretaker cabinet The truck with the 71 migrants inside was found parked in the safe- ty lane of the highway from Budapest, Hungary, to Vienna on Thursday. It was not clear how long the bodies had been in it, but Elections expected to be set for Sept 20 police believed they may already have been dead by the time the truck crossed the border into Austria overnight Wednesday. Autopsies ATHENS: Greece’s new prime minister, named tourism minister. The new cabi- The poll showed Syriza supported by were being conducted, said state prosecutor Johann Fuchs, with a top judge who is the country’s first net was to be sworn in later yesterday. 23 percent, compared to 26 percent in an results expected in several days. female premier, named the members of Elections are widely expected to be early July survey by the same company. At least two of those arrested are Bulgarian citizens, while the third her caretaker government yesterday as set for Sept. 20. Tsipras has said he The conservative New Democracy party has Hungarian identity papers, police said. One is the truck owner, a the country heads to early elections next needs a stronger mandate to implement stood at about 20 percent compared to Bulgarian of Lebanese descent, while two others were apparently taking month, the third time Greeks will go to the tough austerity measures accompa- 15 percent in July. turns driving, said Hans Peter Doskozil, chief of police in Burgenland the polls this year. nying the three-year, 86 billion euro The small nationalist Independent province, where the truck was found. He said police believe that the sus- The appointments come a day after bailout, but an opinion poll published in Greeks, Syriza’s partner in the seven- pects were part of a larger Bulgarian-Hungarian human smuggling ring. Supreme Court head Vassiliki Thanou the left-leaning Efimerida ton Syntakton month coalition government, were Fuchs said it was unclear when the suspects would be extradited by was sworn into office. The 65-year-old newspaper Friday found small support backed by 2 percent, below the 3 percent Hungarian authorities, who were looking to see if they had jurisdiction in was appointed after outgoing prime for his move. threshold for to enter Parliament. Tsipras the case. Romania’s foreign ministry also said that 12 Romanians had minister Alexis Tsipras resigned last Sixty-four percent said Tsipras’ deci- has ruled out forming a coalition with been detained in Hungary on suspicion of human trafficking and week, barely seven months into his sion to call the snap poll was wrong, any of the center-right or center-left par- Hungarian authorities are seeking to arrest them. four-year mandate, following a rebel- compared to 24 percent who consid- ties if he fails to win a majority to govern Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner said the tragedy “should serve lion by members of his radical-left ered it correct. The remainder took no outright, meaning he would be unable to as a wake-up call ... for joint European action” in dealing with the torrent Syriza party who objected to his agree- position or did not reply. Sixty-eight per- form a government unless a party that of migrants flocking to Europe. Melissa Fleming, spokeswoman for the ment with the conditions of Greece’s cent said they believe the country didn’t make it into parliament last time UN refugee agency in Geneva called the tragedy “absolutely shocking.” third international bailout. should remain within the euro even if it manages to win above 3 percent. “We believe this underscores the ruthlessness of people smugglers The finance ministry post went to means further austerity measures and The poll was conducted by the who have expanded their business from the Mediterranean Sea to the Giorgos Houliarakis, an academic who sacrifices. Asked whether the govern- ProRata company on Aug. 25-26 with a highways of Europe. It shows they have absolutely no regard for human had been on Greece’s negotiating team ment got the best deal it could for the sample of 1,000 people nationwide life, and that they are only after profit,” she said. “It also shows the des- during talks with creditors. Popular Greek third bailout, 48 percent said yes and 45 and had a margin of error of 3 percent- peration of people seeking protection or a new life in Europe, and their pop singer Alkistis Protopsalti was percent disagreed. age points. — AP only means is to submit themselves to these criminals.” — AP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Nepal vows that protests will not ruin constitution

KATHMANDU: Nepal’s government has vowed that country of 28 million people into seven federal India of instigating the protests. That prompted a rare protests in which 14 people have been killed will not provinces. intervention by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, derail a constitutional process that is in the final stretch, The Tharus, a group that numbers about 1.7 million, who urged Nepal to make the constitutional process even though pressing ahead could further anger ethnic want a separate eighth province - but their demands more inclusive. Ashok Mehta, a retired Indian army minority groups on the southern plains. In the most seri- have been rebuffed as unworkable by the government. general and expert on Nepal, dismissed the accusation ous incident, nine people were killed this week when A great deal is at stake for the country. Adoption of the of meddling but urged that the protesters’ demands be protesters attacked a police post in the far southwest of constitution, which requires a two-thirds majority in par- addressed - including for an eighth state. the poor Himalayan state, which lies sandwiched liament, would start a transformation in which a new “The plains are simmering,” Mehta told Reuters. between India to the south and China to the north. president, prime minister and speaker would be chosen. “There is a need for a pause to take on board the con- The government deployed the army to restore cerns of the plains people.” Bishnu Raj Upreti, head of order following the protests by members of a minority Talks hindered the Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research, said the group called the Tharus. Together with another group Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has invited protest frustrations of marginal communities had been of plains people, the Madhesis, they demand autono- leaders to Kathmandu for talks, but they refuse to exploited by politicians who oppose the constitution my under plans to turn Nepal into a federation. “I don’t attend unless a curfew is lifted and 15 arrested and want to “create trouble”. “The government see any possibility for the process to stop,” Law activists - some charged with murder - are released. should reach out to the people at local, constituency Minister Narahari Acharya told Reuters. Nepal, which “Without this we will not go for talks,” said Ram Janam level,” he said. “This will help ease the tension. emerged from a civil war in 2006, has all but complet- Chaudhari, who leads a caucus of Tharu lawmakers. Otherwise the feeling of injustice will be cemented ed work on a permanent charter that would carve the The escalation led one government leader to accuse further.” — Reuters Ten killed as India, Pakistan border skirmishes continue Pakistan accused of targeting civilians

ISLAMABAD: At least 10 civilians were killed yesterday as India and Pakistan traded fire across their disputed bor- der, officials said, less than a week after high-level talks were aborted amid a row over Kashmir. Six died near the city of Sialkot in Pakistan’s Punjab province and at least four villagers were killed in DHAKA: Bangladesh police officials parade suspects Indian-administered Kashmir. Officials Kamal Hossain Sarder (second left) and Kausar Hossain Khan (second right) in Dhaka yesterday, after their arrest said more than 50 were wounded. in connection with the murder of secular blogger Niloy A meeting between the Indian and Chakrabarti. —AFP Pakistani national security advisors in New Delhi on Sunday was called off at the last minute amid a dispute about Two more suspects whether the agenda should include Kashmir, the Himalayan territory both in blogger killing sides control in part but claim in full. In a statement issued to the media, DHAKA: Police in Bangladesh have arrested two more suspect- the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said ed members of a banned militant group thought to be behind Pakistan summoned the Indian High the slaying of a secular blogger in the fourth such killing this Commissioner in Islamabad to lodge year. Dhaka Metropolitan police official Mahbub Alam said protest against ceasefire violations. Kausar Hossain Khan, 29, and Kamal Hossain Sardar, 29, were “The Government of Pakistan strongly arrested late Thursday and were suspected members of the protested over the latest ceasefire vio- Ansarullah Bangla Team blamed for attacks on atheist bloggers RANBIR SINGH PURA: An Indian villager shows a roof damaged in alleged fir- lations by India in Harpal and Chaprar and writers. ing from the Pakistan side into a residential area at Abdullian village. — AP sectors at the Working Boundary The arrests follow the arrests two weeks ago of two other of injuries in a hospital later,” Pawan angry rhetoric on Saturday. suspects - Saad-Al-Nahin and Masud Rana - for involvement in resulting in shahadat (martyrdom) of 6 civilians, including a woman and a Kotwal, the top administrator of the The plan for Sunday’s talks came the killing of the 28-year-old blogger Niladri Chottopadhay region told AFP. Another BSF officer, JS from a meeting between Pakistani Niloy. Alam said the latest arrests were a result of interrogations child,” the statement said. The two sides regularly fire shells Oberio, put the number of injured at Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his of the two. Niloy was hacked to death on Aug 7. His wife, Asha 16, saying at least 10 border posts and Indian counterpart Narendra Modi at a Moni, filed a murder case against four unnamed persons, and and mortars across the disputed bor- several villages were targeted by regional summit in Russia last month. the seriousness of the case meant the investigation was handed der both in Kashmir and to the south in to the Detective Branch of the police from the regular police. Punjab, killing civilians. A senior Pakistani troops. Little of substance was expected but Police would not provide more details about Khan and Pakistani security official told AFP that the very fact that the security advisors, Sardar but said they were out on bail after being accused of Indian forces began firing around 3:00 Age-old tensions Sartaj Aziz for Pakistan and Ajit Doval attempted murder in an attack on another blogger, Asif am yesterday and continued intermit- Pakistan and India have fought two for India, were to meet at all was seen Mohiuddin, two years ago. Mohiuddin has since fled for tently during the morning. “Six civilians of their three wars over the Himalayan as progress. But the plan faltered at Germany. Niloy was known to his friends as an atheist blogger embraced shahadat and 46 were region since both gained independ- familiar obstacles: Aziz’s intention to whose online name is Niloy Chowdhury. His family and friends severely injured including 22 females ence in 1947, and it remains a major meet Kashmiri leaders in New Delhi-an said he has criticized radical Islamists at home and abroad, and due to Indian unprovoked source of tension. About a dozen mili- issue that scuppered foreign secretary- had sought police protection after receiving threats. The police firing/shelling on working boundary tant groups have been fighting since level talks last year-and India’s insis- asked him to leave the country for his safety, they said. near Sialkot in Chaprar and Harpal sec- 1989 for either the independence of tence the agenda should focus on ter- The United States has expressed its concern over the killing, tor,” a statement from the Pakistani the Indian-controlled portion of rorism. while the United Nations called for Bangladeshi authorities to military said, adding that they had Kashmir or its merger with Pakistan. Pakistan’s failure to hand over or ensure accountability and prevent such violence. UN Special returned fire. In Indian-controlled Shelling across the de facto border, prosecute the alleged masterminds of Rapporteur Heiner Bielefeldt is scheduled to visit Bangladesh Kashmir, Border Security Force (BSF) known as the Line of Control (LoC) in the 2008 Mumbai attacks has infuriat- from Monday to assess the state of freedom of religion and disputed Kashmir and the “working ed India, particularly when the sus- belief in the South Asian country. In February, Bangladeshi- official Rakesh Kumar Sharma accused Pakistan of targeting civilians with boundary” in Punjab, has been on the pected ringleader, Zaki-ur-Rehman American blogger Avijit Roy was hacked to death on the Dhaka rise this month. Sunday’s talks had Lakhvi, was freed on bail. Islamabad, University campus while walking with his wife. Two others were “unprovoked” mortar fire. “Four villagers died in the shelling brought hopes of a possible easing of for its part, insists talks must be wide- attacked and killed in March and April, one in Dhaka and anoth- tensions, but these were dashed as the ranging and include thorny issues like er in the northeastern city of Sylhet. Investigations into those from across the border, three of them meeting was sunk amid a welter of Kashmir. — AFP cases have made no headway. — AP were killed early morning and one died INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Islamic militants killed in Philippine military clash

MANILA: Three Islamic militants were killed after the Philippine military yesterday launched a second attempt in two weeks to rescue hostages held by the Abu Sayyaf rebels, the army said. About 300 Abu Sayyaf fighters retreated after the hour-long firefight in the jungles of the remote southern island of Jolo, said Brigadier-General Alan Arrojado, the mili- tary commander in the area. However the military did not say if any of the hostages were freed or injured in the clashes, or how many hostage were believed to have been held at the rebel camp. Ten Philippine soldiers were wounded in the fighting, Arrojado added. “The bandits positioned their hostages in the back (of the rebel camp), they don’t want another escape,” Captain Antonio Bulao, a military spokesman in Jolo, told AFP. Last week two Philippine coast guard men, who were among 11 hostages held by Abu Sayyaf, escaped during fierce clashes which erupted after elite military forces launched a risky rescue operation, leaving 15 Abu Sayyaf men dead on Jolo. The militants have since split into smaller groups, each holding some hostages, Bulao added. The military rescue attempt came after the decapitated remains of a 12th hostage, Rodolfo Boligao, were found on a deserted Jolo highway. Impoverished Jolo is a known strong- hold of the Abu Sayyaf, a loose band of several hundred armed men set up in the 1990s with seed money from the Al- BEIJING: US National Security Advisor Susan Rice (left) takes part in talks with Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi (right) Qaeda network of Osama Bin Laden. The group engages in during their meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. — AFP kidnappings to finance operations, often targeting foreigners and sometimes beheading captives if ransoms are not paid. It has also been blamed for the worst bomb attacks in the coun- US national security adviser in try, including the firebombing of a ferry off Manila Bay in 2004 that killed more than 100 people. — AFP China as Xi prepares for us trip Widodo dumps changes to foreign press laws Both sides expressing optimism despite differences

JAKARTA: New restrictions on foreign journalists in Indonesia BEIJING: The US national security remarks, focusing instead on the foreign policy adviser Yang Jiechi, Rice have been dumped just a day after being announced, with adviser met with President Xi Jinping importance of Xi’s visit to strengthen- pointed to progress in areas ranging President Joko Widodo directly intervening to kill off the contro- yesterday amid final preparations for ing relations between the world’s first from climate change to tourist versial changes. Indonesia’s interior minister this week unveiled the Chinese leader’s visit to and second largest economies. exchanges, the military relationship tighter rules for visiting press, including requirements that jour- Washington next month, with both “I look forward to continuing my and cooperation in fighting the Ebola nalists obtain a second working permit and report their activities sides expressing optimism despite conversation with President Obama, virus. She said both sides are looking to all levels of government. their differences. to continue to have in-depth forward to a successful meeting in The measures were condemned by local and international Susan Rice’s visit to Beijing comes exchanges on important issues of Washington. press associations and free speech advocates, with the Jakarta as China is dealing with fallout from a mutual interest, and together we Yang said China is eager to ensure Foreign Correspondents Club (JFCC) describing them as a “sad sharply sliding stock market and slow- would like to work with the US side to the trip is a “complete success.” Rice reminder of the authoritarian Suharto regime”, referring to the ing economic growth that have rattled make sure that China-US relations will also met with Fan Changlong, a vice general who ruled Indonesia for 32 years. But in a rare public global markets. A move to devalue its enjoy sustainable and steady growth,” chairman of the Central Military rebuke Widodo instructed his minister to revoke the contentious regulations, an official said Friday. currency and make Chinese exports Xi told Rice. Xi also spoke of the need Commission, and Foreign Minister “That was a direct order from the president,” interior ministry more competitive has brought criti- to “effectively manage the sensitive Wang Yi. spokesman Dodi Riyatmadji told AFP. Widodo promised in May cism from some US politicians, in a issues” between Washington and While China’s more assertive for- to lift reporting restrictions for foreign journalists wanting to throwback to past years when Beijing Beijing but offered no specifics. eign policy under Xi has raised con- report from Indonesia’s easternmost province of Papua. was accused of manipulating its cur- cerns among US military leaders and Indonesia has long been sensitive about foreign journalists cov- rency. Differences and difficulty the two countries have been at odds ering Papua, where poorly armed fighters have been waging a The economic setbacks are seen as In her comments, Rice referred to over Internet security, Xi and Obama low-level insurgency against Jakarta for decades on behalf of the weakening Xi’s clout as he prepares to “issues of difference and some difficul- have forged a strong working relation- mostly ethnic Melanesian population. Applying for permission to meet with President Barack Obama at ty” that the sides “need to work ship as a result of frequent meetings. go there is complex and rarely granted. the White House in late September through and we will continue to do Xi hosted Obama in Beijing in In a statement issued Thursday the JFCC said the measures and address the UN General Assembly so.” She called Xi’s upcoming trip a November, during which the sides announced this week contracted Widodo’s order on Papua and in New York. “milestone in deepening our coopera- announced a landmark agreement to “calls into serious question” whether the interior ministry “under- Neither Xi nor Rice mentioned the tion and strengthening our relation- reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stands or heeds orders from the Presidential Palace”. —AFP economic turmoil in their opening ship.” In an earlier meeting with senior other moves to boost relations. — AP Myanmar suspends govt ahead of crunch elections

YANGON: Myanmar lawmakers yesterday gency. Under Myanmar’s electoral system Suu Kyi this week told AFP that the coun- vate an heir within the party, which remains held their last meetings at parliament as the the current parliament will still be active until try was “not very far along” its path to dominated by ageing veterans of mass 1988 body was suspended ahead of crucial gener- the end of January 2016, when it will hand democratisation, citing an internal putsch at democracy protests. “I think it’s a better idea al elections set to redraw the former junta- over to a new legislature that then selects a the USDP earlier this month in which to have a lot of number twos rather than just ruled nation’s political landscape. The com- president. President Thein Sein used the security forces one particular number two. It’s healthier,” bined houses of parliament will reconvene Suu Kyi is barred from the top political job to remove his rival Shwe Mann from the she told AFP in an interview on Tuesday. only after the November 8 vote, the first by the constitution, drafted by the country’s leadership. Her party is fielding over 1,000 candidates nationwide poll in a quarter of a century to former junta rulers, who kept her locked up Shwe Mann, who remains in his influential in the elections, the first national vote it has be contested by opposition leader Aung San for some 15 years as they tried to quash the role as party speaker, had cultivated a close participated in since a 1990 poll that it won Suu Kyi’s hugely popular National League for democracy movement. The Nobel laureate working relationship with Suu Kyi and many by a landslide but was later annulled by the Democracy (NLD). was recently thwarted in her attempts to speculated that he could be endorsed by the junta. The military handed power to a quasi- “There will be no legislative meetings change aspects of the charter by hardliners NLD as a potential compromise candidate for civilian government in 2011 following an before the election in November,” Soe Yin of in the army-backed ruling party and unelect- president. election that was marred by widespread alle- the ruling Union Solidarity and Development ed soldiers, who are guaranteed a quarter of But Suu Kyi this week said the NLD would gations of cheating and the absence of the Party (USDP) told AFP, adding that parlia- seats in the legislature under the constitu- choose someone from its own ranks, shrug- NLD and Suu Kyi, who was under house ment would only reconvene in an emer- tion. ging off criticism that she has failed to culti- arrest. — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 With more killings, Louisiana police deaths rising Brutal murders increasing at an alarming rate

BATON ROUGE: Police badges in Louisiana earlier this week as he spoke of Vincent’s fatal are banded with black ribbons more than shooting. In Sunset, a domestic violence call usual this year, a grim reminder that officer led to Nelson’s death. deaths are on the rise with two killings just Harrison Lee Riley Jr is accused of stabbing this week alone. Louisiana has had more job- his wife and two women trying to protect her, related police fatalities in 2015 than any other before fatally shooting his cousin Nelson, who state but Texas, with nine on-duty deaths in responded to the call. One of the sisters, each state, according to the National Law Shameka Johnson, 40, died Wednesday. Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. Surlay Johnson, 34, remained hospitalized in Law enforcers are weary of what they call critical condition Thursday. The Johnsons also “the end of the watch.” Police deaths nation- are cousins of Riley’s, Police Chief Luis Padilla ally also are showing an uptick this year, said. Riley’s wife, Courtney Jolivette Riley, was though not at the rate in Louisiana, where the hospitalized in stable condition with stab law enforcement community is readying for wounds, authorities said. two more funerals. “Even though we’re griev- Harrison Riley was hospitalized Wednesday ing, we’ve got to go out there every night and following his arrest, complaining of pain in his every day and do this job,” said Calcasieu ribs. He was treated and transported to the Parish Sheriff Tony Mancuso. “We’re not local jail Thursday, the St. Landry Parish allowed to stop what we’re doing.” Sheriff’s Office said. Riley was naked when he On Sunday, a Louisiana State Police troop- was arrested, said Capt Clay Higgins, who is er was shot in Calcasieu Parish by a stranded both a member of the sheriff’s office SWAT motorist stuck in a ditch. Senior Trooper team and the department spokesman. Riley Steven Vincent, 44, died Monday, leaving was booked on multiple felony charges, IOWA: A memorial service took place in honor of La. State Trooper Steven Vincent’s behind a wife and 9 -year-old son and two including first-degree murder. “He may never home town. — AP other brothers in law enforcement. On again see the light of day,” Higgins said. Wednesday, a domestic dispute in the tiny superintendent. This year, according to the data, Louisiana has The 35-year-old accused shooter had a town of Sunset left a 13-year-veteran officer Eighty police officers have died on the job already reached the high-water mark of 2007, string of arrests in Louisiana and Texas. He dead, shot with his own gun. In a sad twist, so far this year, preliminary data from the nine on-duty deaths. And the year’s far from served prison time in Texas for assault and the 51-year-old Sunset police officer Henry National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial done. aggravated robbery, according to the Texas Nelson was killed by his own cousin, the Fund shows, compared to 72 at the same time In addition to Nelson and Vincent, three Department of Criminal Justice. Nelson died town’s police chief said. last year. Steve Groeninger, with the memori- other officers have been fatally shot this year, two days before he was to be off Friday for a al fund, said the 11 percent increase is largely in Shreveport and New Orleans. A New month-long visit with his teenage daughter, Heightened tensions tied to an increase in traffic-related fatalities. Orleans officer was struck by a car while inves- according to Sunset Police Chief Luis Padilla. The police deaths come amid high-profile He said the rise nationally this year hasn’t tigating a vehicle fire in July. A Jeanerette “Always with a smile,” Padilla said. shootings in other states that have height- reached a level that sets off alarm bells. But police officer died after crashing his patrol car “Even when he arrested you, he still had a ened tensions between the public and police Jonathan Thompson, executive director of the in a high-speed chase in April. Two officers smile. Never saw him mad or angry or upset, officers. But Louisiana officials say officers National Sheriffs’ Association, sees more rea- had heart attacks in January, according to the never.” The shooting death shocked the small, already went to work with safety concerns son to worry. Officer Down Memorial Page. 14-person department. every day before the most recent shootings. “It’s incredibly disturbing,” Thompson said. The last time a Sunset officer was killed on- “There’s no such thing as a routine traffic stop. “When you look across the nation, the num- No single reason duty was 1932, Padilla said. No funeral date There’s no such thing as a routine interaction ber of brutal attacks are up significantly on Law enforcement officials can’t point to a has been set for Nelson. Vincent, the trooper with the police. We’ve got to always be pre- law enforcement.” Louisiana has averaged single reason for the spike. “It can go from a shot earlier this week, will be buried Saturday. pared for what might could happen,” said Col. about five job-related officer deaths annually simple car in a ditch to a trooper laying on the A new class for state police cadets begins a Mike Edmonson, the Louisiana State Police over the last decade. It had three last year. ground now, shot to death,” Mancuso said day later. — AP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Student shot dead at Georgia university

WASHINGTON: A student died early made, though the campus was gun controls. The school said classes with any information about the inci- yesterday after being shot at a US placed on lockdown for about two would be delayed until 10:00 am dent or the presence of weapons on university in the state of Georgia, in hours until just before midnight (1400 GMT) yesterday. campus. Two women told NBC affili- an altercation that triggered a tem- The Georgia Bureau of “The safety of those who live, ate WSAV there had been a fight at porary lockdown of the campus. Investigation is investigating the inci- study, work and visit Savannah State the student union that resulted in Christopher Starks, a junior from the dent along with campus police University remains a top priority-no one person being shot in the collar- Atlanta metropolitan area, died at a because the university is a state exceptions,” the university said in a bone area. Founded in 1890, the local hospital following an “alterca- school. It comes just days after the statement on its website. “Savannah school has about 4,100 enrolled stu- tion” late Thursday at Savannah State brazen shooting of two journalists State University has zero tolerance dents, 145 members of the faculty University’s student union building, during a live broadcast that has once for violence of any kind.” It urged stu- and a 173-acre (70-hectare) campus, the school said. No arrests have been again renewed calls for stricter US dents to report to campus police according to its website. — AFP

