
Title/Name of the area: NAA

Presented by Maria Ana Dionísio (PhD in marine sciences), with a grant funded by Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas and ISPA - Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida, [email protected] Pedro Ivo Arriegas, Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas, [email protected]

Abstract NAA (North of the Area) EBSA is compounded by a total of 7 and one , this area includes one OSPAR high-seas Marine Protected Area - Mid Atlantic Ridge North of Azores (MARNA). The structures described and included are hotspots of marine life and in general they represent areas of an enhanced productivity, especially when compared with nearby abyssal areas. The Moytirra is the first known deep-sea hydrothermal vent field on the slow- spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge North of the Azores, giving a high level of uniqueness to the NAA. This EBSA has a total area of 634515 km2 with identified structures depths ranging from 660m (top of Sedlo ) to 3200m (bottom of Lukin-Lebedev seamount). The area presents particular features which make this area eligible as an EBSA when assessed against the EBSA scientific criteria. All structures included in the NAA EBSA fulfill four or more out of the seven EBSA scientific criteria. The Sedlo bank is recently and extensively studied. A total of 536 species are present in this EBSA of which 6% are protected under international or regional law. The EBSA area is totally located under Portuguese national jurisdiction, with 7 of the 8 structures located on the extended () and 1 (Sedlo) on the Portuguese EEZ close to Azores.


The NAA EBSA includes a total of 7 seamounts (Altair, Antialtair, Chaucer, Cherkis, Crumb, Lukin- Lebedev and Sedlo), 1 hydrothermal vent (Moytirra) and the OSPAR high-seas Marine Protected Area (MARNA). These structures present particular features which make this area eligible as an EBSA when assessed against the EBSA scientific criteria. The majority of the EBSA structures (7) are classified as a seamount structure. The seamounts are defined as isolated topographic features of the seabed that have a limited lateral extent and rise more than 1000 m from abyssal depths (Menard, 1964). Large seamounts are usually originate as volcanoes and primarily associated with the intraplate hotspots and mid- ridges (Staudigel et al., 2010). Generally, seamounts topography may act as an element which turns the structures into high complexity sites. Due to their more or less isolated location, these structures can be an obstacle to the free circulation of the . This gives rise to different kinds of phenomena and disturbances, including an increase in the speed of sea currents, , turbulence, Taylor cones, eddies, and

NAA 1 even jets in the zones where the seamounts interact with ocean currents (Richardson et al., 2000; Kunze & Smith, 2004; White et al., 2007; Pakhorukov, 2008). Seamounts are hotspots of marine life (e.g. Rogers, 1994; Gubbay, 2003; Morato & Pauly, 2004; Pitcher et al., 2007, 2010; Mendonça et al., 2012), and in general represent areas of enhanced productivity in comparison with nearby abyssal areas. In most cases, around the seamounts there is an extensive anticyclonic associated with the lifting of nutrients from the rich deep water, giving rise to high concentrations of nitrates and chlorophyll in shallow waters (Coelho & Santos, 2003), which encourages the development of a wealth of flora and fauna on the structures, leading to exposed hard substrates and improved food conditions for epibenthic suspension feeders (e.g. Cartes et al., 2007 a), b); Genin & Dower, 2007) such as cold water corals or deep water sponges (e.g. Samadi et al., 2007; Sánchez et al., 2008), (e.g. Yasui, 1986; Morato et al., 2010, Ressurreição & Giacomello, 2013), marine mammals (e.g. Cañadas et al., 2002; Correia et al., 2015), and other organisms which apparently feed on prey aggregations (e.g. Boehler & Sasaki, 1988; Porteiro & Sutton, 2007; Tabachnick & Menchenina, 2007). Seamounts are biologically distinctive habitats of the open ocean exhibiting a number of unique features (Rogers, 1994; Probert, 1999; Morato & Clark, 2007). These structures can host very distinctive biological communities that are different to the communities on nearby soft sediment dominated , and these particular places may attract pelagic fish including larger, commercially valuable vertebrate species (Beryx splendens) and Invertebrate (Charonia lampas) and other marine species like a top predators such as the shark (Prionace glauca), and reptile species as a loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and protected marine mammals (Balaenoptera borealis) (see e.g. Holland & Grubbs, 2007, Kaschner, 2007, Santos et al., 2007). Benthic biological communities on seamounts are highly vulnerable to human activities. Many benthic species are long-lived and slow-growing, and not resilient to human impacts (Convention on Biological Diversity, 2008). Seamounts are locations for a broad range of current-topography interactions and biophysical coupling, with implications for both phyto and zooplankton. Seamounts appear to support relatively large planktonic and higher consumer biomass when compared to surrounding ocean waters, particularly in oligotrophic oceans. It has been a widely held view that in situ enhancement of primary production fuels this phenomenon, but this has recently been challenged (Genin & Dower, 2007). Productivity in oceanic settings depends on light and nutrient availability, while overall production is the result of productivity and accumulation of the phytoplankton. At a seamount, either a seamount- generated, vertical nutrient flux has to be shallow enough to reach the euphotic zone and the ensuing productivity retained over the seamount long enough to allow transfer to higher trophic levels, or the seamount must rely on allochthonous inputs of organic material to provide a trophic subsidy to resident populations (Clark et al., 2010).

NAA 2 The EBSA area shelters the only hydrothermal vent known to date in the North of the Azores. Since a great part of the seamounts and other structures in these EBSA remains unexplored, the presence of more vent communities and more seamounts cannot be excluded with full confidence. Hydrothermal vent fields are a peculiar structure site where high temperature, mineral-rich fluids discharge from the seafloor following the circulation, heating, and geochemical reactions of in (Corliss et al., 1979). Hydrothermal vents occur along spreading ridges (such as the mid-Atlantic ridge), fracture zones and back-arc basins (Gage & Tyler, 1991). They are produced by the intrusion of seawater in the upper levels of the crust through channels formed in cooling lava flows, reacting chemically with hot inside the crust generating a reflux with then rising back to the sea-bed to vent as superheated water enriched with compounds such as sulphides, metals, CO2 and methane (Gubbay, 2002). These are particular locations where high temperature, mineral-rich fluids discharge from the seafloor following the circulation, heating, and geochemical reactions of seawater in oceanic crust (Corliss et al., 1979). Generally, hydrothermal vent fields cover small areas of the seabed. The vents can have a wide spectrum of distribution, ranging from the deeper Beebe Hydrothermal Vent Field, laying in the Cayman Trough, a deep section of the Caribbean south of Cuba at ~5000 meters (Tarasov et al., 2005; Connelly et al., 2012) to the shallower in the D. João de Castro Bank near to Azores at 20m depth (Cardigos et al., 2005; Tarasov et al., 2005). The hydrothermal vent fields play a primordial role sustaining abundant populations of faunal species in the by the autochthonous primary production of high chemosynthetic primary production (e.g. Lutz & Kennish, 1993). The process use the reduced compounds (typically hydrogen sulfide, methane, or hydrogen) in vent fluids to fix inorganic carbon (Karl et al., 1980) that can be oxidized by microbes to release energy for the formation of organic carbon from carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or methane (Van Dover et al., 2002). The chemosynthetic organisms may be present in the , at the seafloor as microbial mats, within sediments, fractures of crustal rocks or the sub- seabed, or/and in symbioses with larger multi-cellular organisms (Dubilier et al., 2008). This microbiota mediate the transformation of chemical energy, thereby facilitating the development and maintenance of densely populated ecosystems in which both biomass and faunal abundances are very much greater than is typical at the deep seafloor (e.g. Lutz & Kennish, 1993; Smith et al., 2008). The hydrothermal community sustains abundant populations in the deep sea by the autochthonous primary production of chemosynthetic microbes (Grassle, 1985). More than 400 new faunal species have been described from deep-sea hydrothermal vents (Desbruyeres et al., 2006), enhancing our knowledge of marine biodiversity (Van Dover et al., 2002). The NAA EBSA area (Figure 1) includes 8 different structures that fulfill at least four EBSA Criteria. There are differences in the information available for each structure included in the EBSA area (Table 1). The Sedlo seamount is one of the “most” explored in the EBSA area. The seamount started to be studied in 2002, and from these data until 2005, Sedlo was the target of a focused multidisciplinary

