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1967 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970

4-17-1967 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 070, No 93, 4/17/ 1967 University of New Mexico

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Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 070, No 93, 4/17/1967." 70, 93 (1967). daily_lobo_1967/39

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1967 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .J Iii• l"d I (' ...... f ' Page 4. NEW MEXICO LOBO Friday, April 14, 1967 '3 7 'g, ? "t 9 . Un3cXw Hokona Hall Dance There wiJI be a danco tonight in the Hokona Hall study room from 8 to midnight. Music will • be by the "Beau Chante" and ad­ ClevWif9er Directs Top Stars Highlight Meet mission will be 50 cents. UNM's F~·ee University which Free U. received more positive responses Third Semester ··· begins its third semester of the classes but said he plans to cla:sses this week, is primarily the than in the two preceding sessions. attend as many class(ls as pos. product of the efforts of Larry T~n pr~fessors will participate sibl!l to evaluate the program. Clevenger, a sophomore and chair­ th1s sprmg and more 'Will instruct in the fail session if student in­ Clevenger said he hopes. the• pro. man of the Free U program. gram will continue 'grow, to Makers Qf Hand M~1ae terest .continues to expand. to Clevenger and his committee of initiate currie-plum reforms· and Clevenger _has been working Indian Jewelry six, mailed about 600 requests to improve student-faculty;~e]ations. OLD TOWN on the Free U program since faculty members for instructors spring} ' Clevenger is an a~tive mem­ in Free U courses. He said they d~-!! He is not registered in any of ber of the SAE frater;nity and the .-;;:: Baptist Student Union and will r· - serve as president of that organ­ ization next year. He is majoring For in philosophy. Information on Next summer Clevenger hopes Horn Criticizes to sec-pre a position in the Baptist Matson Lines foreign mission program, "There are plenty of opportunities to South Seas travel if a fellow is lucky enough .,., . ~ Thorson's to grab them." Cruise Plan Larry is presently actively in­ By CHUCK NOLAND form calling for establishment of volved in campaigning for Tom University An "unrealistic approach" to a pre-registration program at Horn for Associated Students the problems of student govern­ UNM to simplify the registration Programs­ ment was charged to John Thor­ process. son, candidate for Associated Stu­ "In contrast, I have proposed dents president, by candidate Tom programs which could realistical­ and other Horn in a debate before about 20 ly be accomplished by the presi­ persons in the Hokona Hall study dent in the space of a year," Horn student travel...... lounge last night. said. ~,.,c.u ''r~.: "I don't think we as president­ "A New Image" SEE ial candidates are justified in go­ ing to the students and promising Thorson countered Horn's TEXAS A&M's RANDY MATSON will be here Saturday night C(;Ifill(' ). ~" ·o ']'--S'4•rn ••'~ ' to change things over which stu­ charges by asserting that Horn's platform, designed in Horn's in a triangular track meet where he will share the spotlight -- .... ____ - .. - II I. ~ ~- ~It' dent government does not have the with Kansas' Jim Ryun. The powerful 6-6\lz, 258-pound Texan the final authority," Horn said. words to "create a new image of NEW MEXICO'S TOP CHALLENGERS to Kansas' se~sational UNM to the city, the state, and is the only man ever to throw the shot over 70 feet. He holds Jim Ryun in the triangular track meet here Saturday mght are ~g~.Jf{a~ "?. Pre-Registration Process the world record in that event with a toss of 70-7 ~. Last week the nation," was concentrated expected to be Web Loudat, left, and Australian George Scott. Horn, speaking in the first of a he set a U.S. collegiate mark in the discus with a throw of 213-9. 2212 CENTRAl. AVE., SE 'tJ'I primarily on external problems Loudat is an up and coming UNM miler and Scott is an estab­ cJ) series of campaign debates be­ Right Across Central From UNM facing the University and not on lished distance ace on the national scene. tween candidates, refen-ed to a problems of immediate interest to (LOBO photo by Kendaii) plank in Thorson's campaign plat- the average student on campus. "Let's start here and now to WANT ADS deal with problems that face each CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES: student as he goes about the cam­ 4 line nd., 65¢-4 times, $2.00. Insertions must be submitted by noon on day be~ore The Baptist Student Union pus daily," Thorson said. publication to Room 159, Student Pubhca· Opposition Shown Both candidates emphasized lions Building, or telephone 277-4002 or invites you to hear ,, 277-4102. the need for better communica­ SJTUAl'IONS WANTED tions between the student govern­ OUT-OF-STATE college student wants to ment and the student body and work for room & board. Must be nc­ DR. NOBEL BROWN To Language Rule the need for the president to ces•ible to UNM. Refs. available. Write Cnt'Ol J\laller, 221 Center St., Mankato, Thirty per cent of the 300 stu­ maintain contact ~th student J\linn. 4/10, 12, 13, 14. groups to gauge opinion. Professor of New Testament Interpretation dents questioned in a recent poll HELP W::A~N:.::T.