Devonshire A...... Hotel7~~: -- THIS -- ramtlp ~ Comm~rcial Will be found moS\ comfortable for TouriSls visiting the beautiful scenery of the Blackwater River (on which a Steamer runs from June to October). Good Stabling. Moderate Charges. Motor Accom­ modation free to Visitors using the Hotel.

Cook's Coupons taken. Postal Directory County . 435 ..te's Cross -contd. .

llfet!rDdist ftftttual lm/n"llfJeme>t, CUSTOMS. O'Connell Mrs Mary, Coney beg Officer in charge-S Chaplin O'Donoghue J erh, Crushyriree Inland RvnucOflicer- G E Pomeroy O'Ktelfe J ohn, Coneybeg O'Ntill J ohn, Templeusque Wealdiam Charles, CP$, Tbe Strand K~l~;,~t~·;:-v~:gph;:R:::~for.Ji~\~~~ Youghal. Cashman James, deputy z,hFi:~T~b!:~hn~~ry~·~~:~e; DD;. (Pop 5,6~8.) CONSTARULARY. Methodist-Rev M J Lewis (Urban District Council.) District ofMi~lcl-on. Yarktt town, head post, money Head Constable-C Tall)<)t CONVENTS. trdn,telegrapb, 1runk telephone and Sergeants in charge of Constabulary LDrdfD, Clifton house - Rev illa:ldrc.-enueoftia:; 111mmn resDrt nations- Mother, Mrs S M Scholastka Hud postmaster and ~tamp dis· Youghai-Peter D;:~y]e, J Thorne Prumtation, Greenpark - Re¥" tn'llulor-A J Kel!y ln•peclor of Weif!:bts and Measures Mother, Mrs Vincent Cuhm:uo Syb.offia:-Strand -Sergl J Murphy Poor Senianfs of tire ilf,;ther o/ Po•tma~ter-M Abern COMMISSIONERS AFFIDAVITS, Cod.. Union Workhouse. RevMother, ~il~~~E:t~!~ :~:!i~·i;S~~~ f;;;1kTJ~oS:~ti/;ia1~:~~!~ House Theresa Agnes Weakliam Charles, C P s, Beau street C!t.rirtia>< Bn>ther.s,Strand street- Director, Rev B L Ryan \"<) to placesofimere't in district Btf.llk o/IrelaNI-Agnt, J Richey; market, Saturdays P•~liammlary div sub..,.gent, \V G Evans; cashier, RESIDENTS. (""'17 Eledoraldiv Yougbal S C Symes M N>Uter and Ldnster Bank 1/tl­ Ahern B ros, The Mall lUlAL DISTRICT COUNCIL AND Manager, John A 1\lcCarthy; ac· Ahern John, Catherine street llOARO OF GUARDIANS countant, P Maher Ahern Maurice, u o c , Strand OF YOUGHAL. Prtroi..eial Bank ltd-;- 1\fanaf!:U Ahern J\Iinnie, North main st Qaim~j:,~~~~~~~s~;)J P ~::d~e: tci:~nd M~~h'e[J"'n t, J A Ahern Miss, Strand street f"o:,..QW.rman-John Hall Ahern Rev M, cc, Nelson pi Allin-Sealy A, c~, Nelson pl ~~"i'~~~~;~!-W J Sprat! M~\~t'f{e Gtu Wor.b-Managu, Bagge Miss N, Nelson place .Di•pen§ary and Registration dis· Barrett M, North main street tnctofYoughal PICTURE PALACE. Barrelt Mrs, H.hincrew )ledoflicerandRegr-DrCharl<'!s Proprietor-RHurst O'LRonayne Barry A rthur, South main st Di trictNurse-Mrs H Bowler Barry Mrs, North main street Barry Rev David, cc Barter J B, I nchiquin Baylor H F, Ballyvergin Ben nett Michael, Grattan stree' Bible Robert, Wi\Jiam streel Blackham Mrs, South abbey PETTY SESSIONS COURT. Black wood Samuel, North main Q-~u~!~~f;l~~:~~ry Friday. ,;:;.';~':~%~J;:,:7p'!~:=~i,j~:);~ street Blake Sir Henry Arthm, GCMG, Clerk PettySess-Chas Weakliam Presidents, Rev R J Hodges, M A; Civil bill o!lia:r-Robert Bible Re•· M J L~w i s, ~lethodist minister o L, J r, Myrtle grove l Postal Directory .

