This document sets out the Course Regulations governing the award of the degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). These regulations are complementary to QUT’s Manual of Policies and Procedures (MOPP) which in turn require compliance with Commonwealth and State statutes and laws and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act (2000) regarding compliance with International Student Visa requirements.


1. Introduction ...... 2 2. Award details ...... 3 3. Definitions ...... 3 4. Entry requirements ...... 4 4.1 Domestic and International entry criteria ...... 4 4.2 English Language requirements ...... 4 4.3 QUT’s capacity to support research ...... 4 4.4 Application process ...... 5 4.5 Skills Audit ...... 5 4.6 Advanced standing/academic credit ...... 5 4.7 Readmission ...... 5 5. Attendance requirements ...... 6 5.1 Attendance mode and type ...... 6 5.2 Campuses ...... 6 6. Enrolment and Progression ...... 6 6.1 Faculty affiliation ...... 6 6.2 Research Course requirements ...... 7 6.3 End-user engagement and overseas experience ...... 8 6.3 Period of candidature...... 8 6.4 Milestones ...... 8 6.5 Conditions of Candidature ...... 10 7. Examinations ...... 11 8. Supervision ...... 11 9. Guidelines ...... 12 10. Review of Outcome ...... 13 11. Course Outcomes ...... 14

1. Introduction

The main purpose of higher degree research study is to encourage independence and originality of thought in the quest for knowledge. The Master of Philosophy degree is awarded in recognition of a candidate’s substantial contribution to knowledge. The candidate's research must reveal high critical ability and synthesis, and may be in the form of new knowledge, or of significant and original adaptation, application and interpretation of existing knowledge.

COURSE DEFINITION QUT Course code IF80 Award Master of Philosophy Abbreviated title MPhil Credit Points Up to maximum 48 coursework plus thesis Duration: Standard 12-24 months full time; 24-48 months part time Minimum 12 months full time; 24 months part time Maximum 24 months full time; 48 months part time Entry Entry open all year although restricted intake dates for some faculties. Check requirements with host faculty. Course type Masters by research (postgraduate) Student type Domestic / International Faculties All

QUT’s Master of Philosophy is distinguished by its supported student cohorts, and opportunities to promote transdisciplinary research, end-user engagement and international experiences.

QUT’s Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Course Regulations are aligned with and meet all relevant external regulatory requirements including the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 9 Qualification Specifications. The identified Graduate Attribute Set for AQF Level 9 is detailed in Appendix 1 and includes Research field, Cognitive skills, Communication and Independent and collaborative behaviours. These relate to learning outcomes which will fulfil the MPhil graduate profile:

• Demonstration of body of knowledge in relevant discipline that encompasses recent developments and applications; • Advanced understanding of research principles and methods relevant to discipline or field; • Demonstration of mastery of theoretical knowledge and its critical reflection and applications; • Demonstration of the use of cognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate and analyse complex information and problems, apply theories to bodies of knowledge and practices, and generate and evaluate complex ideas and concepts; • Ability to demonstrate communication and technical skills to present a coherent and sustained argument and to disseminate research results effectively to all audiences; • Ability to demonstrate communication and technical skills to design, evaluate, implement, analyse, theorise and disseminate research as a contribution to knowledge; • Demonstration of using creativity and initiative to apply knowledge and transferrable skills in new environments and in professional practices, with autonomy or within teams in an accountable manner; and

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• Demonstration of the ability to apply skills and knowledge in the planning and execution of a substantial piece of research.

2. Award details

The Master of Philosophy will be awarded subject to: • satisfactory completion of the candidate’s approved course of study; and • satisfactory completion of the candidate’s mandatory milestones and research training; and • the candidate’s certification that they have not studied another tertiary award during the tenure of their Masters of Philosophy candidature without the permission of the Research Degrees Committee; and • a statement by the candidate indicating original authorship of their thesis; and • the satisfactory completion by the candidate of the examination process; and • copies of the thesis submitted as per established guidelines.