=E:=D_ ___,--:---:- by a student senate committee Other debates between the can­ _W_A_N_'l'_E_D_:--=:C-=ol""les<.:...e_mcn witn n ffnlr £or at The Nigerian Baptist Seminary Ogbomosho Nigeria concerning existing language re­ didates are scheduled this week. ac.t.}on. 'Excellent ~ny wb\le you learn. The second will be held at 1 p.m. Promotional opportunities·. Go ~h.cre the quirement oppose the require­ TOM !lORN, CANDIDATE for Associate Students president addresses a ero~d- of about 20 in the action is. Sec the Naval Avmbon In­ tomorrow in the Union Snack study lounge_ of llok'!na Hall last nigh~ n_s John Thorson, another candidate, takes notes. James Flag. MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 3:30, STUDENT UNION THEATER ments. Bar. formation Team nt the Placement Cen· The poll asked the students if a!ead,_ ~e..t.ttmt eaud•date to declar!' his mtent tP',"l."Un for t!'e presidency, was present but did not parti" ter, 17th-21st April. 4/14, 17, 19, MONDAY: THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN AFRICA James Flagstead, the third can. c~pate m the deb!lte. 4 panel .of sr:x representatives of different campus organizations asked ques­ TEACHERS wanted, Southwest, entire they were in favor of the lang­ didate for president, did not parti­ West and Alaska. Salaries $5400 up. uage requh·ements, if they had tions on the can~Idates campaign platforms and election issues. The debate was the first in a series Free regi•tartion. Southwest Teachers WEDNESDAY: A RATIONALE FOR CHRISTIAN MISSIONS cipate in last night's debate. scheduled for htrs week. The second will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the Union Snack Bar. (LOBO Agency, 1303 Central Ave. NE. based their choice of degree-grant­ Photp by Pawley,) ing colleges on the requirements, PART-TIME JOB a' student repre.enta­ tive previewing new products with UNM and if they bad constructive com­ students. $120. per mo. guaranteed plus ments about the language re­ incentive bonuses jf you meet our re­ quirements. J\lust be nvnilable 20 hrs. n quirement. One hund1·ed eighty week & interested in expressing new dorm residents and 120 off-campus ideas, Apply in person Friday, April 14, Win a free trip Pozo Seco Singers 10 :30 a;m. or 2 p.m. nt Student Place­ residents were contacted. Called ''C a sua I" ment Center. By JIM PATTERSON The results indicate that one­ being strictly folk, folk-rock or group's pleasure in performing PHARMACEUTICAL sales. Degree--any fourth of the students in the Col­ Casual was the word for Wed­ pop singers. Don said that the broadcast during the intermission nature, SG,GOO. )'ear. car. expenses, here and hoped they would return of the Cleveland Symphony on bonus. Mountain States Employment home to get lege of Education chose their col­ nesday night's performance by best way to describe their type of someday. Service, First Nat'!. Bank Bldg. Down­ lege because language study was the Pozo-Seco Singers in the -song was to simply label it "Pozo­ Saturday. The symphony is sche­ town. 4/13, 14, 17, 19. KUNM conducted an interview duled .'.from 8:15 to 9 p.m. on not required. Results also indi­ Union ballroom. And so it went Seco." Susan expressed the with the singers which will be FOR SALE money! cate that almost one-fifth of the during the interview the trio KUNM, 90.1 on FM radio. SYMPHONIC stereo high fidelity set, students enrolled in University nil-wood cabinet, table modeL $50 or (Or enough Sprite to gave the LOBO-in fact, we ex­ be;t oft'er. See at Room 159, Student College intend to base their col­ changed questions rather than Publications Bldg. JIM RYUN, world record holder in the mile and the half-mile. throw a loud party every lege choice on the requirements. the perfunctory we ask-they an­ BRICK home. 10 minutes from University. His mark in the mile is 3:51.3 and the pending mark in the 880 The committee is now evaluat­ swer type of conversation between Three Announce 3000 sq. ft., 4 or 5 bedroomo, 