Youg~-contd. _

Blute David, Rhincrew Daly John, South main street Fuge Richard P, Glencorran, Boland Miss B, Strand street Daly Mrs, North main street Ardmore Booker Miss, Friar street Daly T, 65 North ma,in street Gardiner J A, Provincial bank Bowen M H, press correspon· Dart Mrs A, Williamstown Gearan Denis, South main st dent, Strand street Davis R G, u TJ c, Muckridge Go!f Mce, South main stree< Bowen Miss, Friar street Davey l\fary A, Shambles lane Gore A Knox, Park house Bowler Mrs 11, district nurse Dennehy G H, JP, Laurcntum GormanMrsJane,Southmainst Bride John, North main street Dennehy Mrs H T, Harbour Green Mrs, Devonshire Arms Broderick D A, North main st view Green Miss A, 4 Brighton villas Broderick James Dickinson R, South main street Green Thos,unc,North main,\ Broderick Michael, Nile street Donald Mrs, 7 Friars stred Grey John, Murphys row BroderickVVm, Jl', D c, unc, Donoghue John, Tallow street Griffin Patrick, North main North main street Donovan Capt D, Market liq Guinan~fissMK,South main 51 Buckley Catherine, Market sq Donovan ~lrs E, Strand street Halloran J, Hanover street Buckley J, South main street Donovan :Miss, North main st Hanan Mrs, Sunmount hotel Buckley l\lichl, ne, Muckridge Donovan Mrs L, South main st HarringtonJames, Cork hill Burke K, South Main street Downing M, l\'larket square Hartnett J, stationmaster Caffrey Charles R, n A, curate Doyle Denis, u DC, Friar street Hassett M L, North main st StMarys 9oyle Peter, sergt 11.1 c Healy D, North main street Cailaghan James, Brown street Drury Stephcn M, Strand st Healy J, Market quay Richard, 1 P, cuD c, Ducey Mrs H, North main st Healy Miss M A, Mall North main street Dunne Patrick, Cork hill Hennessy John, PLG, North Carr F D, South abbey Dunny J F (Ferr}' Lessee), main street Carroll Cors P, harbour master, Market sqaare Hennessy Mrs A, North main~t South abbey Dunny Wi!liam, Market square Hewson Mrs, Clifton Carroll Mrs C P, Avonmofe, Dwyer Robert, Chapel lane Hillgrove l\Irs, South main r.t South abbey Egan Richard, The Mall Hedges Rev Richard I, M A, Cashman I, R o, Catherine st Ephrem Sister M, Rev Mother The Rectory Cashman Maudce, unc, PLG, superioress Auxiliary Asylum Hodnett \V R, solr, Nelson i 1 North street Farre\1 John, 1 P, M cc, D c, Hod nett \V, solr, Nelson pbce Cashman Miss K, Adelphi hotel u ne, Frogmore house Hogan A M, North main street Cashman Mrs Vincent, Rev FarrellJohnE, PLG,Williamst Holmes J, sec Youj!hal and Mother Pres convent Farrell Michael, Cross lane Monard Brick and TileCo!td Cathcart John, Devonshire sq FarreH Richard C, North main Holmes Miss M, North st Chaplin S, Custom house street Horgan Bros, Friar street Chatterton Miss, The Rock Farre\1 Ric~d ltd,Northmainst Jacob T E, Merville Ciarke Wand Son, South main st Farre\1 Thomas,J P, The Red Jones Samuel, The Cliff Clancy Patrick, UDC, Tallow House Joyce Mrs, North main st !'treet Field W G, North main street Keane John L, solicitor, Nelson Colbert M, supervisor, GP o, Fitzgcrald J, Friar street place The Mall Fitzgerald M, \Villiam street Keane Brothers, North main it Cole A, North main street Fitzgerald E, Railway view Kearns Miss l\1 E. 1 I Fria.r

