University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1967 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 4-17-1967 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 070, No 93, 4/17/ 1967 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1967 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 070, No 93, 4/17/1967." 70, 93 (1967). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1967/39 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1967 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .J Iii• l"d I (' ........... f ' Page 4. NEW MEXICO LOBO Friday, April 14, 1967 '3 7 'g, ? "t 9 . Un3cXw Hokona Hall Dance There wiJI be a danco tonight in the Hokona Hall study room from 8 to midnight. Music will • be by the "Beau Chante" and ad­ ClevWif9er Directs Top Stars Highlight Meet mission will be 50 cents. UNM's F~·ee University which Free U. received more positive responses Third Semester ··· begins its third semester of the classes but said he plans to cla:sses this week, is primarily the than in the two preceding sessions. attend as many class(ls as pos. product of the efforts of Larry T~n pr~fessors will participate sibl!l to evaluate the program. Clevenger, a sophomore and chair­ th1s sprmg and more 'Will instruct in the fail session if student in­ Clevenger said he hopes. the• pro. man of the Free U program. gram will continue 'grow, to Makers Qf Hand M~1ae terest .continues to expand. to Clevenger and his committee of initiate currie-plum reforms· and Clevenger _has been working Indian Jewelry six, mailed about 600 requests to improve student-faculty;~e]ations. OLD TOWN on the Free U program since ls.st faculty members for instructors spring} ' Clevenger is an a~tive mem­ in Free U courses. He said they d~-!! He is not registered in any of ber of the SAE frater;nity and the .-;;:: Baptist Student Union and will r· - serve as president of that organ­ ization next year. He is majoring For in philosophy. Information on Next summer Clevenger hopes Horn Criticizes to sec-pre a position in the Baptist Matson Lines foreign mission program, "There are plenty of opportunities to South Seas travel if a fellow is lucky enough .,., . ~ Thorson's to grab them." Cruise Plan Larry is presently actively in­ By CHUCK NOLAND form calling for establishment of volved in campaigning for Tom University An "unrealistic approach" to a pre-registration program at Horn for Associated Students the problems of student govern­ UNM to simplify the registration Programs­ ment was charged to John Thor­ process. son, candidate for Associated Stu­ "In contrast, I have proposed dents president, by candidate Tom programs which could realistical­ and other Horn in a debate before about 20 ly be accomplished by the presi­ persons in the Hokona Hall study dent in the space of a year," Horn student travel....... lounge last night. said. ~,.,c.u ''r~.: "I don't think we as president­ "A New Image" SEE ial candidates are justified in go­ ing to the students and promising Thorson countered Horn's TEXAS A&M's RANDY MATSON will be here Saturday night C(;Ifill(' ). ~" ·o ']'--S'4•rn ••'~ ' to change things over which stu­ charges by asserting that Horn's platform, designed in Horn's in a triangular track meet where he will share the spotlight -- .... ____ - .. - II I. ~ ~- ~It' dent government does not have the with Kansas' Jim Ryun. The powerful 6-6\lz, 258-pound Texan the final authority," Horn said. words to "create a new image of NEW MEXICO'S TOP CHALLENGERS to Kansas' se~sational UNM to the city, the state, and is the only man ever to throw the shot over 70 feet. He holds Jim Ryun in the triangular track meet here Saturday mght are ~g~.Jf{a~ "?. Pre-Registration Process the world record in that event with a toss of 70-7 ~. Last week the nation," was concentrated expected to be Web Loudat, left, and Australian George Scott. Horn, speaking in the first of a he set a U.S. collegiate mark in the discus with a throw of 213-9. 