NAA 3 study (titled OASIS). The robust studies with benthic surveys show a high diversity of sessile megabenthos, which may form dense aggregations (mainly Hexacorallia – Madrepora oculata – and sponges) on the prevalently rocky surface of its summit (OASIS, 2006). Investigations of the demersal fish community were also performed and recorded large reproductive aggregations of both alfonsino (Beryx splendens) and black cardinal fish (Epigonus telescopus) (Menezes et al., 2009) two species recognized as typical seamount aggregating deep-sea fish (Koslow, 1996; Morato et al., 2006). These observations make Sedlo seamount the only known reproductive area for alfonsino and black cardinal fish in the Azores (Santos et al., 2009). Several threatened deep-sea shark species were also recorded in these structure, such as the leafscale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus) and the (Centroscymnus coelolepis) (Melo & Menezes, 2002; Menezes et al., 2009), both considered as vulnerable and near threatened, respectively, in the IUCN (2011) red list. The endangered fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) (IUCN, 2011) have been observed in the vicinity of the seamount (Santos et al., 2009). Other important area included in the EBSA is a section of the OSPAR high-seas Marine Protected Area - Mid Atlantic Ridge North of Azores (MARNA). The ridge is a peculiar topographic feature of the stretching from north of Iceland to the Southern Ocean, representing the spreading zone between the Eurasian and American continental plates. Although mid-ocean ridges have an extensive distribution and cover 22% of the Earth’s surface (Garrison, 2005) these remote areas are largely unexplored (Bergstad et al., 2010). The knowledge about the communities and biology and ecology of individual species in these waters remains limited. The rugged terrain and great depths make the ridges particularly challenging study areas (Bergstad et al., 2008). Altair and Antialtair seamounts have a considerable volume of information as both structures are also components of the OSPAR Network of Marine Protected Areas. The information about Moytirra is relatively scarce because this hydrothermal was recently discover (in 2011). This is the first known deep-sea hydrothermal vent field on the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores and only have been subject to a few studies, most of them describing the genesis and geological data.

Table 1 – Resume of the NAA structures, EBSA scientific criteria fulfilled by each structure (Crit 1 (Uniqueness or rarity), 2 (Special importance for life-history stages of species, 3 (Importance for threatened, endangered or declining species and/or habitats), 4 (Vulnerability, fragility, sensitivity, or slow recovery), 5 (Biological productivity), 6 (Biological diversity) and 7 (Naturalness). Nº sps – total number of species in each structure. Nº refs - total number of references in each structure.

Structures Crit 1 Crit 2 Crit 3 Crit 4 Crit 5 Crit 6 Crit 7 Nº sps Nº Refs

Altair seamount √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 58 23

Antialtair seamount √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 61 24

Chaucer seamount √ √ √ √ √ √ 405 21

Cherkis seamount √ √ √ √ 160 13

NAA 4 Crumb seamount √ √ √ √ 165 14

Lukin-Lebedev seamount √ √ √ √ 161 14

Moytirra hydrothermal √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 61 13

Sedlo seamount √ √ √ √ √ √ 456 58

The NAA EBSA area is spread over a wide part of the Atlantic Ocean, at North of Azores (see Figure 2). The area gathers multiple types of structures (hydrothermal vent field, MARNA and seamounts) which are very distinct in terms of biology and geology, showing different compositions, locations and ages. Wheller described the Moytirra vent field (named after the Irish mythological “plain of the pillars”) in 2013. This vent is the only fully described high temperature hydrothermal vent known between the Azores and Iceland, making it a unique geophysical structure in the high seas of the North Atlantic and within the MAR. The structure is located at a depth of 2095 m and is situated at 45°N on the 300 m high fault scarp of the eastern axial wall of the MAR, 3.5 km from the axial volcanic ridge crest (Wheeler et al. 2013). This location adds to the diversity of geological settings for active hydrothermal fields at slow-spreading ridges and emphasizes the interplay between faulting and magmatic heat sources. The field is compounded by active and extinct hydrothermal composite structures aligned for 50 m along. It is basalt-hosted and its position suggests that it is heated by an off-axis magma chamber. This type of base rock causes precipitation of iron and sulphide-rich minerals during mixing of the hot hydrothermal vent fluids (200-400°C) with cold, oxygenated sea water, hence the term “black smoker”. The Moytirra vent field consists of three active vent sites emitting “black smoke" and producing a complex of chimneys and beehive diffusers. The largest chimney is 18 m tall and very actively venting (ICES, 2013; Wheeler et al., 2013). Other type of formation present in the EBSA polygon is the mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The MAR is a range of underwater mountains and valleys that separates the Eurasian from the American plate (Dinter, 2001; Heger et al., 2008). The portion of MAR present is a section of the global system of mid ocean ridges and is a topographic feature extending from north of Iceland to the Southern Ocean, and representing the spreading zone between the Eurasian and American continental plates. It stretches from Arctic waters through the entire length of the Atlantic Ocean, essentially dividing the Atlantic into two “equal” parts (Bergstad et al., 2008). As a result of volcanic and tectonic processes, new seafloor is continually being formed as the two plates spread at a rate of 2–4 cm/yr (Fornari & Embley, 1995). The knowledge about the living communities, biology and ecology of individual species in these waters remains limited as in a big part of the EBSA. The rugged terrain and great depths make the ridges particularly challenging study areas (Bergstad et al., 2010). The portion of Mid-Atlantic Ridge included in the EBSA is characterized by rough bottom topography comprising underwater peaks (minimum 660 and maximum depth 3700 m), a central rift valley, recent volcanic