3 full is 1:44.9. He will compete here Saturday night in a triangular night for a semester.) ing student comments. The next Candidacy baths, beautiful paneled den plus reere­ the press and personalities. Tod Delaney, a first semester ation room. Ref. air cond. Call 255-7783. track meet with Kansas, New Mexico, and Texas A&M. The phase of the committee's work "If this show gets too slick and Bob Finch has announced can­ 3/29 contin. meet will start at 7:30 at University Stadium. Don't write home to get money· Just senior at UNM, has announced James D. Miller, Jr., a second­ write a college newspaper ad for will be a poll of the faculty and professional for you, just let us didacy for Student Senate in the year electrical engineering major, FAMOUS Personality Posters, 2'h'x3%', the production of a final report. know" typified the remarks by his candidacy for the Student McQueen, Peter Fonda, Brando, Leni!Jl' Sprite. You may win a free trip home spring elections. Finch, a fresh­ recently announced his candidacy Bruce, Mao, Fields, Allen Glnaburg, to ask for the money in person. "This is my last week serving the group who gave an outstand­ Senate. Delaney is a member of Einstein, Dylan, Rolling Stones, New­ man, is sargeant-at-arms of Sen­ for Student Senate in the spring man, Clint Eastwood plus more, send What should your ad say? How tart as Senator. If the next committee ing performance of their unique the UNM chapter of the Amer­ for llst. Shipping anywhere In U.S. continues and investigates fac­ style of singing pop music. and a member of elections. Miller submitted the fol­ prepaid. 1 poster Sl.75, 2 posters S3.00, and tingling Sprite is. And how it ican Institute of Chemical Engi­ 3 pooters $4.25, Madam Butterfly's Gift roars! Fizzes! Bubbles! Gushes! ulty opinion, changes of some board of statement to the LOBO: Shop, 4609 E. Colfax, Denver, Colorado sort will probably come about," Audience Is Enthusiastic neers and Phi Gamma Delta 80220. And tastes! (And howl) Not too Mesa Hall, "Is student gov­ sweet. Not too innocent. Van Dresser said. "Student com­ Judging by the enthusiastic ap­ and a member of 1965 YAMAHA, 80cc, excellent condition. plause and comments like, "man, ernment really a May be seen at Simon"s Dept. Store, ments have been helpful and- in­ Delaney issued Phi Delta Theta "student" govern­ First & Gold SW, or call 268-3730. 4/12, dicate several alternatives to the they were great," the audience . ,, the foiiowing fraternity. ment? I trans- 13, 14. requirements/' he said • thoroughly enjoyed the Pozo-Seco statement for the Finch issued the '58 FORD Station Wagon, radio & heater. singers. The applause and favor­ versed through Owner wiJJ consider ntiY rea.!!onable ft\IZES LOBO: following cam • my freshman offer. Call 265-1101. 4/13, 14, 17, 19. able comments were certainly "In my estima­ paign statement: 1st PRIZE $500 IN TRAVELERS CHECKS or justified because the mellow vocal year never realiz­ SERVICES Vigilantes the frequent­ "In seeking a 5,000 BOTTLES OF SPRITE and instrumental harmonies they ing the injustice CLEAN, oil nnd adJust portable typewrit­ 100 PRIZES OF $25 IN DIMES Vigilantes will meet Tuesday at heard charge position in Stu­ done to students ers $9.00, Electric $12.50, Standard 7:15 p.m•. in the Union ballroom. presented made for good listen­ campus that dent Senate, a $ll.OD. Special for UNM Student.. Free ... so if you can 1 t go home in person, you can ing, themselves. I Tuesday's smoker for perspective UNM Student candidate m u s t Pick up & dellveey, E & E Tnlewriter use the telephone to make your . Susan Taylor, Don Williams James D. Miller believe that our Service, 2217 Coal SE. Pho.,e 2-43·0588. members and financial business has been consider his res­ voices are not be­ APARTM:ENTS RULES will be discussed. Members are and Ron Shaw met at Delmar 'd il~ell'ect:ive has be­ ponsibility of the entire student Junior College in Corpus Christi, ing heard by those governing the _R_O_O_M_A....,..,N""D""'BoARD ror college students. --write your ad the way you think would asked to bring in their validated Tod Delnney come a little shop~ body, fate of the students' money or Co .. educntionaJ, freedom and priVacy, interest college newspaper readers. Texas during a hootenany almost wall-to-wall carpeting, heated swimming qualification blanks. The smoker worn. Senate has My purpose is centered about well-being. Realizing the vast op­ pool, good food, color 'l'V and study Give it a contemporary, sophisticated flavor, for freshmen men interested in three and a half years ago and certainly fallen down in some of the individual. My ideas involve portunities for participation