November 2020 | 14 Cheshvan 5781 – 14 Kislev 5781 | Volume 75, Number 6 2021 Annual Campaign Leadership By Jamie Richman Allan has provided David Eichholz Autumn has arrived, and believe years of service to the will co-chair the it or not, the 2021 Savannah Jewish community including Men’s Campaign. Federation Annual Community serving on the Jewish This father-son Campaign season is also here! We are Educational Alliance duo will be sure excited to announce the 2021 Campaign Board of Directors and to mix things up Leadership Team and thank them for teaching at Shalom this campaign Candle Lighting Times their commitment School. Hilary Kronowitz season with their David Eichholz to our Federation Hilary Kronowitz passion for and Friday, November 6 5:12pm and entire Jewish will chair the Women’s dedication to the Savannah Jewish community. Campaign. Kronowitz has community. David is currently the Friday, November 13 5:07pm Michelle Allan chaired the Lion of Judah Vice-President of the Federation Friday, November 20 5:04pm has graciously division for the past handful Board of Governors. Friday, November 27 5:02pm agreed to serve as of years, sits on the Federation When you get a call from the 2021 overall Michelle Allan Board of Governors and is one of them or one of our many Friday, December 4 5:01pm Campaign Chair excited to coordinate the dedicated volunteers, please after serving as Women’s Campaign entire Women’s Campaign. answer and give graciously. Chair for the 2019 & 2020 campaigns. Benjamin Eichholz and Benjamin Eichholz Creativity flourishes through COVID-19 In this Issue By Jennifer Rich who, prior to the shutdown, were timely topical conversations, access P2 Now More Than Ever When COVID-19-19 shut not able to come to the synagogue to curated resources to help with our down Synagogues in Savannah and due to limited mobility or health rea- personal, emotional, and spiritual P4 Greenberg Retirement throughout the United States in sons. The accessibility of local, yet well-being and resources to engage C1 JEA CenterPiece March, the usual way of “doing busi- online, Judaic classes has resulted in in Racial Justice. Jew It at Home P8 On the Personal Side ness” came to a halt. Congregations an uptick in participation. Though ( is a “Global Jew- P8-9 Eye on Education quickly pivoted to virtual classes and people prefer to be together in the ish Community” that developed soon services utilizing Zoom, YouTube same space for learning, fitting a after COVID-19 began. It was cre- and Facebook. Many synagogues class into a tight schedule certainly ated by Temple Emanuel of Beverly had been streaming services prior is easier when you can attend from Hills as a global “farmer’s market” to 2020, but now it became impera- home. The Conservative, Ortho- of Jewish synagogues, non-profits tive for all to get on board the virtual dox, Reform and Reconstructionist and now includes organizations that train. movements have created extensive span the globe. With a weekly calen-

PAID Our local congregations were resources for their synagogue lead- dar of live educational, spiritual and

U.S. POSTAGE able to successfully conduct the ers to utilize and each denomina- entertainment events, the site makes Non-Profit ORG PERMIT NO. 2840 JACKSONVILLE, FL High Holiday services through a tional website features educational it possible to expand your Jewish combination of in-person and social and spiritual content for all Jews to horizons. Last but not least, our distant services, live in-sanctuary access. Savannah Stay Connected platform services plus congregant partici- What’s happening throughout accessible through the savannahjea. pants involved via Zoom, and pre- the rest of the Jewish world? Jewish org website has links to Jewish Arts, recorded services with congregant Together ( is a Education and Cultural sites includ- participation, cantor and choral par- “virtual community and informative ing Harvard’s “ Through Its ticipation. All three congregations resources” developed by the Jew- Scriptures” course, the Museum of locally, and congregations all over ish Federations of North America. the Jewish People in , the Jew- the U.S. and the world utilized cre- The site features experiences for ish Partisan Educational Foundation, ativity and fortitude to ensure that kids, teenagers, young adults, and Israeli Theatres and performances the High Holidays were accessible post-college adults, with a vari- and Jewish Film Festival links from and meaningful. It was truly inspir- ety of formats (fellowship, classes, around the world.

A Publication of Savannah Jewish Federation Federation Jewish Savannah of A Publication Street 5111 Abercorn Georgia 31405 Savannah, ServiceAddress Requested ing to see what was accomplished. camp, one-time and recorded) and The COVID-19 pandemic has For our Savannah congregations, content from learning & spiritual- certainly caused irreparable harm the availability of online classes and ity to arts & cooking and Israel & but it’s also forced our Savannah services has opened up an opportu- Hebrew. It also includes “virtual Jewish community and the Jewish nity for participation amongst those meetups” where you can join in on continued on page 3 Savannah Page 2 | November 2020 jewish news Now More than Ever!!

As the worldwide and this year it is that in mind I ask you to give to Published by the holidays recede, never more important. IT’S the Annual Campaign. But just Savannah Jewish Federation 5111 Abercorn Street and we begin NEEDED NOW MORE THAN as important, please take some Savannah, GA 31405 to return to our EVER. time to help solicit. It is not easy, (912) 355-8111 normal routine Who else but the Federation but it is rewarding, and you can Kenneth Sadler (what stands can provide for the necessary MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE. SJF President: Kenneth Sadler SJF Vice President: David Eichholz SJF President for normal funds that help Shalom School, Also, mark your calendar SJF Treasurer: Frank Slotin now), the The JEA, Hillel, the Jewish for this year's Annual Campaign SJF Executive Director: Adam Solender focus is on the Agency for Israel, and The Joint Kick Off for November 5th. This Savannah Jewish Federation Distribution Committee? year’s speaker is Simone Knego. The objectives of the Savannah Jewish News are to foster a sense of community among the Jewish people Annual Campaign. Every year This past year the Federation You will not want to miss this of Savannah by sharing ideas, information, experiences, the Savannah Jewish Community was able to provide a special extraordinary speaker. and opinions, and to promote the agencies, projects, and mission of the Savannah Jewish Federation. raises funds to meet our local and allocation to the JEA, just so As we look to the future, there The Savannah Jewish News is published monthly international needs. This year we could keep the doors open. are still many challenges ahead. 10 times per year, with a deadline for submissions the Campaign is NEEDED NOW Can you imagine our Jewish We have met every one of the of the 6th of the month before publication. For example, for a March issue, the deadline would be MORE THAN EVER. Community without the JEA, I challenges in the past since February 6. January-February and July-August are This year's Campaign goal know I cannot? the founding of the Savannah combined issues. Submission deadlines for these winter and summer issues are December 15 and June is $1,150,000. It’s an ambitious The Annual Campaign is not Jewish Community and I am 15, respectively. goal for our community, but it is a some esoteric endeavor, it is the confident with your help and Editorial/articles submissions should be in Microsoft challenge we are up to. lifeblood of our community. It your generosity, we will meet Word format (.docx or .rtf). For best results, photos The money we raise is is the work of many community every future challenge with much should be high resolution (300 dpi) with width and height dimensions as large as possible, as .jpg, .tif, or so important to our local volunteers who understand how success. .psd (Adobe Photoshop) files. Artwork, drawings, line institutions and to Jews important this work is. So, with art, and other graphics are best sent as “vector” files, e.g. .eps or .ai (Adobe Illustrator). We will accept .jpg, .tif, or .psd files, if necessary.

