OSU-Tulsa Library Michael Wallis Papers Correspondence Rev

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OSU-Tulsa Library Michael Wallis Papers Correspondence Rev OSU-Tulsa Library Michael Wallis papers Correspondence Rev. July 2017 AC The Art of Cars BH Beyond the Hills BTK Billy the Kid DC David Crockett EDL En Divina Luz HW Heaven’s Window LH Lincoln Highway MK Mankiller OC Oklahoma Crossroads OM Oil Man PBF Pretty Boy Floyd R66 Route 66 RWW The Real Wild West W365 The Wild West 365 WDY Way Down Yonder 1:1 21st Century Fox 66 Diner (R66) 1:2 66 Federal Credit Union Gold Club 1:3 101 Old Timers Association, The. Includes certificate of incorporation, amended by-laws, projects completed, brief history, publicity and marketing ideas. 1:4 101 Old Timers Association, The. Board and association meeting minutes, letters to members: 1995-1997. 1:5 101 Old Timers Association, The. Board and association meeting minutes, letters to members: 1998-2000. 1:6 101 Old Timers Association, The. Personal correspondence: 1995-2000. 1:7 101 Old Timers Association, The. Newsletters (incomplete run): 1995-2001. 1:8 101 Old Timers Association, The. Ephemera. 1:9 AAA AARP 1:10 ABC Entertainment 1:11 AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Traffic Officers) 1:12 A Loves L. Productions, Inc. A-Town Merchants Wholesale Souvenirs Abell, Shawn 1:13 Abney, John (BH) Active Years 1:14 Adams, Barb Adams, Steve Adams, W. June Adams, William C. 1:15 Adler, Abigail (PBF) Adventure Tours (R66) 1:16 Adweek 1:17 Aegis Group Publishers, The A.K. Smiley Public Library Akron Police Department, The Alan Rhody Productions Alansky, Marilyn (OM) 1:18 Alaska Northwest Books 2:1 [Alberta] Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau Albuquerque Journal Albuquerque Museum, The. Billy the Kid Symposium. Aldersgate United Methodist Church 2:2 Alexander, Leah (R66) Alice and Hamilton Fish Library, The Allan, Robyn (OM) Allard, David (R66) Allen, Dick (RWW) 2:3 Allen, Greg 2:4 Allen, Ruby E. Helton Allen, Terry Allspaugh, Morgan (R66) 2:5 Alpha Delta Kappa (MK) Altman, Reuben 2:6 American Airlines American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. American Indian Arts Association American Indian Heritage Center American Institute of Germanic Philology (PBF) American Programs Services American Red Cross (R66) “American Snapshots” 2:7 American Way Magazine 2:8 American West. 1973-1981. 2:9 American West. 1982-1987. 2:10 Americana Magazine 2:11 Ammerman, Neal G. Amon Carter Museum (OM) 2:12 Amsterdam Free Library (MK) 2:13 Anderson, David (RWW) Anderson, D.C. (PBF) Anderson, Harry and Barbara 2:14 Anderson, Lola Mae (R66) 2:15 Anderson Productions 2:16 Anderson and Sons’ Publishing Co. (R66). Includes typescript of the outline/script for an in-house OK Route 66 video production. Andrews Pueblo Pottery and Art Gallery (R66) 2:17 Angel, Nicholas (BTK) Anthamatten, Brad 2:18 Arbuckle, David (R66) Arc Digest of Architectural Culture Arcadia Historical Society (R66) 2:19 Ark Media Archangel Motion Pictures and Television Inc. (OM) Archetype Press (R66) Argo, Jim and Burnis (R66) Argyropoulos, Yannis (R66) 2:20 Arizona Daily Star Arizona Highways (R66) Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism Arkansas Literary Festival (BTK) Arkin, Joseph Arndt, Donald J. (R66) Arrowood Trading Post (R66) “Artistic License” 2:21 Ashland Now Ashton, Patricia L. (R66) Aspen Historical Society (OM) Assed, Norman (R66) Atchity Entertainment/Editorial International (PBF) Atticus Press and Company (OM) Attitudes 3:1 Audette, Bob 3:2 Audubon Magazine Ault, Jeanne Australian Broadcasting Corp. Authors Guild Inc., The Auto and Reise (R66) 3:3 Autry, Gene (RWW) Away Magazine AXM-Corporation Webmastery (R66) Aziere, Mark Azusa, City of (California) Azusa Historical and Cultural Landmark Commission (R66) 3:4 B. Dalton Booksellers Babbitt, Susan (PBF) Babcock, Mary Baby Boomer Radio 3:5 Bahm, David (R66) 3:6 Bakalet, Marilyn (R66) Baker, Dick (R66) Baker, Pat (R66) 3:7 Baldwin, Chester (RWW) Ballen, Samuel