commentary d­istribution of value among different Understanding Powerloom agents involved in the process.

Weavers’ Suicides in Growth of the Powerloom Sector The beginning of powerloom activity in Sircilla is linked to the decline of the mill S Galab, E Revathi s­ector in Mumbai and Bhiwandi in the early 1960s. When the mills were closed An oligopolistic market, ecent suicides by weavers in the in Mumbai and Bhiwandi, the migrant fluctuating market conditions, traditional powerloom industry workers in these mills from Sircilla re- inadequate modernisation and R in Sircilla in district turned home with traditional powerlooms in the northern r­egion of which they purchased for Rs 2,000-3,000 the subordinate status of hired A­ndhra Pradesh have once again raised when they were being sold as scrap mate- workers have contributed to the the ugly head of underlying deep-rooted rial and started establishing the looms on poor living conditions of workers distress among the weaving community their own. The eventual dismantling of the in Sircilla, a powerloom centre in the area. Suicides have been reported erstwhile organised mill sector in Mumbai time and again in 1998, 2001 and in 2008 and Bhiwandi ended up in the develop- of Andhra Pradesh. The state in Sircilla. It is rather intriguing as to ment of unorganised weaving activity in and central governments need why there is a persisting crisis in the small towns such as Sircilla. The operation to intervene in a more organised powerloom sector despite the fact that of the first set of four powerlooms was fashion to end the distress. In the the sector has emerged as a major started in 1962. By 1970, there were about p­roducer of cloth in the country. From a 2,000 looms, which rose to 10,000 looms short run, the state governments c­ursory diagnosis it is evident that the by 1990. The number further increased to should source procurement of c­risis is more confined to the hired nearly 18,000 looms by 2002. The bulk of cloth for supply to various welfare w­orker segment of the powerloom sector the looms in Sircilla are traditional power- schemes from the powerloom in Sircilla. looms on which cotton/polyester is w­oven. The incidence of indebtedness is wide- In 2001 and 2002 the powerloom industry producers. In the medium spread among the hired workers, while in Sircilla was badly hit. Loom owners term the central government the level is high among the job workers sold off their looms because of i­nadequate should make it possible for the (weavers with own looms). On an average demand for and rising stock of cloth and powerloom operators to access a hired worker’s family has a debt burden during this period, suicides were high of between Rs 30,000 and Rs 50,000 (Frontline 2001). funds from the existing textile while that of a job worker is around The reasons for the 2001 crisis could be modernisation schemes. Rs 3,00,000. Food insecurity, mal­ traced to the liberalisation policy from nutrition, anaemia and other health-­ 1991 onwards, followed by central govern- related problems such as tuberculosis, ments. Yarn prices shot up as huge quanti- asthma and gynaecological illnesses ties of cotton and yarn were exported; ex- among women; houselessness, and a cise duty on cone yarn was raised to 9.25% high dropout rate among children are pushing up yarn prices further; pro­ some of the issues that have character­ duction of 25 counts of yarn declined ised the multiple deprivations among and removal of quantitative restrictions the w­orkers. Added to this a high inci- led to dumping of cheap imports from dence of a­lcoholism and increased de- C­hina and Thailand. Besides, the govern- pendence on microfinance institutions for ment led by Andhra Pradesh Chief day to day credit needs have further M­inister Chandrababu Naidu raised r­esulted in d­eterioration of living condi- p­ower charges four times from 1995 to tions. G­overnment welfare programmes 2001 as part of the reform process. As a have been inadequate and are inefficient result, the weaving costs soared and in terms of targeting and coverage, r­eturns thinned which resulted in a­ccording to a report prepared by Krushi, i­ncreased stress. Till then the powerlooms a local NGO. used were mostly of the 42, 44 and 46 inch The appalling living conditions of the types, p­roducing short length cloth. weavers are the fallout of the production As a palliative step in the post-crisis S Galab ([email protected]) and E Revathi conditions prevalent in Sircilla. The pro- p­eriod, the Andhra Pradesh Electricity are with the Centre for Economic and Social duction conditions determine the growth Regulatory Commission had reduced the Studies, University of Hyderabad. of the powerloom sector as well as the power tariff from Rs 1.74 to 0.87 per unit

12 february 21, 2009 vol xliv no 8 EPW Economic & Political Weekly commentary up to 5 HP in 2001. After 2003, the number and with the capacity to invest in the siz- simply may be getting job workers to do of looms started to rise once again. Most ing and processing units to adapt to chang- the production. There was also a rise in of them were 56 inch looms on which ing demand are not m­arket savvy and lack the number of the middle layer jobbers. longer length cloth used for saris could be enterprise to take the initiative, while the This layer of job workers owns between produced. Weavers mobilised capital for smaller master weavers who have emerged two and three pairs of looms to 20 pairs the looms on their own by sale of assets with the growth of the industry lack ade- (40 looms) with an a­verage size of around such as land and gold. Besides, the