DATE: 5 July 2011

TIME: 7.00 pm Buckland Village Hall, LOCATION: Buckland


Item Time Page No

1 Confirmation of Chairman 19.00

2 Confirmation of Vice Chairman

3 Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership

4 Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests

5 Action Notes 19.05 1 - 8 To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 6 April 2011

6 Question Time 19.10 There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after.

7 Petitions None received

8 BCC Update 19.30 Verbal Anne James will provide a verbal update. Report

9 AVDC Update 19.40 9 - 12 John Byrne will present a report.

10 Thames Valley Neighbourhood Police Update 19.50 Verbal Emma Garside will provide an update. Report

11 RAF Halton Update 20.00 Verbal Wing Commander Stephen Borthwick will provide an update. Report

12 Local Area Planning 20.10 Verbal

Visit www.buckscc.gov.uk/democracy for councillor information and email alerts for meetings, and decisions affecting your local area.

Jackie Wesley, Localities Manager will present a report. Report

13 TfB Update 20.20 13 - 16 Report from Ann-Marie Davies.

14 For Information - Parish Councillors Induction Training 20.30 • 25 June 2011, 9am – 12.30pm, Haddenham • 12 July 2011, 6pm – 9.30pm, Winslow • 26 July 2011, 6pm – 9.30pm, CDC, Amersham

To book please visit the BALC website - www.bucksalc.gov.uk

15 Information Items 20.35

16 Date of Next and Future Meetings 20.45 4 October 2011 at 7pm at Aston Clinton Baptist Church

Proposed Dates for Meetings in 2012

• 4 January

• 4 April

• 4 July

• 3 October


Mandy Aplin, Thames Valley Police Wg Cdr Stephen Borthwick, RAF Halton Bill Chapple OBE, Bucks County Council Marion Clayton, Bucks County Council Michael Foote, Weston Turville Parish Council Andy Greening, Thames Valley Police Bob Gregory, Thames Valley Police Nigel Hayward, Buckland Parish Council Christine Jensen (Buckland), Buckland & Halton Parish Councils Wilma Kingsbury, RAF Halton Lynne Kuschel Fiona Lippmann, Parish Council Mrs M Nodes, Parish Meeting Carole Paternoster, Vale District Council Marguerite Phillips, CHASE Cllr Chris Richards, Aylesbury Vale District Council Mr J A Spires, Aston Clinton Parish Council Deborah Taylor, Bucks PCT Brian Thompson, Halton Parish Council David Thompson, Aylesbury Vale District Council Natalie Thrussell, Thames Valley Police Tom Walsh, Wendover Parish Council Craig White, Buckland Parish Council Jim Wilding, CHASE Jeremy Williams, Fire and Rescue Service Stephen Worth, Wendover Parish Council

Democratic Services Contact : Karen Jones, Tel 01296 383627, Email [email protected] If you would like to attend a meeting, but need extra help to do so, for example because of a disability, please contact us as early as possible, so that we can try to put the right support in place.

Agencies : County Council, Aylesbury Vale District Council, Aston Clinton Parish Council, Buckland Parish Council, Drayton Beauchamp Parish Meeting, Halton Parish Council, Wendover Parish Council, Weston Turville Parish Council, Thames Valley Police, Bucks Fire and Rescue, Buckinghamshire PCT, Voluntary Sector representatives

Agenda Item 5


MEETING: Wendover Local Area Forum

DATE: 6 April 2011 7.06 pm to 9.13 pm Aston Clinton Baptist Church, Green End LOCATION Street, Aston Clinton HP22 5EX

Wg Cdr Stephen Borthwick (RAF Halton), Bill Chapple OBE (Bucks County Council) (Chairman), Marion Clayton (Bucks County Council), Michael Foote (Weston Turville Parish Council), Christine Jensen (Buckland) (Buckland & Halton Parish Councils), Present: Wilma Kingsbury (RAF Halton), Brian Thompson (Halton Parish Council), Andrew Tipping (Stoke Mandeville Parish Council), Jim Wilding (CHASE), Keith Wilkinson (Weston Turville Parish Council) and Stephen Worth (Wendover Parish Council) Brian Bostock, John Byrne, Sheila Cavickshank, Ann-Marie Davies, Alan Evans, In Attendance: Inspector Emma Garside, Anne James, Karen Jones, Hannah Ladlow, Jane Larkham, Doreen Lister, Clifford Marshall, Mandi Simons and Virginia Young Apologies: Carole Paternoster



Apologies were received from Carole Paternoster, Joe Bradshaw and Karen Adamson.


