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December 20, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1711 TRIBUTE TO ALEXANDER EDWARD MASTER SERGEANT JOSHUA of outstanding service to the United States TAVLIAN WHEELER House of Representatives in several adminis- trative and support roles. She lives in Vir- HON. DAVID G. VALADAO HON. ROBERT PITTENGER ginia’s 11th District, and I am proud to rep- OF CALIFORNIA OF NORTH CAROLINA resent her in Congress. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jackie is retiring after working for the House Thursday, December 20, 2018 of Representatives for more than four dec- Thursday, December 20, 2018 ades. Her career with the House began when Mr. VALADAO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. PITTENGER. Mr. Speaker, Joshua she moved from Pennsylvania to the Wash- thank Mr. Alexander Edward Tavlian for his Wheeler, a Master Sergeant in the United ington, D.C. area in March 1978 to work for years of service to my office and the 21st States Army, was killed in Iraq in October the Honorable Richard Taylor ‘‘ Dick’’ Schulze Congressional District. 2015 during a battle with ISIS. A highly-deco- of Pennsylvania. Jackie served as the systems Mr. Tavlian was born on April 1, 1992 in rated combat veteran, he was awarded the administrator until Congressman Schulze’s re- Fresno, California. After graduating from Clo- Silver Star, Purple Heart, and Medal of Patriot- tirement in 1993. She worked in the same ca- vis West High School in 2010, Alex received ism. Shortly before his death, he and his wife pacity for the Honorable Jim Kolbe of Arizona his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from constructed a new home where they planned from 1993 until 2000. University of California, Davis in 2014. He to raise their infant son together. The Wheel- In 2000, Jackie transferred to the Office of continued his education soon after, earning his er’s mortgage lender and servicer, Ditech Fi- Financial Counseling under the Chief Adminis- Juris Doctor from California Western School of nancial LLC, partnered with Lt. Colonel Rich- trative Officer (CAO), where she remained Law in 2017. He is now a member of the ard Cantwell (Ret.), Chairman of the Patriot until her retirement. She started as a data State Bar of California and a licensed attor- Military Foundation, to ensure Ashley was fi- entry specialist, but her work ethic and eye for nancially able to keep the home. I am happy ney. detail resulted in a promotion to Financial that entities like this recognize the enormous Alex first became a member of my Congres- Counselor within one year. She provided fi- sacrifice of all service members and their fami- sional Team in 2013 when he served as a nancial guidance and services to House of- lies, particularly Gold Star families like the summer intern in Washington, D.C. Mr. fices to help ensure their expenditures ad- Wheelers. Tavlian’s hard working demeanor and extreme hered to applicable rules and accounting talent left a strong impression on me and my f standards. Jackie’s knowledge, experience, staff, maintaining a close relationship with my IN RECOGNITION OF THE EASTERN and attentiveness made her an invaluable office as he pursued other ventures. He re- HANOVER VOLUNTEER FIRE DE- asset to the House of Representatives over joined my Congressional Team in 2017, serv- PARTMENT the years. She is well respected by her co- ing as our Deputy District Director. Alex man- workers and colleagues. aged special projects and strategic initiatives, HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Jackie and her husband Gary have four chil- advising staff on pertinent district-level issues OF VIRGINIA dren; Abby, Randy, Maggie, and Gretchen; and coordinating media opportunities. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES she has two grandchildren, Jake and Emma. proved to be a strong asset across the 21st Her parents, Fred and Rachel Graeff recently Thursday, December 20, 2018 Congressional District, creating meaningful moved from Pennsylvania to live with her in connections with community leaders and lead- Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Springfield, Virginia. Jackie is also active in ing staff with wisdom and inspiration. Alex’s recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the her church and teaches Sunday school to wide breadth of policy knowledge combined Eastern Hanover Volunteer Fire Department, a three-year-olds. with effective organizational leadership made brave group of men and women who every I congratulate Jackie, and I ask my col- him an in valuable member of my team and a day put their service to the community above leagues to join me in thanking her for her dis- true public servant to the people of California’s self. tinguished service to the House and the nation Central Valley. The Eastern Hanover Volunteer Fire Depart- it serves. I wish her