in lounges. As low a. $29.25 a week for (A few swigs of Sprite will give you the idea joining Vigilantes wiil. be held have been singing together since room and board. The College fnn, 803 then. They were "just fooling its responsibilities in the past, improvement, and my goals are and with their campus, I wish to Ash N.E., 243-2881. -~though you don't have to buy anything to enter.) from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, April directed toward the advancement make these known to the students. •... FOR RENT Neatness counts a little. Cleverness counts a lot. 23, in the Union. around backstage and liked the but working under a relatively way they sounded together.'' of UNM. Any candidate for Sen­ Communication is the key for ADOBE house Placitas, $55.00 per lnontb, Your ad can be any length--if it fits this space. new constitution, I believe, it has ate should realize that most stu. solution between the student and furnished. Fireplace,. 3 rooms, epaciou~, (But remember you're not wri.ting a term paper.) Susan and Don play standard recently taken positive steps to solid old charm updated by gas heat, acoustical guitars and Ron plays dents at UNM are capable of his government, betwet'ln student electric appliances, Call 867·2886, 4/12, Send each ad you submit to Ads for Sprite, become an effective representative governing . themselves and decid­ and organization, and between 13, 14, 17. P.O. Box 55, New York, New York 10046. the 12-string guitar. Susan and Spring Elections of the student body, If elected to ing various aspects of their edu­ student and faculty, The student CAIRD·NORRIS REALT'I!' rents: All entries become the property of The Active campaigning in the Don are from Corpus Christi and cation, Thus, the Student Senate should be made to realize that he SPECIAL: Furnished one-room cfllcien­ SUNDAY Ron is a native of Durham, New cy, utlitics included. Low-low price $50. SUNDAY Coca-Cola Company. None will be returned, spring elections begins today Senate, I would work for cOt!.· will serve its rightful purpose­ can be heard through his senator. ONE-ROOM apartment with bath and APRIL APRIL Judges t decision final. Entries must be received by Hs.mpshire. tinued growth of present senate galley kitchen, all for $56 including with the posting of posters and to place the freedoms, poWer, and The budget distributions to or­ utiUties. 16 ONCE AT 7:15 P.M. 16 May 2 1 1967.Be sure to include other campnign literature by Third Album Elltpected programs and more creative ac­ responsibilities in the hands of ganizations should be appropri­ LARGE apartment, 2 _ bedroom. new '- \1 I I / ~ name and address. Winners will the three presidential candi­ The group has had several sin­ the student. ately revised, requiring a closer furnishings, cfllcicncy kitchen. AU utll· '-' ,_ be notified by May 24, 1967. complishments in the future. I !ties includ&l. dates, two vice-presidential gle recordings on the popular sur­ I would like to propose several contact between student govern­ EFFICIENCY apartments, 1 block west ON STAGE-IN PERSON .. #r - candidates, and the 18 senator­ veys and has two albums on Col­ would also work to improve the ment and organizations.'' of UNM, 79,50 to 85, all utlliltes paid. tremendous communication gap programs which, for lack of space, Soml! with imvrovementa. Furniaht!d, _,. _. SPRITE, SO TART A!ill... ial ~andidates. umbia Records. They expect to cannot be fully explained. Fore­ oll'·strcct parking. . _ _• release their third album within Call SAJ\1 COOPER, 265-8571, cvcmngo I .ALL SEATS $1.50 I TINGLING WE JUST Two candidates are vying which exists between students and most is a plan to recruit the best 842-8280. for the National Student As­ the next two months. Their first Latin Desk _, COULDN'T KEEP IT QUIET. student government which con­ high school students to UNM, al­ Latin American Desk presents FURNISHED room with priv11te bath and TICKETS ON SALE AT FEDWAY & STATE THEATRE sociation coordinator post. hit, "Time," ranked high on rec· leviating the high attrition rate, entrance, ncar University. Call 268•4413 I I~ A l?rt~ISHFi'[D Hf.AOt M4RK OF ftt£ Voting will be all day Fri- ord charts about a year ago. tributes significantly to the lack Ed Ms.rtens speaking on "Pana. or 265-6969. 4/14, 17, 19, 20. improving registration, and in­ ma.: Two Governments in One day, April 21. · When asked how they would of understanding of senate prob­ creasing student interest involve­ classify their music, they denied lems.'' Country," Wednesday, April 19, ' J ' ' ·' " ,. _,_ --· .•• ' ' 01< ' • ' ' ment in student government," . ~- at 12:30, Room 250 of the Union.