There were no declarations of interest.


The Action Notes from the meeting held on 5 January 2011 were agreed as a correct record after the following change had been made:

At Bullet 2 delete “… RAF Gliding Association uses tugs and powered aircraft for winch launches” and insert “RAF Gliding Association and other airfield users use either powered aircraft, or tugs or winches for launching aircraft.”

At Bullet 4 delete “One was unserviceable at the time of the incident. There was no mechanical problem.” and insert “The tug was fitted with a retractable cable but the retractor mechanism was known to be unserviceable at the time of the incident. There was no airworthiness problem with the aircraft”.


Inspector Emma Garside provided an update on Thames Valley Neighbourhood Police during which she made the following points:

• The changes in the police force will impact on Thames Valley Police at a local level as significant savings are to be achieved over 4 years. • Collaborative work is taking place with Hampshire police and the IT and roads policing services have been merged. • The local policing review will has taken place. Previously there were 5 command units.

1 Commencing on 1 April 2011 there will be 15 local police areas and they will follow the AVDC boundary and report to the centre. • The challenge during this period of turmoil is maintaining the quality of service. • The result has been that Aylesbury Vale has gained 15 police officer posts. This was determined by crime figures and population density (the latter being higher in Aylesbury Vale than in other areas). Commander Richard List will be replaced by George Wrigley. • The roles will be shared between neighbourhood roles, responsibilities and investigative roles. • For the seventh year running there has been a drop in crime. • Unfortunately PC Michael Griggs is not able to return to an operational role which is a great loss. The PCSOs will be Andy and Joanna Smith, Mandy Aplin and Christina Cringle. • Between 1 April 2010 and 28 February 2011 there was a reduction in serious acquisitive crime including burglary, robbery and thefts of and from motor vehicles by 26% • There has been an increase in offences such as robbery at commercial property • Anti social offences are low and robust plans are in place. • The priorities are speeding and motor offences and the local police officers have been trained with the use of speed guns. • Work is taking place with the rugby club and the blues and twos tag rugby on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday.

Members were invited to ask questions and the following points were raised:

• How are burglaries being reduced? • There has been a focus on preventative work which was raised by the NAG. Targetted patrols are operating and crime prevention advice is being provided. • A member noted that there has been an increase in rubbish being dumped alongside the road and he asked if any action can be taken. • It was noted that dropping litter is an offence and that work with AVDC is very joined up on flytipping. • In response to a question about publicising prosecutions members were advised that convictions for flytipping are publicised. • Any member asked if there was any evidence of clearing rubbish resulting in a reduction of the incidences occurring. It was recognised that once rubbish is dumped in an area there is a tendency for it to become a dumping ground. • It was acknowledged that incidences of anti social behaviour increase during the school holidays.

The Chairman thanked Emma Garside for attending the meeting and asked for best wishes to be passed to Michael Griggs.


Virginia Young, a member of the public asked for some information about the Wendover Local Area Forum and the following information was given:

• Bill Chapple is the Chairman and the members are Carole Paternoster Vice Chairman, Marion Clayton, John Byrne, Jackie Wesley, Anne James, Ann-Marie Davies and Clifford Marshall. • The meetings are informal, deal with local issues and are attended be County, District and Parish councillors and Parish Clerks. • The meetings are open to the public and current issues include the Big Society and NAGs. • In response to a question about the lower age range for attendance members were advised that youth club members have attended. • A member explained that young people would be welcome to attend and that the press can attend.

2 • A member referred to the presentation at the last meeting by the library services and he noted that pens had been issued. He asked who had authorised the issue of pens because he considered them to be a waste of money. • Hannah Ladlow replied that the Government forced BCC to review all printed material and she anticipated that the pens were approximately 5 years old. • The member asked how much did it cost to produce the pens and when. • Hannah Ladlow agreed to investigate. • A member asked if a Parish Council purchases salt bins when will they be filled and who will spread the salt • Ann-Marie Davies explained that an update on salt bins will be provided in the Winter Maintenance report. • A member reported that during the cold weather a speed warning sign was on permanently during the bad weather and he asked if this was a fault. This was likely to be the reason. • It was noted that the potholes on Halton Lane appear each winter and are repaired during the summer and suggested that they could be repaired properly in order to prevent the problem recurring. This was noted. • Brian Bostock a member of the Sustainability Transport Group recalled that the Group had made recommendations and he noted that the group had been disbanded and asked how the recommendations can be raised. • Anne James suggested that the report is passed to her and she will forward it to the relevant people. • It was noted that the cycle route in Chestnut Avenue will shortly be converted into a dual use cycle path.


