Footnotes CONCORDIA HISTORICAL INSTITUTE WINTER 2006 32Nd Annual Awards Banquet
VOLUME 51 ISSUE 4 Historical Footnotes CONCORDIA HISTORICAL INSTITUTE WINTER 2006 32nd Annual Awards Banquet Front Row (l-r): Marlys Taege Moberg, Robin Ouren, Ruth Rohlfing, Rose Hanke, Lois Brink, Verdell Hermsmeyer, Janet Homann, Lorene Mohlenhoff, Beverly Homann Back Row (l-r): Banquet Speaker Lawrence Rast, Jr., Joel Kurz, Scott Meyer, Jon Vieker, C. George Fry, James Brauer, Rebecca DeGarmeaux, Edwin Hermsmeyer, Matt Homann, Ed Homann, Alan Homann, Don Christiansen, Florence Christiansen t 5:00 pm on November 9th, 2006, the guests the first verse. Director Martin R. Noland assisted the started streaming into the building of Awards Committee members as they read the commen- Concordia Historical Institute on the dations from the Institute and the responses from the occasionA of the recognition and celebration of awardees awardees. Each awardee received a certificate of com- whose contributions to American Lutheran history were mendation and a gift. The festivities concluded with an published in the year 2005. Festivities began with hors inspiring speech by Dr. Lawrence Rast, president of the d’oeuvres in the Institute’s conference room. Awardees, Institute. This speech will be published in a future issue their spouses and friends, the Institute Board of of the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly. Governors, and the Institute Awards Committee mixed Congratulations, awardees, and thanks again for your and mingled, while viewing the new chaplains’ exhibit, In significant contributions to American Lutheran history! the Gospel: LCMS Military Chaplaincy. By category, the awardees are: At about 6:30 pm, the guests walked past the Fuerbringer Major Publications: Library and its fountain for an excellent dinner at MRS.
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