govern- quate capital. More­over, the big master six pairs; the smaller owners also renting ment also opened yarn depots in S­ircilla in weavers and the traders have been corner- a pair or two,2 working on the looms and 2003 supplying yarn directly to the job ing a larger share of the value of output also employing weavers on a daily wage workers. The job workers were provided even in the context of stagnation and have basis. The last in the hierarchy are the with bank loans and credit card facility to a vested interest in perpetuating this sys- hired workers w­ithout any looms, working the extent of Rs 25,000 for working capital tem. Thus the growth of this sector in for the job workers on wages. There are needs. However, this move was pre-empted terms of diversification has remained stag- 13,000 to 14,000 such workers in Sircilla by the master weavers by supplying yarn at nant. Further as part of the central gov- engaged in many types of acti­vities such as a lower price than supplied by the yarn de- ernment’s liberalisation policy the power- warping, drawing, mechanics, dyeing, siz- pot. One fallout of the reduction in the looms were removed from the small-scale ing units for c­otton, etc. The number of power charges was the increase in the sector thereby allowing big players such wage workers engaged in weaving activity number of looms, and the other was the in- as R­eliance and Mafatlal in the market. To exclusively is around 11,000 and along crease in the profit margins of the master facilitate these big entrants the centre re- with job workers a total of 14,500-15,000 weavers as they reduced the rate per metre duced customs duty on imported machin- work on nearly 30,000 looms in two shifts3 given to the job workers justifying reduced ery from 15% to 5% and also provided 50% (A­ssistant Director, Textiles and Handloom production costs. subsidy on machinery under the Technol- Department, 2008). None of the units The cloth produced by Sircilla power- ogy Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS). are registered. looms is mostly low quality 80×80 counts However, the bulk of the powerloom Master weavers are linked to the polyester, and to a limited extent 20×20 weavers are unable to avail of the TUFS be- H­yderabad market to get yarn and sell counts grey cotton cloth, catering to the cause of problems such as inability to meet cloth to the mills either directly or through poor. Till 1990 however, the major produc- accounting requirements of bankers for agents. They are not a homogeneous class; tion was predominantly of cotton products loans because of small size, non-­viable the 4-5 bigger master weavers have nearly – dhotis, shirts, handkerchiefs, etc, the ma- technology, inadequate working capital as 50% of cloth production collected under jor market for these products being Mahar- per “working c­apital availability require- them while the rest 50% production is ashtra. But as production costs soared, ment” and in­ability to raise the required shared by the other (nearly 100) master there was a switch from pro­duction of cot- powerloom contribution of 35% (Annual weavers. About 10,000 to 15,000 looms ton to low quality polyester, an inter­ Report, 2005-06, Ministry of Textiles, run under the bigger master weavers pro- mediate product used for salwar kameez, G­overnment of ). ducing around 15 lakh metres of cloth per printed saris, banners and decoration. month. The rest of the master weavers There is no post-weaving processing in Structure of Production have a collection of around four lakh to Sircilla, except for cheap dyeing in case of Until 1970, the structure of production in five lakh metres of cloth per month. The cotton marketed as petticoat cloth. The the weaving industry was out and out an bigger master weavers have high staying polyester cloth is sold to mills in Hydera- owner-weaver affair. There was no wage capacity and storage facilities for the bad. In the case of polyester, because of labour nor was there any master weaver cloth, but the rest are cash starved for the absence of allied (sizing and process- putting out jobs. Loom owners were work- working capital and hence it becomes in- ing of yarn) and post-weaving processing ers working with one or two pairs of evitable for them to offload the cloth and activities, value addition and product di- looms. But after 1970 gradually a class of get paid, purchase yarn and get the pro- versifcation has not been possible. And in owners with a number of looms emerged duction going. In this process they often the case of cotton cloth, to produce higher resulting in separation between owners tend to receive a differential price (on the counts (quality cloth), different sizes of and workers. A class of master weavers lower side) compared to the large master beams are needed and which are not pro- emerged. Master weavers supply yarn and weavers due to the low volume of cloth duced by the sizing units in S­ircilla.1 Be- market the cloth produced. However, the collected and inadequate staying capacity. sides, cotton cloth accounts for only 25% master weaver system was limited till the Besides, during the peak season (January of the total production. The absence of a mid-1990s and there were only 4-5 master to May) the price of cloth rises and for at complete value chain in power­loom pro- weavers. But since the mid-1990s their least a couple of months the b­igger master duction has made the s­ector remain as a number increased and have reached al- weavers get a margin of 50 paise to one low quality inter­mediate sector in Sircilla. most 100 by 2005. The master weavers rupee per metre. However they do not A paradoxical situation also emerged in may have their own units with a number pass on the benefits of higher price re- the powerloom s­ector in Sircilla. The of looms or also rent out looms to a middle ceived for the cloth to the job workers. The b­igger master weavers, reaping the profits layer called “job workers or jobbers” or only incentive for the job workers to work