' \: "'.- - ~--o:q_ ...,,-~' ·• -,-;:-;;,.-:..-.-, ... • ...... lrril:=:::...~ /

. t ' :: J Page2 NEW MEXICO LOBO Monday, Aprlt 1'/, 1967 Monday, April 17, 1967 NEW MEXICO LOBO I . ' ; . ! I 1 Dance . Organ Rradtc?l 'I A bermuda shorts dance will 'be Tile UNM mus~c departmept's ·· ·Baktis to Endorse U NM Residl9ni~ Plan :south

303 ASH ST., NE 243·2881

...... •,'

.._ ' ' . ..:,;. ,.,_~,... Page4 NEW MEXICO LOBO Monday, April17, 1967 vaulter to clear 16 feet by barely mis:;;ing on two of three tries at Selectic:m Sele~tion of the 'mbst outstand- · 16-2, He won the competition with }5: Snack Bar Employees Stage Walkout ing member is scheduled for to­ 15 Lobos Win Track Upset a school record vault of 15-10. night's meeting of the Student About workers in 'the Union Jennings, in a letter to Bier- and Albuquerque papers. ment that I neve~ knew about." feel that we should have some By NOOLEY REINHEARDT Bob Neutzling set the old record Education Association at 7:30 in Food Service walked off their jobs baum, charged that the losses in- "I think Mr. Jennings' state- "Many of the objections Jen- kind of voice in the practices for own collegiate record of 213-9. He ran a 4 ;11.1 mile with New of 15-6 in 1966. the Union Room 231A-C. yesterday following the resigna. curred by the Union Desert room ments will not be supported if you nings has raised were taken care employes," said G. R. Bobbeen, a Lobo George Scott picked a Mexico's Web Lo\ldat right on his tio,n of Frank P. Jennings, super-· and catering services was done by take a look at our records," Bier- of in a staff reorganization we . former supervisor. He said that third stadium record in the two­ heels in ~:12.1: Ryun's winning mile, flirting with the magic nine­ time in thEf 880 was 1 : 50.9 with vjsor of the Unioll Sn~k Bar: · char~,~"ing off items to the Snack · baum said. had about two weeks ago," said the Union would not allow the minute all the way. His record set­ Lobo Clark Mitchell finishing sec­ T HELP ERADICATE LARGE CARS · B,~r bu.dge~ .."l think the .Desert "There are too many supervis- Bierbaum, "apparently he found · ·employees to unionize because it ting time was 9 ;01.2, bettering They charged Union .Dir~ctor 'wil~ Room ~s· losmg a,bout $30,0()0 .a ors for the staff and there is no himself in a position he wa,s not is part of a state institution. ond at 1:51.3. H liam Bierbaum with mismana,ge: .:V~ar.". J~nnings· said in an inter- one who has authority to make happy in." Senator . his old record of 9: 02.5 set last Frank Burgasser picked up the Call or See Your '007' year. ment and unfair labor practices. VIew~ : · '. ' ' · . . . ' :. decisions," Jennings said, ''I am The employees who quit met Board membe-; first place points for UNM in the Volkswagen Salesman javelin and set a new school rec­ "We are going on strike be- CotlleS of the 'letter :were sent always finding that someone has yesterday a,fternoon to . decide meeting has been called to na.fqllfl All Out Effort Needed N to Governor '.David Cargo, UNM charged expenses to my depart- what action they would take. "We the situatio~. Coach Hugh Hackett said that ord at 252-7, five inches shy of CARROLL DAVIS cause we feel that the Union president Tom Popejoy, the LOBO if the Lobos were to win it would the stadium record. New Mex­ should be run for the students ico sophomore Tom So!enberger and not the faculty," Jennings take a tremendous effort from said, speaking for the workers. every team member and that is was second with a throw of 197-7. Two Represent what he got. Ira Robinson won the long jump McCAULEY Authl!ri~ed Jennings said that Bierbaum for New Mexico and was second Sales refused to talk to the group of Station at Meet Over 6000 fans were brought in the triple jump behind team­ W©JI:k~~\W£@313~! to their feet continually as New and employees when they went to his UNM's FM r a d i o station, mate Art Baxter. Robinson's win­ '144 SAN MATEO SE PHONE Service office yesterday morning. "We KUNM, is being represented this Mexico slowly pulled away with ning leap was 24-4%-two inches • NEW MEXICO'S FRIENDLIEST VW DEALER the meet. Bernie Rivers, who has had a member of the press and week at two conferences in New better than the top Kansasan who a member of the Union board York City. had two poor seasons after be­ was favored in the event. ing a national sensation as a there, but he said he would not Sharon Donohoe, Albuquerque, Vol. talk to us," he said. freshman, picked up two big wins NM Wins 440 Relay and Mike English, Farmington, for the Lobos. The UNM 440 relay team of Personnel Problems are attending through Friday, the In the 10-yard-dash Rivers tied Rivers, Steve Caminiti, Kenny International Radio and Televi­ LIBERAL ARTS OR BUSINESS "When I deal with personnel sion Society conference for col­ the old stadium and school rec­ Head, and Matison ran the dis­ problems I usually