There were no petitions received.


Proposal for Activities for Young People

Jackie Wesley reported that the proposed project is activities, facilities and events for young people to be held in the summer of 2011 and autumn and winter of 2011/12 for £5,500. These activities will involve liaison with the Parish Councils. The LAF agreed expenditure of £5,500 from the Local Priorities budget 2011/12 for the planned activities.

A member asked how useful the sports cage is. Jackie Wesley replied that fantastic feedback has been received. Approximately 30 – 40 people have attended the events with the lowest being 25 at Wing.

Marion Clayton noted that Wendover Youth Club may have to close if there are insufficient people available to run it.


Jackie Wesley reported that the Wendover Local Area Forum has been allocated a Local priorities devolved budget of £20,000 for 2011/12. The budget can be used to support local community priorities and the well-being of the area identified by the Local Area Forum (LAF) through its local planning process.

The budget must be spent on expenditure relating to this financial year ending March 2012 as the LAF approved the funding to be used for the activities.



Ann-Marie Davies reported that the Transportation budget received an additional £15 million. The number of Local Area Technicians will not be reduced as significantly as had previously been anticipated.

Clifford Marshall was introduced as the new Local Area Technician for Wendover, Aston Clinton and Aylesbury. Ann-Marie explained that she will retain her existing job and will be taking on additional responsibility for Chiltern District.

Update from Transport for Buckinghamshire

• In September 2010 a question was raised by Carole Paternoster about grass track events in Buckland. Written notification has been received that it is unlikely that a similar event will take place in 2011. • A review of winter maintenance took place during the summer and members were asked to notify officers of routes to be considered for assessment as to whether they require gritting. • The criteria used are: • Traffic flows • Gradient • Bends outside the speed limits • Community Links • Public and School Bus routes • Key facilities e.g. hospitals, schools etc • Has it been salted in previous years? • Collision record • Efficiency and Practicality of inclusion

• In response to a question members were advised that salt bins can bee purchased from the County Council at a cost of £3,450. The bins will be refilled on request if the Local Area Technician is notified of the location. Salt bins are refilled on a route system and not on an ad hoc basis.

Delegated Budget

The budget for Wendover Local Area Forum for the financial year is £35,256.67.

It was noted that some schemes h ave already been identified for funding for 2011/12. However, in order that the full benefit of the increase in the budget allocation the LAF members were asked to consider whether or not to review those schemes already identified and consider the following options:

1. To proceed with the identified schemes and identify additional schemes that fit in with the local priorities 2. To proceed with the identified schemes but increase the size of the allocation to those schemes which will deliver additional quantity of that scheme 3. To remove the schemes that have already been identified and identify alternative schemes that may not have been considered due to the cost of providing these schemes.

Members agreed to option 3.

Additional bids are to be submitted to Ann-Marie Davies by 2 May in order for the LAF to make a final decision on their programme at the meeting on 5 July.



John Byrne gave the following update from AVDC:


Members were advised that AVDC set a zero per cent rise in its council tax for 2011/12.

The government’s grants settlement figures issued in December 2010 were much worse than expected and mean a reduction in government funding of £2.6 million (22 per cent) for the next financial year and a further cut of £1.2 million (13 per cent for the following year). Overall, the council faces a. 8.4% reduction in its total resources, the largest of any authority in Buckinghamshire.

AVDC has identified £1.8 million in savings across its services in order to balance its books. It will also be using £445,000 from financial reserves to help reduce the budget deficit. It is anticipated that further savings of £2.6 million will need to be made by 2012/13.

The Vale of Aylesbury Plan

John Byrne thanked the Parish Councils who had responded to the request for their opinion of their communities ‘feelings’ to development and how they wish to work with AVDC in future.

A news letter has been issued giving an update on the changes to planning that are likely. One of the key changes is the introduction of Neighbourhood Plans .

Elections 2011

Elections are being held for all 59 District Council seats and for 652 seats on the 85 Parish Councils including a new parish council for Park. A referendum will also be held on changing the way MPs are elected to the House of Commons.