Long J H, 3Longville terrace Murray T, Strand street RonayneJF,MD,Ardsal\aghhse Long J and J, South main sl Nagle Capt P, The Mall RonayneMiss,Ardsallaghhouse Long Thomas, North main st Neligan, K, North main street Ryan J, eli:·N T, Strand street Loughlan Capt, Strand street Neligan Michael, Tallow street Ryan John, North main street Loughlin Thos, North main st Neviile Miss, William street Ryan Rev Bro B L, director Lynch James, PLG, Prospecthill Nolan M\ P, solr, South abbey Christian schools, Strand st Lynch Mrs, Knockmonlea hse Nolan Mrs ME T,Sou!habbey Sawse Patrick, North main st Lynch Dr M E, Chshmore Noonan Patrick, Grattan street Savage Maurice, Cion priest ~IcCarthy Daniel junr, u D c, O'Brien Mrs H, 1farket square Scholastica Mrs M, Rev Mother Gibraltar terrace O'Brien Mrs M, North main st Loretto convent McCarthy John, Capt, I Gibr­ O'Bricn Patrick, Church street Sheehan M, Devonshire square altar terrace O'Connor Wm, Mistletoe castle Simkin G B, North main street \lcCarthy John A, mngr M & O'Connor Thomas, P L G, Sea Slattery M, 'Villiamstown L bank view cottages Smiddy Ellen, North main st McCartby Michael, Tallow st O'Farrell Jas, 36 South main st Smiddy John, Ballymadog ~lcCarthy Pat rick, Barrys lane O'Gorman P J, u D c , South Smyth J R, Brick view cottage \tcCarthy Wm, Nmth Main st main street Smyth Lady Holroyd, Ballina- \fcCarlhy William, Seafield O'Gorman R, Market square tray McDonald John, Cork lane O'Kecffe Rev B, on, cc, chap- Smyth Rowland H T, Bally- MacGillycuddy Mrs C, Devon· lain auxiliary asylum natray shire house O'Keeffe C (reps of), South Spread borough Henry T, C E, ~lcGrath ?\Iary A, William st main street town surveyor, South mainst ~!cLean Fergus, u n c, North O'Keeffe Mrs, Brook lodge SpreadboroughMrs,South main main street O'Keeffe \V m L, South main st street ~tcMahon Patrick, jun, South O'Neill Margaret,North mainst Sullivan 1\fiss K, South main st main street O'Nf!ill Miss, The Mall Sullivan Mrs, North main st ~lcSweeney Mrs M J, North O'Neill Mrs E, South abbey Sullivan Mrs E, South main st main street Orpin Cecil, M n, Strand st Syme~ S C, cashier Bank of McSweeney T, North Main st O'Shea James J, town clerk, , Strand Magner Mrs, North main st North main street Tal bot C, head const R 1 C )!agner Mrs E, North main st O'Sullivan Mrs, North Main st Tarrant Miss A, North main st ~fahony Norah, Grattan street Owen Etty, The Mall Thomas Edward, The Cliff )!artin and Blackwood, North Parker A, North main street Thomas RH, North main st main street Pasley & Co ltd, North main st Thompson Mrs, Hanover street )!eade Mrs, Atlantic hotel Pearson Harry S, manager Pro- Tobin John, Strand street Mellcrick D, South main street vencial bank Torpey John, North main st ~!errick S Alex Little, u D c, Pilcher S, chief officr coastgrds Torpey M, North main street ?lvrth main street Pomeroy G E, customs and ex- Torren,s J M, M PS 1, North Merrick S J, JP, unc, Ashton cise officer, Strand street main street court Power John, North main street Treacy M, North main stteet \lillarMiss, Williamstreet Power Maurice, Northmain st Troy Miss K, Adelphi betel )looney Miss M, Friar street Prendergast Julia, Nth main sl Tray M, Market square Morrison Frank, Market square Prendergast Thomas, Nth main Tuthill T. North main street ~torrissey M, North main street street Tuthill l\:Irs, North main street ~lorrissey Mrs, North main st Quain James, jun, u ne, South Twomey Michael, MD, u D c, Murphy DJ, MD, unc,Devon· main street Nelson place shire villa Reeves Miss, Heathfield towers Twomey P, North main stre61: )(urphy Daniel, North Main st ReevesThos Somervil!e,LRCP Verlin \Villiam J, solr, North ~lurphy J, Grattan street & s 1, JP, Heathfield towers main street )lurphy M, South main street Reilly Mrs, Chmch street Walsh and Co, North main st Murphy Miss, Tallow street Ring James, Chapel street Walsh John, \Villiam street )lurphy Miss, South main si Richey James, agent Bank of Walsh J J, M RCV s, Church st Murphy Mrs, Quay lane Ireland Walsh Miss, Friar street Murphy Mrs, Rock ldge, Strand Riordan Denis, North main st 'Valsh Mrs Helen, Catherine st !>furphy Mrs, South main street Roche Mrs, Woodbine hill Walsh P J, 53 North main st )!urphy Mrs F ~i S, Harewood, Roche Rev T, cc, Presbytery Walsh Thomas, North main st Knockaverry Rohan Mrs J, North main st \Vatson James, North main st )Jurphy Thomas, Market sq Rohan P, South main street Weakliam C, C P s, Beau street )(urphy T and Sons, North RonayneChas O'Lomasny,MD, Webb W, Nile street main street South abbey Whelan Michael, u ne, South )lurray A, South main street Ronayne Edward C, BL, South main street \furray Mrs, Marina villas abbey \Vhelan T, North main street )!urray & Sons, Catherine st Ronayne F R, clerk R ne White M J, manager gasworks \lurray Patrick, North main st Ronayne James, Summerfield World Miss Sarah, Nelson pi Postal Directory County Cork.