Economic & Political Weekly EPW february 21, 2009 vol xliv no 8 13 commentary with them is continuity in work. As the for polyester cloth of which 60 paise is shift produces 180 metres. At the rate of margin of the master weaver thins they paid to workers and they incur another 30 60 paise per metre a worker on polyester cut back the rate given to job workers paise on power, maintenance, rent for looms earns Rs 108 in a shift. In the case which in turn reduces the wage paid to looms, transport charges, etc; the remain- of cotton cloth, the rate paid is higher at t h e w o r k e r. ing 30 paise is earmarked as income.6 The 90 paise but the per loom production is payments fixed per metre cloth do not less at around 20 to 25 metres of cloth Scale of Production u­ndergo change for a considerable span of which would fetch a daily wage between The scale of production with master time. These are not adjusted for rising cost Rs 75 and 93. The workers generally work w­eavers is the core issue around which of inputs (yarn and credit) and transport exceeding their capacity. For example, profits revolve. Though these are the gen- costs. In addition to the above, the master they work on eight looms in the case of eral production conditions in the industry, weavers, especially the bigger ones, do not polyester cloth to produce more and get a many crises show up time to time with pass on the part of the incremental profit higher wage of Rs 144 per day. As working varied causes. In spite of the costs of pow- margins from stable and sustained on eight looms is too stressful for the er being lower now, erratic power supply i­ncrease in the price of cloth that they workers, generally workers aged below 50 has led to production losses. Apart from n­egotiate with the traders as noted above. years and in good physical condition are this, there is a slump in the demand for The job workers have no option but to the only ones who can withstand such the product in the market, and hence a take whatever is offered as they depend painstaking work. Moreover, workers can lengthening of the slack season. Some of on the m­aster weavers for inputs (yarn work at high capacity for 10 years after the reasons for the slump in the market and c­redit) and do not negotiate directly which they are burnt out and remain are steep and fluctuating yarn prices, with markets. prone to occupational hazards which c­ompetition in the m­arket from other The powerlooms in Sircilla work in two r­esult in tuberculosis, asthma, etc. The powerloom centres in Malegoan and shifts, with 12 hours per shift. One worker pressure to work on more looms and on an I­chalkaranji4 and shift in the consumer is employed in a shift for six looms in the increased turnover is high on the workers demand for cotton.5 case of polyester and four looms in the as the piece rate is low and they need to The job workers working under the case of cotton. Each polyester loom earn at least Rs 150 a day to meet mini- master weavers are paid Rs 1.20 per metre p­roduces 30 metres and six looms in a mum needs of the family. Besides, work

Visiting Students Program 2009 As part of its outreach activities, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is seeking applications for the Visiting Students Program 2009.

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14 february 21, 2009 vol xliv no 8 EPW Economic & Political Weekly commentary availability is reduced by 30% between in modernised looms, dyeing, printing to be borne by the master weavers as July and December during what is termed units and s­izing units. The “Textile Park” workers are not motivated to pay owing to as the “off season”. Wage agreements have established in Sircilla has facilitated big the casual nature of work. The insurable been taking place once in two years but investors to invest in jet looms and semi- age for workers needs to be enhanced to 70 have been seldom implemented. The rate automatic looms by availing of the TUFS years. The health expenditure of the weav- per metre and hence wage is determined and by giving other incentives and credit ers has soared which is mostly met private- according to the number of picks and subsidies similar to the 1985 Textile ly. The Area Hospital in Sircilla is ill- reeds per inch of cloth which signify the P ­o l i c y . 9 But the employment potential of equipped to meet the specific health - re quality of the cloth.7 In 2000 the wage such technology is limited as every jet quirements of the weavers. Besides, the provided was 12 paise for 54 picks which loom displaces 40 traditional powerlooms. high dropout rate among weavers’ children amounts to Rs 0.65 per metre and in 2007 The present strategy of promoting large- needs to be addressed immediately. Not- June again there was a wage agreement scale modern looms cannot be an answer withstanding the benefits extended, effec- for 13.50 paise after a 15-day old strike by to the problem as it pits small and tive access can be ensured when workers the trade unions. The present wage given employment-oriented­ looms against large are organised in line with the self-help is even less than the wage agreement looms with high productivity.