The award title is Master of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy (major study area).

3. Definitions

“Candidate” means any person admitted to the planned course of research leading to a higher degree by research. An “applicant” is any person who is applying for admission.

“Candidature” means the period of study towards the higher degree research being the period from the date of admission until all coursework has been successfully passed and the thesis is lodged for examination, after which time the candidate holds the status of 'Under Examination’ or until the candidature is terminated or the candidate withdraws.

“Examination” means the formal testing of the candidate's thesis while under examination to critically evaluate whether the conditions for the award of the Higher Degree Research have been met.

“Examiners” means the academically qualified specialists appointed to undertake examination of the candidate's thesis.

“External candidate” means a candidate who will undertake the majority of their research and study away from QUT research facilities or campuses.

“Internal candidate” means a candidate who will complete their study whilst physically attending a campus or research facility of QUT.

“Lodgement due date” means the date by which a candidate will have disseminated their research findings at a public presentation and lodged their thesis through Research Degrees Committee for examination.

“Masters by research” means a Master's degree, which has a research component comprising two thirds or more of the total course of study.

“Milestone” means a mandatory candidature event that is an internal review of a candidate’s progress or a dissemination of research.

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“Recognised institution” means any tertiary education institution accepted by the Research Degrees Committee for the purposes of these Course regulations.

“Research” comprises information gathering and knowledge creation, analysis, critical investigation and communication in a manner acceptable in the field of endeavour. Knowledge creation would encompass creative and professional practice and reflection on this practice.

“Research Degrees Committee” is a QUT Council committee established in accordance with Council Procedure 1 - Committees. The Research Degrees Committee reports directly to the University Research & Innovation Committee which acts as the Faculty Academic Board for the purposes of this course.

“Skills Audit” is a document developed by QUT and provided to all candidates as part of the application for admission for use by candidates in consultation with their supervisor to determine their current skills and skills gaps so that the candidate’s training and coursework needs can be determined during Candidature.

“Thesis” means a document or collection of materials submitted by the candidate for examination in support of candidature for a degree qualification, presenting the candidate’s research and findings. In the award course the thesis component is deemed equivalent to the research component.

“Unsatisfactory academic progress” means unsatisfactory progress made against the course learning objectives, as demonstrated by failure to complete unit learning outcomes and/or unsatisfactory completion of research-related milestones within the timeframe required. This will be determined by Research Degrees Committee.

Also refer to Glossary of Terms on QUT’s website (

4. Entry requirements

4.1 Domestic and International entry criteria To be eligible for entry into the Master of Philosophy course, applicants must normally have: • A proposed research project that the faculty has the resources to supervise and support; AND • Completion of a bachelor degree (AQF Level 7) or equivalent in a relevant discipline, with a minimum grade point average of 5 (on a 7 point scale) AND relevant professional and/or research experience as determined by the faculty; OR • Completion of a bachelor (AQF Level 8) in a relevant discipline.

4.2 English Language requirements QUT requires that all students demonstrate a specified level of English proficiency (refer to MOPP E/4.1.8) which will be assessed at all stages of candidature including at Research Proposal, Research Seminar and as part of the written thesis examination process.

4.3 QUT’s capacity to support research The university will assess, and must confirm its capacity to support the applicant’s field of research and research project, including supervisory capacity, prior to admission being completed.

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4.4 Application process

4.4.1 An application for admission shall be made on the prescribed form.

4.4.2 The Research Degrees Committee or its delegate may set conditions regarding the offer of admission.

4.4.3 An applicant who is not admitted to the course may re-apply for admission at a later date after addressing the issues raised.

4.4.4 The application must be consistent with the guidelines prescribed by the Research Degrees Committee or its delegate.

4.5 Skills Audit

4.5.1 A Skills Audit should normally be completed by the applicant as part of the application for admission.

4.5.2 The Skills Audit is not an eligibility requirement for entry into the course.

4.5.3 The supervisory team will use the online Skills Audit to inform the faculty’s assessment of the applicant’s skills and abilities and to guide the determination of optional coursework and electives to be included in the program of study in order for the candidate to achieve the course learning objectives.