Both on a Natural Plate• THE ATLANTIC HOTEL ' AND overlooking the Sea. 8 41 THE PACIFIC PRIVATE HOTEL ~!Y.g :l.~cJ~.~ •. • (ADJOINING) •• YOUGHAL. N:~: ~:~r~:n~s~~:; r ·------,....,.-----., Station, and Beach.

Daily Trips on the Irish Rhine. Most Modern and Comfortable Hotels. Excellent Motors and Motor Boats. New Garage Pit and Stabling. Sea Bathing. Fiahing,

Telephone No. 2. M. MEADE, Proprietre!J$.

Solicitors. Atlantic-Mrs Meade Martin and Blackwood, Nortlt llod nett W R, Nelson place Blackwater-] Healy main street Hodnett ,V, Nelson place Commercial-1-ir Condon Murphy Thos, Market square Keane John L, \Vil\iam street Devonshire Arms- Mrs O"Farrell James, South main st Nolan Michatl P, South abbey Green Pasley & Co ltd, North Verlin Wm J, North main st Green Park- Mrs Maria J main street Rohan J, North main street Physicians and Surgeons. Im~~t~l~~~:sAnnieHennessy Tanant Miss,Northmainstrect 1 Paciftc- Mrs. Meade Torpey M, North main street ~fu;:;~/'2J~ b::~n~~fr:~~~ Whelan M, South main street Orpin Cecil, Str:md street ~~~~~~~fu~[~ ~i~~~~~enssy Baths. RoS:J1~e a;~:;les O'Lomasny, Sunmount-Mrs Hanan Hot Sea and Turkish Baths. Twomey Michael, Nelson place Tourist Motor Boat Co. The Mall-Miss Ahern, plop Veterinary Surgeon. y~~~~:~~~~;~c:,~~~T~~.~~~~ Bill Posters. \Valsh J J, Nelson place ltd, prop5; Thos Farrcll, manaa-r; Duggan Martin, North mai.JIIC CPCarro!l,trafficmanager Dwyer Maurice, Chapel lane Evans William, Beau street Burke ,~j,d!~~~~!~·main st Ag:nts: SimkinJohn & Co,Nrth mainst Cole AN, M PSI, North main st (See Bre":.~d·~~dg~~~~~ ~n surance Ronayne C O'L, North main st · Boat Builder. Torrens J M, MPSI, North Auctioneers. Ahern D, Strand street main street Condon J & Son, North main Boot and Shoe Makers. Civil Engineers. street Bakers. Collins J, South main street Forrest S, South main street Se~:~-!~li;la~; A M lNST c E, Collins J M, North main st Healy D, North main street Spreadborough 1-lenryl, MIM, ~~~~~~1~~~u~o~~i~~~~:::eet Merrick S J, North main street cs, South main st reet forrest J, jun, North main st Power Maurice, North maia tt Brewers Agents. Adelphi-1~~t~sTroy & Miss ~=~~=~&,~~.~~~it:::~!~;:~ Beamish & Crawford ltd, North. K Cashman McMahon llatrick, Sth main st main st-Miss Neville, .gent Postal Directory County Cork. 439 Youghal- conld. RICHARD FARRELL ,L~~· .. YOUGHAL.

