Roman Law: 30 Items
ROMAN LAW 30 ITEMS April 7, 2020 Dictionary of Roman Law and Legislation with 24 Plates 1. Agustin, Antonio [1517-1586]. Orsino, Fulvio [1529-1600], Editor. Lipsius, Justus [1547-1606]. De Legibus et Senatusconsultis Liber: Adiunctis Legum Antiquarum & Senatusconsultorum Fragmentis, Cum Notis Fuluii Ursini, Multo Quam Antea Emendatius, Additis Etiam Locorum Quorundam Notis: Cum Duobus Indicibus Locupletissimis: Adiectus est Iusti Lipsii Libellus de Legibus Regiis & X. Viralibus. Paris: Apud Ioannem Richerium, via Diui Ioannis Lateranensis, sub signo Arboris Virescentis, 1584. [xvi], 221, [1], 46 pp., [24] leaves of tipped-in bifolium plates (numbered [cross]1-[cross]35). Folio (14" x 9"). Contemporary limp vellum (colored green) with yapp edges, later gilt ornaments to spine, ties lacking. Rubbing to boards and extremities, some wrinkling to corners, minor worming to front board, small chip to front joint, spine ends bumped, corners worn, hinges cracked, front pastedown renewed, other endleaves lacking. Large woodcut printer device to title page, woodcut decorated initials, head-pieces and tail-pieces. Moderate toning to text, a bit heavier in places, occasional faint dampstaining, early annotations to a few leaves. An appealing copy. $1,950. * Second edition. Agustin, a Spanish cleric and jurist, was Archbishop of Tarragona. He was a leading member of the group of antiquarians in mid-sixteenth century Rome who were involved in the study of ancient Roman institutions. First published in 1583, De Legibus is a dictionary of Roman law with an emphasis on legislation. The final section, a set of plates preceded by a half-title reading Leges et Senatusconsulta Quae in Veteribus cum ex Lapide tum ex Aere Monumentis Reperiuntur, is a collection of transcribed documents.
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