Clinton trying to discourage Biden from presidential bid

WASHINGTON: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign is sending a message to Vice President Joe Biden about his potential 2016 presi- dential campaign: This won’t be easy. As Biden ponders a challenge to front-runner Clinton for the Democratic nomination, she has rolled out a string of high-profile endorsements in Iowa and South Carolina, which hold two of the first votes in the nominating process, and scheduled an onslaught of fundraisers across the US in the effort to throw cold water on a possible Biden bid. Donors who have publicly expressed support for a Biden run have been contacted by the Clinton team, according to donors and Democratic strategists who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the private conversa- tions. Even Clinton herself has made a few calls, they said, to express her disappointment. While Clinton and her team speak warmly of Biden in public, they have taken steps to show their dominance over the party’s establishment and President Barack Obama’s politi- cal infrastructure in hopes of quietly discouraging the vice president from entering the race. The effort comes as Clinton and the Democratic field of candi- dates prepare to address members of the Democratic National Committee on Friday during their summer meeting in Minneapolis. The night before her formal address, Clinton made her case in pri- NEW ORLEANS: President Barack Obama waves after speaking at an event commemorating the 10th anniversary of vate briefings to attendees. Meanwhile, representatives from a Hurricane Katrina. — AP super political action committee backing Biden plan to woo dele- Obama praises New Orleans gates in his absence. ‘Organizing advantage’ “I have great deal of admiration and affection for him,” Clinton on Katrina anniversary tour said of Biden during a stop in Iowa on Wednesday. “I think he has to make what is a very difficult decision for himself and his family. He should have the space and the opportunity to decide what he ‘You inspire me, you inspired all of America’ wants to do.” While Biden considered his options, Clinton’s team released a series of memos Thursday night that detailed their organ- NEW ORLEANS: President Barack Obama held pened here,” he declared, speaking of a trans- meeting a young woman who calls herself izing work in early voting states. “For months, we were the only out the people of New Orleans as an extraordi- formed American city that was once “dark and “Ouisie.” He stopped for fried chicken at Willie campaign on either side of the aisle with offices and staff reaching nary example of renewal and resilience 10 years underwater.” Mae’s Scotch House, and pronounced the out to voters,” wrote Clay Middleton, her state director in South after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, while resulting grease stain on his suit a good indica- Carolina. “This head start has provided an organizing advantage.” visiting residents on tidy porch stoops and sam- ‘A rough road’ tion that he’d enjoyed his stay in the city. Clinton’s campaign has taken other steps in South Carolina to pling the fried chicken at a corner restaurant. Still, Obama acknowledged that much He held out the community center as “an showcase her clout there. She recently picked up the endorsements Nearly 2,000 people died, most in New Orleans. remains to be done. And after walking door to example of what is possible when, in the face of of two former governors, Jim Hodges and Dick Riley, who served as Video of residents seeking refuge on rooftops, door in the historic Treme section of a city tragedy and in the face of hardship, good peo- education secretary during Bill Clinton’s administration. Her cam- inside the Superdome stadium and at the con- reborn from tragedy, he cautioned that “just ple come together to lend a hand and, brick by paign’s chairman, John Podesta, appeared at an event in the state vention center dominated news coverage as because the housing is nice doesn’t mean our brick, block by block, neighborhood by neigh- last week. Katrina came to symbolize government failure job is done.” Areas of the city still suffer from borhood, you build a better future.” During a trip to the Iowa State Fair earlier this month, former at every level. high poverty, he said, and young people still “And that more than any other reason is Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin joined Clinton and endorsed her campaign. Obama was a new US senator when take the wrong path. There is more to be done why I’ve come back here today,” he said. In his When she returned to Iowa this week, she was joined by Agriculture Katrina’s powerful winds and driving rain bore to confront “structural inequities that existed speech, Obama said Katrina helped expose Secretary Tom Vilsack, a former Iowa governor who wrote in an op- down on Louisiana on Aug. 29, 2005. The storm long before the storm happened,” he added. inequalities that long plagued New Orleans and ed in the Gazette of Cedar Rapids that he intended to caucus for her, caused major damage to the Gulf Coast from In his remarks at the community center, left too many people, especially minorities, “plain and simple.” Texas to central Florida while powering a storm Obama blended the same themes of resilience without good jobs, affordable health care or Clinton’s fundraising apparatus has extensive overlap with surge that breached the system of levees and renewal that he drew from encounters with decent housing and too many kids growing up Biden’s, causing some awkwardness among their donors. Clinton’s meant to protect New Orleans from flooding. the sturdy residents he met along Magic Street in the midst of violent crime and attending inef- campaign, however, is not leaving an opening in fundraising, lining Obama spoke Thursday to hundreds of resi- and at other locations. Leah Chase, the 92-year- ficient schools. up about three dozen events in September. While her husband pre- dents assembled at a bustling new community old proprietor of Dooky Chase’s Restaurant, was The setting of his address at the community sides over the annual Clinton Global Initiative meeting in New York center in an area of the Lower 9th Ward that one of those to chat with Obama. She pro- center spoke to the stark contrasts that remain. in late September, Clinton will raise money at seven fundraisers was once under 17 feet (5 meters) of water. nounced herself a fan of the man, saying he’d It sits near nicely renovated homes but also planned in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Following her West “There’s something in you guys that is just handled “a rough road.” next to a boarded-up wooden house. Colette Coast swing, she will tap into the network of country music stars irrepressible,” he told the crowd. “The people of Chase - who’s known as the “Queen of Pichon Battle, executive director of Gulf Coast Faith Hill and Tim McGraw at a Nashville fundraiser on Sept 29. New Orleans didn’t just inspire me, you inspired Creole Cuisine” - said, “That’s all you have to do: Center for Law & Policy, cautioned against slap- Those advocating for a Biden run say they will be able to build a all of America.” Obama held out the city’s come- handle what’s handed to you,” voicing what ping too happy a face on New Orleans, saying vibrant primary organization and have already solicited commit- back as a metaphor for what’s happening all could be a credo for the city. Obama was clearly “rebuilding since the storm favors privileged ments from a number of Clinton backers who say they are ready to across a nation that has moved from economic energized by his visits, at one point breaking private enterprise and this illusion of recovery is switch sides. — AP crisis to higher ground. “Look at what’s hap- into a song from “The Jeffersons” sitcom after not progress.” — AP China worries to dominate Japan needs firm to Africa uneasy as China turmoil BusinessTokyo trading next week 16set female exec goals 17 threatens investment boom 18 SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 Fears aside, business leaders eager for migrant workers 19

BEIJING: A Chinese investor monitors stock prices at at a brokerage house. — AP Asian stocks rally, Europe stumbles Rollercoaster of a week ends on bright note

LONDON: Asia stocks rose yesterday on strong percent of global output. “We end the week on rout. Beijing has sought to mitigate those con- better shape. “It gave credence to the story that US economic growth figures, but European mar- another positive note, and the craziness we’ve cerns in recent days by taking a series of meas- the US economy could be building momentum,” kets stumbled at the end of a torrid week that has seen over the last couple of weeks seems to be ures, from boosting the amount its massive state he said. “We seem to have gained some sort of been plagued by worries over China’s slowdown. dissipating,” said Chris Weston, chief markets pension fund can invest in stocks, to cutting inter- stability and people are focusing more on the Global equities were hammered on Black strategist at IG Markets. Markets across the world est rates and slashing the amount of money underlying strength of the US economy.” Monday as risk-averse investors dumped shares saw recoveries, with the S&P 500 surging to its banks need to hold in reserve. on spreading panic that the flagging Chinese second straight gain on Wall Street on Thursday. The measures are not only aimed at increasing Dollar boosted economy could spark a new world recession. In Asia yesterday, Tokyo jumped 3.03 percent cash flow in China, but also at reviving confi- The latest data boosted the dollar as well as oil However, sentiment was soothed by Tuesday’s higher and Shanghai gained 4.82 percent. Seoul, dence that Beijing can steer the economy away prices on Thursday, but caution crept in yester- interest rate cut from the People’s Bank of China Sydney, and several other Asian markets also from a hard landing and keep global growth on day. In London foreign exchange deals yesterday, (PBoC) and by Thursday’s bright gross domestic rose. Hong Kong, however, dropped 1.04 percent course. Markets took their lead, however, from the dollar edged up to 136.32 yen and $1.1286. product (GDP) data in the United States. despite making early gains. In Europe, Frankfurt the US growth report, which, though it covered Eyes were turning toward a central banking sym- “After a hectic rollercoaster of a week across and Paris stocks fell by 0.69 percent and 0.51 per- only through June, confirmed the economy has posium that the US Federal Reserve was hosting financial markets, many will be glad to see the cent respectively, with London shedding 0.23 not yet been undermined much by China’s in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, which lasts until back of it,” said London Capital Group analyst percent. All began the day with modest rises. downturn. Saturday. Brenda Kelly. “The moves by the PBoC and the The advances across key Asian bourses first It added to other strong recent data on con- Investors hope for indication whether the US better-than-expected US GDP has revived risk began on Wednesday, when markets-with the sumer confidence and durable goods orders. central bank believes the global turmoil is severe taking to a degree.” Tokyo led the gains yester- exception of Shanghai-began to find their foot- “The US economy continues to perform on a con- enough to delay a long-expected hike in interest day, with Shanghai and several other markets in ing. The Chinese market made substantial gains sistent basis... (showing) that its economic recov- rates. On Wednesday, New York Federal Reserve tow, and oil prices zoomed higher after the US the following day, however, indicating prices ery is sustainable,” said FXTM chief market analyst head William Dudley said that the Chinese tur- reported a surprisingly strong new estimate of have, for the moment, found their floor, dealers Jameel Ahmad. Concerns in the recent stock mar- moil had made the arguments for a rate rise in economic growth for the second quarter. said. ket panic focused on China’s role in past years as September “less compelling.” Gains from upbeat The latest data, which showed the world’s the main driver of global growth, with Europe in releases in the US were tempered, however, by biggest economy grew at an annual rate of 3.7 China mitigating concerns the doldrums and the United States struggling to data in Japan that showed that inflation in the percent in the April-June quarter, buoyed mar- The latest advances come as a relief to maintain a recovery. But Chris Green, an Asian powerhouse fell back to zero in July while kets that have been worried over the faltering investors who at one point saw $8 trillion wiped Auckland-based strategist at First NZ Capital Ltd., household spending dropped for a second Chinese economy, which accounts for some 13 off global markets in a two-week stock market said the figures showed the US economy was in straight month. — AP BUSINESS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

China banks report flat H1 net profits

SHANGHAI: Two of China’s biggest lenders, expansion. China’s economy grew 7.0 per- only 0.3 percent on-year to 104.32 billion the bank has a difficult task of preventing including the main foreign exchange dealer cent in each of the first two quarters, slowing Yuan, a statement to the Hong Kong stock and controlling business risks,” Liu said. Its Bank of China, reported flat net profits for from a 7.4 percent expansion last year, which exchange showed late Thursday. The bank, bad loans rose to 159.54 billion Yuan, imply- the first half of 2015, due to the weak was its weakest since 1990. which has traditionally served rural areas of ing an NPL ratio of 1.83 percent by the end domestic economy and growing bad loans. BOC’s non-performing loans (NPLs) China, said downward pressure on the world of June, up from 1.54 percent at the end of Bank of China (BOC) net profit rose a mere reached 125.05 billion Yuan in the first half, and domestic economies, as well as last year, according to the statement. 1.14 percent year-on-year to 90.75 billion for an NPL ratio of 1.41 percent by the end of increased bad loans, weighed on its per- The bank’s stock fell 2.84 percent in yuan ($14.18 billion), the bank said yesterday June, higher than 1.18 percent at the end of formance. Hong Kong and rose 1.01 percent in in a statement to the Hong Kong stock last year, the statement showed. The bank’s “Currently, global economic develop- Shanghai yesterday after the announce- exchange, where it is listed. stock price fell 3.53 percent in Hong Kong ment remains unstable and uncertain. ment. The Industrial and Commercial Bank The bank said the global economy expe- and was unchanged in Shanghai yesterday China’s economy is still confronted with of China, the country’s biggest bank, on rienced sluggish growth in the first half and before the results were announced. great downward pressure,” bank Chairman Thursday reported a less than one percent it was also seeking to adjust to China’s “new Another of China’s “Big Four” state- Liu Shiyu said in the statement. “In the face year-on-year rise in net profit to 149.02 bil- normal”-the authorities’ preferred term for owned banks, Agricultural Bank of China of various challenges such as increasing non- lion Yuan for the first half, also affected by slower but hopefully more sustainable (ABC), said its net profit for the first half rose performing loans and slowing profit growth, the slowing economy. — AFP

Q&A about this week’s China market turmoil

BEIJING: With the Chinese stock market turmoil that incited global panic abated - at least for now - here are some questions and answers about it, as well as lessons to learn: Why did the Chinese stock market plunge? China’s main stock index tumbled nearly 23 percent over five days before returning to positive territory Thursday and yesterday. It had more than doubled over 12 months from June 2014 as state media encouraged the public to invest even after economic growth began to slow. That fostered expectations the government would intervene if needed to keep the market from falling. By June, stocks were “trading at sky-high, rocket-crazy valuations,” said Dickie Wong, executive direc- tor of research at Kingston Financial Group in Hong Kong. Prices started to fall in mid-June after regulators tightened margin financing to limit the amount brokerages could lend to customers to trade shares. That prompted concern authorities would no longer sup- port share prices. As those fears spread, panicky investors dumped shares. The central bank’s Aug. 11 devaluation of the yuan accelerated the declines by fanning concern the move would accelerate an out- flow of capital from China, leaving less credit to finance stock trading. Authorities responded with a flurry of measures to shore up prices, including barring big shareholders from selling and ordering broker- ages and pension funds to buy. But that blizzard of announcements confused small shareholders and fueled panic. “It gave an even harder hit to the stock market and made those local investors even more fear- ful,” said Wong. Why did global investors react with such alarm? China is the world’s second-largest economy and has been a key TOKYO: A woman passes before a share prices board. — AFP driver of global growth for several years. Signs of a slowdown in China’s economy began to emerge earlier this year, but the market China worries to dominate kept climbing. So when the market began to slide in mid-June, global investors began to take note. When the drops worsened and Shanghai index tumbled 8.5 percent on Monday, that spooked international investors who were already worried about the possibility of higher US Tokyo trading next week interest rates, prompting a global sell-off. Most people outside China can’t even invest in the country’s stock market, but as worries persist about tenuous global growth, “anything that suggests that the World’s number two economy awaits results prospects look more dim is going to send equity investors running for cover,” said Lori Heinel, chief portfolio strategist at State Street Global TOKYO: Lingering worries about China will from the US this week, including a sharp for next weekend. The Fed’s regional Advisors. dominate Tokyo trading next week, analysts upward revision to second-quarter GDP to economies Beige Book report and US trade Is China’s stock market a reliable indicator of its economic said, after global equity markets took a annual growth of 3.7 percent, from 2.3 per- data are among a string of figures due next prospects? roller-coaster ride on fears a slowdown in cent, along with solid durable goods figures week. Not really. Chinese stock markets have little connection to the rest the world’s number two economy would also helped fuel optimism. Dealers will keep a close eye on those of the government-dominated economy. The biggest companies are weigh on global growth. The Nikkei 225 at But concerns over China will likely hang reports for the latest clue about the health state-owned and their health is decided by official policy, not the mar- the Tokyo Stock Exchange ended a wild over equity markets as investors mull of the world’s top economy, and the possi- ket. So traders respond to government cues and the availability of week down 1.54 percent at 19,136.32, with whether the moves by Beijing will be ble timing for a Fed rate hike. On currency credit to finance speculation. Stock prices can rise when the economy a three-day rally from Wednesday pulling enough to kick-start growth in Asia’s top markets, the dollar rose to 121.12 yen, from is weakening or fall even though conditions are improving. “The the benchmark index off six-month lows. economy, Daiwa Securities said in a 121.02 yen in New York, where it firmed plunge in recent weeks has little to do with the general economic The broader Topix index of all first-sec- research note. Markets would keep a close against other major currencies on the landscape, but is merely a proper market adjustment to dispel bub- tion shares lost 1.48 percent over the week eye on the Chinese manufacturing purchas- revised GDP figures. In Tokyo share trading, bles,” said Zuo Xiaolei, chief economist for Galaxy Securities in Beijing. to end Friday at 1,549.80. The Nikkei racked ing managers’ index due next week. struggling electronics maker Sharp surged “I don’t think the performance of the stock market in China is a barom- up six straight losing sessions through 8.92 percent to 183 yen, as the top-selling eter of China’s economy.” Tuesday as markets around the world nose- Caution warranted Yomiuri newspaper said it may sell a majori- What lessons can be learned from this? dived on the uncertain outlook for China, a “Caution is warranted given the possibili- ty stake in its liquid crystal display business For one, it’s a reminder that stock markets can and do swing wildly, key driver of global growth now seen as a ty that slowdown worries over China will be to rival Japan Display. Meanwhile, the and should be viewed as long-term investments for people with a tol- potential threat to the world economy. rekindled” if the data disappoint, Daiwa weaker yen supported exporters, including erance of risk. After an uninterrupted four-year rise by US stocks, “I After China’s central bank chopped said. Investors are also awaiting news from Fuji Heavy Industries, maker of Subaru think people have forgotten that equity markets go down as well as interest rates and cut the amount of money an annual US Federal Reserve symposium in brand vehicles, which jumped 5.56 percent up,” said State Street’s Heinel. Another lesson is that China’s stock mar- banks must hold in reserve, global investors Jackson Hole, Wyoming, this weekend, fol- to 4,294.0 yen. Auto giant Toyota soared ket has become big and closely watched. Though it’s a poor indicator returned to buying and drove up major lowed by a meeting of finance chiefs and 4.55 percent to 7,346 yen, while Sony added of China’s well-being, and most of the world is shut out of it, investors indexes around the world. Upbeat data central bankers from G7 nations scheduled 3.86 percent to 3,169.5 yen. — AFP need to know more about it. — AP BUSINESS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Kyrgyzstan hails ‘historical’ China-financed power line

BISHKEK: Ex-Soviet republic Kyrgyzstan yes- “Workers in the energy sector, especially vet- China’s economic influence in Central 1990s China has pledged to build a railway terday inaugurated a Chinese-financed pow- erans, are well aware of this. Today we can Asia has grown tremendously in the last up to 300 kilometers-long linking its restive er line officials say will bring energy inde- say that Kyrgyzstan gained energy inde- decade, surpassing its traditional partner western Xinjiang region to Uzbekistan via pendence to the country, one of the many pendence.” Russia in regional trade and encompassing Kyrgyzstan. The railway-which would cost projects Beijing has sponsored in the region. In the Soviet era, the electrical grids of deals worth tens of billions of dollars with over $2 billion-is opposed by many in The 450-kilometre Datka-Kemin power line Central Asia republics were unified, meaning energy-rich Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, who argue it could lead to over- is expected to save Kyrgyzstan millions in that as much as one third of Kyrgyzstan’s Uzbekistan. China, to which Kyrgyzstan whelming migration from the country’s 1.3 transit fees, as its electricity will no longer domestically-produced energy transited owes more than $1 billion in external debt, is billion-strong neighbor and add to growing pass through neighboring Uzbekistan and through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan before also financing a number of other key proj- dependence on Beijing. These projects Kazakhstan. “We are witnessing a historic returning to the country. The $390 million ects in the resource-poor country. complement Beijing’s Silk Road Economic event,” Kyrgyz President Almazbek deal to build the power line was struck with In June, Beijing allocated $300 million in Belt, a vision of massive investments in infra- Atambayev said at the power line’s inaugu- the Chinese Tebian Electric Apparatus Stock credit to help Kyrgyzstan build a North- structure and trade links across Eurasia to ration in the provincial town of Kemin. Company (TBEA) in 2010. South road across its territory. Since the mid- increase its heft in the vast region. — AFP

Oil markets relived after biggest gains in six years

SEOUL: Crude oil futures were largely steady yesterday after posting their biggest one-day rally in over six years the day before led by recov- ering equity markets and news of diminished crude supplies. Stock mar- kets around the world rallied on Thursday, shaking off a slump related to China growth fears, as strong US economic data boosted investor senti- ment, and the dollar advanced for a third consecutive session. Front-month October Brent crude had dipped 20 cents to $47.36 per barrel as of 0046 GMT. It settled $4.42 higher at $47.56 per barrel in the previous session. US crude edged down 3 cents to $42.53 per barrel, after ending up $3.96, or 10.3 percent, at $42.56 per barrel, its biggest one-day percentage gain since March 2009. “A short covering rally, led by crude oil pushed commodities higher across the board. Better than expected US GDP numbers was the main spark, although the force majeure on BP’s exports from Nigeria extend- ed the gains,” ANZ said in a note yesterday morning. “The recovery in commodity prices looks fragile with concerns over China’s growth still weighing on market activity,” the bank added. The US economy grew faster than initially thought in the second quarter on solid domestic demand. Gross domestic product expanded at a 3.7 percent annual pace instead of the 2.3 percent rate reported last month, the Commerce Department said on Thursday in its second GDP estimate for the April- June period. Shell’s Nigerian unit, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), declared force majeure on Bonny Light crude oil exports on Thursday after shutting down two key pipelines in the country due to a TOKYO: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, center, poses for a photo with participants during a reception of leak and theft. China’s falling auto sales have been at the forefront of WAW or the World Assembly for Women. — AP concerns that its economy is slowing much faster than expected, weigh- ing on oil prices. Venezuela has been contacting other members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), pushing for an emergency meeting with Russia to come up with a plan to stop the Japan needs firms to set global oil price rout, the Wall Street Journal reported. Myanmar airport project female exec hiring goals postponed by four years Labor shortages arise as population ages YANGON: A long-delayed international airport project in Myanmar has been postponed again, by four years this time, because of a TOKYO: Japanese lawmakers approved met and does not address a lack of women. “We will more proactively value delay in securing funds, state media and an official source said yes- a law yesterday requiring large employ- enforcement of existing requirements and support companies working to pro- terday. A South Korean company first planned to build the ers to set and publicize targets for hiring for companies to give equal pay for vide a sound work-life balance,” he said. Hanthawaddy International Airport on an old World War Two or promoting women as managers. The equal work. Nearly half of all women stop working Japanese airfield near the town of Bago, about 100 km north of the law approved by a vote of 230-1 in the Provisions for ensuring such equal to raise young children and then return commercial city Yangon. However, the project was abandoned in House of Councillors is intended to pro- treatment for contract or part-time work- to part-time or contractual work that 1994, soon after a groundbreaking ceremony. The state-run Global mote greater gender equality and count- ers have been watered down in recent pays much less than career track jobs. New Light of Myanmar newspaper said the country’s fourth interna- er labor shortages that are arising as labor reform legislation, says Richard Japan’s rigid corporate culture, with long tional airport was now expected to open in seven years. “The launch Japan’s population ages and declines. Katz of the Oriental Economist. “The Abe hours and limited opportunities for date of the fourth international airport in the country, had been put The decision coincided with an inter- Administration had a chance this year to women, means they are only about 11 off from 2018 to 2022 due to delays in getting ODA (official devel- national conference showcasing Prime do something that would be genuinely percent of all managers and supervisors opment assistance),” the newspaper said, citing Deputy Director Minister Shinzo Abe’s commitment to effective in raising wages: putting in a in Japan. Min Lwin Oo of the Civil Aviation Department. increasing the share of women in leader- solid equal pay for equal work provision The government exceeded its target A senior Transport Ministry official confirmed the project had ship positions to 30 percent. Japan now in the law. Instead, it took the opposite of increasing the number of women it been delayed because of a difficulty in seeking fund. “Frankly, major lags most other industrial countries in tack and actively defeated the attempt,” hired for career track positions to 34.4 construction work still hasn’t started at the site as talks are still going this respect, and Abe has spearheaded Katz wrote in a recent research paper. percent. It has also required publicly list- on for the ODA,” said the official who declined to be identified as he various empowerment initiatives, vow- ed companies to report the number of not an authorized spokesman. He declined to give further details. ing to make it a society where “women ‘Work-life balance’ women on their boards of directors. Abe The project was revived in 2012 when tourist arrivals were shine.” Officials say the government plans to said that figure has increased by about a boosted by political and economic reforms after a government led The law is effective for the coming 10 publicly recognize companies that make third since he took office. Women work- by civilians took office after nearly 50 years of military rule. The proj- years and applies to companies with 300 progress toward their targets and give ing in managerial positions in the gov- ect attracted criticism because of the lack of a plan to transfer pas- employees or more. Small and medium them preference in winning public con- ernment say that conditions are fair, but sengers to Yangon. In 2014, a Japan-Singapore consortium called companies account for more than 99 tracts. “The greatest challenge facing that working hours remain punishingly Yongnam-CAPE-JGCC won a bid to build the airport at a cost of $1.5 percent of all companies and more than Japan is our declining population, long. Harassment of working mothers is billion with 49 percent of that being secured through an ODA loan 70 percent of all employment in Japan, brought about by our aging society and so endemic that Japanese have coined and the rest from private loans and the consortium. — Reuters according to government data. It also falling birthrate,” Abe told the confer- an expression for it, “mata-hara,” or only requires that targets be set, not ence of mostly Japanese and foreign maternity harassment. — AP BUSINESS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Nestle sued for using slave caught fish in cat products

NEW YORK: Swiss food giant Nestle is Nestle works with Thai Union Frozen shifts of up to 20 hours a day with little had they known the truth-that hun- being sued in the United States for Products PCL to import more than 28 or no pay, and beatings or even death dreds of individuals are enslaved, beat- allegedly knowingly allowing its Fancy million pounds of seafood-based pet if the work is deemed unsatisfactory. en or even murdered in the production Feast cat food to contain fish from a food for top brands sold in the United “By hiding this from public view, of its pet food.” Nestle lists protection Thai supplier that uses slave labor. Pet States, and that some of the ingredi- Nestle has effectively tricked millions of human rights as one of its Corporate food buyers who filed the class action ents in those products came from slave of consumers into supporting and Business Principles. But “Nestle has lawsuit on Thursday in US federal court labor. encouraging slave labor on floating failed to uphold its responsibility to in Los Angeles seek to represent all Men and boys, often trafficked from prisons,” said Steve Berman, managing ensure the absence of slave labor in its consumers of Fancy Feast Thailand’s poorer neighbors Myanmar partner of the Hagens Berman law firm. supply chains-and even worse, Nestle who would not have purchased the and Cambodia, are sold to fishing boat “It’s a fact that the thousands of pur- not only supported these human rights product had they known it had ties to captains who need crews aboard their chasers of its top-selling pet food prod- violations, but forced consumers to slave labor. According to the lawsuit, ship, the complaint said. It spoke of ucts would not have bought this brand unknowingly do the same.”— AFP

Mugabe inks law to end mass lay-offs

HARARE: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has signed a new law banning mass lay-offs following a spate of redundancies that unions say put 30,000 people out of work, local media reported yesterday. The Supreme Court ruled last month that employers could fire workers after giving them three months’ notice and an equivalent of three months’ salary. Several companies, including top mobile service provider Econet and the state-owned Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, sacked many workers to tackle huge wage bills and rising operational costs. The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions tried to stage protests in the capital Harare two weeks ago, but police banned the event and briefly arrested union leaders. Labor unions say more than 30,000 workers have been forced out of jobs in just a few weeks. The new law compels employers to give notice to workers’ representatives and a government board before any redundancies are processed. Zimbabwe’s economy has been on a downward spiral for more than a decade amid slow growth, low liquidity and high unemployment. Many companies have closed, down- MAPUTO: In this file picture taken on February 6, 2009 a Chinese supervisor gives instructions to fellow workers on the sized or relocated to neighboring countries. — AFP construction site of the National stadium in Zimpeto. — AFP Africa uneasy as China turmoil Nigeria to stop its threatens investment boom crude oil exports LAGOS: Nigeria is moving to rapidly diversify the coun- try’s economy to stop its dependency on crude oil Vast scale future projects under threat exports, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said Thursday. Nigeria has depended on oil as its major source JOHANNESBURG: When Chinese company mond mines in Zimbabwe-and a spate of Celeste Fauconnier, Africa analyst at Rand of revenue in the last three decades at the expense of Shanghai Zendai bought 1,600 hectares of shiny sports stadiums-Africa counted on China Merchant Bank. “We should be concerned.” agriculture and other sectors, Buhari said. He spoke as he land outside Johannesburg in 2013, it prom- for investment, infrastructure and jobs. Beijing Already, countries are reeling from the received new ambassadors. Buhari, who took power in ised to build the “New York of Africa.” The even built the $200 million African Union Chinese turmoil, with commodity prices falling late May, inherited near-empty coffers, tens of thousands sleepy district of Modderfontein would be headquarters in the Ethiopian capital Addis to a 16-year low, according to the Bloomberg of unpaid civil servants and an economy battered by a transformed into a $7.8 billion metropolis Ababa in 2012 as a gift expressing “friendship Commodity Index tracking 22 raw materials. sharp drop in oil prices. with a forest of skyscrapers, 35,000 houses to the African people.” Chinese companies are Bureaucrats have had their pay delayed in Africa’s largest economy and oil producer has also been and a sanctuary of green space to rival involved in hydropower projects in Zambia, Nigeria after the price of oil collapsed to less plagued by widespread corruption, especially in the oil sec- Central Park. Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo. than $50 a barrel and depleted state coffers. tor. In July, a government body revealed more than $20 bil- The planned city became a symbol of China built a huge shopping mall in In South Africa, iron ore sales tumbled 36.9 lion in oil revenue to be missing. Despite the challenges, China’s seemingly limitless ambition across the Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, laid a ring road percent since last year and mining companies Nigeria is still attracting investment due to the scale of the African continent. But as global alarm bells around Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, have announced major layoffs. “We are wor- market, according to analysts. South African supermarket ring over China’s slowing economic growth, and invested billions in Nigeria’s newly refur- ried because China is one of the major con- giant Shoprite announced last week that it will open 14 future projects on the vast scale of bished Lagos-Kano rail line. China has also sumers,” said Fredson Yamba, a treasury offi- new stores in addition to the existing 12 in Nigeria. Modderfontein could be under threat. “It’s like funded coal power stations, roads and schools cial in Zambia, which derives almost 70 per- “Nigeria isn’t a particularly appealing market. It’s a very we had a big party and the hangover is going in Botswana, mines in Namibia, and in Malawi cent of its export earnings from copper. difficult place to do business, growth is stalling, and the to continue a bit longer than we anticipated,” it provided funds for a new parliament, a uni- retail sector is much less well-developed than other mar- Dennis Dykes, head economist at South versity, hotels and conference centres. Exacerbated problems Africa’s Nedbank, told AFP. However, the rapid pace of investment could The China slowdown has exacerbated kets, like Kenya,” said John Ashbourne, the Africa expert in “It was unrealistic to believe that China be at risk as China grapples with weak demand problems in African countries that depended Capital Economics, a leading macro-economic research would continue operating at the level it was.” for its goods and a schizophrenic stock market. on high commodity prices to balance their firm. “But the potential for growth is absolutely jaw-drop- For the past decade, China gobbled up much books, with South Africa particularly hard hit. ping if you manage to get in, as they say, on the ground of the commodities that Africa produces, over- ‘Drunk on China’s growth’ “It has impacts on our current account bal- floor of a country that could have 500 million people within taking the United States in 2009 to became Many experts now question the sturdiness ance, it has implications on our trade balance,” a few decades. “ the continent’s single largest trading partner. of China’s growth and warn of the inevitable said Hugo Pienaar, economist at the University Ashbourne said expansion of the economy of just Lagos, Surging commodity prices helped the sub- damage to those countries who rely on it. “The of Stellenbosch Bureau for Economic Research. the country’s commercial capital, is almost as big as Saharan Africa region grow at over four per- first impact is on commodity prices, which “You’ll see it in investment numbers and you’ll Angola’s. “If independent, (Lagos) would be Sub-Saharan cent annually for two decades. directly influences Africa. The second is invest- see it in employment numbers, and that has Africa’s fourth largest economy, after the rest of Nigeria, From power plants in Botswana to dia- ment, which will obviously slow down,” said spillover effects.”— AFP South Africa, and Angola,” he said. — AP BUSINESS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Greece’s caretaker govt sworn in ahead of vote

ATHENS: Greece’s new caretaker government, led by the nation’s first female prime minister, was sworn yesterday as the country heads to early elections next month, the third time Greeks will go to the polls this year. Prime Minister Vassiliki Thanou, a top judge, and her cabinet will lead the country to elections expected to be on Sept. 20, follow- ing outgoing prime minister Alexis Tsipras’ resignation last week. He stepped down following a rebellion by members of his radical- left Syriza party who objected to his agreement with the conditions of Greece’s third international bailout. The new cabinet may be in power for less than a month but it will have to oversee the implementation of several of the austerity measures which are conditions of the new bailout. The critical finance ministry post went to Giorgos Houliarakis, an academic who had been on Greece’s negotiating team during talks with creditors, while veteran diplomat Petros Moliviatis was named foreign minister, a position he has held twice in the past including in the last caretaker government in 2012. A highly popular singer, Alkistis Protopsalti, was named tourism minister. Thanou, the 65-year-old head of the Supreme Court, had been sworn in on Thursday. Tsipras, who resigned barely seven months into his four-year mandate, has said he needs a stronger mandate to implement the tough austerity measures accompanying the three- year, 86 billion Euro bailout. The first major opinion poll since elec- tions were called, published in the left-leaning Efimerida ton Syntakton newspaper yesterday, found small support for his move.