4.6 Advanced standing/academic credit

4.6.1 The Research Degrees Committee (or their delegate) will assess all previous studies and professional experience (if appropriate) relevant to the course of study in consultation with the faculty at the point of admission. The Committee has discretion to award advanced standing (credit) where deemed appropriate.

4.6.2 The maximum amount of advanced standing and academic credit will not normally exceed 33% of the content of the Master of Philosophy course and will only apply to coursework components.

4.6.3 Where applicants are transferring enrolment to a QUT Master of Philosophy course from another institution they will be required to apply for admission. In assessing prior load, consideration of mandatory milestone/s and coursework requirements for candidature will be determined as part of the process. Normally, in the absence of evidence of successful completion and/or progress through equivalent processes, all admitted Master of Philosophy candidates would be required to undergo mandatory milestone and core coursework requirements. Refer to advanced standing provisions above.

4.7 Readmission

4.7.1 Normally a candidate whose enrolment ends without graduation may apply for readmission following the standard admission process, no less than 12 months after the last date of enrolment.

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4.7.2 Readmission will be subject to the approval of both the Faculty Research Committee and the Research Degrees Committee (or their delegates).

5. Attendance requirements

5.1 Attendance mode and type

5.1.1 An admitted Master of Philosophy candidate may enrol either as a full-time or part-time internal candidate or a full-time or part-time external candidate, though restrictions may apply to international students and some scholarship holders.

5.1.2 Changes to mode of study or location must be approved by the Research Degrees Committee.

5.1.3 External candidates must normally spend a minimum of three months at QUT during the course of their candidature and must normally undertake the presentation of their research to an external audience.

5.1.4 A candidate applying for external study must normally provide written evidence to their faculty and the Research Degrees Committee that: • The arrangement for the research at the external location (normally a recognised research establishment or place of professional employment) meets the normal requirements of the course; • The candidate has the opportunity to participate in scholarly activities; • Academic standards in the conduct of the research can be assured; • A suitable program of contacts between the candidate and the supervisory team can be maintained and the methods by which this will be achieved are explained; • A suitable external supervisor will be responsible for regular supervision and is available at the external establishment or an explanation as to why this is unnecessary; • A letter of support from the external establishment stating that the resources required for study are available and accessible to the candidate and will continue to be available for the duration of candidature.

5.2 Campuses

5.2.1 Internal candidates can be located at any QUT campus or approved QUT industrial, commercial, professional or research establishment dependent upon available resources and in negotiation with their supervisory team, faculty and/or school.

5.2.2 The Research Degrees Committee may approve an MPhil candidate to conduct their research as an external candidate either in Australia or overseas, or to approve a change of enrolment from internal to external status or vice versa.

6. Enrolment and Progression

6.1 Faculty affiliation

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6.1.1 MPhil candidates will be affiliated with a faculty which is appropriate to the planned research course. The faculty and Research Degrees Committee approve faculty affiliation.

6.1.2 Faculty affiliation may change in accordance with the transdisciplinary nature of the project.

6.2 Research Course requirements

6.2.1 The planned research will incorporate activities enabling the development of research graduate capabilities (refer to MOPP C/4.3).

6.2.2 The planned course structure will normally include: • completion of online skills audit and identification of training needs; • completion of the compulsory unit Advanced Information Research Skills (IFN001) within the first 6 months of candidature; • successful completion of compulsory research integrity and health & safety training; • established research methods or advanced content coursework as determined by the faculty and supervisory team following discussions with the student; • established elective postgraduate coursework as agreed between the candidate and supervisory team; • participation in university scholarly activities such as research training courses; research seminars, teaching or publication (refer to MOPP D/5.3); • regular, frequent interaction with the supervisory team; • public dissemination of the thesis findings at a research symposium • satisfactory completion and successful examination of a thesis which involves a program of supervised research and investigation.