NAA 5 terrain, fracture zones, and has the highest concentration of seamount features on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Epp & Smoot, 1989; Gebruk, 2010). A portion of MAR included in the EBSA has been classified by the OSPAR as a High Seas MPA called MARNA (Mid Atlantic Ridge North of Azores) and occupy an area of 93415 km2 (Figure 2). The MPA area contains a section of the axis of the volcanic ridge, generally NNE-SSE, which runs through the Azores Platform. The central part of this ridge is occupied by an overall steering valley NNE-SSW with a width typically within 7 km and 9 km, which extends over the whole area and the base of which lies typically between 3000 and 3500 m deep (Dias et al., 2007; Silveira et al., 2010). The flank of the central valley can rise up to depths less than 1000 m, although their tops are typically between 1000 m and 1500 m deep. The surface of the crest flank diverging from the central valley is rough but essentially inclines toward deeper areas between 3400 m in the east and 3700 m in the west. This area contains a big number of seamounts not studied or named (Bergstad et al., 2012). In the EBSA area are present seven know seamounts (there is evidence that there are more), three of them belonging to MPAs – Altair, Antialtair and Sedlo. The OSPAR High Seas MPA Altair seamount included in the NAA EBSA corresponds to an area of 4384 km2 (OSPAR, 2013). Most of this area seabed is occupied by a relief that rises from a seabed located at a depth between 3500 m and 3700 m. The rupture of slope in the transition to the relief circumscribed by the isobaths of 3200 m is more pronounced in the North and Southwest quadrants compared to the Eastern sectors. The Altair seamount extends from northwest to southeast, and its dimensions at the 3300 m isobath are 73x46 km. Altair seamount is an isolated volcanic uplift on the Eastern slope of the Newfoundland Basin and the North American-Canary abyssal plain. The middle and upper crusts of the seamount, at depths of 1600-2500 m, are marked by the widespread development of ferromanganese crusts. Stations at the summit and slope are often rocky, with cobbles and boulders in places, but also patches of coarse, biogenic sediment (Matthews et al., 1969; Varentsov et al., 1988; O'Leary et al., 2012). The structures of the Altair seamount rise within the western and eastern sectors of the Central Adantic region belonging, according to Zolotarev (1984), to the volcanic-uplift association, developed on the slopes of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The Altair seamount consists of two clearly merging conical piles: the summit of the western pile lies at a water depth of 1545 m, and the two summits of the double- peaked eastern cones at 1350 and 935 m. The OSPAR High Seas MPA Antialtair seamount occupies an area of 2807 km2, is part of a volcanic ridge with a NW-SE general direction, and the top is about 1000 m depth. The flanks of this structure are asymmetrical and reach the flattened seabed at the 4500 m deep (North) and about 3000 m deep in the South (Druel, 2011; O'Leary et al., 2012). Few studies have been made on this seamount. However, its geology reveals a rugged relief bottom with steep slopes of rocky nature (Muñoz et al., 2000). The most studied structure in these EBSA is the Sedlo seamount. The seamount is located at the North of the Azores. Sedlo odd bathymetry can be described as a three-summit seamount, with the summit peaks becoming shallower towards the southeast (Machín et al., 2009). It would therefore be classified

NAA 6 as an intermediate depth seamount, i.e. one whose summit depth is significantly below the euphotic zone, but reaching the permanent (Mohn et al., 2009; Santos et al., 2009). The shallowest part of summit has a depth of ~660 m. The Seamount is elongated, multi-peaked, orientated NW–SE, close to the end of a spur. The basin, deep down to 5000-6000 m, bounded by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) to the west and the European and African continents to the east (Arístegui et al., 2009; Mohn et al., 2009; Santos et al., 2009; Morato et al., 2012). The Sedlo structure is located within the North Atlantic sub-tropical gyre. The seamount is influenced by eastern and western Atlantic central waters, and west of the Iberian Peninsula, in the path of the Mediterranean outflow. At mid-latitudes, most of the upper ocean consists of subducted water that recirculates along the upper thermocline (Harvey and Arhan, 1988; Rios et al., 1992; Pollard et al., 1996, Machín, 2009). In the western North Atlantic the upper-thermocline layers are influenced by relatively fresh waters of southern origin reaching the western boundary through the equatorial region. These waters are transported north by the , and later northeast via the and east via the Azores Current, as they raise towards the sea surface with the out cropping isopycnals (McCartney, 1982; Weaver et al., 1999; Brix & Gerdes, 2003). They constitute the Western North Atlantic Central Water (WNAW) and, west of the MAR, occupy the whole permanent thermocline. In the eastern North Atlantic the winter mixed layer gets quite deep, up to some 500 m, so that high-salinity surface waters reach the upper thermocline and give rise to the Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENAW) (de Boyer Montégut et al., 2007). ENAW have been further divided between those of subpolar and subtropical origin by Rios et al. (1992), according to their latitude of formation and their posterior propagation (Machín et al., 2009). In terms of biology, same of the EBSA structures have a relatively high number of studies (see table 1). A total of 536 species is identified all over the EBSA (see feature description of the proposed area). The EBSA area includes threatened and / or declining ecosystems, for example aggregations of deep- sea sponges, coral gardens and Lophelia pertusa reefs (OSPAR, 2010). In the Altair seamount the benthic epifaunal community is dominated in most places by sessile megabenthos, chiefly for Hexacorallia (anemones and true corals) and sponges. The diversity of corals and sponges is particularly high in the saddle and gully (Henry et al., 2014). Between the two eastern peaks of Sedlo, dense aggregations of soft corals were present, Sea whips (gorgonians) were especially abundant on the southwest side of the Seamount, and the Ophiuroids (brittle stars) were also present. The base of the seamount was almost exclusively covered with fine sediments like the surrounding abyssal plains. These sediment habitats were very low in epifaunal abundance when compared to other sites on the seamount (e.g. Christiansen & Wolff, 2009; Menezes et al., 2012; Henry et al., 2014). Hareide & Garnes (2001) studied the summit fishes of seamounts along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and they found that the dominant deep water fish species changed with latitude. Sub-tropical species such as Golden-eye perch (Beryx splendens) and Cardinal fish (Epigonus telescopus) dominated this seamount summits.

NAA 7 The seamounts in this EBSA area have a presence of epipelagic fishes with important functions for migratory species such as (Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus albacares) and habitats that are associated with the species spawning function and recruitment of fish (belonging to the Serranidae, and Carangidae families), benthopelagic and respective communities (including fish species captured for commercial purposes habitats, such as eye glass orange (Orange roughy) (Morato & Clark, 2007; OSPAR, 2010). In this set of habitats some endangered and / or declining species can also be found, such as is the case of whale Balaenoptera musculus, turtles Dermochelys coriacea and Caretta caretta (protected under the Habitats Directive, the Bern Convention, Bonn Convention, CITES and OSPAR Convention), and elasmobranch Hoplostethus atlanticus, Centroscymnus coelolepis, Centrophorus granulosus and Centrophorus squamosus (protected under the OSPAR Convention) (Morato et al., 2008; Santos et al., 2008). Study’s providing the ecologic and biologic importance of the seamounts were made by Santos et al. (2008). Turtle’s biotelemetry studies results, reinforce that the turtles exhibit different movement behaviours near seamounts, staying long time in these places. This is further evidence that these topographic features can possible be hotspots for adult and juvenile loggerheads. Among birds the seamounts are also an important area, Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) breeding in the Azores has been shown to forage over the region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Magalhães et al., 2008). This species performs a dual-foraging strategy that combines short and long foraging trips. The majority of short trips were confined to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge just north of the Azores (within about 300km) (Magalhães et al., 2008; Xavier et al., 2011).


The NAA EBSA is located on the Atlantic Ocean (Figure 2) and the polygon is defined by 8 points, see Table 2. This EBSA has a total area of 634515 km2 with structures depths ranging from 660m (top of Sedlo seamount) to 3200m (bottom of Lukin-Lebedev seamount). The datum used is World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84).