Advertising submissions must be in a high-resolution, “press” quality PDF format with fonts embedded. For best results, photos and other artwork within advertisements should also be high resolution (300 dpi), .jpg, .tif, or .psd files. All color must be in the CMYK color format; “true” black preferred.

Please send all Savannah Jewish News materials to: [email protected]

TO THE EDITOR Please send eNews newsletter submissions to: [email protected]

Dear Savannah Jewish Federation bring about a world that is more On behalf of those we serve, Neither the publisher nor the editor assumes We are writing to express our responsibility for the of the services or inclusive and respectful and safer please accept our heartfelt merchandise advertised in this paper. If you have thanks for your 2019 contribution for everyone. appreciation. questions regarding kashrut, please consult your . to ADL. We are so appreciate of your Stanley A. Rabin, President All materials published in the In just the last year, ADL support and our partnership. David. M Schizer, Executive VP & Savannah Jewish News are © 2020 Savannah Jewish Federation, all rights Southeast provided anti-bias and With gratitude, CEO reserved, unless noted otherwise. anti-bullying education training Allison Padilla-Goodman Letters to the Editor and professional development ADL Southeast Regional Director The Savannah Jewish News is a community paper. for over 200,000 students across Dear Savannah Jewish Federation, Letters should be civil and considerate in tone and not contain personal attacks, random attacks on the region. We worked together We are deeply grateful to businesses, or defamation. All statements of facts with synagogue and local agencies Dear Savannah Jewish Federation, have received the Savannah Jewish must be verifiable (state the original source of the information). to empower hundreds of Jewish It is our pleasure to acknowledge Federation’s allocation to JTA, the teens and families to stand up your recent gift in support of Camp Global Jewish News Source. Letters should be no more than 250 words and may be edited for length, clarity, or factual content. The to anti-Semitism and anti-Israel Szarvas. As the funding model for opinions expressed are always the writer’s. rhetoric. Additionally, we led a As JDC begins its second Federations has changed, we are All letters must include the author’s full name, address, symposium for more than 150 local century of activity, we continue to grateful and inspired that your and phone number (only your name, and if appropriate, law enforcement agencies and confront the evolving challenges community has continued to job title and organization or business name, will be published). community leaders to prevent and facing the world’s most vulnerable support our work and partnership No more than two letters from the same author will be respond to hate crimes, and we populations. Along with our in our efforts to share the stories published within 12 consecutive months. continue to share our resources ongoing mission to strengthen of Jews and Jewish communities Submit letters to [email protected]. The Savannah when new, critical information the global Jewish family, JDC’s throughout the world as well as Jewish News retains full and sole discretion about becomes available. ability to provide critical care and serve as a virtual town square for which letters to publish. Your support has provided meaningful assistance where it Jews everywhere. us with the means to remain a is most needed is the end-goal of Thank you again for all that Savannah Jewish Federation Mission Statement unique and invaluable institution all of our efforts. Our wonderful you do in support of our work. Charged with raising, collecting and distributing in American life that fights anti- partnership changes countless With warm wishes, funds, the Savannah Jewish Federation seeks to advance the welfare of the total Jewish community. Semitism, racism, and bigotry in lives for the better and working Ami Eden, CEO and Executive The Federation strongly supports Israel and world all forms and works to promote together makes all the difference. Editor Jewry. Additionally, the organization strives to preserve the civil, political, economic and religious respect, cooperation, and goodwill With your support, our global rights of all Jews to develop an articulate, intelligent, in our increasingly diverse society. community is growing in vitality and constructive Jewish community and to promote mutual understanding with the community at-large. With your gift, you are helping us and resilience. Savannah jewish news November 2020 | Page 3 Watch Our Community Pivot I recently Russell, Willis Reed, and Kareem present in the moment." program) and will be continuing as came home Abdul Jabbar—the pivot giants. In Kol HaKavod to the professional long as our members need it. after a long writing this column, I looked up the staff and lay leaders who made the Perhaps the ‘biggest’ pivot day, sat down definition of a pivot player: “one who Chagim so meaningful in a very (so far) was the JEA Gala. Unable at the kitchen keeps one foot anchored to the floor challenging time. to gather together, Jamie Richman table, and while the other foot moves freely.” It’s The JEA and Federation did engineered a virtual Gala….and the Adam Solender started to leaf a metaphor for what our community its pivot on March 20th when it community responded generously. Executive Director through the has done. introduced its STAY CONNECTED While it didn’t have the hugs, the live JEA/SJF day’s mail (yes, That definition really resonated portal. We had to adapt to a complete auction and the sumptuous dinner, we still get with me when we all watched 180 degree change in how we operated. we did have a successful auction: a mail) and opened the latest edition of thousands of synagogues pivot to Suddenly, our building was empty one-hour online program (you could the Georgia Tech magazine and there online services during the holiday and instead of entering our lobby, feel the energy through the internet) it was, “The Year of the Pivot,” an season. Synagogues by nature are we entered your homes…virtually, of and a lovely goodie bag (who among article about how businesses pivot to consistent, dependable, and here in course. JEA Preschool Savannah went us couldn’t use a tie-dye J mask?) We remote operations and how we each Savannah, historic. When COVID-19 to online classes (as much as you can were so appreciative of the support, are “taking stock” of our skills and hit mid-March, synagogues closed provide to 1-4 year olds), Afterschool the community, and the energy that re-assessing our goals in the short and their doors (not all synagogues, but and Camp families had daily programs, went to help the Alliance. long term. most) pivoting to online. While their Arts and Culture programs were And now the latest pivot--- You can’t turn the page of buildings closed (and remain closed), provided, Food for Thought (our the Savannah Jewish Federation’s a newspaper or click on a screen synagogue leadership innovated on weekly meals program) did not miss Campaign Kickoff 2021 with special without seeing the word pivot. how they served their congregants, a beat continuing weekly educational keynote speaker, Simone Knego. It In college business class (in the old first figuring out how to do Passover programs and delivering meals (close will be a whole new way of beginning days) we studied the pivots of major and weekly Shabbat and then turned to 3,000 to date). Our Health and the Annual Campaign-the engine companies like Hewlett Packard to the needs of congregants and Wellness department went to virtual that drives our Jewish community which began as a engineering company potential participants. Whether it classes (and is continuing them to this and provides support for Israel and and pivoted to personal computers was a friendly phone call or a pick day). Jewish communities around the world. or the Wrigley company who gave up Shabbat dinner, the synagogues It’s hard to believe that the JEA While there won’t be a dinner, there away a stick of gum as an incentive pivoted a new way of “doing and Federation have been back in won’t be a cocktail hour, it will be a with each purchase of soap or baking business.” The holidays were a whole business for over 30 weeks. Over that meaningful one-hour program. And powder (you know what happened new challenge, a challenge where they time there have been innumerable at that program, we will do what with this one) or Suzuki, the maker put their buildings to a ‘back burner’ meetings (virtual and distanced in- we have done in this community for of high performance motorcycles who and put new technologies to the front. person), almost three months of Camp 285 years: raise the essential funds began as a sales company of weaving I’ve heard from dozens of community Savannah, Preschool Summer camp, to support each other. Go online and loom machines to Japan’s silk industry. members who were thrilled with and our Fitness Center has been sign up—there’s no cost—and you’ll Each of these companies looked at the distant services. While we all missed open (including socially distanced receive Simone Knego’s book. landscape and pivoted to a different the communal prayer, the variety and pools). Preschool began its 2020-21 We will continue to pivot and business model to stay viable. creativity of our area synagogues and school year as scheduled and has been “keep one foot anchored to the floor” When I reflect on the wordpivot synagogues around the country was operating successfully since August while rising to the meet the ever my mind immediately goes to my spectacular. One person said to me, 3rd. Our Children’s Department is now changing needs of the community. childhood when the greatest pivot “while I was in my home, distant from beginning its fourth session of All Day players were Wilt Chamberlain, Bill the synagogue, I’ve never been more at the J (distance learning support