The total coursework will not exceed 48 credit points.

6.2.3 Where an approved course of research and investigation forms part of the work of a research team or a larger research project, the supervisory team must indicate clearly the individual contribution expected to be made by the candidate, their individual research activities and responsibilities and the extent to which the work is to be carried out in collaboration with others. An intellectual property agreement may also need to be completed on the prescribed form.

6.2.4 Where an approved course of research and investigation is carried out jointly in QUT and in an industrial, commercial, professional or research establishment, an outline of the work to be undertaken at each site in relation to the whole project must be provided as part of the Research Proposal application. An intellectual property agreement may also need to be completed on the prescribed form.

6.2.5 The Research Degrees Committee must be satisfied that candidates can access faculty or faculty approved resources consistent with the infrastructure provisions guidelines for higher degree research students and that the research training program aligns with QUT’s Research Training Framework.

6.2.6 Appropriate Health and Safety, Ethical compliance, Intellectual Property, Data Management and Authorship and other arrangements consistent with QUT’s Code of Conduct for Research (MOPP D/2.6) must be determined in consultation with relevant research staff of QUT and noted in milestone reports.

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6.3 End-user engagement and overseas experience

6.3.1 Opportunities for end-user placement and engagement and/or overseas experience may be available during the candidature.

6.3.2 Such opportunities are not mandatory and should not impact on the maximum candidature time.

6.3.3 Normally, these opportunities will be undertaken once the candidate is under examination.

6.3.4 Candidates opting to undertake an engagement opportunity prior to their examination period will not receive extra candidature time (unless leave of absence from studies applies) and the candidate and faculty must ensure that adequate support and resources are available to facilitate the engagement opportunity without impacting on maximum candidature time.

6.3 Period of candidature

6.3.1 Depending on the entry level qualification and experience of the applicant, the expected/standard duration of the Master of Philosophy program is typically 18 months for full time candidates or 36 months for part time candidates.

6.3.2 Normally, the minimum volume of learning that must be undertaken to meet AQF requirements is as follows: Cognate Non Cognate AQF7 Entry 18 months 24 months AQF8 Entry 12 months 18 months

6.3.3 Normally, cognate entry would be identified through the Faculty or School and is defined as entry from a closely aligned or related discipline as based on Fields of Education. Where applicable, and based upon Faculty discretion, recognition of prior learning may be applied via reduced course duration and adjusted milestones.

6.3.4 The minimum period of candidature from the date of commencement at QUT is 12 months for full time candidates or 24 months for part time candidates.

6.3.5 The maximum period of candidature from the date of commencement is 24 months for full time candidates or 48 months for part time candidates.

6.4 Milestones

Candidature milestones have been established to measure the capacity of candidates to conduct the research and related coursework at the required level and complete candidature in a timely way.

6.4.1 Research Proposal

Timing The Research Proposal milestone must be completed consistent with approved Guidelines and submitted to the Research Degrees Committee within the timeframe specified.

Course Regulations approved by QUT’s University Academic Board (UAB), 26 May 2017 Page 8 of 14 Current @ 9/08/2017 CRICOS No. 00213J In exceptional circumstances, and upon application, an extension to the milestone due date, of no more than one month, may be granted by the Research Degrees Committee upon recommendation by the faculty.

Approval The Research Proposal must be recommended by the faculty to the Research Degrees Committee for final approval. Following receipt of the faculty's recommendation, the Research Degrees Committee shall determine that: • the proposal be approved; or • place the candidate under review so that the applicant must address faculty and reviewer concerns. In exceptional cases, the Research Degrees Committee may approve an extension so that faculty concerns can be addressed; or • the applicant be offered an exit award (if eligible); or • the applicant have their candidature terminated on the basis of unsatisfactory academic progress following Show Cause (refer to MOPP D/5.3.7(vi)). Failure to submit a Research Proposal document for consideration within nine months of commencement (full time equivalent) will result in the applicant’s candidature being terminated. Students whose candidature is terminated following Research Degrees Committee’s assessment of the Research Proposal cannot re-apply for admission to any Masters by research course in any QUT faculty within a 12 month period.