Table 2 – Geographic coordinates in two different formats: Decimal degrees and Degrees, Minutes and Seconds, corresponding to the vertices of the polygon that defines the NAA EBSA. Vertices Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude 1 44,76843° -35,07797° 44°46'6.34"N 35° 4'40.69"W 2 45,32417° -33,30670° 45°19'27.03"N 33°18'24.14"W 3 46,40207° -30,66772° 46°24'7.46"N 30°40'3.78"W 4 46,60346° -22,76356° 46°36'12.46"N 22°45'48.83"W 5 43,45410° -21,75180° 43°27'14.77"N 21°45'6.48"W 6 40,13341° -24,19689° 40° 8'0.29"N 24°11'48.82"W 7 39,69616° -27,72814° 39°41'46.17"N 27°43'41.30"W 8 41,94635° -33,44896° 41°56'46.86"N 33°26'56.26"W

NAA 8 The NAA EBSA includes 7 seamounts structures and a hydrothermal vent. The EBSA area is totally located under Portuguese national jurisdiction (Figure 3), 7 of the 8 structures are situated on the extended continental shelf (seabed) and 1 (Sedlo) is on the Portuguese EEZ (seabed and water column), close to Azores.

Feature description of the proposed area

The knowledge of the NAA EBSA area is based on the analysis of 110 scientific articles containing relevant information about the proposed area. Several of the structures are well known with a great number of geological and biological studies. The total number of 536 species reported was estimated from scattered taxonomical literature and the species number is probably underestimated. The knowledge of each structure is not even and it is possible to observe these differences in table 1. In the same table it is also possible to evaluate how many EBSA scientific criteria each structure meet. Around 6% of the 536 species identified in all seamounts on this EBSA are under some type of legal protection or threatened status from CITES, IUCN Red List, European Union Habitats and Birds Directives, VMEs, Bern Convention and OSPAR Convention. In this area OSPAR identified as endangered or declining the deep water sharks Centroscymus coeleopsis, Centrophorus squamosus, Dipturus batis, the commercial fish Hoplostethus atlanticus and the two species of corals Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata. Other examples of species with legal protection (CITES Appendix I) are the cetacean Balaenoptera borealis, Balaenoptera musculus, Balaenoptera physalus, Megaptera novaeangliae, Physeter macrocephalus, Tursiops truncatus, the turtles Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea, (CITES Appendix II) corals Antipathella subpinnata, Aulocyathus atlanticus, Caryophyllia ambrosia, Desmophyllum dianthus, Flabellum alabastrum, Flabellum angulare, Fungiacyathus fragilis, Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata, Schizopathes affinis, Solenosmilia variabilis, Stauropathes arctica, Stephanocyathus moseleyanus. The species of whales Balaenoptera physalus, Balaenoptera musculus, Balaenoptera borealis, Megaptera novaeangliae, Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus, Delphinus delphis, Tursiops truncatus and sea urchin Centrostephanus longispinus are protected by the EU Habitats Directive. The whales Balaenoptera physalus, Balaenoptera musculus, Balaenoptera borealis, Megaptera novaeangliae, Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus, turtles Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea are protected by Annex II of the Bern Convention. There is also a presence of 11 species belonging to IUCN Red List as near threatened/ vulnerable/ endangered/ critically endangered Balaenoptera physalus, Balaenoptera musculus, Balaenoptera borealis, Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea, Dipturus batis, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Physeter macrocephalus, Prionace glauca, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus thynnus. There are also two species of birds Calonectris (diomedea) borealis and Sterna dougallii belonging to the Birds Directive Annex I. The species studied in the EBSA belong to several phylum, class or order (figure 4). The NAA EBSA includes various species of scleractinians and gorgonians. In some seamounts the gorgonian and

NAA 9 sponge species were reported to form dense gorgonian coral habitat-forming aggregations which may represent important feeding and sheltering grounds for seamount fishes and also potential shark nurseries (WWF, 2001; Etnoyer & Warrenchuk, 2007; OSPAR, 2011). Cold water, deep, habitat forming corals can shelter higher megafauna in association to the corals than other habitats without corals community (Roberts et al., 2006; Mortensen et al., 2008, Rogers et al., 2008). Seamounts also harbour large aggregations of demersal or benthopelagic fish (Koslow, 1997; Morato & Pauly, 2004; Pitcher et al., 2007; Morato et al., 2009, 2010). Seamounts are recognized in many different fora as being vulnerable to the effects of fishing pressure (e.g. UN, OSPAR, FAO, NEAFC, NAFO, UNEP). Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are among the most extreme and dynamic environments on Earth. However, islands of highly dense and biologically diverse communities exist in the immediate vicinity of hydrothermal vent flows, in stark contrast to the surrounding bare seafloor (Thornburgn et al., 2010). Unique communities are formed around vents, attracting unusual creatures such as red-plumed giant tube worms and massive clams, which cluster around the dark chimneys where vent fluids emerge.

Feature condition and future outlook of the proposed area

Most of studies are qualitative and often focus on specific taxonomic groups, such as Fish, Echinoderms, Anthozoa and Elasmobranchii (e.g. Mortensen et al., 2008; Gebruk et al., 2010; Menezes et al., 2012). The great part of study cruises which visited the EBSA area were focused in Sedlo bank with sampling of the demersal vertebrate fauna (fish). The OSPAR MPAs (Altair, Antialtair and MARNA) have a small number of scientific articles and reports (See table 1). The NAA EBSA includes a sensitive ecosystem, a high-temperature hydrothermal vent field and its associated seafloor, a massive sulphide deposit, until now the unique high temperature hydrothermal vent known between the Azores and Iceland, which was recently discovered (2011) and is called Moytirra (Wheeler et al., 2013). In the Moytirra hydrothermal vent the dissolved constituents of the venting fluids play as in the others vents an important role in the geochemical mass balance of the oceans (Edmond et al., 1979), the high concentrations of valuable minerals make these kind of structures to be considered as targets for deep- ocean mining (Hoagland et al., 2010; Van Dover, 2011) with a high risk of “break” the balance of these fragile ecosystems. These type of ecosystem is sensitive because of its high percentage of endemic species and the unique nature of many of the species found there (e.g. Vrijenhoek, 2010; Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2011). One of the “recent” threats for these ecosystems is the bioprospecting for possible sources of biotechnology (for example bacteria on hydrothermal vents) that may occur in the future (Gubbay, 2003; Synnes, 2007). The seamounts ecosystems are also highly vulnerable and sensitive to external actions. Most of the fauna found on seamounts are long-lived and slow-growing organisms with low fecundity and natural mortality, so called K-selected species (Brewin et al., 2007). Recruitment events of long-lived