Creativity Through COVID-19 continued from page 1 community nationally and interna- because they’ve not had a meaningful that programming meaningful and research) tionally to become very creative and and engaging experience in the past. worthwhile to participants. The 75% percent reporting that they collaborative. The Jewish world has Now, partnerships amongst one- study revealed that 90% of those would probably or definitely attend been historically very community time competitors have developed to surveyed have participated in at again is a very good sign and shows based with access to Jewish reli- bring Jewish worship, learning and least one virtual event and 38% are there is great potential with the vir- gious, educational and cultural con- entertainment out of community participating at least one time per tual medium. With good quality pro- tent largely determined by your loca- silos, onto online platforms and into week or more. 62% reported hav- gramming and events that are fun, tion. Small communities had limited our homes. This creative and collab- ing participated in an event that but also interactive and meaningful, offerings and large cities had a orative movement has already shown was “memorable, worthwhile, or it IS possible to engage and reach plethora of offerings to choose from. positive effect. The Charles and satisfying.” What was the best and populations of Jews that have been This traditional model of Jewish par- Lynn Schusterman Family Founda- most promising statistic of all? 75% out of the loop. For all of us, that is ticipation had become a hindrance tion and the Jim Joseph Foundation of these young Jews stated that definitely something positive that’s for many who might not have felt conducted a “Virtual Engagement they would “definitely or probably come out of this difficult time - that comfortable in organizational set- Research” study and published the attend another event with the same this ever-increasing access to Jewish tings, for those who might not have results in August. Their research organization.” (Benenson Strategy content will enable us all to engage felt that they fit in with the crowd of targeted Jews ages 18 – 40 in an Group (2020) Virtual Engagement with Judaism in ways that are mean- regulars at an organization, for those effort to understand the impact (or Research, retrieved from https:// ingful to us. who don’t feel comfortable with lack thereof) of virtual Judaic pro- their level of Judaic knowledge, or gramming and to reveal what makes resources/virtual-engagement- Savannah Page 4 | November 2020 jewish news “Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m 64?” A Personal Reflection on Retirement By Carol M. Towbin Greenberg Wilson, who passed away in youth food cooking and dining MorningStar always had a When I typed and then emailed October of last year. classes continued by Dr. Linda philosophy of trying to solve a out the agenda, reserving a printed Welcome and installation Sacks and art projects taught by problem creatively, to try one, copy for myself as I have for the followed for incoming Camille Hulbert. perfect it and pass it on for last 31½ years, they were just Executive Board members Greg In addition Camille, an active sustainability since as a 100% words on a paper. Agenda item Schnitzer, global recycler executive member of Midtown Miracle volunteer and donation-funded 2 a, b and c of a 5 itemed annual for Sims Metal Community Garden organization, we had neither the meeting—usually occurring in the Management, (MMCG), (another manpower nor funding to maintain spring, but now six months later Michelle MorningStar creation), the projects long term. Camille and on Zoom – took less than ten Rivera, a first has taken over the care became active with MStarArts minutes of the under one-hour grade teacher of Frances Wilson’s projects since joining the MMCG meeting. In the amount of time one and tutor, herb box, named and was effective promoting and can cook a hard-boiled egg, I was and Abigail by friend Dr. Joel teaching some of our recycle art transformed. Stevens, artist, Greenberg, the Ark projects like Plarn Mat-ters, our Before I grasped the meaning of educator and of the Condiments. plastic bags to crocheted sleep mat the Zoom moment, it zoomed away Programming In a different and pillow project for people who and was gone—I was officially Coordinator at project, the Seed are homeless served through the retired and the unique 501c3 the JEA. That to Fibre Textile Union Mission. She incorporated charitable organization I founded, done, Camille Art Garden, sponsored the goals of this project, for MorningStar Publications, Inc., Hulbert, our Carol Greenberg with Camille in part by Center example, into classes and art doing business as MorningStar Special Projects Snowden Hulbert PARC Credit Union, shows she produced for Oatland Cultural Arts Group since 1989 Coordinator, youth experience both Island Wildlife Center, the Telfair had transitioned to MorningStar and one of Savannah Magazine’s hands-on and virtual classes in and the JEA After-Care students. Arts Creative under the capable 2020 New Guard honorees, the history, cultural significance It wasn’t until the Zoom call ended and energetic leadership of its was duly installed at the helm and life cycle of growing and with Camille announcing her new new Director, Camille Snowden of, with her own using plants to produce useable, site , then Hulbert. vision of multi-cultural, multi- decorative or wearable art— calling our 2020 Annual meeting Years of service were generational social service projects including face masks. to a close that I realized what acknowledged with high praise that are more in keeping with her When I first announced I had done. With thanks to my and appreciation to outgoing talents as a fiber artist and teacher. my retirement in 2013 husband and many other friends Executive Board members Lauri As my last official duty I during Jewish Journeys for financial, volunteer and in-kind J. Taylor, of Taylor Upholstery, conceived, and