Training FLES Teachersinclude
DOCUMENT RESUME RD 077 302 ,FL 004 378 AUTHOR Lipton, Gladys C., Ed.;.Spaar-Rauch,Virginia, Ed. TITLE FLES: Patterns for Change. A Reportby the FLES Committee of the American Associationof Teachers of French. INSTITUTION American Association of Teachers ofFrench. PUB DATE 28 Dec 70 NOTE 129p.; Report presented in NewOrleans, Louisiana, December 28, 1970 AVAILABLE_ FROMMLA Materials Center, 62 FifthAve., New York, N.Y. ($4.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Anthropology; Audiolingual Methods;Audiovisual Aids; Audiovisual Instruction; EducationalInnovation; Educational Theories; ElementaryEducation; *Fles; *Fles Programs; *Iles Teachers;Inservice leacher Education; Instructional Innovation;*Language Instruction; Language Programs; ModernLanguages; *Teacher Education; Teaching Methods ABSTRACT This annual report considersmajor changes in education in general and offersnumerous suggestions to FLES teachers, supervisors, and administratorsfor revamping current FLES programs in the light of current socioeconomicpressures. Articles pertaining to two broadareas -- alternatives in FLESprograms and in training FLES teachersinclude:(1) "FLES in Louisiana- -Progressand Promise,"(2) "Suggested Application ofInnovations to FLES Programs," (3) "Innovations, andChanging Goals of Education and FLES," (4) "Common Goals of FLESand Anthropology," (5) "In theFLES Classzoom-A Change in Approach,"(6) "The Preparation of FLES Teachers," (7) "The FLES Teacherand Audio-Visual Equipment and Materials," and (8) "In-Service Trainingfor the FLES Teacher." The names and addresses of members of theFLES Committee of the American Association of Teachers of Frenchfor 197 0 are listed. (This document previously announced as ED 051 687.)pu4 FLES: PATTERNS FOR CHANGE A REPORT BY XH8 FLES COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF FRENCH P Co-Chairmen Dr. Gladys C.
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