The Theatre Shed FILM CLUB

film Quiz poster

Colouring in Music

The Story of my Activity pack Wishes CONTENTS

Colour in the characters – Falkor and Bastian

The Neverending Story plot quiz

Create your own film poster Use the frame or create your own

Music in The Neverending Story

Colour in the characters – Whooshwoozool & the sleepy bat

The Story of My wishes B



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n Did you watch the film? Fantastic! You’re ready to take part in our quiz all about the plot or storyline of the film! Fill in your answers below. You can write or type, draw or ask someone to fill in your answers.

1. What type of shop does Bastian run and hide in?

2. What is the name of the land where the different creatures live?

3. What happens to Artex in the swamp?

4. What is Morla the Ancient One?

5. Who saves Atreyu from the swamp and the wolf? 6. What happens when Atreyu is at the Sphinx Gate?

7. What splits Atreyu and Falkor up at the sea of possibilities?

8. What does Atreyu see painted on the walls?

9.When Atreyu returns to the Ivory Tower who is left there?

10. What is Bastian's first wish?

Music in The Neverending Story

Listen to the om/watch? film soundtrack v=aRfbHJ2viaA

Can you find happy excited some music that makes you feel Sad Nervous

Horn e What bo O instruments are used to create each feeling? Flute Whooshwoozool and the sleepy bat TTThhheee SSStttooorrryyy ooofff MMMyyy WWWiiissshhheeesss Bastian finds What would you he can have wish for, if you could neverending wish for anything? wishes

Draw or write about what happens when your wishes start