Approval sliding Sixty-four percent said Tsipras was wrong to call the snap poll, compared to 24 percent who considered it correct. The remainder took no position or did not reply. Although Syriza was still the most popular party, the poll showed its approval ratings sliding since early AUE, Germany: Asylum seekers are wrapped in blankets after a fire yesterday in the courtyard of an asylum July, before a referendum in which Tsipras successfully urged Greeks seeker accommodation. — AFP to reject creditor reform proposals. Those intending to vote for Syriza stood at 23 percent in the new poll, compared to 26 percent in an early July survey by the same com- Fears aside, business leaders pany. The conservative New Democracy party stood at 19.5 percent, up from 15 percent in July. The small nationalist Independent Greeks, Syriza’s partner in the coalition government, were backed by 2 per- eager for migrant workers cent, below the 3 percent threshold needed to enter Parliament. Tsipras has ruled out a coalition with any of the center-right or center- left parties if he fails to win a majority to govern outright, meaning he Employers welcome stream of young refugees would face problems forming a government unless a party that didn’t make it into parliament last time manages to win above 3 percent. LONDON: Raghad Al Sous braved bomb- appear to be well educated, making them positive impact from immigration for Support for remaining in Europe’s joint currency remained high, ings in Syria to keep studying at school potentially attractive to employers in their developed economies. The Organization with 68 percent in the poll saying they believe the country should before fleeing in 2013 to rejoin her mother, host countries. Germany’s government for Economic Co-operation and remain in the euro even if it means further austerity and sacrifices. who had been granted refugee status in expects the number of refugees and asy- Development estimates that migrants Forty-eight percent said the government got the best deal it could for Britain. She is now about to start studying lum-seekers to quadruple this year to accounted for 70 percent of the increase in the third bailout, while 45 percent disagreed. The poll was conducted at university with the hope of becoming a 800,000, part of the biggest refugee crisis Europe’s workforce in the 10 years to 2014. by the ProRata company on Aug. 25-26 with a sample of 1,000 people hospital pharmacist. “I had to walk to seen in Europe since World War II. European employers say they need more nationwide and had a margin of error of 3 percentage points. — AP school and take the risk of being kidnapped Berlin has responded by sending gov- foreign workers to fill a range of jobs from but I kept on going because I knew that I ernment officials to emergency shelters to highly-skilled positions to lower-paid had to get a qualification,” al Sous said. speed up skills assessments and language menial positions that native Europeans no France’s economy minister Two years after moving from Damascus training for those likely to be allowed to longer want to take. to Huddersfield in northern England, the stay in the country. “The hope is to open At the same time, researchers mostly stumbles on 35-hour-week 19 year-old’s plans for a well-paid career the labor market more for refugees,” say immigrants contribute more in taxes contrast with concerns among some Harald Loehlein, head of migration at than they take in state benefits, a positive PARIS: France’s divisive economy minister has once again made Britons that migrants are a drag on the Paritatische, an umbrella organization of for governments many of which are still waves among Socialists by criticizing the country’s sacrosanct 35- country’s economy and public services. “I German NGOs, said. “It is because of the struggling to get their public finances in hour week just as the ruling party gathers for its annual conference. feel like I have to pay back the favor that demographic trends. Everybody knows we order after the financial crisis. A study by Emmanuel Macron, a 37-year-old former investment banker whose this country has given me,” she said. “They need more migrants.” University College London found immi- appointment last year created a stir among the leftist rebel rump of saved my life. I can’t thank the UK enough.” grants to Britain, from within the EU and the party, told a gathering of business leaders that those on the left Across Europe, employers have largely Fear factor beyond, represented a net positive for the were not “exempt from criticism.” “A long time ago, the left welcomed a stream of young and often But the images of crowds pouring over public accounts, and brought with them believed... that France would be better off if people worked less. That well-educated foreign workers who are borders in eastern Europe are likely to keep qualifications that would have cost nearly was a wrong idea,” he said Thursday, in a thinly-veiled criticism of the helping to offset the ageing of the popula- concerns about immigration high. A survey 7 billion pounds in education spending in 35-hour law introduced under the government of former Socialist tion. Britain this week said net migration by the European Commission published in Britain. Furthermore, immigrants were less Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. Supporters say the flagship policy of levels hit a record high of 330,000 in the July showed immigration jumped to the likely to claim benefits than native Britons, the French left creates jobs by limiting the amount of time employ- year to March as workers from other EU top of the list of worries for people across the study found. ees are allowed to work, thereby encouraging companies to take on countries and from outside the bloc Europe, overtaking concerns about the Critics of the UCL research said it more staff. But critics at home and abroad say it is an inflexible law flocked to take up jobs. economy. In France, employers say they underestimated the cost of providing pub- that hampers business and creates a bloated workforce. While media said the figures showed a cannot match the enthusiasm in Germany lic services to migrants. Aware of the pub- Socialist leaders were quick to bring Macron back into line Friday, failure of control by the government, the for hiring foreign workers because France’s lic’s concerns about overloading schools just as the annual party conference opened in the western coastal Institute of Directors, an employers group, unemployment rate of more than 10 per- and hospitals, campaigners say govern- city of La Rochelle. Prime Minister Manuel Valls said the 35-hour said half its members companies cent is double that of Germany. ments should invest the extra tax revenues week would not be reformed. “The real issues are employment and employed immigrants because of their “We don’t have enough jobs for the generated by migrant workers in public growth. Small comments harm public life,” he added, while Macron skills and said UK public services depended French people. It’s easier to give jobs to services and infrastructure. himself said he was not talking specifically about the 35-hour week on them. The situation is less clear for migrant people in Germany,” Pierre Gattaz, But Christian Dustmann, one of the but of work in general. This is not the first time that the clean-cut for- many of the hundreds of thousands of head of French employers group Medef, researchers who wrote last year’s UCL mer Rothschild banker has irritated Socialists who see his appoint- people from the Middle East, Africa and said. Britain’s government also says it is report, said that while little information ment as a shift to the right for the government. Just one day into his Asia who, unlike documented migrants, sticking to its plan to bring net migration was available on the new arrivals, some job in August last year, he kicked off a political firestorm with com- are trying to dodge border controls to under 100,000 a year - less than a third of early signs were positive. “Many of the ments about... the 35-hour week. “We could allow companies and enter Europe. the current rate - and its foreign minister people who are seeking refugee status are sectors... to depart from the rules on working time and pay,” Macron Non-governmental organizations in recently said African migrants posed a very highly educated and would probably told Le Point weekly. He later described France as being “sick.”— AFP Germany say that many of those fleeing threat to Europe’s standard of living. be very productive and they are young,” the war in Syria and from Iran and Iraq Yet academic research often points to a Dustmann said. — Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Brazil falls into another recession this quarter

RIO DE JANEIRO: Brazil has fallen back into pally to China. Falling prices for oil and other to what Brazil has been experiencing recent- 2016 at a shallower rate. That survey also recession, deepening the gloom in the commodities have punched huge holes in ly: a strong recession, a pretty turbulent showed that inflation remains forecast at world’s seventh largest economy already the budget. Adding to the economic malaise political situation, with inflation rising, with 9.32 percent this year, but it raised the 2016 battered by falling commodity prices, politi- is a growing political crisis in which President rates rising,” said Alex Agostini, chief econo- projection for price rises to 5.44 percent cal crisis and a corruption scandal. In the sec- Dilma Rousseff faces calls for her impeach- mist at Austin Rating. “This has impacted on from 5.43 percent. Moody’s has cut Brazil’s ond quarter of this year, gross domestic ment and discontent-even among many of the confidence of investors, or businesses credit rating to near junk status, reflecting product slipped 1.9 percent, according to her own supporters-over austerity measures. and consumers.” A quick recovery is not growing struggles with debt. Yesterday’s fig- official figures released yesterday. A huge corruption investigation named expected, with unemployment rising steadi- ures showed the steepest second quarter Gross domestic product (GDP) had Operation Car Wash has revealed a bribes ly and the national currency, the real, down shrinkage in the industrial sector, which already been down 0.7 percent in the first and embezzlement scheme revolving about 25 percent this year against the US includes the troubled oil industry centered quarter, the government statistics agency around state oil giant Petrobras and involv- dollar. on Petrobras, at 4.3 percent. Agriculture, IBGE said. Brazil’s economy has been in trou- ing politicians and senior executives. Earlier this month, a central bank survey where Brazil is one of the world’s main pro- ble for four years, ever since the end of a Rousseff’s Workers’ Party has also been of economists for the first time indicated ducers of commodities like soybeans, sugar boom fueled by commodity exports, princi- dragged into the scandal. “The GDP points that the contraction will continue through and poultry, slipped 2.7 percent. — AFP

Single Canadians feel forgotten both financially and politically

OTTAWA: Benoit Lavigne has a good job but covering monthly living expenses including rent for a small Ottawa flat is a challenge, largely because he is doing it all on his own. And he wishes Canadian politi- cians cared more about his lot, instead of wooing families in upcoming October 19 elections. “All of my married friends seem better off than me, although maybe a bit more sleep-deprived with young children,” the 35-year-old transla- tor told AFP. “I feel like I’m paying for everything myself, while couples with two salaries are getting tax breaks left and right.” Singles make up 28 percent of Canadian households and are among the nation’s fastest- growing demographics, according to the government statistical agency, while the traditional nuclear family is fading. But you wouldn’t know it from listening to Canadian politicians. Tracking of Commons debates by found nearly 6,000 mentions of “Canadian families” since 1994, with the frequency doubling since the Tories swept to power in 2006. During the cam- paign, the top three political parties have promised a litany of tax breaks, benefits and programs for families. Tory proposals include increased tax relief for parents adopting chil- dren, while the New Democrats want to bring in a national daycare pro- gram and the Liberals have called for longer parental leave. In inter- views, several families said these perks will influence their vote. But a recent study by Elections Canada found that parents with children ATLANTA: In this Saturday, June 6, 2015 photo, a customer at left pays for produce with cash to a worker at a stand at under five are actually less likely to cast their ballots. the Atlanta Farmers Market. — AP Queen’s University professor Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant, who studies voting behaviors, said this is because parents of young children are too busy taking care of them. She suggested that the campaign strategy is US consumer spending climbs, really aimed at women voters. “While child care and parental leave are obviously things that concern both mothers and fathers, these have tra- ditionally been of greater salience politically to women, and that’s still wages jump to a yearly high true today,” Goodyear-Grant said. “Also, nothing suggests responsible and compassionate governance like talking about ‘working families.’” Economists encouraged by July results Alone against the world Lavigne has never missed a ballot. “It’s very annoying that my vote WASHINGTON: US consumers increased spending that is closely watched by the measured by the gross domestic product, doesn’t count much to political parties,” he said. Former Conservative their spending moderately in July, as Federal Reserve posted a tiny 0.1 percent grew at a healthy 3.7 percent pace in the strategist Tim Powers, who is also single, said it’s a numbers game. “If wages and salaries made their biggest increase in July. Over the past 12 months, April-June quarter, the government you can get two votes (couples) instead of one, you’re going to do bet- jump in eight months. Spending rose 0.3 the figure is up just 0.3 percent, reflecting reported Thursday in a sharp upward ter in an election,” he said. But his comment doesn’t account for those percent in July, helped by purchases of the big plunge in energy prices over the revision of an earlier estimate of a more couples with differing political views. A party needs to win 40 percent of big-ticket items such as cars, the past year. Excluding volatile energy and moderate gain of 2.3 percent. the popular vote to form a majority government, and singles as a group Commerce Department reported yester- food, prices are up just 1.2 percent over Part of the new-found strength came fall short. They also have a wide range of views and wants, whereas cer- day. June’s result was revised up to a the past 12 months, far below the Fed’s from an upward revision in consumer tain issues such as child care resonate with all families, so it is easier to matching 0.3 percent gain. goal of having prices rise at an annual spending, which grew at a 3.1 percent formulate policies targeting families to win their votes. “I doubt any of Incomes increased 0.4 percent in July. rate of 2 percent. rate in the spring, up sharply from a 1.8 the parties have found a way to put enough singles into one group,” The key category of wages and salaries percent increase in the first quarter when Powers said. Where singles live also matters. There are only nine elec- rose 0.5 percent, the biggest advance Recent turbulence a harsh winter kept shoppers away from toral districts-all in major cities-out of 338 where singles account for since last November. The report suggests The low inflation rate and recent tur- stores. more than 40 percent of the local population, according to a break- that consumer spending, which accounts bulence in stock markets, triggered by a Economists believe that growth will down of the electoral map by the National Post daily. for 70 percent of economic activity, got sharp slowdown in the Chinese econo- remain solid in the current July- In the last census in 2011, Statistics Canada counted 2.7 million mar- off to a good start in the third quarter as my, have left many economists believing September period. Paul Ashworth, chief ried or common-law couples with children under 18, compared to 3.7 strong momentum from the second that the central bank will keep a key US economist at Capital Economics, said million single person households (out of a total of 13 million). Common- quarter rolled into July. Economists, who interest rate unchanged when the Fed that the strength in consumer spending law and single parent households have increasingly displaced the believe the economy will be fueled in the meets in September. That is a reversal of indicated that the economy may perform nuclear family that was dominant in the 1950s, while the proportion of second half of this year by solid income expectations from just a few weeks ago better than his current estimate of a 2.5 singles has increased fourfold. Most economists agree that broad-based and spending gains, were encouraged by that the Fed would likely raise rates next percent growth rate in the third quarter. tax cuts are better for the economy. But Powers noted: “Good economic the July results. “All of the data are head- month. Analysts expect spending will be sup- policy is not always good political policy.” Although the data suggests ing in the right direction,” said Jennifer The saving rate rose to 4.9 percent in ported by further strong gains in employ- otherwise, many still insist that families need more help than singles. Lee, senior economist at BMO Capital July from 4.7 percent in June, stemming ment. The jobless rate in July was at a According to government data, the median household income of sin- Markets in a note to clients. “Except for in part from a big jump in after-tax seven-year low of 5.3 percent. With more gles in Canada is Can$31,000 (US$24,000), or a third of the median inflation.” income of 0.5 percent, the best gain since people working, that supports continued income of a two-parent household with children under 18. — AFP A key price gauge tied to consumer November. The overall economy, as gains in consumer spending. — AP in Mumbaiyesterday.—AFP Week (LFW)Winter/Festive2015 Sengupta duringLakmeFashion creation bydesignerAmalraj An Indianmodelshowcasesa


Actors performing on the set of the film ‘Muhammad’, the first part of a trilogy on the life of Actresses performing on the set of the film ‘Muhammad’, the first part of a trilogy on the life the prophet. of the prophet. Iran premieres big-budget epic film ‘Muhammad’ ran’s most expensive movie, “Muhammad”, which chronicles the childhood of the Muslim prophet, opened nationwide on IThursday, winning praise from early audiences. Directed by Majid Majidi, the 171-minute, visually stunning film cost around $40 million (36 million euros), partly funded by the state and took more than seven years to complete. Majidi says the aim of his work, the first part of a trilogy, is to reclaim the rightful image of Islam, which he said extremists have distorted. “Unfortunately at this time the impression of Islam is of a radical, fanatical and vio- lent religion, which is not what it’s about,” he said in Montreal, where “Muhammad” had its international premiere, hours after screening back home. “The barbaric acts of terrorism conducted by terrorist groups under the guise of Islam are not related to Islam,” he said, alluding to beheadings and destruction of cultural treasures by Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq. “Islam is a religion of peace, friendship and love and I tried to show this in the film.”

Ambitious goals “Muhammad”, which captures Saudi Arabia more than 1,400 years ago, offers much more than stereotypical trains of Arabs on Director Majid Majidi (second left) stands with the crew of the Iranian movie ‘Muhammad’ on August 27, 2015, during a press camels riding across yellow sand dunes. It takes cinemagoers conference for the world premiere of the movie during the Festival des Films du Monde. — AFP photos from the birth of the future prophet up to his teenage years, and is packed with miracles. The crew of “Muhammad” is indicative of “I had heard so much about it... but, to be honest, my expecta- the film’s ambition. It includes three-time Oscar-winning Italian tions were much higher than what I saw,” said Komeil Arjmandi, cinematographer Vittorio Storaro, while the score was devised by 23, who is studying film direction. “I wanted the film to rise higher India’s Allah Rakha Rahman, a double Academy Award winner for than Mr Akkad’s movie.” Yet, officials don’t want the film to be the Danny Boyle-directed blockbuster “Slumdog Millionaire”. compared with others. In order to “preserve the dignity” of the In one scene, an army of tribesmen mounted on elephants prophet, “Muhammad” was excluded from competition in Iran’s charges the holy city of Makkah to heart-pounding music, only to major Fajr festival in February and was instead showcased in a be destroyed by a flock of crows hurling stones. In another, separate showing. intensely emotional scene, the boy heals his nanny with a touch While Iran has denounced cartoons of the prophet like those of his hand. “It was very moving for us,” said Mahsa Rasoulzadeh, published by French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Shiites are 40, accompanied by her mother and teenage daughter at generally more relaxed than Sunnis about depiction of religious Kourosh Cinema in west Tehran. figures. Many showings of “Muhammad” in Shiite-majority Iran have already sold out, but the film has triggered controversy in Strong demand in Tehran the Sunni world. No announcement has yet been made on when The theatre was around two-thirds full at an 11:00 am showing the two other parts of the “Muhammad” trilogy, covering the rest on Thursday, the first day of the Iranian weekend, but afternoon of his life, will be produced. — AFP sessions were sold out in advance and two more had to be added Iranian film director Majid Majidi working on the set of his for after midnight to meet demand. Abolfazl Fatehi, 21, who came film ‘Muhammad’. to watch the film in a family group of seven, said he loved it. “I think this film can be a starting point of research for those who don’t know Islam,” he said. Mehdi Azar, a 25-year-old worker at the cinema, said that while the film’s length might put some movie-goers off, “it’s attractive enough to draw an audience. It was very attractive visually”. Outside the Imperial Cinema in Montreal, around 50 protesters chanted against Iran, accusing Majidi of betrayal and calling the event Iranian propaganda. The film is the second major produc- tion on the prophet. The first, “Muhammad, Messenger of God”, was made in 1976 by Syrian-American filmmaker Moustapha Akkad. It was a huge success with Shiite Iranians. Forty years on, with its cost around 20 times higher than any other Iran-pro- duced film, Majidi’s effort has raised high expectations. Despite broad early enthusiasm some felt the movie had not lived up to Iranian director Majid Majidi holds a press conference in Iranian actress, Sareh Bayat working on the set of the film the hype. Montreal. ‘Muhammad’. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Silence of the Lambs director to get Venice award ilence of the Lambs director Jonathan Demme is to be present- ed with the Visionary Talent award at the upcoming Venice Film SFestival, organizers announced yesterday. Demme, who will receive the prize on September 3rd, was described by Festival direc- tor Alberto Barbera as a member of “that generation of cinephile auteurs who revolutionized Hollywood in the Seventies” and who was capable of moving easily between studio and independent pro- ductions, and from fiction to documentary work. The 71-year-old is a regular in Venice and is due to chair the jury for the Horizons world cinema section of this year’s festival which runs September 2-12 in the city of canals. Demme has made over 30 films in a career spanning five decades, including 1991’s “The Silence of the Lambs,” for which he won the best director Oscar, the acclaimed “Philadelphia” (1993) and “Married to the Mob” (1988). His Nicki Minaj latest film, “Ricki and the Flash”, starring Meryl Streep, was released in the United States earlier this month. Last year’s Visionary Talent award went to US actress Frances McDormand in recognition of her Minaj to open MTV’s 30-year career. — AFP Jonathan Demme 2015 Video Music Awards icki Minaj will open the MTV Video Music Awards this Dead rats anyone? Hollywood Sunday, MTV has announced. The female MC will join pre- Nviously announced performers Justin Bieber and The Weeknd at the ceremony. Pharrell Williams, Demi Lovato, gets creative to promote movies Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Tori Kelly, A$AP Rocky and Twenty One Pilots will also hit the VMA stage. Minaj provided a ant to create buzz for a space movie? Take journalists to a After the media day, “The Martian” trailer became one of the prelude to the announcement via Instagram post. She shared a real NASA lab. Promoting a horror film? Order up taxider- top entertainment news stories, garnering 4.8 million views on photo of a sonogram featuring a Moonman statue in place of a Wmied rats and have zombies deliver them. Hollywood stu- Facebook and 3.3 million views on YouTube in just 48 hours. “It gestating baby. The singer’s post both teased the news of her dios are going to ever more creative lengths to attract attention in a makes sense for studios to spend money to get journalists to performance and nodded to the rumors that she and boyfriend jam-packed entertainment market where social media plays a key tweet and use social media because they believe it somehow will Meek Mill were expecting a baby. role in promoting content. For Matt Damon’s October film “The turn into box office dollars,” said Entertainment Weekly film The VMA lineup continues to boost its star power as the event Martian,” in which an astronaut is stranded on Mars, 20th Century reporter Nicole Sperling. Trailers are becoming the fast, bite-size draws nearer. Miley Cyrus will host the proceedings, and Kanye Fox Studios hosted a media day last week at the US National way to attract an audience at a time when five or more movies a West will be receiving the ceremony’s highest honor, the Michael Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory week are released in the United States.In August, movie reporters, Jackson Video Vanguard Award. Minaj’s association with this in Southern California just to promote a trailer. including from Reuters, received a visit from two men with zombie year’s edition of the awards show already made headlines earlier Journalists got a sneak peek at the first 50 minutes of the film, makeup, mimicking the creepy twin characters from Focus Features this summer, when the rapper tweeted her frustration that her toured the lab and interviewed Damon at its Mission Control which latest horror movie, “Sinister 2.” The “twins” delivered a wooden box music video “Anaconda” had not been nominated for Video of is usually reserved for scientists working on operations such as land- with a taxidermied rat and a USB card with a link to the movie’s lat- the Year, the top category at the show. Her comments evoked ing the Curiosity rover on Mars in 2012. “We’re in a world with a very est trailer. “The people covering the industry are in some ways responses from a host of celebrities and musicians, most notably crowded marketplace,” said “The Martian” producer Aditya Sood. tastemakers, so even if people aren’t reading our magazines or arti- Taylor Swift, who responded as though Minaj had called her out. “We want to make sure that people get the message that the cles, they’re reading our Twitter feed,” Sperling said. —Reuters The two pop divas have since settled their beef. The VMAs will air movie’s coming out.” live from Los Angeles on Aug 30. — Reuters Lee, Rowlands, Reynolds to receive honorary Oscars irector Spike Lee and actress Gena Rowlands will receive hon- orary Oscar awards this year and film star Debbie Reynolds Dwill be awarded a humanitarian prize, Academy Award organ- izers said Thursday. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences emphasized the “extraordinary contribution” that the three legends have made to show business throughout their long careers. “We’ll be celebrating their achievements with the knowledge that the work they have accomplished-with passion, dedication and a desire to make a positive difference-will also enrich future genera- tions,” Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs said in a statement. The honorees will receive the awards-which look just like the Oscars that will be given out at the Academy Awards in February-at the Governors Awards in November. It will be the seventh annual Governors Awards, held in Hollywood. None of the honorees have won an Oscar, though they have all been nominated. Lee, 58, earned a best screenplay nomina- tion for 1989’s “Do the Right Thing,” and his 1997 “4 Little Girls” earned a best documentary nomination. His influence on the film industry has extended from mainstream hits such as “Malcolm X” and “He Got Game” to cutting examinations of contemporary urban American life in dozens of independent films. Rowlands received best actress nominations for 1974’s “A Woman under the Influence” and 1980’s “Gloria.” Reynolds, who will receive the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, first captivated audiences in 1952’s “Singin’ in the Rain.” She was later was nominated for an Oscar for her lead role in 1964’s “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” and helped found a group that works to combat mental health issues. Last year, singer Harry Belafonte earned the humanitarian award. Japanese ani- mator Hayao Miyazaki and French director Jean-Claude Carriere took Gena Rowlands displays her hands Debbie Reynolds poses on arrival for Spike Lee arrives at the Costume home the honorary awards. — AFP after making her handprints at her the World Premiere of the 40th Institute Gala Benefit. — AFP photos Hand and Footprint ceremony. Anniversary Restoration of Cabaret. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Tourists posing next to artwork by artist Huang Yung-fu, while visiting the Rainbow Village in Huang Yung-fu posing for a photo next to his artwork in the Rainbow Village. the Nantun district of Taiwan’s central Taichung. — AFP photo The ‘Rainbow Grandpa’ saving a Taiwan village with art