NAA 10 seamount fauna seem to be episodic and rare (Brewin et al., 2007). The type of gear (usually rock- hopper trawls) used to fish over the rough and rocky substrata that can be found on seamounts is particularly destructive of benthic habitat, destroying the very long lived and slow-growing sessile suspension feeding organisms that dominate these habitats (Brewin et al., 2007). Benthic seamount communities are highly vulnerable to the impacts of fishing because of their limited habitat, the extreme longevity of many species, apparently limited recruitment between seamounts and the highly localized distribution of many species (de Forges et al., 2000; Samadi et al., 2006, 2007). In a few decades, fishermen attention has been drawn to the high abundances of commercially valuable fish species in many seamounts (Koslow, 1997). The reasons for the fish aggregations can be explained by the hypotheses that seamount areas can be “meeting points” of usually dispersed fish stocks, for example to aggregate for spawning, or that an enhanced food supply caused by special current conditions is the basis for locally maintaining large fish stocks. The importance of seamounts for fisheries is very well documented (Boehlert & Sasaki, 1988, Koslow, 1997, Morato et al., 2006). The fishing effort in NAA, focus primordially in valuable species like: horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, Carangidae), mackerel (Scomber sp., Scombridae), scabbardfish (family Trichiuridae) and orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). Starting in the early 1970s with Soviet/Russian trawlers, stocks of roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris), orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) and alfonsino (Beryx splendens) associated with the NAA were exploited (Clark et al. 2007, ICES 2007). It can be assumed that most hills along the ridge were at least explored (usually by midwater trawls operating close to the seafloor). There are some other types of fishing techniques operating in the seamounts of the EBSA that can trawl corals out of the ocean. The killed corals can had their age estimated over the 300 – 500 years (Tracey et al., 2003; Samadi et al., 2007). Structural deep-sea sponge habitat is also vulnerable to bottom fishing and has been shown to suffer immediate declines in populations through the physical removal of sponges, which then reduces the reproductive potential of the population, thereby reducing recovery capacity or even causing further declines (Freese, 2001). Experimental trawling over sponge communities in Alaska showed that one year after the experiment, individuals within the community showed no sign of repair or growth and there was no indication of the recovery of the community (Freese et al., 1999). In 2004 VMS data showed that fishing vessels moving at speed were present over Antialtair seamount (ICES, 2007). Following the establishment of the NEAFC fishing closures in 2005 bottom fishing effort increased over Antialtair seamount, showing a clear targeting of this area by fishing vessels (ICES, 2007). This indicates that the area may have already been impacted by fishing activity and that the NEAFC closures are not entirely effective. In 2007, Sedlo was proposed by for the OSPAR (the current legal instrument guiding international cooperation on the protection of the marine environment of the Northeast Atlantic) network of Marine Protected Areas (MPA), and was accepted by the parties in 2008. In 2010 the Ministerial Meeting of the OSPAR Commission adopted the Decision 2010/4 to establish a High Seas Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the water column above the Antialtair Seamount in an area of

NAA 11 approximately 2208 km2. At the same time the Decision 2010/3 established the Altair Seamount High Seas Marine Protected Area (4,384 km²). In this same year the OSPAR Decision 2010/6 established the Mid-Atlantic Ridge North of the Azores as a High Seas MPA accompanied with an OSPAR Recommendation 2010/17 on the management of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge North of the Azores High Seas MPA.

Assessment of the area against CBD EBSA Criteria

CBD EBSA Description Ranking of criterion relevance Criteria (Annex I to decision IX/20) (please mark one column with an X) (Annex I to decision IX/20) No Low Mediu High informatio m n Uniqueness or Area contains either (i) unique (“the only one of its kind”), rarity rare (occurs only in few locations) or endemic species, populations or communities, and/or (ii) unique, rare or X distinct, habitats or ecosystems; and/or (iii) unique or unusual geomorphological or oceanographic features. The NAA EBSA includes 7 seamounts and a Hydrothermal vent. The Seamounts are defined as isolated topographic features of the seabed. Large seamounts usually originate as volcanoes and are primarily associated with intraplate hotspots and mid-ocean ridges, being singular and rare in the middle of the ocean. The seamounts are considered to support a relative higher biomass and a higher biodiversity than surrounding open ocean ecosystems and are recognized as “hotspots” of marine life (see introduction). The seamounts have an important role in the colonization and dissemination of species. They have been considered as stepping stones, vicariant pathways, and points of endemic isolation (Leal & Bouchet, 1991; Keppel et al., 2009). The uniqueness is also recognized in the unique geomorphological feature in the Mid Atlantic Ridge North of Azores and the Moytirra vent field, that is the only known high temperature hydrothermal vent between the Azores and Iceland, making it a unique geophysical structure in the high seas of the North Atlantic and within the MAR. As such, it is the only hydrothermal vent known to be perched high-up on the steep scarps forming the median valley wall, with a tectonic setting and basaltic host lithology. This unusual location adds to the diversity of geological settings for active hydrothermal fields at slow-spreading ridges and emphasizes the interplay between faulting and magmatic heat sources. Rarity should also be considered in relation to the animal communities associated with hydrothermal vents. The vent communities have a sufficiently unique fauna that can be considered to represent a biogeographic hydrothermal province (Van Dover et al., 1996). The NAA originate special and unique hydrographic conditions with elevated current speeds and good availability of hard bottom are favorable for sessile suspension feeders, which often dominate the community on seamounts (Genin et al., 1986; Rogers, 1994). Corals (Antipatharia, Gorgonacea, Pennatulacea, Scleractinia, Stylasteriidae and Zooantharia) may occur in great abundance, especially along the edges of wide seamounts (Mortensen et al., 2008). The different seamounts include in the EBSA area has also unique features. For example, the isolated

NAA 12 Altair Seamount lying to the west of the Mid-Atlantic ridge is considered to be a potentially near- pristine example of an oceanic seamount ecosystem. (OSPAR, 2011) Other studies made in the EBSA area with the fish fauna prove also that the species living in the seamounts are ecologically distinct and present some evidence of morphologic adaption of populations (e.g., Phycis phycis) to the special food-poor conditions at the seamount (Uiblein et al., 1999).

Special Areas that are required for a population to survive and thrive. importance for x life-history stages of species The area of NAA contains a high number of species associated to the structures, particularly to the seamounts (see Feature description of the proposed area). Species present different characteristics and are considered as a local aggregation and classified as resident or transient. The former type indicates an aggregation of individuals that have lived for a long time (> week) at the same site, while the latter refers to ephemeral (< week) accumulations that disperse once the accumulation mechanism ceases to operate. A special case of transient accumulation is that of highly mobile (e.g., birds and marine mammals) that follow accumulations (resident or transient) of planktonic prey. Most noteworthy trends are: many seamounts harbor resident aggregations of demersal fish, open-ocean, migrating species (Genin & Dower, 2007). The tremendous productivity of these EBSA seamount structures means that they can be used by migratory species (highly mobile animals) or those with a wide area of distribution as places for feeding or spending key periods in their lifecycles, such as mating and reproduction. For example all seamounts included in the EBSA area are vital stopping points for certain migratory species of whales and cetaceans, including sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis), blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), common (Delphinus delphis) and bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus). The NAA EBSA seamounts receive many species of seabirds that use these places to feed (e.g. Calonectris (diomedea) borealis). Various species at different biological phases (larva, juvenile, adult or reproductive) may visit these marine oases, guided by one of the oceanic currents that cross them. Indeed, it is known that the long- living orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) undertakes migrations of thousands of kilometers to lay its eggs in the EBSA seamounts. The Sedlo seamount is the only known reproductive area for alfonsino and black cardinal fish in the area near to the Azores (Santos et al., 2009). Other characteristic to these criteria is the fact that seamounts are very relevant to the aggregation of commercially important fish species which use this ecosystem for spawning and as nursery grounds (e.g. Aphanopus carbo, Beryx splendens, Zenopsis conchifer). All of the 7 seamounts are “house” for some corals (e.g. Caryophyllia ambrosia, Desmophyllum dianthus). (see Feature description of the proposed area). A different study made in the area of EBSA with tracked turtles proves that these studied specimens appeared to move towards seamounts and increased their residence times once in their vicinity (Santos

