Induction2014 Chohådwlrq
Induction2014 CHOHåDWLRQ FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014 DELTA REGINA 1919 SASKATCHEWAN DRIVE REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN kkPAÎÌ,ÁÀA Induction Ceremony Captain Edward Lyman “Hick” Abbott, CM/Bar Bob Bourne Brian Clark Jacqueline Lavallee Keith Magnuson Claude Petit, C.M., S.O.M 1996 Randy Bryden Mixed Curling Team 2001, 2002 & 2003 Saskatoon Hilltop Football Club 7KH6DVNDWFKHZDQ6SèWV+DçRI)DPH 2013-2014%RDUGRI'LUHFWèV President: Trent Fraser Vice President: Scott Waters Treasurer: Justin E. Scott Secretary: Linda Burnham Past President: Hugh Vassos 'LUHFWèV Steve Chisholm Rebecca Conly Laurel Garven Greg Indzeoski Vance McNab Paul Spasoff "AÎÌ,ÁYkÄÄ cØYÎlÌkOÎåÌÄÌAÄÌyâÄ_ ÏkÎk_ Nominees must have represented sport with distinction in athletic competition; both in Saskatchewan and outside the province; or whose example has brought great credit to the sport and high respect for the individual; and whose conduct will not bring discredit to the SSHF. Nominees must have compiled an outstanding record in one or more sports. Nominees must be individuals with substantial connections to Saskatchewan. NRPLQHHVGRQRWKDYHWREHÀUVWUHFRJQL]HGE\DORFDOVDWHOOLWHKDOORI IDPHLI DYDLODEOH The Junior level of competition will be the minimum level of accomplishment considered for eligibility. Regardless of age, if an individual competes in an open competition, a nomination will be considered. Generally speaking, athletes will not be inducted for at least three (3) years after they have ÀQLVKHGFRPSHWLQJ UHWLUHG ØckÀ_ NoPLQHHVPXVWKDYHKDGDFDUHHUZKLFKFRPELQHVZKROO\RULQSDUWWKHTXDOLWLHVVSHFLÀHG for athletes (above) in such a way as to make their contribution to sport of an outstanding nature, and whose conduct will not bring discredit to the SSHF. Nominees must be individuals with substantial connections to Saskatchewan. Nominees do QRWKDYHWREHÀUVWUHFRJQL]HGE\DORFDOVDWHOOLWHKDOORI IDPHLI DYDLODEOH TKHWHUP´%XLOGHUµVKRXOGEHGHÀQHGWRLOOXVWUDWHDYDULHW\RI IXQFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJFRDFKRIÀFLDO administrator, patron, media (journalist/broadcaster) and sports science and medicine.
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