r----~ I }"T.w'~ • I OHIO . I .LIMA AIOlON • .MAJUON ---=- -=- s P 0 RTATIONr SERVANTS OF INDIA SOCIETY'S UBRARY, rOONA 4 CN X,0;5'~. 7'&)hNI:/.NL, Gf4 AcN II:>('31 Date of release for loan 2 5 F This book should be returned oil ~g"e the date last mentioned below. An overdue char~e of 5 paise will be levied for each day the book is kevt beyond 'his date. f, 8 OCT ,qq 28 OV 1993 -.P. BOOKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR THE IRON MAN IN INDUSTRY Atlantic lJ,fonthly Press, 1921 THE TELEPHONE IDEA Greenberg, Inc., 1926 JOHNSON OF THE MOHAWKS Macmillan Co., 1930 NATIVE STOCK Macmillan Co., 1931 THE PENNS OF PENNSYLVANIA Macmillan Co., 1931 THEY TOLD BARRON 1930, and MORE THEY TOLD BARRON 1931. The Notes of Clarence W. Ba"on, editor of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Co-editor with Samuel Taylor Moore. Harper & Brothers. MOUNTAIN MORNING Argus, Albany, 1932 AROUND THE CORNER Sears, 1933 MEDAL BY NORMAN BEL GEDDES. commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of General Motors THE TURNING WHEEL THE STORY OF GENERAL MOTORS THROUGH TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 1908-1933 By ARTHUR POUND Drawings by WILLIAM HEYER MCMXXXIV DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & COMPANY, INC. Gard~n City, NlW York PRINTED AT THE Country Lire~, Prus, GARDEN CITY , N ••Y , U. S. A. '19 G31 C:OPYaJGRT. 1914 BY DOUBLEDAY, DOllAR • COMPANY, INC. ALL "'GHTS RESERVED FIR8T EDITIOR Publisher's Note I T IS probable that no invention of such far-reaching im portance was ever diffused with such rapidity or so quickly exerted influences that ramified through the national culture, transforming even habits of thought and language." This quotation from the report of the Hoover Research Com mittee on Social Trends refers to the motor vehicle.
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