NAA 13 et al., 2007). In all the seamounts sampled Altair had the highest residence time, indicating that it may be a hotspot for these juvenile turtles (Santos et al., 2006; Santos et al., 2007; Morato et al., 2008). Importance for Area containing habitat for the survival and recovery of threatened, endangered, threatened, declining species or area with endangered or significant assemblages of such species. x declining species and/or habitats The NAA EBSA contains five threatened and/or declining species and habitats, contained in the OSPAR List (OSPAR publication 2008/358): coral gardens; deep sea sponge aggregations; Lophelia pertusa Reefs; Oceanic ridges with hydrothermal vents/fields; Seamounts. The seamount and potentially cold-water coral and sponge reef habitats also qualify as Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in relation to high seas fisheries according to criteria developed by FAO (FAO, 2007; Rogers et al., 2008). In addition to the above listed habitats, visual analysis of turtle tracks throughout the Azores Archipelago showed that Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) are present at NAA EBSA area (Santos et al. 2007). C. caretta is listed as a priority threatened and/or declining species by OSPAR (OSPAR Commission, 2003). There are records of many other vulnerable species, for example the Lantern shark (Etmopterus princeps) (Durán Muñoz et al., 2000), these shark species has been classified by ICES as vulnerable to fishing pressure due to its relatively long recovery time (ICES, 2005; 2008). Overall around 6% of the species identified in NAA EBSA are under some type of legal protection or threatened status from different sources: OSPAR (e.g. Centroscymus coeleopsis, Hoplostethus atlanticus), CITES Appendix I (e.g. Balaenoptera borealis, Dermochelys coriacea), CITES Appendix II (e.g. Antipathella subpinnata, Lophelia pertusa), EU Habitats Directive (e.g. Megaptera novaeangliae, Physeter macrocephalus), Annex II of the Bern Convention (e.g. Balaenoptera physalus, Caretta caretta), IUCN Red List (e.g. Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Thunnus albacares), Birds Directive Annex I (e.g. Calonectris (diomedea) borealis, Sterna dougallii) (see Feature description of the proposed area). Two newly born individuals of Rajella bigelowi (Bigelow’s ray) captured, indicate that the central Atlantic is part of their spawning ground (Orlov et al., 2006). Vulnerability, Areas that contain a relatively high proportion of sensitive fragility, habitats, biotopes or species that are functionally fragile x sensitivity, or (highly susceptible to degradation or depletion by human slow recovery activity or by natural events) or with slow recovery. Deep-sea and open ocean waters are the largest and yet least understood environments on Earth (Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2010; Webb et al., 2010). They are characterized by distinctive habitats and organisms and support an important part of the world’s biodiversity (Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2010; Robison, 2009). This EBSA area has the presence of different types of habitats with a classification by the OSPAR as threatened and/or declining species and habitats, and a relatively high proportion of sensitive habitats, biotopes or species that are functionally fragile (highly susceptible to degradation or depletion by human activity or by natural events) and with slow recovery. Moreover, these habitats

NAA 14 provide valuable direct and indirect goods and services, such as food provision and climate regulation (Van den Hove & Moreau, 2007). One of the habitats is the deep-sea vents that have been understood to be ephemeral habitat “Islands” from the moment of their discovery (Macdonald et al., 1980). Vent-restricted taxa are characterized by rapid growth rates, early maturation, large reproductive output, and well-developed dispersal capabilities (Grassle, 1986). Vent ecosystems, however, have relatively high proportions of endemic species (Tunnicliffe et al., 1996). The associated vent fauna is primarily composed of a small set of large organisms relying on symbioses with chemoautotrophic bacteria, able to withstand extreme conditions. A larger set of accompanying smaller species relying on heterotrophy (deposit or suspension feeders, carnivores or scavengers) are also conspicuous members of this fauna. A large majority (82% according to McArthur and Tunnicliffe, 1998) are unrecorded from other marine settings and thus has been described as specialized or “endemic” to these toxic, unstable and patchy environments. Other recognized habitat is the seamounts. These marine ecosystems are unique, which often support fragile habitats and vulnerable species of flora and fauna (Alder & Wood, 2004). Unique characteristics and an associated biodiversity with a high potential endemism (de Forges et al., 2000). In general, our knowledge of seamounts is far less comprehensive than for many other marine ecosystems and, so the importance of and need to protect these ecosystems is only just being recognized. However, the fragility of seamount ecosystems, and the magnitude of threats posed to them (Koslow, 1997; Morato et al., 2010), renders an assessment of their management needs an urgent task. Benthic biological communities on seamounts are highly vulnerable to human activities. Many benthic species are long-lived and slow-growing, and not resilient to human impacts. Concerns have developed about the vulnerability of the EBSA seamount communities to human impacts, especially with the development of large-scale bottom trawl fisheries in the deep sea in recent decades and the future prospect of seabed mining. The EBSA NAA polygon contains 33 species of cold-water corals (e.g. Caryophyllia ambrosia; Desmophyllum dianthus; Flabellum alabastrum). These corals are particularly fragile and recover very slowly (Rogers et al., 2007). Prominent megafaunal taxa of sponges (e.g. Geodia atlantica), deep-sea bamboo coral (e.g. Acanella arbuscular), sea pen (e.g. Anthoptilum murrayi), solitary corals (e.g. Caryophyllia ambrosia), gorgonian species (e.g. Chrysogorgia agassizii), cockscomb Cup Coral (e.g. Desmophyllum dianthus), soft corals (e.g. Heteropolypus insolitus), sea fan (e.g. Paragorgia arborea), antipatharian and madreporarian corals (e.g. Antipathes glabberima and Madrepora oculata), sea cucumber (e.g. Abyssocucumis abyssorum), dwarf brittle star (e.g. Amphipholis squamata), sand sea star (e.g. Astropecten irregularis), sea urchins (Centrostephanus longispinus), pea urchin (e.g. Echinocyamus macrostomus), sea star (e.g. Hymenaster anomalus), seven-armed sea star (e.g. Luidia ciliaris), ophiuroidea brittle stars (e.g. Ophiura ljungmani) would be vulnerable to bottom-contact fishing gear.

