ECV E A L R A I L BULLETIN Y R T Volume 5 Issue 8 May 16, 2003 University of Toronto Maternal, Infant and Reproductive Health Research Unit at The Centre for Research in Women’s Health Suite 713, 790 Bay Street Toronto ON CANADA M5G 1N8 Tel: 416-351-3787 Fax:416-351-3771 Email:
[email protected] EEEECCVV22 TTRRIIAALL GGRRAANNTT SSUUBBMMIITTTTEEDD!! At the collaborators’ meeting for the Early ECV Trial in June 2002, the trial findings were first discussed, and collaborators unanimously agreed that a second, larger trial was required. They felt that although the findings of the Early ECV Trial were encouraging, evidence was required to demonstrate that beginning ECV early would decrease the rate of Caesarean section and to rule out any increased risk of adverse fetal or neonatal outcomes. Therefore with a lot of hard work and co-operation from all of you, our proposal for a larger Early External Cephalic Version Trial was completed and submitted to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Our application will compete in the April 2003 Randomized Controlled Trials competition and funding decisions will be announced in the fall of this year. We have had a very enthusiastic response to the Early ECV 2 trial. In total more than 80 letters of support were received. Welcome on board everyone! CCCooollllllaaabbbooorrraaatttiiinnnggg Please read below for other collaborators in your area (centres are ARGENTINA ARGENTINA (1) Hospital Nacional Prof A Posadas (Buenos Aires), Dr Mario SF Palermo AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA (13) Box Hill Hospital (Box Hill), Dr John R Neil Central Coast Area Health Service (Gosford), Dr John R Palmer King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women (Subiaco), Dr Everett F Magann Logan Hospital (Meadowbrook), Prof Kenneth Margolis Mercy Hospital for Women (Melbourne), Dr Elizabeth McCarthy Mona Vale Hospital (Mona Vale), Dr James B Roche Monash Medical Centre (Clayton), Dr Robert Burrows Royal North Shore Hospital (St.