Camille actualized, Women’s Art Festival at service support over the years and and Joanna Rich, of Rich Leather the creation of a new 4 for the JEA slated for Dec 2014, to HaShem for our many blessings, International, Inc. who in addition Fran Garden at Park Place following the Bull Street Library I am finishing out my 64th year for to their board responsibilities, Outreach, where Fran Wilson Jewish Savannah Oral History the first time since age 15 without served above and beyond their job worked as a social worker and case Project TREELoft, MStarArts a full-time occupation. So I shut descriptions of CFO and Secretary, manager. Highlighting flowers that had donated 900 projects and down the computer for awhile, and and also took up the slack for lend fragrance, fiber, food and fun, programs, mostly anonymously went to dwell in my sukkah. Member-at-Large Frances Lowery the Garden willl be used in weekly to the Savannah community. Savannah jewish news November 2020 | Page 5 The Savannah Jewish Condolences Federation Gratefully Thanks We express our sympathy to the families of: Allan Lawrence Cooper Solomon Robbins and his wife, our Contributors Who died Wednesday, September Harriet, and four nieces. TIKVAH FUND JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES 23, 2020 Remembrance donations may be A donation was made by: FUND Allan was a loving and devoted made to Congregation Bnai Brith Eva Odrezin A donation was made by: husband to Barbara Weinstein Jacob – 5444 Abercorn Street, Heather & Evan Solender Tom Kohler Cooper who predeceased him, father Savannah, Georgia 31405 In memory of Jean Kaminsky Jim Moher Charlotte & Harold Black Sandra & Lewis Schneider to Nicole Cooper and Erik (Aviva In honor of Richard Bodziner James Wellen Klein) Cooper, and grandfather to Marvin Jules Lesser Sharon & Murray Galin In honor of Richard Bodziner Noah, Ari and Jacob Cooper. He was Who died Wednesday, October 7, In memory of Yetta Hornstein In honor of Dayle & Aaron Levy a dedicated brother to previously 2020 Sally Krissman Doris & Arnie Goldstein deceased siblings Louis, Arthur, and He is survived by his son, Mark In memory of Evelyn Gilmer In honor of Ava Gottlieb Frank. He will be deeply missed Lesser and his wife, Nancy; his In memory of Barbara Berman In memory of Yetta Hornstein by siblings Edwin (Aviva) Cooper, grandson, Sammy Lesser; his AM Goldkrand In memory of Jean Kaminsky Neal (Sydne) Cooper, and Cindy granddaughter, Nicole L. Daughtry; In honor of AM Goldkrand Sara Jospin (Joel) Bauman, sisters-in-law Laura his nephews, Gary Barr, Kenny Barr In honor of Toby Hollenberg In memory of Nancy Gaspin Cooper, Sheila Cooper and Tara and Eric Barr; his niece, Brianna Barr, In honor of Jane Kahn Sherry Dolgoff Sadler and his beloved dog Charlie. and many cousins. In honor of Harriet Meyerhoff In memory of Eric Meyerhoff Remembrance donations may Remembrance donations may be Sharon & Murray Galin Cathy & Philip Solomons be made to Congregation Bnai made to Emory Winship Cancer In memory of Mitchell Dunn Brith Jacob – 5444 Abercorn Street, Institute – 1365-C Clifton Road ESTHER & AARON In honor of Harriet Ullman Savannah, Georgia 31405 NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30322 or BUCHSBAUM FUND Ruth & Arnold Young In memory of Esther Buchsbaum Congregation Bnai Brith Jacob – Gail Appleson SJF GENERAL DONATION Barbara Hollander Abrams 5444 Abercorn Street, Savannah, Ira Berman & Helen Borrello In memory of Stanley Rosenberg Who died Monday, September 28, Georgia 31405 or Congregation B’nai Ellen Byck Phyllis & Jerry Steinberg 2020 – 700 Mt. Vernon Highway, Beth Childress She is survived by her husband, NE Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328. Jeffrey Felser SJF ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Ellis Abrams, brother, Jody Robert Friedman & Vernon Mosheim In honor of Don Kole Hollander of Kuna, ID, son Sidney Patrick Karl Welch Margaret & Mark Gillerman Altman, Kole & Shelton families Abrams of Gaithersburg, MD, Who died Wednesday, October 7, Joel Kantziper and daughter Hannah Morris 2020 Sally Krissman JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES of Brookhaven, GA and four He is survived by his wife, Aura Amy Linden FRIENDS CAMPAIGN grandchildren, Noah and Andrew Ayn Ackerman Welch; three sons, Phillippa & J.R. Paddison A donation was made by: Rosalind & Buddy Portman Adelle Burnsed-Geffen Abrams and Maxwell and Major Nathan Patrick Welch, Jacob Ryan Jacqueline Smith & Theodore Geffen Morris. Welch, and Mikkel Kagan Welch; Barbara & Alan Tanenbaum Sally & Steve Greenberg Remembrance donations may be his sisters, Donna Swikow and her Linda & Steven Novack made to Hospice of the Lowcountry, husband, David, and Lewanna Boyd AM GOLDKRAND PO Box 3827, Bluffton, SC 29910. and her husband, Otis; his brother, LOJ ENDOWMENT Ron Kalna; his mother-in-law, Lynda In honor of AM Goldkrand Moses Samuel Robbins Ruth Salov Ackerman; his sister-in- Sarah Denmark & Adam Solender Who died Monday, October 5, 2020. law, Nova Ackerman; his brother-in- He is survived by his wife Saralyn law, David Ackerman and his wife, Oberlin Robbins; four children, Kathy, and his nieces and nephews, Beatrice Robbins and her partner, Skylar, Snow, Silver, Harry and Alec Caldwell, Jacob Robbins and his Hailey. 2020 Friends of JFS partner, Gloria Sheng, Joy Robbins Remembrance donations may be Donors: September 14 - October 15 and her partner, Lawrence Molloy, made to Richmond Hill Middle Anonymous (5) Bianca & Steven Hollander and Aaron Robbins and his partner, School Wrestling and Lacrosse Penny & Lonnie Breslow Betsy & Larry Lehner Kip Murray; three grandchildren, Teams – 503 Warren Hill Road, Adelle & Teddy Geffen Lori Loncon Constantine Moses Caldwell, Richmond Hill, Georgia 31324. AM Goldkrand Linda & Steven Novack Hudson Lawrence Robbins and Carol & Joel Greenberg Nancy & Jules Paderewski Kairos Hope Molloy; one brother, Sally & Steven Greenberg Rhea Schneider Michelle & Kevin Heyman Janet & Stephen Wagner