uang Yung-fu greets visitors to his village in central Taiwan Piece of history with paint-stained hands and shoes spattered with flecks of Huang decorated the interior of his two-bedroom bungalow, Hcolor, a sign of the daily artistic labor that has seen him sin- then the outer walls and the neighboring homes which were stand- gle-handedly stave off the developers’ bulldozers. At 93 years old, ing empty. The ever-expanding artwork became a parade of dogs, the former soldier still gets up at 3am every day to spend four hours cats, planes and his favorite celebrities, including kung fu legend daubing the walls of the small settlement with colorful figures, from Bruce Lee. When local university students discovered Huang’s work birds and animals to celebrity singers and sportsmen. Known as they launched a campaign to save the village and four years ago the ‘Rainbow Grandpa’, Huang’s artwork has kept the village safe as the authorities agreed it should be preserved. Now it is one of the area’s surrounding area has been flattened. leading tourist attractions, pulling in more than a million visitors Tourists in costume posing for a photo next to artwork by He walks with a slight limp and rolls up his trouser leg to reveal a annually, mostly from Asia. artist Huang Yung-fu. bandaged knee-bruised from spending too much time kneeling on “The government has promised me they will keep this house and the ground to paint, he says. But Huang is determined to continue this village,” said Huang. “I was so happy and thankful.” Officials say adding to the vibrant murals that decorate the walls and pathways they are seeking to make the “Rainbow Village” a designated cultur- of the military dependents’ village as a way to ensure its survival. al area. “Tourism is one of the reasons to keep it, but the main rea- “We had a letter five years ago saying the government wanted to son is that veterans’ villages are very special to Taiwan,” says Huang knock it down to build something new. They said we could take Ming-heng, chief secretary of Taichung’s cultural affairs bureau. some money or move to a different house,” said Huang, dapper in a “Unfortunately most of them have been knocked down, so it’s navy flat cap and gold Chinese-style high-collared shirt. important to keep this historical memory.” On a scorching Tuesday “But I didn’t want to move. This is the only real home I’ve ever morning, tourists of all ages take selfies in front of the murals. “I known in Taiwan.” The settlement in the Nantun district of think they are amazing graphics-this place should be preserved,” Taichung City once comprised 1,200 homes for veterans and their said Hsiao Chi, 19, a student from Taipei. “The color and the draw- families. But as the decades-old accommodation became run-down, ings are very special,” added Ivy Ng, 30, from Hong Kong, who was developers snapped up the land and residents were offered Tw$2 visiting Taichung with her family. million ($61,000) compensation or new housing. Huang has lived there for 37 years, staying even after his neighbors abandoned their Dying communities homes and only 11 houses remained. That’s when he decided to Originally from Hong Kong, Huang joined the nationalist paint. “I was the only person left in the village and I was bored,” he Kuomintang (KMT) army in 1946 to fight communist troops in main- said. “My father taught me how to paint when I was five years old, land China during the civil war there. When the KMT was defeated in but I hadn’t done it since I was a child. “The first thing I painted was 1949, many troops followed its leader, Chiang Kai-shek, as he fled to A woman walking past a building decorated with artwork. a bird inside my house.” Taiwan. They were given temporary housing in hundreds of dedi- cated military villages across the island, a stop-gap while the nation- alists regrouped. But as the communists tightened their grip on the mainland, these temporary homes became permanent. The Ministry of National Defense says many of the villages have been knocked down because residents wanted better living conditions. But some bemoan the loss of the old communities. “When they move out, people feel isolated,” said Kang Han-ming, a former marine who manages the thriving Rainbow Village business and campaigns to protect the remaining settlements. “They feel they have no roots. That’s why a lot of older veterans who move to new buildings get sick.” The defense ministry has now pledged to pre- serve the last 13 villages as cultural areas. Artist Huang says he never tires of the early morning regime that served to save his home-a bungalow crammed with paints, marker pens and memorabilia. The Rainbow Grandpa sits back on a chair in the shade and watches the crowds. “I like speaking with them and they tell me the paintings are beautiful. I’ll never get lonely with all these visitors.”— AFP

Tourists in costume posing for a photo next to artwork by artist Huang Yung-fu. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Jose Alberto Gutierrez drives a garbage truck in Bogota, Colombia. — AP photos Garbage truck driver Jose Alberto Gutierrez searches for books in the trash. Colombian garbage collector rescues books for children second-grade education has not stopped “She used to read me stories every night,” garbage collector Jose Gutierrez from said Gutierrez, who has traveled to book fairs in Abringing the gift of reading to thousands Mexico and Chile to share his experience of of Colombian children. Gutierrez started rescu- starting a library with discarded reading materi- ing books from the trash almost 20 years ago, al. “To me, books are the greatest invention and when he was driving a garbage truck at night the best thing that can happen to a human through the capital’s wealthier neighborhoods. being.” While Gutierrez still sifts through the The discarded reading material slowly piled up, rubbish for additions to his library, his fame as and now the ground floor of his small house is a Colombia’s “Lord of the Books” has also brought makeshift community library stacked from floor him thousands of donated tomes that he’s sent to ceiling with some 20,000 books, ranging from to other libraries around the country because he chemistry textbooks to children’s classics. doesn’t have room for them all. Gutierrez is an He says books are luxuries for boys and girls avid read of works by authors such as Leo in low-income neighborhoods such as his, with Tolstoy, Victor Hugo and Mario Vargas Llosa. new reading material at bookstores too expen- His favorite books include “One Hundred sive. There are 19 public libraries in Bogota, a Years of Solitude” and “The General in his city of 8.5 million, but tend to be located far Labyrinth” by Colombia’s Nobel Prize-winning away from poorer areas. “This should be in all novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He says he neighborhoods, on each corner of every neigh- doesn’t reject technology that allows books to borhood, in all the towns, in all departments, be read digitally, but says he prefers to read the and all the rural areas,” says Gutierrez. “Books printed word on paper. “There’s nothing more are our salvation and that is what Colombia beautiful than having a book in your pocket, in needs.” The 53-year-old Gutierrez has a love of your bag or inside your car,” he says. — AP reading he attributes to his mother, who always read to him even though she was too poor to keep him in school. Cristian Orjuela, 5, looks for a book at Jose Alberto Gutierrez’s home.

Jose Alberto Gutierrez, left, talks to children visiting his library at his home. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

A cliff diverAcapulco practices at La Quebrada. cliff divers plunge into new unknown

liff divers in Acapulco say they never forget their first time: rying for the 62 full-time cliff divers who make their living at La The leap into the void, the feeling of flying, the shock of hit- Quebrada. “The tourists need to come back,” said Monico Cting the water at high speed. Across the generations, Ramirez, a 62-year-old retired diver whose son and grandson now whole families of divers have earned their living wowing tourists carry the flame. The violence doesn’t threaten anyone not caught from around the world with the 35-meter (115-foot) plunge off La up in the drug trade, Ramirez insisted. Quebrada, the rock face that looms above the Mexican resort “It’s mainly a settling of scores,” he said. city’s Pacific coast. But the seemingly fearless daredevils who Guerrero, the state where Acapulco is located, has had a year keep this eight-decade tradition alive now face a new kind of risk: of terrible press. The state made headlines over the shocking dis- their livelihoods are under threat from a wave of violence sweep- appearance of 43 students in September last year. Prosecutors ing Acapulco and scaring away tourists. say the students were abducted by corrupt police in the city of Nearly 500 people have been killed so far this year as drug car- Iguala, three hours inland from Acapulco, and handed over to a tels wage war in the city. The bloodshed has taken a toll on the drug gang that killed them and burned their bodies. tourism industry. A decade ago, 150 cruise ships a year visited Acapulco has had its share of bad publicity, too. Several mass Acapulco. Today, the number has fallen to around 10. That is wor- graves have been found on its outskirts and the leader of one of

A cliff diver jumps at La Quebrada. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Cliff divers hold torches as they prepare to jump at La Quebrada. the groups searching for the 43 missing students was shot dead 1948 movie “Tarzan and the Mermaids.” just outside the city earlier this month. The unrest spells bad news Elvis Presley’s character did the same in “Fun in Acapulco” for the divers, whose salaries come from the admission fees (1963). But neither actually made the dives depicted in their tourists pay to watch them, plus tips and sales of food, drinks and movies. They left the job to local stunt doubles-and Elvis never souvenirs. The work pays about $550 a month, according to even set foot in Acapulco. Weissmuller on the other hand fell in Ramirez, and comes with health benefits, professional training love with the city. He and his friend John Wayne bought a hotel and one day off per week-a great job for a country where more perched on the cliffs, which welcomed a stream of Hollywood jet- than 55 million people live in poverty. setters in the 1950s. Urban legend has it that Weissmuller’s stunt double, Raul Occupational hazards Garcia, died filming the jump immortalized in the “Tarzan” movie. It’s a job for people comfortable with risk. As they stand over The myth is true in a way-but 50 years too early. Garcia, a local the abyss, preparing to thread through the rocky outcrops in a celebrity, died in 2004, at the age of 76, after injuring himself three-second free-fall, the divers have to time their jump to coin- while taking one last dive from the cliffs. Weissmuller for his part cide with an incoming wave, or risk cracking their skulls on the died in 1984 — also in Acapulco. Like his stunt double, he is rocky bottom. The water is just four meters deep. They will hit it buried along the city’s Pacific coast. — AFP at 90 kilometers (55 miles) per hour. “You have to visualize your dive,” said Ramirez’s 43-year-old son, Jorge. Divers also face fre- quent injuries, including detached retinas, ruptured eardrums, broken forearms and neck and back trouble. A cliff diver jumps at La Quebrada in Acapulco. “Divers’ sight gets worse over time, like pelicans, which even- tually go blind from plunging into the water and end up crashing into the rocks,” said Jorge. “At first I was afraid of the sea,” said Jorge Antonio, Jorge’s 24-year-old son and the latest to carry on the family trade. “But little by little, I came to like it.” In the 80 years that professional divers have been taking the plunge off La Quebrada, not one has been killed, said Monico. “That’s surely thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe, who watches over us,” he said. Before each jump, the divers pray to a statue of the Virgin that sits atop the cliff.

Kennedy, Tarzan and Elvis The tradition of diving off La Quebrada started with a dare between local fishermen and soon became an iconic tourist attraction. There is a whiff of nostalgia in the sea spray around the cliffs. In a small museum, black-and-white photos depict Acapulco’s glory days, when the likes of John F Kennedy, Frank Sinatra, Orson Welles and Walt Disney visited La Quebrada to watch the divers. The cliffs were made famous by “Tarzan” star A cliff diver holds a torch as he prepares to jump at La A cliff diver jumps at La Quebrada. Johnny Weissmuller, whose character jumped off them in the Quebrada.

A cliff diver prepares to jump at La Quebrada. Cliff divers jump at La Quebrada. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

The peak of Mount Monadnock, elevation 3,165 feet. NH’s Mount Monadnock: Hiking challenge despite geezer looks By Lindsey Tanner At the top, Monadnock is bare rock, above tree line, and to get there requires conquering layers of steep giant boulders and rom a distance, New England’s beloved Mount Monadnock craggy paths invisible from the tame roadside view. Don’t let the looks distinctly unthreatening. Veteran hikers seeking a early easy sections of trail nor the little kids scampering like Fchallenge may be dubious at first, but this balding geezer of mountain goats toward the summit fool you - this is serious hik- a mountain is plenty rugged. ing. It’s also super fun and requires careful navigation and think- Mountain basics ing before planting each footstep - you can almost feel the brain Monadnock rises 3,165 feet (965 meters) in Cheshire County, energy powering the physical exertion. near the town of Jaffrey in New Hampshire’s southwestern cor- ner. The name comes from a Native American term for “mountain standing alone.” Its approachability makes Monadnock one of the nation’s most popular climbs, drawing more than 100,000 hikers yearly. Those who reach the summit are rewarded with 100-mile (161-kilometer) views on clear days. It was hazy the days my hik- ing partner and I climbed - but views of the pastoral countryside and rolling hills in neighboring Vermont were still breathtaking.

The trails More than a dozen hiking trails wind their way up the moun- tain, many of them converging near the summit and several start near the park headquarters. Pick up trail maps here. Pumpelly is among the longest trails, almost 4 miles (6 kilometers) each way from the start point near the town of Dublin, and rated among the easiest because it’s a more gradual climb - but none of the options is a cinch. All but the most experienced hikers should allow at least half a day for most routes. On our first day of a three-day weekend, we chose the White Dot trail - the shortest and around 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) each way starting from near the headquarters’ visitor center. It’s turns out to be also among the steepest. More on that later. Our last climb was along the forested Halfway House trail, with access from a parking area along Route 124, up to the steep White Arrow trail. It’s about 2 miles (3 kilometers) each way. All routes begin as windy paths, many covered in gnarled tree branches, through fragrant forests of spruce and hemlock, along with oak, birch and maples that make Monadnock a popular des- A hiker heading up the White Dot trail toward the summit of tination for leaf-peeping hikers in the fall. And all trails become Hikers departing the summit as they make their way down 3,165-foot Mount Monadnock. notoriously rocky toward the summit. the White Dot trail on 3,165-foot Mount Monadnock. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Hikers ambling down Mount Monadnock. A hiker nearing the summit of 3,165-foot Mount Monadnock. Be prepared Down time Some hikers use walking sticks or metal poles, although these Our first day was exhilarating - and pretty tiring, so we took a Photo shows the can be a hindrance on the boulders. Hiking boots, trail runners or break on day two and hiked more level trails at nearby Pisgah peak of Mount other shoes with strong support and good tread are a must. So State Park. It’s New Hampshire’s largest state park, full of wood- Monadnock, eleva- are an ample supply of water and easy-to-carry energy snacks. I land trails, gentle ravines and serene ponds for swimming, toe- tion 3,165 feet. learned on the first day that a small bowl of oatmeal and no lunch dipping or just admiring. We hiked a couple of hours along the was not enough to fuel me up and down the mountain in nearly Old Chesterfield Road trail to start, accessible from near the 90-degree F (32 C) heat and steamy humidity. town of Chesterfield, then drove a few miles to the Kilburn Road In the midst of the steepest part of the White Dot trail and parking area off Route 63 and hiked around lovely Kilburn Pond. drenched in sweat after a brisk pace, I suddenly felt dizzy, with a The day’s total? About 8 miles (13 kilometers), but that left us headache and mild nausea. These were signs of heat exhaustion. I enough reserve to tackle the mountain again on our third and found a relatively level and shady nook where I sipped water, ate final day. — AP trail mix and rested for a few minutes, then made it to the top with no more trouble. But rescues of exhausted, injured or lost hikers happen occasionally, and even a few deaths have occurred on Monadnock over the years.

Kilburn Pond through trees along the 5-mile Kilburn loop A hiker navigating the White Arrow trail on 3,165-foot Mount trail, in Pisgah State Park, in Winchester, NH. — AP photos MonadnocK. TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

NEW YORK: These images provided by Konami show scenes from the video game, ‘Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.’— AP ‘Metal Gear Solid V’ a technical, tactical marvel

NEW YORK: In an early mission in “Metal Gear Solid V: The larly offered players such freedom, but the latest edition in the “Grand Theft Auto” realm because most populated areas are - for Phantom Pain” (Konami, for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox stealthy 28-year-old “Metal Gear” series masterfully does so with story reasons - devoid of civilians. 360, Xbox One, PC, $59.99), the player is tasked with assassinating hardly any flaws. It also inventively rewards players for sticking to a corrupt colonel who’s up to no good. While such a chore is stan- the shadows and avoiding unnecessary blood on Snake’s hands - Cut scenes dard fare for a video game, “Phantom Pain” provides dozens of bionic or otherwise. This time, Snake isn’t operating solo in the field. He’s able to call ways to off the military leader. Should he be taken down first thing The rewards come not just in points and virtual currency but in on a trusty steed, trained attack dog, mechanized robot walker in the morning or the middle of the night? Would it be better to resources that Snake (played by Kiefer Sutherland) must use to and assassin sidekick for assistance. His gear and so-called “bud- shoot him in the head with a sniper rifle or blow him to advance Mother Base, his off-shore headquarters that can be visit- dies” can be upgraded and outfitted with stuff like better armor smithereens with explosives? Does it make sense to stage his ed between assignments. The development of the base is almost and higher tech weapons, depending on the progress of the R&D death and force him to work for your private military corporation? another game unto itself, requiring Snake to snatch recruits and department back on Mother Base. As with most quests for Oh, and do you also wanna nab his top-secret tank while you’re at assign them to duty. revenge, “Phantom Pain” is not without casualties. The switch it? This additional layer of gameplay means each moment on the from linear to open-world adventure means the story has suffered. Those decisions - and many more- await players in over a hun- battlefield is also an opportunity to take Mother Base to the next A few integral plot points are revealed off-screen through cassette dred missions facing “Metal Gear” protagonist Snake, who awak- level, whether that means collecting herbs that can be turned into tapes, and when the narrative pops up between all the sneaking ens at the start of “Phantom Pain” from a nearly decade-long coma medicine, pilfering blueprints or tethering a balloon to an inter- around, it feels less important than it should for a game this huge. during the Cold War. After a lengthy prologue, the vengeance- preter to send him back to headquarters to assist with enemy It’s a minor annoyance considering previous “Metal Gear” seeking mercenary is unleashed on free-wheeling renditions of interrogations. installments were actually too heavy handed with story and cut Afghanistan and later Africa. The highly detailed vistas where Snake does his bidding con- scenes. It ultimately doesn’t deter from the gameplay. For fans of tain collections of villages, military outposts, bases and other open-world games or anyone who has played a previous “Metal Unnecessary blood encampments dotted across vast landscapes. They’re deliciously Gear” title, there is no choice, really. They must experience “Metal Other open-world games predating “Phantom Pain” have simi- vibrant but oddly more lifeless than an “Assassin’s Creed” or Gear Solid V.” Four stars out of four. — AP Materials handling Middle East 2015 to open September 14th in Dubai

DUBAI: Robots interacting seamlessly with humans will be one of the rier. Ahmed Pauwels, CEO of Messe Frankfurt Middle East, the organ- big attractions at the Materials Handling Middle East exhibition next iser of Materials Handling Middle East, said education was key to month, as automation takes another step toward revolutionising the increasing awareness of its benefits: “Automation of the entire spec- regional warehouse and intralogistics landscape. trum of materials handling processes and delivery modes, is one of ‘Automated Item Pick’ is developed by global warehouse and dis- the key trends driving the industry globally. tributions solutions provider Swisslog in partnership with parent com- “It’s important to show the benefits. Automation has a cost but pany KUKA, integrating Human-Robot-Interaction (HRI) with companies can achieve competitive advantages due to higher pro- Swisslog’s AutoStore automated storage and picking system. ductivity, increased throughput and flexibility with scalable solutions. The system - which is the first-ever interactive human-robot pick- “With more than 150 brands from 17 countries, Materials Handling ing station - features KUKA’s collaborative lightweight robot, LBR iiwa, Middle East 2015 will feature a range of automated solutions that can picking items from AutoStore’s storage ports and placing them in work to the advantage of various industries, from retail, hospitality, delivery bins, as commanded by a human operator. Visitors to FMCG and pharmaceuticals to oil & gas and automotive,” added Materials Handling Middle East 2015 will see live demonstrations of Pauwels. the ground-breaking system in action when the three-day trade show opens from 14-16 September at the Dubai International Convention Innovative logistics and Exhibition Centre. The demonstration will underline the enor- UAE-based SPAN Trading is another major exhibitor at Materials mous potential of the latest warehouse automation technologies that Handling Middle East which will demonstrate automated solutions provide customised storage and distribution solutions for a wide that enable the intelligent utilisation of vertical space. They will also range of industries with high throughput, including retail and F&B. highlight several machines from their new generation of materials “We are very excited about bringing Automated Item Pick and the handling equipment. Walid Daniel, Managing Director of SPAN incredibly popular AutoStore to Materials Handling Middle East,” said Trading said: “Rising competition across industries in the MENA FrÈdÈric Zielinski, General Manager of Swisslog Middle East. region has encouraged all businesses to evolve and optimise their warehouse logistics and supply chain, in order to meet the ever-grow- Demanding customers ing complexity of customer service. “Being leaders in advising and “The growing importance of automation in the region, particularly implementing innovative logistics and material handling solutions, in the retail and F&B business, makes our latest product offering very SPAN Trading has seen a tremendous growth in the past few years by pertinent. Some companies are already using the latest automated partnering with our customers around the region, and growing with warehousing technologies, and the increased cost of land, the devel- them.” opment of manufacturing, and more demanding customers have Other notable exhibitors showcasing automated solutions at triggered the need for more warehouse automation.” Materials Handling Middle East include German companies SSI Automation in materials handling has been a significant theme in Schaefer, Unitechnik Systems, and Kardex Remstar; Japan’s the build-up to Materials Handling Middle 2015, the region’s only Daifuku; and USA-headquartered Bastian Solutions. A new feature dedicated trade and networking event for intralogistics, warehousing, at Materials Handling Middle East 2015 is the inaugural supply chain management, freight and cargo. A recent survey by ana- Warehousing and Materials Handling Conference, a two-day sum- lysts Frost & Sullivan indicated that logistics end-users across of a mit from 15-16 September, analysing key growth drivers and range industries showed a strong intent to adopt automation to help restraints, emerging trends and their impact on the regional mate- streamline operations, however the initial expense was the main bar- rials handling industry. TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

What’s in a billion? Facebook users hit milestone in 1 day

NEW YORK: You, your mom, your grand- users who log in at least once a month. ma and elementary school buddy CEO Mark Zuckerberg marked the occa- Lawrence might have been some of the sion with a Facebook post. billion people who logged in to Facebook Most of the billion people who logged on Monday - the first time that has hap- in on Monday were outside the US and pened in a single day. That’s right, one bil- Canada. Of Facebook’s overall users, more lion people, or one-seventh of the Earth’s than 83 percent come from other coun- population. It was a big symbolic mile- tries. This is also where Facebook’s next bil- stone for the world’s biggest online social lions of users will likely come from as it network, which boasts nearly 1.5 billion grows. — AP Ashley Madison CEO steps down in wake of hacking

TOKYO: In this April 10, 2015 file photo, a customer demonstrates Apple Watch at an NEW YORK: The CEO of adultery website comment. Toronto-based Avid Life’s state- Apple Store. — AP Ashley Madison is stepping down in the ment went on to say that it’s “actively wake of the massive breach of the compa- adjusting” to the fallout from the hacking New estimate: Apple shipped ny’s computer systems and outing of mil- and continues to provide access to its serv- lions of its members. Avid Life Media Inc, ices. The company, which has offered a 3.6 million watches last quarter Ashley Madison’s parent company, says reward for information leading to the arrest Noel Biderman’s departure is effective of the hackers, adds that it continues to immediately and was a mutual decision. cooperate with international law enforce- SAN FRANCISCO: A new report estimates reports but also gathers data from suppli- “This change is in the best interest of the ment in their investigations. Hackers origi- Apple shipped 3.6 million watches in the ers, distributors and consumers to estimate company and allows us to continue to pro- nally breached Avid Life’s systems in July last quarter - more than some analysts have the number of units shipped by the estimated and enough to change the com- Cupertino, California, company, not actual vide support to our members and dedicat- and then posted the information online a petitive landscape for fitness bands and retail sales. IDC also tracks shipments of ed employees,” Avid Life’s statement reads. month later after the company didn’t com- other wearable gadgets. Apple shipped personal computers, smartphones and oth- “We are steadfast in our commitment to ply with their demands to shut down. enough units of its new smartwatch to er computer products. Its reports on those our customer base.” Ashley Madison, whose slogan is “Life is nearly overtake market leader FitBit in the products, along with estimates from rival Biderman didn’t immediately return an short. Have an affair,” purports to have last quarter, according to analysts at research firm Gartner, are widely cited in email sent to his work account seeking nearly 40 million members. — AP International Data Corp. Their report warns the industry. that traditional fitness bands may be losing While the IDC figure for the Apple Watch popularity to smartwatches and other is higher than other recent estimates, it’s devices that offer more features. still lower than many projections made “People want to get more out of their before Apple started selling the watch in devices,” said IDC’s Ramon Llamas in an late April. IDC had initially forecast Apple interview. “It’s kind of like the way smart- would ship about 22 million watches dur- phones overtook basic phones.” Consumer ing the calendar year. Llamas said that now response to the Apple Watch has been the seems unlikely. subject of intense speculation since the Still, he said Apple’s clout in the market- new gadget went on sale this spring. While place will influence other makers of wear- Apple is known for making popular gadg- able gadgets. Over the next few years, IDC ets, the watch represents a new category of predicts, basic fitness bands will lose products for the company. Critics have ground to “smart” devices that come with a questioned whether it’s useful enough for variety of apps and Internet services. That consumers to need or want one on their includes the Apple Watch and other smart- wrist. Apple has not revealed how many watches that use competing software from watches it has sold at prices that start at Google or other companies. IDC estimates $350, with luxury models selling for FitBit led the wearable industry by shipping $10,000 or more. After the company issued 4.4 million fitness bands in the second its last financial report, in which Apple quarter. After Apple, IDC said other market lumped watch sales into a broader catego- leaders include China’s Xiaomi, with 3.1 ry it calls “other products,” many analysts million units shipped; Garmin, with 700,000 estimated Apple sold between 2 million units and Samsung with 600,000 units. and 3 million watches during the quarter Counting other manufacturers, IDC esti- that ended in June. mated 18.1 million wearable gadgets were SEOUL: June 10, 2015 file photo shows Ashley Madison’s Korean web site on a computer IDC says it starts with Apple’s financial shipped in the quarter. — AP screen in Seoul. — AP Key Apple music exec steps down