6.4.2 Annual Progress Reports The Principal Supervisor and candidate are required to report annually to the Research Degrees Committee on the candidate's progress and research plans consistent with established Guidelines. (Refer to MOPP D/5.3)

6.4.3 Research Seminar The Research Seminar milestone is designed to provide the candidate with the opportunity to provide a presentation of their thesis through a public presentation. Research Seminar symposia are organised by the Research Students Centre with Faculties facilitating and monitoring milestone completion. The audience will usually consist of the candidate’s peers, supervisors and others interested in their research field.

Timing The candidate shall be required to undertake a Research Seminar based on the work described in the thesis to a wider audience within the specified timeframe prior to examination. (Refer to Research Seminar guidelines.)

Approval The Research Seminar, whilst being a mandatory milestone, does not constitute a formal assessment of the candidate’s thesis. A panel is usually not convened and no written reports on the proceedings are taken.

Course Regulations approved by QUT’s University Academic Board (UAB), 26 May 2017 Page 9 of 14 Current @ 9/08/2017 CRICOS No. 00213J The supervisory team will report on the completion of the research seminar milestone at the time the candidate’s thesis is ready for examination. Faculty will recommend approval for lodgement of the thesis for examination to the Research Degrees Committee (or its delegate). (Refer to Research Seminar guidelines.)

6.5 Conditions of Candidature

Applications for extensions of candidature, scholarships or leave of absence due to delays or problems with the planned research course will not normally be considered by the Research Degrees Committee unless the delays or problems have been documented in previous reports or have recently occurred.

6.5.1 Leave of Absence A candidate who wishes to take leave of absence for a specified period is expected to apply in advance of the period of leave (consistent with Leave of Absence guidelines). Candidates are normally entitled to receive up to 12 months full time equivalent leave during candidature. The application must include the reasons for the leave of absence, documentary evidence (if applicable), the written endorsement of the Principal Supervisor and the start and end dates of the period of leave. If the Research Degrees Committee approves the period of leave of absence, the duration of the specified period will be added to the minimum and maximum submission dates of the candidature.

6.5.2 Extension of Candidature In exceptional circumstances, and upon application, a candidate may be granted an extension to the due date for lodgement of their publically disseminated thesis. Normally, the extension would be considered for a period of no more than three months (full time equivalent). The extension request must have Principal Supervisor and Faculty approval in order to be considered by Research Degrees Committee. A candidate who is not granted an extension to the lodgement due date, or who fails to apply for an extension, will be deemed to be making unsatisfactory progress and will be placed under review in accordance with university policy (MOPP D/5.3).

6.5.3 Transfer of Candidature Candidature may be seen to be transdisciplinary and transfer between faculties will be possible for the candidate. This will be dependent upon the Principal Supervisor and the faculty they are aligned with. The candidature cannot shift across faculties without the endorsement of all relevant faculties and with Research Degrees Committee approval. Normally, applications to articulate from the Master of Philosophy course into a Professional or PhD will not be possible, unless the PhD course regulations or other relevant course requirements are met. If a candidate is unable to complete the approved course of study the candidate may apply for an exit award (if applicable). Course Regulations approved by QUT’s University Academic Board (UAB), 26 May 2017 Page 10 of 14 Current @ 9/08/2017 CRICOS No. 00213J

7. Examinations

Timing 7.1 A candidate must lodge their thesis for external examination no later than the expected completion date consistent with course definition.

7.2 A candidate who does not expect to lodge their thesis by the lodgement due date must apply for an extension for consideration by the Research Degrees Committee prior to the expiry of their expected candidature date.

7.3 One copy of the thesis and an electronic copy, in the prescribed format, must normally be lodged for examination no later than the expected candidature date consistent with Requirements for Presentation of the Thesis guidelines.