NAA 15 Other species with some legal protection have characteristic features particularly attending to biological factors such as longevity, low fecundity, and slow growth rates (e.g. sharks and rays) (e.g., Clark, 2001; Morato et al., 2008). In the EBSA area there are 22 species of chimera, sharks and rays (e.g. Chimaera monstrosa (chimera), Dipturus batis (shark), Raja maderensis (ray)). The EBSA 7 seamounts and 1 hydrothermal vent record the presence of cetacean, anthozoa and elasmobranchii species; Seamounts: Altair (4 cetacean, 40 anthozoa and 11 elasmobranchii), Antialtair (3 cetacean, 14 anthozoa and 11 elasmobranchii), Chaucer (3 cetacean, 40 anthozoa and 20 elasmobranchii), Cherkis (3 cetacean, 43 anthozoa and 12 elasmobranchii), Crumb (3 cetacean, 36 anthozoa and 12 elasmobranchii), Lukin-Lebedev (7 cetacean, 44 anthozoa and 25 elasmobranchii), Sedlo (4 cetacean, 40 anthozoa and 11 elasmobranchii)) and the hydrothermal vent Moytirra (3 cetacean, 16 anthozoa and 12 elasmobranchii). The EBSA NAA contains 16.5 % of the total species as potential vulnerable, fragile, sensitive and slow recovery belonging to a Infraorder Cetacea (1,8%), Class Anthozoa (7,6%) and Subclass Elasmobranchii (7,1%) (see Figure 5). There are a high number of threats to the biodiversity of seamounts (e.g. Rogers, 1994; Koslow et al., 2001; Gubbay, 2003; Butler et al., 2010). The most significant threat in terms of this EBSA is undoubtedly the geographic spread and scale of impact of the commercial fishing, and the possibility of hydrothermal mining (Walter et al., 2015; Motoori et al., 2015). The recovery of vulnerable species, and the assemblages which they form, from human impacts is predicted to be very slow in the deep sea (e.g. Roark, et al., 2006; Probert et al., 2007), and the recruitment can be intermittent as a consequence of the also intermittent dispersal between seamount populations (Rogers et al., 2007; Shank, 2010). In the area a big number of commercial species is recognized, particularly fishes: Alepocephalus bairdii - Baird's slickhead, Antigonia capros - Deepbody boarfish, Aphanopus carbo - Black scabbardfish, Aulopus filamentosus - Royal flagfin, Beryx decadactylus – Alfonsino, Beryx splendens - Splendid alfonsino, Callanthias ruber - Parrot seaperch, Conger conger - European conger, Coryphaena hippurus - Common dolphinfish, Coryphaenoides rupestris – Roundnose grenadier, Centracanthus cirrus – Curled picarel, Cyttopsis rosea - Rosy dory, Diplospinus multistriatus - Striped escolar, Epigonus telescopus - Black cardinal fish, Gadella maraldi – Gadella, Gnathophis mystax - Thinlip conger, Helicolenus dactylopterus - Blackbelly rosefish, Hippoglossus hippoglossus – Atlantic halibut, Hoplostethus atlanticus – Orange roughy, Lepidopus caudatus - Silver scabbardfish, Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis – Megrim, Lophius piscatorius - Angler, Macroramphosus scolopax - Longspine snipefish, Macrourus berglax – Roughhead grenadier, Maurolicus muelleri – Silvery lightfish, Micromesistius poutassou – Blue whiting, Molva dypterygia - Blue ling, Mora moro - Common mora, Nezumia aequalis - Common Atlantic grenadier, Pagellus bogaraveo - Blackspot seabream, Phycis blennoides – Greater forkbeard, Phycis phycis – Forkbeard, Polymixia nobilis - Stout beardfish, Polyprion americanus – Wreckfish, Pontinus kuhlii - Offshore rockfish, Scomber japonicas - Chub mackerel, Sebastes marinus - Golden redfish, Sebastes mentella – Beaked redfish, Setarches guentheri - Channeled rockfish, Thunnus

NAA 16 albacares – Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus thynnus – Atlantic bluefin tuna, Trachyscorpia cristulata echinata - Spiny scorpionfish, Trachurus picturatus - Blue jack mackerel, Zenopsis conchifer - Silvery John dory; Elasmobranchii: Centroscyllium fabricii - Black dogfish, Centroscymnus coelolepis - Portuguese dogfish, Dipturus batis - Blue skate, Hexanchus griseus – Bluntnose sixgill shark, Oxynotus paradoxus – Sailfin roughshark, Prionace glauca - Blue shark, Pseudotriakis microdon - False catshark, Raja maderensis - Madeiran ray, ; Molluscs: Charonia lampas – sea snail. The fishing impacts in this area, attending to the biology characteristics can have a slow recovery (e.g., Clark, 2001, Morato et al., 2008) with unknown possibility to total ecosystem recovery. (See Feature condition and future outlook of the proposed area).

Biological Area containing species, populations or communities with x productivity comparatively higher natural biological productivity. The biological productivity has become one of the best-studied aspects in the seamounts area, with research aimed at better understanding the connections between oceanic motion around seamount structures and biological distribution patterns (González-Pola et al., 2012; Matabos et al., 2016). Later studies revealed a more complex flow spectrum at the seamount, dominated by tidal and internal tidal motions (e.g., van Haren, 2005) and a high level of spatial and temporal variability (e.g., Mouriño et al., 2001). These findings, together with similar studies at other seamounts (see WilliaM laVelle & Mohn, 2010, for an overview), indicate that seamounts play a role in ocean biology far beyond the classical view of particle retention inside stationary and closed circulation cells. Despite the geographic isolation and poor nutritional conditions of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre, the fauna around and at EBSA seamounts hosts a rich and diverse species composition. Productivity of area in general is characterized as low; however, physical of seamount leads to relatively high productivity. A circulation system in the form of an anticyclonic vortex trapped atop of the NAA EBSA Seamounts, has the potential to accumulate mesopelagic zooplankton, micronekton, and even fish species with weak swimming capabilities (Boehlert & Mundy, 1993; Robison, 2004; Porteiro & Sutton, 2007). Nutrients like nitrates and phosphates, which are critical to the growth of phytoplankton, are lifted from the deep to the sunlit surface waters. These nutrients fuel an explosion of planktonic plant and animal growth – biological productivity. Biological production on seamounts is often manifested in dense aggregations of benthopelagic and demersal fish that represent concentrations of high biomass for these species (Genin & Dower, 2007; Pitcher & Bulman, 2007) (see Introduction). The EBSA includes the OSPAR area MARNA that recently had research conducted through the MAR-ECO project that found that the primary production and export flux over the MARNA were not enhanced compared with a nearby reference station over the Porcupine Abyssal Plain and biomass of benthic macrofauna and megafauna were similar to global averages at the same depths. There is some evidence for pelagic fish concentrating in the benthic boundary layer (to 200 m above the seafloor) over the MARNA in association with topographic features. This section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, north of the Azores, is thought to have enhanced productivity in comparison to other open ocean areas,

NAA 17 resulting from nutrient rich upwellings and eddies (Epp & Smoot, 1989; Gubbay, 2003; Magalhães et al., 2008). The Mid-Atlantic Ridge plays a pivotal role in circulation of water masses within the OSPAR Maritime Area and the whole North Atlantic (Rossby, 1999; Bower et al., 2002; Heger et al., 2008; Søiland et al., 2008). The complex hydrographic setting around the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in general and the presence of the ridge itself lead to enhanced vertical mixing and turbulence that result in areas of increased productivity over the Ridge (Falkowski et al., 1998; Heger et al., 2008). One studied example of seamount productivity is the case of Sedlo seamount, where the studies report that there is a seasonal pattern of phytoplankton production (as deduced from chlorophyll a concentrations) with spring and autumn blooms. The inter-annual variability over the seamount is high and a strong patchiness of chlorophyll levels occur around the seamount, showing a clear seamount effect (White et al., 2007; Delgado et al., 2015). Other particular case contained in the EBSA area is the Moytirra vent where all hydrothermal fauna utilizes microbial primary production by direct consumption of free-living microorganisms (either filter feeding or grazing), through symbiotic relationships with microorganisms (either endosymbiotic or ectosymbiotic), or through a combination of both nutritional modes (De Busserolles et al., 2009). Consequently, primary consumers often occur with extremely high population densities compared with non-chemosynthetic deep-sea environments, generally covering all available surfaces around vent fluid exits (Hessler & Smithey, 1983; Tunnicliffe, 1991). A list of studies made in the different structures of the NAA proves that this EBSA has a high biological productivity (Machin et al., 2006; ICES, 2007; Sutton et al., 2008; Arístegui et al., 2009; bashmachnikov et al., 2009; Hirch et al., 2009; Kiriakoulakis et al., 2009; Machín et al., 2009; Martin & Caristiansen, 2009; Mohen et al., 2009; Gebruk et al., 2010; Mendonça et al., 2010; Wheeler et al., 2013).