SAN FRANCISCO: A key executive for Apple’s music serv- music offering and Beats1 radio to step up its challenge to puted a private survey which suggesting little traction ice who came to the US tech giant with its acquisition of rivals like Spotify. for Apple Music. Beats has left the company, Apple said yesterday. Apple Last year, Apple paid $3 billion for Beats, the high- The company said just 21 percent of users who have confirmed in an email that Ian Rogers, who had been chief end audio equipment and streaming music service, cre- tested Apple Music no longer use it, countering the results executive of Beats Electronics and head of its streaming ated by music industry stars Jimmy Iovine and Dr Dre. of a survey that found defection rates at more than twice music service, is departing. The Financial Times, which first Rogers was named CEO at Beats in early 2013, and head that amount. In a survey of 5,000 people in the US, music reported on Rogers’ departure, said he was leaving to work of its streaming music offering. He came from the music industry research company MusicWatch found that 48 per- at a European-based firm in another industry. The news technology firm Topspin, and previously was general cent of those who had tried out the new online streaming comes shortly after Apple went live with its own streaming manager at Yahoo Music. Earlier this month, Apple dis- music service have stopped using it. — AFP TV listings SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

19:20 River Monsters 21:10 Good Luck Charlie 10:00 The Kitchen 20:10 Alaskan Bush People 21:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 11:00 The Kitchen 21:00 Ice Lake Rebels: Winter Is 22:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:00 Easy Chinese: San Francisco Coming 22:25 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 12:30 Easy Chinese: San Francisco 21:50 Auction Hunters Witch 13:00 Guy’s Big Bite 00:00 Grimm 00:45 Tanked 22:15 Auction Hunters 22:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 13:30 Guy’s Big Bite 01:00 Sleepy Hollow 01:40 Adrift: 47 Days With Sharks 22:40 Monster Mako Witch 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 03:00 Salem 02:35 River Monsters 23:30 Big Giant Swords 23:10 Wolfblood 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 00:10 Locked Up Abroad 05:00 The Astronaut Wives Club 03:25 Gator Boys 23:35 Wolfblood 15:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 01:00 Planet XXL 19:00 C.S.I. 04:15 I’m Alive 15:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 02:00 Classified: Secret Service Files 20:00 Switched At Birth 05:02 Treehouse Masters 16:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 02:55 Building Wild 21:00 Supernatural 05:49 Adrift: 47 Days With Sharks 16:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 03:50 Last War Heroes 22:00 Empire 06:36 My Pet’s Gone Viral 17:00 Chopped 04:45 Cabin Fever 23:00 Salem 07:00 My Pet’s Gone Viral 18:00 Siba’s Table 05:40 Ultimate Survival Alaska 07:25 Tanked 18:30 Siba’s Table 06:35 Dead End Express 08:15 Tanked 00:00 Violetta 00:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 19:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 07:30 Hacking The System 09:10 Tanked 00:45 The Hive 00:55 Extreme Close-Up 19:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 07:55 Hacking The System 10:05 Tanked 00:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 01:25 The Grace Helbig Show 20:00 Chopped South Africa 08:25 Cesar To The Rescue 11:00 Tanked Witch 01:50 The Grace Helbig Show 21:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 09:20 Cesar To The Rescue 11:55 Austin Stevens: Snakemaster 01:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 02:20 E! News 21:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 10:15 Wicked Tuna 01:00 Good Morning America 12:50 Voodoo Shark Witch 03:15 Keeping Up With The 22:00 Man Fire Food 11:10 Zeb’s River Journey Thailand 03:00 The Strain 13:45 Sharkbite Beach 01:40 Wolfblood Kardashians 22:30 Man Fire Food 12:05 Taiwan: Island Of Fish 04:00 Outlander 14:40 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest 02:05 Wolfblood 04:10 Pop Innovators 23:00 Food Court Wars 13:00 Innovation Nation 05:00 Good Morning America Shark... 02:30 Violetta 05:05 Beyond Candid With Giuliana 13:30 Innovation Nation 09:00 Fire 15:35 Shark Girl 03:15 The Hive 06:00 Kourtney & Kim Take New York 14:00 Earth From Space 12:00 24 16:30 Adrift: 47 Days With Sharks 03:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 06:55 Kourtney & Kim Take New York 16:00 Hacking The System 13:00 Revenge 17:25 Voodoo Shark Witch 07:50 Style Star 16:30 Hacking The System 16:00 Chicago Fire 18:20 Sharkbite Beach 03:45 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 08:20 E! News 17:00 Megastructures 17:00 24 19:15 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest Witch 09:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 18:00 Mega Factories 18:00 Revenge Shark... 04:10 Wolfblood 10:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 00:35 The Chase 19:00 Building Wild 19:00 Chicago Fire 20:10 Shark Girl 04:35 Wolfblood 11:10 Fashion Bloggers 01:30 More Tales From 20:00 Hacking The System 20:00 24 21:05 How Not To Become Shark 05:00 Violetta 11:35 Fashion Bloggers Northumberland With Robson Green 20:25 Hacking The System 21:00 Revenge Bait 05:45 The Hive 12:05 E! News 02:00 Blue Go Mad In Ibiza 20:50 Earth From Space 22:00 The Strain 22:00 Big Fish Man 05:50 Mouk 13:05 House Of DVF 02:55 Emmerdale 22:30 Building Wild 23:00 Outlander 22:55 Austin Stevens: Snakemaster 06:00 Mako Mermaids 14:05 House Of DVF 03:15 Emmerdale 23:20 Cabin Fever 23:50 Man-Eating Super Wolves 06:25 Hank Zipzer 15:00 Hollywood Cycle 03:40 Emmerdale 06:50 Girl Meets World 16:00 E!ES 04:05 Emmerdale 07:15 H2O: Just Add Water 17:00 Wags 04:30 Emmerdale 07:40 Hannah Montana 18:00 E! News 04:55 Emmerdale 08:05 Hannah Montana 19:00 Pop Innovators 05:20 Emmerdale 08:30 Hannah Montana 20:00 Keeping Up With The 05:45 Coronation Street 00:00 Red Dragon-18 08:55 Hannah Montana Kardashians 06:10 Coronation Street 01:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 02:15 Sniper: Legacy-PG15 00:10 Michela’s Classic Italian 09:20 Hannah Montana 21:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 06:35 Coronation Street Wilmore 04:15 Son Of Batman-PG15 00:35 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery 09:45 Girl Meets World 22:00 E! News 07:00 Coronation Street 01:30 Web Therapy 06:00 The Courier-PG15 01:00 Homes Under The Hammer 10:10 Good Luck Charlie 23:00 The Soup 07:30 Coronation Street 02:00 Web Therapy 08:00 Marvel’s Next Avengers: 01:55 Bargain Hunt 10:35 Aladdin & The King Of Thieves 08:00 Coronation Street 02:30 It’s Always Sunny In Heroes Of Tomorrow-PG 02:40 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 11:50 Liv And Maddie 08:25 Sunday Night At The Palladium Philadelphia 10:00 Shadow Conspiracy-PG15 03:25 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 12:15 Jessie 09:20 More Tales From 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 12:00 500 mph Storm-PG15 04:10 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For 12:40 Dog With A Blog Northumberland With Robson Green Jimmy Fallon 14:00 The Courier-PG15 Free 13:05 Girl Meets World 09:50 Come Date With Me Australia 05:30 Til Death 16:00 The Recruit-PG15 04:55 Bargain Hunt 13:30 Austin & Ally 10:15 Come Date With Me Australia 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 18:00 Shadow Conspiracy-PG15 05:40 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery 13:55 Mako Mermaids 10:40 Come Date With Me Australia 08:30 Til Death 20:00 Homefront-PG15 06:05 Homes Under The Hammer 14:25 H2O: Just Add Water 00:00 Chopped 11:05 Come Date With Me Australia 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 22:00 Sunshine-18 07:00 Homes Under The Hammer 14:55 Lolirock 01:00 Follow Donal... To Vietnam 11:35 Blue Go Mad In Ibiza Jimmy Fallon 07:55 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:25 Austin & Ally 01:30 Follow Donal... To Vietnam 12:25 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 13:00 Til Death 08:45 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 16:00 Jessie 02:00 Chopped South Africa 13:20 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 16:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 09:35 Michela’s Classic Italian 16:30 Jessie 03:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 14:15 More Tales From Wilmore 10:00 Michela’s Classic Italian 17:00 Binny And The Ghost 03:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin Northumberland With Robson Green 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 10:30 Michela’s Classic Italian 17:25 The Next Step 04:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 14:40 Sunday Night At The Palladium 18:00 Baby Daddy 10:55 Come Dine With Me 17:50 Wizards Of Waverly Place 04:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 18:30 Last Man Standing 00:00 Sorority Boys 15:35 Autopsy:the Last Hour Of 02:00 The Ladykillers 11:20 Come Dine With Me 18:15 Gravity Falls 05:00 Chopped 16:30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 19:00 Young & Hungry 11:45 Come Dine With Me 18:40 Jessie 06:00 Iron Chef America 19:30 Young & Hungry 04:00 Life With Mikey 18:05 Doc Martin 06:00 Oscar 13:00 Hairy Dieters 19:05 Austin & Ally 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 19:00 The Chase 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 13:50 Marbella Mansions 19:30 H2O: Just Add Water 07:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin Jimmy Fallon 08:00 A Valentine’s Date 19:45 Sunday Night At The Palladium 10:00 The Ladykillers 14:35 Marbella Mansions 19:55 H2O: Just Add Water 08:00 Chopped 20:40 Doc Martin 21:30 The Nightly Show Global 15:20 Homes Under The Hammer 20:20 H2O: Just Add Water 09:00 The Big Eat... Edition 12:00 Oscar 21:30 Autopsy:the Last Hour Of 14:00 The Hot Flashes 16:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 20:45 H2O: Just Add Water 09:30 The Big Eat... 22:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Billy Crystal 700 Sundays 17:05 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 16:00 A Valentine’s Date 17:55 Michela’s Classic Italian 18:00 Vamps 18:20 Michela’s Classic Italian 20:00 Malavita 18:50 Michela’s Classic Italian 22:00 Jackass Presents: Bad 19:15 Homes Under The Hammer Grandpa 20:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 21:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 21:55 A Taste Of Greenland 22:45 A Taste Of Greenland 23:40 Rick Stein’s Spain 01:00 Philomena-PG15 03:00 White Bird In A Blizzard-PG15 04:45 Romeo & Juliet-PG15 06:45 Miss Julie-PG15 09:00 Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom-PG15 11:30 Romeo & Juliet-PG15 00:20 Fast N’ Loud 13:30 Playing For Keeps-PG15 01:10 Fast N’ Loud 15:15 Dawn Rider-PG15 02:00 Extreme Car Hoarders 17:00 Mandela: Long Walk To 02:50 Alien Sharks: Close Freedom-PG15 Encounters 19:30 The Trials Of Cate McCall 03:40 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 21:30 Blood-PG15 Edition 23:00 Oldboy-18 04:05 Junkyard Empire 05:00 What Happened Next? 05:30 How Do They Do It? 06:00 Dynamo: Magician Impossible 06:50 Mythbusters 07:40 The Carbonaro Effect 08:05 Magic Of Science 02:00 Network 08:30 The Island With Bear Grylls 04:30 Corpse Bride 09:20 River Monsters 06:30 The Joy Luck Club 10:10 Dual Survival 09:00 Swing Kids 11:00 Island Of The Mega Shark 11:00 Australia 11:50 Bride Of Jaws 13:45 The Letter 12:40 Return Of The Great White 15:30 All Is Lost Serial Killer 17:30 Swing Kids 13:30 Cuban Shark 19:30 Casanova 14:20 Alien Sharks: Close 21:30 Hoffa Encounters 15:10 Monster Mako 16:00 Ice Cold Gold 16:50 Ice Cold Gold 17:40 Strip The City 01:45 Deliverance Creek-PG15 18:30 The Island With Bear Grylls RED DRAGON ON OSN MOVIES ACTION HD 03:15 Million Dollar Arm-PG15 TV listings SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

05:30 Tinker Bell And The Pirate Fairy-FAM 07:15 Muppets Most Wanted-PG 09:00 Alexander And The Terrible... Very Bad Day-PG15 10:45 X-Men: Days Of Future Past- PG15 13:00 Moms’ Night Out-PG 15:00 In My Dreams-PG15 17:00 Alexander And The Terrible... Very Bad Day-PG15 19:00 The Immigrant-PG15 21:00 Lords Of London-PG15 23:00 Carrie-18

01:00 Worms 02:45 Princess And The Pea 04:30 The Olsen Gang In Deep Trouble 06:00 Sophia Grace And Rosie’s Royal Adventure 08:00 Pim And Pom: The Big Adventure 10:00 Stuart Little 3: Call Of The Wild 11:30 Pororo: The Racing Adventure 13:00 Princess And The Pea 14:30 The Happets 16:00 The Spiderwick Chronicles 18:00 Stuart Little 3: Call Of The Wild 20:00 True Story Of Puss’n Boots 22:00 The Happets 23:30 The Spiderwick Chronicles

00:00 Welcome To The Punch-PG15 01:45 Iron Man-PG15 04:00 Robot & Frank-PG15 06:00 The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty- PG15 08:00 Man Of Tai Chi-PG15 09:45 Europa Report-PG15 11:30 The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug-PG RIDDICK ON OSN MOVIES PREMIERE HD 14:30 No Clue-PG15 16:15 Man Of Tai Chi-PG15 18:00 Captain America: The Winter 22:00 Terminator III 16:45 Regular Show Pirates 01:30 Art Attack Soldier-PG15 23:45 02:22 16:56 Regular Show 07:55 Sofia The First 01:55 Henry Hugglemonster 20:15 RoboCop-PG15 17:10 Ninjago: Masters Of 08:20 Doc McStuffins 02:05 Calimero 22:15 Riddick-18 Spinjitzu 08:45 Loopdidoo 02:20 Zou 17:30 Ninjago: Masters Of 09:00 Limon And Oli 02:30 Loopdidoo Spinjitzu 09:10 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 02:45 Art Attack Cartoon Network 17:55 Teen Titans Go! - Elements 09:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 03:20 Total Drama World Tour 18:06 Teen Titans Go! 10:00 Sofia The First 03:42 Total Drama World Tour 18:15 Teen Titans Go! 10:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 08:00 Live NRL Premiership 00:00 The Listener 04:05 Ninjago: Masters Of 18:40 The Amazing World Of 10:55 Miles From Tomorrow 11:00 ICC Cricket 360 01:00 Castle Spinjitzu Gumball 11:20 Doc McStuffins 11:30 World Rugby 02:00 Low Winter Sun 04:28 Ninjago: Masters Of 19:25 Adventure Time 11:45 Henry Hugglemonster 12:00 Live International Rugby Union 03:00 Car Lot Rescue Spinjitzu 20:10 New Regular Show 12:00 Henry Hugglemonster 16:00 Live Rugby Union Currie Cup 04:00 The Hero 04:50 Teen Titans Go! 20:30 Regular Show 12:10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:00 The 7D 18:00 Live Rugby Union Currie Cup 05:00 Cougar Town 05:00 Teen Titans Go! 20:55 Teen Titans Go! - Elements 12:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 06:10 Randy Cunningham: 9th 20:00 Live Rugby Union Currie Cup 05:30 Cougar Town 05:10 Grojband 21:06 Teen Titans Go! 13:00 Sofia The First Grade Ninja 06:00 According To Jim 21:15 Transformers: Robots In 05:35 Grojband 13:30 Loopdidoo 06:35 Mini Ninjas 06:30 According To Jim Disguise 06:00 Clarence 13:40 Limon And Oli 07:00 Phineas And Ferb 07:00 The Bridge 06:20 Ben 10: Omniverse 21:40 Adventure Time 08:00 Private Practice 21:51 Adventure Time 13:55 Jake And The Never Land 07:25 Lego Star Wars Droid Tales 06:40 Ben 10: Omniverse Pirates 09:00 Private Practice 07:00 Ninjago: Masters Of 22:02 Adventure Time 07:50 Supa Strikas 07:00 Live Rugby Union ITM Cup 10:00 Low Winter Sun 22:13 Adventure Time 14:20 Miles From Tomorrow 08:15 Supa Strikas 09:00 World Rugby Spinjitzu 11:00 Car Lot Rescue 22:25 Johnny Test 14:50 Doc McStuffins 08:40 Lab Rats 09:30 Live AFL Premiership 07:25 Transformers: Robots In 15:15 Sofia The First 12:00 The Hero Disguise 23:10 Regular Show 09:05 Kickin’ It 12:30 Golfing World 13:00 Cougar Town 23:55 Total Drama World Tour 15:40 Art Attack 14:00 Live PGA European Tour 07:45 Matt Hatter Chronicles 16:05 Nina Needs To Go 09:30 The 7D 13:30 According To Jim 08:10 Teen Titans Go! - Elements 00:20 Total Drama World Tour 18:00 Live International Rugby Union 16:10 Lilo & Stitch 10:00 Phineas And Ferb 14:00 Army Wives 08:22 Teen Titans Go! 00:40 Grojband 20:00 Live PGA Tour 15:00 Army Wives 01:05 Grojband 16:35 Adventures Of The Gummi 10:25 Supa Strikas 08:30 Teen Titans Go! 10:50 Lab Rats 16:00 MasterChef Australia 08:55 The Amazing World Of 01:25 Teen Titans Go! Bears 17:00 Melissa & Joey Gumball 01:50 Regular Show 17:00 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 11:15 Kickin’ It 17:30 Happy Endings 09:06 The Amazing World Of 02:35 Johnny Test 17:25 Ducktales 11:45 Mighty Med 18:00 The Walking Dead Gumball 17:50 Jake And The Neverland 12:10 Kirby Buckets 19:00 The Walking Dead Pirates 12:35 The 7D 00:30 ICC Cricket 360, Episode 34 09:15 Johnny Test 20:00 The Walking Dead 10:00 Adventure Time 18:00 Miles From Tomorrow 13:00 Phineas And Ferb 13:00 Live Natwest T20 Blast: 1st 21:00 Melissa & Joey 10:11 Adventure Time 18:25 Messages From Miles 14:20 Supa Strikas Semi Final 21:30 Happy Endings 18:30 Sofia The First 10:25 Clarence 14:45 U.F.O. 16:30 Live Natwest T20 Blast: 2nd 22:00 The Listener 18:55 Doc McStuffins 10:45 Steven Universe 14:50 Phineas And Ferb Semi Final 23:00 The Listener 19:15 Jake And The Never Land 20:00 ICC Cricket 360, Episode 34 11:10 New Regular Show 03:10 Henry Hugglemonster Pirates 15:15 Mighty Med 20:45 Live Natwest T20 Blast: Final 11:31 Regular Show 11:42 Regular Show 03:20 Calimero 19:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 15:40 Marvel Avengers Assemble 11:55 Uncle Grandpa 03:35 Zou 20:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 16:10 Lab Rats 12:06 Uncle Grandpa 03:45 Loopdidoo 20:35 Sofia The First 16:35 Hulk And The Agents Of 12:17 Uncle Grandpa 04:00 Art Attack 21:00 Adventures Of The Gummi S.M.A.S.H. 01:40 Jeremiah Johnson-PG 12:28 Uncle Grandpa 04:25 Henry Hugglemonster Bears 17:00 Randy Cunningham: 9th 03:30 The Asphalt Jungle-PG 12:40 Ninjago: Masters Of 04:35 Calimero 21:25 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers Grade Ninja Spinjitzu 05:20 Key Largo-PG 04:50 Zou 21:50 Ducktales 17:25 Mighty Joe Young 13:00 Ninjago: Masters Of 01:00 Love Potion No.9 07:00 Tribute To A Bad Man-PG 05:00 Loopdidoo 22:15 Lilo & Stitch 19:15 Phineas And Ferb Spinjitzu 05:15 Art Attack 02:45 Nuclear Family 08:35 Sunday In New York-FAM 22:40 Zou 19:40 The 7D 04:30 Owning Mahowny 13:25 Teen Titans Go! - Elements 05:35 Henry Hugglemonster 22:55 Limon And Oli 10:20 Never So Few-PG 20:05 Pair Of Kings 06:15 Dark Water 13:37 Teen Titans Go! 05:50 Calimero 23:05 Henry Hugglemonster 08:00 Frankenweenie 12:20 The Wonderful World Of The...- 13:45 Matt Hatter Chronicles 06:00 Zou 23:20 Calimero 20:30 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:30 Speak FAM 14:10 Transformers: Robots In 06:15 Loopdidoo 23:35 Zou 21:00 Lab Rats Disguise 11:00 The Proposal 14:25 Marlowe-PG 06:25 Limon And Oli 23:50 Loopdidoo 21:25 Kickin’ It 14:30 Ben 10 12:45 Beyond A Reasonable Doubt 16:00 The Prize-PG 06:35 Art Attack 00:05 Art Attack 21:50 Mighty Med 14:55 Ben 10 14:30 Dangerous Minds 18:15 Meet Me In -FAM 07:00 Calimero 00:30 Henry Hugglemonster 22:10 Phineas And Ferb 16:15 All Good Things 15:15 Adventure Time 20:05 The Tender Trap-PG 15:40 The Amazing World Of 07:10 Zou 00:45 Calimero 22:20 Boyster 18:00 The King’s Speech 22:00 Casablanca-FAM 07:25 Minnie’s Bow-Toons 01:00 Zou 23:00 Programmes Start At 20:00 The Social Network Gumball 23:40 Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde-PG 16:25 New Regular Show 07:30 Jake And The Neverland 01:15 Loopdidoo 6:00am KSA WHAT’S ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Successful conclusion of ‘MAG-QUEST’

he Syro-Malankara Catholic Church had Director) inaugurated the competition, and decided to celebrate the Birth KMRM General Secretary Sajitha Skaria wel- TCentenary of its Second Metropolitan comed the gathering. President Georege Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios in a mag- Mathew made the Presidential Address. nificent way. The one year Centenary General Convener Babuji Betheri, explained Celebration is planned not only to memorize the intention of the competition and thank the great Archbishop and to spread his ideol- the members of other Catholic Associations ogy and message to humanity to the Kerala for their participation. Jomon Cherian society especially to the younger generation. Vazhathara had given the felicitation and As part of the Centenary Celebration, the Syro Jacob Varghese extend the vote of thanks. Malankara Community in Kuwait (KMRM) will At the end of the competition, SMCA (Syro be organizing Program titled as PRANAMAM- Malabar Catholic Association) team touched 2015, which will be held on 4 September the fist position scoring with 116 points. 2015 @ 9.00 am at Carmel School. As part of KMRM (Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement) PRANAMAM-2015, it has conducted a Quiz team succeeded the Second position with 86 Competition “MAG-QUEST” for the Seven points and the Third position received by Prayer Groups of KMRM and for other KKCA (Kuwait Knanaya Cultural Association) Catholic Associations in Kuwait. with a score of 85 points. The quiz competition held on Friday 21 Lince John has anchored the first session August 2015 at St.Alphonsa Hall, Abbasiya and by Babuji Bethery done the second ses- Kuwait. The competition was giving its mem- sion. Winners will be presented with trophies, bers a platform to prove their knowledge in during the PRANAMAM-2015 (Archbishop the Bible and awareness of Kerala / Global Mar Gregorios Centenary Celebration) pro- Catholic Church. gram which will be held on 4 September Dr John Padipurackal (KMRM, Spiritual 2015. WHAT’S ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Ukrainian cultural festival

he Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Kuwait in coopera- dance & music performance of the ensemble of G Veryovka Ukrainian cultural days in the State of Kuwait. The event will tion with the National Council for Culture, Arts and Ukrainian National Honored Academic Folk Choir that will be take place on Monday, August 31, 2015 at 08:00 pm at the TLetters of the State of Kuwait cordially will hold a song, held in the frames of the 10th Summer Cultural Festival and Abdul Hussain Abdul Rida Theatre in Salmiya.

