Education *Environmental Educaltion

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Education *Environmental Educaltion Si 0 DOCUMENtRESUME. 584' ED 10( 686. $8` SE 018 TITLE Art K-3, Environmentaleducation.Guide. , INSTITUTION Project I-C-E, Green Bay, Wis. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Elementabr and SecondaryEducation (DHEW/OE), Washington, D.C.; Wisconsin StateDept. of Public Instruction, Madison. PUB DATE (743 NOTE 62p.- PRICE MP-$0. 75 MC-$3.15 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Art Education; ConservAtionEdUcation; *Elementary Educaltion; Instructional ' Education *Environmental Materials; Interdiscipkinary Aproach; Learning ActivitieSvNatural Resources; Outdoor Ethic tion; Primary Education; Science Edu ation;*Teachi o Guides 7 IDENTIFIERS, Elementary Secondary Educatio Act Title III; ESEA Titles /IT; Instruction Curriculum-Environsint ) . *Project / t E IP , .14 , -- ABSTRACT I This art education Oxide, t use ingraaes°K-3, is one of a series, of,guides, K-12, that were (Uveloped by teachersto ,. helpintroduce environmental education.inthetotal curriculum. The guides are supplempntary in design,containi g a series, of episodes (minilessons) that are designed to wake stud'A!ntsztosightsoof beauty and harmony in their'enviroAment.The episoclets are 'built around 12 major environmental concepts that form afr iework for each grade or subject area, as well as for thentire K-1program. Although the same Concepts areusedthrougho t the K-12ro4ram, emphasis is a plac4d on different aspects4ofiach concept at ifferent grade levels or in differentsubject areas. This guide ocuse on aspects such as design in nature, kites, acid blockprintin N'Tbmi\12 concepts are , covered in one of the episodes containedi the guide. Further,,each _________e-p-isede-io-ffers subject area integration,,, s bject rea activities, Anterdisplinary activities, cognitive an a_ffec ive behavioral objectives, and suggested references andr0Source materials useful,to teachers and students.,.(Author/TK) / . I S o. U.S.' NATIONALEDUCATION DEPARTMENTOF INSTITUTE &WELFARE HEALTH. OF STATEDATINGTHEDUCE°.TES PERSONDOCUMENT IT EicACTLYDO-NOT POINTS CAIEDUCATION ORGANIZATIONNECESSARILYOF HASAS viEW RECEIVED BEEN OR OPINIONS ,REPRO REPREORIGIN FROM EDUCATIONSENT OFFICIAL POSITION NATIONAL OR POLICYINSTITUTE OF BESICOPIMILABLE 4 RIGHTED"PERMISSIONRobert MATERIAL TO J. REPRODL4-4-- HAS Warpinski.. BEEN GRANTED THIS COPY BY UNDERTO ERIC AGREEMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS WITH THEi-C-E NATIONALOPERATING _IN. ,4c----4-2U.IRESOWNoucNoNSTITUTE PERMISSIONOEOUTSIDE EDUCATION THE Or FURTHERERICTHE SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT REPRO RE G. (Instruction-Curriculum-Environment)PROJECT I -- E- BEST COPT AMALIE Green 1927B6y,(414) Main*Wisconsin 468-7464. Street 54301 r. PO PROJECT STAFF' Robert KellnerGeorge RobertHowlett,Terrence Warpinski -Jr. - Hess-E. - E.DirectorAssistant Specialist Directors Nancy TimmALL LynnRIGHTS Kuehn RESERVED --Secretaries The WisconsinTheseto a materialsgrant Department under "were Title ofproduced III,Public E,S.E.A.-pursuant Instruction Serving AN' .SchoolsWisconsin in PrOjectCooperative Area No. "BV Educational59-70-0135-4. Regional ProjectService ttecncies'3-8-9 Coordinator,Ludwig PetersenG.E..S.A. #3,Coordinator,ProjectJohn Administrator------__ F. C.E.S.A. David #9Coordinator,Kenneth C.E.S.A.Poppy #8 In 1969, theFORWARD First TOEnvironmental PROJECT I -C -EENVIRONMENTALclearlyasaffected indicates EDUCATION by the that environmentGUIDES we cannot Qualitythatthein thetime legislation, UnitedEducation of the Statesintroduct.on. ActIstated: Congress.wasproposed ofAt justThenecessary,sourcestions raceuse to'ndustry ofpollution.industrybetween but not educationandandsufficient." otherThatprescrip- andis Nation'screasingthe"There ominous'deteriorationunderstanding environmentthreatis a dire