deal with them ords, His :09.4 clocking matched tance in a winning time of :40.6. legiate radio personnel at the MAJORS on an individual basis and in priv­ Roosevelt Hotel. the performance by Nate Adams Kansas was second at :40.7. ate," Bierbaum said in answer to of Purdue in 1963. In the mile relay, which was Their second conference, Satur­ Salaried home office position available in a newly created the charge, "I'm not sure if they day, is that of the eastern branch Rivers literally ran away with expected to be a big event in the have quit or not. Jennings has the 220 with a time of :21.4. His team standings, New Mexico won of the Intercollegiate Broadcast­ graduate trainee program with expanding Life Insurance submitted his resignation, but as ing Society, slated at the Wash­ nearest competitor ran the dis­ handily after the meet was al­ far as I know the others have tance in :21.8. ready out of reach for KU. The Company. Home office in the Mid-West. Arrange with Uni­ ington Heights New York Uni­ just missed a day's work." versity. team of Baxter, Matison, Head versity Placement Center for APRIL 18th interview. Ryun Wins Two and Clark Mitchell ran the mile w1=a Ryun also picked up an ex­ in 3:12.6. The Aggies were sec­ For ASUNM President Makers of Hand Made pected double win in the mile and ond and the Jayhawkers third. I India~ Jewelry the 880. He decided after he got Kansas was thought to be ex­ ! OLD' TOWN here not to compete in the two­ ceptionally strong in the hurdles. !;_ mile because of the chilly weather. It took a first and third in the highs with A&M runners wedged Thorson, Carr Endorsed in between to cut down the scor­ We're giving $10,000 AN ALBUQUERQUE FIRE .DEPARTMENT truck is shown as it arrived at a fire in the basement NEW MEXICO BOOK COMPANY ing edge for KU. of the Mesa Vista Residence Hall cafeteria. Firemen said the fire, spotted about 7:30 last night, 89 Winrock Center 298-1828 to ttie sport fans By Dennison, McAdams apparently was caused when a fan belt in one of the ventilators burned out. There were no injuries Caffey Breaks Record and the fire burned out before firemen arrived. City rescue crews used fans to blow smoke from the Fiction and Nonfiction Childrens' Books But then in the 440 .intermed­ John Thorson was endorsed last that need to be coped with this who know their stuff. night for president of Associated coming year." storeroom. (LOBO photo by Pawley) Paperbacks Bargains iates Caminiti roared to a career I_ best clocking of :52.9 and Baxter Students by Associated Student "I feel that Thorson wiJI do Whatever you know about president Dan Dennison a,nd Vice- not only what the other candi­ finished second giving New Mexico sports could pay off big for you the points Kansas had been con­ president Jim McAdams. 'They al- dates said they were going to do in Sport Magazine's Giant Sports so endorsed Bill Carr for vice- but he will pick up where they ceited in its favorite's role. Quiz, beginning in the May issue. Jon Caffey threatened to be­ president. left off," Dennison said. Candidate Horn Arrested $5,000 first prize plus other cash Dennison and McAdams endors- "Thorson is undoubtedly one of Three UNM students, Tom come the first New Mexico pole- and valuable prizes will be going moving the coil wire and sum­ the nature of a prank rather than But to fans who know the personali­ ed the following people for Sen- the best candidates ever to seek Horn, candidate for Associated moned Sgt. Tillson, driver of the ate.; Tod Delaney, Jim Dines, Lee the office of president," McAdams Students president, Larry Clev­ a felony," said Lavender, and at Wouldn't ties and events in the world of car, who was drinking coffee in this point the University will not You Sports. Martin, Coleman Travelstead, said, ''he is dedicated to serving enger, and Raymond Schowere the restaurant. Really Bob Finch, Linda Wilson, Ernie the students and will make an ex- were arrested Monday night and make any charges. As far as I'm Rather . . " Also in this mpnth's Sport, an Horn said that the three were concerned, all charges have been WANT ADS Romero, Ross Perea!, Bill Camp, cellent president." charged with tampering with a Have An exclustve arttcle, The Ballplayers P1ck ihc Pennant merely playing a joke on the of­ dropped." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES: Winners." Plus the inside OIJ Mickey Mantle and 21 Toni Saunders, Del Packwood, "I've worked closely with Bill motor vehicle. ficer and nothing more. "We ex­ 4 line ad., 65t-4 times, $2.00. Insertions and Gary Cone. Ca-rr in student government fo-r The th-ree we-re eaught afto-r must be submitted by soon on day before other authoritative in-depth features on the college plained what happened to the of­ publication to Room 159, Student Publiea· and pro sports scene. Larry Wells was endorsed for two years and am convinced that they removed the coil wire from ficer,'' said Hurn;· ''and the officer tiona Building, or telephone 277-4002 or he is the best possible candidate u · 't oJ'n car parked I' said that this kind of a thing hap­ 277-4102. For real close-ups of the personalities who make the post of NSA Coordinator. a mversi Y P ~o..e n ,t;;:J:;!.