Telethon Kids Institute Has a Strong Track Record in Research, Evaluation and Implementation Related to Improving Child Development Outcomes in the Early Years
22 May 2016 Commissioners Jonathan Coppel and Julie Abramson National Education Evidence Base Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East PO Melbourne VIC 8003 Dear Commissioners The Telethon Kids Institute has a strong track record in research, evaluation and implementation related to improving child development outcomes in the early years. It was a key partner in the adaption and piloting of the Early Development Index in Australia, and its subsequent national dissemination as the Australian Early Development Census. Through its WA Child Health Survey and the seminal WA Aboriginal Child Health Survey, the Telethon Kids Institute has provided the evidence and recommendations for many child health initiatives. It also has a proud history of advocacy, having lobbied for services through education and health, contributing to the various models of family, child and parent centres and visiting midwife schemes. In addition, the Telethon Kids Institute, in partnership with 14 State government agencies, has set up one of the largest linked data capabilities in Australia, and arguably, the world. This capacity links data from the majority of the health, education and social service agencies in WA, to enable research, monitoring and evaluation of children’s outcomes across a number of domains (i.e. health, education, child maltreatment, mental health, disability, justice and housing). Some data were collected in the 1960s, with the majority collected since 1980 for individuals born in WA. The Telethon Kids Institute has always worked closely with community and service providers to both frame the research approach and translate research findings into policy and practice. This approach is entrenched in the Institute's strategic plan: Working Together 2013-2017 and described in a number of programs in its IMPACT report.
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