8/eetric Sawing, ~laning t! C!orn 9!ril!s Timber, Corn, Coc}.l Ml d Iron Merch c}. nts.

Depot for COAL, CORN, FLOUR, etc., at TALLOW BRIDGE.

Direct Importers of all Classes of Building Goods. ' Exporters of Oats. Motor Boat and Ship Owners. Goods, delivered to all parts of and Blackwater.

Collins John M, North main st James, Strand street I Confectioners. Kennedy J, South main street Long T, main street Burke K, South main street Brick &Tile M anufacturers . ~~~~~ ~:~~:~~; g~~t::~ ~~~~:~ ~~~:=~~ ~~~~s ~o~~hu~a~na~~ st Fa.rrell Rlchd ltd, ~ast l e Ryan J ohn, North main street Whelan M South main street works, Nort h mam st Siattery M, Williamstown ' The Youghal and Cork Brick C . B 'Id Corn Merchants. ~ ltd·-J Holmes, secretary Murraya:~~a~:ns, ~riae::~reet ~~!~~~ L~~a~~~~~~~;~hs~:~ Bwlders _and C ontractors. Cattle Dealers. street Bennett Mtchael, Grattan street Farrell Michl, North main st Fleming M J, Tallow street Callagh~n James, Brownest Lynch James, Prospect hill Martin and Blackwood, North ~~~:~lj: d:N~~~ ;;;:ilt~ street McDonald John, Cork lane M:~~~ ~:~~i~k, North main st Kenneally P, Fnar street. China,Glass&.Earthenwctre !&Sweeney T, North m am ~;t Dealers. Cycle Agents. Murray M & Sons, Catherine Cote Alexander, North main st Halloran J, Hanover st reet street ., . Downing M, Market square Merrick S J, North main street Thomas Edward, The Cl1ff Foley Miss, North main street Sheehan 1·1, Devonshire square Cabinetmak:ers. Forre:-st J, North main street Thomas R H, North main st Egan R, The Mall P:!rker A, North main street Tuthill Joseph, North main st ~lurray & Sons, Friar street ~~~~~~~aEI~!~S~~~t~~~i~tr~et Drapers and Haberdashers. Carriers. \Vhite Catherine, Market st Ahern Miss, South main street l'r~~j~r;tr~et Th?mas, North Coal Merchants. ~~:\~tn~;,N;~:~hm~~~~t::et Simkin George C, Nth main st Fa~~~~ 5~~~~~ ltd, North ~~;~nAM~.~~~thS~a7na!~r!~t Car Owners. M J, North main st Keniry E, North main street Bible Robert, William street Kennedy Joh1i, South main st McMahon Patk, South main st Donoghue John, Tallow street Martin and Black wood, South Merrick S J, North main street ,uinanJohn, South main street main street Morrissey Michl, North main st 440 Postal Directory County Cork. Youg hal-contd.

