Sandspur, Vol. 72 No. 08, March 11, 1966
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University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 3-11-1966 Sandspur, Vol. 72 No. 08, March 11, 1966 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 72 No. 08, March 11, 1966" (1966). The Rollins Sandspur. 1276. ROLLIN jjd~Year No. 8 JJ^J^OJ-UNTSJSANDSPUR, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA March 11, 1966 ^ofessor Hufstader Resigns [fter 14 Years As Music Head >tuden Prof. Robert Hufstader, director Prof. Hufstader also conducted cf Rollins College Conservatory of Music for the past 14 years, has the Bach Circle Orchestra and lesigned because of illness and Chorus and gave private lessons accessor is expected to be in voice and piano. ,.amed "soon." A native of Hornell, New York, the music educator graduated 'xhe noted music educator was apt stricken a few days before the from Lafayette High School in Buf kadi Festival and, under orders falo, was educated at Eastman from his physician, could not con School of Music and at the Con tinue final rehearsals nor conduct servatoire Americaine in Fontaine- United] the large production March 3-5. bleau, France. lered Until a new director is appoint He studied piano with Jane Armi ed, administrative duties of the Showerman McLeod in Buffalo and U-kaj. conservatory are divided among conducting with George Szell in !• The the faculty members with Ross New York City. *at Rosazza acting as coordinator. Ros- Prof. Hufstader began his dis spert azza, who is associate professor of tinguished career as head of the Zeh- voice, is also serving as acting di music department at University of n Di- rector of the Chapel Choir. Buffalo, then became assistant pro fessor of music at Princeton be Test The Rollins Singers will fulfill fore moving to New York. their previously scheduled en- During World War H, he served guest igements for this spring with stu in the U.S. Army and the Air two dent Robert (Bob) Austin conduct Professor Hufstader Corps. veral ing. thai the summer school at Julliard In addition to his abilities as a When Prof. Hufstader announ y of, School of Music. He became affili choral director—attested to by the >tion ced his unexpected resignation, ated with Julliard in 1945 as di excellence of our own Chapel •de- Rollins Pres. Hugh F. McKean said: rector of veteran's education then Choir and the Bach Choir of Cen L by "Mr. Hufstader has brought mu was appointed head of its Exten tral Floridians — Prof. Hufstader sic to new heights at Rollins. He nost sion and Preparatory Divisions in also is a skilled accompanist, a has made the Bach Festival an ased 1946. thorough teacher, chamber music event of national importance. I re While at Julliard, Prof. Huf performer, and specialist in me gret that dedication to his work (en- stader formed and directed the dieval music. has undermined his health. He has It "Hufstader Singers" and today, Plus these accomplishments, my best wishes for a well-deserved re- anyone searching for recordings of Prof Hufstader has ably presided rest and speedy recovery." Georgian Chants will find the at the keyboard (and directed the Les Elgart will play at President McKean's Ball as part of Fiesta Before joining the Rollins facul name of this group in the listings. music) for several musicals pro this year. ty, Prof. Hufstader was director of During his years in Manhattan, duced by the Rollins Players. Dubois Donates $85000 To Construct Les Elgart Booked New Student Health Center Building To Play At Fiesta Students who have suffered from be ready for use soon after college tory, emergency hospital room, Les Elgart and his orchestra, tile group received the Cash Box broken bones, upset stomachs or re-opens in the fall. physical therapy room, plus an of one of America's leading dance Award as the most popular orches accidents requiring treatment at fice for a nurse-receptionist, lobby, The Charles A. and Allyne bands, has been scheduled to pro tra in America. Elgart has also the old dispensary have long Health Center will be built on the and medical records section. vide the music for President Mc been cited as the nation's favorite known that a new facility was Osceola Ave. property where A special emergency entrance band by Billboard magazine. needed urgently. "Lingerlong" is located. The cur also is included in the plans. Kean's famed dance on April 16th Through the generosity of Mr. rent dispensary operation is set A senior (a reliable one who has at the Langford Hotel. This dance This year marks the second time and Mrs. Charles A. DuBois of Con- up in a building on Holt Ave. rent been given care at the dispensary will climax them three-day pro that President McKean has gen three or four times) said that along cinnati, whose daughter Carole is ed by the college. gram of mFiesta activities. with this new physical plant, "oth erously consented to sponsor the a Rollins sophomore, establish DuBois, who recently was re er improvements" are essential in The well known Les Elgart all-college dance. When the dance ment of a new health center will elected president of the Rollins giving medical treatment to stu group has been recognized as one was innovated last year it proved soon become a reality. Parents Assn., decided to donate dents, especially in case of emer Mr. and Mrs. DuBois jjiave made this addition after hearing stu of the top bands in the entertain to be one of the highlights of gencies. a gift of $85,000 for the center. dents chat about the "old" in ment industry. In 1960 this versa Fiesta and the school year. He cited these needs as being: Architect is John T. (Jack) Watson firmary. and technical advice is being given "Better emergency equipment, 24- by Dr. Russell Ramsey, official col- The much-needed center for out hour a day service, more staff so lege physician. patient care of students will be that students are not required to Union Committee Plans Speech constructed in the gracious Medi I According to a late report from stand in line — sometimes missing terranean style that has become classes because of this situation." President Hugh F. McKean's of By Leroi Jones For Tuesday a Rollins trademark. fice, plans for the center are vir The doctors and Mrs. Ethel tually completed and will be sub In its 4,400 square feet of in Wheeler (college nurse) were Controversial Negro playwright his plays have been produced off- Broadway and one of them, "The mitted for bids this month. Con terior space there will be adequate praised by this student for doing Leroi Jones will speak on the Rol Dutchman," was supposed to be struction is expected to begin this space for four treatment rooms, a "great job with what they have lins Campus next week, according made into a movie. This poet- summer and the building should two consultation rooms, a labora to work with." to a recent announcement of the Union Program Board. Appearing playwright has twice been the re in the Annie Russel Theater on cipient of a Guggenheim Fellow Tuesday, March 15, at 8 p.m., Mr. ship and has taught at Columbia Jones will discuss the contempor University. ary theater in a talk open to the One of his most successful re college only. cent projects was the Black Arts Originally booked to speak on Repertory Theater-School, which the civil rights movement as part he founded. Aided by federal anti- of the "Distinguished Personality poverty funds, the school taught Series" of the Union Educational remedial math and recalling and Eentertainment Committee, Jones' also produced plays designed to appearance was cancelled when ob make Negroes aware of their cul jections to his extremist views tural heritage. were raised. To fulfill the contract, Jones has temporarily abandon the Fine Arts Committee arranged ed writing to take a hand in civil for him to discuss the theater. rights activities. Personally he is Jones brings to his appearance bitterly anti-white and has many here a record of recent successes interesting, if extreme, ideas about and fame in the theater which the American race problem. qualifies him as a knowledgeable "I don't see anything wrong with Mr. Charles Dubois and President McKean examine $85,000 contribution by Mr. and Mrs. Dubois made and interesting speaker. Many of hating white people," Jones says. a model of the new Student Health Center. A the new building poss.ble. March 11, ^ PAGE TWO THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR 19 THE 'SPUR SPEAKS Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes the hum of Rollins baseball. We believe that it's only proper and fitting to devote our editorial this week to the Rollins Tars who have done their share in past years in making the nameRollins known throughout the country. 9 ryi. The days of Art Brophy, "Big" John Gray and little Butch Cooke was apprehended a few weekends ago Nick Vancho are gone, but many of their fans remain loyal booked for smugggling dirty underwear across the County to Rollins baseball. This is the type of loyalty we hope line, but he beat the rap.