Biological Area contains comparatively higher diversity of ecosystems, diversity habitats, communities, or species, or has higher genetic X diversity. These are poorly known environments, like much of the deep sea, in terms of their biodiversity. These EBSA structures (seamounts and vent), have been conceptualized as habitat ‘islands’ in the deep-sea because of their elevated topographies and high biomass and biodiversity compared to surrounding benthic and pelagic habitats (McClain, 2007). It is well known that the EBSA structures are hotspots of biodiversity and the EBSA NAA structures have high species diversity, with 536 different species registered, with some of them new to science. The likelihood that the number of species present is far greater than the number currently recorded in the NAA stuctures seamounts and vent is big (Gubbay, 2003; Clark & Bowden, 2015). Records tell us that most of the structures included in the EBSA (see Table 1) harbor a rich benthic fauna typically dominated by suspension-feeding organisms, of which cold-water corals and sponges are the dominant elements. The structures host also large aggregations of demersal or benthopelagic fish. The dominant structures of the EBSA area are the Seamounts. In general these structures are known to

NAA 18 support a large and diverse fauna, living on and around seamounts (Clarke et al., 2006). Food availability is often higher on and above seamounts, supporting a rich fauna in comparison to the surrounding open ocean (Clarke et al, 2006). This fauna can include highly vulnerable pelagic predators, spawning aggregations of commercially important species, cold water coral and sponge communities that are slow-growing and highly vulnerable to fishing and a great variety of associated invertebrates (Koslow et al., 2001; Lack et al., 2003; Worm et al., 2003; Clarke et al., 2006). In Moytirra hydrothermal vent, like others Deep-sea hydrothermal vents, the biology has received scientific interest and attention since their discovery, the result being a better knowledge of vent organisms and ecosystems on a range of biological scales (namely sub cellular, physiological, whole animal and ecological) than about almost any other biological component in the deep-sea environment. Deep-sea vents are also a special example of a biological community that is intimately linked to sub- surfacial, geological processes (Shank et al., 1998; Bates et al., 2005). Given this dependence on the underlying geology and the vent chemistry, vent biota have been assumed to be isolated from processes elsewhere in the ocean. It was recently demonstrated that energy derived from chemosynthesis through the food-web is important to maintain Mid-Atlantic Ridge macrofaunal populations living on the vent sites (Dixon et al., 2002). The EBSA integrates different types of species belonging to different: Superclass Osteichthyes including all the reported fish (e.g. commercial - Aphanopus carbo; non-commercial - Serrivomer beanie; protected - Hippoglossus hippoglossus); Phylum Echinordermata including starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers (see criteria vulnerability, fragility, sensitivity, or slow recovery); Phylum including Class Bivalvia and Gastropoda (e.g. seamount - Bathyarca philippiana; vent - Phymorhyncus sp. ); Phylum Porifera (e.g. Thenea valdiviae); Phylum Sipuncula (e.g. Golfingia anderssoni); Subphylum Crustacea with representation of the Class Malascrotata (e.g. Order Decapoda: crab - Acanthonyx brevifrons; hermit crabs - Dardanus arrosor; hydrothermal - Mirocaris fortunata; Order Amphipoda - Hirondellea namarensis); Class Anthozoa (e.g. Flabellum alabastrum); Class Cephalopoda belonging to the Phylum Mollusca (e.g. - abyssicola; pelagic - Bolitaena pygmaea; comb-finned squid - Chtenopteryx sicula; cirrate octopuses - murrayi; Umbrella octopuses - Grimpoteuthis wuelkeri; seven- arm - Haliphron atlanticus; odd bobtail - dispar; glass - Leachia atlantica; whip-lash squid - magna); Class Aves (e.g. seabirds - Calonectris (diomedea) borealis); Class Pycnogonida (e.g. Colossendeis macerrima); Class Reptilia (e.g. sea turtle - Caretta caretta); Class Polychaeta (e.g. Eunice pennata ); Subclass Elasmobranchii (e.g. shark - Dipturus batis; Ray - Raja microocellata); Infraclass Cirripedia belonging to the Subphylum Crustacea (e.g. Catherinum recurvitergum); Order Cetacean (e.g. Balaenoptera musculus); Family Chimaeridae (e.g. Chimaera monstrosa).

Naturalness Area with a comparatively higher degree of naturalness as a result of the lack of or low level of human-induced disturbance X or degradation. Naturalness was evaluated as lack of known bottom-contact fishing for individual seamounts. Data on

NAA 19 the distribution of bottom trawling was sourced from a number of national databases, and from scientists that had access to unpublished data (Clark et al., 2007; Bensch et al., 2008). In 2004 VMS data showed that fishing vessels moving at bottom trawling speed were present over Antialtair seamount (ICES, 2007). In 2005, when the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) decided to close large areas to bottom fisheries in order to protect vulnerable ecosystems this included the Altair, the Antialtair and a larger area at the ridge North of the Azores (ICES, 2007). Following the establishment of the NEAFC fishing closures in 2005 bottom fishing effort increased over Antialtair seamount, showing a clear targeting of this area by fishing vessels (ICES, 2007). This indicates that the area may have already been impacted by fishing activity and that the NEAFC closures are not entirely effective. However, Durán Muñoz et al., (2000) found that few areas of the seamounts were suitable to bottom trawl fishing, indicating there may still be a high degree of naturalness at this site. For all of the EBSA seamounts there is no information on historic or current fishing effort in this area, although there are reports of illegal/unreported fishing by vessels using unmarked monofilament gill nets and small drift nets, which are abandoned when they are detected (Morato et al., 2013). Seamount fisheries have typically proven difficult to research and manage sustainably. Many deep-sea commercial species have characteristics that generally make them more vulnerable to fishing pressure than shallower shelf species. They can form large and stable aggregations over seamounts for spawning or feeding, which enables very large catches and rapid depletion of stock size (Clark et al., 2010a),b)).

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NAA 36 Maps and Figures

Figure 1 – Structures included in NAA EBSA area


2 3


Figure 2 – NAA EBSA. Yellow shadow – EBSA polygon (total area). Olive shadows 1- Altair OSPAR High Seas MPA; 2 – MARNA (Mid Atlantic Ridge North of Azores) OSPAR High Seas MPA; 3- Antialtair OSPAR High Seas MPA; 4 – Sedlo OSPAR Marine Protected Areas.

NAA 37

Figure 3 – Structures included in the NAA EBSA. The grey area show the extended continental shelf while the area inside the red the lines show the exclusive economic zone.



7,6% 7,1% 6,4% 6,2% 4,1% 3,0% 1,8% 0,9% 0,7% 0,7% 0,7% 0,7% 0,5% 0,5%

Figure 4 - Relative frequency (%) of the different phylum/class/order of the species identified in the NAA EBSA.

NAA 38 Rights and permissions Only processed and analysed information is included here and the results from these analyses are publically available.

NAA 39