Thank You Friends can make a difference! Savannah Page 6 | November 2020 jewish news

If you are Jewish, in your 20s and 30s and want to meet new people, connect to the community and make a difference - YJS is where you want to be!

Young Jewish Savannah’s goal is to provide meaningful opportunities for engagement in the Jewish IT'S TIME TO GIVE BACK... community through social and professional networking, MAKE THE CALL community service, Judaic We want to get to know you! and leadership programs for New to Savannah and want to get Jewish young adults in their connected? 20s and 30s. Want to help plan events? #GIVINGTUESDAY Have ideas you want to share? Just want to hang out? T U E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1 Young Jewish Savannah is Let us take you for coffee! made possible through the Savannah Jewish Federation 2021 Savannah Jewish Annual Community Campaign 912.355.8111 [email protected] Federation. SAVJ.ORG Young Jewish Savannah

Hadassah Savannah Chapter Legislate Anti-Semitism Definition Now In May 2016, the International Holocaust This is not to suggest that America has Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) gifted the failed to take the rise in anti-Semitism seri- world an opportunity to abandon subjective ously. To the contrary, law-enforcement decisions of what does or does not qualify agencies track anti-religious hate crimes as anti-Semitism. The IHRA – a united and how anti-Semitism manifests in front of 31 nations whose common goal is violence. And Congress passed the Never to promote Holocaust education and Again Education Act, critical legislation remembrance – negotiated the working designed to combat anti-Semitism at the definition of anti-Semitism which empowers earliest ages through the most effective moral and well-intentioned means – education. But the fact democracies to create policies remains that we are at war with that effectively combat the an enemy we have yet to define. spread of this stubborn global Congress is on record in rec- contagion. ognizing the IHRA working defi- Many nations, including the nition as foundational in crafting United States, adopted the non- federal law. The Combating legally binding working defini- European Anti-Semitism Act of tion. The stronger option is to Rhoda Smolow 2017 — signed by the president give the working definition the Hadassah in 2019 — is constructed in part force of law. Sadly, the U.S. National President upon the working definition and has failed to take this step. its further clarifications on how PJ Library is for Children birth to 8 years old being raised in a Jewish home, residing in the Savannah area. Parents can register their children for PJ Library at Today our nation is in the throes of an anti-Semitism manifests itself. important conversation about how America Hadassah agrees and is encouraged by Families with children ages 9 to 12 years old can register for PJ Our Way at Check out the new website! can be truer to its ideals. The focus on congressional support of this definition. race, ethnicity, socioeconomics, gender Hadassah's track record of focusing on Thanks to our generous local donors, PJ Library® is free for those who qualify for the program, which grants one subscription per child. The subscription is renewable annually for qualifying Savannah and other factors is healthy and reflects a combating anti-Semitism demands that we families. mature society willing to struggle with what continue to amplify congressional voices America will stand for in the 21st century. that are influencing this discussion. It is Need more information? Email [email protected] We must add to this conversation how time for the United States to write the IHRA America defines anti-Semitism so we can definition into law. We urge Congress to do rise above it once and for all. so now. Savannah PJ Library & PJ Our Way Your campaign dollars at work! The Jewish Educational Alliance presents a monthly program guide CENTERPIECE Jewish Educational Alliance November 2020 Children’s Programming All Work and No Play Doesn’t Happen at the JEA

For many years the aren’t the same. So how does one implement creates a new layer of questions and scenarios Children and Camp a routine when faced with so many outliers? we have to face. One of the few things that Departments at the JEA It wasn’t easy. At the end of the first day, has remained a constant throughout all of have been known for the Children’s Department leadership team this is that ‘kids just want to be kids.’ They their safe, fun, creative went home feeling defeated. Between con- know they have to “go to school” (whatever and engaging programs. nectivity issues, missing passwords, websites that may look like) but they also want to have The programs have crashing, and a lack of communication from fun and socialize with their peers. always been designed teachers and/or parents we felt that our pro- We are so excited that we are able to be Jackie Laban around what is best for gram might mot succeed. We were expecting here for our community and continue to of- Asst. Children & the children and what to be inundated by emails from our parents fer programs that have significance and value Camp Director interests them the most. frustrated that their children didn’t get every- for our members. When DJ, Lynette and thing accomplished. But what happened next I were met with the challenge of creating a really surprised us. Distance Learning Program, we knew we had We were inundated by some challenging work ahead. We had to emails, not written out of create a program that catered to 60 different frustration, but out of appre- children from eleven different schools across ciation. Parents were thank- seven different grades. We had to re-train our ful to have a place that they counselors to become ‘educational super- could send their children and visors’ and ‘IT professionals’ overnight. But know that they were safe and most importantly, we had to determine how engaged. They were excited to keep the children excited about coming to finally be able to let their back each day when they are coming for children socialize with others school and not the fun programs that they outside of the house, in a safe, are used to at the JEA. supervised environment. They One of the hardest parts of providing a were excited for the first bit Distance Learning Program of this magni- of ‘normalcy’ that they have tude is that every child’s schedule is different. had in months. That positiv- While some children have two short Zoom ity kept us going and by our meetings a day with a little bit of busy work second week of operating All in between, others are on Zoom for hours at Day at the J, we finally felt like a time and still have work to do when their we had a handle on things. meetings are done. They have different lunch Like every business and times, the ‘brain breaks’ don’t line up and organization, we have had even the start and end of the school days to pivot constantly. Each pivot See page 3 of CenterPiece for more information! Visit us at 5111 Abercorn Street or online at for more details! Adult Programming New JEA Members The JEA would like to thank our members. With- out your membership and support, we would not be able to offer all the services that we do. Our members are our most important asset! (New members as of September 10, 2020) Winston Edwards Angelisa Savage-Bryant Joe & Debbie Sistino Join the JEA Types of Membership include: Family Plans, Couple Plans, Senior Plans, Young Family Plans, Individual Plans, Basic Plan Military/Law Enforcement (active duty only)

Visit us at 5111 Abercorn Street or online at for more information!

