Kinsale Unveils Its Lusitania Schedule
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb THE SOUTHERN STAR SECTION 1 10 NEWS SATURDAY APRIL 4, 2015 NEWS IN BRIEF Kinsale Chocolate fountain in Bandon RIVERVIEW Shopping Centre in Bandon is hosting a Willie Wonka-style Easter celebration on Saturday, April 4th. From 10am until noon, children of all ages will be welcome to take part unveils its in a competition to design their own Easter egg and also be in with a chance to win lots of spot prizes. Foam Easter egg paints will be provided, and there will be face painting too. There will be marshmallows and strawberries for dipping in the chocolate fountain. Caulfield’s Super Valu is supporting the event and the Easter Bunny is heading to Bandon for the day too. Lusitania Rise in Cork hotel prices HOTEL room rates in Cork rose 7% last year according to The average room rate in 2014 was €93 per night, schedule €10 below the national average of €103, making Cork a good value destination for tourists to visit. The figures are based on BY KIERAN O’MAHONY rescue efforts with a twilight bookings made on and the prices shown are those flotilla of work boats, fishing actually paid by customers around the world (rather than the A SERIES of commemorative boats and pleasure craft, each advertised rates) in 2014. events, entitled Lusitania100 illuminated with white lights. Cork will see Kinsale, The Old Cobh will also re-enact Head, Courtmacsherry and the mass funeral procession, Jobs lead to counter offers Cobh come together in associ- while Kinsale is recreating ation with Cork County Coun- the aftermath inquest with A MAJOR survey of over 1,000 employers and jobseekers by cil to pay tribute to the 1,201 descendants of the 1915 jury. Brightwater Recruitment Specialists has revealed that 54% of people who lost their lives in The Old Head Signal Tower Irish professionals have received a counter-offer when consider- the tragedy. is being restored and trans- ing joining a different company. Pay rises of up to 50%, new job The Lusitania was en route formed into a Lusitania mu- titles and greater promotional prospects have all been dangled to Liverpool from New York seum, which will be officially in front of staff by employers keen to keep talented employees. when it sank off the The Old opened on May 7th and there Brightwater’s survey also found that 42% of Irish companies are Head of Kinsale after being are plans to exhibit artefacts now willing to use counter-offers as a matter of policy in retain- targeted by a German U-boat recovered from the wreck. ing key staff, which points to growing confidence in economic in 1915. Eventually the museum will conditions among employers. While the majority of counter- The series of events will not also host an iconic piece of offered employees feel flattered or valued by their employer’s only pay tribute to all those sculpture with the names of all attempts to retain them, less than half actually accept their offer. who lost their lives, but also who sailed on the Lusitania on remember the gallant ef- May 7th 1915. Referendum role for Coveney forts of their ancestors who All four communities will responded with great cour- be hosting Lusitania-related AGRICULTURE and Marine Minister Simon Coveney has been age and compassion to rescue lectures, talks, photographic announced as Director of Elections for Fine Gael’s Marriage survivors, the bereaved and exhibitions, memorabilia and Equality Referendum campaign. Minister Coveney said: ‘As recover the dead in ordinary centenary commemoration someone who believes that marriage equality will make Ireland fishing boats and lifeboats. dinners. a fairer and more equal society, I am firmly committed to a suc- Events planned for the com- A replica of the ship which cessful outcome in this campaign. The Referendum campaign memorations include wreath had its ‘maiden voyage’ at the will enable a national debate on the issue of marriage equality. I laying ceremonies with Pres- recent Courtmacsherry St hope that through an open and honest debate, people will decide ident Michael D Higgins in Patrick’s Day parade is also to vote in favour of equality and fairness. As the largest political Cobh, and Minister Simon Co- on display in Courtmacsherry. party in the country, Fine Gael’s role in this campaign is hugely veney at the Lusitania monu- It got a huge reaction at its important. We will campaign vigorously throughout the country ment on the Old Head, both at ‘unveiling’ at the parade. to convince voters to come out and vote yes on May 22nd.’ 2pm on May 7th, the time the Kinsale History Society and tragedy happened. the Port of Cork have both A number of re-enactments launched schools initiatives, Ball raises €10k for IHF of the tragedy will also take encouraging primary and sec- place with Courtmacsherry ondary students to learn more THE recent sold-out Marketing Institute of Ireland Cork (MII recreating the call to service about the Lusitania. Cork), ‘The Great Marketing Ball 2015’ sponsored by Mater of the RNLI