Writers’ Forum celebrates Independence Day of India

n the auspicious evening of 15th August 2015, Writers’ a brief Introduction of each poet. efforts of the Writers Forum and appreciated each and every poet Forum, Kuwait organized an event of Kavi Sammelan and Those who recited poetry in Hindi included Aamir Diwan, for his / her contribution to the occasion. OMushaira in association with the Embassy of India at its Tajwer Sultana, Chhaya Athavale, UmeshSharma and Dr. Arvind Vote of thanks was rendered by the Joint Secretary, Sunil Sonsi auditorium. It is a matter of great pride and privilege for the Raina. Those who read their poems in Urdu included Nadeem with a special gratitude to Ambassador of India Sunil Jain and all Writers’ Forum and its members that the event was organized Muzaffernagri, Shakeel Jamshedpuri, Ibrahim Sangeraja, Tajwer the Embassy officials for their cooperation, support and guidance. under the joint banner of the Embassy of India (Government of Sultana, Sabir Umar, Saeed Nazar Kadpawi, Afroz Alam and S. He thanked participants and audience. The melodious session of India) and the Writers’ Forum, Kuwait. It was a celebration of Qamar Minto. The evening concluded with the presidential poetry left an imprint on the hearts of the audience which will be Independence Day through poetic verses and the event was of its remarks by Dr Mirza Umer Beg Who overwhelmingly lauded the remembered for a long time to come. own kind (unique) and took place for the first time. Poets recited their poetry with immense patriotism, honoring the occasion and held the audience spellbound. At the outset General Secretary, Tajwer Sultana welcomed the chief guest and the audience. Tajwer highlighted the significance of the occasion to all Indians and stressed that the occasion should be celebrated as a festival of oaths and promises of good deeds & virtues. Following the welcome address by the General Secretary, the president of the Forum, Umesh Sharma felicitated the Chief Guest, Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM), Shubhashis Goldar. The evening was inaugurated by the Chief Guest by lighting the lamp joined by the President of the Forum Umesh Sharma, General Secretary of the Forum, Tajwer Sultana, Joint Secretary, Sunil Sonsi and Finance Secretary, Aamir Diwan. This was followed by National Anthem. President of the Writers’ Forum, Umesh Sharma in his speech, shared his ideas about Freedom and National Integration with the audience. He advised Indians to thwart attempts by the divisive forces and work for national integration. Honorable chief guest, Goldar expressed his appreciation and admiration to the Writers’ Forum to organize this program on a very short notice. Host for the evening, Tajwer Sultana invited poets of the Writers’ Forum to their seats on the stage. At the end, she invited Dr. Mirza Umer Beg, a well-known writer of Urdu fiction, former President of the forum and an environmental scientist to preside over the function. She then invited the poet and compere for the evening, Afroz Alam who fostered the poets to recite, along with HEALTH SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 Teenage goths at higher risk of depression

PARIS: Teenagers who identify as study’s lead author Lucy Bowes from the fied with a variety of subcultures, includ- was responsible for the link, but it could “goths”, a subculture known for its mem- University of Oxford. ing “sporty”, “popular”, “skaters”, “loners”, also be that the group attracted already bers’ black clothes and makeup, have a In a years-long study of over 2,300 and “bimbos”. Three years later, they depressed social outcasts. three times higher risk of depression British teens, Bowes and a team found were re-assessed for symptoms of “Teenagers who are susceptible to than non-goth peers, researchers said that 15-year-olds who identified very depression and self-harm. depression or with a tendency to self- yesterday. But they could not be sure strongly with the goth subculture were “Skaters” and “loners” also presented harm may be attracted to the goth sub- whether it was a case of depression lead- three times more likely than their non- an increased risk, but not to the extent of culture which is known to embrace ing kids to join this particular subgroup, goth peers to be clinically depressed by goths, the researchers found. “Young marginalized individuals,” said co- or being caused by it. “Our study does age 18. They were also five times more people who self-identified as ‘sporty’ author Rebecca Pearson from the not show that being a goth causes likely to physically harm themselves, the were least likely to have depression or University of Bristol in Britain. Teenage depression or self-harm, but rather that researchers reported in The Lancet self-harm at age 18,” said a statement. It goths should be closely monitored, the some young goths are more vulnerable Psychiatry. At 15, the study participants was possible, the team said, that “peer authors said, so that those at risk can be to developing these conditions,” said the were asked to what extent they identi- contagion” within the goth subculture offered support. — AFP Fears grow for Nepal’s pregnant women after quake

GERKHU: As labor pains gripped Junu Shrestha around midnight one day in early July, the heavily pregnant villager set off on foot along a muddy path destroyed in Nepal’s earthquake, desperate for help. She stumbled in the dark for two hours before reaching a handful of medical tents WASHINGTON: This undated image provided by Amgen erected after the 7.8-magnitude quake on Inc shows Repatha. — AP April 25 flattened her local clinic. “It was dark and scary. I didn’t know what would Amgen wins approval happen,” the 21-year-old said of finally reaching the tents with her mother-in-law for second biotech in time to give birth. “I had to keep stopping because of the cholesterol drug pain.” Some 70 percent of pre-natal clinics that had been providing crucial services to WASHINGTON: Amgen Inc has won federal approval for the second pregnant women were severely damaged medicine in a new class of pricey biotech drugs that reduce artery- in the Nepalese districts hardest hit by the clogging cholesterol more than older statin drugs that have been quake. Nearly 8,900 people died and some used for decades. The drug Repatha could eventually help millions of 600,000 homes were reduced to rubble in Americans who face increased risks of heart disease because they the disaster across the impoverished cannot control their cholesterol with existing drugs and methods. Himalayan nation. Now with monsoon rains slowing rebuilding and relief efforts, NUWAKOT, NORTH OF KATHMANDU: Nepalese villagers speak with health But concerns about the medication’s price tag - $14,100 per year - workers at a makeshift birthing centre in the village of Gerkhu. — AFP photos and long-term benefits will likely limit its use in the near-term. The fears are mounting of a reverse in the suffered so much themselves,” the dis- birthing centers gone... and the rains here, Food and Drug Administration approved the drug Thursday for two country’s recent progress in reducing trict’s public health nurse, Sanu Maiya I am very worried,” Rana said. “If the rains groups of patients who face the highest risk of heart disease: patients maternal and neonatal deaths. Rana, said. Aid agencies like UNICEF mobi- damage the roads even further, then how with extremely high levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol, due to inherit- More than 30,000 women have given lized quickly to organize delivery of water- will women come to see us and who will ed conditions , patients with persistently high LDL levels and a histo- birth in the worst-hit districts since the dis- proof tents and essential supplies includ- ensure that they get medical care?” ry of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular problems. aster. But many like Shrestha, living in ing antibiotics, gloves and surgical instru- In Nuwakot, villagers are still living The drug is designed to be self-injected on a monthly or bi- remote hilly villages, have been forced to ments. But health workers still fear the dis- under tarpaulins and simple metal struc- monthly dosing schedule. Thousand Oaks, California-based Amgen brave quake-damaged trails that face the aster will wipe out years of hard work tures on hillsides four months after losing priced the drug slightly below a similar drug Praluent, which costs risk of landslides from aftershocks and invested in improving access to health- their homes in the disaster. With just days $14,600 per year. Sanofi and partner Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. rains in order to reach medical help. Many care. Nepal has been credited with slash- to go before her due date, housewife Sita won FDA approval for that drug last month. Analysts estimate babies have been stillborn while prema- ing its maternal mortality rate-by a stag- Pyakurel is fearful of delivering in the between 8 million to 10 million patients are covered under the FDA- ture deliveries tripled in the worst-hit dis- gering 55 percent between 2000 and 2013, recently erected medical tents instead of a approved labeling for the drugs. But some experts worry the drugs tricts, according to health experts, who say from 430 deaths per 100,000 live births to clinic. “The tent feels too flimsy to offer could eventually be expanded for a much wider group of patients, the shock and trauma triggered by the dis- 190 deaths. And the birthing centers are a protection against the wind and the rain... driving up costs as the health care system absorbs a growing wave of aster led to a surge in medical complica- lifeline for rural families across the country. we already have water dripping from the retiring baby boomers. tions experienced by pregnant women. “In “It has taken us so long to make maternal roof of our shelter,” the 29-year-old moth- With two competing products now on the market, employers and normal circumstances we expect that health a priority and now, with the er of two said. —AFP the companies that manage their medication costs will try to negoti- about five percent of pregnancies would ate discounts. Express Scripts, the largest pharmacy benefit manager, turn out to be premature deliveries but said in a statement it plans to “leverage this competition to achieve after the earthquake we saw it was about the best possible price for the patients and payers we represent.” 15 percent,” said Asha Pun, maternal and Neither Repatha nor Praluent are currently covered under Express newborn health specialist at UNICEF. Scripts’ formulary, though the company plans to review them at a meeting next month. ‘Quake took my home’ The biologically-engineered drugs are considered the first major Shrestha considers herself lucky to be advance in managing cholesterol since the introduction of statin alive after she was hit by falling furniture drugs more than 20 years ago, and analysts expect them to generate when the quake struck. Her family pulled billions in sales. But the prospect of introducing highly-expensive, her from the rubble of their home in injectable drugs for one of the most common medical conditions is Gerkhu village in Nuwakot district, around drawing concerns. Especially since generic statin pills are now avail- 30 kilometers (17 miles) north of able for as little as a dime a day. Kathmandu. But they could not save her More than 73 million US adults, or nearly one-third, have high LDL 14-year-old sister-in-law. “The earthquake cholesterol, according to the Centers for Disease Control and took my home, it left me with injuries and Prevention. Those patients have twice the risk of heart disease, the it killed my little sister-in-law,” Shrestha leading cause of death worldwide. said, bursting into tears. The new drugs lower low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol Only five out of 21 birthing centers more powerfully and in a different way than statins. They block a sub- were left standing in Shrestha’s district, stance called PCSK9, which interferes with the liver’s ability to while many villages were cut off. remove cholesterol from the blood. Adding the new drugs to older “Everything is a challenge, from getting to statins reduces LDL cholesterol by about 40 percent to 60 percent. the villages to equipping the birthing tents Statins alone generally lower levels of the wax-like substance by to ensuring support to our overstretched NUWAKOT, NORTH OF KATHMANDU: Nepalese villager Junu Shrestha holds her about 25 to 35 percent. —AP staff who are working 24/7 despite having child as she sits at a makeshift birthing centre. HEALTH SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Security dominates as Health official: States should Middle East and Africa healthcare goes mobile post local vaccination info

DUBAI: The Middle East and Africa (MEA) healthcare NEW YORK: How many kids are vaccinated at your child’s school? market is seeing the widespread deployment of mobile Federal health officials think you should be able to easily find out. Last school year, only 21 states posted vaccination rates for individual technologies, with the short-term outlook for the imple- schools, school districts, counties or areas of the state. The Centers for mentation of mobility within this space looking particu- Disease Control and Prevention has been quietly prodding more states larly strong. Indeed, a recently published report from to make the information available online. IDC Health Insights shows that enterprise mobility will CDC’s Dr Anne Schuchat made the push more public during a press have penetrated over 80% of MEA healthcare organiza- conference Thursday. “It’s important to recognize when vulnerabilities tions by 2017. exist in communities,” said Schuchat, who oversees the agency’s vacci- According to the report, which is based on IDC’s annual nation work. Parents could use the information to weigh their child’s survey of the region’s CIO community, corporate smart risk of vaccine-preventable illnesses at specific schools or school dis- devices have already been deployed by over one-third of tricts, Schuchat said. And it could help health officials identify pockets MEA healthcare organizations, with another 50% planning of unvaccinated children, she said. All states require children to be vac- to adopt them by 2017. Mobilizing enterprise applications, cinated against certain infectious diseases like measles and polio before entering kindergarten. All states allow exemptions if there is a adopting mobile device management (MDM) solutions, medical reason a child should not get a vaccine. Many states also allow and developing policies for enabling enterprise mobility exemptions for religious or philosophical reasons. Idaho has the high- are the top priorities of the IT executives that are planning est proportion of kindergartners with exemptions, at 6.5 percent. to embrace mobility. Some states have been trying to limit exemptions. After a measles IT security remains the greatest concern for healthcare outbreak, California this year dropped religious and philosophical CIOs, with the surveyed IT leaders identifying insider exemptions for children at public and private schools. Nationally, vacci- threats and staff-related issues as their most critical securi- nation rates for both toddlers and kindergartners appear to be high CALIFORNIA: A pediatrician holds a dose of the measles- ty challenges. and steady in recent years, at above 90 percent, according to two CDC mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine at his practice in These concerns are being further aggravated by insuffi- reports released Thursday. — AP Northridge. — AP cient budgets, the lack of mature security strategies, and a shortage of skilled IT security personnel. “The need for a mobile healthcare workforce will be Newborn dies after rat bites in Indian hospital one of the key drivers of mobile technology investments in MEA over the coming years,” says Nino Giguashvili, lead NEW DELHI: A newborn has died after being bitten by rats in a deeply disturbed after learning that a baby boy died after bitten research analyst for CEMA at IDC Health Insights. “In line government-run hospital in southern India where he was under- by rats in Guntur hospital,” Naidu said on Twitter. “Warned offi- with the rapidly-rising importance of enterprise mobility- going treatment, the baby’s mother alleged yesterday. Three cials that such an incident should not recur.” within the MEA healthcare industry, mobile security will health officials have been suspended over the incident at the The hospital’s top official, medical superintendent T dominate investments in IT security solutions. Investments Guntur Government Hospital in Andhra Pradesh state where the Venugopala Rao, could not be contacted for comment despite in MDM solutions will see particularly strong growth.” 10-day-old boy was being treated for a urinary tract problem. His repeated attempts. But he was quoted in the Times of India news- IDC Health Insights’ recently published study ‘MEA mother, Chavali Lakshmi, said she alerted staff after noticing paper as saying the boy’s death occurred despite putting up rat Healthcare Going Mobile: CIO Summit Survey Highlights’ some of her son’s fingers appeared to have been nibbled off dur- mesh in the neonatal intensive care unit after receiving com- (July 2015, Doc #EHI07X) highlights the key findings of ing his stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. plaints about rodents. “It is an unfortunate incident,” he said. IDC’s MEA CIO Summit Survey. It examines the adoption “Our son was about to undergo a surgery but we noticed Most of India’s 1.2 billion-strong population rely on under-staffed patterns of 3rd platform technologies (mobility, big data, wounds on his right hand on Wednesday. Rats had nibbled them and run-down government hospitals for free treatment. Last year, cloud, and social media) and looks at the IT challenges (fingers) off,” Lakshmi told TV reporters. Andhra Pradesh Chief a hospital in the central state of Madhya Pradesh hired pest con- across the healthcare vertical in the MEA region. Minister N Chandrababu Naidu said he has suspended three offi- trollers after incidents of rodents damaging hospital equipment cials and ordered an inquiry into the incident. “Shocked and and biting patients. — AFP information SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 DIAL 161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION

In case you are not travelling, your proper cancellation of bookings will help other passengers use seats

Arrival Flights on Saturday 29/8/2015 IRA 669 Mashhad 17:10 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 Airlines Flt Route Time SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 PIA 205 Lahore 00:15 JZR 357 Mashhad 17:30 KAC 101 London/New York 10:00 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 RJA 649 Amman 10:15 SYR 343 Damascus 00:25 KAC 742 Dammam 17:45 KAC 511 Mashhad 10:20 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 IRM 1181 Mashhad 10:25 MSR 1614 Cairo 00:35 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 QTR 1071 Doha 10:40 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 SVA 500 Jeddah 18:00 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 THY 772 Istanbul 00:40 IRM 1180 Mashhad 18:10 SYR 342 Damascus 10:55 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 18:20 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 JAI 574 Mumbai 01:30 KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:25 JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 SAI 441 Lahore 01:35 CLX 856 Luxembourg 18:50 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 KAC 618 Doha 18:55 JZR 356 Mashhad 11:40 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 MEA 408 Beirut 01:50 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 KAC 104 London 19:00 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:10 OMA 643 Muscat 02:05 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 AGY 685 Sohag 12:40 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 IAW 158 Al Najaf 13:00 THY 768 Istanbul 02:50 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 QTR 1076 Doha 02:55 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 IRM 1189 Mashhad 13:10 RJA 644 Amman 03:10 FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 AGY 684 Sohag 19:50 OMA 642 Muscat 13:15 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 NIA 152 Cairo 13:35 PGT 860 Istanbul 03:45 KNE 480 Taif 20:10 SAW 702 Damascus 13:35 THY 1464 Istanbul 03:55 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 IRC 6512 ABD 13:50 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 ABY 121 Sharjah 20:20 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:20 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 THY 5582 Bursa 05:05 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:40 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:40 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 KAC 174 Munich 20:55 KAC 741 Dammam 14:40 KAC 416 Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur 06:00 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 IRC 527 Mashhad 15:00 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 BAW 157 London 06:35 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 KLM 415 Amsterdam 21:25 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 JZR 563 Sohag 06:45 FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 KNE 481 Taif 15:10 JZR 503 Luxor 07:20 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:45 KNE 470 Jeddah 22:05 IZG 4168 Mashhad 15:30 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 KAC 204 Lahore 07:50 THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 AIC 987 Chennai/Hyderabad 22:25 KNE 463 Madinah 16:00 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:00 KAC 154 Istanbul 08:10 MSC 407 Sohag 22:45 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 IZG 4162 Mashhad 16:10 KAC 344 Chennai 08:15 JZR 157 Dubai 22:55 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 16:10 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 23:00 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:45 KAC 284 Dhaka 09:00 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 NIA 252 Alexandria 16:50 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 LZB 7787 Varna 23:45 KNE 473 Jeddah 16:55 IRM 1186 Tehran 09:15 FDB 071 Dubai 23:55 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 RJA 648 Amman 09:30 Departure Flights on Saturday 29/8/2015 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 Airlines Flt Route Time QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 SYR 341 Damascus 10:00 RBG 556 Alexandria 00:05 KNE 475 Jeddah 17:50 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 IRA 666 Esfahan 18:10 UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 JZR 562 Sohag 00:20 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:30 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 AGY 680 Alexandria 11:40 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 KAC 563 Amman 18:30 IRM 1188 Mashhad 11:45 KLM 413 Amsterdam 00:55 KAC 287 Dhaka 18:35 OMA 641 Muscat 11:50 JZR 502 Luxor 01:10 JZR 156 Dubai 18:35 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 MSR 1615 Cairo 01:20 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 IAW 157 Al Najaf 12:00 SYR 344 KAC/Damascus 01:25 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 PIA 206 Lahore 01:30 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 NIA 151 Cairo 12:35 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 IRM 1187 Tehran 19:10 SAW 701 Damascus 12:35 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 SVA 505 Jeddah 19:30 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 SAI 442 Lahore 02:35 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 IRC 6511 ABD 12:50 MEA 409 Beirut 02:50 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 02:55 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 JZR 779 Jeddah 13:50 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 CLX 856 Hong Kong 20:20 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 13:55 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 THY 769 Istanbul 03:40 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 IRC 526 Mashhad 14:00 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 KAC 351 Kochi 20:45 KNE 460 Riyadh 14:10 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 KAC 333 Trivandrum 20:45 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 AGY 681 Alexandria 20:50 FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 KAC 1543 Cairo 20:55 IZG 4167 Mashhad 14:30 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:45 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 KAC 540 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:50 THY 765 Istanbul 04:55 ABY 122 Sharjah 21:00 IZG 4161 Mashhad 14:50 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 ABY 127 Sharjah 14:55 QTR 1077 Doha 05:05 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 JZR 257 Beirut 14:55 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 15:00 THY 1465 Istanbul 05:55 MSR 607 Luxor 21:40 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 KNE 462 Madinah 15:05 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 KAC 1802 Cairo 15:35 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 KAC 381 Delhi 22:20 NIA 251 Alexandria 15:50 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 JZR 256 Beirut 07:30 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:25 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:00 KAC 173 Munich 07:45 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:30 KNE 472 Jeddah 16:00 BAW 156 London 08:30 KAC 349 Kochi 22:30 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 JZR 778 Jeddah 08:30 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 KAC 512 Mashhad 16:10 KAC 539 Sharm el-Sheikh 08:50 KAC 205 Islamabad 22:50 QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 THY 5579 TZX 23:00 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 KAC 1801 Cairo 09:00 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 KAC 118 New York 16:30 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 KAC 153 Istanbul 23:00 KNE 474 Jeddah 16:55 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KNE 471 Jeddah 23:05 KAC 562 Amman 17:00 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:25

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Arrival Flights on Saturday 29/8/2015 IRA 669 Mashhad 17:10 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 Airlines Flt Route Time SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 PIA 205 Lahore 00:15 JZR 357 Mashhad 17:30 KAC 101 London/New York 10:00 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 RJA 649 Amman 10:15 SYR 343 Damascus 00:25 KAC 742 Dammam 17:45 KAC 511 Mashhad 10:20 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 IRM 1181 Mashhad 10:25 MSR 1614 Cairo 00:35 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 QTR 1071 Doha 10:40 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 SVA 500 Jeddah 18:00 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 THY 772 Istanbul 00:40 IRM 1180 Mashhad 18:10 SYR 342 Damascus 10:55 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 18:20 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 JAI 574 Mumbai 01:30 KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:25 JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 SAI 441 Lahore 01:35 CLX 856 Luxembourg 18:50 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 KAC 618 Doha 18:55 JZR 356 Mashhad 11:40 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 MEA 408 Beirut 01:50 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 KAC 104 London 19:00 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:10 OMA 643 Muscat 02:05 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 AGY 685 Sohag 12:40 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 IAW 158 Al Najaf 13:00 THY 768 Istanbul 02:50 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 QTR 1076 Doha 02:55 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 IRM 1189 Mashhad 13:10 RJA 644 Amman 03:10 FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 AGY 684 Sohag 19:50 OMA 642 Muscat 13:15 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 NIA 152 Cairo 13:35 PGT 860 Istanbul 03:45 KNE 480 Taif 20:10 SAW 702 Damascus 13:35 THY 1464 Istanbul 03:55 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 IRC 6512 ABD 13:50 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 ABY 121 Sharjah 20:20 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:20 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 THY 5582 Bursa 05:05 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:40 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:40 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 KAC 174 Munich 20:55 KAC 741 Dammam 14:40 KAC 416 Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur 06:00 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 IRC 527 Mashhad 15:00 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 BAW 157 London 06:35 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 KLM 415 Amsterdam 21:25 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 JZR 563 Sohag 06:45 FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 KNE 481 Taif 15:10 JZR 503 Luxor 07:20 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:45 KNE 470 Jeddah 22:05 IZG 4168 Mashhad 15:30 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 KAC 204 Lahore 07:50 THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 AIC 987 Chennai/Hyderabad 22:25 KNE 463 Madinah 16:00 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:00 KAC 154 Istanbul 08:10 MSC 407 Sohag 22:45 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 IZG 4162 Mashhad 16:10 KAC 344 Chennai 08:15 JZR 157 Dubai 22:55 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 16:10 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 23:00 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:45 KAC 284 Dhaka 09:00 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 NIA 252 Alexandria 16:50 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 LZB 7787 Varna 23:45 KNE 473 Jeddah 16:55 IRM 1186 Tehran 09:15 FDB 071 Dubai 23:55 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 RJA 648 Amman 09:30 Departure Flights on Saturday 29/8/2015 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 Airlines Flt Route Time QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 SYR 341 Damascus 10:00 RBG 556 Alexandria 00:05 KNE 475 Jeddah 17:50 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 IRA 666 Esfahan 18:10 UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 JZR 562 Sohag 00:20 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:30 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 AGY 680 Alexandria 11:40 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 KAC 563 Amman 18:30 IRM 1188 Mashhad 11:45 KLM 413 Amsterdam 00:55 KAC 287 Dhaka 18:35 OMA 641 Muscat 11:50 JZR 502 Luxor 01:10 JZR 156 Dubai 18:35 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 MSR 1615 Cairo 01:20 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 IAW 157 Al Najaf 12:00 SYR 344 KAC/Damascus 01:25 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 PIA 206 Lahore 01:30 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 NIA 151 Cairo 12:35 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 IRM 1187 Tehran 19:10 SAW 701 Damascus 12:35 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 SVA 505 Jeddah 19:30 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 SAI 442 Lahore 02:35 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 IRC 6511 ABD 12:50 MEA 409 Beirut 02:50 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 02:55 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 JZR 779 Jeddah 13:50 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 CLX 856 Hong Kong 20:20 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 13:55 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 THY 769 Istanbul 03:40 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 IRC 526 Mashhad 14:00 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 KAC 351 Kochi 20:45 KNE 460 Riyadh 14:10 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 KAC 333 Trivandrum 20:45 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 AGY 681 Alexandria 20:50 FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 KAC 1543 Cairo 20:55 IZG 4167 Mashhad 14:30 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:45 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 KAC 540 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:50 THY 765 Istanbul 04:55 ABY 122 Sharjah 21:00 IZG 4161 Mashhad 14:50 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 ABY 127 Sharjah 14:55 QTR 1077 Doha 05:05 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 JZR 257 Beirut 14:55 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 15:00 THY 1465 Istanbul 05:55 MSR 607 Luxor 21:40 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 KNE 462 Madinah 15:05 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 KAC 1802 Cairo 15:35 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 KAC 381 Delhi 22:20 NIA 251 Alexandria 15:50 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 JZR 256 Beirut 07:30 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:25 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:00 KAC 173 Munich 07:45 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:30 KNE 472 Jeddah 16:00 BAW 156 London 08:30 KAC 349 Kochi 22:30 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 JZR 778 Jeddah 08:30 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 KAC 512 Mashhad 16:10 KAC 539 Sharm el-Sheikh 08:50 KAC 205 Islamabad 22:50 QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 THY 5579 TZX 23:00 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 KAC 1801 Cairo 09:00 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 KAC 118 New York 16:30 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 KAC 153 Istanbul 23:00 KNE 474 Jeddah 16:55 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KNE 471 Jeddah 23:05 KAC 562 Amman 17:00 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:25

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page ( SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Asia) (1450-1500). Word Search Puzzles CROSSWORD 1006 77. Mostly perennial herbs with sticky stems that catch insects. 78. An adult male person (as opposed to a woman). 79. A unit of area (4840 square yards) used in English-speaking countries. 80. Situated in front of the anus. 81. One or some or every or all without specification.

DOWN 1. The basic unit of money in Bangladesh. 2. Earn on some commercial or business transaction. 3. (Hindu) A manner of sitting (as in the practice of Yoga). 4. An independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activ- ities abroad in the national interest. 5. A town in southern Turkey. 6. A kind of sealing material that is used to form a hard coating on a porous surface (as a coat of paint or varnish used to size a surface). 7. Short and fat. 8. A bivalent and trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group. 9. A local and habitual twitching especially in the face. 10. (astronomy) A measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion. 11. A small vessel with a rim curved to fit the orbit of the eye. 12. Great in vertical dimension. 13. (of something seen or heard) Clearly defined. 14. (Judaism) A Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days) celebrating the exo- dus of the Israelites from Egypt. 19. Informal terms for money. ACROSS 21. Obvious and dull. 1. A beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water. 24. A unit of absorbed ionizing radiation equal to 100 ergs per gram of 4. A container that holds a magnetic tape used for recording or playing irradiated material. sound or video. 31. An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many 12. A protocol developed for the internet to get data from one network seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp. device to another. 33. A river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine. 15. An associate degree in applied science. 34. The basic unit of money in South Africa. 16. Partiality that is not fair or equitable. 36. A signal transmitted along a narrow path. Yesterday’s Solution 37. A heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element (resembles 17. A unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters. arsenic and antimony chemically). 18. A small volcanic island in Indonesia between Java and Sumatra. 38. French poet and novelist and dramatist. 20. The principal evil jinni in Islamic mythology. 39. A large heavy knife used in Central and South America as a weapon or 22. A former copper coin of Pakistan. for cutting vegetation. 23. (botany) Of or relating to the axil. 40. Characteristic of false pride. 25. Strong lightweight wood of the balsa tree used especially for floats. 41. A ruler of the Inca Empire (or a member of his family). 26. A silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite. 43. Any property detected by the olfactory system. 27. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with veg- 44. A training program to prepare college students to be commissioned etables. officers. 28. An associate degree in nursing. 47. A small cake leavened with yeast. 29. (chemistry) P(otential of) H(ydrogen). 48. A rounded thickly curled hairdo. 30. A metallic element having four allotropic forms. 49. A member of the Siouan people formerly living in the Missouri river 32. A period of time containing 365 (or 366) days. valley in NE Nebraska. 35. A workplace for the conduct of scientific research. 50. Any plant of the genus Erica. 42. (informal) Of the highest quality. 53. Abnormal position of a part or organ (especially at the time of birth). 45. (British) Your grandmother. 56. A legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee 46. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. or society or legislative body. 51. God of love and erotic desire. 59. One of the two branches of the Finno-Ugric family of languages. 52. Covering for a person's feet. 60. Measuring instrument in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radi- 54. A silvery soft waxy metallic element of the alkali metal group. ation is used to detect and locate distant objects. 55. A commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells. 62. Botswanan statesman who was the first president of Botswana (1921- 57. A mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,047 feet high). 1980). 58. Flavored with sour orange peel. 63. Hungarian choreographer who developed Labanotation (1879-1958). 61. The person who plays that position on a football team. 64. Very dark black. 65. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey). 66. (trademark) A liquid that temporarily disables a person. 69. According to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and 67. A Loloish language. husband of Jezebel (9th century BC). 68. United States educator who introduced reforms that significantly 70. Relating to the Urdu language. altered the system of public education (1796-1859). 75. A dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when 71. The act of using. Europeans arrived. 72. Any high mountain. 76. Portuguese explorer who in 1488 was the first European to get round 73. (Norse mythology) God of war and strife and son of Odin. the Cape of Good Hope (thus establishing a sea route from the Atlantic to 74. The sign language used in the United States.