­ State inter- group model of Andhra Pradesh.11 signed in 2000 for Rs 0.65 per metre.8 ventions in the form of power subsidy and The workers’ stagnant wages coupled yarn supply through depots have only Notes with rise in the prices of food and non- t­emporarily benefited the job workers 1 Sizing and processing companies were closed by food items they consume further deterio- due to the manipulative behaviour of the 2001 rendering nearly 10,000 people jobless. 2 Only 5% of job workers hire in looms. Moreover rates their living conditions. Workers aged master­ weavers. Wage agreements between renting usually takes place for a brief period of above 50 and also those suffering­ from master weavers and trade unions were two to three years. 3 The figure of total powerlooms as given by the physical ailments cannot compete for work seldom­ adhered to. All these yielded little Powerlooms Association ranges between 26,000 and they lose out and end up in a vicious respite to the hired workers. Enterprising and 27,000. 4 Cost of production of low quality polyester cloth sequence of ill health, indebtedness, star- master weavers and job workers need to is cheaper at these places due to lower wage rates vation, or suicide. be enabled to avail of existing schemes because of absence of trade unions 5 Discussion with yarn and cloth agents made clear Therefore the system revolves around like TUFS by amending the conditions of that demand for cotton has been rising which has the logic of increasing production in the access. These are however, concerns for the been mentioned by Roy (1998) also. 6 The ratio of wage, non-wage production costs like hope of fetching enough for all starting long run. maintenance of looms and jobbers’ income is 2:1:1. from the master weaver to the worker. The As an immediate step, the textile and As most job workers also work on their looms they get three parts of the price of cloth. government intervention subsequent to handloom departments of the state gov- 7 Reeds are a series of parallel wires on a loom periodic crises has to some extent led to ernment need to perform two functions: that separate the threads of the warp evenly. Higher the number of picks and reeds, higher is the quality­ growth of industry but distribution of one, supply of yarn and two, markets for of cloth. In the case of 54 reeds the wage is fixed at i­ncomes has not been changed much. the product. It can link the product to 13.50 paise which amounts to 54*13.50 = Rs 0.72 per metre, but the actual wage given is 0.60. B­esides, the oligopolic nature of the o­ther government departments such as 8 Discussions with master weavers made clear that m­arket at all phases fixes the price from the social welfare hostels, road transport despite their reluctance, wage agreements for higher wage were made and that is the reason for the top and is passed on downward from corporation, and others wherever the their violation of the same. agent/trader to master weaver to job u­sage of the cloth could be suitable. These 9 The 1985 Textile Policy sought to encourage econ- omies of scale by allowing large sized plants in worker and to hired worker. As a result, steps would in the first instance benefit organised mill sector, liberalised import of textile the whole production process in Sircilla the job worker segment and can further be machinery and provided export subsidies. The very orientation shifted from employment to pro- leaves hired workers vulnerable in terms transmitted to hired workers. This would ductivity. of employment, and social security thus also create an enabling environment to 10 Janashri Bima Yojana and Add on GIS for Death were introduced by GOI in association with Life resulting in the aged and diseased being implement the wage agreements for the Insurance Corporation of India. subjected to starvation and suicides. workers. S­econd, a guarantee for 100 days 11 The government of Andhra Pradesh has provided a larger space for poor women’s self-help groups in a year has to be ensured to the workers and their federations at village, mandal and dis- Distress and Way Forward by providing continuous work orders. trict levels in its strategy for poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment, presently known the The present crisis in the powerloom indus- Besides production-related stress, the Indira Kranti Patham. This model has e­nabled the try in Sircilla has multiple dimensions. hired workers suffer from occupational women to access their entitlements from other programmes effectively with less transaction The weavers produce a single product health hazards and lack of social security. costs. (cheap polyester) because of the tradition- In the aftermath of the recent crisis the al machinery for which the demand has government has extended the social secu- References become unsteady. This situation is result- rity benefits in place to the handloom Frontline (2001): “Weavers in Distress”, Cover Story, ing in inadequate employment for the weavers also to the powerloom weavers in Frontline Magazine, Vol 18, No 08, 14-27 April. Krushi (2008): “Situation Assessment of Powerloom weavers. D­iversification to high value Sircilla. However the coverage of the Weavers in Sircilla”, unpublished report of the p­olyester cloth, value addition to plain Group Insurance Scheme10 for powerloom NGO, Sircilla. Roy, Tirthankar (1998): “Development or Distortion? polyester cloth produced, and switching workers since 1992-93 needs to be e­xtended Powerlooms in India, 1950-1997”, Economic & to high count cotton cloth need i­nvestment to all workers. The workers’ premium has P­olitical Weekly, Vol 33(16).

Economic & Political Weekly EPW february 21, 2009 vol xliv no 8 15