JEA Donations (9/10/2020-10/9/2020) ARKIN-CLARK GARDEN FUND JEA BUILDING FUND JEA PRESCHOOL SAVANNAH In honor of Eva Odrezin A donation by: In honor of Lisa Mackowiak Barbara & David Gottlieb Jonathan Javetz Sharon & Bill Sand Sharon & Bill Sand Linda & Irvin Seeman JEA GENERAL DONATION ALL DAY @ THE J SCHOLARSHIP A donation by: A donation by: Byck Foundation Savannah Lodge #183 (Elks)

November 2020 CenterPiece Visit us at 5111 Abercorn Street or online at for more details! Health & Wellness Group Fitness Outdoors? We’re excited to your endurance, and tone your entire body your entire upper body. Join the core blaster announce we’ve added as strength movements are worked into this immediately following this class for a quick more group fitness classes step routine as well. You will use a small step core finisher! to the schedule, both to move up and down in different choreo- Lower Body: Check out this 30-minute lower virtually and in-person! graphed patterns to music you love! body blaster that will tone and strengthen You may notice that the your entire lower body. Join the core blaster majority of our new class- Bootcamp: This afternoon Bootcamp class immediately following this class for a quick es are held outdoors. By is designed to give you a full body workout Jess Whitacre core finisher! Health & Wellness bringing our classes out- combining both strength and cardio exer- cises. This class will challenge you and help Director side, we can ensure that Core Blaster: Check out this quick class that improve cardiovascular endurance, strength participants are properly only includes 20 minutes of work. Use this to and mobility. distanced from each other and that allows compliment the upper or lower body classes you to move more freely. Outdoor classes Couch to 5k: The Oy Vey 5k is just around or your own workout if you need a quick core also allow you to work out without a mask so the corner! Join this 45-minute class and blaster! that you can work at the intensity you wish to improve your muscular and cardiovascular while being able to breathe fresh air. Beyond endurance so that you are ready for the 5k Check Out Our New the regular benefits of exercising that you also this season. We will meet you at your fitness Fitness Class Designed get from exercising indoors, you will get vital level whether you have never run before or for Preschoolers! exposure to the sun, increasing your levels of are a frequent runner. Vitamin D! You may also find that an out- door workout will leave you feeling positive, Water Aerobics: This is an hour class that We recently kicked off Session 1 of our new Parent & Me Yoga Class! (More sessions to energetic, and ready to take on the rest of meets in the shallow area of the pool. This follow so stay tuned). your day. Don’t worry; we are still taking aerobic workout provides high-intensity Parent & Me Yoga Class is an out-door additional precautions even while our classes work with low impact on your joints. Join class designed to help strengthen the are outdoors including extra sanitation both this high-energy class and change up your physical and emotional bond between before and after class. routine in the pool! parent and child through fun poses, games, As always, YOUR SAFETY is our #1 prior- Yoga: This 45-minute yoga class consists of storytelling and songs. ity! If you have not tried an outdoor class yet, yoga poses modified to a individual’s needs. Each class includes six (6) 30-minute go ahead and reserve your spot. We cannot n Our yoga class includes gentle movement sessions. wait to have you back in our classes with us. sequences to help improve the body’s move- You can reserve your spot by going to our ment patterns, flexibility, and mobility and Ages: Children ages 3-5 years old (up to 6 website, will encourage deep breathing and relaxation. kids per class) Fitness-Classes and scroll down to the green Class Time: Sundays at 11am on the Out- box that says ‘Reserve Your Spot.’ Firm-It-Up: Join this energetic class that door Pool Deck combines both strength and cardio to music Safety Precautions: This is an outdoor Learn More About Our Class Offerings: you love! Some of the benefits of the class class and masks will only be required to *These classes are subject to change* include improved endurance, strength and and from the class. Participants will be overall muscle tone. distanced at least 6-ft apart. The class will Family Workout: Looking for a workout that move indoors in the case of inclement gets the entire family involved? Look no fur- Pilates: Join our 45-minute Pilates classes weather and masks will be required for the ther, because we are offering a family outdoor that include both muscle toning, core-fo- entirety of the class in this case. workout that will help improve cardiovascu- cused strengthening exercises and breath lar endurance, strength and mobility. Kids 6+ work. Our Pilates classes range from a Pilates For more information, check out: Savan- will be allowed to join a parent or guardian flow that also incorporates yoga poses to mat for this hour-long group exercise session. Pilates where you will still get a full-body swim-lessons workout without having to leave your mat. Step Aerobics: Check out this 45-min class *Please email Jess at [email protected] to to change up your normal workout routine. Upper Body: Check out this 30-minute up- inquire about future sessions. This class is designed to burn calories, test per body blaster that will tone and strengthen

CenterPiece November 2020 Visit us at 5111 Abercorn Street or online at for more details!

Nov. in the JEA Art Gallery

Vanessa Withun - November 2020 Vanessa Withun is a contemporary representation- al artist of Puerto Rican and Dominican heritage originally from Bronx, New York. Coming from an JEA Preschool artistic family, she was always drawn to the arts. After Savannah News serving in the military and moving to the Southeast, she developed an interest in landscapes and nature. She was inspired by the wetlands and marshes that Open Enrollment surrounded the coastal area and decided to pursue a Currently enrolling 3-yr olds for degree in environmental science. Although her work half-day and full-day program. is representational, she heavily relies on an intuitive New operating hours: 8am-5:30pm process which gives her paintings a sentimental and romantic quality. Her style is a combination of Expres- Limited spaces available. sionism and Realism and she believes that both forms Contact Jodi Sadler, Director, at of art are necessary in order to achieve an aesthetic [email protected] or 912-355-8111 balance. She enjoys painting from life and using color to set up a tour and heavy textures to show the intricacies of form and the behavior of light. Although she focuses on coastal Climbing Roses landscapes, she enjoys painting portraits and still life as JEA Preschool well. Her work has been exhibited across the United States. Artwork available for viewing November 1-30, 2020 Enjoys Sukkot! Join us for the Art Gallery Reception November 29, 2-4pm JEA Art Shows Are you an artist? Would you like to show your work in the JEA Art Gallery? We feature artists from different fields: oil painters, water colorists, sculptors, photogra- phers, potters, quilters, textiles, mixed media, wood sculpture, mosaics and more! Each show is one month, and you may choose to have an opening reception. There’s no charge to use our space, but we do ask for a small percentage of anything sold. Having a show at the JEA is a great way to have your work seen, and to help your com- munity. Please contact Marlene Seidman-Robinowich at [email protected] to inquire about available months for your show!

