Women in Sports -■ ^ O? .R
Women in Sports -■ ^ o? .r- 1 By MAUREEN ORCUTT The announcement last week by fin of Rochester, Minn. Others the United States Lawn Tennis As elected were Miss Madeleine Duf- 3e«=B«s NEW YORK HER A ED sociation of the selection of six star field of Buffalo, N. Y., vice presi women players as members of the dent; Miss Doris Keefer, Chestnut 1938 Wightman Cup team was read Hill, Pa., secretary; Miss Margaret with interest. This year the Ameri Bodine, Germantown, Pa., treas of Winners in W. S* A, Swimming Carnival can team will go to England for the urer; Miss Hetty Bixby, Wilkes- matches. Barre, Pa., publicity manager, and The line-up of the British squad Miss Emily Rand, Lincoln, Mass., has not yet been chosen, but the social chairman. first fen ranking players as an Miss Dorothy Moore of New York nounced by the British L. T. A. are deceived the Nickerson Cup as the as follows: 1, Mrs. Dorothy Round student who contributed most to Little; 2, Miss Ruth Mary Hard basketball dui’ing the year. All- wick; 3, Miss M. C. Scriven; 4, Miss Katherine Stammers; 5, Miss Smith players, for membership on Mary Heeley; 6, Miss Joan Saun three All-Smith teams, were award ders; 7, Mrs. Phyllis Mudford ed to Miss Jane Armstrong, Prince King; 8, Miss Freda James; 9, Miss ton, N. J.; Miss Jane Van Hoesen* Evelyn Dearman; 10, Miss Margot Rochester, N. Y.; Miss Mary Lyon, Lumb. v Wmnetka, 111.; Miss Elizabeth After her marriage last Fall Mrs. Hooker, Baltimore, and Miss Ma Little announced that she would rion Wood, Brookline, Mass.
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