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution Yesterday’s Solution SPORTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

MMA Wren returns for a new fight

LOS ANGELES: re-evaluated That’s my family.” Wren returns to MMA to dependence on oxycodone, marijuana, “But I knew that the fighting community his life less than two years ago from a after a five-year absence Friday night, tak- cocaine and partying. would listen to me, or at least I could talk. Ugandan hospital bed, where he clung to ing on Josh Burns in Temecula, California. “I would say that I’ve always loved the This story is worth being told, and these life with severe cases of malaria and black- The Bellator 141 cage at the Pechanga sport, like passionately loved the sport,” people are worth fighting for.” water fever. Resort and Casino is a long way from east- Wren said. “But I would say that I hated After getting married last November, With his body temperature fluctuating ern. Congo, which has been Wren’s home who I had become in the sport.” After get- Wren returned to MMA training and fin- wildly, he had lost 33 pounds in five days, for long stretches of the past half-decade. ting sober, Wren accepted an offer to trav- ished writing a book, “Fight for the draining the strength from a burly, blond- A humanitarian mission to the Mbuti el with a religious group. He was stunned Forgotten,” due out next month. But he bearded mixed martial artist who left his pygmy groups turned into an urgent cause when he immediately felt at home in east- couldn’t stay away from the Congo: He sport in search of something bigger. Wren for Wren, who will donate his MMA win ern Congo - even though he contracted returned from his most recent trip less realizes most people with any self-preser- bonuses and other income streams to the several illnesses in addition to that malaria than three months ago. vation instinct would have left Africa to charitable organization with which he is bout in November 2013, when he needed During the three-week stop, he cele- recover. But he says he first traveled to the digging water wells, starting farms and an emergency flight to medical care in brated the drilling of his team’s 20th water Congo after it appeared to him in a vision, buying land. He wants to resurrect his Uganda on Thanksgiving Day. well, observed a nascent farming project in providing a destination and a focus to a life fighting career, but a championship belt is Wren was ready to quit MMA while he three villages and checked in with his consumed by drug abuse and self- no longer his ultimate goal. “I’m in it for a spent a full year in the Congo. He made ini- group’s 17 employees. He has merged his loathing. The heavyweight wrestler could- lot more than me now,” Wren said. “I put a tial plans to move permanently with his nonprofit organization into a larger organi- n’t abandon the pygmy tribes that became world of pressure on myself even when it then-girlfriend, Emily, who had never been zation, “I have to learn to bal- his adopted family. was just for me, and now it’s for them.” on a camping trip before Wren plunked ance the two cultures, because I immerse After a month of recovery, he bought a her down in Africa. myself completely in theirs, and then I truck and drove it back. “You’re going to Ultimate fighter But as his return to the U.S. grew closer come back here and it’s like complete cul- have to take me out, because that’s the After getting into MMA as a teenage last year, the fighting itch returned. He also ture shock,” Wren said while sitting on an fighter I am,” Wren said. “That’s what this wrestler in his native Texas, Wren fought acknowledged the enormous opportunity outdoor terrace at a posh Century City mission is about. That’s why I went to the on “,” competing he held in his powerful hands: MMA is a hotel. Wren’s eyes dart to the potted palms Congo. When I say that’s my family, I liter- alongside current UFC regulars Roy Nelson platform to reach untold millions with the in the corner, and a laugh emerges from ally mean it. and on the long-running pygmies’ story. his still-thick beard: “I could build a pretty It’s not a shallow thing to me. It’s not to reality show. He was 10-2 in a solid MMA “I couldn’t promise them clean water or sweet hut out of these leaves. I could sleep tug on anyone’s heart. That’s my heart. career, but injuries and depression led him a farm or a farming project,” Wren said. out here.” — AP Solheim pick Lang surges two ahead in Alabama

ALABAMA: Three days after earning a captain’s pick for the Solheim Cup, Brittany Lang proved the value of her selection by seizing a two-shot lead in Thursday’s opening round of the Yokohama Tire LPGA Classic in Prattville, Alabama. The 30-year-old, chosen as a wildcard along with Paula Creamer by US Solheim Cup captain Juli Inkster, fired a superb seven-under-par 65 in ideal scoring conditions on the Senator Course at Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail. Lang, who tied for second at the 2009 Yokohama Tire LPGA Classic, birdied five of her first seven holes before ending the day two ahead of fellow Americans Ryann O’Toole, Tiffany Joh and Sydnee Michaels. American world number three Stacy Lewis, tournament champion in 2012 and a runner-up last year, launched her bid for a first LPGA victory in 14 months with an opening 70. “It was just one of those days, it was so enjoyable,” Lang told reporters after soaring to the top of the leaderboard with nine birdies and two bogeys. “I wasn’t thinking about a whole lot. I was just super com- mitted to seeing my shots, it was so much fun.” “I played pret- ty flawless golf. Even when I was making pars, I was burning EDISON: Bubba Watson watches a tee shot during the first round of The Barclays golf tournament, in Edison. — AP the edge from 10 feet. Every hole I was right there.” Lang was delighted that she rebounded from her only bogeys of the day, at the 13th and 14th, with consecutive Watson sizzles, Spieth struggles birdies from the 16th. “The birdies on 16 and 17 were pretty big after the bogeys ... not stupid bogeys, small misses, but I stayed EDISON: Bubba Watson charged into a tie Championship 11 days ago. “After the tee strong. “I know I can still shoot a low round aggressive so I was excited with that,” she said. —Reuters for the first-round lead at The Barclays shots, that is the worst round I’ve played in if I hit the shots I need to hit ... hopefully while newly crowned world number one years,” Masters and U.S. Open champion see a few more putts go in.” Left-hander Jordan Spieth struggled to his worst score Spieth, who hit 11 of 14 fairways on a chal- Watson, who played with Spieth and PGA of the year in relation to par. lenging Plainfield layout, told reporters. Championship winner Jason Day of Twice Masters champion Watson used a “It was really a very unique round for Australia in a high-profile grouping, surged red-hot outward nine as a springboard en this year. I hit my first 11 fairways today to the top of the leaderboard with five route to a sizzling five-under-par 65 at and that’s really hard to do out here. birdies in his first nine holes. Plainfield Country Club, setting the pace “Typically when I hit the fairways, I’m not He picked up two more shots before a with fellow Americans Spencer Levin and over par. That’s what was weird about the poor swing at the par-three sixth and a Tony Finau, and Colombia’s Camilo round.” Spieth covered his front nine in a three-putt at the tricky ninth cost him two Villegas. New Zealander Danny Lee, promising two-under 34 but then ran up bogeys in his last four holes. Americans Jason Dufner, Cameron Tringale five bogeys, a double at the par-three third “All in all, it’s a good round but the back and Bryce Molder, and Britons Paul Casey after his tee shot found water and a lone nine ... if I just make a better swing on the and Russell Knox opened with 66s in the birdie after the turn. par-three and then a two-putt, it’s not too first of the PGA Tour’s four lucrative The best putter in the game recorded bad,” said Watson. FedExCup playoff events. two three-putt bogeys as he carded his “I missed the cut the last time I played Spieth, however, was let down by his worst score since a first-round 75 at the here so we are ahead of the curve right EDISON: Justin Rose of England plays a shot from the usually stellar short game as he limped to a Players Championship in May. Asked how now,” he grinned. World number three rough on the 18th hole during the second round of The 74 in his first competitive round since he he would respond, the 22-year-old Texan Day, who withdrew from Wednesday’s pro- Barclays at Plainfield Country Club yesterday in Edison, replaced Rory McIlroy at the top of the replied: “I do what I have done best, am competition due to a back issue, New Jersey. — AFP rankings by finishing second at the PGA bounce back. I come back tomorrow opened with a 68. — Reuters SPORTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Gregory’s work to impress Cowboys now showing on field

OXNARD: At times this summer, Randy Gregory the draft. He also missed a meeting with one for good in terms of his habits and the way he with Pro Bowl left tackle Tyron Smith - the would sign autographs and give interviews until team and canceled two others. Once project- goes about his business. Obviously he’s shown same sort of training Gregory got in offseason team personnel had to just about pull him ed as a top 10 pick, Gregory slid to the that he can do it, which means that he can workouts and camp this year. “I remember the off the field during training camp. The rookie Cowboys at No. 60. continue to do it.” first day, especially going up against Smith, I’ve defensive end from Nebraska has been trying to But the talk about the 6-foot-5 Gregory Gregory was given No. 94, the same num- come a long way,” Gregory said. “I used to get make a good impression, most notably with now focuses on his two sacks through two pre- ber worn by Dallas franchise sacks leader beat all the time. Every now and then, I can Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, since conduct season games - one in each. And the two hold- DeMarcus Ware, who was also well-known for sneak in a few against him. I think I put on issues caused him to slide to the end of the sec- ing penalties he forced on San Francisco line- being active in the community. But the some weight, so I think that helped out.” ond round in last spring’s NFL draft. men last weekend. Now the Cowboys are see- Cowboys aren’t putting everything on him. While Gregory says it will be a constant bat- Gregory is still talking about that commit- ing how he led the Cornhuskers in sacks for Dallas has taken a pass rusher in the second tle to keep his weight up - he was listed at 255 ment to his outspoken new boss more than consecutive seasons, finishing with a com- round each of the past two drafts since dump- pounds on the camp roster - coach Jason three months later, and how much it motivates bined 17-1/2. ing Ware in a salary cap move, starting with Garrett says his “heavy hands” are an asset in him. “It does every day,” Gregory said. “Not just “You ask yourself is this something he can DeMarcus Lawrence out of Boise State last pass rushing. He even got a nod from notori- for them, but for myself. Even to this day we do against that kind of competition, can he do year. The Cowboys traded up to get him. They ously hard-to-please defensive coordinator still talk about giving my best effort, staying it out here certainly what he is practicing also signed former Carolina defensive end Rod Marinelli, who called him up for an illustra- true to my word, things like that. I live by that against here,” Jones said. “He can and he is Greg Hardy in free agency, with Hardy set to tion about hand use during a drill in camp. every day when I come out here and play and doing it.” Executive vice president of personnel miss the first four games on a suspension over “When someone who has heavy hands strikes when I come out here and practice. I think I’ve Stephen Jones says he and his dad “couldn’t his role in a domestic violence case that also you, you feel it,” Garrett said. “The other thing done a pretty good job of it up to this point.” ask for more” than what Gregory has done on kept him out of 15 games with the Panthers that Randy has, he’s got great length and he Gregory acknowledged the day he was and off the field so far. “But we’re three months last season. uses it. You see him use a long arm move or drafted that he had to quit smoking marijua- into this,” Stephen Jones said. “We’ve got a Lawrence missed half of last season after how he’s handling an offensive lineman or a na, which led to a positive drug test before long ways to go. We need that to be every day breaking a foot at camp in a one-on-one drill tight end.”— AP

German sailor’s infection puts heat on Rio organisers

BERLIN: German sailor Erik Heil, who was third at the Rio De Janeiro Olympic test last week, is being treated for several infections which he says were caused by the polluted waters during the regatta there, piling more pressure on organisers to move the location of next year’s sailing event. His case has been taken up by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), which said it would now be escalated to Rio 2016 Games organisers and the international sailing federation. The Brazilian metropolis will host the summer Games, the first South American city to do so, but it is strug- gling with polluted waters on which the athletes will com- pete. Heil, who won third spot along with Thomas Ploessel in the 49er class, was told by the Berlin hospital treating him daily that he had been infected by multi-resistant germs, the German sailing team said. “I have never in my life had infections on the legs. Never!” Heil said on the sailing team’s Olympic blog. ASTANA: (From left) Spain’s silver medallist Maria Bernabeu, France’s gold medallist Gevrise Emane and bronze medal- “I assume I picked that up at the test regatta. The cause lists France’s Fanny Estelle Posvite and Colombia’s Yuri Alvear pose with their medals following the women’s -70kg cate- should be the Marina da Gloria where their is a constant flow gory competition at the Judo World Championships in Astana yesterday. — AFP of waste water from the city’s hospitals.” The organising committee for Rio 2016 did not immedi- ately respond to requests for comment on Heil’s case, but Emane resists youth surge as spokesman Mario Andrada insisted at a news conference on Thursday that the sailing will not be moved. The pressure is mounting, however. Umeki keeps Japan dominating Buzios, a beach resort and popular watersports destination a few hours out of Rio, is campaigning to replace Guanabara Bay for next year’s Olympic sailing and has organised a press ASTANA: Veteran Gevrise Emane turned Germany’s Luise Malzahn beat Tcheumeo adapt her category earlier in her career visit this weekend to show it has the infrastructure and water back the clock to win her third world title for bronze as Marhinde Verkerk of the due to the presence of Lucie Decosse, a quality necessary to host the event. “We contacted Erik Heil as a wave of young pretenders led by Netherlands won the other bronze medal. star of the French team and 2012 Olympic and the German sailing federation and are taking this case Japan’s Mami Umeki swept the world judo At the other end of the age spectrum to champion. When Decosse stepped up seriously,” DOSB CEO Michael Vesper said in an email to championships in Kazakhstan yesterday. Umeki, Emane proved she remains a force from under-63kg to under-70kg, Emane Reuters. “The (German) sailing federation will inform Rio 2016 Emane, 33, gave France their first cham- to be reckoned with at under-70kg ahead had to go the other way in order to keep organisers and the international sailing federation. pion of the competition while Umeki kept of next year’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. alive her Olympic dream-she took bronze “I already raised the issue of water quality during last Japan well ahead of the rest with the She scored a stunning ippon-the equiv- in 2012 — as her rival was the undisputed week’s chef de mission (team chiefs) meeting in Rio and the Asians’ fifth gold medal. At just 20 years of alent to a knock-out in -after just 14 queen of French judo. mayor of the city said it was their responsibility as this was age, Umeki is a star of the future and she seconds of the final against Spain’s Maria While Decosse added world titles at not an Olympic problem but a problem of the city of Rio that came through the carnage of a women’s Bernabeu with a two-sleeved hip throw off under-70kg in 2010 and 2011 to her 2005 needs to be tackled and solved,” Vesper said. under-78kg category that saw former world her knees (tsuri-komi-goshi). gold at under-63kg, Emane proved that Biologists last year said rivers leading into the bay con- champions beaten at an alarming rate. “It’s huge, I’m super happy, I’m thinking although she might not have been the tained a superbacteria resistant to antibiotics that cure uri- Brazil’s Mayra Aguiar lasted only two about the Olympics,” said Emane, whose best fighter in France, she could nonethe- nary, gastrointestinal and pulmonary infections. fights in the defence of her crown, as did 2014 season was poor by her standards as less triumph on the global stage by also “We will try to arrive relatively late to Rio in the future so the 2010 champion Kyla Harrison of the she concentrated on her future career. becoming a two-weight world champion. that any illness appears towards the end of the regatta or United States. Twice world champion “Going after an Olympic title is not In Astana, the reigning champion Yuri even when we are back home,” Heil said in his blog. “We are Audrey Tcheumeo of France made it to impossible. “After 30 years of age we think Alvear of Colombia could only manage also considering with Thomas to sail out of the marina with the semi-finals but she was beaten by people get more tired and can’t perform bronze having lost to Emane in the quar- plastic covers and then wear our normal neopren shoes fur- Slovenia’s Anamari Velensek. as much. “There are ups and downs but ter-finals, while France’s Fanny Estelle ther out on the water,” Heil said. Umeki dominated the final with her that’s sport, it wouldn’t be fun otherwise.” Posvite shocked Chizuru Arai of Japan for When Rio bid to host the Games, the city trumpeted the groundwork and after twice coming close Having already won this division in the other bronze medal. clean up and said it would cut the amount of raw sewage to armlocking Velensek, she pinned the 2007, before stepping down to under- The final title of the day went to South flowing into the bay by 80 percent. However, it has since Slovenian to secure victory. It denied 63kg and winning the 2011 world title, Korea’s Gwak Dong-han in the men’s admitted it is unlikely to meet that target saying earlier this Slovenia a second world champion follow- Cameroon-born Emane is now a three- under-90kg division. That too was a sur- year the amount of sewage treated before reaching the bay ing Tina Trstenjak’s historic first ever gold time world champion as well as four-time prise as the 23-year-old Asian champion had risen from 17 to 49 percent. — Reuters for the former Yugoslav republic in European gold medallist. What’s even had never before reached such a level on Thursday’s under-63kg category. more impressive is that Emane had to the world stage. —AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

PHOENIX: St. Louis Cardinals’ Matt Carpenter scores as Arizona Diamondbacks’ Welington Castillo, right, and Jake Lamb (19) wait for a possible throw from the out- field during the first inning of a baseball game in Phoenix. — AP Murphy leads Mets to sweep of Phillies

PHILADELPHIA: Daniel Murphy hit a go-ahead The Reds finished 1-9 on their homestand. giving up three hits. He improved to 100-73 in 11 in just six innings, Paulo Orlando homered double in the 13th inning after making a spec- Anthony DeSclafani (7-10) took the loss. 241 career games with Milwaukee and Texas. and Kansas City beat Baltimore. Ventura (9-7) tacular defensive play to end the 10th, leading Outfielder Yasiel Puig and first baseman Adrian Shawn Tolleson closed for his 26th save in 28 allowed two hits and four walks to improve the New York Mets over Philadelphia for their Gonzalez both exited early with injuries for the chances. DeShields drew a walk from Marco to 5-0 in his last seven starts. Chris Tillman (9- seventh straight win. Reliever Carlos Torres led NL West-leading Dodgers. Estrada (11-8) in the first and scored on Mitch 9) took the loss. Orioles star center fielder off the 13th with a single, Curtis Granderson sin- Moreland’s single. DeShields finished 2 for 2 Adam Jones ran into the wall chasing a fly gled and both scored on Murphy’s hit off Hector GIANTS 9, CUBS 1 with three walks. ball in the first. He left soon after that with Neris (2-2). With two outs in the 10th, Jeff Kelby Tomlinson hit a grand slam for his first whiplash, and X-rays on his neck and wrist Francoeur hit a hard shot that deflected off career home run and Marlon Byrd added a RAYS 5, TWINS 4 were negative. Torres’ leg. Murphy made a diving stop at first three-run shot, leading Madison Bumgarner and Relievers Brandon Gomes, Alex Colome base, then flipped a backhanded, no-look toss San Francisco over Chicago. The Giants moved and Brad Boxberger combined for 4 2-3 score- WHITE SOX 4, MARINERS 2 toward the bag that the hustling Torres caught within 5-1/2 games of the Cubs for the second less innings and Tampa Bay stopped Carlos Rodon took a shutout into the sev- as he beat Francoeur by a half-step. Torres (5-5) NL wild-card spot. Bumgarner (16-6) struck out Minnesota’s six-game winning streak. Gomes enth inning, Adam Eaton had three hits and pitched 2 -1-3 scoreless innings for the Mets, 12 in six innings, giving up one run and two hits. (2-4) got an inning-ending double play with scored three runs and the Chicago White Sox who held their 6-1/2-game lead over He won his fifth straight start and matched the two on in the fifth during his 1-2-3 innings. beat Seattle. Jose Abreu and Trayce Washington in the NL East. Cubs’ Jake Arrieta for most victories in the After Colome worked two innings, Boxberger Thompson had RBI doubles for Chicago, majors. Dan Haren (8-9) took the loss. Later, the struck out all three batters he faced for his 31st which wore throwback uniforms that NATIONALS 4, PADRES 2 Cubs acquired struggling reliever Fernando save. Joey Butler, recalled from Triple-A debuted in 1976 and included white wide- Jayson Werth and Ryan Zimmerman home- Rodney from Seattle for cash. Durham to take the place of injured outfielder collared untucked jerseys paired with navy red, and starter Joe Ross allowed only a bunt Desmond Jennings, had an RBI single off blue pants and white socks. Rodon (6-5) left single in six innings as Washington beat San PIRATES 2, MARLINS 1 Tommy Milone (6-4). after giving up a two-run homer to Franklin Diego. Zimmerman’s RBI single in the fifth Gerrit Cole snapped the longest winless Gutierrez in the seventh. David Robertson gave the Nationals the lead for good at 2-1. He drought of his career, Pedro Alvarez homered ANGELS 2, TIGERS 0 got three outs for his 27th save in 33 chances. drove in eight runs during the three-game and Pittsburgh held off Miami. Cole (15-7) Matt Shoemaker pitched one-hit ball into the Roenis Elias (4-7) gave up four runs and nine series. Werth homered off Andrew Cashner (5- allowed one run and five hits in 7-1-3 innings, eighth inning in his hometown ballpark, Albert hits in 6 2-3 innings. 13) in the sixth. Ross (5-5) won his second striking out four and walking none. He hadn’t Pujols drove in one run and scored another and straight start, allowing the bunt single by gotten the win in any of his previous five starts. the Los Angeles Angels beat Detroit. Angels CARDINALS 5, DIAMONDBACKS 3 Corey Spangenberg and one run. Jonathan Mark Melancon posted his 41st save in 43 catcher Carlos Perez got a big assist in the win, Brandon Moss hit his first home run with Papelbon got his fourth save with Washington chances. Justin Nicolino (2-2) gave up two runs too. Two of them, in fact, as he picked off St. Louis and Tony Cruz hit his first of the sea- despite giving up a run on Yonder Alonso’s in six innings. Anthony Gose at first base and later threw him son to lead the Cardinals to a four-game two-out single. out trying to steal second. Shoemaker (6-9) sweep. It was the Cardinals’ fifth straight win RANGERS 4, BLUE JAYS 1 went to high school about 30 minutes from overall and they finished 7-0 against the DODGERS 1, REDS 0 Yovani Gallardo earned his 100th career vic- Comerica Park and attended Eastern Michigan Diamondbacks this season. Moss’s tiebreak- Zack Greinke and two relievers combined on tory, Delino DeShields had a part in all the Texas University, a school that has a large ad on the ing two-run shot in the fifth inning off starter a four-hitter and the Los Angeles Dodgers com- runs even without an RBI and the Rangers right field fence. Huston Street got his 31st save Rubby De La Rosa (11-6) put the Cardinals pleted a three-game sweep of reeling stopped Toronto’s five-game winning streak. in the combined two-hitter. Randy Wolf (0-2) ahead 5-3. Carlos Martinez (13-6) earned the Cincinnati. Greinke (14-3) lowered his major The Rangers averted a sweep by the AL East gave up one run in seven innings. win with six innings of four-hit ball, allowing league-best ERA to 1.61 and allowed four hits leaders and moved a half-game ahead of three runs and striking out six with two over seven innings, striking out nine. Jim Minnesota for the second AL wild-card spot. ROYALS 5, ORIOLES 3 walks. Trevor Rosenthal got the last three Johnson pitched the ninth for his 10th save. Gallardo (11-9) threw 5 1-3 scoreless innings, Yordano Ventura struck out a career-high outs for his 41st save. — AP SPORTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

England’s Bell quits one-day internationals

LONDON: England batsman Ian Bell is retiring him over the Australians, but averaged only perspective,” he said. “I would love nothing from one-day internationals to concentrate on 26.87 with the bat. “Deep down I probably more than to go to Australia in two years’ prolonging his test career, the 33-year-old said knew I wasn’t ready to call time on my test time and right the wrongs of our last Ashes yesterday. Bell, who has scored an England career,” Bell wrote in the Metro newspaper. tour there,” the right-hander added in refer- record 5,416 runs in 161 one-dayers, was left Bell has scored 7,569 runs in 115 tests at ence to the 5-0 whitewash last year. “I’m not out of the squad for the five-match series an average of 43, including 22 centuries. “I’ve afraid of being dropped. I’m looking forward against Australia starting next week. a huge amount still to give in the test arena to challenging myself and putting myself He helped his team win this year’s Ashes, a and still have so many ambitions left to into difficult situations against the best play- record-equalling fifth test series victory for achieve, both from a personal and a team ers in the world.” — Reuters