Funding to Support HS2 objections

The AVDC Full Council agreed on 23 February to the AVDC’s Cabinet recommendation that up to £100,000 be set aside to support the campaign to oppose the proposals fro HS2 through the District.

Grants awarded locally

Two grants have been awarded via AVDC arrangements in the LAF area:

• Wendover Parish Council – a project grant of £6,000 towards replacement play equipment • The Chilterns MS Centre – a Community Chest Micro Grant of £1,0000 towards replacement treatment beds.


The following update from BCC:

The Chairman of Governors of John Colet School reported that the school has applied for Academy status with effect from 1 August 2011. Solicitors and project managers and the aim is to continue the strong partnership with the feeder schools.

There are no proposed changes to the curriculum specialism.

It was reported that Halton Combined School received an Outstanding Ofsted report for which

5 the headteacher, staff and governors were commended. Recognition was also given to the impact that service children have on a school.

There is a possibility that Wendover Youth Club may have to close if it cannot be run as a community provision. Under the current arrangements the youth club can operate until 31 December 2011. The aim is to sustain a youth club for young people for the future and it was noted that there have been complaints from young people that they may be on the streets without the existence of a youth club.

A public meeting is taking place on 15 April at 7.30pm at Wendover Memorial Hall to provide guidance to the public on how to respond to the consultation on HS2. Residents were encouraged to respond to the consultation because HS2 will impact considerably on property prices in the area and on the viability of Wendover in the long term.

In response to a question about a national network members were advised that three letters have been sent to the press, there have been a number of publications and that BCC is part of the County Council network and the LGA. It was also noted that in addition to HS2 passing through the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty there was a danger that it may also pass through Cannock Chase and the Peak District. Steve Baker the High Wycombe MP is a member of the Transport Select Committee and this was welcomed. Additional points to note are that David Lidington has had a one to one with David Cameron, John Bercow will get a debate, Dominic Grieve is the Attorney General and Cheryl Gillan has threatened to resign from the Cabinet.

Marion Clayton explained that local Action Groups are contacting other local action groups with the aim of spreading the word. It was noted that the strongest ground for opposition is the poor business case. In order for the scheme to be stopped 365 MPs will be required to vote against the proposals.

Wendover library was given the opportunity to run a community library or lose the facility. Three sub-groups have been formed

1. Business Planning 2. Charity status 3. Book purchase

The proposed new arrangement is not just for the residents of Wendover. Members who feel that they may be able to help were asked to contact Marion Clayton. It was noted that the existing library is currently closed for several days each week and that it could be used during this period for community groups.

12 LTP3

Anne James reported that on 31 March 2011 a plan was published that is scheduled to last for 5 years. There is also a 10 year plan with a one year implementation period. The plan is linked to funding but it was noted that a significant amount of additional money is required for maintenance. Funding is also required to improve rural transport. It has also been recognised that more efficient use should be made of transport and proposals include community car and bus schemes.


Hannah Ladlow gave a presentation on Armed Forces Day 2011 during which she made the following points:

• The first Armed Forces day was held approximately 3 years ago to celebrate Veteran’s Day rather than 11 November. The day is for all armed forces, cadets, members of serving families and widows.

6 • The event held in 2009 at the home of Lord and Lady Mc Alpine was attended by approximately 4,500 people and was very successful. • The 2011 event will be held at Aylesbury Rugby Club which has a capacity of 9,999 people on 25 June and will take place between 11am – 11pm. • There will be entertainment, food and military events. • The Armed Forces will be offered Complimentary tickets and the general public will be charged £4 for adults and £1 for the under 18s. • The partners involved in the event include AVDC, Waste Collection, Thames Valley Police, the Bucks Fire and Rescue Service and the Cage will be at the event.

Members were invited to ask questions and the following points were raised:

• A member asked about the plans for parking? • The field at Aylesbury Rugby club which has an estimated capacity of 7,000 cars will be used at the event. Buses will be used to take people from RAF Halton and High Wycombe and the Defence School of Languages. • It was recognised that there may be congestion at the end of the evening. • A question was raised about the action to be taken in the event of heavy rain. • Roy Featherstone has prepared a Weather Policy although it was noted that it may not be possible to use a tractor.