lifeboat. For more information on Private Cork has raised over €10,000 in aid of the Irish Heart They have made a replica of the events see www.visitcork- Foundation (IHF), the national charity for health support for the ‘Kezia Gwilt’ that rowed 12 rk or follow Lusitania100Cork heart and stroke issues. Irene and Carole O’Driscoll were at the launch of Lusitania100 Cork at the Old Head of Kinsale. (Photo: Martin Walsh) miles to the Lusitania in 1915. Cobh will remember their on Facebook Summerove student Shane’s 3D 3XEOLF1RWLFH film commemorates sinking $SSOLFDQW8LVFHeLUHDQQ,ULVK:DWHU BY KIERAN O’MAHONY )RUHVKRUH$SSOLFDWLRQLQUHVSHFWRIWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQRIDQRXWIDOOLQWKHYLFLQLW\ AS four coastal communities RI)HUU\3RLQW WRGLVFKDUJHWUHDWHGHIÁXHQW DQGWKHUHIXUELVKPHQWRIH[LVWLQJ in Cork prepare to mark the centenary this May of the sink- RXWIDOOVDW)R[KROH'XQQHV3DUN3D[HV/DQHDQG7KH6WUDQG ing of the RMS Lusitania, a enthusiastic 5th class student WRGLVFKDUJHVWRUPZDWHU WRVHUYHWKH<RXJKDO0DLQ'UDLQDJH6FKHPH from Summercove School in Kinsale, has produced a short 3D film to commemorate the Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 19B (3) Foreshore Act, 1933 that Irish Water has sinking of the liner off the Old VXEPLWWHGVLJQLÀFDQWIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQLQWKHIRUPRIDUHSRUWWLWOHGҊ(QYLURQPHQWDO(YDOXDWLRQ Head of Kinsale. RI(IIHFWVRISURSRVHG::732XWIDOOV<RXJKDO&R&RUNҋZKLFKSURYLGHVIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQDQG Shane Collins, aged 11, made the film using two com- FODULÀFDWLRQRQWKHHQYLURQPHQWDOLPSDFWVRIWKHSURSRVHGFRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNVDQG::73RSHUDWLRQ puter packages called Sketch- RQVKHOOÀVKZLWKLQ<RXJKDO+DUERXU&R&RUN Up and Tinker Cad, with the help of his leader, Paul Lee at Designer Dojo in Cork. 7KHDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQPD\EHLQVSHFWHGDWWKHIROORZLQJORFDWLRQV Designer Dojo is based on the Coder Jojo model, but the Shane Collins’ 3D video of the Lusitania’s sinking off the Cork coast 0LGOHWRQ*DUGD6WDWLRQ0LGOHWRQ&R&RUN +RXU*DUGD6WDWLRQ emphasis is on using 3D mod- <RXJKDO3XEOLF/LEUDU\5LYHUJDWH6KRSSLQJ0DOO1RUWK0DLQ6WUHHW<RXJKDO&R&RUN eling packages rather than undertaking a project to mark and learning, Shane spent perished and lie in their ocean coding. the centenary of the sinking nearly six hours completing graves – just a few miles from 7XHVGD\WR6DWXUGD\ H[FHSW7KXUVGD\V GXULQJWKHKRXUVRIWRDQG While learning to use of the ship. the film using the computer here,’ said Shane. 7KXUVGD\VIURPWR3OHDVHQRWHWKDWWKH/LEUDU\GRHVQRWRSHQRQ SketchUp, Shane decided With the encouragement of packages and iMovie. Shane’s 3D film can be WKH6DWXUGD\RID%DQN+ROLGD\ to design a 3D model of the his teachers who frequently ‘I think it is a modern way viewed at use technology for teaching to remember all those who rQjm1U74L-Un <RXJKDO7RZQ&RXQFLO0DOO+RXVH<RXJKDO&R&RUN 0RQGD\WR)ULGD\GXULQJ Lusitania as his school was WKHKRXUVRIWR $KDUGFRS\RIWKHDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQPD\EHREWDLQHGIURP8LVFHeLUHDQQ,ULVK:DWHU &ROYLOO+RXVH7DOERW6WUHHW'XEOLQ West Cork tourism body &'VWKDWLQFOXGHWKHDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQDUHDYDLODEOHIUHHRIFKDUJHIURP0DULQH3ODQQLQJ )RUHVKRUH8QLW'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH(QYLURQPHQW&RPPXQLW\DQG/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW1HZWRZQ 5RDG:H[IRUG&R:H[IRUGGXULQJWKHKRXUVWRDQGWR0RQGD\WR)ULGD\ gets Donohoe’s backing RUE\HPDLOLQJIRUHVKRUH#HQYLURQLH TOURISM West Cork, the body formed recently to pro- 7KHDSSOLFDWLRQIRUPDQGDOOVXSSRUWLQJGRFXPHQWDWLRQPD\DOVREHYLHZHGRQWKH'HSDUWPHQWҋV mote the region, met with ZHEVLWHDWKWWSZZZHQYLURQLHHQ)RUHVKRUH$SSOLFDWLRQV6XEMHFWWR(,$ Tourism Minister Paschal Donohoe in Clonakilty last Submissions or observations RQWKHDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQO\PD\EHPDGHLQZULWLQJZLWKLQ Wednesday. The aim of the meeting was ZHHNVIURPWKHSXEOLFDWLRQRIWKLVQRWLFHWRWKH0LQLVWHUIRUWKH(QYLURQPHQW&RPPXQLW\DQG/RFDO to highlight the urgent need *RYHUQPHQWDW0DULQH3ODQQLQJDQG)RUHVKRUH8QLW'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH(QYLURQPHQW&RPPXQLW\ for a cohesive, adequately DQG/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW1HZWRZQ5RDG:H[IRUGRUE\HPDLOWR funded marketing strategy to actively promote the entire IRUHVKRUH#HQYLURQLH 4XRWLQJ5HI)6 7KHGHDGOLQHIRUWKHUHFHLSWRIZULWWHQ West Cork tourism experi- VXEPLVVLRQVRUREVHUYDWLRQVLVWKHUHIRUHRQ7KLVGHDGOLQHVKDOOEHVWULFWO\ ence domestically and inter- REVHUYHG0DWHULDOUHFHLYHGDIWHUWKHGHDGOLQHVKDOOQRWEHLQFOXGHGLQWKHPDWHULDOXSRQZKLFKWKH nationally. 0LQLVWHUVKDOOGHWHUPLQHWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ The group shared with the Minister news on how West Members of Tourism West Cork, including chairman Finbarr Harrington, meeting with Cork tourism stakeholders are Minister Paschal Donohoe (front left) and Deputy Jim Daly (front right) in Clonakilty $OOREMHFWLRQVDQGUHSUHVHQWDWLRQVUHFHLYHGZLOOEHIRUZDUGHGWRWKHDSSOLFDQWIRUFRPPHQWSULRU