of by needirreversible Americansand toWetheof improve°must thein- of confrontintioncatastrophesaving a systematicif ourwe the marshall environmentcan long-term mannerbe wonour and bythroughapproachresources educa-squarely theto allecological.deficientservationIn become the three planet."of stetardscatastrophe. life years on for oursince theresource- thepre- nature,processplaceAs the and weofincessant role. must_reexamineeducation.Our conqueror world our isWe ofno happenedpassedEnviromtentalfectivereinforce by environmentalin thethe the Congress,Educationgreat United need educationStates Actmuchfor was hasef-to effortsfromconstantlylonger.Rachel many anto Carson's endlessofachieveare our feeling ill=conceived frontier.themeprogress. the ofbacklash continuingquateThefor intensivethe energy Nation's degradation resource,concern young over people.ofthe ourade- air, stancelessftreverence mysticNa as ourfor and,eyeslife" ofare ismore openedbecomingsub- to broughtagainstandronmentalthe water,economic the'.questionpollution qualityand costs the haveof-discuss:Lonof ofthis thewarallthe nation envi- ove5/ mucheducationunderthatembracingstrong of newthe commitmentthe working guisewillprogram havoc helpof definition weoftoprogress. us haveanenvironmental toall- wroughtfindofA public-ihhumantics_butto,w.coricernThe race.intense ofthe the notquality-ofinterest survival merely byof ofour the'aeSthe- the lives progifessonto thisthe- Senatorcontinued-presenceplanet. thatGaylord is,, a pre-requisite Nelson of life "A people without a religionART PREFACE of beautyinhabitHerbert a wasteland" Read principlesEarthandsupplySince "environment" has theof also natural-resources-toprehistoricof designinspired have in cavelong thebuilding paintingsl\rtistssinceartist create andbeen to rebuilding capturecolors,merged.,-- haveitsforms,cities. beautyrelied patterns, andInon. short, tothe textures, tap Earth the its words for naturaland a ideas."artist"vast Thisprotect..upandfor students-to livingyourbooklet use,It organisms ofis adaptation, theepisodes,timesights tothat offset based-of.theyor theuse on=twelve andnegativism andenjoy, harmonyenvironmentvconcepts,It surroundingisbut aroundup which to the them,they environmentalteachers mustin hasthe wisely of-naturalteaching artproblems conserve toelements ideas° , wake by and Atdeveloping the elementary in students level, the the powermajor to emphasis shapeand is enjoyon kindling beauty0 aesthetic- thru the awareness.arts. c:5? It Toenvironmentalforshould achieve a life be thethistime. .goal, please upon findwhich hereinchildren simple develop- activities visual and aesthetic projects discrimination with BEST COPAVAILAW :4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT r TheD,Project C.interest.and Aderhold, 1-C-E Environmental BendueldedicatedeffortEducation of theK-12John following series: Cowling, teachersfroM Niagara Wisconsin Area "B"DonaldRoberthas led Haen,Hale, to"the Luxemburg-Casco-Winneconne development of the MaryEbgeneJoan,(. Anders,Aliotb,'Denmark' Anderson, Winneconne PeShtigo o NicholasSaraJames Curtis,Curran, Dal Santo,Green Green BayBayPembine RussRaymondLee Hallberg, Hanseter, Hammond, Appleton' Seymour Hortonville `JohnWaiterPeggy.James Anderson; Anderson,Anderson,Anderson; Peshtigo GreenGreenWausaukee Bay JudyJohnEllenDuaneCarol DeGraVe, DeWan,DePuydt,DeGroot,DeLorme, Green W. GillettAshwaubenonGredn DePere Bay Bay BillHerbertBethEmmajean Harper,Hakins, Hardt,DGibraltcr Hamelin, LenaXavier, Sevastopol Appleton .LOwellWilliam_Baggs,"ShioctonAnthonyDr.Angela Harold Baltz;Anthony,Balistreri,,Hbward-Suamico Baeten,St..Nprbert, Weyauwega Gibraltar DePereDennisRobertaR.Robert A. Dirks, H." pobrzenski,Dix, Dickinson; St.Gillett Joe's White,Lake Oconto Acad., G.B. TerryMikeRobertJeromeGary Hawkins,Heil,Heckel, Herz,Hennes, Denmark St.MarinetteXavier; Little James Appleton ChuteLuth., Shawano WilliamDavid.RobertBonnie