November 2020 CenterPiece Savannah jewish news November 2020 | Page 7 savannah

Savannah BBYO wants you! All from the comfort of your living room We are going back to in-person Natan Sharansky Lawrence Wright programs and we want you to be a Joan Lunden Raffi Berg part of it! Esther Safran Foer Ariel Sabar Rachel Beanland Harry Stern If you are a Jewish teen or have a Kristin Harmel Sandra Berman Jewish teen in high school and want Dale Berra Michael Ian Black to learn more about BBYO John Grisham Cleo Stiller contact Jackie at [email protected]! Cameron Douglas Michael J Fox Michael Oren Mimi Lemay David Baldacci Rachel Bloom Ina Garten Melissa Clark Upcoming Events BBG Picnic in the Park November 1 - 12:00pm For more information and to make reservations AZA Virtual Game Night November 1 - 7:00pm Regional Convention (Virtual) November 13-15 www.jeasavannah-book-festival BBG and AZA Friendsgiving November 22 Giving BBYO Day December 1


SAVJ.ORG/SAVANNAH-BBYO SAVANNAH BBYO Savannah Jewish Federation Beneficiary Agency: Your Campaign dollars at work Savannah Page 8 | November 2020 jewish news Mah Jongg and More Eye on education Last continue to have a job (if you want a Thanksgiving, job), then you have been very fortunate. Parenting is a Partnership there were 50 of Because I write about mah As many of that often we prefer chatting on the us. We traveled by jongg, people often tell me the status us have found out, phone with friends instead of play- Robin Rackoff plane, train, and of their mah jongg games. I was being at home right ing “I spy”; He knows that sometimes automobile to be recently in the supermarket, and a now while work- we shout rather than speak; and He with the family in New Jersey. We person (absolutely unrecognizable Eva Locker, ing and taking care knows that we're not always sure squished and squeezed and rejoiced with her full-face mask and face shield, Principal of of children at the what's the right plan of action. And, in being together. At the end of the hat, and latex gloves) said, “Robin, I Shalom School same time is not even though He knows all the details holiday, as each relative would leave, still play only online.” I had no idea simply “working of our imperfections, He chose us to they would say, “See you next year!” who she was, but with that amount from home”. Trying to keep making a be the parents of our children. And How innocent we were! But of protective gear, no one would living while shielding your family from because He chose us, we must trust really, who could have imagined a have been surprised to hear that a world pandemic is a much loftier that we are the very best possible par- pandemic? In this crazy Groundhog pronouncement. On the flip side are thing. A thing that at times brings ents for our children - that we are the Day kind of a year, it is almost the folks who tell me that their game feelings of desperation, loneliness and ones who are most capable of giving Thanksgiving again. This time, there is now live, but they’re “being very worst of all, doubt about our ability our children what they need in order will be just three of us – my husband careful.” Just thinking about those to be a parent. Long gone are the days to grow and thrive. and me, and Tom (the turkey), and we three empty seats at my cousin’s table we aimed at being the “Best” parents. Yes, there are times during which will travel by foot from the kitchen to and the other 200,000-plus victims in Today the focus is on family survival, we are overwhelmed, and times when the dining room. our country alone will keep me from emotionally as much as physically. we wish for our own in-house thera- There has been so much playing any games in person for a long, The Talmud tells us that at the pist and education consultant. It’s sadness over these last eight months long time. time the child is created, there are these times we need to remember that that many people will have to think I think that this year, instead three partners involved: the child’s the goal is not to be perfect parents, long and hard about what they are of calling the holiday Thanksgiving, I father, the child’s mother and God but the best parents we can be for our thankful for. My cousin, who makes will call it “HOPE-giving.” I HOPE that Himself. God, who gives the child his children. So, while you are navigating Thanksgiving every year for her family, this pandemic will finally be over, I or her spirit, who gives his or her soul through this challenging time, take will need three fewer chairs when the HOPE that the sick people will recover, and the parents, who are seen as part- a minute to pat yourself on the back: group next gets together, the former and I HOPE that we can all be with our ners in God’s creation of each human you used to be a lawyer or a nurse occupants all victims of COVID. If you loved ones again soon, holding them in being. Even if the news headlines every maybe, now you are also a teacher, a haven’t lost any loved ones, if you still our arms with no barriers or masks. morning make us feel that we are on tech specialist, a hairdresser, a Zoom have a roof over your head, and if you Be well, be safe, and Maj On! our own lately, we must remember consultant and so much more. Today, that God is omnipresent. He is always you are SuperMom and SuperDad. by our side and he knows everything On the Personal Side there is to know about us. He knows Mazel Tov to Don Kole on his Atlanta, GA, and milestone birthday Chloe Richards, London, England Mazel Tov to Eva Odrezin on and great PHANTOM her milestone birthday grandmother, JEWISH Gala Claire Karesh, EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE Mazel Tov to Max Richards, Atlanta, GA. A son of Beth Vantosh and Kenneth seventh grader Max Richards Richards who became a Bar at Savannah Mitzvah at Congregation Mickve Country Day School, Max raised THANK YOU TO ALL WHO MADE THE Israel on October 17, 2020. funds for the Humane Society of JEA PHANTOM GALA A SUCCESS! Max is the grandson of proud Greater Savannah for his social grandparents Jill and Jeff Vantosh, action project. We want to acknowledge the donors that supported the JEA Gala after the last issue of the Savannah Jewish News went to print. GALE & DAVID HIRSH NANCY ISAACSON LOWELL & HILARY KRONOWITZ JERRY ROGERS