Power John, North main street •Farrell RC, North main st Cole Alex, North main strttl T womey P, North main street Flavin Richard, South main st Condon J ohn and Son, Nota Walsh Thomas, North main st .. Fleming M J, North main st main street Forrestjohn, South main street Crowley J, North main street Dressmakers & Milliners. Forrest John, junr, North main Drury Stephen M, Strand street Boland Mis~, Strand street street Farrcll R, North Main street Bowen M is.'>, Friar street *Guinan Miss, South main st Field W G, North main strett Cashman K, North main street *KennealyM,Northmainstreet Keane John L, \Villiam strett Daly Mrs, ~orth main street *Kennedy Miss, South main st LinahanJGF,J P,Harbourview Donald Mrs, 7 Friar street Long J & J, South main street south Fitzgerald M, William street McMahon P, South main street Long Henry, South main street Billiard Miss, The Mall .\1anin and Blackwood, North McMahon Patrick, North maiD Magner Mrs, North main st mainstrect street Merrick S J, North main street .. Murray P, North main street Merrick S J, North main street Morrissey Mrs M, North main st *Neligan Miss, North main st O'Shea J J, North main street O'Ncill Miss. The Mall *Neligan Michl, Tallow street Pasley & Co ltd, North maiD O'Su!livan Mrs, North main st O'FarrellJames, 36South main street Power John, North main street street Qunin J ames, South main st Reilly Mrs, Church street *O'Gorman Richard, Market Richcy J, Bank of Irehnil square Rohan P, South main street Emigration Agents. O'Shea Mrs A J, North main Ronayne F R, Ardsa!lagh Donovan D;wid, l\[arket square street Ryan James, Strand street SimkinJohn& Co, North main Pasley & Co ltd, North SimkinJohn&Co, Northm;lla street main street street F ish Merchants. Power John, -North main street Stone Benj, 7 King street Buckley J, South main str_eet Prendergast J, North main st S.w~lin P, Tallow street Carey Richard, North mam st Rohan J, North main street Weaklia.m Charles, CPS,Court· IIealy Miss M A, The Mall Rohan P, South main street house Kennedy l\fichl, South main st . Loughlan Thomas, North main ~~:~: ~:s~~~~~~~~i~t~~~~et j ewellers ~ 1 street st st Quain JameS, South main street ~~~~l?'n ~ii~~:\; ~~it~ ~:i~ ~~~:: ;e;f~~::~~:l;;~~ Ronayne J F, Ard~allagh Gunsmith. Leather Dealers. Fruiterers. Tuthill J oseph, North main st Carey R, North main street Murphy Mrs, South main street Keane Bros, North main street Murphy M, South main street Hairdressers. Lee Edward, North main street Merrick S Youghal boot O'Neill Margaret, Nrth main st Griffin Patrick1 North main st J, Quain James, South main street O'Keeffe C (reps of), South factory H.ohan Margaret, North main st main street Walsh & Co, North main street Rohan P, Sonth main street O'Keelfe \V m L, South main st Spread borough Mrs, Sth main Sullivan Stephen, North main Lodging-House Keepers. slreet street Ahern Mrs, Strand street, 1\tall Webb \V, Nile street Aherne Mrs E, North main st Fis hing Tackle Dealers. 13oland Miss M E, Strand st Cosgrove Mrs, Hanover street Hardware Merchants and Bowe:n Mrs l\1 H, Strandstred McLean F, North main street Ironmongers. Bowler Mrs, Friar street Tuthill Joseph, North main st Carey R, North main street Byrne B, North main street .Farre\1 Richard ltd, North main Carroll Mr<> C P, Avonmore. Furnishing Warehouses. street Somh abbey Condon John and Son, North Fttzgerald M, South Main st Daly Mrs, Williamstown main street Keane Bros, North main street Donovan .Mrs, Strand street M errick S J, North main street Lee Edward, North main street Fitzgerald Edward, Railway McCarthy William,North main view Grocers, Flour and Meal street Healy D, North main street Dealers. Walsh & Co North main street Kerr Mrs, The Mall ("Also Vintner) Mooney Miss, Friar street Ahern Maurice, The Strand House and Land A g ents. O'Neill Mrs, The Mall *Cashman M, North main st Condon John & Scn, The Thornpson Mrs, Hanover stred • Collins John, North main st Auction Mart, North main st Walsk Mrs, Strand street *Cosgrove M rs M A, Hanover Weakliam C, Beau street White Mrs, William st reet street Curran Mrs, Tallow street Insurance Agents. • nunny J ohn, Market square Carr F D, South Abbey I Du 1~:~~~r i!:o~:r~~r. Postal Directory County Cork. 44' Youghal-contd.