B. (R66) BancFirst (PBF) Bandana Tours and Events (OM) Bantam Books, Inc. (OM) Bantam Doubleday Dell (OM) Barber, Bill Barker, Carolyn (R66) 3:8 Barker, Patricia Berry 3:9 Barnes, Harper (PBF) 3:10 Barra, Allen 3:11 Barrett, Jerry Barry, Jeanne (R66) Bartlesville Area History Museum and Archives (OM) Bartlesville Public Library and History Museum (R66) Bartlesville Times (OM) Barton, [Fayette] Bell (R66) 3:12 Bass, Becki Batjac Productions (RWW) Bauler, Ron Baumer, Sandy K. 3:13 Baxter Springs Chamber of Commerce (R66) Baxter Springs, City of (RWW) Baxter Springs Historical Society (RWW) Bay, Tom (PBF) Bazidlo, Tony R. (PBF) BBC Timewatch (WDY) Beacon Journal, The (PBF) Bealmer, Brad and Holly Beaty, James Beaumont Enterprise-Journal Beaver, Christopher (WDY) 3:14 Becker, Wolfgang [Becky] (AC) Beecher, Jane (OM) Belcher-Heinz, Teddi (R66) 3:15 Bell, Bob Boze (BTK) 3:16 Bellmon, Henry (OM) Bennett, Pat (BTK) Berea, The Boys from (R66) Berger, Mary (PBF) Berney, Charlotte (RWW) 3:17 Bernhardt, Kevin. Consists of a photocopied typescript of the screenplay “Tears from Heaven: The Life of Pretty Boy Floyd. 3:18 Bernhardt, Kevin. Consists of a photocopied typescript of the screenplay “Tears from Heaven: The Life of Pretty Boy Floyd, cont’d. 4:1 Berry, Dianne Dennehy Best of Books, Inc. (PBF) Best of the West Review Best Price Books 4:2 Best Western Trade Winds Motor Hotel 4:3 Bettmann News Photos (PBF) Betty’s Book Rack (OM) Between the Lines [Beverly] (R66) BF Photographics 4:4 Big Texas Gift Shop, The (R66) Bilecki, Marty and Geri (R66) Billings, Josh W. (OM) Birthday Times, The 4:5 Bittick, Bob L Blackside Inc. (PBF) Blair, Paul (R66) Blake, Buckeye (BTK) Bliss, Jr., Mrs. John (Florence J.) (OM) Bloink, Peter (R66) Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma (R66) Blue Pig Book Shop (PBF) Blue Spruce Lodge 4:6 Blue Swallow Motel (R66) Bohemian Society, The Bokenkamp, Jon 4:7 Boland, John L. (R66) Boldt, Veronica L. (DC) Boles, Ed (R66) Bollner, Dotty (OM) Bondank, James (PBF) Book Fare Bookstore Books on the West Bookseller, The (PBF) Bookshelf, The (Becki Bass) (PBF) Booksource, The (R66) Bookstore and More, The Boots Motel Borges, Lionel Boston Avenue School of Continuing Education Bothwell, Dorothy J. (PBF) Boubelik, B. J. (OM) 4:8 Bound to be Read Bourland, Suzanne and Charlie Bowers, Bernie Boy Scouts of America. Cherokee Area Council #469. Boyer, Skip Boykins and Associates, Terry Boyle, Shanna Boyle, Susan Calafate (R66) 4:9 Brace Books and More (R66) Bradley, Larry “Grandpa” Brannon, Ruby Brass Ring Society, Inc. Braun Entertainment Group, Inc. Brentano’s Brett, Mary (OM) Brewer, Norma Elaine 4:10 Bristow Chamber of Commerce Brixel, Petra (R66) Broadcast Executives of Tulsa, Inc. (OM) 4:11 Brookes, Timothy R. (PBF). Includes a photocopied article by Brookes, “Pretty Boy Floyd” appearing in Timeline, Aug/Sept 1990. 4:12 Brower, Lucy (OM) Brown, Donna (R66) Brown, Jenny (R66). Includes photocopy of a typed questionnaire for the 9th grader’s Texas State History Fair project. Brown, John C. (OM) Brown, Ivan D. (PBF) Brown, Roger and Phyllis Brusca, Frank Buckley, Pat (R66) Bucklin, Beth (RWW) 4:13 Buddy Lee Attractions Budrick, Joy Buffalo Creek Productions Bŭnn, Horst. Burger, Phil and Judi Burgess, Cindy Burgess, Tim L. (RWW) Burns, Mike 4:14 Büro (Hamburg) Burrill, Michael E. Burris, Buster 4:15 Business Network Communications Buthod, Richard (PBF) Butko, Brian A. Butler, Sydney Fern (OM) Button’s Brentwood Butts, Ed (PBF) Buzzworm 4:16 Byrd, Marjorie G. (R66) 5:1 C.A.R.S. Unlimited of Western Oklahoma CBS. News, 48 Hours, CBS This Morning, etc. 5:2 C.C. Brown’s of Hollywood Café Express California Route 66 Museums Call Rape, Inc. Calnicean, Paul Cal’s Country Cooking Cambridge Bookstore on Brookside Cameron, Bob (R66) Camp, Dulcie (R66) Canfield Gallery (RWW) Cantergiani, Chris Capps, Kenny 5:3 Caravel Magazine Carlyle Motel (R66) Carmichael, John B. Carol Mann Agency Carovilli Communications (R66) Carrillo, Charlie (EDL) 5:4 Carson Tonight Carter, Nancy (RWW) Carthage Chamber of Commerce (R66) Cary, John H. (R66) Casa Grande Trading Post (R66) Casas de Sueños Bed and Breakfast 5:5 Case, Mary (OM). Consists of a photocopied typescripts of a synopsis/overview and screenplay of “The Cow Thieves and Outlaws Reunion”, a screenplay adaptation of Oil Man. 5:6 Case, Mary (OM). Consists of a photocopied typescripts of a synopsis/overview and screenplay of “The Cow Thieves and Outlaws Reunion”, a screenplay adaptation of Oil Man, cont’d. 5:7 Casey, Evelyn (R66) Cass, Maxine and Gebhart, Fred Casto, William J. (RWW) Catoosa Public Library Foundation, Friends of Catoosa Times-Herald 5:8 Chaffin, K.B. (PBF) Chambers, Dan (R66) Chandler Chamber of Commerce Chaney, Sheldon J. “Red” Changing Hands Bookstore Charles Machine Works Chavez, Ronald P. Includes photocopy of the typed short story “Back Side of Glory” by Ronald P. Chavez. 5:9 Chelsea, Jeanne (BH) Chemerka, W.R. “Bill” (DC) Cherokee Heritage Indian Educational Foundation (MK) Cherokee Nation (MK). Includes a typescript of “A Public Relations Proposal for the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma” by Wallis Gideon Wallis, Inc. and related materials. 5:10 Cherokee National Heritage Center Chevrolet Public Relations Cherniak, Bauble and Gene (R66) 5:11 Chicago Historical Society (OM) Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Tribune 5:12 Chickasaw Nation Chickasaw Regional Library System (RWW) 5:13 Chino, Darrell and Donna Chip Lord Projects (R66) Chism, James B. Christian Living Christian Science Monitor Christianity Today Chronicle Books Chronister, Lisa (R66) 5:14 Churm, Sally 5:15 Cibola Convention Authority (R66) Cie des Etats-Unis/Route 66 Ciecalone, Barbara J. (PBF) Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Public Library of Citadel, The 5:16 Civilian Conservation Corp. Consists of a typed synopsis/overview (with illustrations) of “Bring Back the CCC’s”, a working title for a video documentary by Susan Smith. 5:17 C.J.’s Book Nook, Inc. Clarion Hotel & Conference Center Clark, Brent Clark, Brian Clark, Glenn Clark, Ken K.
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    REPORT NO. PN-2-210804-01 | PUBLISH DATE: 08/04/2021 Federal Communications Commission 45 L Street NE PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media info. (202) 418-0500 ACTIONS File Number Purpose Service Call Sign Facility ID Station Type Channel/Freq. City, State Applicant or Licensee Status Date Status 0000128184 Renewal of AM KOJM 49262 Main 610.0 HAVRE, MT New Media Broadcasters, 08/02/2021 Granted License Inc. From: To: 0000141127 Renewal of AM KZNX 38906 Main 1530.0 CREEDMOOR, AMERICA 08/02/2021 Granted License TX TELECOMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC. From: To: 0000143137 Assignment AM WSKW 46351 Main 1160.0 SKOWHEGAN, MOUNTAIN WIRELESS, 08/02/2021 Granted of ME INC. Authorization From: MOUNTAIN WIRELESS, INC. To: J. Hanson Company, Inc. 0000150469 Assignment LPD K35PC-D 184635 Main 35 ROCHESTER, DTV AMERICA 08/02/2021 Granted of MN CORPORATION Authorization From: DTV AMERICA CORPORATION To: ROSELAND BROADCASTING, INC. 0000139428 Renewal of FM KXLV 39889 Main 89.1 AMARILLO, TX EDUCATIONAL MEDIA 07/22/2021 Granted License FOUNDATION From: To: 0000154640 License To DTX WNYW 22206 Main 548.0 NEW YORK, NY FOX TELEVISION 08/02/2021 Granted Cover STATIONS, LLC From: To: Page 1 of 18 REPORT NO. PN-2-210804-01 | PUBLISH DATE: 08/04/2021 Federal Communications Commission 45 L Street NE PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media info. (202) 418-0500 ACTIONS File Number Purpose Service Call Sign Facility ID Station Type Channel/Freq. City, State Applicant or Licensee Status Date Status 0000133305 Renewal of LPD KXKW- 33177 Main 512.0 LAFAYETTE, LA DELTA MEDIA 08/02/2021 Cancelled License LP CORPORATION From: To: 0000138077 Renewal of FM KDKR 14463 Main 91.3 DECATUR, TX PENFOLD 07/22/2021 Granted License COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
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