Enfield to Leightonfield Review Acceptance Date Rev Date Revision Description Checked Ind.Rev Approved Designed Signature 2/09/2016 2/09/2016

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Enfield to Leightonfield Review Acceptance Date Rev Date Revision Description Checked Ind.Rev Approved Designed Signature 2/09/2016 2/09/2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ED 120 ED ED ED ED ED 176PI ED 110U 122 502S 141D ED ED ED ED 144D ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED 175 176 167D 172D 179 ED 150 ED 103D 105 107 106D 108 109 112 111 116 130 119 125 126 128 501S 504S 139 148PI 148 152 143U 158 144 ED ED ED ED ED 219U 146U ED ED ED REPT 163PI ED 13.529 km 161 163 178 169U 174U 181 ED 192U ED 13.556 km 164 ED 13.556 km ED ED ED 13.719 km 13.793 km 13.858 km 14.054 km 13.960 km 14.038 km 14.186 km 14.327 km 14.296 km 14.905 km 14.486 km 14.861 km 14.898 km 14.895 km 14.905 km 14.314 km 14.376 km 14.861 km 14.407 km 14.310 km 14.928 km 14.686 km 14.782 km 14.939 km REPTR 14.939 km 201 217 235D 248D 15.231 km 15.232 km 193 192U 247 15.250 km 15.290 km 15.493 km 15.697 km 15.819 km 15.324 km 15.392 km ED ED 187D ED ED ED ED A ED ED ED ED ED ED 207 ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED A 182 197 199 191 196 194 203 208 210 190D 221 218 236 237 249 251 259D 250U 261U 258 16.420 km 16.454 km 16.610 km 16.933 km 16.840 km 16.997 km 17.000 km 16.078 km 16.387 km 15.961 km 16.175 km 16.115 km 16.196 km 16.165 km 16.255 km 16.299 km 16.382 km 16.517 km 16.416 km 16.676 km 16.835 km 16.937 km 15.989 km Storm water channel 16.057 km Yard Access Rd Container Terminal Rd Burwood Rd Punchbowl Rd FRAME FRAME C D ED259D ED103D CP B DOWN STORAGE SIDING ED106D SHUNTING NECK BY2 ED141D ED144D ED144REPT ED167D ED172D BY2 BY2 2C ED187D ED190D ED235D ED247 ED248D 2B BY2 BY2 BY2 BY2 BY2 BY2 BY2 BY2 300B 301A DOWN MAIN 2C DOWN MAIN ED107 ED109 339B ED249 341B 345B Chullora ED105 UP MAIN ED143U UP MAIN 333B 339A 338B 340B 343B 344B 345A Junction 303A ED176PI REPT.ED 341A 300A 301B 302A BY2 ED110U BY2 BY2 BY2 ED191 BY2 BY2 ED219U ED236 BY2 ED119 ED179 192U 303B THROUGH ROAD 1 ED139 ED146U LOCO STORAGE 321BT ED169U LOCO STORAGE ED174U 322T 323T ED192U 328T ED221 338A ED250U ED261U ED161 343A C 333A 334T 337T ED112 305T ED175 ED176 ED182 ED193 332T ED237 ED120 316T ED158 A 319BT THROUGH ROAD 1 ED181 ED258 T ED194 Centenary Drive Rail Bridge ROAD#1 Hume Highway Rail Bridge LOCO STORAGE ED163 ED208 ED218 TO SOUTH ROAD #1 to 5 315AT 321AT 325 207 ED251 344A ED150 ED164 ED197 A 326T ED ED122 ED178 ROAD#2 ED253 ED125 THROUGH ROAD 1 TO NECK TO NECK ED217 ED223 ED148PI ED152 319AT ED199 SOUTH ROAD #1 315BT ED163PI ROAD#3 ED196 330T TO NECK ED227 ROAD#4 ED210 ED148 329T 245 ED201 FRAME 327T ED ROAD#5 340A E B 331T B ED G 12.882 km 302B ED111 ED203 ED216 ROAD#6 BY2 101D 12.8 211 