- VISITORS TO HA NOTE THAT <>0 PASLEY & CO.R ARE THE LEADING HIGH-CLASS Grocers, Bakers, Provision Merchants, and Stationers. See our New Department for Fruit, Sweets, and Confectinnery. -o..ol Local Agents and Manufacturers of the 1- l··. CELEBRATED BERMALINE BREAD . ·.

i."F DAILY VAN DELIVERIES. ~ 95,96 and 97, North Main Street, YOUGHAL. POST CARD BRINGS VAN. Telegrams- " Padey, Youghal." Telephone No. 10.

Mineral Water Manu· -~ --~hotographers. McMahon Patrick, South Ill:~ facturers. Horgan Eros, Friar street street Colli~s John, North mai.n st Thomas R H, ~orth main st Marti.n & Blackwood, North Ftenung M J, North mam st Torrens J M, North main st mam street Kmnedy John, South main st ' Murphy Daniel, Nnrth main st Plumber. Murphy Thomas, Market sq Monumental Sculptor Sullivan \V, North main street Murphy Mrs, Qnay lane Fitrgerald James, Friar street Pottery. ~.~:i%1~~%_th ;::t~L s~=~ sl Musical Instrument Ware· Kellcher Michael, North main Q'Farrel1Jame;, 36Northmain houses. street street B~rke Miss M E, Sth .main st Posting Establishments. Pasley & Co ltd. North Qt1d. ': ~· N;rt\mat'_l street Donoghue John, Tallow street main street erne J. orl mam street Guinan Miss, South main street Power John, North main street News Agents. Long Thomas, North main st Power M, North main ~treet Ahern M, The Strand O'Brien P. Church street Tracey M, North main street Daly T, 65. North main street Ryan John, North main street \Vhelan Michael, South main st ~:~~yp~~~~~~~·~~~ ~t~~~tt Printer. Wh~e::::~:::tN;;::~n st Thomas R 1-1, North main st Field W G, North main street . . Ahern :\faurice, The Strand Newspaper Correspondent. Provtston Dealers. Adelphi Hotel Bowen M 11, Strand street Aherne Mrs E, North main Burke Alice, South main st street Collins John, South main st Painters. &rry Mrs, North main street Green Thomas, North main st Burton D, Cross lane Buckley J, South main street Rohan P, South main street Murphy Thomas & Sons, North Collins Mrs, Tallow street Station G S & W Railway maiAstreet Crowley l\frs, North main st Sullivan Miss B, South main st '-lurray & Sons, Nelson place Flavin R, South main street Tarrant Miss, North main st Hillgrove Mrs, South main st Pawnbroker. Joyce Mrs T, North main st Saddler. Power John, North main street Long J & J, South main streef Fowkes W, North main street 442 Postal Directory County Cork. Youghal-con/d.