Bartz; Beamer,Becker;Behring, Sturgeon ColemanFox Lourdes, Valley Bay OshkoshLuth., Appl. RaymondPhyllisJanetLindaDarwiriEastmen, Elinger,Eiting, Emerich,Ellefson, AppletonAshwaubenon AppletonHortonville Wash. Island WendellCatherineJoeNannette Hucek, Hillskotter, Hoppe,Ruppert, Pulaski Howard-Suamico DePere4." Weyauwega David Bell, Neenah . Gene Hurrish, Green pay LouseneMarieLauraLillian Below,'ClAtonvilleBerken, Benter,Berges, Oconto GillettSeymour Falls Rev.BillieKeithMike-Ercegovac,Gery Bruno Farrell,Fawcett, Feichtinger, Frigo, MenashaW. Winneconne AbbotDePere Green Pennings, Bay DePere SueBarbaraJohnJames Rusting, Hussey, Huss, Huth, FreedomGreen Menasha Bay WilliamBarbaraMerlynCameliaPeter Biolo, Blonde, Bohne,JeanBlecha, W.Bobrowitz, KimberlyShawanoDePere Grep Bay GreenBay ArminAnnDonaRaymond Fuhrmann, Geeding,Gerhardt, 'Gantenbein, MarinetteMenasha Appleton Green Bay KathleenDeAnnaDarrellSr. Claudette Johnson, Johnson,Jonen, Jeanquart, KaukaunaDenmark Hortonville St.LenaCharles, BobCliffordJoanGallen Church,Charnetski, Braun, Christensen, Little' Lena. .-Sevastopol Chute Winneconne MikeLillianRev.JackLeroy Giach.ino,GordonGleffe, Gerl, Godd#rd, Gilsdorf, OcontoSt. Seymour MatthewsColeman Sao\redGreen Heart, BayOneidaKenPaulEsterSr. LoisKappell, Kane, Kaatz, Jonet, Ashwaubenon St.Wausaukee Holy Alousius, Angels, Ka.Appletonukauna WillardMerleKathrynLee. Clasen, Cole,-qiilettColburn,,Algoma Collins,Coiburn, Luxemi2urg-Casco CrivitzAlgoma Sr.MichaelKaren,g.runwald,Charles Barbara Haasch,Gostas, H' Pulaskifreedomp.St. St. James Bernard, Luth., G.B. Shawano MelMikeMaryKenKris Kasen, Keliher,Kersten,Chriss,Karpinen, Gibraltar HortonvilleAppletonSuring W. DePere KenRonalda\ Couillard,-Horconville Conradt,\Shiocton RobertJanelle J. Hagertyrreetion,Haglund, Green Bay G.B.. George Kreiling, Marinette James Krenek, Coleman !tichardMInten, W. DePere Arthur Schelk,Suring FrafikDouglasEverettBernadyne Koehn, Koch,Klinzing, King, Resurrection,Cath. Neenah New Cent.,
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  • Athena Tacha: an Artist's Library on Environmental Sculpture and Conceptual
    ATHENA TACHA: An Artist’s Library on Environmental Sculpture and Conceptual Art 916 titles in over 975 volumes ATHENA TACHA: An Artist’s Library on Environmental Sculpture and Conceptual Art The Library of Athena Tacha very much reflects the work and life of the artist best known for her work in the fields of environmental public sculpture and conceptual art, as well as photography, film, and artists’ books. Her library contains important publications, artists’ books, multiples, posters and documentation on environmental and land art, sculpture, as well as the important and emerging art movements of the sixties and seventies: conceptual art, minimalism, performance art, installation art, and mail art. From 1973 to 2000, she was a professor and curator at Oberlin College and its Art Museum, and many of the original publications and posters and exhibition announcements were mailed to her there, addressed to her in care of the museum (and sometimes to her colleague, the seminal curator Ellen Johnson, or her husband Richard Spear, the historian of Italian Renaissance art). One of the first artists to develop environmental site-specific sculpture in the early 1970s. her library includes the Berlin Land Art exhibition of 1969, a unique early “Seed Distribution Project” by the land and environmental artist Alan Sonfist, and a manuscript by Patricia Johanson. The library includes important and seminal exhibition catalogues from important galleries such as Martha Jackson’s “New Forms-New Media 1” from 1960. Canadian conceptual art is represented by N.E Thing, including the exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada, and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Projects Class cards, both in 1969.
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