2E 304A ENFIELD YARD 213 ED205 ED CP 306A ED ED524S ED108 12.793 km 12.737 km ROAD#7 215 307T ED TO DELEC LOCOMOTIVE ED130 ED126 ROAD#8 MAINTENANCE CENTRE Albert St 306B TO SOUTH ROAD #6 to 8 ED154PI ROAD#9 TO INTERMODAL ED157PI LOGISTICS CENTRE SOUTH ROAD #8 317BT TO NECK TO NECK 318AT NORTH ROAD#10 STAGING ROAD ED128 B YARD LIMIT B ROAD#10 304B ED154 ED157 ED153 317AT ED159 ED101D THROUGH ROAD 2 318BT THROUGH ROAD 2 THROUGH ROAD 2 MARRICKVILLE ED501S ED502S ED511S ED514S ED521S BY2 ED156 ED160 JUNCTION ED116 STAGING ROAD BY2 STAGING ROAD #1 STAGING ROAD #1 BY2 383B 384A BY2 STAGING ROAD #1 387 380 STAGING ROAD #2 STAGING ROAD #2 383A 384B STAGING ROAD #2 BY2 ED504S BY2 BY2 C 15.436 km 16.455 km 16.610 km 16.366 km 16.366 km 16.452 km 16.300 km 16.357 km 16.420 km 15.189 km 15.216 km 15.643 km 15.260 km TO INTERNATIONAL ED523S 16.909 km 15.270 km ED513S 14.866 km 14.936 km ED516S 14.936 km G12.8 14.936 km LOGISTICS CENTRE END YARD LIMIT G ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED 18.5 ED ED ED 153 154PI 156 154 159 157 160 157PI 511S 514S 521S 205 211 215 227 223 245 253 G ED 19.2 ED ED ED ED 216 ED 213 EW 513S 516S 523S 524S 401 C EW C 405 ED 264U EW 407 ED EW EW 262D 418 ED 412 ED ED ED ED ED ED ED EW EW LF6 LF13 282 ED ED ED LF1 LF8 260SF 275NF 273SF LF5 LF9 LF10 LF12 277 278E 280 281 288 286 284 416 420 DIS T LF1 P 2 LF8 LF4 LF11 17.320 km 17.390 km 17.207 km 17.341 km 17.628 km 17.540 km 17.628 km 17.625 km 18.202 km 17.598 km 17.725 km 17.710 km 20.400 km 22.446 km 20.400 km 19.973 km 22.746 km 20.894 km 22.200 km 21.630 km 23.530 km 23.252 km 22.870 km 23.185 km 23.196 km 23.723 km 24.483 km 23.792 km 24.301 km SP 24.116 km 3 Viaduct EW SP3 418 CO DIST ACT Km Change Cooks River Sydney Trains Access Rookwood Rd Underpass Miller Rd Overpass Woodville Rd Overpass Chester Hill Rd Overpass Hector St Underpass 20.970 km 21.230 km 21.680 km 21.287 km 21.070 km 21.966 km 22.434km 20.800km Crossing (gates) 22.380 km LEIGHTONFIELD SEFTON DIVE CHULLORA JUNCTION PACIFIC NATIONAL Woods Rd Underpass Hardstand Private Rd No. Sydney Water Cooper Rd Bridge CHULLORA YARD Auburn Rd Bridge Enfield WEST SIDINGS Footbridge 1 PACIFIC NATIONAL PACIFIC NATIONAL SIDING Yard CHULLORA YARD BHP S IDING DERAIL Birrong Sydney Trains Bankstown Line LY1B No.2 SIDING LY2B LF9 South Chullora YARD LIMIT LF8(P )2 Junction F No.1 SIDING E D286 LF4 218B LF11 D 346 CP E W405 LF5 D E D281 LF1 217B LF8 LY1A LOOP 1285m LY2A LY3 220A 220B 347 CP DIS T LF1 LF12 361B YARD LIMIT 218A 221A OHW END YARD LF10 361A Cutting Cutting MAIN LINE 221B 5G LIMIT 371A E D288 E D273S F C P 2G G BY2 E W407 217A LF13 Villawood 353B E W418 E D262D BY2 E D278E STATION LF6 353A 354B BY2 BY2 371B 373A BY2 BY2 S P 3 E D264U E W418 DIS T 352B G 18.5 BY2 E D280 DOWN GOODS E W401 356B LEIGHTONFIELD BY2 CHESTER HILL E D277 E D284 373B 356A E