Wing Commander Stephen Borthwick provided the following update:

What we do at RAF Halton • Carry out Recruit Training: a 9 week course for those joining the RAF as airmen. It is expected that about 1200 new recruits will be trained this financial year (an increase on last financial year). The training consists of learning about the RAF, getting physically fit, and basic military skills such as shooting and living in the field. Training is the same for men and women. Courses start approximately every 2 weeks and culminate in a ceremonial parade at which there is usually a fly past. Dates of the courses are normally published in the Wendover News. • Conduct Airmen’s Development Training: courses are run for corporals, sergeants, FSs and WOs so, as airmen get promoted throughout their career, they keep coming back to Halton. The courses mainly teach leadership and management techniques. • Host a variety of other units including the Defence Media Operations Centre which trains people in how to handle the media and provides a pool of trained personnel for deployment overseas. • RAF Halton has a grass airfield with a military air traffic zone, where the flying of light aircraft, gliders and balloons is conducted. The Joint Service Gliding Centre provides an adventurous training opportunity for people of all 3 services to learn how to glide, which last year under a scheme called Battle Back included a session for limbless servicemen. The gliders used belong to the RAF Gliding and Soaring Association who also run the Chilterns Gliding Centre (a club where RAF people can learn to fly gliders). They use winch- launched gliders and gliders which are towed into the air by a tug aircraft. These tugs can be noisy so RAF Halton restricts their flying for an hour at lunchtime. • 613 Volunteer Gliding Squadron are on the airfield and they teach Air Cadets how to fly using military powered gliders. RAF Halton is also home to the Halton Aeroplane Club which gives RAF people the opportunity to learn to fly a lightweight aircraft. Both the Aeroplane Club and the Microlight Club are about to purchase new aircraft that are quieter than those they replace. There is an agreement that limits our flying to 16300 powered landings per year, although practice in 2010 we achieved less than 1000.

What RAF Halton do for the wider community

7 • Over 600 RAF people and their families live at RAF Halton, along with some 70 Army and Navy colleagues. Single or unaccompanied officers live at Halton House, the well-known Rothchild stately home that is occasionally open to the public, and others live in messes or barrack blocks on the Station. RAF Halton has about 400 married quarters where the residents pay council tax and receive local authority services. • The RAF Halton community is much more than just Servicemen. About 200 civil servants and 300 permanent contractors are employed from companies such as Serco, ESS and PRIDE. Most of these people live locally and use local services such as schools, public transport and local shops. • RAF Halton has a very good relationship with the local government. Wing Commander Borthwick attends every Halton Parish Council meeting and meetings of the Wendover Local Area Forum and close links with the District and County Councils are maintained. • Recruits and other RAF Halton personnel very often conduct charity activities and jobs for the local community. Recent examples include bulb planting, clearing out part of the Wendover Arm canal in Halton, helping at Tiggywinkles animal hospital in Haddenham and ground maintenance at Bedgrove Primary School. RAF Halton are currently storing some bulky equipment for the Chilterns MS Centre, they provide people as First Responders to the local ambulance service, and have a number of families who have trained Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. This year RAF Halton will be setting up a heritage trail in conjunction with the local Parish Council. • RAF Halton is passionate about sport. Not only do they play a lot of sport but others are also allowed to hire the facilities (Wendover Junior Football Club, Aston Clinton Baptist Church and other local hockey, football and rugby clubs). Local swimming clubs will be welcomed back to the swimming pool once the roof is fixed. • RAF Halton is very involved with children and youth activities. There is a youth worker in the Trinity Community Centre; the RAF Recruiting team based at Halton work with local schools; school visits are hosted to the First World War training trenches (excavated last year) and Halton is home to the local county Air Training Corps headquarters.

What about the future • There are no current plans to close RAF Halton or radically restructure what the base does. This year there will be people affected by the Civil Service Early Release scheme and the Armed Forces Redundancy programme, but it is expected that most of these people will be replaced by others. The Catering Training Squadron will be leaving RAF Halton this year to integrate with Army catering training at Worthy Down, and it is possible that in due course other units might leave or join but RAF Halton is not planning any fundamental changes to staffing levels. • RAF Halton is proud to be the local Armed Forces base and it is hoped they will be able to represent the local community, the County and the Nation well into the future.


There was no Social Care update as apologies had been received from Karen Adamson.


Members were asked to note the report on The BBC’s Switchover Help Scheme in Buckinghamshire.


