Occasional Paper Series Number 21 Gendering Federalism in India Rekha Saxena The Forum of Federations, the global network on federalism and multi-level governance, supports better governance through learning among practitioners and experts. Active on six continents, it runs pro- grams in over 20 countries including established federations, as well as countries transitioning to devolved and decentralized governance options. The Forum publishes a range of information and edu- cational materials. It is supported by the following partner countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan and Swit- zerland. Gendering Federalism in India Rekha Saxena © Forum of Federations, 2017 ISSN: 1922-558X (online ISSM 1922-5598) Occasional Paper Series Number 21 Gendering Federalism in India By: Rekha Saxena For more information about the Forum of Federations and its publications, please visit our website: www.forumfed.org. Forum of Federations 75 Albert Street, Suite 411 Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) K1P 5E7 Tel: (613) 244-3360 Fax: (613) 244-3372
[email protected] Gendering Federalism in India 1 Gendering Federalism in India Rekha Saxena ( Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Honorary vice-chairperson, Centre for Multilevel Federalism, New Delhi and Hon. Senior Advisor, Forum of Federations, Ottawa) Abstract ; This paper seeks to explore the gendered impact of Indian federal structure. Different aspects of federalism such as intergovernmental relations, asymmetrical relations, and multi-level federalism and its impact on the way women’s movement engage with the state structure are discussed. The impact of three-tier federal struc- ture is visible in the presence of women’s organizations at all the three levels.