Appointment of Examiners 7.4 Master of Philosophy theses must undergo an independent examination process by two examiners. At least one of the examiners must be an external expert examiner of international standing. The other examiner can be either external to QUT or a QUT academic staff member. If another QUT academic staff member is used then examiner selection must be consistent with nomination of examiner guidelines and Conflict of Interest guidelines.

7.5 Examiners must have demonstrable research experience in the area under investigation, hold a research masters level qualification or higher and be widely recognised in the relevant field. At least one of the examiners should be from an internationally recognised university or equivalent research institution or an industry expert and normally have had substantial experience examining candidates at the masters level or higher.

7.6 Examiners must be free of any real or perceived conflict of interest in undertaking the thesis examination. This precludes any person who has supervised the candidate at any point during candidature from being nominated to be an examiner of that candidate’s thesis.

7.7 Faculty recommendation and Research Degrees Committee approval of thesis examiners will be subject to scrutiny to ensure there are no potential conflicts of interest (refer to MOPP B/8.7).

Approval 7.8 Each examiner will be expected to provide a written report on the candidate's thesis and to recommend a course of action as described in the relevant guidelines.

Outcomes of the Examination Process 7.9 The Research Degrees Committee approves guidelines which specify the management of activities and actions in relation to when examiners are in agreement or not and when a thesis needs to be submitted for re-examination.

8. Supervision

8.1 Supervision of candidates shall be conducted according to the Good Practice guidelines for Higher Degree Research Studies and Supervision and other relevant policy and guidelines.

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8.2 A Principal Supervisor and at least one Associate Supervisor from QUT academic staff shall be appointed. Principal and Associate Supervisors must be accredited in accordance with the HDR Supervisor guidelines. The Principal Supervisor normally must hold doctoral level qualifications. The Associate Supervisors must hold, as a minimum, a relevant Masters by research qualification or equivalent.

8.3 The Principal Supervisor has responsibility for supervising and meeting with the candidate on a regular basis.

8.4 More than one Associate Supervisor may be appointed.

8.5 In addition to Principal and Associate Supervisors, the Faculty may recommend external supervisors who would have a key role as an industry or expert advisor. External supervisors can provide significant input into the candidate’s project and would be from an appropriate industrial, professional, commercial or research establishment. They would be appointed based on provision of a memorandum of understanding.

8.6 For a candidate studying externally, an external supervisor from the external institution linked to the project will normally be appointed.

9. Thesis Guidelines

9.1 The thesis must be presented in accordance with Requirements for Presenting Theses Guidelines and the main body of the text must not exceed 50,000 words.

9.2 The thesis must be written in the English language.

9.3 Where a candidate's research forms part of the work of a research team or larger research project, acknowledgement in the thesis must indicate clearly the candidate's individual contribution and the extent to which co-workers contributed to the candidate's project. The Statement of Original Authorship must be included in the thesis.

9.4 Where a candidate or the sponsoring establishment wishes the thesis to remain confidential for a period of time after the completion of the work, written application for approval stating the reasons must be made to the Research Degrees Committee when the final thesis is submitted. The period normally shall not exceed two years from the date on which the Head of School or nominee recommends acceptance of the thesis to the Research Degrees Committee.

9.5 A candidate may not present in the thesis any work for which another degree or diploma has been awarded by QUT or any other academic institution or was a product of work undertaken prior to the start of candidature. A candidate shall not be precluded from incorporating extracts from such work in the thesis provided that the sum of any such extracts does not constitute more than 10% of the thesis and provided also that the source of each such extract is stated explicitly.

9.6 Prior approval must be obtained from the Research Degrees Committee for any study leading to the presentation of a thesis other than in writing. Full details of the alternative course of study should be provided formally at the Research Proposal milestone.