D260S F OHW BY2 Sydney Trains Main South Line 351 352A 354A BY2 BY2 UP GOODS E W412 275NF BY2 BY2 ED ED E D282 G 19.2 BY2 E W420 S P 3C O.AC T E D265D 17.494 km 265D BY2 SHUNT LIMIT SHUNT LIMIT END YARD E W416 West Chullora YARD LIMIT LIMIT YARD LIMIT Junction ED BY2 17.489 km 267NF Regents Park North Chullora ED267NF Junction E D268 ED 348 17.552 km 268 349A 18.223 km 349B E D270U ED Weeroona Road Bridge 18.1 E E 18.106 km ED BY2 ED 270U 17.701 km 18.7 18.648 km ARTC Lease Sydney Trains END YARD LIMIT SHUNT LIMIT E D18.1 BY2 BY2 18.909 km DOWN MAIN To Flemington Junction BY2 UP MAIN BY2 18.311 km ED 18.895 km ED 272 18.8 E D272 END YARD LIMIT YARD LIMIT 5 11/3/20 Points & signals corrections at Chullora Junction and Enfield. Roads and km change added at Sefton Dive and Leightonfield. Sheet No Sheet © 2015 Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd Drawing standard in accordance with EGP-04-01 & EGP-04-02 1 of 1 Size 4 10/7/19 Leightonfield signal LF13 position corrected Scale ARTC ACCEPTANCE F Designed 2/09/2016 NIB-T0595 A0 Used on / Next higher assembly 3 20/2/19 Updated km’s from verification spread sheet, added Leightonfield access crossing & Sydney Water footbridge and updated Auburn Rd DBOCZ S KHAJOUI NTS F Accepted by NETWORK INFORMATION BOOK Phil Campbell 2 16/5/18 Signal LF1Dist at Leightonfield added. Signal ED272 location moved. ARTC & Sydney Trains boundary added. OHW added. AGIBB RRATH Checked J SPARROW 2/09/2016 TITLE Signed: Ind. Rev. Company Ind. Rev. Name 1 24/7/17 Yard corrections made at Enfield 1. Flemington Junction diagram added AGIBB RRATH Filename: Alternate DMS Number ARTC R. Rath To Pimpino NIB-T0595.VSD Enfield to Leightonfield Review Acceptance Date Rev Date Revision Description Checked Ind.Rev Approved Designed Signature 2/09/2016 2/09/2016 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LF 12 LF12 DIST 24.483 km 25.271 km 25.842 km 26.192 km 27.233 km 25.966 km 26.152 km 27.694 km 27.247 km 32.117 km 32.880 km GF17 33.950 km 34.871 km 34.969 km 35.045 km 35.130 km 35.815 km DIST 36.360 km 37.407 km 37.550 km 37.696 km 38.736 km 38.838 km 38.890 km A A Bareena Street Overpass Fourth Avenue Footbridge Broomfield Street Underpass Lawrence Hargreave Rd Underpass Cabramatta Creek Sandal Crescent Underpass Moore Street Underpass Orphan School Creek Cabramatta Road Overpass Pedestrian Subway Villawood Station Footbridge Horsley Drive South Western Motorway Overpass Newbridge Rd Overpass Private Hospital Overpass Hospital Pedestrian Overpass Liverpool Hospital Emergency Hume Highway Overpass Viaduct Shepard St Underpass Woodbrook Road Underpass Casula State Emergency Access Pedestrian Bridge Glenfield Creek Crossing WARWICK LIVERPOOL CASULA VILLAWOOD CARRAMAR CABRAMATTA FARM LF12 LF12 DIST GF17 Dist.
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