The Professional Journal for the Ice Sports Industry SPRING 2018 CONFERENCE PROSPECTUSInside In-House HockeyHockey Ammonia SafetySaf ISI Field RepsRep NOV.NOV. 2727 SAVE $100 - ATTENDEE REGISTRATION Register by April 15 to receive Advance Rate Hilton Alexandria Mark Center Alexandria, VA June 5-8 SKATEISI.ORG/CONFERENCE LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! CHANCE LAST IN THIS ISSUE VOL. 20, NO. 3 Spring 2018 Ammonia 12 Safety ICE SPORTS INDUSTRY 6000 Custer Rd., Bldg. 9 2018 ISI Plano, TX 75023 Phone: 972-735-8800 Conference & Fax: 972-735-8815 Trade Show email:
[email protected] website: 19 Prospectus PUBLISHER Ice Sports Industry EDITOR Eileen Viglione EDITORIAL ADVISORS Kim Hansen Liz Mangelsdorf ADVERTISING/ TRADE SHOW DIRECTOR Carol Jackson GRAPHIC DESIGNER Selma Filipovic CONTRIBUTORS Robin L. Bentley-Graham Playing with Teach Skaters the Lisa Fedick 24 House Money 27 Proper Warm Up Alyssa Fort Jordan Mann Jane Schaber Art Sutherland Andrea Viglione 4 CrossCuts 26 Education Foundation Report 6 Leadership Message Robyn L. Bentley-Graham Jane Schaber 27 Teach Skaters the The ISI EDGE (USPS 017-078, ISSN 1522-4651) is 8 ISI Field Representatives Proper Warm Up published quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) by Alyssa Fort the Ice Sports Industry, 6000 Custer Road, Building 9, Plano, TX 75023. Periodicals postage paid at Plano, TX, 11 Goals for the New Year and at additional mailing offices. 30 Coaches’ Corner POSTMASTER NOTE: Send address changes to ISI 12 Ammonia Safety Kim Hansen EDGE, c/o The Ice Sports Industry, 6000 Custer Road, Art Sutherland Building 9, Plano, TX 75023. Printed in the U.S.A.