2212 CENTRAl. AVE., SE 'tJ'I primarily on external problems Loudat is an up and coming UNM miler and Scott is an estab­ cJ) series of campaign debates be­ Right Across Central From UNM facing the University and not on lished distance ace on the national scene. tween candidates, refen-ed to a problems of immediate interest to (LOBO photo by Kendaii) plank in Thorson's campaign plat- the average student on campus. "Let's start here and now to WANT ADS deal with problems that face each CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES: student as he goes about the cam­ 4 line nd., 65¢-4 times, $2.00. Insertions must be submitted by noon on day be~ore The Baptist Student Union pus daily," Thorson said. publication to Room 159, Student Pubhca· Opposition Shown Both candidates emphasized lions Building, or telephone 277-4002 or invites you to hear ,, 277-4102. the need for better communica­ SJTUAl'IONS WANTED tions between the student govern­ OUT-OF-STATE college student wants to ment and the student body and work for room & board. Must be nc­ DR. NOBEL BROWN To Language Rule the need for the president to ces•ible to UNM. Refs. available. Write Cnt'Ol J\laller, 221 Center St., Mankato, Thirty per cent of the 300 stu­ maintain contact ~th student J\linn. 4/10, 12, 13, 14. groups to gauge opinion. Professor of New Testament Interpretation dents questioned in a recent poll HELP W::A~N:.::T.=E:=D_ ___,--:---:- by a student senate committee Other debates between the can­ _W_A_N_'l'_E_D_:--=:C-=ol""les<.:...e_mcn witn n ffnlr £or at The Nigerian Baptist Seminary Ogbomosho Nigeria concerning existing language re­ didates are scheduled this week. ac.t.}on. 'Excellent ~ny wb\le you learn. The second will be held at 1 p.m. Promotional opportunities·. Go ~h.cre the quirement oppose the require­ TOM !lORN, CANDIDATE for Associate Students president addresses a ero~d- of about 20 in the action is. Sec the Naval Avmbon In­ tomorrow in the Union Snack study lounge_ of llok'!na Hall last nigh~ n_s John Thorson, another candidate, takes notes. James Flag. MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 3:30, STUDENT UNION THEATER ments. Bar. formation Team nt the Placement Cen· The poll asked the students if a!ead,_ ~e..t.ttmt eaud•date to declar!' his mtent tP',"l."Un for t!'e presidency, was present but did not parti" ter, 17th-21st April. 4/14, 17, 19, MONDAY: THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN AFRICA James Flagstead, the third can. c~pate m the deb!lte. 4 panel .of sr:x representatives of different campus organizations asked ques­ TEACHERS wanted, Southwest, entire they were in favor of the lang­ didate for president, did not parti­ West and Alaska. Salaries $5400 up. uage requh·ements, if they had tions on the can~Idates campaign platforms and election issues. The debate was the first in a series Free regi•tartion. Southwest Teachers WEDNESDAY: A RATIONALE FOR CHRISTIAN MISSIONS cipate in last night's debate. scheduled for htrs week. The second will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the Union Snack Bar. (LOBO Agency, 1303 Central Ave. NE. based their choice of degree-grant­ Photp by Pawley,) ing colleges on the requirements, PART-TIME JOB a' student repre.enta­ tive previewing new products with UNM and if they bad constructive com­ students. $120. per mo. guaranteed plus ments about the language re­ incentive bonuses jf you meet our re­ quirements. J\lust be nvnilable 20 hrs. n quirement. One hund1·ed eighty week & interested in expressing new dorm residents and 120 off-campus ideas, Apply in person Friday, April 14, Win a free trip Pozo Seco Singers 10 :30 a;m. or 2 p.m. nt Student Place­ residents were contacted. Called ''C a sua I" ment Center. By JIM PATTERSON The results indicate that one­ being strictly folk, folk-rock or group's pleasure in performing PHARMACEUTICAL sales. Degree--any fourth of the students in the Col­ Casual was the word for Wed­ pop singers. Don said that the broadcast during the intermission nature, SG,GOO. )'ear. car. expenses, here and hoped they would return of the Cleveland Symphony on bonus. Mountain States Employment home to get lege of Education chose their col­ nesday night's performance by best way to describe their type of someday. Service, First Nat'!. Bank Bldg. Down­ lege because language study was the Pozo-Seco Singers in the -song was to simply label it "Pozo­ Saturday. The symphony is sche­ town. 4/13, 14, 17, 19. KUNM conducted an interview duled .'.from 8:15 to 9 p.m. on not required. Results also indi­ Union ballroom. And so it went Seco." Susan expressed the with the singers which will be FOR SALE money! cate that almost one-fifth of the during the interview the trio KUNM, 90.1 on FM radio. SYMPHONIC stereo high fidelity set, students enrolled in University nil-wood cabinet, table modeL $50 or (Or enough Sprite to gave the LOBO-in fact, we ex­ be;t oft'er. See at Room 159, Student College intend to base their col­ changed questions rather than Publications Bldg. JIM RYUN, world record holder in the mile and the half-mile.
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