Sawing, Planing and Corn Tobacconists. Tropey Mrs R, North main st Mills. Barrett R, North main st Troy Mary, Browne street Farrell Richardltd,North C\arke W & Son, South main st Walsh John, }'erry bar main street Daly T, North main street Walsh Mrs H, Catherinestreet :i~~~~>e;:~~~C;~J~ce ~r:~:YP~~~~t:~::i~t~~:~t Wine & Spirit Merchan~ Tuthdl Joseph, North mam st (Se~ also Vintuers.) See~::::~a~~ure Undertakers. ~~::l~tM~~t~~.~~~h::st Farz>ellRichardltd, North Egan.R, The Mall, and North Kennedy John, South mainst main street K mam ftYt B Woollen Drapers. ~:::glr~lhe~~~~o~~nn~~in M~~':; 1\r &agoe~~. C~~~~:i~~ st ~~:J;ri~~~\~!:u~ho~~i~~~~ street Victuallers. Fitzgerald M, North main st Martin and Black wood, Nile st Broderick D A, North main str Gorman Mrs J, South main st 'Valsh & Co, North main street and Meatshambles lane I-I effernan Thos, South main t Shopkeepers, etc. Broderick W, N~rth main street Keniry E, North main street Callaghan James, Brown street .and South. matn street Merrick, S J, North main st Donovan Mrs L, South main F~tzg~rald Stmon, Tallow ~t Morrissey Michl, North main >I street Fll.zgtbbon Danl, South mam st Power John, North main st Joyce Patrick, Tallow street G~arcn Den is, South main st Twomey Peter, North main t Kerr Mu, The i\fall Lmehan D, Mark7t square Walsh Thomas, North main Sullivan Mrs, North main st Troy J, North mam street Landholders. Smiths Vintners. rARtsu cwNrRIKST. Broderick Michael,' Nile street Cashman Maurice, North main El~ct. di•·. Clonprie.t McCarthy Michael, Tallow st st~eet Beausang John, Cornaveigh McCarthy Pat rick North main Co!hns John, Brown street Fitzgerald S, Clonard street ' Corcoran Mrs, North main st Flavin John, Coo!aha Millerick D, South main :;treet Cosg~ove Mrs, Hanover st~eet Flavin M, n c, Coolnaclogh• Revins J, Friar street Cunnmgham Mary, Nth mam st nafinna Sullivan John, North main st Curran Mrs M, Tall o~v street Foley Mic~ael, Knockmonalts Daly John, South mam street Gleeson Mtchael, Ballymadog Spinning and Weaving Dickinson Geo, South main st IGould Michael, Creighmore Mills. Donoghue Mrs K, Tallow street Griffin William, Pillmore Mcrrick S J, North main street Donovan David, Market square Leahy Patrick, Cion priest

Stained Glass Manu- g~~~;alo~r~~i~~~~r!~i~~it~c~~ 1 t~~~~ {.:~~~si<~~~~~~~~ Watson J!!~~r~~rth main ~~l~;Y~{~~~c~: ~~:~~e~n~~a;te , ~~~~~\i!~~[~~~·c9:~~f~t street S tationers. Green T, North main street SmiddyPatrick,nc,Ballyr.:tadOC 1 Daly T, North main street ~~=~t ~~~rslitS~~~t~~~i~\ 1 Walsh ~v:~~~~~m~o~! ,~~~re Field W G, North ma!n street Healy M A, The Mall Electoral div. Youghal. Long) & J, South mam street Jones E, South main street Baylor S, Ballyvergan Martt.n & Blackwood, North Joyce Mrs T, North main st Beausang Mary, Kilmagner 0 1 M~~~ys~1e,e~outh u.ain street f;~ES~!~~nN!~~ ::ai~ st g~~k~eJn },bj:~i ;1~~~!~~ridgr Pasley & Co ltd, North main Linehan D, ~Iarket square Farrell John, Fra:::more street Md1ahon P, North main street FlavinDanitl, Kcnilworthdairy Rohan P, South main ~treet i\·lahony Norah, Grattanstrcet Fleming MrsJ, Kilnatoora Thomas R H,North mamstreet Morrissey MrsM,Norlh main st Glavin Mrs, Whitebarn Tailors and Outfitters. Murray Bridget, North main st Gould J, Ba.Hyvergan (See also Drapers. ) Murphy J , Grattan stre;t Could M, Ballyvergan Bride John, North main street Mu~rayMrsJ,No r thmamstreet HurleyCornelius,Knocknacall} Grey John, Murphys row Nel~gan M1 Tallow stree_t Kenneally Maurice, Bawnmon: ~~~:~;~ ~~:~t.~~!~k~:~~a re g~~~~ ~~i!t~=i~;~~~~~ ~~~~~;ati~~fs~]:~:eld Timber, Slate and Iron O'Gorman R M, Market square Mahony P, Windgap Merchants. Owen Etty, The Mall Power John, Ba!lymacask Farrell Richard ltd, North main Riordan Den is, North main st Slattery Mrs, Summerfidd st reet Ryan John, North main street Watson Tohn, Cluhadunna Mu rray & Sons, Catherine st Treacy Michael, North main st 'Voods Mr, Muckridge