5 July 2011 at 7pm at Buckland Village Hall.

8 Agenda Item 9

AVDC Local Area Forum Briefing Update – June 2011

Key areas included in this update: • Elections 2011 • High Speed 2 • Car parking in the Vale update • Aylesbury Waitrose construction about to start • The Vale of Aylesbury Plan update

1. Elections

Twenty two new members have been elected to AVDC following the district elections on 5 May. The composition of the new council is:

Conservative: 37 Liberal Democrat: 17 Labour: 2 UKIP: 2 Independent : 1

The turnout for the election was 45.49% compared to 39.5% in 2007.

At the annual council meeting on 25 May, the following appointments were made:

Council Leader John Cartwright Deputy Leader Michael Edmonds

Cabinet portfolio holders Civic amenities Brian Roberts Community matters Pam Pearce Corporate issues Phil Yerby Economic development Michael Edmonds Environment & health Beville Stanier Leisure David Thompson Major projects John Cartwright Planned development, Design and Conservation Sue Polhill Resources Neil Blake Strategic planning Carole Paternoster

Chairman of the Council Derrick Isham Vice- Chair Michael Rand

Committee chairmen Communities scrutiny Derrick Isham

Page 1 of 3 109 Economy scrutiny Chris Richards Environment scrutiny Ashley Bond Resources scrutiny John Chilver Audit Timothy Mills Development control Janet Blake Strategic develop. Michael Edmonds Licensing Judy Brandis Appeals Beville Stanier General purposes John Cartwright Senior appointments Pam Pearce

2. High Speed 2

A more detailed update has been sent to parishes in the last two weeks so this is just a summary of the current position:

Consultation will finish on 29 July and we would strongly urge people to make their responses, focusing particularly on the consultation questions rather than just saying “No to HS2”.

A submission has been made to the Transport Select Committee from the 51M group of authorities (which includes AVDC and BCC) outlining its responses to the Transport Select Committee (TSC) main question areas, with specialist evidence in support. This is a very large document but will be available on the AVDC website shortly.

A separate submission has also made by the Bucks authorities to the Transport Select Committee specifically on the environment question asked by the TSC.

It is expected that the select committee will sit on 21 and 22 June, and the 12, 19 and 26 July. AVDC is now preparing its response to the consultation, which is scheduled for Cabinet and Council meetings in July. A copy will be sent to all parishes in due course.

3. Car parking in the Vale update

New Exchange Street car park opens soon

Aylesbury’s shoppers will welcome the new pay-and-display car park on the site of the former Civic Centre. The opening is scheduled for late September and the car park will have 430 spaces, 38 bays for disabled badge holders, and four spaces reserved for market trader larger vehicles.

Page 2 of 3 11 Aylesbury Waterside Theatre parking made easier

The problem of queues at the ticket machines at Walton Street and the Upper Hundreds car parks, after theatre performances can now be overcome. As there is a flat evening fee of just £1 until midnight, people can buy their ticket when they park if they arrive after 6.30pm, rather than after the show. Parking remains free all day on Sundays.

Hampden House car park

This long-stay car park is now open on Sundays from 7am until 8pm to provide extra town centre parking in Aylesbury.

4. Aylesbury Waitrose construction about to start

Construction on the new Waitrose store adjacent to the canal in Aylesbury town, is due to start shortly. Work will also begin on the new car park and Travelodge hotel which are all part of the same complex. The new car park will be open 24 hrs and be available for use by anyone.

5. The Vale of Aylesbury Plan - update

The AVDC planning team are working with parishes who have come back to them (about two thirds of all parishes) and advised how they want to be involved with the Vale of Aylesbury Plan. All the Parishes within this LAF area have responded – thanks for this.

A timeline is being developed which will feed into the formal publication of the ‘Local Development Scheme’. This is the formal timetable document that sets out how we will develop the Vale of Aylesbury Plan.

The first part of the Sustainability Appraisal (the formal document that helps us assess the Vale of Aylesbury Plan to be incompliance with EU legislation) is also being scoped.

A package of support is being developed for all parishes to call upon as they see fit. It includes a toolkit explaining the different ways in which parishes can involve their local community in the debate, examples of questions they might like to ask, and access to electonic survey software.

In July an AVDC Cabinet report will set out in more detail what we are doing next with the Vale of Aylesbury Plan. It will be available on our website from about the beginning of July 2011.

Page 3 of 3 12 Agenda Item 13 TRANSPORT FOR BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Buckinghamshire County Council

Report to Wendover Local Area Forum

Title Update report from Transport for Buckinghamshire

st Date 21 June 2011 Ann Marie Davies Author & Transport Localities Team Leader Contact Officer 01296 382157 Electoral Divisions Affected Parishes within the LAF


1. From 2010 this standard report will be issued to each Local Area Forum (LAF) from Transport for Buckinghamshire.

2. It will aim to provide a comprehensive update on current and relevant Transportation issues which are tailored to each individual LAF.