~!.~- for vice-president.'' McAdams the parking Jot behind Denny's pens all the time.'' Miss Runs ~jetr:elers HELP WANTED sports happen, put your money on s rt "Thorson has consistantly been said. "I think that the confidence Restaurant, Elm and Central. Bazan WANTED: College m::;en=..... :::.=.:th __ a_n=-a.,.ir--fo-r Sport. Get the May issue today. PO involved with the issues facing the the other senators have shown VVas a .Joke 2312 Central SE Opposite UNM Concert Hall action. Excellent pay while you Jeam. students at the University," said for Bill is indicative of his out- Observed Promotional opportunities. Go where the Firsl Magazine lor Sports When asked why they were dis­ action ia. See the Naval Aviation In­ .Dennison, "He has the most real- standing leadership qualities.'' Jay Fairchilds, 521 60th St. abling the vehicle, Horn said that formation Team at the Placement Cen­ For AWS Post ter, 17th·21at ApriL 4/14, 17, 19. i_s_t_ic__ a~p~p~r_o_a_c_h __ t_o __ t_h_e~p_r_o_b_le_m_s ____ D_e_n_n_is_o_n_s_a_i_d_. ______~S~·~VV~., observed the students re- the police officer driving the vehi­ cle was a friend of his, and they Louise Bazan, a candidate for Too Busy for Why TEACHERS wanted, Southwest. entire president of the Associated Wom­ Not West and Alaska. Salaries '5400 up. were doing it as a joke. When Free regiatartion. Southwest Teachen asked the police officer's name, ens Students, issued the following . your Laundry? Bring It To Agency, 1303 Central Ave. NE. none of the three subjects could campaign statement to the LOBO: PHARMACEUTICAL oales. Desrree-any identify him. "Having served first as a Coun­ nature. S6,600~ year. car, expenses. Three Candidates Declare bonus. Mountain States Employment cil member, later as an Execu­ Service, Firat Nat'L Bank Bldg, Down­ Police found one citation under 111 LAUNDRY & DRY town. 4/13, 14, 17, 19. the left windshield wiper of tive Board mem­ FOR SALE * * * Horn's car. It was issued by the ber and record­ * * * * * * ing secretary of CLEANING SERVICE SYMPHONIC otereo high fidelity oet. Ron Curry Linda Wilson Camp University police and another ci­ all·wood eabinet. table modeL $50 or You have to Bill tation issued April 13 was found A WS, I have be­ best oft'er. See at Room 159, Student Ron Curry, who served as Sen­ Bill Camp, mechanical engi­ Publication• Bldg, ate assistant this year and is a Linda Wilson, a UNM sopho­ inside the vehicle. Horn said he eo me keenly Under New Ownership look for the neering junior, is announcing his aware of the po­ BRICK home. 10 minutes from UniYI!JBity. member of Sigma Chi fraternity more member of the A WS coun­ candidacy for Associated Stu­ didn't know how many citations 24 Hr. Service when Requested 3000 aq. ft., 4 or 5 bedroom., a full and played on the freshman golf he had received from the Univer­ sition of women ba!JuJ, beautiful panl!led don Plllll recre­ cil, Angel Flight, and Host and dents Senator. at UNM. As a ation room. Ref. air cond. Call 255-'1'1111. "W" because team, has announced his bid for sity police, but that wasn't the 3/29 contln. Camp was one of the organ­ presidential can­ Shirts Finished e All Types of a Student Senate seat in this Hospitality Committee, has an­ izers of Alpha Kappa Lambda reason they were disabling the FAJIOUS .Peroonality Pooten, 2J,i'JOStera $4.25. MaduD Batterib'a Gift act i v e in the City -and university police have pects of her life. 111 Harvard SE Shop, 4609 E. Colfax, DenYer, Colorado with many of the national h o m e Newman Club, 80220. problems t h at dropped all charges. Both consid­ "I propose increased A WS Mr.Wrangler!t economics hon­ the SoccPr Club, ered the action as a prank and '58 FORD Station Wagon, radio It heater. face the Senate and the Ameri- dances and exchanges among men Owner wiJJ consider _any re&!Onable orary. Miss Wil­ not a misdemeaner. and women students and frequent oft'er. Call 265·1101. 4/13, 14, 17, 19. . for wreal sportswear. and the student . can Society of son issued t h e Dean of Students Harold Lav­ seminars on such timely topics SERVICES body. Student in­ Mechanical En· t e r e s t in the follo,ving c am­ ender said that the University as narcotics and birth control. CLEAN, oil and adju•t portable typewrit.. famous silent "W": you gineers. YOU DON·r em $9.00, Electric '12.50, Standard dealings of stu­ paign statement: Camp issued does not condine this type of be­ "If elected, I will begin crea­ $11.00. Special for UNM Studentl. FNr! don't pronounce it, but you havior, but he sees no useful pur· tion of an AWS summer employ­ Pick up A dellvi!J'Y. E A E Tnewrlter dent government, "The purpose following must look for It if you wont pose in pursuing it any further. ment opportunities program to Service, 22I7 Coal SE. Pho11e 243..