9.7 A candidate's name will not normally be placed on the list for graduation until a final electronic copy of the approved thesis is received in the Research Students Centre. Course Regulations approved by QUT’s University Academic Board (UAB), 26 May 2017 Page 12 of 14 Current @ 9/08/2017 CRICOS No. 00213J

9.8 A candidate who passes but is required to make revisions to the thesis after external examination must lodge the final electronic copy of the thesis no later than three months after the date of receipt of examiners' reports or the candidate shall be withdrawn unless an extension has been approved by the Research Degrees Committee.

9.9 A candidate who is required to submit a thesis for re-examination is required to do so within 6 months after the date of receipt of the initial examiner reports or the candidate shall be withdrawn unless an extension has been approved by the Research Degrees Committee.

9.10 QUT higher degree research theses are normally required to be made publicly available to researchers and the general public through the QUT Library, the QUT ePrint Repository in accordance with QUT’s Manual of Policies and Procedures Rule F/1.10.

9.11 It is not normally possible to award a Master of Philosophy on the basis of the submission of published papers. Where an exception to this is expected the candidate must indicate this in the Research Proposal submission. The request must be approved by Research Degrees Committee and they would determine the number, format and presentation requirements of the thesis.

9.12 A Master of Philosophy may be awarded on the basis of the submission by Creative Works, normally indicated in the Research Proposal submission. In the case of a thesis submitted in the area of artistic practice, presentation may be in one of two forms: a theoretical thesis or artwork and exegesis. Guidelines have been approved by the Research Degrees Committee which governs the format and presentation requirements of theses by Creative Works.

10. Review of Outcome

10.1 A candidate whose thesis has been failed may lodge a request to review the outcome of the examination process.

10.2 The grounds for review may be on matters of process only, ie. procedural irregularities in the conduct of the examination or documented evidence of examiner bias as evidenced by comments in the examiner reports.

10.3 A review must be lodged within fifteen (15) days of the date of written advice from the Research Students Centre on the outcome of the examination. This review must include the specific grounds on which the application is based.

10.4 A review must be submitted, in writing, to the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Commercialisation). The Dean of Research and Research Training will determine whether a potential conflict of interest exists in relation to their consideration of the review.

10.5 In cases where a conflict of interest exists, the Dean of Research and Research Training will appoint a member of academic staff, with expertise in higher degree research candidate supervision to consider the review.

10.6 The Dean of Research and Research Training, or delegate will decide whether a case exists and may seek the advice of the faculty or school as appropriate.

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10.7 If a review is upheld, the Dean of Research and Research Training, or appointee cannot recommend that the degree be awarded but shall recommend that the thesis be re-examined. This re-examination shall be carried out in accordance with Section 7 taking account of the issues raised in the successful appeal.

10.8 The Dean of Research and Research Training, or appointee will make a determination on the review as soon as practicable and will advise appellants, in writing, of the result of the review.

11. Course Outcomes

11.1 The degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) at QUT signifies that the holder has demonstrated the application of knowledge and skills: • with creativity and initiative to new situations and/or for further learning; • with high level personal autonomy and accountability; • to plan and execute a substantial piece of research. Graduates will have a body of knowledge that includes the understanding of recent developments in one or more disciplines and advanced knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to the field of work or learning.

11.2 QUT expects that each MPhil graduate will display certain graduate capabilities (MOPP C/4.3).

11.3 Learning Outcomes from the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) course at QUT conform to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 9.

Early Exit Options

11.4 A candidate who wishes to exit the MPhil course after successful completion of 48 credit points of coursework (or equivalent), demonstrating they have met the course learning outcomes for the in Research Studies, may exit with this award.

11.5 At any appropriate point throughout candidature, the Research Degrees Committee may approve the exit option of awarding a Graduate Certificate in Research Studies (See Appendix 2 for the Graduate Profile and Learning Outcomes for AQF Level 8 Compliance).


Research Degrees Committee - the-research-degrees-committee%3F

MOPP D/5.3 Higher degree research candidates -

Good Practice guidelines for Higher Degree Research Studies and Supervision at QUT -

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