Aussie pacemen star as Smith era begins with Ireland win

BELFAST: Steven Smith’s first match as full-time Australia captain ended with a rain-affected 23-run one-day international win over Ireland in Belfast on Thursday, but it needed the speed of Pat Cummins and Mitchell Starc to put the hosts in their place. A third- wicket partnership of 86 between Ed Joyce (44) and Niall O’Brien (45) put Ireland on course for their first ever victory over the world champions. But after Glenn Maxwell ended the stand, the middle- lower order could not maintain the scoring rate against the express pace of Cummins and Starc, the world’s top-ranked ODI bowler. Cummins (two for 19) actually broke the bat of Stuart Thompson, who had just hit off-spinner Maxwell for two sixes as Ireland, cricket’s leading non-Test nation, chased a revised target of 181 in 24 overs on a frustrating day of four rain interruptions. Left-arm fast bowler Starc (two for 34) ended Thompson’s late rally to give one-day wicket-keeper Matthew Wade his third catch of the innings. Nathan Coulter-Nile, with the final two wickets in the last over, ended as the most successful bowler and also the most economi- cal (three for 13 in 4.4 overs) as Australia, in their first match in this format since beating New Zealand in the World Cup final in Melbourne in March, ultimately won with something to spare. Australia, with Smith leading the team for the first time fol- lowing the retirement of Michael Clarke, had chosen to bat on what he described as a slow but good pitch and they made 222 for six before the second rain interruption ended their innings COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s Angelo Mathews unsuccessfully appeals for the wicket of India’s Cheteshwar Pujara, unseen, on in the 41st over.— AFP the day one of their third test cricket match in Colombo, Sri Lanka, yesterday. — AP SCOREBOARD BELFAST, United Kingdom: Scoreboard in the lone one-day Rain ruins play after international between Ireland and Australia at Belfast’s Stormont ground on Thursday: Australia Sri Lanka rattle India J. Burns c O’Brien b Young 69 D. Warner c Joyce b Murtagh 84 S. Smith c O’Brien b Thompson 21 COLOMBO: Sri Lanka gave India a scare before bad weather Test in Galle by 63 runs and India drew level with a 278-run win in G. Bailey bowled Murtagh 1 G. Maxwell c O’Brien b McBrine 2 washed out a major part of the opening day’s play in the series- the second match at the P. Sara Oval in Colombo on Monday. S. Watson not out 26 deciding third and final Test in Colombo yesterday. Just 15 overs The hard-working groundstaff, who had covered the entire M. Marsh c Murtagh b Mooney 11 were bowled in the 75 minutes of play possible before lunch, dur- field, tried to dry the surface but their efforts were hampered by M. Wade not out 2 ing which Sri Lanka grabbed two early wickets after sending India overcast skies. Bad weather has been forecast for the duration of Extras (b1, lb3, w1, nb1) 6 in to bat on a greenish pitch under overcast conditions. the match, but India’a batting coach Sanjay Bangar predicted a Total (6 wkts, 40.2 overs) 222 The tourists slipped to 14-2 in the fourth over before moving to “hard-fought” Test on what he said was a sporting wicket. Fall of wickets: 1-139 (Burns) 2-165 (Warner) 3-167 (Bailey) 4-170 50 without further loss, but heavy rain that lashed the Sinhalese “We have hardly had one full session, so it is premature to even (Maxwell) 5-190 (Smith) 6-214 (Marsh) sports club prevented any further play in the day. Cheteshwar think of a result at this stage,” Bangar said. “This is going to be a Did not bat: M Starc, N Coulter-Nile, P Cummins Pujara was unbeaten on 19 and skipper Virat Kohli was on 14, the really hard-fought and tight Test. “We definitely want to bat well in Bowling: Young 6-0-49-1 (1nb, 1w); Murtagh 10-1-45-2; Mooney 6- 0-33-1; Thompson 6-1-37-1; McBrine 9-0-40-1, Stirling 3.2-0-14-0 pair having put on 36 for the third wicket to stymie the Sri Lankan the first session tomorrow and take it from there. attack. The series is locked at 1-1 after Sri Lanka won the opening “It’s a sporting wicket with a good grass cover on it. It is also Ireland (revised target 181 in 24 overs) hard underneath and I expect the ball to seam around throughout W. Porterfield b Starc 4 SCOREBOARD the game. It will make for challenging cricket.” India lost second P. Stirling c Wade b Coulter-Nile 0 Test century-maker Lokesh Rahul off the second ball of the game, E. Joyce b Maxwell 44 Scoreboard at lunch on the first day in the third and final bowled by Dhammika Prasad with a sharp in-swinger that the N. O’Brien c Burns b Maxwell 45 Test between Sri Lanka and India yesterday in Colombo, batsman wanted to leave. Ajinkya Rahane, who also scored a hun- A. Balbirnie c Coulter-Nile b Cummins 12 Sri Lanka. dred in the previous match, made eight when he was given out G. Wilson c Wade b Cummins 1 leg-before off seamer Nuwan Pradeep in the fourth over. India S. Thompson c Wade b Starc 24 India 1st innings J. Mooney run out (Bailey) 0 L. Rahul b Prasad 2 would have been in further trouble at 33-2 had debutant wicket- A. McBrine c Cummins b Coulter-Nile 7 C. Pujara not out 19 keeper Kusal Perera not dropped Kohli down the leg-side off T. Murtagh not out 2 A. Rahane lbw b Pradeep 8 Pradeep. The missed catch also cost the hosts five penalty runs as C. Young b Coulter-Nile 0 V. Kohli not out 14 the ball hit a helmet lying behind the ‘keeper. Extras (b6, lb1, w5, nb1, pen5) 18 Extras (nb-1 w-1 pen-5) 7 The tourists were forced to make two changes for the series Total (all out, 23.4 overs) 157 Total (for 2 wickets, 15 overs) 50 decider, replacing the injured duo of opener Murali Vijay and Fall: 1-5 (Porterfield), 2-7 (Stirling), 3-93 (Joyce), 4-106 (O’Brien), 5- Fall of wickets: 1-2 L. Rahul, 2-14 A. Rahane wicket-keeper Wriddhiman Saha with Pujara and 32-year-old 115 (Balbirnie), 6-137 (Wilson), 7-137 (Mooney), 8-155 (Thompson) 9-157 (McBrine), 10-157 (Young) To bat: R. Sharma, N. Ojha, S. Binny, R. Ashwin, A. Mishra, I. debutant Naman Ojha. Sri Lanka replaced the retired Kumar Sangakkara with another left-hander, Upul Tharanga, and also Bowling: Starc 5-0-34-2 (1nb, 1w); Coulter-Nile 4.4-0-13-3 (2w); Sharma, U. Yadav. Cummins 5-0-19-2 (1w); Marsh 3-0-26-0; Maxwell 4-0-41-2; Watson Bowling: D. Prasad 4-0-16-1 (nb-1), N. Pradeep 6-0-16-1 (w- included Pradeep and Perera. The hosts left out Jehan 2-0-12-0 (1w) 1), A. Mathews 4-2-7-0, R. Herath 1-0-6-0. Mubarak and Dushmantha Chameera from the side which lost Result: Australia won by 23 runs (D/L method). the second Test. — AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

Serena Williams eyes first Grand Slam since 1988

NEW YORK: Ask Serena Williams what could - the 33-year-old American has become quite amateur competition). “What Serena’s doing Claiming the championship at the prevent her from completing tennis’ first true adept at discarding that fear and doubt. just now is incredible,” said two-time major Australian Open on hard courts in January, Grand Slam in more than a quarter-century When the U.S. Open begins Monday, the No. champion Andy Murray, who joins No. 1 the French Open on clay courts in June, at the U.S. Open, and the response will not 1-seeded Williams will embark on a bid to Novak Dkokovic and No. 2 Roger Federer as Wimbledon on grass courts in July, and the include the name of a single possible oppo- become the first tennis player since Steffi the favorites for the men’s title. US Open on hard courts in September, all nent. “Well,” she began when that question Graf in 1988 to win the sport’s four most Williams’ pursuit figures to garner the within the same year. was posed, “I’m always one of my biggest prestigious tournaments in a single season. greatest attention at Flushing Meadows. “There’s no doubt winning four in a row competitors. I can always stop myself. So Only five players have pulled off a calen- There is, after all, history in the offing. She almost never happens. It’s arguably as that’s why I kind of just try to stay positive on dar-year Grand Slam; the last man to do it can become the first player in the Open era impressive, but not quite, because of the the court and stay really focused and stay as was Rod Laver in 1969. “Just the fact that with seven US Open trophies, and the first pressure factor of what’s building now calm as I can.” What else? “I have to make she’s gotten herself into that position is an woman since Chris Evert nearly 40 years ago towards the U.S. Open. There’s no doubt sure I’m good physically,” Williams said. achievement on its own,” said Maria with four in a row. Mostly, there is the Grand that Serena’s feeling that,” said former U.S. Anything more to worry about? “Fear and Sharapova, who is seeded No. 3 and could Slam to chase. “When I was younger, that Davis Cup captain Patrick McEnroe, an ESPN doubt can stop me, too,” she continued. “If I face Williams in the semifinals in New York. was definitely a goal of mine, to win a Grand tennis analyst. “And there’s also no doubt in step out on the court and I’m a little nervous “Her consistency and her level of play Slam,” Williams said. “It’s become more of, my mind that she can certainly handle it.” or I’m fearful, then that’s never a really good throughout this year, and in previous years like, a distant dream, fable, kind of thing. ... Williams is 48-2 with a tour-leading five sign.” Really? That happens? and her career, have spoken for itself.” I’ve never been this close, so we’ll see.” titles in 2015. What might be most “It does happen. But I just embrace it and Just to add to the stakes, there’s also this At Wimbledon, she capped a second remarkable is the way she can seem down I bottle it up and I throw that bottle away,” on the line at the US Open, where Williams self-styled “Serena Slam” of four major and out yet turn things around, no matter Williams said. “And I just go for it.” Already has won the past three championships and a titles in a row, dating to last year’s US the foe or deficit. In 11 matches this sea- considered by many the greatest women’s half-dozen in all: She can equal Graf’s profes- Open; she also won four straight in 2002- son, Williams won despite dropping the tennis player and among the greatest ath- sional-era record of 22 Grand Slam singles 03. But there is a difference between that first set. At the French Open, she had four letes ever - no matter the gender, sport or era titles (13 of Margaret Court’s 24 came against and what Williams now will try to achieve: such reversals. — AP

Djokovic on Nadal collision course

NEW YORK: World number one Novak Djokovic and 14- time major champion Rafael Nadal are on a US Open quar- ter-final collision course following Thursday’s draw at Arthur Ashe Stadium. And Britain’s Andy Murray, who opens against Australia’s tour bad boy Nick Kyrgios, might have to get past French Open winner Stan Wawrinka and 17-time major winner Roger Federer just to get a crack at Djokovic in the final on the Flushing Meadows hardcourts. The paths will be filled with qualifiers ahead of Monday’s start of the year’s final Grand Slam event in New York, where Djokovic’s only title came in 2011. The 28- year-old Serbian star owns nine Grand Slam titles and seeks his third of the year after a third career win at Wimbledon and a fifth trophy at the Australian Open. Djokovic has tasted defeat four times in the US Open final, losing to Federer in 2007, Nadal in 2010 and 2013 and Murray in 2012. Nadal leads Djokovic 22-20 in their all- time rivalry, but Djokovic won their most recent meeting at the French Open quarter-finals. Defending champion Marin Cilic, who beat Japan’s Kei Nishikori in a final of surprise packets last year, likes Djokovic to claim the crown once again this time. “I would still put Novak at the top of the list, even though Andy has shown his tennis has gone up and he is motivated,” NEW HAVEN: Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark returns a forehand to Caroline Garcia of France on Day 4 of the Croatian ninth seed Cilic said. Connecticut Open at Connecticut Tennis Center at Yale on Thursday in New Haven, Connecticut. — AFP “And Roger is a guy who will always be a contender. His win at Cincinnati was great to see. “And I hope there are a few guys lower in the draw who are going to make it inter- Wozniacki, Kvitova set esting.” Djokovic, who opens against Brazil’s Joao Souza, has a good path to the last eight while Nadal opens against Croatian teen Borna Coric, who beat the Spaniard last year New Haven semi showdown in at Basel, and might have to oust big-serving 10th seed Milos Raonic of Canada in the round of 16. NEW HAVEN: Four-time champion Caroline Roberta Vinci. But Wozniacki will face a stiff another Czech when she next faces fourth- Fourth seed Nishikori, denied the chance last year to Wozniacki and two-time defending champ test in the semi-finals against Kvitova, as both seeded Lucie Safarova, a 6-7 (4/7), 6-4, 7-5 become the first Asian man to win a Grand Slam singles Petra Kvitova on Thursday set up a mouthwa- seek a morale-boosting win ahead of the final winner over Slovakia’s Dominika Cibulkova. crown, could face a rematch with Cilic in the quarter-finals. tering semi-final showdown at the US Open Grand Slam of the season, which starts on Meanwhile, second-seeded South African He beat Cilic at Washington in their first meeting since last tune-up event at New Haven. Kvitova, the Monday at Flushing Meadows. Kevin Anderson powered into the semi-finals year’s final on the way to taking the title in the US capital second seed, rallied from 5-3 down in the “I really needed this win and finally I of the US Open tune-up tournament at this month. Second seed Federer, who last won a Slam in opening set to beat seventh-seeded played two sets, so that’s good as well,” said Winston-Salem on Thursday with 6-2, 7-6 (7/1) 2012 at Wimbledon and last won at the US Open in 2008, Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland 7-5, 6-4. Kvitova, who took time off this season win over Borna Coric. Anderson improved to opens against Argentina’s Leonardo Mayer and could meet Denmark’s Wozniacki, seeded third, overcame because of exhaustion and later revealed she 6-0 in quarter-final matches in 2015, firing 10 US number one John Isner in the fourth round. an early break of serve, winning 11 of the next had battled glandular fever. Lucky loser Lesia aces and never facing a break point in the 82- France’s Richard Gasquet or Czech Tomas Berdych could 13 games in an emphatic 6-3, 6-0 victory over Tsurenko continued to make the most of her minute triumph. await in the quarter-finals. Murray is 3-0 all time against France’s Caroline Garcia. good fortune, booking a semi-final berth with He took full advantage of the 18-year- Kyrgios, the 20-year-old Aussie handed a suspended ban Wozniacki, who has been troubled by back a 6-2, 6-2 victory over fifth-seeded Czech old Croatian’s errors in the opening set, and fine this week for his lurid verbal attack on Wawrinka at and calf injuries this season, did much of her Karolina Pliskova. Ukraine’s Tsurenko gained a when Coric coughed up five double faults the Montreal Masters. damage with an unexpected barrage of fore- place in the draw-and a first-round bye-when and won just three of 11 possible points on World number 37 Kyrgios triggered widespread revul- hand winners. The convincing victory was a top-seeded Romanian Simona Halep with- his second serve. In semi-finals Anderson sion for his on-court taunt that fellow Aussie Thanasi welcome respite after the 2014 US Open run- drew from the tournament. will play unseeded Tunisian Malek Jaziri, Kokkinakis had had a fling with WTA professional Donna ner-up had to save three match points in a She has since defeated Czech Barbora who upset sixth-seeded Brazilian Thomaz Vekic, reportedly Wawrinka’s girlfriend. — AFP second-round win over Italian qualifier Strycova and Pliskova, and will try to see off Bellucci 6-3, 6-2. — AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

BEIJING: (L-R) Bahamas’s silver medallist Shaunae Miller, USA’s gold medallist Allyson Felix and Jamaica’s bronze medallist Shericka Jackson pose with their medals on the podium during the victory ceremony for the women’s 400 metres athletics event at the 2015 IAAF World Championships at the “Bird’s Nest” National Stadium in Beijing. (Centre) Men’s 200m gold medalist Jamaica’s Usain Bolt, centre, stands with silver medalist United States’ Justin Gatlin,left, and bronze medalist South Africa’s Anaso Jobodwana on the podium following the medal ceremony. (Right) Poland’s Maria Andrejczyk competes in women’s javelin throw qualification at the World Athletics Championships at the Bird’s Nest stadium in Beijing.— AFP/AP photos Bolt’s scooter assailant says sorry with bracelet

BEIJING: The cameraman who sent Usain Bolt Jamaican from behind. returning to his duties at the Bird’s Nest stadium ring to the iconic venue for the 2008 Olympics. flying at the world athletics championships pre- Bolt, the six-times Olympic champion, in Beijing. The bizarre mishap is set to become Some Internet users remarked that the unlucky sented him with a red bracelet yesterday to escaped serious injury in the accident which an enduring image of the Beijing world champi- cameraman was the only man capable of taking apologise after footage of the incident went happened as he celebrated sealing the world onships after it trended on social media and fea- down Bolt, who has won all but one world and viral. A red-faced Song Tao of China’s CCTV sprint double with an emphatic 200m win on tured prominently in TV news bulletins. Olympic individual sprint title since 2008. placed the good-luck charm on Bolt’s wrist by Thursday. “The important thing is that he is CCTV 5, in a posting on its Twitter-style “The only guy in the world who can defeat way of apology after he lost control of the elec- okay. I’m fine and ready to get back to work,” Weibo account, said the bracelet “will bring luck Bolt,” wrote a user with the handle “Sehun” on tric scooter he was riding and clattered the Song told the Guardian via a translator, before to Bolt” and “made the nest full of love”, refer- his Chinese Weibo account. — AFP Russian walker Shubenkov dashes Merritt’s out of worlds due to doping dreams before kidney op

MOSCOW: Russian walker Alexander BEIJING: Russian Sergey Shubenkov Yargunkin will not compete in the world stormed to the 110 metres hurdles world title championships following reports that he yesterday to shatter Olympic champion Aries has failed a drugs test, a Russian anti- Merritt’s hopes of an emotional gold days doping agency (RUSADA) official said before he undergoes a kidney transplant. yesterday. Shubenkov, the two-times European The 33-year-old Yargunkin has given a champion, clocked a national record of 12.98 positive test for the banned substance seconds, with American Merritt, who will leave for his surgery directly from Beijing, tak- Erythropoietin, Russian media reported. ing the bronze in a season’s best 13.04. “I “Yargunkin definitely won’t compete at can’t describe what I’m feeling now,” said the world championships in Beijing. The Shubenkov after winning Russia’s first world sportsman has been temporarily sus- gold in the event. “I don’t remember any- pended from competition while an inves- thing about the race. I heard the starting gun tigation takes place,” Nikita Kamaev, the and then I opened my eyes and it was fin- executive director of RUSADA, told the R- ished. It’s not every day a hurdler from Russia Sport news agency. wins gold.” Jamaican Hansle Parchment fin- This will be the first world champi- ished in 13.03 to pip Merritt for silver, but the onships in which no Russian walkers will American said merely reaching the podium take part. “This news really was a shock ranked higher than winning the Olympic title. for me,” Yargunkin told the Sport-Express “This bronze medal means more to me newspaper. “I received a phone call say- than my Olympic gold,” the 30-year-old told ing they had found EPO. Of course I did reporters. “In 2013 when they told me I’d not take Erythropoietin. I was the only never run again that pretty much ended my Russian walker who could have gone to life-it mentally destroyed me. Beijing. I was tested all the time. For all “If I was a normal human being we might the years I have trained, there has never have seen a record, who knows? But the reali- been a problem,” Yargunkin added. ty is I’m not a human. I’m under 20 percent The world championship 50km walk kidney function so it’s very tough. I’m just a fighter.” Merritt, who ended 2012 with an in Beijing takes place today. RUSADA Olympic title and a world best time of 12.80 announced in January that three before being diagnosed with a rare kidney Olympic walking champions, Olga disease the following year, insisted he would BEIJING: Gold medallist Russia’s Sergey Shubenkov celebrates winning the final of the men’s Kaniskina, Valery Borchin, Sergei try to try to return for next year’s Rio 110 metres hurdles athletics event at the 2015 IAAF World Championships at the “Bird’s Kirdyapkin, as well as the 2011 world Olympics. “The trip home is definitely going Nest” National Stadium in Beijing yesterday. — AFP champion Sergei Bakulin and 2011 world to be a little depressing because I’m going to silver medallist Vladimir Kanaykin had have surgery, not to hang out with my joy after timing his dip at the line to perfec- smiles after his silver, crediting superstar been suspended for doping infringe- friends,” he said. “I’m going to fight on and tion. “I’m super-proud of myself,” said the 24- countryman Usain Bolt for inspiring the ments. All these athletes were trained by I’m very optimistic that I’ll be able to recover year-old, who took bronze in Moscow two Jamaican team. Russian coach Viktor Chegin. and hopefully make the Olympic team. years ago. “It was a hard three days and every “Usain is one of the people who all the The Russian Athletics Federation sus- “To persevere through everything gives race was tough but our hard work all these athletes look up to, to always try to pended Chegin in July and said they me a mental toughness that I don’t think my years was not wasted.” Defending champion achieve the best we can,” said the London would not be sending walkers to interna- competitors have. I’m just so happy to win a David Oliver trudged away from the track at Olympic bronze medallist. “I can just tional events. — Reuters medal in a season’s best when it mattered Bird’s Nest after only managing seventh place imagine how happy my mum is feeling most.” Shubenkov whooped and danced for in a time of 13.33, but Parchment was all back home now.” — AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015

MONACO: The final draw for the Europa League groups are displayed on an electronic board, after the Europa League draw ceremony of the first round of the 2015/2016 Europa League, at the Grimaldi Forum, in Monaco, yesterday. — AP Ajax, Celtic meet in Europa League

MONACO: Former European champions Ajax were draw with Club Bruges, Legia Warsaw Fiorentina coach Paulo Sousa faces a quick will host the final. Portugal’s Sporting face Amsterdam and Celtic, who both suffered the and Midtjylland in Group D while Borussia return to FC Basel, the team he led to the Swiss Besiktas, Lokomotiv Moscow and indignity of being knocked of the Champions Dortmund must face PAOK, Krasnodar and league title last season, after their were paired Skenderbeu, the first Albanian side to qualify League qualifiers by underdogs this season, Qabala in Group C. in Group I, which also features Lech Poznan for the group stage of a European competi- will meet in the Europa League after being Liverpool were drawn against Swiss side and Belenenses. Basel’s St Jakob Park stadium tion, in Group H. — Reuters drawn together in the group stage yesterday. Sion, who they beat 6-3 at Anfield in 1996, Four-times European champions Ajax, beaten Girondins Bordeaux and Rubin Kazan in Group by Rapid Vienna in the premier competition, B. Ukraine’s Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, last sea- and Celtic, who were ousted by Malmo, were son’s runners-up, will face Lazio, St Etienne and placed in Group A alongside Turkey’s Rosenborg in Group G. “Lazio are a very good Matches on TV Fenerbahce and Norwegian side Molde. side, but their defeat by Leverkusen (in the “It almost feels like a Champions League Champions League playoffs) suggests they do (Local Timings) group,” said former Netherlands goalkeeper not have enough experience,” Dnipro coach Edwin van der Sar, now an Ajax director, after Myron Markevych said. English Premier League AC Milan v Empoli 21:45 his side were drawn in arguably the toughest “As we were the finalists last year, we need beIN SPORTS 3 HD of the 12 groups. at least to qualify from our group.” Bundesliga Newcastle United v Arsenal 14:45 Anderlecht will meet Tottenham Hotspur in side Augsburg, making their European debut beIN SPORTS 1 HD German Bundesliga a repeat of the 1984 final after they were this season, must face Athletic Bilbao, AZ Bournemouth v Leicester City 17:00 Stuttgart v Eintracht 16:30 drawn in Group J alongside Monaco and Alkmaar and Partizan Belgrade in Group L. beIN SPORTS 3 HD beIN SPORTS Qarabag. The English Premier League side won “Every match in the Europa League is a Liverpool v West Ham United 17:00 Augsburg v Ingolstadt 16:30 the UEFA Cup 31 years ago on penalties after present for us,” said Augsburg president Klaus beIN SPORTS 8 HD both legs against Anderlecht ended 1-1. Napoli Hofmann. “We will enjoy the games.” Chelsea v Crystal Palace 17 :00 beIN SPORTS beIN SPORTS 11 HD FSV Mainz v Hannover 16:30 Aston Villa v Sunderland 17:00 beIN SPORTS Europa League groups beIN SPORTS 6 HD FC Koln v Hamburger 16:30 Manchester City v Watford 17:00 beIN SPORTS 2 HD beIN SPORTS 1 HD Darmstadt v Hoffenheim 16:30 MONACO: Europa League groups following Group H: Sporting Lisbon (POR), Besiktas Stoke City v West Bromwich 17:00 beIN SPORTS 4 HD yesterday’s draw in Monaco: (TUR), Lokomotiv Moscow (RUS), beIN SPORTS 7 HD Bayern Munich v Bayer 04 19:30 Skenderbeu (ALB). Tottenham v Everton 19:30 beIN SPORTS 4 HD Group A: Ajax (NED), Celtic (SCO), Group I: Basel (SUI), Fiorentina (ITA), Lech beIN SPORTS 1 HD Fenerbahce (TUR), Molde (NOR). Poznan (POL), Belenenses (POR). Group B: Rubin Kazan (RUS), Liverpool Group J: Tottenham (ENG), Anderlecht Spanish League French League (ENG), Bordeaux (FRA), Sion (SUI). (BEL), Monaco (FRA), Qarabag (AZE). Caen v Olympique Lyonnais 18:00 Group C: Borussia Dortmund (GER), PAOK Group K: Schalke 04 (GER), Apoel Nicosia Real Sociedad v Sporting Gijon 19:30 beIN SPORTS 5 HD (GRE), Krasnodar (RUS), Qabala (AZE) . (CYP), Sparta Prague (CZE), Asteras Tripolis beIN SPORTS 10 HD Troyes v Montpellier 21:00 Group D: Napoli (ITA), Club Brugge (BEL), (GRE). FC Barcelona v Malaga 21:30 beIN SPORTS 7 HD Legia Warsaw (POL), Midjtylland (DEN). Group L: Athletic Bilbao (ESP), AZ Alkmaar beIN SPORTS 2 HD Angers v OGC Nice 21:00 Group E: Villarreal (ESP), Viktoria Plzen (NED), Augsburg (GER), Partizan Belgrade Celta de Vigo v Rayo Vallecano 23:00 beIN SPORTS 6 HD (CZE), Rapid Vienna (AUT), Dinamo Minsk (SRB). beIN SPORTS 1 HD Lille OSC v Ajaccio 21:00 (BLR). Note: The group phase will be played from Real Madrid v Real Betis 23:30 beIN SPORTS Group F: Marseille (FRA), Sporting Braga September 17 to December 10 with the top beIN SPORTS 2 HD (POR), Slovan Liberec (CZE), Groningen two from each group reaching the knock- Stade de Reims v Lorient 21:00 (NED). out rounds where they will be joined by Italian Calcio League beIN SPORTS 9 HD Group G: Dnipropetrovsk (UKR), Lazio (ITA), eight teams eliminated from the Bologna v Sassuolo Calcio 19:00 Stade Rennes v Toulouse 21:00 Saint-Etienne (FRA), Rosenborg (NOR). Champions League. — AFP beIN SPORTS 3 HD beIN SPORTS 5 HD Shubenkov dashes Merritt’s dreams before kidney op SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2015 SATURDAY, SportsSports 46

BEIJING: Dafne Schippers of the Netherlands celebrates after winning the women’s 200m final at the World Athletics Championships at the Bird’s Nest stadium in Beijing, yesterday. — AP Schippers wins 200 metres gold

BEIJING: Dutch sprinter Dafne Schippers 21.97sec at Beijing’s Bird’s Nest stadium. silver medalist Hansle Parchment of Jamaica. mark he shared with 1968 Olympic champion smashed a European record which has stood With Thompson on her inside, Schippers “It means the world to me,” Merritt said. Bill Toomey.”It was all about having fun,” said since the 1970s as she won world 200m gold was chasing shadows coming off the bend in Defending champion David Oliver banged Eaton, who won the opening 100 in a champi- with an electrifying run yesterday. lane six and realising the Jamaican was margin- hard into two early hurdles and finished sev- onship record 10.23 seconds. The 100m silver-medallist ran 21.63sec, the ally ahead of her, the Dutch athlete plugged enth. In the women’s 100 hurdles, the Eaton leads after five events with 4,703 fourth fastest time in history, as she lunged at away down the final straight. American team was thinking of a sweep. In the points, 173 points more than Damian Warner the line to beat Jamaica’s Elaine Thompson, Schippers caught the Jamaican and pro- end, they were swept off the podium, with of Canada. Also, Tianna Bartoletta won her sec- who clocked a personal best of 21.66sec. duced a savage dip at the line for victory 2008 Olympic champion Dawn Harper-Nelson ond long jump world title, 10 years after her It was a remarkable win for Schippers, 23, before celebrating with family members in the crashing in her heat and Kendra Harrison dis- first. The American took the lead for the first who eclipsed the European record of 21.71sec stands. qualified after a false start in the semifinals. time in the final on her last attempt when she set by Marita Koch in 1979 and matched by fel- On a night when the United States was In the final, defending champion Brianna jumped 7.14 meters. low East German Heike Drechsler in 1986. looking for five medals in the two sprint hurdle Rollins banged into the first hurdle and never In the morning, China finally earned its first Only Americans Marion Jones and world races at the world championships, only Aries recovered. Danielle Williams gave Jamaica gold medal of the competition with Liu Hong record-holder Florence Griffith-Joyner have run Merritt delivered - a bronze for the kidney gold. In the marquee event at the Bird’s Nest leading a 1-2 finish ahead of teammate Lu the 200m faster than Schippers, who won patient that should feel like gold. yesterday. Xiuzhi in the 20-kilometer walk. hepathlon bronze at the Moscow worlds two The world-record holder will be flying home Ashton Eaton excelled just as much in the Despite the early start, tens of thousands of years ago. for a kidney transplant next week but he still decathlon as he returned following a two-year fans packed the stands at the Bird’s Nest to Two-time Olympic champion Veronica outperformed his teammates in the 110-meter absence. In the last event of a superlative first welcome home the walkers and cheer their Campbell-Brown, who previously won the hurdles final, challenging Sergei Shubenkov to day, he finished the 400 in 45.00 seconds, first victory as the championships headed into world title in Daegu in 2011, claimed bronze in the end but finishing behind the Russian and slashing .68 seconds off the world decathlon the final weekend. — AP