and her family all the best Throughout his professional career, Mr. ment was formed in October of 1967 with four as she begins this new chapter in her life. charter members who placed second mort- Tavlian has shown strong passion and im- f mense talent in the field of politics. He found- gages on their homes to pay for the new sta- ed Sultana Media in 2014, a strategic commu- tion. Since its founding the members of the HONORING PASTOR KENNY nications and digital media firm serving polit- Eastern Hanover Volunteer Fire Department FOREMAN ical and public affairs campaigns. Servicing have operated primarily on donations from the campaigns, presidential and local, Alex has community for many years while also hosting HON. ZOE LOFGREN fund raising events including Bingo games, become well known for his dedication and OF CALIFORNIA chicken dinners, crab feasts and door-to-door commitment to his clients. This past election IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cycle, Alex served as team Valadao’s Cam- fund drives. Since then, the Eastern Hanover Thursday, December 20, 2018 paign Manager. Volunteer Fire Department has experienced Aside from politics, Alex also has a passion significant growth and currently has twenty- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to for the Nation’s legal system. He has worked four volunteer members and twenty lifetime honor Pastor Kenny Foreman, who passed for and studied under multiple legal entities, members. away on December 16, 2018. I spoke three including private law firms, the Fresno County Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join me in recog- years ago on the impact he made on Santa District Attorney’s Office, and the U.S. Attor- nizing the accomplishments of the Eastern Clara County and it saddens me that he has ney’s Office. Being a licensed attorney him- Hanover Volunteer Fire Department. Words left us so soon. He was a beloved member of self, Alex brings a fresh legal perspective into alone cannot express our gratitude. May God our community whose passing is deeply felt. each of his professional avenues. bless the operations of the Eastern Hanover Pastor Kenny Foreman dedicated his life to Outside of work, Alex enjoys traveling Volunteer Fire Department, and I look forward the ministry. He started to travel the country at across California, taking advantage of the to seeing their excellence for many years into age seventeen as an evangelist minister. With sights to perfect his photography skills. He the future. his wife, Shirley, he continued his commitment also is an avid sports fan, taking every oppor- f to his beliefs and established the Cathedral of tunity to watch San Francisco Giants base ball THANKING JACQUELINE ‘‘JACKIE’’ Faith in 1965. Since then Pastor Foreman was and Oakland Raiders football. HURDA FOR HER SERVICE TO a pillar in our community’s spiritual life. He has This January, Mr. Tavlian will be moving THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- touched thousands of lives with a congrega- onto new ventures. Knowing Alex, his char- TIVES tion of more than 12,000 members with over acter and work ethic, I have no doubt he will 70 ministries. achieve many great things in his future. As his life’s work, the Cathedral of Light, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY serves the spiritual needs ofthe community OF VIRGINIA United States House of Representatives to and gives help to those in need. One of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES join me in commending Alexander Edward ministries, ‘‘Reaching Out,’’ is a food assist- Tavlian for his public service to the people of Thursday, December 20, 2018 ance program that operates one of the largest the Central Valley and wishing him the very Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to and most efficient food programs in the state best in this next chapter of his life. thank Jackie Hurda for more than forty years of California. Their mission is to serve the low- VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:04 Dec 21, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20DE8.028 E20DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 20, 2018 income, disadvantaged, and homeless in Their report found that ‘‘War is being de- In December of 2017, following this chal- Santa Clara County. Other ministries serve clared on the conservative movement . lenging and rewarding experience, Mr. Mizner those recently released from incarceration, and conservatives are losing—badly. It’s the continued his pursuit of helping others becom- give support to those with addiction, and aid new battleground of media bias. But it’s ing the Constituent Services Representative in parents with children who have special needs. worse. That bias is not a war of ideas. It’s a my District Office. Mr. Mizner’s ability to listen These programs are just a few that support war against ideas.