3. Standard topics to be covered will be:

- Dates of when Local Community Gangs will visit parishes - Major issues likely to affect parishes within the LAF - Update on ongoing local issues - Policy Development - Any other information

4. In addition, it will cover any emerging issues which could or will affect Local Areas Forum areas.


Area Maintenance Community and Road Fixer Gangs Now that the pothole situation is beginning to ease, we will be having community and road fixer gangs returning to the areas on a programmed basis. Any ideas for community gang type work, ie vegetation clearance, minor repairs etc should be sent to your area technician, Clifford Marshall, in the first instance or Simon Dudley.

A full list of when work will be taking place is available on http://www.transportforbucks.net/Roadworks-Centre.aspx

Traffic Management

Nothing to report

Policy Local Transport Plan 3 Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) has been adopted by the County Council Cabinet on the 21st March. The strategy will supersede the LTP2 and come into effect on the 1st April 2011. The document will initially be available online and hard copes are available in libraries and County Council offices. TfB would like to thank all of those who took part in the consultation - Your views have helped shape the final document and a Consultation and Engagement Report will be produced early in 2011/12.

Road Safety Local Safety Schemes – Nothing to report.

Road Safety Team - The Thames Valley Safety Camera Partnership has, as of 31st March, stopped existing in its original format. As a result of this Buckinghamshire no longer has a dedicated road safety constable who preciously would have arranged and attended roadside checks across the County.

A new camera partnership has been born for the Berkshire authorities. Roadside checks will continue in a reduced manner through neighbourhood officers which we may not attend or receive details of. Buckinghamshire will continue to receive both fixed and mobile safety camera enforcement from a partnership with the Thames Valley Police.

Thames Valley Police are responsible for all matters concerning enforcement of traffic laws. However, requests from the public about speeding are considered for enforcement, either by Police presence/speed checks or mobile camera enforcement through a "dealing with speeding traffic" scheme. A request for this enforcement can be made by contacting the Thames Valley Police either by email at: [email protected] or by

14 post to: Speed Solutions Thames Valley Police Roads Policing Three Mile Cross 270 Whitley Wood Road Reading Berkshire RG28FT Following a request a decision would be taken by the Police, who would contact you direct.

Driver assessments are available for companies and individuals, which are heavily discounted for bucks Businesses. Please contact Elaine Hassall for further details.

Winter Driving Workshops – The Road Safety Team is now taking bookings for businesses to host their own event. We will provide a guest speaker and conduct car safety checks of vehicles. Cost £5 per place. Alternatively, individuals can attend our evening workshops at locations around the county. Contact Road Safety 01296 382450 for further information.

Passenger Transport New timetables have come in to operation on many bus services in Buckinghamshire from Sunday, 15th May, 2011. These follow reductions to the budget for evening and Sunday services, with many services revised and some journeys removed.

This is a very extensive list of changes, and a full summary is available on www.transportforbucks.net or on update leaflets around the County.

Development Control

Nothing to report

Design & Construction Sites, across the County, that have been earmarked for surface dressing over the next two years are receiving some initial works to help prepare the surface. These initial works may include pothole filling.

Further information on where work will be taking place can be found at http://www.transportforbucks.net/Roadworks-Centre.aspx

Asset Management – Street Lighting SWITCHING OFF STREET LIGHTS TO SAVE ENERGY TRIAL As the trial is now nearing its conclusion, Transport for Buckinghamshire is now preparing for the end of the trial.

15 Although the project completion plan still needs to be finalised, there is no intention to deem the whole trial a success or failure but rather each of the sites where street lights have been switched off will be individually assessed to determine what future action is best for that site.

Additional information regarding the completion of the trial and the opportunity to provide further comments, will be released shortly.

More information about the trial, including two interim reports, can be viewed at http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/bcc/transport/streetlights_energy.page

Annual Street Light Replacement Programme The Street Lighting Team are currently in the process of developing a programme of works to replace defective street lights across the county. Further information will be available in due course on the Transport for Buckinghamshire Service Information Centre, with updates available at regular intervals.

Delegated Budget update 2010/11

All schemes completed

Delegated Budget 2011/12

Delegated budget report will be presented at the LAF.