Call for Papers INFER Workshop on Behavioural and Experimental Economics

June 29-30, 2016 DEGEIT, ,

Organized by: INFER– International Network for Economic Research, and DEGEIT– Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Workshop Website:

Workshop Objectives This workshop provides an opportunity for all those interested in behavioural and experimental economics to discuss research and recent developments/applications in this field. Researchers are invited to submit papers that are broadly consistent with the workshop’s topic. Papers from the following fields may be submitted: Economics, Management, Tourism, Social Sciences, Psychology, and other related fields. The workshop is open to researchers, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals from business, government and non-governmental institutions.

Keynote Speakers We are happy to welcome the following distinguished keynote speakers:

Elisabet Rutström, Georgia State University, USA (subject to final confirmation)

Penélope Hernández Rojas, ERI-CES and Department of Economic Analysis, University of ,

Organization The workshop is jointly organized by: - International Network for Economic Research (INFER) - Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT), University of Aveiro, Portugal

INFER is a non-profit international scientific organization which, through international workshops and conferences, stimulates research and research networking in all fields of economics. Website:

The University of Aveiro, created in 1973, is one of the most important Portuguese educational and scientific-research institutions along with the most dynamic and innovative universities in Portugal. Recently, British Times Higher Education magazine ranked University of Aveiro as the best young university of Portugal ( The Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT) at the University of Aveiro provides undergraduate and graduate education in economics, management, industrial engineering and tourism (

Scientific Committee Anabela Botelho, University of Aveiro, Portugal Eduarda Fernandes, Institute of Leiria, Portugal Lina Lourenço-Gomes, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal Isabel Dinis, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal Marieta Valente, , Portugal Marta Ferreira Dias, University of Aveiro, Portugal Penélope Hernández Rojas, , Spain Sílvia Ferreira Jorge, University of Aveiro

Local Organizing Committee - Anabela Botelho, DEGEIT, University of Aveiro (Chair) - Marta Ferreira Dias, DEGEIT, University of Aveiro - Sílvia Ferreira Jorge, DEGEIT, University of Aveiro

Submission of Papers Only full papers in English may be submitted, preferably in pdf-format with the following information: Authors’ full name and affiliation Contact details for corresponding author (address, phone and e‐ mail) Papers should be submitted to [email protected]. Deadline for paper submission is May 1, 2016. Authors are allowed to submit more than one paper. We will confirm receipt of your submission. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed according to a high-quality and fast referee process. You will receive an e-mail indicating whether your paper is accepted for presentation during the workshop or not before May 19, 2016. Paper presenters are expected to discuss one other paper during the workshop. The discussant assignments will be made by the workshop organizers at a later date. As the workshop intends to build a network in this research area, participation is welcome even without paper contributions.

Registration and Registration Fee The registration fee for presenting and non-presenting participants will be: • INFER members: 120 EUR • other participants: 150 EUR Please note: the annual membership fee for private INFER members is 25 EUR only (institutional INFER members 200 EUR). You are invited to become a member!

The registration fee includes all lunches and drinks. It doesn’t include travel and accommodation expenses. All workshop participants have to register for the workshop. Please note that paper submission is not regarded as a registration.

Please register on the INFER website ( Payment can be done via PayPal on the website. Note that you can use the same website to become an INFER member.

Deadline for registration and payment: May 26, 2016. In case of late registration, the fees will be increased by 50 %.

Location, Travelling and Accomodation The workshop takes place at the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT) at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. How to reach Aveiro:

By plane  Airport of Porto (Francisco Sá Carneiro):The Porto Airport is located 80 km away from Aveiro and takes about 60 minutes by highway to drive to Aveiro.

 Airport of Lisbon (Portela) The Lisbon Airport is 250 km away from Aveiro, about 150 minutes by highway.

By car  From the north Highway: A1 (coming from Porto) exit 16 -"Aveiro (Norte)" | Follow A25 direction Aveiro/Ilhavo – exit 3 – “Aveiro (centro)”

 From the south Highway: A1 (coming from Lisbon/Coimbra) - exit 15 - "Aveiro (Sul)" | Follow N235 direction Aveiro.

 From the east Highway: A25 (Coming from Spain or Viseu) - exit 3 – “Aveiro (centro)”

By train Comboios de Portugal – Estação de Aveiro ( Daily connections with Porto, Lisbon, Coimbra, Braga, etc. Journey time coming from: Porto about 45 minutes and Lisbon about 120 minutes. Participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation arrangements. The enrolment fee does not cover accommodation.

Please make your reservations as soon as possible. Here you can find some suggestions: **** Hotels Hotel Meliã Ria 2.aspx?areaid=31 Hotel Moliceiro Hotel Aveiro Palace overview.html Hotel As Américas *** Hotels Hotel Imperial Hotel Veneza Hotel Afonso V **Hotels Hotel Aveiro Centre Hotel das Salinas Others BiniBag Guest House Aveiro Rossio Hostel

Further Information Questions may be directed to the local workshop organizers: Marta Ferreira Dias DEGEIT - University of Aveiro [email protected]

Silvia Ferreira Jorge DEGEIT- University of Aveiro [email protected]

Questions about INFER may be directed to the Chair of the Workshop Committee, Elias Soukiazis ([email protected]) and to the Chair of INFER, Camelia Turcu ([email protected])