The Illawarra Fly Fishers' Club
Inc. THE ILLAWARRA FLY FISHERS’ CLUB 1989 to 2019 - The First Thirty Years The First Thirty Years - 1989 to 2019 Page 1 FOREWARD As the following document details, 2019 marked the thirtieth anniversary of the Illawarra Fly Fishers’ Club. By any measure, the passage of thirty years is a significant milestone in any endeavour, be it on a personal, social or business basis or, as in the case of the Illawarra Fly Fishers’ Club, the establishment and uninterrupted continuity of a specialist social club. That the Illawarra Fly Fishers’ Club has existed for thirty years is a remarkable achievement. Thirty years ago Bob Hawke was the Prime Minister of Australia, Nick Greiner was the Premier of New South Wales, Australia had, the previous year, celebrated the bi-centenary of the arrival of the First Fleet, acid wash jeans were the rage, the “Game Boy” console was released by Nintendo, Crocodile Dundee II was a hit movie, Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” was the number one music single and for higher education students, the Hawke government had scrapped free University education and introduced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) scheme. Whilst the HECS scheme remains, other political and social highlights of the time have, fortunately or unfortunately depending upon your point of view, passed into history. Fortunately for past, current and future members, the Illawarra Fly Fishers’ Club continues to exist and continues to maintain a strong, active and social membership. This is certainly a remarkable achievement on many fronts. Remarkable
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