(1588. academic reform of a student sen­ statement: NEED A THESES, papers, typed pro!e.ssional)y. sportswear that looks wright "In running for Senate, it is "In general the action was in locate interesting and Unusual Accumte spelllng~ grammar. and punet­ and popular en- ator, I believe, is jobs for UNM women. In brief, uatlon. Call 2<13-3330. 4-17. fits wright, feels wright. Mode my purpose to make student gov­ tertainment a r e to tepresent the ernment more responsible to the my wide experience in AWS has wright, too-many in no·iron PILE OF ~~~~~APARTMENTS pressing problems that will be student body. By student body. Each pet·son on this given me invaluable insight into ROOM AND BOARD for callea'e student.. fabrics treated with the wre­ campus should have a chance to the problems and unlimited po­ Co-edueatlonal, freedom and priY&cJ', faced by Senate next year. this I mean that Fiesta tential of our women." e&rpetine1 heated awimmill&' markable .Wranglok4!1 per­ voice his opinion concerning his MONEY Pool, 1100<1 food, eoJOr TV and otadJ' "While I realize that these are a student sena­ Auditions for the Fiesta tal­ • • • lounges. Ao low a• $29.25 a week for manent press finish. Mr• student life. The Senate should ent show will be held Sunday, ~~ and bau-d, The Coliea'e Inn, 103 important considerations, I ex­ tor should actively get out and ....., N.E., 243-2881. also make a greater effort to pro­ April 23, from 1 to 4 p.m. and to buy Wrangler sportswear Is pect that all Senators will try to talk with the students; only in mote pt•ograms which benefit the Election Coverage FOR RENT Monday, April 24, from 7 to here, on compos, in your size. work for the benefit of the entire this way can· their views be ex­ students. 9:30 p.m. in the Union theater. ADOBE house Placita•, '55.00 per month, Planned by KUNM furnished. Fireplace, 3 room•, opaclollll, student body, so I would like to pressed in Senate. Since the leg­ "If elected, I will work toward The winners of the Fiesta tal­ your auto solid old charm updated by gas heat. improving and expanding the on­ KUMN, the university radio el«trle appliances, Call 867-2886, 4/12, devote this statement to the spe­ islation acted upon by the Senate ent show will represent UNM ta, 14, 17. campus tutorial project and the 1 at the regional show sponsored station, will begin its coverage of cific task to which I would devote affects the entire student body, Insurance CAIRD-NORRIS REALTY rent.: teacher evaluation program. In by International Artist Pro­ the spring student elections with SPECIAL: FulT!isbed on eftleien· my term as Senator: institution this is vitally important in con­ addition, more cultural events and cy, utlltles included. Low-low price $50. ductions of Hollywood. the broadcast of a debate between ONE-ROOM apartml!ftt with bath and of a student lobby in the New tributing to more coordination big-na\ne entertainers are needed, Every college and junior col­ candidates for the three major at ••• ll'alley kitchen, all for S55 lneludlq and at prices all students can af­ lege will be represented at the utilities. Mexico state legislature. This between the views of the student ford. There should be more activi­ offices at 7:20 today. LARGE apartment, 2 bedroom, new would enable the students of and the programs acted upon in Regional Talent Show on May famlahlnp, eftlcieney> kitchen. AU utlt­ ties in which the town students 19. The regional winner will The public affairs department ltlea included. UNM to present their situation can participate. They often miss CENTRAL INSURANCE AGENCY EFFICIENCY apartmentl, 1 block we~~t student government. receive a $500 award. Applica­ of KUNM will recap the issues of UNM, 79.50 to 85, all utlllites paid. to the legislature and be repre­ "If I am elected to this office much of the enjoyment of campus tions fol' the Fiesta show are and candidates in a program at Borne with Improvement.. Furnished, life. Freshman orientation needs 3208 Monte Vista Blvd. NE olr.. treet parkine. sented not only in campus affairs I will personally communicate due Saturday, April 22, and 7:20 Thursday night. Election ' Call SAM COOPER, 265·8571, evenlqa improvement, possibly an upper may be picked up in the Ac· Telephone 265-64n Alter Hours 296-3537 842-8280. COOPER'S, Albuquerque but also in state problems that with the ·students· on this cam­ classman "buddy system" could returns will be broadcast Friday FU.ItNISHED room with private bath and tivities Center of the Union. entrance, near Unlveraity, Call 268-4411 directly affect the student.'' pus.'' be started.'' night beginning at 5 p.m. I I or 265-G989. 4/14, 17, 111, zo. THE FAIR STORE, Albuquerque