Thank you for your support of the Jewish Educational Alliance! Savannah jewish news November 2020 | Page 9 Eye on education Eye on education Rambam Day School Teachable Moments at Rallies On JEA Preschool Savannah We’ve intermediate days of Succos, As we begin was intentional in acknowledging already been we rented a blow-up miniature Jodi Sadler, to think about to all of the children the kindness Ester Rabhan, Thanksgiving they showed to the upset child. Principal in school for putt-putt course. It was JEA Director Rambam Day several weeks adorable and enjoyed by adults Early Childhood and all that we What a wonderful teachable Education are grateful moment for all of the two year School and there are and kids. for, it can be olds in this classroom! days when it For one of the intermediate hard to do during this pandemic This teacher experienced feels like we just started, and days, our Student Council period. However, I like to think another teachable moment for there are days when I can’t created an Escape Room for positively and share that I am social and emotional skills when remember having a summer each class. The students had truly thankful for the teachers the class was walking down break. It’s an interesting school to follow the clues and try to and staff at JEA Preschool the hall. One little boy, for an year. We brought sheltered beat each other’s time finding Savannah. It is because of their unknown reason, maybe he was down right into school, only our the clues and figuring them diligent efforts in maintaining the tired, plopped on the floor on the friends are with us. Lots of rules out. Another day we had the COVID-19 protocols while giving way down the hall. Another child and regulations but far better ice cream truck come. From the children the love and security extended his hand and helped than sheltered down in our 2Y through eighth grade and that we have been successful the child get up off of the floor. in keeping everyone safe and They continued to walk down homes. beyond, ice cream was enjoyed healthy. the hall, hand in hand. Again, Masks have become by all. Because of the pandemic Ms. T. shared with the children second nature. Seeing a child Learning continues! I situation and all the challenges how kind the boy was to help his or colleague without a mask is applaud my staff for stepping it has brought to the children, friend. the unusual. One of my Judaic in when a couple of teachers we are focusing on the social and Besides the hands on teachers made Simchas Torah had to quarantine. While my emotional development of young experiences, there are many t-shirts with his class. Rabbi quarantined teachers kept on children. We are participating ways to teach young children Gordon makes these t-shirts teaching, we needed people in a variety of professional important social and emotional every year. This year’s t-shirt monitoring their classes. My development opportunities, skills. Here are a few ideas: says, “I danced on Simchas staff rallied together. Our staff reading articles together, and ● Use children’s books Torah with a mask”. A Simchas is dedicated to each other and then implementing the strategies ● Ask open ended questions that we have learned. Give effective praise Torah to remember. A t-shirt our students. I have the best ● Here are two stories from ● Model appropriate that will recall an unusual time. of all worlds as I come to work one of our two year old teachers, behavior Just when we had the and know my colleagues have Ms. T. Try to imagine these two ● Provide verbal cues regulations down pat and all my back and each other’s. I am situations in your mind: ● Create safe classroom routines were becoming second grateful to have a staff dedicated Ms. T. asked a child to use spaces nature; a couple of teachers to excellence even in the face of walking feet in the classroom and We will continue this journey were exposed to COVID-19 masked faces! the child got upset and began in learning and implementing positive individuals. It seemed We continue to hope all crying on the carpet. Another strategies to strengthen the social strange being in school, and of you are taking precautions child came over and began to and emotional development my teachers were zooming in to be safe. We wish everyone pat her shoulder. And then a in children throughout the to their classes. Another new good health, happiness, and second child came to pat the year. Stay tuned for additional other shoulder. So now, there is teachable moment stories! reality. sanity as we maneuver through a crying two year old child being Wishing everyone a truly Rambam is marching on COVID-19. patted on each shoulder by two Happy and healthy Thanksgiving! and not letting COVID-19 or friends. This certainly is a display teachers needing to quarantine, of empathy that the two friends get us down. During the had for the upset child. Ms. T.

Donate to the Holocaust Education Funds Dena Yaschik & Lawrence S. Bodziner Foundation - Income shall be used to perpetuate the memory of the Holocaust and Jewish survival through educa- tion. Matthew J. Cranman Holocaust Teacher Education Fund - Income will be used to send one Savannah area public school teacher, annually, on the Holo- caust & Resistance Teacher Education Program to Poland and Israel. To make a donation online visit Savannah Page 10 | November 2020 jewish news

9 Lee Boulevard, Savannah GA 31405 912-352-4737 [email protected] / Rabbi Steven Henkin

Join our Synagogue, Join our mishpacha!!! We are Thankful for our Congregation and Tefila/Service Parashat Hashavua Classes Wishing you a Midrash Study Group and ...Good food too! Wonderful Thanksgiving! Virtually now but, soon we will get back together!

We are maintaining Daily Services, via Facebook To participate, please make sure you follow us on Facebook at Join us for Friday night and Shabbat morning services via Zoom using the following information... Meeting ID: 870 3207 9194

Study and Grow with us. Savannah jewish news November 2020 | Page 11 PJOW Book Review Savannah Jewish Federation Sami's Sleepaway Summer By Dinah Henkin finally finds her sister, Maya, who In Sam’s Sleepaway Summer, wasn’t waiting at camp for Sami Sami’s mom tells her when she arrived she has to go to Camp because her cabin was Cedar Lake for four on a trip. Sami and whole days, but she Maya have a fight and really, really doesn’t Sami talks to Daniel. want to. Sami’s nervous She realizes that that she won’t know Shabbat at camp isn’t anyone except her actually that bad, and sister at camp and does services certainly aren’t everything she can just a bunch of boring think of to get out of old men mumbling going. But her plans do weird words! Sami 2021 not end up working. enjoys the rest of her Before she knows, Dinah Henkin time at camp with her Sami is crammed in new friends and can’t a seat next to her cousin Daniel wait to come back next year. Thursday, November 5 | 7:00 PM |online on the bus that will take them to I liked this book because it camp. When they get to camp, Sami reminds us to not judge a situation Keynote speaker: Simone Knego is still sure that she’ll be miserable before you have given it a chance. It Campaign Chair: Michelle Allan the entire time, but then she meets also made me remember my sleep her bunkmate, Gabby. Before long away camp, Ramah Darom, and the the two are close friends, and Sami great memories that I made there. I Register and PLedge at starts to feel a little bit better, and would recommend this book to kids eventually, she even starts to have who are 8-10 years old. fun. When Friday arrives, Sami THANK YOU

The generosity we received from our sponsors, volunteers, talented musicians and those that virtually attended the Shalom Y’All Jewish Food Festival on November 1st did not go unnoticed. We could not do this without you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Mickve Israel Staff SERVICE HONORING VETERANS AND CURRENT MILITARY PERSONNEL November 14th at 11am November Night Classes Virtually on our YouTube channel November 10, 2020 – “The Gathering Storm” will look at the foundations of fascism and anti-Semitism in Germany.

November 17, 2020 – “The Storm” Intensifies will consider the early years under Hitler’s regime in Germany.

November 24, 2020 – “The Storm and the Aftermath” will Join us Veteran’s Weekend as we honor look at how The Final Solution was planned and implemented. the men and women who have dedicated themselves to our country in a very To register for any or all of the sessions, call Tim at special way by serving in the armed forces. the synagogue at 912-233-1547 or email him at [email protected]. Savannah Page 12 | November 2020 jewish news

Savannah Jewish Federation

Savannah Jewish Federation protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through caring for Jews in need (chesed), building and deepening connections to Judaism, Jewish life and community (chinuch), and building the cohesiveness within the local Jewish community and between our community, Israel and Jewish people and communities throughout the world (k'lal yisrael).

Through your support of the Savannah Jewish Federation's Annual Community Campaign, you provide our beneficiary agencies the ability to continue transforming lives and delivering hope, dignity and comfort to Savannah and around the globe.

In these unprecedented times, your help is needed now more than ever. In Israel and around the globe, you create countless opportunities for those in need. Coming together to help others is what Federation is all about. There isn’t a single aspect of Jewish life that your gift doesn’t impact. We Are Stronger Together. Give Today Savannah Jewish Federation Consider endowing your gift to ensure a strong Jewish world for generations to come.